Why did the money tree drop its leaves. The main reasons why the leaves of the money tree become soft

Growing money tree at home, many flower growers are engaged. It is not difficult to take care of the plant, and besides, it will attract financial well-being, according to Feng Shui. But it happens that with proper care indoor flower starts to fade and fade. Why the money tree drops leaves is the topic of our article.

You will certainly succeed in restoring a wilted and limp crassula or a fat woman (another plant name). But for this you need to correctly determine what caused the appearance of this problem.

In fact, there are plenty of reasons. The leaves of the money tree turn yellow and fall due to mistakes made in the care of flower growers. Sometimes it's all about diseases or the invasion of pests.

You need to reanimate the fat woman after you clearly determine why she suddenly began to fade. To do this, you need to take a closer look at the most common causes of yellowing and leaf fall in Crassula.

Watering errors

Why the fat woman wither and fall leaves, it is difficult to determine immediately. Very often the main reason is improper wetting of the substrate. Some flower growers believe that it is not worth irrigating the soil composition of the crassula too often, since arid Africa is considered its homeland, and the plant itself is a succulent.

At the same time, if neglected at all or carried out very rarely, the leaves of the flower will begin to dry and fly around down. But it is not recommended to overfill the pot either: in this case, the water does not have time to be absorbed by the roots, and even the presence of drainage will not always help to remove excess liquid in time.

Such errors in care lead to active decay of the root system and wilting of the plant.

To prevent the death of this green specimen, irrigate the soil in a pot according to a certain pattern. It is recommended to water it after the earthen layer dries noticeably in the flowerpot. At the same time, humidification should take place slowly and gradually: in this way, water will be absorbed into, and a puddle will not appear on the pallet.

Wrong lighting

When the leaves of the fat woman crumble, you urgently need to reconsider the conditions that you provided to your flower. Soft foliage may turn yellow and wither if the indoor climate is not the most favorable. Great value for this plant has lighting.

You should not place it on a south window and generally leave it under open sunlight, especially on hot summer days. Burns in this case can not be avoided. If you want to grow your money tree exclusively in the southern part of the house, try to shade it in the summer. But the northern side of the dwelling is not the most the best choice, since the plant will have to be illuminated.

Sudden temperature changes

Crassula can go limp and start shedding leaves if the room has been drastically changed temperature regime. For example, you moved a plant from warm room on the balcony or, conversely, drafts are walking in the room, etc. All this will not have the most favorable effect on the health of the home flower.

If he stood on a frosty windowsill, wrinkled his face and began to simply disappear, it is unlikely that he will be able to revive him. In this case, cut the cuttings from the stem and start rooting them so that the money tree does not completely disappear from your flower collection.

When the leaves on the trunk of the plant break off and fall off due to sudden temperature changes, do not rush to throw it away: it is possible that the lost shoots will be replaced by young shoots. In any case, it is necessary to try to bring the flower back to life. But in the future, try to avoid such failures in the temperature regime.

Presence of diseases and pests

The plant is getting old

When bottom sheets dry and fall off, this sometimes indicates natural aging. No matter how competent the care of the flower is, sooner or later the green specimen still throws off the old foliage to replace it with young shoots. In this case, you need the dead parts of the plant and expect its further growth.

Video "How to properly care for a fat woman"

Video on how to grow a money tree, care features.

How to save the situation

Treatment of the money tree should begin with the adjustment of watering. Let the earth coma dry and then resume watering the substrate, but try to follow the basic guidelines so as not to harm the flower again. In winter, do not forget to reduce the frequency of watering. Another key point: keep the plant away from heaters and radiators so that the leaves do not dry out prematurely.

If you have had a fat woman in your house for a long time - a money tree, then you probably noticed that from time to time the leaves of this plant can fall off, wither, turn yellow or dry. And it happens the other way around - the leaves are poured, become fleshy, with a bright green tint, their number grows and grows. What is the reason? So it turns out that money tree leaves are an indicator of an increase or decrease in your income. For example, at the moment when you make a large purchase, the money tree sheds its leaves, and this is understandable - after all, the amount in your wallet or bank account has decreased significantly. But when incomes grow steadily, then the growth of your financial "talisman" is also noted.

Can this be influenced, you ask? Of course - your care, love and faith in will help him to smell fragrant and delight you to the fullest with a full wallet. It is not for nothing that this plant was called a fat woman - with it your income has a huge potential, thanks to which wallets get fatter, and more and more zeros are added to bank accounts.

Money tree - leaves fall. What to do?

