Tiling steps: step by step instructions. Recommendations for laying clinker tiles Technology for laying clinker steps Concrete base

Raising the topic of porch cladding, it is impossible not to touch on clinker - a strong and reliable clay tile. Clinker steps have only one drawback - the lack of a large selection of collections in comparison with ordinary tiles or porcelain stoneware. Although this is not entirely negative, the material is both structural and decorative as if created for stairs. Yes, you yourself have seen stairs lined with clinker more than once: with some scarcity of variations, they still benefit from the usual tiles.

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Characteristics of clinker steps

Why do more and more people prefer clinker for porch construction? There are several reasons, and all of them are weighty.

Frost resistance

The clinker is characterized by low water absorption (up to 2%), which means an adequate response to temperature changes. In fluctuations, the zero mark is especially dangerous - the transition of a liquid from one state to another. The clinker is capable of withstanding up to 300 such cycles. This is probably the main factor that determines the choice of material for street cladding. This is especially true for stairs, since the joint between the steps and the risers is subjected to enormous stress, and the slightest delamination is fraught with rapid destruction of the structure.

Wear resistance

Outdoor flooring material has to resist wear and tear well - conventional ceramics leave crowds of feet no chance. Clinker tiles for steps belong to IV and V abrasion classes. This, along with other parameters, guarantees the durability of the cladding.

Wear resistance depends on the manufacturer. The most durable coating is from German clinker (Stroeher). You can try to scratch it with anything - sparks will fly, but no scratches will remain. Spanish clinker is worse in this regard, but it also costs less. Polish manufacturers they often sell ordinary ceramics under the guise of clinker.

How to distinguish a fake from the original and buy good products is described in the video:

Anti-slip properties

The operation of the porch is associated with an increased risk of injury, therefore the non-slip surface of the clinker helps out when finishing the steps. In Russia, there is no standard that determines the degree of sliding of facing tiles; buyers have to be content with their own feelings and ideas. But today and Russian manufacturers, and consumers are increasingly guided by the European standard DIN 51130, according to which ceramics are divided into five categories for anti-slip performance: R9-R13. It is recommended to use tiles of the last three classes for tiling on steps: R11-R13.

Mechanical strength

An important indicator characterizing the resistance of ceramics under bending loads. The strength of clinker tiles in this respect reaches 20 MPa. During the operation of stairs, the main load falls on the edge of the steps, therefore, the value of the strength properties of clinker is difficult to overestimate.

Adhesion with glue

The smooth structure of porcelain stoneware reduces adhesion to the adhesive. The clinker has a mounting base with a structured surface that provides the best adhesion to the adhesive.

All these qualities of clinker tiles contribute to the durability of the structure.

Types of clinker slabs for steps

Clinker for stairs, including Russian-made ones, although it does not amaze with its texture and textured variety, is produced in a considerable number of formats. Among them are:

All elements are available in a variety of geometric and tonal variations. This allows even complex staircases to be cladded. Some species do not have much functional value, but they play a huge decorative role, opening the way for design fantasies.

Laying clinker steps

Cladding stairs is one of the most difficult tilers to work with. Decorative elements, on the one hand, help in styling, on the other hand, they complicate. And without them, there are enough difficulties: complex markup, the need to constantly monitor several parameters. Waterproofing is performed before laying.


In addition to observing the plane and evenness of the seams, when facing the stairs, they adhere to the same height of the steps. To calculate the size of an individual step, divide the total height by their number. The standard for stairs is 15 cm, but it can be different. It is not always possible to maintain dimensional uniformity, sometimes it interferes irregular shape rough porch and / or the need to tie to the finished screed, which is a continuation of the steps. However, visually, the steps should be the same.
Complex geometry obliges the tiler to keep in mind not only the height - it is advisable to adhere to the integrity of the plates when calculating their number in length and width. Narrow trimming around the edges looks ugly. It may be necessary to shorten a pair of center tiles a little in order to ensure the integrity of the poles. The street porch has sidewalls, part of which is the vertical cladding. Keep this in mind when marking out the stairs.


The cladding is done in different ways, but common practice involves the primary laying of the horizontal lighthouse row. It sets flatness and seam. Having laid the first row, they are revetted with the rest of the horizontal plates. Last of all, after waiting for the laid clinker to set, the risers are laid.

