Cleaning the washing machine with citric acid - practical and fast! How to properly use citric acid to clean your washing machine.

Scale formed on heating element and parts of the washing machine, may cause damage, degrade the performance of the appliance. Let's talk about how to carry out preventive cleaning with citric acid and prevent such negative consequences.

When and why to clean

The formation of limescale on the heating element leads to its breakage.

V tap water salts are always present various metals in the composition, even when using a cleaning filter. These tiny particles are not visible to the naked eye, however, during long-term operation of the device, they settle on the internal parts in the form of a white or gray hard coating. Only distilled water can be considered absolutely pure, but hardly anyone uses it to wash clothes in an automatic machine. The heater (tubular electric heater), which heats the water to the desired temperature during washing, suffers the most from the plaque. When the layer of plaque on this part becomes too thick, it prevents the release of heat into the water, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of the washing machine, and as a result, to the burnout of the heating element.

We list the negative consequences of the appearance of lime deposits inside the device:

  • increase in electricity consumption - the machine needs more resources to provide water heating;
  • probability of breakage - not only the heating element can suffer, but also software device;
  • reproduction of fungus and mold on the internal parts due to insufficient air intake and high humidity.

To prevent the formation of salt deposits and remove existing plaque, various means can be used:

  • compositions for washing clothes with the addition of special components to reduce water hardness;
  • special chemical compositions for cleaning the machine;
  • lemon acid;
  • other folk remedies - vinegar, soda and others.

Among these formulations, the most popular, safe, and often the most effective when used correctly is the commonly available and inexpensive citric acid. Laundry detergents reduce water hardness, but can settle into fabrics, causing allergies when wearing things. Chemical compositions are not cheap, and soda or vinegar may not be effective against heavy plaque. Vinegar essence is a highly concentrated product that emits harmful fumes and can damage parts of the device.

properties of citric acid

Citric acid is dry white granules

Citric acid is suitable for washing machine cleaning and can become worthy alternative industrial cleaners. Here are the benefits of this tool:

  • at correct application safe - does not damage the parts of the washing machine, does not emit substances harmful to humans, is completely washed out of the device;
  • it is inexpensive and sold in grocery stores;
  • suitable for washing machines of any type;
  • the cleaning process is not troublesome and does not take much time;
  • if necessary, can be combined with whiteness or bleach to remove dirt inside and outside the device;
  • in terms of efficiency, citric acid is not inferior to many expensive descaling products;
  • is environmentally friendly safe means for humans and animals.

However, some consumers also note negative points when using this cleaning agent. In most cases negative feedback are associated with improper use or poor quality, the expiration date of the “lemonka”. We list the possible negative consequences:

  • scale can move away in large pieces and clog the drain of the washing machine (with a highly concentrated solution, rare use of the product);
  • damage metal surfaces(if the dosage is exceeded or the wash is too high temperatures);
  • damage to rubber seals (with too frequent cleaning, acid accumulation in the folds of the rubber cuff);
  • appearance bad smell(in case of severe contamination, when one cleaning is not enough to completely eliminate deposits, mold).

Instructions for use

Citric acid is sold in stores in the baking goods section.

Citric acid can be used to clean the washing machine both inside and out. Let's consider each of the methods of application in more detail.

Cleaning inside

Scale accumulates in places hidden from the eye

To clear washing machine inside from mucus, plaque, lime deposits and other contaminants, it is necessary to use citric acid once every two months. The same remedy is also relevant when an unpleasant odor appears inside the device. During the cleaning process, the drum of the washing machine must be empty, without laundry. If you have never cleaned the device before, or if more than 6 months have passed since the last procedure, take maximum amount powder (150–200 g for machines with a load of 5 kg or more, 100 g for machines with a load of 3–4 kg).

