Characteristics of medicinal plants Natural flora Kuban. Plant and animal world of Kuban.

IN Krasnodar Territory quite a lot of beautiful and amazing plants. For example, Pitsundskaya pine - it grows in Gelendzhik and along the coast. May survive B. adverse conditions. The bumps do not fall out and can hang out for more than three years. At the age of thirty years, her growth is fifteen meters, and in a hundred years it grows up to forty meters in height. Shells with her length up to sixteen centimeters, when other pines are only eight. Even the bumps of this pine red shade.

On the Black Sea coast, starting from Mount Lysoi from Anapa and Gelendzhik, a pistachio grows with an interesting title title. The genus pistachios is very ancient. This is small decorative plantIt matures it at the end of summer, the beginning of autumn. The plant transfers well drought and loves light very much. She grows slowly, in twenty years grows for one meter. Pistachio contains 75% resin and up to 25% essential oils. The resin tree is needed in order to quickly heal the cuts, and a person uses it for processing wooden dishes, as well as the constant chewing pistachio resin cleans and strengthens the dental enamel. Even its resins are part of various ointments, with the help of which rheumatism, ulcers and wounds, burns and cracks on the skin are cured. Some modern pharmacists themselves are boiled from this resin ointment on old recipes. And wood pistachio tree Very firm. Previously, it was intensively cut down for shipbuilding, as well as from its roots, smoking pipes and other similar things were made.

Very growing in the Krasnodar region of juniper. Juniper belongs to the ancient genus of cypress. He appeared on Earth fifty million years ago and nevertheless lives so far. There is about seventy species of this plant, and twenty one species grows in Russia, five in Crimea. The types of it are very diverse - high, spiny, red Cossack, smelly and semi-shaped.

The first type of juniper is high. The village is up to fifteen meters in height, with a thick crown, his branches are quite thin and raised up. Cora has it dark color, Shishko - spherical berries, about one centimeter, and the color they have a pretty pleasant dark - purple. This type of juniper is growing relatively quickly from three to five years, loves light and heat, it can not dry for a long time. Live can up to fifty years.

Juniper red - it was called before the red cedar. Basically, he grows a six-eight meter trees with magnificent branches covered with barbed needles, and for it, he was given another name - the juniper spiny.

And the juniper smelly is called still fading. It is very similar to the juniper high, but he is twice as bigger than the berries and not dark, but brown. The smell of this plant is rather unpleasant. Juniper is very often used for therapeutic purposes. For this use mature fruits that are brought late in autumn. If they are dried, you can store such fruits up to three years. Juniper contains essential oilsas well as up to 40% sugar and acid. Never ointment and medicine do not cossack juniperHe is poisonous, it can be distinguished from another juniper on a hood surface, smell and dark - blue shade.

Also of all forests of the Krasnodar Territory, the Samshetoy - the most beautiful and mysterious. He affects all tourists with extraordinary beauty. A twilight always reigns in the thick leaves of Samshat, and with its branches in interesting strands hangs light and at the same time fluffy moss. Like in a fairy tale!

Samshat - green Tree With small leaves on the branches. Live this tree can more fifty years old. In height, it will grow to twenty meters, and in a width of about fifty centimeters. The tree grows too slowly - for a year about one millimeter, so its wood is too dense and rather heavy and easily sinking in water. It blooms with small flowers, which have a very nice bluffing smell. Sugit is shadowed, but he also needs moisture. Moss on the branches of Samshet preserves it. This plant blooms at the end of winter and early spring, and ripens in the middle of autumn. Sugit is very poisonous. Since his wood is very solid and valuable this kind of plant is listed in the Red Book, it is currently on the verge of extinction, so it is categorically impossible to cut down.

In Krasnodar forests, it grows pretty rare view Grapes - wild. He leaflets have round almost twisted, the mustache branching and grow spiral so that neighboring plants curl. Flowers grapes in early May, and matures late in autumn. The whisk before flowering is reset as a cap. Forest grapes have a very sour taste. This species is easily able to survive in adverse conditions. Use it and as a medicine - they are treated with the feet fungus. Wild forest grapes remained very little, it was also added to the list of endangered plant species.