When working on the street, use a special one. Universal mixtures do not have the required strength and elasticity, as a result of their use, clinker steps are quickly destroyed. Due to the low porosity of the clinker, both the base and the tiles are treated with glue. By adhering to these rules, you will get a durable cladding.

A variety of form factors allows you to dock steps and risers in different ways. Overlapping laying makes the cladding more voluminous and effective. When decorating in this way, leave a gap of 2-3 mm between the riser and the "nose" of the figured step. The method is also convenient in that there is no need for precise pruning. vertical slabs... The method has one more advantage: the possibility of laying on metal and wood.

Butt cladding is only possible when laid on concrete base, the coefficient of thermal expansion of which is close to the corresponding indicator of clinker.

1 - Gap 3-5 mm,
2 - Grout,
3- Tile adhesive,
4- Clinker tiles.

Stacking steps with a straight nose butt and overlap.
1 - Gap 3-5 mm,
2 - Grout,
3- Tile adhesive,
4- Clinker tiles.

What you need to know when installing clinker steps:


Clinker steps are made with wide seams - up to 12 mm. When jointing, use a special trowel for wide joints. They are cement-based or belong to the class of epoxies. The gaps are rubbed with a rubber or narrow metal spatula, whose width is equal to the width of the seams.

The dimensions of the gaps force you to work with a semi-dry mixture, whose consistency is checked by squeezing in a fist - the grout should not crumble.
Grouting video:

After finishing the porch lining, provide the steps proper care... The clinker is unpretentious in this regard, and in general its use when laying tiles on street stairs ah - the best choice... In addition to the strength that is provided by the firing of highly plastic clay at a temperature close to +1200, the material is famous for its environmental friendliness - no artificial plasticizers and dyes.
In conclusion, a few photos of editing errors, and what they led to.

The lack of a gap under the step resulted in a crack.

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Clinker treads and stair claddings are modern, durable and reliable. There are practically no drawbacks to clinker steps, perhaps not too wide a choice when compared with collections of porcelain stoneware slabs or tile non-slip claddings. But even with a lack of options, clinker cladding of steps and stairs provide many advantages in relation to others tile materials... Clinker finishing of stairs, steps and landings has been used since the creation of this unique material... In terms of structure, properties and decor, clinker claddings are simply created for outdoor stairs. The main reason for the popularity of porch clinker among private builders is the special specifications of this material.

Frost resistance of cladding is directly related to its water absorption, and for clinker it is only 2%, a record low. With temperature differences in a wet state, clinker stages withstand more than three hundred freeze-thaw cycles. For the facing of street stairs, this quality is basic, since it is on the porches that the joints of steps and risers should not become a weak link, working in extreme conditions- heat, moisture, frost and considerable mechanical stress. At the slightest damage, these areas of joints quickly lead to the failure of the entire structure of the porch - but in the case of solid and frost-resistant clinker steps, this negative is impossible. The frost resistance clinker has a lead over porcelain stoneware: water frozen in the shallow-hollow structure of pressed porcelain stoneware will inevitably expand and lead to micro-destruction in the tile, and then chipping is possible. But clinker initially cancels this physics, thanks to extrusion manufacturing technologies - the structure is already set with fine-capillary open channels through which free water will come out, and the risk of frost damage is reduced to nothing.

No less important factor the value of outdoor flooring materials is their resistance to wear and tear. For ordinary ceramic tiles, there is a chance to last several years only on a little-visited porch country cottage... For a house and a cottage, porches are needed much stronger - preferably 4.5 class in abrasion so that expensive claddings are durable. The resistance to wear of clinker from different manufacturers is also different, and many experts consider the German clinker from Stroeher to be the best. You can try to scratch these tiles, even sparking is possible, but not scratching. The cheaper clinker of Spanish companies is somewhat inferior, and it is difficult to buy clinker from an unknown manufacturer - you need to be very familiar with the material in order to distinguish fakes from the original and not to look like clinker tiles, ceramics or tiles.

The porch must be safe - as any staircase can be a source of injury. Non-slip surfaces of the steps are required, and in the rain, and in the snow, and in the fall under damp foliage. For the porch, it is recommended to take tiles of the highest category for anti-slip properties - according to the European standard, these are R11, R12 and R13. Clinker steps are made with a non-slip surface.