So, to perform a scheduled internal cleaning of the washing machine, proceed as follows:

  1. Make sure there are no clothes in the drum.
  2. Place citric acid in the detergent drawer (70 g for machines with a load of 3-4 kg, 100 g for a load of 5 kg).
  3. Set the washing mode for cotton at a temperature of 60 degrees (if heavily soiled - 90 degrees), including rinsing.
  4. At the end of the wash, open the door and inspect the rubber seals for deposits of scale and undissolved citric acid. If found, remove them and wipe the surface with a cloth.

Citric acid can also be poured directly into the drum, but then the detergent compartment will not be cleaned.

Cleaning outside

A solution of citric acid is suitable for mechanical cleaning of the external parts of the appliance.

Citric acid can also be used to clean the external parts of the structure from dirt and dust. A weakly concentrated solution is suitable for this. Proceed as follows:

  1. Pour 3-4 liters of warm water into the basin.
  2. Pour 20 g of citric acid.
  3. Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. Take a cotton cloth or microfiber cloth and soak it in the solution.
  5. Wipe the outside of the washing machine, as well as the rubber seals on the drum, the detergent drawer.
  6. Wipe the surface dry with a cloth (no rinsing required).

Washing at 60 degrees is sufficient to prevent scale formation.

To achieve optimal results and take care of your assistant without harming her, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  1. Water temperature should not exceed 90 degrees. Otherwise, the chemical action on the rubber and metal parts of the device may be too intense and damage them. For the prevention of scale, a sufficient temperature is 60 degrees. In case of severe pollution, a single “run” with citric acid at a temperature of 90 degrees is permissible.
  2. Use no more than 200 g of crystals. 100 g is enough to dissolve up to 80 g of limescale with scheduled regular cleaning. In case of severe contamination, the amount can be increased, but not more than 200 g. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the internal parts of the device.
  3. Only powdered citric acid is suitable for cleaning - it cannot be replaced with lemon juice or other similar means, since the concentration of the active substance is insufficient.

Do not leave the house during the citric acid wash cycle, the drain hole may become clogged with large scale fragments. If you do not remove them in a timely manner, a leak or malfunction of the device may occur. If you hear an unusual noise, whistle or rattle while draining the water, press the pause button to pause the device. Check the drain hole for blockage. You may need to wait until the door is unlocked and check if there are foreign pieces in the laundry compartment. After cleaning the machine with citric acid, inspect the special compartment for small parts(usually at the bottom of the front of the appliance), clean it with a sponge, brush or brush.


Citric acid is a popular "folk" remedy for getting rid of. Its cost is low, especially in comparison with specialized means for removing lime deposits. And, unlike other "acids" (such as, for example, vinegar), it does not have a pronounced odor of its own. In addition, when processing lemon, traces of the cleaning agent are completely "washed out" from washing machine when it enters the rinse mode (which is especially important if there are small children or people with allergies in the family). At the same time, citric acid effectively reacts with carbonate deposits that have accumulated on heating elements and other parts of the washing machine - and successfully dissolves them.

Before cleaning, check if small things have “run away” under the rubber elements of the washing machine - handkerchiefs, socks, linen items, and so on. The drum must be without laundry, because cleaning can only be done in idle mode.

Pour 60-100 grams of citric acid into the main powder compartment or directly into the drum. As a rule, it is sold packaged in bags of 20 or 25 grams. The volume of the “portion” depends on the capacity of the machine: if it is designed for 3-4 kilograms of laundry, the contents of three bags will be enough for high-quality cleaning; for models with a large drum, the dose should be increased to 4-5 sachets. Do not exceed the concentration of the cleaning agent: at high water temperatures, the reaction with lime deposits and without that it will go quite actively. And an overly acidic environment can have a detrimental effect on the metal and plastic parts of the washing machine.

