Ппр and technological maps for scaffolding and towers. Scaffolding installation project Scaffolding project


Project for the production of works for the installation of scaffolding LSPR-200

PPR is applicable directly to the installation of the most widely used rack-mount scaffolding, manufactured according to the specifications of GOST 27321. Scaffolding can be of any degree of collection (tubular, frame and frame) and various in the design of nodal connections (clamp, hook, wedge or pin); in this case, the racks, frame and frame elements are joined with the help of pipes.

PPR consists of text and graphic parts. The graphic part is represented by diagrams of hazardous area fencing, installation sequence, scaffolding fastening to the wall.

PPR has the following sections:

1. Explanatory note.

2. List of used documents.

3. Organization and technology of work.

3.1. Preparatory work.

3.2. Basic work.

4. Requirements for quality and acceptance of works.

5. The need for means of mechanization, tools, inventory and fixtures.

6. Safety and labor protection.

7. Peculiarities of scaffolding installation on high-rise buildings, on buildings with balconies (loggias).

8. Technical and economic indicators.

1. Explanatory note

1. Explanatory note

PPR for the installation of scaffolding for the device of a ventilated facade on the building of the fitness center was developed on the basis of the terms of reference and the presented initial data. As part of the terms of reference and initial data: working documentation for the device of a ventilated facade, a passport and instructions for the installation of scaffolding (for example, frame scaffolding LSPR-200), drawings for the building.

This PPR was developed with the following initial data.

LSPR-200 scaffolding is attached; when installing a ventilated facade, it can reach a height of 40 m. The step of the tier in height is 2 m, the step of frames along the wall is 3 m, the width of the passage between the posts is 0.95 m. Standard load at a height of more than 20 m no more than 100 kgf / m. The structural components of the LSPR-200 scaffolding and their weight are shown in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1

Components of scaffolding LSPR-200

Frame (2x1 m)

Frame with ladder (2x1 m)

Communication (3.05 m)

Diagonal connection (3.3 m)



Blind clamp, 48x48 mm

End fencing

Decking crossbar

The table shows that the weight component parts scaffolding does not exceed 12 kg and they can be lifted in a package to the mounting horizon using a winch or roof crane with a lifting capacity of not more than 250 kg.

The building is rectangular in shape, the length along the facade is 72.0 m, the height is no more than 40 m.

The curtain wall system U-kon with cladding elements is mounted on the facade of the building - ceramic tile and aluminum profiles... In accordance with this, the scaffolds are mounted along the facade in axes 1-12.

2. List of used documents

When developing the PPR, normative, methodological and reference documents were used, which are indicated in the list of used literature. The text also contains references to the following regulatory documents:

GOST 2.601-2006 ESKD. Operational documents

GOST 2.602-95 * ESKD. Repair documents

GOST 9.104-79 * ESKD. Paint and varnish coatings. Operating conditions groups

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Technical conditions

GOST 7948-80 Steel construction plumb bobs. Technical conditions

GOST 8486-86 * Softwood lumber. Technical conditions

GOST 9467-75 * Coated metal electrodes for manual arc welding structural and heat-resistant steels. Types

GOST 15150-69 * Machines, devices and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, operating conditions, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of climatic environmental factors

GOST 23407-78 Inventory fences of construction sites and areas of construction and installation work. Technical conditions

MDS 12-41.2008 Mounting equipment for temporary fastening of prefabricated elements of erected and dismantled buildings.

3. Organization and technology of work

3.1. Preparatory work

Before the beginning installation works the following preparatory work should be carried out:

- the working area (as well as approaches to it) is freed from strangers building structures, materials, mechanisms and debris and is fenced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23407;

- the scaffolding installation area is fenced in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-03, warning signs are installed in accordance with GOST 12.4.026 *;
* GOST 12.4.026-76 has been canceled on the territory of the Russian Federation from 01.01.2003. GOST R 12.4.026-2001 is in force. (IUS N 12, 2001). - Note from the manufacturer of the database.

- instructing the assembly workers on the procedure, techniques and rules for assembling and fastening the scaffolding to the wall.

Figure 1 shows a fragment of a construction site plan as an example. Symbols show scaffolding, the boundary of the danger zone when an object falls from the last tier of scaffolding and a temporary fence of the construction site.

Fig. 1. Fragment of the construction site plan


Load-bearing external walls


the border of the danger zone when an object falls from a layer of scaffolding

temporary fencing for scaffolding

Inspection, control and assessment of the technical condition of the components of the mounted scaffolding is carried out. Damaged components must be discarded.

Preparation for work, installation and start-up of lifting mechanisms (roof crane or winch) for lifting and lowering the components of the scaffolding is carried out. These works are carried out in accordance with the instructions of the lifting equipment manufacturers.

Means of mechanization (hand-held drilling machines, perforators, rammers, etc.) and tools are being prepared, their completeness and readiness for work are checked.

For the installation of scaffolding, a planned and compacted site is prepared, from which water drainage should be arranged, or a site with asphalt concrete pavement. If the soil is wet, then compaction is carried out with crushed stone, broken brick, concrete.