(edition of 05/29/2014)

Vegetable world The edges are represented by broader (beech, oak) and dark mountains (fir, spruce) forests, subalpiy and alpine meadows. More than 3,000 species of plants are found here. Due to the relief and climatic conditions, the latitudinal and vertical zonality of vegetation is expressed. The main types of vegetation in the edge is flat and mountain.
The extensive part of the territory in the northern part of the region occupies steppe vegetation. It stretches from the borders of the Rostov region to the banks of the Kuban River. Now in places where steppe washed, drinking, Wika, Timofeevka, sprayed lands, corn, corn, sugar, sunflower, barley, sorghum, tickprove, and essential and vegetable, moleclaim, ethereal and vegetable and fringe crops are growing in place. Herbs possessing medical propertiesare specially grown on the fields as raw materials for the drug industry. On the banks of the rivers in the past there were a hazel, wild almonds, and the spiny Turn formed impassable thickets. Standing cuttings, forest fires destroyed a large amount of wood vegetation. Now, on the watertresses of the plains, you can meet oak, elder, elder, blackberry, and so on; According to the valleys of the rivers - willow, Ivu, black and white poplar, alder.

Within the Taman Peninsula, steppe vegetation is also found with the presence of sage, wormwood. On sandy shores, licorice is growing, syngue, alfalfa, Timofeevka, and sometimes you can even meet the barrier camel. Some of the rare thickets of trees and shrubs. In extensive plains, cultural vegetation is mainly germinated. Azovia is a smoothie and meadow-marsh complexes. Due to sufficient moisture, the limana of the priazia is rich in water vegetation. For example, this is a lily, a nifberry, water walnut, row, salvinia and varieties of algae. The shores of Limanov woven with reed, Rogoz and Kuga, which still has the name of Wollennaya wormwood. Not far from the town of Primorsko-Akhtarsk, near the hunting economy "Sadka", is one of the unique places in which the lotuses grow. This is a medicinal plant, and in Egypt and India, its fruits are eaten. A significant part of the marshes and small limans today is drained and used to grow rice. Plots of forest plants in the Azov region are found not far from the village of Marianskaya, in the protected hunting farm, Red Forest. Maple, apple tree, pear, poplar, willow, Village, and so on can be growing here. Sometimes you can meet oaks in 5 girth. Along the riverbed of the Kuban River and its left tributaries there are floodplain meadows with trees and shrubs. Forest residues in the floodplain of Kuban are also preserved in forest park areas. Among them, Pavlovsky and Kyrgyz floats, a red Kut forest painter, located in Krasnodar microdistricts.
The vegetation of the buying plain before the human intervention was wide forests of oak, beech and shrubs. Currently, the valley is a cut down slopes. The main part of the zubban of the plain is agricultural landscapes. According to the valleys of the Kuban rivers, Laba, White and their tributaries, Alder, Verba, Hawthorn, Kalina, Crushshnik, Tern, Bузина, Rosehip, are growing, and somewhere around the sea buckthorn. On the segment from the Krasnodar reservoir to the city of Krymsk, south of the Kuban River, stretches the progress of shower, which is almost completely occupied by rice checks and fields for growing other crops.
An important place in Kuban is a forest, as it has a large environmental value and is the main source of wood of valuable breeds of Russia. The total area of \u200b\u200bforests of the Krasnodar Territory is over 2.1 million hectares (22% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe region). While having industrial importance oak and beech arrays occupy respectively, 49 and 19% of the area of \u200b\u200ball forest forests. Most of the forests are located in the mountainous part of the Krasnodar Territory.
In the lowland the most common forests from different species Oak. Large square There are wild fruit, especially pear and apple tree. In the mountains of the forest form a mining belt. Within its four subjoints. The height of 500-600 m above sea level stretch the broader oak forests with the west of the oak cherry, the oak of Gatvis, the oak rock, the Caucasian grab, the ash of the high, maples of the red and field, Linden Caucasian, Chestnut. There are arrays of wild pears, apple trees, Alyci; On cutting - aspen. On the border of the forest, trees often grow along mountain rivers walnut. The undergrowths form a dogist, the caster, holding a tree. At altitudes from 600-700 to 1200-1300 m, beech forests are located with a predominance of the east beech, as well as hrybro, oak rock, yavor. A caucasian fir is mixed in the top of the subsidence to the beech. At 1200 to 2000 meters, darkened forests consisting of the Fir Caucasian (Nordman) and eaten east firing are growing at altitudes. At open solar sites, Pine Koch is found. Above 2000 meters is a subalpine cryproin with a powerful herbal cover. Here, hooked pine and the Caucasian fir alternate with the sections of the cryptionvar birch, beech, rowan, alder, juniper and Rhododendron Caucasian. Relic plants grow here. At an altitude of 2300-2500 m above sea level there is an alpine meadow belt. Due to the severe climate, herbal vegetation is lower and less diverse. Maximum height The herbs reaches 15 cm. Among them are some kinds of bells, chamem, taper, panyotine mint. Many plants are listed in the Red Book.
In the floral world of the coast, the juniper (often with an admixture of pistachio tupoliste) is presented. They are common from Anapa to the mouth of the Mesybe River (for Gelendzhik) and serve as a refuge of the ancient Mediterranean flora. Main species - Pistachio Tupoliste, Juniper High, Juniper stinky, honeysuckle Etruscan.
Taman Peninsula is in a smooth area. Therefore, forests there are practically no, but this does not mean that vegetable world In this area is poor. Limans and smoothly fucked with reed and other aquatic plants. Some lakes are bred by the Lotus Indian.