Set the machine switch to the longest wash setting (usually for heavily soiled cotton fabrics). If cleaning is carried out regularly enough, in a “preventive” mode, you can choose a temperature of 60 degrees, this will be enough to get rid of deposits that have arisen over several months. If the washing machine has not been cleaned for a long time, or if the water is very hard, choose the maximum temperature (90-95 degrees). The spin mode can be turned off, but if the machine settings allow you to program an additional rinse cycle, be sure to use this method to “wash” the equipment after cleaning. Press the "start" button.

Watch the machine while washing. Indeed, if a thick “crust” of scale has grown on the heating element, it will not only dissolve, but also fall off in rather large pieces. As a result, undissolved fragments of deposits can get into the drain of the machine when rinsing. If this happens, you will hear a characteristic humming or rattling sound while draining the water. In this case, you need to pause or turn off - and manually clean the drain.

In order to clean the drain filter of the washing machine, remove the cover of the panel behind which it is located (it is located at the bottom of the facade) and drain the water from drain hose into a deep bowl or bowl. Place a rag under the corner of the machine to absorb splashes of moisture. After that, pull out the filter and remove pieces of scale from it, as well as all other dirt that has accumulated there. Then replace the filter, close the panel, turn on the machine again and let it finish the program.

Wait until the washing is completed, open the drum and bend the rubber elements - scale can accumulate under them in the form of small pieces. Wipe under the gum with a soft cloth. Treat the surface of the drum itself - there may also be small fragments of deposits, more like dirt. By the way, a thin layer of plaque usually also forms on the drum - and after cleaning with citric acid, you will see that the metal has sparkled again.

Then open the drain at the machine and see if there are any pieces of scale left there. If there are, take them out and throw them away. Small fragments of deposits can be removed with a sponge, impressive pieces can be removed directly (it is better to do this in rubber gloves).

If you wish, you can additionally “wash” the machine from small scale particles that remain after cleaning by turning on the “idle” rinse mode or the short wash mode. This time there is no longer a need for high temperatures, for “flushing” you can choose programs with a temperature of 30-40 degrees.

Wipe the drum and rubber seals again with a dry cloth. After that, leave the machine with the door ajar to let it dry. Now she is ready to work again.

The layer of scale that forms on the heating element not only increases the risk of failure of the washing machine, but also worsens the quality of washing and leads to an increase in energy consumption. To avoid this, clean with citric acid regularly, once every 3-4 months. If the water is hard, “prevention” can be carried out even more often, 5-6 times a year.

In order to prevent the appearance of scale, use detergents with softening additives (usually information about this is contained on the packaging of detergents) and do not abuse washing at high temperatures - scale deposits begin to form at a water temperature of 75 degrees. And the hotter the water, the more intense this process goes. Washing at 50-60 degrees to leave the heating elements clean, and the linen in this case will last much longer.

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The washing machine saves the owner from tedious household chores - hand wash underwear. Both the unit itself and its repair are very expensive, so it would be wiser to take care of the proper care of the machine.

Experts constantly warn: in order for the washing machine to serve for a long time, it must be properly looked after. This is especially true for regular descaling. But the cost of funds earmarked for these purposes is high. Therefore, many housewives are interested in whether there is an alternative to expensive purchased household chemicals. As it turned out, yes. How to properly clean the washing machine with citric acid?

When to apply

Inside every modern washing machine, heating elements are installed that heat the water during washing. Under the influence of high temperature, the salts contained in the water are converted into a precipitate, and it is fixed in a dense layer on the heating element, walls and other details. This is especially true in regions with hard water. Some owners, in order to protect their assistant from the negative effects of hard water, put on the pipes going to her, special filters that retain salt. These measures reduce the risk, but do not solve all the problems.

Not only water is a source of scale. Plaque can also form because you often wash fleecy products. For example, blankets or sweaters. During the spin cycle, fiber particles fall into the water, cling to the heaters and remain on them. Another reason for the formation of plaque is the frequent use of programs with a high temperature (more than +60 ° C). The more scale accumulates on the heating elements, the more electricity the machine spends to heat the water. And if the accumulated layer is not removed in time, the spiral may burn out.