In connection (according to the initial data) with a height difference of up to 400 mm, the area for scaffolding along the facade in axes 1-12 is aligned horizontally in the longitudinal and transverse directions. To level the height difference up to 500 mm, standard concrete slabs and boards with a thickness of at least 40-50 mm are used.

In Moscow and the region in last years there is an increase in the volume of construction and installation work with the use of scaffolding, which is due to their small share of the cost in the total cost of the building and the availability of cheap labor.

Scaffolding is used to accommodate workers, tools and materials when performing construction and renovation works on the facades of buildings, including during their insulation, decoration, and installation of facade systems.

Scaffolding is installed on buildings and structures with a variety of architectural and planning and constructive solutions, configuration, height and length.

Scaffolding is indispensable in the cramped conditions of Moscow urban development, where they can be used not only as a universal scaffold, but also as a protective screen.

PPR for scaffolding is an organizational and technological document and is in demand by local state supervision authorities in the preparation of permits for facade work.

Scaffolding is a spatial multi-level and multi-section structure that allows you to organize workplaces at a height, in various horizontal and vertical surfaces.

Currently, in Moscow and the region, rack-mount scaffolding attached to a building or structure is widely used.

Rack attached scaffolding is used to perform the following works:
1) Arrangement of stone and facing with small-sized materials (bricks, blocks, slabs, etc.) masonry during the construction of buildings and structures.
2) Repair and reconstruction of building facades, including replacement of window frames, thermal insulation.
3) Plastering, painting and other facade finishing works.

Attached scaffolding is attached to the facade of the building with plugs (dowels) of various systems.

The scaffolding consists of steel pipes: vertical posts, horizontal longitudinal girders, transverse and diagonal ties (braces), stipulating the rigidity of the spatial structure.

Scaffolding structures - inventory, lightweight, collapsible, reusable. The scaffolding turnover is at least 60 times, and the service life is at least 5 years.

According to the degree of assembly, that is, reducing the labor intensity and time of installation and dismantling, the attached rack scaffolds can be manufactured and assembled from single tubular, flat frame or volumetric frame elements.

According to the design of nodal connections (during installation and dismantling), rack-mount tubular scaffoldings are divided into types: connected using bolted or wedge clamps and connected using hook or wedge clamps. Racks, frame frame elements are joined using branch pipes.

On the crossbars or on the cross braces, the panel board is laid perpendicular (parallel) to the wall wood flooring.

The ladders for climbing the tiers are suspended from the cross braces and supported on the deck boards.

The rack-mount scaffolding is installed on support shoes. The load of the scaffold is transferred to the shoes and then by means of wooden pads to the ground.

The scaffolding is equipped with safety equipment. To prevent people and objects from falling from a height, fences are arranged, and to protect against atmospheric discharges - lightning rods and grounding.

Scaffolding is installed on a planned and compacted soil surface, with a drainage device.

Under the shoes of each pair of racks, lining made of a board with a thickness of at least 50 mm is placed in the transverse direction. The lining should be horizontal, but without the help of bricks, stones and scraps from boards.

The scaffolding is equipped with adjustable screw supports to ensure horizontal alignment. The horizontality of the scaffolding can be ensured by the device of a special temporary support structure. The vertical elements of the scaffolding (racks and frames) are installed along a plumb line, and horizontal elements (ties and flooring) - according to the level. When building up racks and frames made of pipes on nozzles, the gap between pipes and nozzles should not exceed 3 mm. When installing hollow (tubular) structures, it is necessary to take measures against the ingress and accumulation of water in them.

Scaffolds installed near the passage of vehicles are fenced with bumpers so that they are at a distance of at least 0.6 meters from the overall dimensions of the vehicle.

When laying wooden flooring, the strength of the fastening and the absence of the possibility of shear are checked. The gaps between the floorboards are not more than 5 mm. The overhangs of the boards over the surface of the board should not exceed 3 mm. Decking boards can be overlapped along the length, the joints are placed on the support and overlap it by at least 200 mm in each direction, while the thresholds are beveled (from a straight line to an angle of 30 degrees). The deck must be equipped with a side railing with a height of at least 150 mm.

Scaffolding must be equipped with a guardrail height of at least 1.1 m, the guardrail must have an intermediate horizontal support or mesh.

The attachment points of the scaffolding to the facade of the building are indicated in the PPR. As a rule, fastening is done with anchors (dowels) at least after one tier for the extreme posts, after two spans for the upper tier and one fastening every 50 square meters projection of the surface of the scaffolding on the facade of the building. When the attachment points coincide with the openings of the building (windows, stained-glass windows, etc.), the scaffolding is attached to supporting structures(walls, columns, ceilings) from the inside of the building using various devices and devices. Scaffolding should not be attached to balconies, cornices and parapets.

The gap between the building wall and the flooring is set no more than 50 mm for stone and 150 mm for finishing work. The scaffolding is equipped with non-slip ladders to move workers between the tiers. Ladders are installed at an angle of 70-75 degrees to the horizon.

Scaffolding must be equipped with lightning protection. The grounding resistance of the scaffolding should be no more than 15 ohms. During the installation and dismantling of the scaffolding, electrical wires located closer than 5 meters from the scaffolding must be de-energized.

During thunderstorms and winds of more than 6 points, the installation and dismantling of the scaffolding is prohibited.