There are many reasons, why do the leaves of the money tree fall. One of the most common is too abundant watering of the flower. Remember that this tree does not like excess moisture, in summer it is enough to water it every 2-3 days, keeping the soil slightly moist, but in winter only a few times a month, waiting until the soil is completely dry.

The second reason is not enough wet air. This is especially true during the heating period, when the air in apartments and even private houses is too dry. Actually, in winter period slows down growth, fewer new leaves and sprouts appear on it, so you should not allow high temperatures and spray as often as possible. money tree leaves. At night, this plant feels most comfortable in the same conditions as the human body - the room should be ventilated, and the air in it should be cool.

Crassula leaves fall and from an excess of salts and mineral fertilizers, so you should be careful about their dosages when feeding the plant.

Money tree - leaves wither and dry. Reasons and solution

Crassula leaves wither, dry and turn yellow most often in the heat, especially if the plant is in direct sunlight. In summer, the money tree is most comfortable in the heat in the open air, so that there is enough light, but not too sunny. You can take a fat woman out to a balcony, terrace, garden or courtyard in the spring, and bring it back in early autumn. Make sure that the plant does not fall under heavy rain - from excess moisture root system may begin to rot, but the leaves of the money tree - wither and turn pale.

Leaves of the money tree - round, thick, large

In order for them to really be like that, one should look and listen to the plant as often as possible - it’s not strange, but it always gives signs to its owners, as if signaling that it needs attention. Do not miss this moment, resuscitate it in time, transplant the money tree, feed it properly, streamline watering. It may happen that the plant is simply uncomfortable in the place where you put it and then money tree sheds leaves to make you fuss. As we mentioned in the article, the best place for this flower is the southeast side, try rearranging the flower there and you will notice how it comes to life, bringing new blessings to your home.

Do not let the defender of your financial stability die undeservedly, give him your attention, affection and care, talk to him, agree on mutual support, and the results will not be long in coming.

The leaves of the money tree fall in the event that the conditions of detention do not meet the standards. Excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system. Culture sheds foliage, trying to get rid of water ballast. Lack of moisture, on the contrary, leads to their withering, loss of elasticity.

The fat woman does not like direct sunlight. Leaves under their influence lose viability. An excess of mineral fertilizers adversely affects the course of metabolic processes. Often, pests cause diseases that lead to yellowing and leaf fall. Also, leaf fall can begin due to natural aging.

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    Disease symptoms

    Any flower living indoors is in unnatural conditions. The plant must live in the wild.

    At home, it is impossible to thoroughly create this. Therefore, culture begins to respond to unsuitable conditions with appropriate external signs.

    bad development

    The slow development of the fat woman is due to the following reasons:

    • bad light;
    • insufficient drainage;
    • poor watering during active growth;
    • there is no coolness during the dormant period.

    If these factors are eliminated, growth will increase. For the formation lush crown shoots pinch. This stimulates growth points.

    For rapid development money tree needs the right balance of lighting. The fat woman loves the light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

    leaf fall

    Considering that Crassula reproduces by leaves, their shedding indicates that the conditions are unfavorable. If a plant sheds leaves, then it is going to leave offspring. The leaves of the money tree fall for the following reasons:

    • during winter dormancy, poor lighting and excessive soil moisture;
    • increased dryness of the earthy coma of the root system;
    • watering from a tap cold water.
    • excess fertilizer in the soil.

    To prevent the leaves from falling off the branches, it is necessary to water with settled water. Fertilizing the soil in moderation will reduce the number of leaf litter. AT winter time the number of waterings is reduced to 1-2 per month, and the room temperature is maintained at 15 degrees.

    trunk rot

    The plant naturally grows in an arid climate, so it stores moisture for future use. If the soil has been over-watered, then the trunk and root system begin to rot.

    If this happens, then the flower needs to be transplanted urgently. To do this, the root system is examined, the affected areas are removed, and the survivors are planted in the ground. The growth of a new plant begins.

    A rotten trunk cannot be reanimated and saved.

    Leaves turn yellow

    Often a pot with a money tree is placed on a windowsill facing north. The yellowing of the leaves is due to insufficient lighting. If the leaves turn yellow and dry, you need to pay attention to artificial light.

    In summer, the best place for Crassula is a loggia or garden. It provides moderate humidity and lighting.

    Yellowing leaves

    Leaves are limp and soft

    If the leaves become lethargic, soft and thin, and the money tree wilts, then the matter is in the wrong watering. The root system does not withstand both dryness and waterlogging. The soil must have good drainage.