Carry out preventive descaling of the automatic machine at least 2-3 times a year.

To make sure that the heater of the washing machine needs to be cleaned, try to diagnose it yourself. To do this, take a flashlight and shine it into the lower holes of the drum. Usually the heating elements are located directly below it. Scrolling the drum at different speeds from side to side will help you to see them well.

If you want to protect the device from breakdowns, use softening powders and carry out preventive cleaning of the washing machine from scale at least 2-3 times a year.


As mentioned above, cleaning the washing machine with citric acid is a great alternative to using household chemicals. To the benefits of this natural substance can be attributed:

  • inexpensive price;
  • ease of use;
  • naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  • the ability not only to remove scale, but also to clean the hoses from the source of an unpleasant odor.

Before cleaning, wipe the rubber seal around the door free of dirt and make sure there is nothing in the drum. Otherwise, during cleaning, they will shed and deteriorate. Now prepare the remedy. You can calculate how much acid to pour using the following formula: about 20–25 g of concentrate per 1 kg of load volume. If the drum is designed for 5 kg of laundry, use 100–125 g of detergent. A big mistake is to assume that the more acid, the better. An environment that is too acidic can adversely affect the rubber and plastic parts of the machine. And as a result, instead of extending the service life, you will get the opposite effect.

Step-by-step instruction

The preparation was left behind. Now you can start removing scale, unpleasant odor and, if any, mold. Below is the algorithm that you need to follow when cleaning with citric acid.

  1. Pour half of the prepared acid into the powder tray. Sprinkle the second part of the concentrate on the drum of the washing machine.
  2. Select and set a washing program with a temperature of at least +60 °C. To do this, you can use the "Cotton" or "White linen" mode. The program must be complete and include washing, rinsing and spinning.
  3. Install an extra rinse if possible. If your machine does not have such a function, after washing, repeat the rinsing procedure by selecting the appropriate mode.
  4. Start the machine. After 10-15 minutes, stop washing and take a break for 50-60 minutes. This is necessary in order for the acid to react with lime deposits. Then restart the unit. During rinsing and spinning, you can check whether dirt comes out and how much of it. Do not be alarmed if the process is accompanied by an incomprehensible noise. It is created by the departed scale, which goes into the drain.
  5. After cleaning is complete, check the rubber pad and drum for residues. limescale. Wipe the inside of the machine with a soft cloth and leave to dry with the door ajar.

Precautionary measures

Sometimes scale builds up on heating elements too much. When draining, its particles can get stuck in the hose and prevent the normal outflow of water. In this case, pause and try to remove the blockage and release the drain with improvised means.

Always calculate correctly how much product to pour into the powder container. Reacting with plastic parts, acid damages their structure, makes them more porous. This can later cause dirt to accumulate in them or lead to rapid wear.

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When buying chemicals for a washing machine, users often try to save money - powders, conditioners and various additives are quite expensive. This must also include the cost of the descaling agent. It is used to prevent plaque from settling on the heating element and the drum of the machine.. But there is a cheaper way - cleaning the washing machine with citric acid gives fantastic results, but it costs mere pennies. Let's see how to properly clean the washing machine with lemon juice and save money in your wallet.

In this review, we will address the following questions:

  • Is this method really effective?
  • How many grams to put and how to observe the correct dosage;
  • How often should cleaning be done?
  • How to ensure proper care behind the washing machine.

Many other points will also be touched upon.

The effectiveness of this cleaning method

Cleaning the drum of a washing machine with citric acid is different high efficiency. Acid well cleans metal parts and heating elements from scale, giving the unit almost pristine cleanliness. Cleaning does not take much time, does not require disassembly of equipment, does not harm internal components, and copes with even the most serious deposits. Before we tell you how to descale a washing machine with citric acid, we will talk about the effectiveness of the technique.