Scaffolding is allowed to be used after testing. When testing scaffolds with a standard load, their strength and stability, reliability of flooring and fences, and grounding are assessed.

The scaffolding must be under control load for at least 2 hours. The railing must withstand a concentrated static load of 70 kgf applied in the middle. All bearing horizontal ties must withstand a concentrated static load of 130 kgf applied in the middle.

Dismantling of the scaffolding is carried out in the reverse order to installation. The dismantled parts are lowered by a crane or using lifting devices.

During the dismantling of the scaffolding, all doorways on the ground floor and exits to balconies on all floors must be closed.

PPR for scaffolding in difficult conditions

Complex conditions mean:
1) Installation of scaffolding during the construction of high-rise (from 30 floors and above) monolithic residential and public buildings;
2) Installation of scaffolding during the erection or repair of facades of buildings that have a complex shape in plan (polygonal, oval and other complex outlines of the outer walls of a building in plan);
3) Installation of scaffolding on buildings with protruding elements (canopies, overhanging parts, balconies, loggias, etc.).

In Moscow, the volume of construction of high-rise buildings is growing every year. Also, buildings in the plan can have a complex shape with rectangular and oval outlines. Often, window openings and other openings in these buildings allow the installation of support devices for the installation of scaffolding at a height.

Different types of scaffolding allow you to use various schemes installation of scaffolding on buildings with high heights or with complex wall configurations, as well as other local conditions. For example, clamping scaffolding of LSPH on high-rise buildings is installed using double racks, as a rule, up to a height of 80 meters, and above (up to 160 meters) - single ones. The distance between double posts is taken as a rule 300 mm. Installation of scaffolding tiers is carried out in the usual way, in accordance with the developed PPR.

Fastening of scaffolding to the building is carried out using factory metal plugs or polymer dowels, as well as through openings (window, door, balcony). When the place of fastening of the scaffolding to the building falls into the opening, then the fastening is carried out using an inventory device. Inventory fastening of scaffolding to the window opening of a building is made, as a rule, from the same tubular elements as scaffolding. The elongated cross-links of the scaffolding are inserted into the opening, then longitudinal pipes are laid on them end-to-end against the wall. Fastening of ties and pipes is carried out using clamps or in another way.

If the complex configuration of the walls of the building does not allow the use of the usual scaffolding scheme with the support of the shoes on the ground, then the scaffolding can be installed on the support devices at a height. The supporting devices are mounted on the floor using cantilever beams or on the wall using brackets. The beams are laid on the ceiling through sheet metal lining so that the length of their cantilever part allows the scaffolding to be installed at a distance of 600 mm from the wall to the axis of the inner pillar. Then, on the opposite ends of the beams, posts with a screw mechanism are installed. The upper supports of the uprights with wooden spacers are brought to the ceiling. Using screw mechanisms with a tightening torque of at least 5 kgf * m, the racks are abutted against the ceiling and beams, pressing them against the ceiling and at the same time fixing the support device in the opening. To secure the scaffolding to the support device, hinges welded to the beams are used. As cantilever beams, metal channels can be used on the basis of calculations in the PPR for the installation of scaffolding. Telescopic mounting racks with a screw mechanism for adjusting the height of the supports can be used as spacers.

Another option for cantilever installation of the scaffold at a height (without supporting the shoes on the ground) is the use of a support device mounted on reinforced concrete wall using a special bracket. To install the bracket, a hole is made in a reinforced concrete wall, into which a hairpin is installed. A rack is hung on the stud, which has an eyelet at the top and bottom for hinged fastening on the studs of the brace and the beam. Standard shoes are welded to the beam, into which the scaffold stands are inserted and the scaffolding is installed. Bracket parts are made of rolled steel profiles, depending on the load of the scaffolding. The attachment point of the brace on the beam, from the condition of equality of bending moments (economic section of the beam and the least weight) should be at a distance of 4/5 of the beam length from the wall. The hairpin for fastening the bracket to the wall is usually used at least M18. The studs in the hinges of the bracket can be structurally the same with a diameter in the unthreaded section of at least 28 mm. Each bracket, as a rule, can withstand the load from two scaffolding racks of at least 2400 kgf.

When installing scaffolding on a building with balconies (loggias), an installation scheme is used taking into account the ledge of the building wall. The outrigger support is arranged on the scaffolding using diagonal rods. The installation of scaffolding in this case is usually carried out using at least three diagonal rods. Bolt clamps are used as nodal connections during installation. The racks are joined by means of branch pipes. On the crossbars (or cross-braces), perpendicular (parallel) to the wall, panelboard wooden flooring is laid. The strength and stability of the scaffolding under such a scheme is ensured when the installation rules in accordance with the PPR are followed and must be maintained during the operation of the scaffolding. Under these conditions, there are no horizontal components of the load on the scaffolding, and the forces of scaffold separation from the wall do not arise. In order to increase the stability of the scaffolding (unloading the scaffold attachment point to the wall), the shoe with the rack is loaded with a foundation block of the FBS type.

In our company, you can order PPR for the installation of scaffolding and scaffolding; we always meet deadlines, and our specialists have extensive experience in the design of PPR.