    The plant is affected by solar insolation. If the culture has just been transplanted, then the process of wrinkling the roots may begin. They lack the moisture that is present in the soil.

    Black spots on leaves

    Black spots on the leaves appear as a result of sunburn. Over time, they crumble. This happens due to a fungal disease. It is better to immediately remove all the leaves, and treat the trunk with the drug. New growth points will appear at the pinching site.

    Ventilation of the room will help to cope with such a problem, since the cause of its occurrence is high humidity.

    Black spots on leaves

    Leaf reddening

    Redness is caused by bright sunlight. They also turn red from moving the pot from a shaded place to a sunny windowsill. As soon as the leaves turn red, you need to hang a curtain on the window. After that, they will soon turn green. Sometimes the leaves turn red on the underside. This is due to insufficient watering.

    In the case of reddening and wilting of the leaves, when they are wrinkled, this means that a sunburn has occurred. The money tree is treated with biostimulants, such as Epin.

    Leaf reddening


    Home care does not require special knowledge. The place for the flower is chosen from the south side. It should be spacious and lit. late spring and early autumn, in warm time, the tree can be taken out to fresh air. In summer, the crop withstands heat well at 20-25 degrees, but spraying is required. In winter, the temperature in the room is maintained at 10 degrees, but the fat woman can withstand 0 degrees.

    Watering in the summer is carried out as the soil dries. Water is taken room temperature. It is rarely watered in winter, the soil is moistened to a depth of 2-3 cm. The money tree needs to be regularly sprayed with water and wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. This gives them elasticity and saturates them with oxygen.

    Culture does not need constant fertilizer. Top dressing is carried out during the growing season once. It is not held at all in autumn and winter. The root system is located in the upper layers of the earth, and it can be burned with preparations. Therefore, liquid fertilizer is diluted in water and poured onto moist soil.


    Pests that attack Crassula:

    • mealy and root bug;
    • shields and false shields;
    • spider and greenhouse mite;
    • nematodes.

    Mealybug has a length of 3-5 mm. Inhabits the leaf axils. They fight with it with the help of a directed jet of air. Then the plant is rubbed with tincture of garlic or calendula.

    The horse bug settles in the ground on the root part, which makes it difficult to detect. Easily crawls from one pot to another. To get rid of it, a jet of water is sent to the root. Treatment with chemical solutions "Fufanon" or "Aktellik" is possible.

    Scale insects and false scale insects settle on the trunk and leaves. They are difficult to recognize because they have the same color as the plant. These pests are not affected by drugs, so they are destroyed by scraping. Then the treatment is carried out with garlic tincture on vodka. You can wash with kerosene.

    Spider and greenhouse mites settle on young shoots. The reason for their occurrence is dryness. To get rid of them, you need to water the plant with cold water. It is allowed to use infusions of garlic, potatoes or chamomile.

    Nematodes settle on the root of the plant. The affected culture begins to grow poorly or stops development altogether. When transplanting, the root is inspected and the affected part is removed.


    The culture is affected by fungal and bacterial infections. This happens in winter, when the temperature is lowered and daylight hours become short.

    Fungal diseases begin at the root, and then quickly move up. There are spots on the surface of the wood. The leaves become wrinkled. For prevention, the flower should be watered twice a year with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    Bacterial diseases do not outwardly differ from fungal diseases. They are treated with fungicides and antibiotics by spraying.

    Bacterial diseases

    The fat woman is beautiful and unpretentious plant. In the process of growing, the culture does not require special attention. All work is kept to a minimum. To properly care for it, you need to water it, spray it, withstand it from time to time. optimal temperature and lighting.

Crassula, money tree, crassula, zhiryanka - this is the favorite of many beginners and experienced flower growers. The plant is valued for its exotic appearance and unpretentious nature, it is considered a talisman of financial well-being and prosperity. But what to do when the leaves fall off the fat woman? How to treat the disease? In this case, you must immediately begin resuscitation measures.

Why does the fat woman fall leaves?

Sometimes a healthy fat woman begins to crumble leaves. If there are not many fallen, then this is a completely natural process of updating the crown replacing old leaves with new ones. At healthy plants this process goes unnoticed and does not cause trouble for the grower. It’s just that new elastic shoots make their way from the leaf axils, the old leaves fall off, making room for young leaves and branches. Those that have fallen to the ground begin to grow and give rise to new small plants. This is how the vegetative reproduction of the fat woman occurs.