Despite the simplicity of the method, cleaning the washing machine with citric acid is excellent. preventive procedure, which will allow the unit to serve for a long time and without breakdowns.

It is very easy to make sure that citric acid copes well with scale - for this we need the most ordinary kitchen kettle. If the water in your area is hard, you will see scale on the bottom in the form of a white or creamy coating. These are water-insoluble salts that form when boiled. Their entry into the human body does not give much health. And in washing machines, they lead to the formation of various malfunctions.

The use of citric acid will completely get rid of even the most inveterate deposits. Let's process the teapot as follows:

  • We buy a lemon in the store - you need to pour it directly into the kettle;
  • Next, pour water - it must be boiled (in electric kettles waiting for automatic shutdown);
  • We drain the water and enjoy the brilliant cleanliness of the inner walls.

Rinsing and cleaning the washing machine is carried out in the same way. Even the most hardened critics who doubt the possibilities of citric acid can be convinced by the example of a kettle that the method we have described gives simply excellent results.

Advantages of the procedure

Cleaning the washing machine with citric acid is very, very cheap - a large pack of lemons costs 30-40 rubles, and in some places it is sold by the kilogram (which is even cheaper). Professional care products are much more expensive. In addition, they need to be bought constantly, while washing with citric acid is done once every 3-4 months, not more often. Therefore, the first advantage is savings. Money which is what we are striving for.

Many housewives often overdo it with the amount of citric acid used. It is absolutely not worth doing this, otherwise an unscheduled repair of your washing machine will be inevitable.

Citric acid is environmentally friendly, because it is the most common food additive. At the same time, it is caustic, and it is added to products in limited quantities. To clean the washing machine, you need lemons quite a bit, a few tens of grams. Its use causes almost no harm. environment, as do the chemicals contained in store-bought products. And this is the second advantage - you can not only clean the washing machine with citric acid, but also take care of the purity of nature.

Citric acid for a washing machine is cheap and available remedy, which is literally in every pavilion and store where food is sold. Therefore, it is unlikely that any problems will arise with its search. It is also sold in supermarkets and hypermarkets, in city markets. If you have friends in food production, ask them if they use lemon - it is quite possible that they will be able to drag you a couple of kilograms of this product (this amount is enough to clean the washing machine for more than one year). The third advantage is ubiquitous availability.

Two more small advantages - lemon (or rather, its possible remnants) does not cause allergic reactions and effectively copes with mold and fungi. Be sure to try cleaning the drum with citric acid - you will like this method of cleaning.

Cleaning the washing machine with soda and citric acid gives a good effect - this powerful cocktail of two harmless substances is able to fight not only with scale, but also with persistent dirt, with a fungus. It also helps against mold, which literally eats up rubber seals and settles its spores in the laundry.

How cleaning is done

Lemon gave us citric acid, which we can use when cleaning the washing machine. True, it is not extracted from lemons at all, but is synthesized artificially, but the essence of the matter does not change from this. Let's talk about the recipe for our procedure and tell you how to clean the drum with a lemon - this is nothing new. Some people think that it needs to be added during washing, but this is not so - the procedure is performed within one cycle without laying laundry. Here is a step by step guide:

  • We prepare the washing machine for cleaning - we remove all things from it, inspect it so that subtle things do not get stuck on the walls;
  • It does not interfere with washing the rubber seal with a damp cloth and thoroughly wiping the glass;
  • We pour citric acid into the compartment for the washing machine - this is necessary so that it can rinse the chute through which it enters the drum detergent. The rest of the compartments are left empty;
  • We close the loading hatch, start cleaning - if you decide to wash the drum for the first time in for a long time, put the longest program with a temperature of +90 degrees. If you still carry out periodic cleaning and prevention shop means, turn on the longest program with a temperature of +60 degrees;
  • We are waiting for the end of the program - cleaning the washing machine with citric acid is completed, you can open the door and ventilate.