PPR for the installation of scaffolding is a package of documents that includes diagrams and technological instructions for implementation different processes at the facility being built / repaired. Scaffolds are auxiliary structures with the help of which facade, assembly and other hazardous work on high. Therefore, the preparation of PPR for their installation is a mandatory measure that regulates the procedure for carrying out all engineering work, sets the construction time frame, and also describes the existing risks and methods of ensuring safety at the construction site.

The cost of preparing a project for PPR for forests - from 30,000 rubles

Financial question of development project documentation depends on the characteristics of the initial data and wishes, which the customer will indicate in the terms of reference. The main factors affecting the cost:

  • TEP (technical and economic indicators);
  • complexity assembly processes(difficult building, a large number of floors, the presence of overhanging or protruding parts of the structure, the need for the arrangement of multi-post scaffolding, etc.);
  • development urgency requirements.

Starting information for the project

When drawing up a PPR for the installation of scaffolding, the type of development, as well as the specifics of the planned work, are taken into account. The design of this auxiliary device includes many tiers and sections for organizing several workplaces at once at a height, located both in the vertical and in the horizontal plane. Scaffolding is indispensable for the construction and reconstruction of multi-storey buildings. The most functional is the rack-mount attached type of scaffolding, which is used for:

  • stone and facing masonry using small-sized materials (bricks, small-sized blocks, etc.);
  • repair and insulation works;
  • reconstruction of facades;
  • painting, plastering and other finishing processes.

The choice of the type of scaffolding is carried out based on the technical characteristics of the serviced object and economic feasibility... The main parameters of auxiliary structures are their maximum height and the permissible level of load on the deck. In the PPR for forests, it is also mandatory to indicate:

  • the number of used mounting elements;
  • permissible weight separate parts constructions;
  • cost of work;
  • labor intensity of installation.

Documents for PPR

PPR for scaffolding is created on the basis of the available working documentation. The effectiveness of installation work depends on the correct preparation of the project and safe operation auxiliary structures. To start creating a PPR, the following documents are required:

  • terms of reference from the customer;
  • POS (construction organization project);
  • data on the layout of the building and the characteristics of the facade;
  • site plan with its topographic and engineering parameters.

PPR sections

To install scaffolding, the project for the production of work must be coordinated with the relevant authorities. PPR includes the following mandatory sections:

  • scheduling;
  • construction master plan;
  • technical maps of work on the installation of scaffolding;
  • safety standards and labor protection;
  • basic instructions for the production of work;
  • measures for industrial safety and environmental protection.

PPR for the installation of scaffolding includes a text and graphic part. The latter contains drawings and diagrams that accurately represent the stages of installation of auxiliary building structures. The developer indicates the areas for attaching the scaffolding to the building and hazardous areas where reliable fixation or safe location of workers is impossible. Composition of the graphic part:

  • construction master plan;
  • scaffolding installation plan;
  • facade diagrams with marked fastening points of structures.

The text part is an explanatory note that regulates:

  • standards for the installation and dismantling of construction forests;
  • organizational and technological parameters of work performance;
  • requirements for the quality and acceptance of works;
  • safety and labor protection rules at the facility;
  • a list of the necessary inventory, tools, special devices and means of mechanization.

Thanks to the vast experience in this area, our company guarantees operational training PPR for the device of scaffolding and scaffolding in full compliance with existing standards.


Project for the production of works for the installation of scaffolding LSPR-200

PPR is applicable directly to the installation of the most widely used rack-mount attached scaffolding, manufactured according to the specifications of GOST 27321. Scaffolding can be of any degree of assembly (tubular, frame and frame) and various in the design of nodal connections (clamp, hook, wedge or pin); in this case, the racks, frame and frame elements are joined with the help of pipes.

PPR consists of text and graphic parts. The graphic part is represented by diagrams of hazardous area fencing, installation sequence, scaffolding fastening to the wall.

PPR has the following sections:

1. Explanatory note.

2. List of used documents.

3.1. Preparatory work.

3.2. Basic work.

4. Requirements for quality and acceptance of works.

5. The need for means of mechanization, tools, inventory and fixtures.

6. Safety and labor protection.

7. Peculiarities of scaffolding installation on high-rise buildings, on buildings with balconies (loggias).

8. Technical and economic indicators.

1. Explanatory note

PPR for the installation of scaffolding for the device of a ventilated facade on the building of the fitness center was developed on the basis of the terms of reference and the presented initial data. As part of the technical assignment and initial data: working documentation for the device of a ventilated facade, a passport and instructions for the installation of scaffolding (for example, frame scaffolding LSPR-200), drawings for the building.

This PPR was developed with the following initial data.

LSPR-200 scaffolding is attached; when installing a ventilated facade, it can reach a height of 40 m. The step of the tier in height is 2 m, the step of frames along the wall is 3 m, the width of the passage between the posts is 0.95 m. Standard load at a height of more than 20 m no more than 100 kgf / m0 "style =" background: white; border-collapse: collapse ">

Components of scaffolding LSPR-200

Frame (2x1 m)

Frame with ladder (2x1 m)

Communication (3.05 m)

Diagonal connection (3.3 m)


Blind clamp, 48x48 mm

End fencing

Decking crossbar

It can be seen from the table that the weight of the scaffolding components does not exceed 12 kg and they can be lifted in a package onto the mounting horizon using a winch or a roof crane with a lifting capacity of not more than 250 kg.

