How to grow a pistachio tree at home. Where and how pistachios grow: features of growing in the country and at home

Pistachio nuts are loved by almost all people for their great taste. Therefore, gardeners have an interest in this culture. By the way, it is believed that the pistachio tree itself can harm a person. Its essential oils, when inhaled for a long time, cause headaches and even fainting. Therefore, the harvest from the trees is harvested at night.

Pistachio trees do not like neighborhoods. When growing alone, they can reach 5 m in height. This tree lives a lot - more than 400 years. By the way, it is no coincidence that pistachios are so expensive: in our country, they are intensively destroyed by goats, which are grazed in the mountains and plains.

But growing pistachios does not require special knowledge and skills. Everything is pretty standard. No wonder they grow in the wild without human intervention at all. Pistachios begin to bloom in early April, therefore they do not grow and do not bear fruit until Krasnodar Territory. Even in the South of our country, they often freeze slightly. So planting pistachios in Rostov or Volgograd is a waste of time. Pistachios feel best in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Maybe this is not bad, because pistachios begin to bear fruit only in the ninth year, and a normal harvest is obtained only after 20 years of the tree's life. But they tolerate drought well, they can not even be watered. However, before planting pistachios, you need to decide whether you have the patience to wait for the harvest.

Do not forget that to get a crop you will need at least two heterosexual trees. Usually ten female trees are planted per male tree. If the growth and development of trees can still be accelerated by digging the earth, applying manure, watering, then it’s just a disaster with pollination, since before flowering you can distinguish male plants from women is almost impossible.

Before feasting on nuts, we must remember that pistachios are a very high-calorie product, already 10-15 nuts contain the amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for a person. They also have a lot of fiber. It is believed that pistachios are a strong aphrodisiac.

When planting pistachios, one must be aware that this process, although not troublesome, is long, and given our unpredictable climate, it is also quite risky.

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botanical name: Pistacia.

Home pistachio - family . Pistachio.

plant homeland . Mediterranean.

How pistachios grow . Spreading low tree with lush crown. The genus contains both evergreen and deciduous plants. Depending on the species, the leaves can be simple and oval or complex - consisting of several pairs of lanceolate leaflets. In autumn, deciduous plants turn their leaves into bright burgundy tones. Small flowers are collected in axillary inflorescences - panicles. Pistachios are dioecious plants - individual specimens can be male and female. The fruits are small - up to 2.5 cm long, oblong, pointed, turn yellow or red when ripe, appear only on female trees.

Height. In the natural environment, trees grow up to 5 - 12 m., It grows slowly.

Pistachio at home

Temperature conditions . Tolerates a wide range of temperature conditions, endures even the most extreme heat in summer with adequate watering. In the winter months, it prefers coolness, but the temperature in the room should not fall below 10 ° C.

Pistachio cultivation - lighting . Pistachios prefer sun-drenched areas with light shade on hot summer days.

Care. The crown of indoor pistachios needs shaping pruning. Pistachio will appreciate placement on fresh air in warm time of the year.

Pistachio in a pot - soil . Develops well even in poor nutrients soils with acidic or alkaline pH.

top dressing. From spring to autumn, feed the plants every 2 weeks with a complex liquid fertilizer.

Purpose. IN room conditions The pistachio plant is often grown as an attractive bonsai. The fruits of plants are eaten fresh and donated.

flowering time. May June.

Air humidity . It tolerates the dry atmosphere of residential premises well and does not need high humidity.

soil moisture . Young plants require regular watering, adults tolerate a short drought. During the growing season, the soil should dry out a little before each subsequent watering. Reduce the frequency of watering during the winter months.


Check if the climatic conditions of your region are suitable for the development of pistachio trees. For good growth the plant needs a hot and rather dry summer and a short winter period without severe frosts.

The plant needs sandy soil, in addition, pistachio trees do not tolerate high humidity. pistachios currently successfully grown in arid regions of Central Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean.

Do a soil test. Pistachio trees thrive in rocky, dry, slightly salty and alkaline soils with a pH of 7.0 to 7.9.

Buy seedlings. You will need at least two plants: male and female. In general, one male tree is enough for eight female trees, but two are enough in a private garden.

However, the pistachio tree can easily survive in frosts up to 40oC. Trees can be classified as long-livers - in the natural environment, pistachio can exist for about 200-300 years.

Pistachios are called nuts, but from a botanical point of view, they are not, like peanuts or Brazil nuts: they are drupes, or seeds. Pistachios grow on shrubs of the Anarkadiaceae family, which belong to the genus of the same name and are divided into several species. Nuts are formed from inflorescences and form large clusters on branches.

Shrubs of the pistachio genus

Pistachios are a genus of shrubs, sometimes trees, that can be either deciduous or evergreen. They belong to the Anarkadiev or Sumakhov family, which are representatives of the class. Pistachios are usually low, up to four meters in height, but sometimes grow taller and look like a multi-stemmed tree. Despite their small size, they are very hardy and prolific plants. They tolerate the conditions of mountain and steppe soils well, can grow on slopes and cliffs, they are rarely found next to other trees - these are real hermits flora. Pistachios tolerate drought well and are even found.

Shrubs have a unique bunk: in winter and spring, the upper part works, which stores moisture, and in summer the lower part begins to function. The plant is characterized by slow growth, and only after ten years begins to bear fruit, while in small quantities. good harvest can be harvested from pistachios over twenty years old.

The trees have a thick bark, and the branches are covered with a thin wax coating. They have small oblong leaves, also with a waxy surface. From small pink inflorescences, reddish fruits develop, which gradually stiffen and turn into familiar pistachios. This is a long process - flowers appear in March or, and are formed by October.