Most often, the leaves of the money tree fall off in autumn and winter, when the length of daylight hours decreases and the tree receives less light. The reason in spring days is the renewal of the crown and the growth of new shoots. In summer, the plant sheds its leaves due to the hot, dry air and the best scorching sun. There are other reasons for shedding such as pest infestations, fungi, sunburn or excess moisture.

The fat woman withers

Crassula diseases: symptoms, causes, treatment

The fat woman has strong immunity, but in adverse conditions begins to wither and shed leaves. The characteristics of the main diseases of the fat woman are presented in the following table.

Causes of diseases Disease symptoms
Violation of the irrigation regime
  • the leaves became soft / withered, turned yellow and began to fall off;
  • the trunk and roots of the plant are rotten;
  • the fat woman shed healthy leaves
Violation of the light regime
  • the leaves lost their elasticity, turned red and began to crumble;
  • round black spots appeared;
  • the flower stretched out and lost its former attractiveness
Fungi and pests
  • plant covered with brown spots irregular shape;
  • convex brown or yellowish growths appeared on the leaves, similar to dill seeds;
  • yellowish spots, cobwebs appeared between the leaves;
  • cotton-like growths appeared on the plant

If you have at least one of the above symptoms the tree needs to be saved. Timely measures will help to reanimate the fat woman, prevent the death of the plant and restore its former beauty.

The leaves have become soft and yellowed. The money tree sheds its leaves.

The fat woman came to us from the desert regions of Africa, so she does not tolerate frequent and abundant watering. If you thoroughly fill the plant with water, it will turn yellow and shed some of the leaves. To save this African beauty from death dry the soil thoroughly in a pot and reconsider its watering regimen.

In summer, a fat woman should be watered no more than 1-2 times a week, and in winter - no more than 1-2 times a month. You need to water the plant only after the earth in the pot has completely dried, otherwise the flower will turn yellow and begin to shed its leaves.

The trunk and roots of the plant are rotten. What to do?

If you regularly fill the money tree with water, then very soon its trunk and roots will begin to rot, and the leaves will crumble. sick the plant needs to be urgently transplanted into a pot with dry soil, critically examining the roots and cutting off the rotten tips to healthy areas. Cut points should be powdered wood ash and then plant the plant in a new substrate. A rotten trunk, unfortunately, is almost impossible to restore.

The leaves withered and began to crumble

The reason may be rare watering in hot weather, proximity to heating appliances(batteries, heaters) and exposure to direct sunlight. To help the fat girl, in the warm season take it out to fresh air: to the garden, courtyard or balcony. Choose a place that is not too sunny for your pet, where she will feel comfortable.

The fat woman withers

The fat woman shed healthy leaves

The heat-loving fat woman does not like being poured with cold water or kept in a draft, and tries to draw the owner's attention to this problem by shedding healthy, juicy leaves. To save the surviving part of the crown, you need to find a quiet and peaceful place for the tree, away from drafts, and water it with water at room temperature.

The leaves lost their elasticity, turned red and began to crumble

Despite its African origin, the fat woman does not tolerate scorching sunlight, from which it turns red and sheds leaves. Most often this happens after moving the flower from a shaded corner to a sun-drenched window sill. To save the money tree, you need to shade the window glass with a curtain, film or newspaper, and burnt by the sun, fertilize reddened leaves with complex fertilizer or spray with a biostimulant. To do this, you can use the universal fertilizer "Epin" to restore plants.

When processing a money tree with Epin fertilizer, follow the instructions clearly. This drug is very active, and it must be added literally drop by drop, dissolving them in a glass of water.

Round black spots appeared on the leaves

If direct sunlight is able to color the leaves of the crassula red, then prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can lead to serious damage to the plate and the appearance of ugly black spots on the leaves. To save a home flower, you need to rearrange it away from the window, or shade window glass. Plant shading will help solve the problem, but the affected leaves cannot be saved and over time they will fall off.

Crassula leaf burn

In winter, the flower stretched out and lost its former attractiveness.

If the fat woman does not have enough light, it begins to stretch upwards, its internodes are drawn out, the stem becomes thinner and the plant loses its attractiveness. The problem is exacerbated by abundant watering in winter. To save the flower, you need to rearrange it to another place, closer to the source of daylight.

The green plant was covered with brown spots of irregular shape. How to save?

It happens that brown spots appear on the money tree, which gradually cover the entire plant. Eventually the flower dies. Why is this happening? The reason is gray or wet rot Biotytis cinema. To stop the spread of rot, you should increase the ventilation of the room and reduce watering. Areas affected by rot must be cut off, and disinfect the cut points thoroughly. If the disease has gone too far, it remains only to re-root the plant or cut it.