The building is rectangular in shape, the length along the facade is 72.0 m, the height is no more than 40 m.

The curtain wall system U-kon with facing elements - ceramic tiles and aluminum profiles is mounted on the facade of the building. In accordance with this, the scaffolds are mounted along the facade in axes 1-12.

2. List of used documents

When developing the PPR, normative, methodological and reference documents were used, which are indicated in the list of used literature. The text also contains references to the following regulatory documents:

GOST 2.601-2006 ESKD. Operational documents

GOST 2.602-95 * ESKD. Repair documents

GOST 9.104-79 * ESKD. Paint and varnish coatings. Operating conditions groups

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Technical conditions

GOST 7948-80 Steel construction plumb bobs. Technical conditions

GOST 8486-86 * Softwood lumber. Technical conditions

GOST 9467-75 * Coated metal electrodes for manual arc welding of structural and heat-resistant steels. Types

GOST 15150-69 * Machines, devices and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, operating conditions, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of climatic environmental factors

GOST 23407-78 Inventory fences of construction sites and areas of construction and installation work. Technical conditions

MDS 12-41.2008 Mounting equipment for temporary fastening of prefabricated elements of erected and dismantled buildings.

3. Organization and technology of work

3.1. Preparatory work

The assembly workers are instructed on the procedure, techniques and rules for assembling and fastening the scaffolding to the wall.

Figure 1 shows a fragment of a construction site plan as an example. Symbols show scaffolding, the boundary of the danger zone when an object falls from the last tier of scaffolding and a temporary fence of the construction site.

https://pandia.ru/text/80/128/images/image003_66.jpg "width =" 35 "height =" 25 "> load-bearing external walls


the border of the danger zone when an object falls from a layer of scaffolding

temporary fencing for scaffolding

Inspection, control and assessment of the technical condition of the components of the mounted scaffolding is carried out. Damaged components must be discarded.

Preparation for work, installation and start-up of lifting mechanisms (roof crane or winch) for lifting and lowering the components of the scaffolding is carried out. These works are carried out in accordance with the instructions of the lifting equipment manufacturers.

Means of mechanization (hand-held drilling machines, perforators, rammers, etc.) and tools are being prepared, their completeness and readiness for work are checked.

For the installation of scaffolding, a planned and compacted site is prepared, from which water drainage should be arranged, or a site with asphalt concrete pavement. If the soil is wet, then compaction is carried out with crushed stone, broken brick, concrete.

In connection (according to the initial data) with a height difference of up to 400 mm, the area for scaffolding along the facade in axes 1-12 is aligned horizontally in the longitudinal and transverse directions. To level the height difference up to 500 mm, standard concrete slabs and boards with a thickness of at least 40-50 mm are used.

The scope of work is divided into three sections 24 m long along the facade of the building and no higher than 40 m high. In this case, one set of LSPR-200 scaffolds (960 m with dimensions 40x24 m) is used.

The marking of the installation points of the anchor plugs on the wall of the building is carried out in accordance with the working drawing on the wall or "in place".

At the initial stage, the lighthouse points of the wall marking are determined so that the points do not coincide with the window openings. If the attachment point coincides with the opening in the wall, the scaffolding is attached to the supporting structures (walls, columns, ceilings) from the inside of the building using fasteners and fixtures; it is not allowed to fasten the scaffolding to balconies, cornices, parapets.

The distance of the anchor (dowel) installation point to the opening must be at least 150-200 mm. The horizontality of the extreme points is determined using a level, the points are marked with indelible paint. At two extreme points, using a laser level and a tape measure, determine and mark with paint intermediate points for installing anchor plugs. Then, at the extreme points of the horizontal line, vertical lines are determined. Indelible paint marks the installation points of the anchors (dowels) on the extreme vertical lines.

3.2. Main works

The work is carried out by grabs 24 m long along the facade of the building and no higher than 40 m high, starting from the first grapple. In the presence of several sets of scaffolds, the device of the ventilated facade and, accordingly, the installation of the scaffolds can be carried out in parallel grips.

Scaffolding is assembled from frames, diagonal braces, shoes with screw height adjustment, deck and deck beams.

The scaffolds are fastened to the wall with standard anchors (dowels).

The frames are built on top of each other to the required height and are connected to each other using locks (clamps) with horizontal and diagonal ties. The floor beams are hung with their brackets on the upper ties of adjacent frames on the two upper tiers, one of which is a worker, the other is a safety one. Wooden flooring is laid on the crossbars.

The scaffolding is erected, according to the manufacturer's instructions, in tiers for the length of the grip.

The installation process consists of assembling the first, second, third and other tiers and attaching them to the wall.

Since the operations for assembling the longlines are described in detail in the factory scaffolding installation instructions, they are not provided here.

To fasten the scaffolding with anchors (dowels) in the wall at marked points, holes are drilled through four meters in a checkerboard pattern, with a diameter and depth corresponding to the anchors. The fastening strength is checked by calculation (see section 2) and must be tested selectively using a special device.