Regions where pistachios grow

Pistachios grow in tropical and subtropical regions, they are found in both the New and Old Worlds: in America, in the Mediterranean, in different areas Asia. Most of the pistachios imported to Russia are produced in Central Asia, Iran, Turkey. A small percentage is grown in the Crimea and the Caucasus regions, although these fruits are significantly inferior to Asian ones and are often unsuitable for food, but they grow taller than their tropical counterparts - up to ten meters in height. They are produced only to obtain resin. Also, pistachios are grown in Spain, Greece, Italy, and in some parts of Africa.

It is not recommended to grow these shrubs in Russian climatic conditions, even in the southern regions the plant will not have enough sun to form fruits. In addition, pistachio leaves emit essential oils harmful to humans that cause dizziness, so you should not plant these trees in your country house, especially next to country house or gazebo. For the same reason, nuts are harvested when no oils are released.

To find out, you need to visit any of the countries with a hot climate. These trees prefer rocky terrain and temperatures above 30°C. In these conditions, they bear fruit more abundantly.

And acne, promote wound healing.

They have been known for a very long time: from 7000 BC. However, they appeared in Europe only at the beginning of our era. Pistachio trees prefer a warm climate, therefore they mainly grow in hot countries: Syria, Mesopotamia, Turkey, Central and Central Asia, Africa, Italy. Iran is considered the birthplace of this plant. Pistachio trees were brought to Europe 2.5 thousand years ago. In the mountainous regions of Uzbekistan, you can find whole pistachio groves.

In the 18th century, the first seedlings were planted in the Crimea, where they took root perfectly. But not all "Crimean" nuts are suitable as food. There are such tree species, the fruits of which are used only for the preparation of oil, and the leaves - for the production of tannins necessary in the leather industry. Lots of pistachio trees in Greece, Spain. In some Americas, where the climate is the hottest, many kilometers of pistachio plantations are cultivated.

These trees prefer rocky, rocky terrain. The plant "Pistachio real" is tall deciduous tree, often having several powerful trunks, with a grayish (gray-brown) ribbed bark, dotted with cracks. It is distinguished by a dense low crown with pinnate oblong leaves, up to 20 cm long. The height of the trees can reach 10 m. If the pistachio grows as a multi-stemmed bush, its height is 4-6 m.

The plant blooms in March-April. The flowers are yellowish, collected in massive axillary panicles up to 6 cm long. Female inflorescences are also distinguished, the latter are the most loose and long. The fruit ripening period is autumn. IN different regions it can vary from the beginning of September to the end of November. If the air temperature, starting from the moment the plant blooms, is kept in the region of 30 * C, then the tree gives significantly large quantity fruits in the form of drupes with a protein seed.

The skin of pistachios can be different color: yellowish, reddish or purple. The nuclei are always greenish in color. They can be eaten both fresh and lightly fried. These nuts have many useful properties. They provide, among other things, beneficial effect on the liver, help get rid of toxicosis during childbearing, contribute to the restoration of an organism weakened after an illness.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

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Growing rapidly and turning into wild thickets, hogweed disrupts the existing ecosystem and suppresses all other plants. Essential oils, contained in the fruits and leaves of hogweed, cause severe forms of dermatitis. At the same time, it is much more difficult to deal with it than with other common weeds. Fortunately, today a tool has appeared on the free market that can rid your site of most weeds in a short time, including cow parsnip.

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The long-awaited spring for many indoor plants is the period of the start of active vegetation, and for the majority - the return of their decorative effect. Admiring the young leaves and emerging shoots, you should not forget that spring is also a big stress for all houseplants. Sensitive to changes in conditions and versatile, all indoor crops are faced with much brighter lighting, changes in air humidity and temperature conditions.

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Pistachio nuts ripen on small trees up to ten meters high. Their homeland is central and southwestern Asia, southwestern Turkmenistan, Iran, Afghanistan. This is a deciduous, dioecious plant, so there are female and male specimens of pistachio trees. The pistachio tree blooms with panicles, ripe nuts are collected in dense clusters. The fruit is a drupe, which in the botanical sense is not a nut, is located in a hard shell and has a characteristic smell, which is enhanced by the action of sunlight. Pistachios are harvested at night, as the fumes released can cause headaches and dizziness.

When the nuts ripen, the shell bursts, exposing the nucleolus. Walnut kernels are eaten fresh, salted and fried. Nuts are added to desserts, pistachio oil is prepared from them.

Pistachio cultivation is also possible in our country, but only in regions with a subtropical climate and close to it. Pistachios require hot, long summers and short, mild winters to thrive. Plants begin to bear fruit when they are seven to ten years old. It is necessary to have one male tree and several female trees on the site. Pollen from one "male" is enough for 10-12 "females".

How to grow a pistachio tree? To begin, select appropriate place, it should be with sandy drained soil, light, remote from places of constant congestion of people - this is all due to the same ethers that are released into the air on a sunny day. best type soils - dry, stony, salty.

Germination of a pistachio nut occurs as follows: if you managed to find a fresh drupe, then it should be soaked in a growth stimulator, then planted in a sandy soil mixture, watered and covered with lutrasil - nonwoven fabric designed to create greenhouses. Plants that hatch are usually very fragile, so it takes a lot of effort to grow pistachios from seed. In addition, it is difficult to say which of the plants that have appeared are “boys” and which are “girls”. More convenient option- purchase strong trees in the nursery - one male and several female.

For adult seedlings, you need to prepare large pits, between which the distance should be at least three meters.

Before planting, inspect the roots of the seedlings, cut off the damaged ones and sprinkle the cuts with wood ash.

Plant a tree, tamp the soil down and water generously.
Young plants do not need special care, enough watering once every two weeks, which is reduced in the fall.

In the second year after planting, you need to feed pistachios with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers, water and make sure that the soil around is not overgrown with weeds.