On the planet existed long before the emergence of a person. And for millions of years they had many wonderful opportunities to adapt as much as possible to one way or another ambient. Poisonousness of individual representatives of this kingdom is also one of the options to ensure optimal existence. After all, such plants and animals will not be, and the person will not turn again. To date, such representatives of the flora capable of producing and accumulating the poisons in themselves, there are more than 10 thousand.

In Russia, they are also a huge amount. Walking on meadows and forest edges, people do not even suspect that there are many dangerous plants around them. Some of them are very poisonous and can cause irreparable damage to our health - both physical and mental. Some of the similar representatives of the flora can even touch their hands, sniff, disrupt without any damage for themselves. However, plants are very dangerous. And it's better to try their taste.

Books are separate worthy. Including representatives of flora in the Krasnodar Territory. Around us significantly more species Plants, poisonous to one degree or another, than we can imagine, because familiar flowers, trees, grass, shrubs can be hostile to hostile. They may be even more dangerous for children, because the child's body is less stable and more exposed to toxins.

It is important to know at least the most common. poisonous plants Krasnodar Territory. This will help protect yourself from dangerous chemical burns or poisoning, which can be the result of innocent pleasure so harmless at first glance or beautiful grass For herbarium. How dangerous to the poisonous plants of the Krasnodar Territory? Photos and description of them are presented in this article.

Caucasian Yasenet

For an amazing ability, the asset is still called an unalized bipower, a fire-flower, as well as wild badyan. This is a small plant with a height of about 50 cm with dark green leaflets similar to ash, and large white or purple flowers are the most dangerous in the flora of the Krasnodar Territory. True, the harm carries ash only during his flowering, in May-June. In addition, he looks very attractive and harmless. However, his flowers are able to cause deep chemical burns, rash, inflammation. Moreover, due to the increased content of essential oils affects the human body, it is at a distance.


There are no less than 60 species of this biennial plant, and the individual can be eaten both animals and a person. Only Borschevik Sosnovsky pays a real danger. The leaves and fruits contain essential oils that can cause burns with blisters, the strongest allergic reactions in humans. Other names of poisonous plants from this family: Dyagil, Borzovka, Bursh. Depending on the type, the height can range from 0.2 m to 2.5 m, the leaves are very large, the flowers are small, collected in the form of an umbrella (white, bright pink, greenish-yellow).