If a hole is drilled in the wrong place by mistake, and a new one needs to be drilled, then the latter must be at least one depth away from the wrong one. drilled hole... This rule is not necessary if the wrong hole is pre-concreted or filled with a polymer composition of the same strength.

The holes are cleaned from drilling waste (dust) with compressed air.

The dowel is inserted into the prepared hole and knocked out with an assembly hammer.

End and longitudinal fences are installed on the working and safety tiers. In places where the working tier is raised, where no diagonal ties are installed, longitudinal fences are installed.

Dismantling of scaffolds for their rearrangement on a new grip is carried out in the reverse order of their installation. The dismantled scaffolding components are lowered using a winch or a roof crane.

4. Requirements for quality and acceptance of works

The quality of scaffolding erection is ensured by the current control of technological operations of preparatory and main works, and is also checked upon acceptance of works. Based on the results of the current control of technological operations, inspection reports are drawn up hidden works(for the strength of fastening the scaffolds to the wall).

In the process of preparatory work, they check:

Wall readiness and structural elements buildings, means of mechanization and tools for installation work;

The quality of the constituent parts of the scaffolding (dimensions, absence of dents, bends and other defects of the scaffolding elements);

Correct and reliable installation of scaffold shoes on the base.

In the process of installation work, they check:

Accuracy of wall markings;

Diameter, depth and cleanliness of holes for anchors (dowels);

The strength of the anchors;

The verticality of the frame racks and the horizontalness of the ties, crossbars, scaffolding flooring.

When extending frames, the gap between pipes and branch pipes should not exceed 3 mm.

When laying the flooring, the strength of the fastening and the absence of the possibility of movement are checked.

When accepting the work, the acceptance committee inspects the mounted scaffolding as a whole and especially carefully the attachment points and interfaces.

The scaffolding is subject to a standard load test for two hours in the presence of the acceptance committee. At the same time, their strength and stability, reliability of fastening to the wall, flooring and fences, and grounding are assessed.

The railing must withstand a concentrated load of 70 kgf applied to them in the middle and perpendicularly.

Bearing horizontal ties must withstand a concentrated load of 130 kgf applied in the middle.

Acceptance of the assembled scaffolding is formalized by the acceptance certificate. An act of inspection of hidden works is attached to the acceptance certificate of work.

The quality of scaffolding erection is assessed by the degree of conformity of the actual parameters and characteristics specified in the design and normative-technical documentation.

The main monitored parameters and characteristics, methods of their measurement and assessment are shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1

Technological operations

Controlled parameter, characteristic

Allowed value, requirement

Control method and tool

Marking extreme points horizontally

Accuracy of marking

Marking extreme points vertically

Accuracy of marking


Marking intermediate attachment points

Accuracy of marking

Laser level, plumb line, tape measure

Drilling holes for plugs



screw length +10.0

screw diameter +0.2 mm

Depth gauge,
bore gauge

Distance to the opening, corner of the building

Not less than 150.0

Hole cleanliness

Dust free


Installation of shoes

Board lining thickness

Metal ruler

Assembling scaffolding sections and tiers

Deviation from verticality

± 1.0 mm at 2 m height

Plumb line, ruler

Deviation from horizontal

± 1.0mm at 3m length

Level, ruler

The gap between the building wall and the deck

No more than 150 mm

Linear dimensions

Up to 50 m - ± 1%

Laser tape measure DISTO

Fastening the scaffolds to the wall

Force pulling the anchor out of the wall

Not less than 300 kgf

Cork control device

Laying the flooring

Gap between boards

No more than 5 mm

Board ledges

No more than 3 mm

Overlapping by joints of support flooring

Not less than 200 mm

Metal ruler

Scaffolding grounding device

Earth resistance

No more than 15 Ohm

Tester Sch4313

5. The need for means of mechanization, tools, inventory and fixtures

The need for basic means of mechanization, tools, inventory and fixtures is shown in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1


Type, brand, GOST,
N of the drawing, manufacturer

Technical specifications


Roof crane

"Pioneer" CJSC "TEMZ" TL-12

Loading capacity 150-500 kgf

Ascent and descent of scaffolding components, facade elements

Tractive effort 250 kgf

Plumb line, cord

OT400-1, GOST 7948

Three-strand nylon cord

Plumb bob weight no more than 0.4 kg, length 98 m. Cord length - 5 m, diameter 3 mm

Layout of grips, check of verticality

Laser level

BL 40 VHR SKB "Stroypribor"

Measurement accuracy 0.1 mm / m

Measuring heights

Laser level

BL 20 SKB "Stroypribor"

Measurement accuracy 0.1 mm / m

Checking horizontal planes

DN 1000-ER

Power 1.0 kW, hole drilling diameter up to 25 mm

Drilling holes in the wall

Steel tape measure

Р20УЗК, GOST 7502

Length 20 m, weight 0.35 kg

Measurement of linear dimensions

Screwdriver with tip

Screwdriver Pro


Reversible lever

Screwing - loosening screws

Device for pulling the dowel out of the wall

Measurement limits 100-500 kgf

Dimensions: 1240x1200x175 mm

Weight - 7.8 kg

Measuring the strength of scaffolding to the wall

Fencing of the work site


Work safety

Protective mesh for scaffolding

4.603; 4.504; 4.501.1 by Apex, Werth or others

Made of polymer fibers

Protection against falling objects from a height

6. Safety and labor protection

When organizing and carrying out work on the installation of scaffolding, the requirements of SNiP 12-03, SNiP 12-04, GOST 12.4.011 must be met.