The fungus actively develops in wet rooms and does not like dry air. To prevent its occurrence, you should ventilate the rooms more often and mulch the soil surface.

Convex brown or yellowish growths appeared on the leaves, similar to dill seeds.

Sometimes the green leaves begin to turn yellow - such outgrowths are left by the scale insect - a semi-hard-winged insect of the worm family, which attacks the money tree with great pleasure. It is not difficult to fight this scourge:

  • take a soft brush, moisten it with alcohol or kerosene and remove stains;
  • wipe the leaves of the plant with soapy foam and rinse them well clean water;
  • treat the flower with insecticides, such as Fufanon, Fitoverm, etc.

The scale is impossible to recognize at an early stage of the lesion. And only when brown plaques appear on the plant, the infection of the flower becomes obvious.

The leaves of the plant covered yellowish spots, a web appeared

Cobwebs and yellowish spots on the leaves of the money tree are left by a tiny pest - spider mite . It is more difficult to deal with this pest than with a scale insect. The easiest way is to buy a complex preparation such as "Neoron", "Rogor" or "Aktellika" in the store and spray the plant according to the instructions. At an early stage, regular spraying with a tobacco, soap or garlic solution will help.

Spider mite develops well in warm, dry rooms. To prevent its occurrence, you should regularly spray the money tree from a spray bottle with fresh water.

Cotton-like growths appeared on the plant

A white coating in the axils of the leaves, resembling cotton wool, indicates that the plant has settled mealybug. The mealybug is a member of the Hemiptera family, the superfamily of mealybugs. The pest feeds on the juice of young shoots. At the same time, the growth of the plant slows down, the leaves fall off, and the shoots are deformed.

Mealybug attacked a fat woman

  • carefully inspect the flower, remove the worms with a soft brush dipped in concentrated soapy water, or wash them off warm water from the soul;
  • whip into foam laundry soap and treat the whole plant with this foam;
  • rinse the flower thoroughly with running water;
  • Spray the flower 3-4 times with infusion of tobacco, garlic, decoction of cyclamen tubers.

If the defeat has become significant, after cleaning the plant from worms, spray it with Actellik.

In this way, fat woman is an unpretentious plant, which, with proper care, will delight the owner for many years. The plant may react to the violation of lighting and watering regimes, the appearance of fungi and mold by the appearance of spots on the leaves and their shedding, rotting of the trunk and roots. Most diseases of the fat woman are treatable.

The leaves of the fat woman fall off, and you cannot find the reason for this phenomenon, which is unpleasant for you? Do not panic here, we will tell you how to solve this problem. Krasula, fat woman or another variant of the name money tree is still a houseplant that is quite unpretentious in its care. What does she lack then, you say? Yes, a similar problem of leaf fall in a fat woman is quite common. And in this case, as a rule, there can be two main reasons for this trouble. Let's talk about them, and at the same time find out what can be done so that this does not happen in the future.

If the leaves of the fat woman fall. Why does this happen and how can it be prevented?

And so, the first reason is quite simple, and applies to many houseplants that are already being looked after too much - this is excessive watering, which leads to stagnation of water in the lower part of the pot with poor drainage system. Then your "money tree" was struck by Fusarium rot. With this disease, the roots of the plant rot, and at the same time, a pink-white coating forms on the root collar, and after that the leaves also suffer. In order for the plant to be saved, it must be transplanted into new soil, while it is very important to free it from the old, old soil and cut off already rotten roots (read about when and how to transplant other plants correctly). Further. To prevent such an attack from happening again, alternate watering with drying an earthen clod in a pot.

The second reason, if the leaves of the fat woman fall off, is an excess amount of mineral salts into the soil or their quantity in fertilizer irrigation. In such a case, transplanting the plant into fresh soil will again help you.

Prolonged heat can also be the cause of leaf fall in a fat woman, however, like many other indoor plants. A plant, when it falls into abnormal conditions for it, strives for one thing - to give offspring. This is especially evident in those who are ill. In the money tree, one of the methods of vegetative propagation is just propagation by leaves. Therefore, the fat woman sheds outwardly healthy, still green leaves, and after a while a small plant forms at the very base of the leaf.

If all the leaves of the fat woman have fallen off, then you can wait for the formation of lateral shoots or cut off the upper part of the stem from the plant and root it.

A fat woman at home loves to bask in the sun!

If the sun is a fairly frequent visitor in your apartment and there is pure water, then the maintenance and care of the money tree will not be difficult for you.