By mechanical strength the clinker shows bending up to 20 MPa. The edges of the steps must withstand the main load, and it is difficult to overestimate the record high strength of the clinker. Another important indicator is adhesion to substrates. Here clinker also has an advantage, even over porcelain stoneware. The mounting bases of clinker steps are structured in a special way, this can be seen when comparing reverse sides porcelain stoneware and clinker tiles. Reliable adhesion of the cladding to the base increases the strength, rigidity and durability of the stairs.

Laying clinker steps

Clinker steps for stairs and porches may not amaze with fancy texture and textures, but the formats of both imported and domestic products are available:

  • Ordinary stage;
  • Notched step;
  • Florentine steps - popular for modern cottages;
  • Corner rungs for winder stairs with turns;
  • Curly right and left skirting boards;
  • Step corners and profiled steps with a corner;
  • Clinker balcony cladding.

Each element can be purchased in different variations - geometric, color and tonal. Even complex and non-standard porch structures can be clad using special clinker parts, format steps and extensions according to standard sizes. The market also offers design elements - albeit without dominant functionality, but stunningly decorative and original, up to fantasy.

Laying clinker treads is considered the ultimate test of a tiler's professionalism. Tiled special elements for decoration and precise geometry do not necessarily simplify the cladding, they also give additional difficulties - the need for precise complex markings, constant control of several parameters at the same time. A waterproofing layer is always laid under the cladding, this greatly increases the already high durability of the clinker cladding. Experts call the best base for clinker steps a monolithic reinforced concrete staircase.

The marking of the steps must ensure the same step height. The calculation is simple - dividing the height of the entire staircase by the number of steps, you get the height dimension of an individual step. Standard Width steps of 300 mm and a riser height of 150 mm are not always chosen for owners of all ages and sizes - for a country house, more comfortable porches with steps of 120 mm in height are possible, as well as other options. Step heights over 200 mm are considered unacceptable. Sometimes an existing porch is faced non-standard forms, or you need to tie the dimensions in place to the ready-made screeds-continuation of the steps. In any case, for a harmonious staircase, all steps must be the same. In addition to the standard for the height of the step, there is also the complexity of the geometry in terms of maximum number solid slabs because narrow edge trims reduce decorative effects porch, and it is very difficult to make them perfectly neat. Sometimes the center slab is shortened, but provides a solid look to the borders, especially if the sidewall of the street porch is adjacent to the vertical cladding. The porch itself is also often faced along the side, and these facings must be in harmony. All this is taken into account when marking, and in addition, the plane and evenness of the tile seam are observed. The obligatory slope of street steps is from 1 to 1.5 degrees, to prevent stagnation of moisture must be met.

Laying is carried out different methods, but in the usual practice of tilers, you can see the cladding with the primary laying of the lighthouse horizontal rows - to set the main plane and the seam. After laying the first row, the master proceeds to facing the remaining horizontal planes. And only after a secure grip adhesives in the laid clinker linings, the installation of the risers is started. The joint width for clinker is only 8, 9, 10 mm, and the extruded version requires a thin joint of 4-5 mm. They never glue the edge part of the Florentine step, leaving the "degree of freedom", this is very important, given the high adhesion and adhesion of the clinker to the base - on the street, the glued edge joint can lead to damage during movement or deformation of the base of the stairs.

For the street, special adhesives are needed - frost-resistant. A universal mixture does not always give both strength and elasticity, and a lack of plastic can lead to the destruction of the strongest clinker step. An important nuance: the clinker is low-porous, therefore the adhesive is applied both to the mounting surface of the step and to the base - this is how durable cladding is obtained.

Docking of steps and risers is carried out in different ways - in overlap and butt-to-end. Overlapping is effective and voluminous, and there is no need to precisely cut the vertical tiles, they are closed under the step. Gaps of at least 2-3 mm are required for the figured edge of the step, so that the deformations of the bases do not create forces. Thus, both metal and wooden bases... Butt clinker is laid exclusively on concrete, since the indicators of linear thermal expansion of these materials are close. Grouting of clinker steps is also important: wide joints up to 10-12 mm require jointing with special grouting mixtures "for a wide joint", on cement or epoxy bases, and you have to work with semi-dry mixtures.

How clinker tiles are laid on the steps - this question is of interest to many people. In the countries of Europe and America, this has long been popular facing material like clinker tiles. It can be used for cladding entrance steps of institutions, interior decoration and stairwells. High mechanical and strength properties of the material make it possible to use it for covering paths on the street, sidewalks, cladding foundations, walls, staircases.