On the scaffolding, the layout and the values ​​of the permissible loads on the scaffolding should be posted. More than three people are not allowed to congregate on the scaffolding.

Workers who have the right to work at height are allowed to install the scaffolding. Installers must be provided with safety harnesses.

Fire safety at workplaces must be ensured in accordance with the rules of PPB-01.

Electrical safety at workplaces must be ensured in accordance with the requirements of POT R M-016.

When organizing a construction site, a dangerous zone is established against falling objects from the height of the scaffolding, in this example from a height of 25 m, equal to 7 m. The hazardous area is indicated by safety signs and inscriptions of the established form in accordance with GOST 12.4.026. A protective net can be attached to the scaffolding. In this case, the hazardous area may not be indicated.

The location and design of the construction site fence are adopted in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23407.

Warehousing and storage of scaffolding components, materials, products and equipment must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical conditions for scaffolding, materials, products and equipment, as well as SNiP 12-03.

When working in the dark, the construction site, scaffolding, driveways and approaches to them must be illuminated in accordance with GOST 12.1.046. Illumination should be uniform, without glare from lighting fixtures.

Scaffolding ladders should be equipped in accordance with GOST 26887. The slope of the ladders to the horizon should be no more than 75 °. Ladders should have non-slip steps.

The lifting of loads onto the scaffolding is carried out by a winch or a roof crane. Lifting of loads onto the scaffolding with jib cranes is unacceptable.

Lightning protection of scaffolding should be arranged with a grounding resistance of no more than 15 Ohm.

During the installation and dismantling of the scaffolding, electrical wires located closer than 5 m from the scaffolding are de-energized.

During a thunderstorm, snowfall and when the wind is more than 6 points, the scaffolding is not installed or dismantled.

During the installation and dismantling of the scaffolding, window, balcony and door openings must be closed.

The technical condition of the forests is monitored before each shift and periodic inspections every 10 days. If the scaffolding has not been used for a month, then they are allowed for use after acceptance by the commission. The results of acceptance and inspection are noted in the log book in accordance with GOST 24258.

Forests are subject to additional inspection after rain or thaw, which may reduce bearing capacity grounds.

7. Features of scaffolding installation on high-rise buildings, on buildings with balconies (loggias)

In the megalopolises of Russia, the volumes of construction of high-rise (from 30 floors and above) monolithic reinforced concrete residential and public buildings are growing.

The buildings in the plan have a complex shape with rectangular and oval outlines of the walls, dimensions: length along the facade not less than 50.0 m, width - 30 m, height up to 160 m. Thickness of walls and interfloor floors - not less than 200 mm, window and other openings allow mounting support devices in them for installing scaffolds at a height.

The facades of these buildings are made using scaffolding various jobs: finishing, insulation, facing and others. The usual tubular, clamping scaffolds according to GOST 27321 are used, the racks of which are joined by means of branch pipes.

Scaffolding, for example, LSPKh-200-60, are rack-mounted attachments, the step of the tier in height is 2 m, the step of the racks along the wall is 2.5 m, the width of the passage between the racks is 1.25 m. The deck boards can be laid on all tiers at the same time. The rated load is not more than 200 kgf / m. Maximum height forests - 60 m.

The scaffolds are assembled from tubular elements: posts and half-posts with a diameter of 60 mm, installed in support shoes with wooden lining, longitudinal ties with a diameter of 48 mm, connected to the posts with clamps, crossbars that fasten the scaffolding to the wall using metal or polymer plugs (dowels). On the extreme sections of the scaffolding, diagonal ties are established with the help of swivel clamps.

Racks and half-racks are joined by means of branch pipes.

The ties are connected to each other using bolts.

The non-swiveling clamp connects the posts and semi-posts with crossbars and handrails at right angles. The swivel clamp connects under a sharp or obtuse angle racks with diagonal braces.

The design of the scaffolds allows the use of various scaffolding schemes for a high-rise building, depending on the configuration of the walls, the height of the building and other local conditions.

Before starting the installation work, carry out the usual preparatory work.

The scaffolding is mounted up to a height of 160 m. A feature of the installation is the use of double racks, as a rule, up to a height of 80 m, and above - single ones. The distance between double posts is taken, as a rule, 300 mm (Fig. 2).

https://pandia.ru/text/80/128/images/image012_31.jpg "width =" 256 "height =" 207 src = ">

Fig. 3. Fastening the scaffolds to the wall through the window opening

The inventory fastening device is made, as a rule, from the same tubular elements as the scaffolding.

The elongated transverse ties of the scaffolds are brought into the opening, then longitudinal pipes are laid on them end-to-end against the wall. Fastening of ties and pipes is carried out using clamps or in another way.