Such perennial poisonous plants of the Krasnodar Territory also circulate at least 60 species. But unlike Borshevik, they are all dangerous. These are two-meter plants with powerful rhizome and flowers incorrect form. They are white, blue, yellow or violet flowers. There is an aconite and other names: a fighter, wolf, wolf root, strap-grass, black potion and others. If you believe the ancient Greek myths from the cycle about Hercules's exploits, then this plant has grown on the place where a poisonous saliva was dripped from the mouth of Cerper, near Akoni. Hence such a name. It should be borne in mind that all parts of the plant are dangerous, especially roots. And if the affected person will not be assisted in a timely manner, the outcome, unfortunately, will be lethal.


One of his names (srat) is perennial It turned out for the fact that the ancient Romans and Italians used flames juice to give the cheeks of a charming blush, and the eyes are a special shine. Yes, today in medicine (she is a cherry of crazy, pestions of Cherry - all this names of poisonous plants) is part of various drugs. The leaves from the arms of the egg-shaped shape, the berries of black and purple, externally resemble the cherry. However, it is the poisonous fruits that are considered the most dangerous, although the harm carries all the plant with the root system inclusive, causing various hallucinations, attacks of unreasonable laughter and excessive activity.

Bulchina black

For the Krasnodar Territory, this unpretentious poisonous shrub is not uncommon. It is possible to meet it almost everywhere in the fields and in the forests. The height of the elder can reach an average of 6 meters, the leaves are large, yellowish-white flowers, and fruit - black and purple. They, especially those who misunderstand, are most dangerous because they have a neurotoxic effect.

Benne Black

Such poisonous plants of Krasnodar are among the most common and meet can almost anywhere. Belen is enough high plant (up to one and a half meters) with thick gray-green leaves and fruits in the form of a box with dark brown seeds resembling poppy. White flowers are yellow, with purple streaks. The effect of using this plant in food is a strong heat, dry mouth, excitation, nonsense, increased activity.


Another dangerous representative of the family of the Parotnic - Queen Ordinary (smelly), annolete plant up to 1.5 meters high with dark green jazbed egg-shaped leaves and large white, in addition, there is dope and fruit in the form of a box covered with spikes and containing black seeds. Symptoms of poisoning similar to Belena. These poisonous plants of the Krasnodar Territory are also very common, they have long settled next to the person even within the city.

Lily of the valley

Many consider this elegant and usual plant with absolutely harmless. However, it is not. Moreover, a special danger is a red-orange landscape berries, the use of which in food leads to severe poisoning, accompanied by headache, coldly, sometimes cramps.


Especially common this plant has become recently. Performing a serious danger to allergies, it causes severe attacks of hay fever and migraine. This is one or a long-term grass height of about 2 meters with a powerful root system and large leaves. Flowers are five sublest, yellow or greenish.

Purple stepper

These two-year-old poisonous plants of the Krasnodar Territory are attracted to themselves, first of all, very remarkable and bright appearance, large flowers. That's just all parts of the thumbnail are poisonous, causing severe vomiting, cramps, weakness, nonsense, stopping blood circulation and even inventing to whom. therefore medical Help The affected people need necessarily and immediately.

It is extremely important to understand which plant is poisonous, and what is quite safe. So, we all the sign of Chiefly, the juice of which many generations missed the "combat" cuts of childhood, but when eating it is necessary to obtain the hardest poisoning with convulsions and the oppression of the central nervous system.

The roots and bark of acacia, which have been in food by negligence, can cause cardiovascular insufficiency and sharp mental disorders. Moreover, such symptoms are manifested not only in the elderly, but also in young, absolutely healthy people. Yes, and the common poppy, in particular opium varieties, is destroyed. It causes severe poisoning, similar in its symptoms with lesions from blemples black.

Therefore, it is so important to be attentive and not to touch even more familiar plants. And even more so do not taste them. Capture and the younger generation from such experiments. Of course, a description of poisonous plants can be continued for a long time. However, no matter how try, everyone will not remember anyway. But the most common poisonous plants of the Krasnodar Territory (some photos can be seen in the article) you need to know.