Most appropriate place for this plant, these are southeastern or southern (in summer it is imperative to shade from the scorching sun!) Windows. Windows on the east side will also come down, but certainly not on the north, where there is a lack of sunlight (Are there smudges on the windowsill from flowers? It's okay, about how to clean plastic window sill You can also read it on our website.

Watering should be moderate, after the earthen ball in the pot is completely dry. If such drying happens only after two weeks, there is nothing to worry about, so you need to water it once every two weeks.

During the winter period, the fat woman must be kept cool to avoid stretching her shoots and, again, leaf fall, so not loved by flower growers. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out a rare watering of the plant and make sure that the earthen coma does not dry out.

To the composition of the soil, the fat woman is not quite demanding. The money tree feels pretty good in a mixture consisting of sod, leaf, peat land and coarse sand (the ratio here may be the following 1:1:0.5:1). The horse system is superficial, so you need to plant the plant in shallow, but wide pots, and transplant in the spring.

If the leaves of the fat woman fall. Useful additives to the soil during planting.

What needs to be added to the soil when planting is crushed charcoal. It will help prevent root rot from overwatering. As well as acidification of the soil. Even when planting, be sure to make good drainage. It must be at least two centimeters. For these purposes, it is easier, and it is best to use expanded clay.

If all these conditions are met, you will no longer puzzle over what to do. If the leaves of the fat woman fall.

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At the end of the article, watch the video advice on our topic “Money Tree: How to Care and Grow?”, Perhaps it will help you once again understand what you need and do not need to do if the leaves of the fat woman fall off. and so, let's see:

If you have had a fat woman in your house for a long time - a money tree, then you probably noticed that from time to time the leaves of this plant can fall off, wither, turn yellow or dry. And it happens the other way around - the leaves are poured, become fleshy, with a bright green tint, their number grows and grows. What is the reason? So it turns out that money tree leaves are an indicator of an increase or decrease in your income. For example, at the moment when you make a large purchase, the money tree sheds its leaves, and this is understandable - after all, the amount in your wallet or bank account has decreased significantly. But when incomes grow steadily, then the growth of your financial "talisman" is also noted.

Can this be influenced, you ask? Of course - your care, love and faith in will help him to smell fragrant and delight you to the fullest with a full wallet. It is not for nothing that this plant was called a fat woman - with it your income has a huge potential, thanks to which wallets get fatter, and more and more zeros are added to bank accounts.

Money tree - leaves fall. What to do?

There are many reasons, why do the leaves of the money tree fall. One of the most common is too abundant watering of the flower. Remember that this tree does not like excess moisture, in summer it is enough to water it every 2-3 days, keeping the soil slightly moist, but in winter only a few times a month, waiting until the soil is completely dry.

The second reason is insufficiently humid air. This is especially true during the heating period, when the air in apartments and even private houses is too dry. Actually, in winter it slows down growth, fewer new leaves and sprouts appear on it, so high temperatures should be avoided and sprayed as often as possible. money tree leaves. At night, this plant feels most comfortable in the same conditions as the human body - the room should be ventilated, and the air in it should be cool.

Crassula leaves also fall from excess salts and mineral fertilizers, so you should be careful about their dosages when feeding the plant.

Money tree - leaves wither and dry. Reasons and solution

Crassula leaves wither, dry and turn yellow most often in the heat, especially if the plant is in direct sunlight. In summer, the money tree is most comfortable in the heat in the open air, so that there is enough light, but not too sunny. You can take a fat woman out to a balcony, terrace, garden or courtyard in the spring, and bring it back in early autumn. Make sure that the plant does not fall under heavy rain - from excess moisture, the root system may begin to rot, but the leaves of the money tree - wither and turn pale.

Leaves of the money tree - round, thick, large

In order for them to really be like that, one should look and listen to the plant as often as possible - it’s not strange, but it always gives signs to its owners, as if signaling that it needs attention. Do not miss this moment, resuscitate it in time, transplant the money tree, feed it properly, streamline watering. It may happen that the plant is simply uncomfortable in the place where you put it and then money tree sheds leaves to make you fuss. As we mentioned in the article, the best place for this flower is the southeast side, try rearranging the flower there and you will notice how it comes to life, bringing new blessings to your home.

Do not let the defender of your financial stability die undeservedly, give him your attention, affection and care, talk to him, agree on mutual support, and the results will not be long in coming.