Methods for laying clinker tiles

Clinker cladding can be performed not only in classic style, but in almost any, from ancient to modern buildings, porch, steps and entrance to them. The price of clinker tiles usually corresponds to the quality and refines appearance any room, structure or approach to it.

The clinker in its composition is a brick, but not pressed, but extruded (pressed through the forming holes, and then fired in ovens at a temperature of 1300 ° C). Having passed this treatment, it acquires additional water resistance, strength, and resistance to impact. environment and temperature changes are even better than concrete.

Clinker came to us from Holland. It was named so due to the sound that it emits upon impact - "blade". They say that sound experts can even determine its quality. Nowadays, not brick is widely used, but mainly finishing and paving material - clinker tiles for facing large public buildings, streets and for decoration individual houses, summer cottages.

It should be noted that for sidewalk paths on the streets, staircase steps or porch, relief clinker is laid, which excludes slipping when high humidity or the formation of an icy smooth surface as opposed to concrete.

The most common area of ​​application of clinker tiles is laying on steps at the entrance to a building or staircase. If only steps and an entrance are to be made, then concrete, ordinary brick or natural stone, due to the profitability of the building, and it is necessary to revet it with clinker, because of its main properties as a finishing material that is resistant to everything from the outside.

Clinker tiles are a hard material and do not like excessive mobility, therefore, before laying steps or paths with them on the street, you should take care of building a solid, solid and smooth base in the form of concrete or stone. Concrete is becoming the most reliable basis on the basis of proven data. Facing clinker tiles are expensive, but given all their properties and long service life, it is fully justified.

Laying technology

Lay well facing tiles A well-written instruction will help, including both preliminary surface treatment and the installation itself.

  1. Laying the facing material on concrete begins with cleaning and leveling the surface. Dust, dirt and old coatings must be removed properly. This can be done with a wire brush.
  2. Then the surface is leveled with a cement-sand mortar.
  3. How the tiles are then laid is largely determined by the shape and appearance of the stairs, as well as the shape of the acquired clinker tiles. Everything is determined on the spot and according to the situation. In some cases, it is easier and better to lay the tiles in rows, and in some cases, to combine different shapes and colors, performing a complex ornament and following the conceived general picture of the design.

Tiles should be started from the bottom of the stairs. It is best to cover already laid tiles to prevent the ingress of glue and other elements of the workflow.

Clinker steps are laid on cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1: 4.

Four pieces of sand should be from a fraction no larger than 7 mm, otherwise the tile may simply fall off over time.

There is another, more modern way of laying - on an adhesive basis. Nowadays there are many on sale different types adhesives for this type of work. But it should be borne in mind that assembly work with the use of such adhesives are more expensive, and clinker is a time-tested material that came to us through the centuries from Holland, with its history and impressive practice of attaching precisely with the help of a cement-sand mortar.

But if the choice fell on glue, then you need to carefully read the instructions and dilute the glue strictly in accordance with the recommendations.
It is always worth remembering that when laying tiles on the steps of the front porch, you should leave working seams no more than 8-10 mm, and even better 3-5 mm, this is really applicable in practice and looks more aesthetically pleasing.

It is only necessary to take into account that the finished appearance of the steps already finished with clinker will have a slightly larger volume, because the thickness of the tiles is several centimeters.

Video about correct styling clinker tiles on the steps:

The choice in favor of clinker tiles as cladding for stairs, streets and facades is obvious: in addition to wear resistance (comparable to concrete) and impact resistance, this material does not react with any winter reagents that are used to treat streets in winter, does not become covered with ice, which ensures confidence in the safety of climbing steps. Of the shortcomings, only a slightly smaller choice of shapes and colors can be named compared to ceramic tiles, but the growing popularity of the use of clinker can change this state of affairs.

Clinker tiles - a novelty on the modern market building materials... Nevertheless, this coating is rapidly gaining popularity, it is used both for decoration of residential premises and for offices, shops and other establishments. There is a simple explanation for this, clinker cladding practically does not differ in price from ceramic counterparts, however, it has a lot of undeniable advantages.


Clinker cladding is made of a special type of clay, which, during the production of products, is processed in ovens at temperatures above 1000 degrees. Then the tiles are glazed with a special composition. High-quality raw materials and well-thought-out production technology make clinker cladding one of the leaders in the market for building materials intended for laying on steps, both outdoors and indoors.