None additional measures no need to take. If you manage to look at the heating element, you will see that it has become shiny and clean - in some washing machines you can see it through the holes in the drum by shining a flashlight there and spinning the drum itself.

When choosing a cleaning program, make sure that it includes a rinse cycle - citric acid from limescale in the washing machine helps well, but needs to be completely removed.

If you intend to clean your washing machine with citric acid, you need to determine the dosage. We recommend pouring 120 gr. for 6 kg of laundry. lemons, for 5 kg - 100 gr. That is, for every kilogram - 20 grams of acid. It is not recommended to exceed the indicated dose, since excess lemon can have a destructive effect on the rubber seal. It is also not worth reducing the amount, since there can be a lot of scale on the heating element and pollution in the car.

Many people are not even aware of the presence of mold in their washing machine. But it can be extremely dangerous for a person. Fortunately, citric acid copes with it without much difficulty.

The selected program must be complete - with a final rinse. This is necessary to completely remove acid residue from the inside of the washing machine. Together with a lemon, the remnants of scale will be removed from it. We recommend running the washer on the Cotton 90 or Synthetics 60 program. It will wash for a long time, but it will completely remove all limescale, cope with other contaminants, and clean the internal surfaces of the tank and drum.

As for the frequency of washing, everything is simple here - once every 3 months at a temperature of +60 degrees is enough. If the last cleaning of the washing machine was carried out a very long time ago or was not carried out at all, it is recommended to run it at a temperature of +90 degrees - in this mode, cleaning will be as effective as possible. It is not necessary to add citric acid during washing - this will not achieve any effect or even reduce the effectiveness of the washing powder.

  • If your area has very hard water, install a softening filter - this way you will protect equipment from breakdowns. Increased hardness manifests itself in the form of a barely noticeable film on the surface of clean, freshly drawn water from a tap, or in the form of a grandiose lime scale in your kettle;
  • Even if the water in your area is relatively soft, we recommend that you carry out preventive cleaning of your washing machine with citric acid - in addition to plaque, other deposits may settle on the heating element and drum that require removal (including lint);
  • After cleaning the washing machine, we recommend looking under the rubber seal and into the filter - citric acid residues and scale residues may be found here. All these contaminants must be removed.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in caring for a washing machine - you just need to regularly clean it with food-grade citric acid. And forget about expensive products like Calgon - lemon is more effective and cheaper.

Is it possible to clean the washing machine with citric acid - despite the fact that this tool is one of the most common, proven and affordable, the question among users still does not lose its relevance. A washing machine is an essential home appliance.

It makes life much easier not only for families with many children, but also for single people. And since such a unit costs a lot, I would like to keep it in good condition for a long time.

The most common reason washing machines fail is limescale deposits on internal parts. In order to prevent this and dissolve the one that has already formed, from time to time the unit must be cleaned with special means.

Such a cleaning composition costs a lot, and savvy housewives have long adapted to replace it with more affordable substances. Citric acid is one of those. This white crystalline powder has been proven to be effective and safe over the years - if you know how to do it right.

Many people like to repeat - "We have very hard water in the region." while they don't really understand exactly what they are talking about. V

The water in city water pipes is really hard, which means that it contains a lot of calcium and magnesium salts. If you wash things in it or even wash your hair without additives, both linen and hair will become very rough and hard to the touch - hence the name came from.

If such water is boiled, magnesium and calcium salts will precipitate. It is he who settles on various elements washing machine, forming scale. The more often you wash, especially at high temperatures, the denser and thicker the scale layer will be and the faster it will form. What does it threaten?

  1. The thicker the layer of limescale on the heating element - the heating element of the washing machine - the slower the water will heat up, since lime has a low thermal conductivity.
  2. It will take more electricity to bring the water to the right temperature.
  3. The heating element will overheat and fail faster.

That is why you should not be lazy to clean the unit from scale in a timely manner. It will take very little effort, but the machine will last several times longer without breakdowns, and you will not have to overpay for electricity.