A lot is connected with the Fat Woman or the Money Tree, as they used to call it. It is believed that the fleshy large leaves of the Money Tree bring prosperity to the house. How larger leaves the more money the family will have. Despite the fact that the Fat Woman is very unpretentious in care, “incidents” sometimes happen to her: the leaves fall off or the leaves of the Money Tree turn yellow or redden. How to help him and what is the reason?

Money tree - leaves fall

Only improper care of the Crassula can cause yellowness or leaf fall. And according to superstition: the leaves of the Money Tree are falling, which means that wealth is leaving the house. To prevent this from happening, let's properly care for the Money Tree:

  • Give Money Tree Access fresh air , ventilate the room more often. Just make sure that the Tolstyanka does not stand in a draft.
  • In winter, keep the plant in a cool room, the most ideal winter temperature is +15°C.
  • For the Money Tree to have healthy, glossy leaves, give him good lighting. It loves the sun, but in the summer be sure to cover it from the direct rays of the sun, otherwise the leaves will get burned. The burned leaves of the Money Tree will begin to fall off.
  • Don't overfill your Fatty. It should be watered rarely, but plentifully, allowing the earthy coma to dry out almost completely. During watering, the leaves of the Money Tree are saturated with moisture, the supply of which is enough for a long time. Remember that this is a succulent plant.
  • One of the reasons why leaves fall on a money tree is a disease: fusarium rot, which occurs due to constant waterlogging of the soil. At the money tree, the roots begin to hurt and rot, the leaves fall, and the plant itself may die.
  • When landing Fatty, be sure to put a drainage layer of their pebbles or expanded clay on the bottom of the pot. Add to soil charcoal. Check the roots, remove all diseased ones.
  • Don't overfeed the plant. Feeding once a month with fertilizer for succulent plants will be enough.
  • High temperatures, especially in summer, can also cause the leaves of the money tree to fall off.

As a rule, any plant in adverse conditions tries to give offspring faster. And in a money tree, each leaf is able to take root quickly. So, under adverse conditions, the Fat Woman tries to shed her leaves and give offspring as soon as possible from each fallen leaf.


The money tree is indoor plant, which is associated with a large number folk signs and superstition. For example, to the question “Why does the money tree shed its leaves?”, You can get a variety of answers, mentioning negative energy, spoilage, and various phytopathologies. So how do you understand what is the reason for this phenomenon?

Money tree as an indicator of your finances

Speaking about the superstitions associated with this plant, it should be noted that it is considered a talisman that brings financial well-being. So, if a money tree (it's a fat woman) sheds leaves, this can happen after major expenses in your home - repairing or buying furniture. Thus, the fat woman shows the state of your bank account. If significant income is expected, the money tree begins to grow and delight its owners with fresh leaves and shoots. Of course, there is no evidence or serious grounds for such an explanation. And it is better to listen to what flower growers and phytopathologists are talking about.

Improper plant care

If the leaves of the money tree fall, then the reason may be:

  • Excessive watering, which leads to the fact that water stagnates in the lower part of the pot and becomes a risk factor for the development of various diseases.
  • Excessive amount of fertilizers containing mineral salts.
  • Prolonged heat can also cause leaf fall. Indeed, just like other plants, a money tree, falling into abnormal conditions for itself, strives to give offspring as soon as possible. Crassula usually reproduces vegetatively, that is, leaves. That is why she drops them - soon after that you will be able to notice the formation of a small plant at the base of each leaf.

Fusarium rot: how to deal with it

Sometimes the cause of leaf fall is the so-called Fusarium rot. This disease develops as a result of excessive watering, provided that the drainage system is poor. Fusarium rot can be diagnosed by the presence of a pink-white bloom on the root collar. The fact is that with this disease, the roots are first affected, then the trunk and leaves. You can save the plant if you transplant it into new soil. However, at the same time, it is necessary to completely free it from the old soil, and cut the already rotten roots. To avoid such a misfortune in the future, watering should be alternated with drying an earthen clod in a pot.

How to deal with the problem?

If the leaves fall, then you first need to establish the cause of this phenomenon. After that, you can proceed to specific actions. First of all, provide the money tree with suitable conditions. The fat woman is well disposed to the sun, loves ventilated rooms and watering with clean water.

If the leaves have fallen off due to excessive amounts of fertilizer, then the money tree must be transplanted into fresh soil. This is the only way you can eliminate the source of the problem. When transplanting, remember that the plant is not demanding on the soil, but feels especially comfortable in a universal mixture of leaf, sod and peat soil with coarse sand (the proportion should be 1:1:0.5:1). In addition, the drainage layer is very important here. It should be at least 2 cm, and it is best to use expanded clay for it. Crushed charcoal or activated charcoal is used as an additive to the soil; its bactericidal properties will prevent the formation of rot. It is better to transplant the plant into a shallow pot, this best option for a similar root system.