Here are the main advantages that buyers rely on when choosing this particular material for cladding:

  • resistance to low and high temperatures;
  • chemical inertness - does not react to salt and other chemicals (solvents, detergents);
  • clinker cladding is characterized by a protrusion from the outer edge, it will extend the life of the tile;
  • clinker does not crumble when cutting with a grinder;
  • environmental friendliness - during the production of this facing material, only natural ingredients are used;
  • durability, according to the manufacturer's assurances, given view the cladding serves up to 50 years;
  • the surface of the tile does not slip due to the rough structure of the material with which it is covered. This is very important in the cold season, while custom ceramic tiles turn into a real ice rink!

Perhaps the only drawback of this type of facing material is the not too large assortment of colors and textures.... However, even from the available goods on the shelves of modern home improvement stores, you can choose the appropriate option.

Laying clinker tiles

Preparatory stage

Only prepared steps are suitable for laying the cladding. Cracked or lopsided from time to time - no good! Then the ladder must be prepared properly - you need to clean it of dust and other contaminants, correct the unevenness with putty, preferably cover the surface with a special primer solution, which will simplify further work.

Ideal for laying clinker concrete and brick steps.

Masonry technology

Clinker facing for steps can be monochromatic, or it can become the basis for a complex composition. All this must be taken into account when planning the installation. Moreover, the amount of material must be calculated in such a way that it had to be cut the minimum number of times.

The clinker is laid directly on the sand-cement mixture (materials are mixed in a 4: 1 ratio). In this case, the fraction of sand should not be too coarse.

it classic version styling. The laying of clinker cladding on an adhesive base is considered more innovative. It is reliable and convenient, but much more expensive. Here are the main installation steps:

  • the glue base is prepared according to the instructions. If the cladding is laid outdoors, it is necessary to use glue designed specifically for outdoor use;
  • directly laying tiles. Editing starts from the top-most left-most section. The adhesive is applied directly to both the cladding and the base with a notched trowel, the clinker is then pressed against the surface with force, there should be no gaps between the tile and the base. The entire horizontal row (rows) is covered;
  • then the cladding is laid on the riser, it should not touch the horizontal tiles above and below it, there should be a visible gap between them. To decorate this area, all kinds of decorative elements are often used - mosaic, a natural stone etc;
  • during installation, a slight slope is provided, no more than 1-2%, for water drainage;
  • to avoid premature contamination, the tiles are covered with a transparent film, which I remove after the glue has completely dried;
  • after drying, the excess is removed from the material adhesive mixture using a solvent.


Suitable for laying this tile outdoors. warm time years, since at temperatures above 5 degrees, the glue dries much faster, otherwise it is possible nasty surprises in the form of prematurely peeled off elements. If all necessary conditions the glue dries up in 7-14 days. The clinker has a height of several centimeters, this must be taken into account when choosing this material, because miscalculation can be fraught with problems in opening / closing the door.

Often, products in different packages have different colors, so to avoid the rainbow effect on your steps, mix tiles from different packages in the same area. Before laying, the material is sprayed abundantly with water.

Choice of clinker tiles

It is no secret that the cost of this type of facing material is quite high, but this is a long-term investment, because the tile will serve you for a long time. So, the guarantee domestic manufacturer is 50 years old, foreign - up to 200 years.

The steps on the stairs must be absolutely strong and reliable, resistant to abrasion and destruction. For more than two centuries, clinker steps have been a popular and valuable tool for the construction of marches. Numerous positive reviews, decades of impeccable service, and excellent appearance make this material one of the most demanded and loved ones.

Clinker stairs as a symbol of durability

Clinker steps for stairs are made from special types of clay that have unique properties. Processing of raw materials and workpieces is carried out at temperatures above 1450C, but the surface is not sealed. During the processing of clay, all positive traits ceramics, and the result is a durable and durable facing material that has received recognition from many consumers (as in the photo on the right).

Elegance and quality are the hallmarks of clinker products

Features of the production of steps from clinker

The surface of the finished steps is porous and dense. There are no voids inside the workpiece, which completely excludes its premature destruction. This is especially true for natural collections from Spain, Italy and Poland.

The modern leader in the production of this product are, as already mentioned, Spain, Germany, Italy and Poland. There are many factories operating on the territory of the states. This is largely due to the availability of material for the mass production of tiles and bricks. Stroeher clinker steps are manufactured in Russia - this is the most famous trademark throughout the country, with its own production bases in largest cities and has received well-deserved positive feedback from consumers. In the photo on the right, you can see the famous Spanish clinker.