How often should this procedure be carried out? just look at the filter of the washing machine (to do this, you first need to remove it). If a grayish coating is visible on it, then it's time for another cleaning. It is difficult to orientate in time in this case.

Those who use the machine too often should clean it once a quarter. The rest is enough to do it once every 6-12 months.

Advantages and disadvantages of citric acid

Why this particular tool, and not some other? The method of cleaning the washing machine from scale with citric acid has its pros and cons. The obvious benefits are:

  1. Availability - citric acid is sold everywhere and is quite inexpensive compared to by professional means(in which, by the way, one of the main components is also citric acid).
  2. Safety - after citric acid, there is no plaque and odor in the machine, which could affect the quality of linen during subsequent washings.
  3. Efficiency - this powder really perfectly dissolves even petrified lime growths on the details of the automatic machine.

Additional bonuses include the fact that the inside of the washing machine will at the same time get rid of the unpleasant odor, and the window will become transparent and shining. What are the disadvantages They are not, if you do not abuse this tool and do not violate the instructions for cleaning the washing machine from scale with citric acid.

Of course, this manual was not compiled by the manufacturer. household appliances, but by the people. But the more reliable and proven it is.

How to clean a washing machine with citric acid

All you need for this procedure is citric acid and a clean, soft cloth with which you will wipe the washing machine after cleaning. Next, we act like this:

  1. Remove all dirty things from the drum, remove powder or conditioner from the tray. To properly clean the internal parts of the unit, you need to wash on Idling. Then the linen will not suffer, and the scale will be effectively removed the first time.
  2. Pour citric acid into the laundry detergent tray - you will need 100 g for a small-sized machine, and 150 for a larger one. If you have acid in sachets, then for one cleaning you will need 3-4 sachets, depending on how many grams of the powder are in it.
  3. The water temperature is set to 90 degrees or less. The washing mode should be selected for the longest.
  4. If the machine has not been cleaned for a long time, then you can do this: when the drum is filled with water and it heats up, press pause and leave the machine for half an hour. Then the acid is guaranteed to dissolve even the most dense deposits of calcium and magnesium salts. Then remove the pause and continue the normal washing cycle.
  5. If you have any doubts that all the pieces of scale have been washed out during rinsing, you can turn on an additional rinse.

After the machine has finished washing and turns off, open the drum and wipe everything dry with a soft cloth. available parts and planes. Be sure to fold the edges rubber seal and dry it thoroughly. Firstly, pieces of lime may remain in the fold, and secondly, from contact with acid, the rubber becomes hard and may tear.

Therefore, after each cleaning with citric acid, do not forget to wipe the seal dry, otherwise the unit cover will lose its tightness very soon.

If you have already taken up cleaning the washing machine, then it does not hurt to remove the filter and clean it too. It probably lingered on particles of scale, which are best removed immediately. That's all. Now your washing machine shines and smells good, you can continue to use it.

Many users wonder if there are alternatives to citric acid. Yes, they are, but they are not lemon juice. All that you will achieve if you clean the machine in this way is to get rid of the unpleasant smell, if there was one. The acid contained in lemon juice will not dissolve scale on the heating element, its concentration is too low.

At the same time, you should not be zealous with citric acid powder, since this substance, on the contrary, is very concentrated. If it seems to you that not all the scale has gone, it is better to repeat the procedure, but do not immediately add too much powder.

To prevent rapid scale build-up again, try not to machine wash old items, especially those made of fleecy fabrics. Optimum temperature water - 60-70 degrees. Then the bacteria on dirty things will be destroyed, and the sediment will not fall out so intensively.

After washing, try to immediately remove wet laundry from the drum, and wipe the drum itself dry and ventilate. subject to all these rules, as well as regular cleansing, your washing machine will serve you regularly for 10-15 years - as the manufacturer guarantees.