If the configuration of the walls does not allow the use of the usual installation scheme with the support of the shoes on the ground, then the scaffolding is installed on the support devices at a height. Supporting devices are mounted on the floor using cantilever beams or on the wall using brackets.

Consider these support devices.

The support device on the floor of two cantilever beams and spacers is shown in Fig. 4.

https://pandia.ru/text/80/128/images/image014_30.jpg "width =" 173 "height =" 246 src = ">

Fig. 5. Supporting device mounted on a reinforced concrete wall with a bracket

To install the bracket, a hole is made in a reinforced concrete wall, into which a hairpin is inserted. A rack is hung on the stud, which has lugs at the top and bottom for hinged fastening on the studs of the brace and the beam. Standard shoes are welded to the beam, into which the scaffold posts are inserted and the scaffolding is installed.

Bracket parts are made from rolled steel profiles according to two options. According to the first version, the post and the beam are made of channels N 10 - N 16 according to GOST 8240, depending on the load from the scaffolding, and the brace is made of strip steel. Moreover, the beam is welded from two channels. According to the second option, the post is made of two corners N 5 - N 9 according to GOST 8509, and the beam is made of I-beams N 12 - N 18. For stretching, strip steel is used.

The attachment point of the brace on the beam, from the condition of equality of bending moments (economic section of the beam and the least weight) should be at a distance of 4/5 of the beam length from the wall.

Standard stud for fixing the bracket to the wall - with a thread of at least M18.

The studs in the hinges of the bracket can be structurally the same with a diameter in the unthreaded section of at least 28 mm.

Calculations show that each bracket can withstand the load from two scaffolding racks of at least 2400 kgf.

The scaffolding installation scheme on a building with balconies (loggias) is shown in Fig. 6.

Foundation blocks "href =" / text / category / fundamentnie_bloki / "rel =" bookmark "> a foundation block of the FB type weighing 200-300 kg.

Tests of the strength of the scaffold-to-wall fastening show that the pull-out force does not exceed the wall attachment force provided by the dowel. In order to increase the safety margin of fastening the scaffolds to the wall, an additional attachment point is arranged at the level of the outrigger support of the scaffolds.

8. Technical and economic indicators

HPES table 08-07-001 Installation and dismantling of outdoor inventory scaffolding

Scope of work:

for norms 1-3:

01. Layout of the outdoor scaffolding site. 02. Assembly and installation of inventory scaffolding with the device of decking, fences, ladders and walking ladders. 03. Demolition of scaffolding. 04. Restorative repair of scaffolding parts at each turn. 05. Delivery of finished scaffolding elements from the on-site warehouse to the facility and their transportation from the facility to the on-site warehouse.

for norms 4, 5:

01. Assembly and installation of inventory scaffolding with the device of decking, fences, ladders and walking ladders. 02. Scaffolding dismantling. 03. Reconditioning repair of scaffolding parts at each turn. 04. Delivery of finished scaffolding elements from the on-site warehouse to the facility and their transportation from the facility to the on-site warehouse.

Meter: 100m0 "style =" background: white; border-collapse: collapse ">

Installation and dismantling of outdoor inventory scaffolding up to 16 m high:

tubular for masonry cladding

tubular for other finishing works


For each subsequent 4 m of the height of the outer inventory scaffolding, add:

to the norms 08-07-001-01, 08-07-001-02

to the norm 08-07-001-03

Resource cipher

Cost item name

Unit meas.






Labor costs of construction workers

Average grade of work


Flatbed vehicles, carrying capacity up to 5 t


Details of wooden scaffolding

Steel parts tubular scaffolding

Decking boards

(Table GESN 08-07-001 as amended by the Amendments approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated 01.01.2001 N 339).

List of used literature

SNiP 3.03.01-87 Bearing and enclosing structures.

SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction.

SNiP 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.

SNiP 12-04-2002 Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production.

SNiP II-23-81 * Steel structures.

GOST 12.1.004-91 * SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements.

GOST 12.1.030-81 * SSBT. Electrical safety. Protective grounding, neutral grounding.

GOST 12.1.046-85 SSBT. Construction. Construction site lighting standards.

GOST 12.4.011-89 Protective equipment for workers. General requirements and classification.

GOST 12.4.026-81 SSBT. Signal colors and danger signs.

GOST 12.4.059-89 SSBT. Construction. Inventory safety fences. General technical conditions.

GOST 24258-88 Paving means. General technical conditions.

GOST 26887-86 Platforms and ladders for construction and installation works. General technical conditions.

GOST 27321-87 Rack-mounted scaffolds for construction and installation works. Technical conditions.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 On fire safety.

POT R M-016-2001 Interindustry rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations (as amended on 01.01.2001).

GOST 380-2005 Carbon steel of ordinary quality. Stamps.

GOST 3242-79 Welded joints. Quality control methods.

GOST 3262-75 * Steel water and gas pipes. Technical conditions.

GOST 8240-97. Hot-rolled steel channels. Range.

GOST 8509-93 Equal flange hot-rolled steel angles. Range.

GOST 10704-91. Longitudinal electric-welded steel pipes. Range.

Working documentation and instructions for the use of mounted scaffolding for work on the facades of buildings under construction. - M .: TSNIIOMTP, 1998.