Advantages over other materials

Due to the peculiarities of production, clinker steps have acquired unique characteristics that distinguish them favorably from ordinary ceramic tiles and bricks:

  • high strength of the product due to the hardness of the material and the absence of internal air chambers;
  • frost resistance allows laying clinker on the steps in any climatic conditions. But it is necessary to select suitable grout and glue. Residents of the northern regions give a positive assessment and feedback to the material, since even in severe frosts it does not crack;
  • moisture resistance - the material does not absorb moisture, which reduces the risk of cracking during temperature extremes. This property is actively used in countries with hot climates, for example, in Spain;
  • the installation of clinker steps is carried out using a technology similar to laying ordinary ceramic tiles on a porch staircase or in a garden using glue or mortar, a classic grout for sealing joints. The material is loved by professionals, receiving good feedback;
  • reliability and durability provides the material with a service life measured in hundreds of years without loss physical properties, which is confirmed by ancient stairs in Italy and Spain.

Now special dyes are added to the clay mixture, which color the clinker steps in the most different colors: red, ruby, yellow, orange, blue, green. The rich palette makes this material versatile!

Grout and glue act as reliable anchors of the product on the surface, ensuring effective expansion and contraction of the tile in a variety of conditions.

Where are durable rungs used?

Laying clinker steps is relevant in private and multi-storey construction. In Spain, Italy, Germany and other European countries, clinker is actively used to equip the porch, stairs between the levels of terraces on the street, hallways and winter gardens.

In Russia, such materials were actively used in the tsarist era, but in Soviet time were forgotten and consigned to oblivion. Only in the last few years, clinker stages have again become in demand and available to a wide range of consumers. They are mainly used for finishing stairs in the house, on the porch, in landscape design... It is important to select grouting and mortars corresponding to the planned conditions so that the front and horizontal parts of the span are securely fixed on the surface of the base.

Unique properties material made its use justified in industrial and administrative facilities where it is important high reliability and withstanding heavy loads. The photo below shows a staircase under conditions of increased load - in an institution Catering.

In a restaurant, shop, clinker is a suitable finishing material

One stage is capable of withstanding a load of up to 2000 kg! This is despite its modest size. Research carried out in Spain, Italy and Germany has confirmed the phenomenal strength of this material.

Materials for self-assembly of steps

Knowing the basic techniques for laying ceramic tiles, it is easy to carry out quality work with horizontal and front clinker. Simple clinker-faced stairs on the street or in the house, for example, as in our photos, can be made with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to prepare the material (horizontal bases and front elements), glue for indoor or outdoor work, grout, trowel, level, mallet. Watch the video describing how the steps are installed - this will help prevent mistakes when working on the porch and in the house.

Laying clinker steps

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the base - concrete stringers, cast under the formwork on the porch, in the house or on the street. It should be borne in mind that all surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt, including frontal ones, in order to ensure perfect fixation. With a level and a measuring ruler, it is necessary to check the evenness and horizons of the base, the dimensions of the future staircase.

The work process is as follows:

  1. laying on the clinker steps is done from the bottom up. First, glue is applied to the vertical part of the riser and leveled with a trowel so that the base and material are securely fastened together;
  2. the front part is attached to the applied solution, the excess is removed from above, the height of the riser exactly coincides with the surface of the step;
  3. a layer of glue is applied to the horizontal base, which does not go over the side of the front tile;
  4. clinker steps are fixed to the mortar in such a way that the edge rests against the base of the stairs, and between the spout and the front tile there is a gap that is not filled with glue. Next, you need to go to the next level;
  5. after the front and horizontal surfaces have dried, the joints between the tiles are sealed with a grout suitable for operating conditions - for external or internal work.

When working with the material, it is important to observe the distance between the tiles - the gap should be at least 5-6 mm.

It is ideal to provide an 8-10 mm seam so that the adhesive firmly fixes the clinker steps and frontal elements and does not allow them to "play" during use. It is imperative to fill all the voids with high-quality grout!

During installation, the clinker steps are installed at a slight angle, which guarantees effective drainage in case of rain and melting snow. This nuance can significantly extend the life of the material and the entire staircase on the porch or in the house as a whole. The front part is attached strictly at an angle of 90 degrees to horizontal surface... These are world standards that are actively used in Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland and other European countries when developing