Why did the money tree fall? The most common sign that a fat woman is sick is dropping leaves. For tree-like crassulas, this process is not terrible. But this is only if the leaves fall from the old part of the tree. If healthy leaves are dropped, then here it is already necessary to look for the reason why this is happening and eliminate it.

Like a succulent, a fat woman has the ability to accumulate moisture in its tissues. Too much frequent watering leads to rotting of the roots, withering of the plant and then fat lady sheds leaves. For Crassula, moderate watering is suitable as the earthen coma dries out in a pot.
In winter, the fat woman is at rest and is watered 1-2 times a month, depending on where it is kept.

What to do if the leaves fall?

It is very important to pay attention to the fact that it is better not to add water than to fill the earth in a pot. Because, with abundant watering, the root system rots and the crassula dies.

To save the money tree if the roots are rotten should be transplanted immediately.

To do this, they get rid of the old earth, remove rotten roots, cut the slices with crushed coal and transplant into a smaller one and with good drainage, flowerpot. The substrate must be moist and consist of soddy, leafy, peaty soil and coarse sand (the ratio here is possibly the following 1:1:0.5:1).

Another sign of excess moisture and rotting of the root system is that trunk is soft. To save Crassula, you must immediately transplant it.

If you neglect the rules of care and water the money tree abundantly, then, from the stagnation of water in the soil, there is fusarium rot. The roots of the plant rot and a pale pink bloom forms on the root neck. After that, the leaves become wadded, wrinkled. New shoots appear, but immediately fall off. To stop the spread of rot, it is necessary to adjust the watering and use a suspension of foundationazole (2 g per liter of water) to treat the fat woman. Only a transplant can protect Crassula.

Prolonged heat can also cause falling leaves from the bastard. Outwardly healthy leaves are discarded, in place of which, after a while, new leaves grow. The fat woman does not like watering with cold water from the tap. Water should be warm and settled.

In the heat, if there is not enough watering, and especially if the fat woman is in direct sunlight, leaves turn yellow and fall off.

If on a fat woman leaves are soft and limp, then this means that they watered too often. It is necessary to stop watering before the soil in the pot dries. It is very important to choose a flowerpot for planting, always with a hole at the bottom. Place at least 2 cm of drainage at the bottom - pebbles, expanded clay or even broken bricks.

brown and yellow spots on the leaves of the fat woman may indicate that the fat woman is affected by a bacterial or fungal infection. It is recommended to inspect it, remove diseased leaves and treat it with a complex preparation to fight bacterial and fungal infections.

Leaf blackening occurs because the money tree is not protected from direct sunlight. Black spots are sunburns. In such cases, immediately remove the plant under a canopy.

If on the money tree wrinkled leaves then it lacks moisture. Watering should be adjusted and the leaves will become healthy. It should be noted that with insufficient watering, a fat woman can also dry leaves.

It happens very often in the autumn-winter period that Crassula is healthy, but leaves fall. This means that there is a need for additional lighting. The fat woman is transferred to a light windowsill, preferably from the southeast side. And if this does not solve the problem, then additional artificial lighting is used.

Upper layer the skin of a leaf of a fat woman, over time, ages and crumbles. Formed silvery plaque, which many take for a disease. But, there is no need to be scared, this is a natural process. When appeared on the leaves white coating , then this indicates a suspicion of infection with a tick. If this plaque smells like mold, then it is a fungus, perhaps powdery mildew, and it is necessary to carry out the treatment with Fundazol or Fitosporin. If there is no smell, then these are ticks and the treatment is carried out with Aktara, Fitoverm.

Sometimes money tree withers. Then it needs to be examined, and if the roots have rotted from overflow, then a transplant is inevitable. Be sure to put Crassula in diffused light and water a little from the pallet during the first month. The problem here is poor lighting.

Very often, at the beginning of spring, the leaves on the money tree turn red. Daylight is increasing, there is more light. In Crassula, the process of photosynthesis can be disrupted - the green pigment chloroform is destroyed and replaced by other enzymes. It is necessary to follow, if only the leaves of the fat woman have become red, then they should be removed from a well-lit window deep into the room. And in a few days the leaves will turn green again.

It happens that money tree has small leaves. This happens when there is a lack of light or when there is a lack of nutrients. For fertilizer, a special top dressing for succulents is used and care should be taken that there is less nitrogen than phosphorus and potassium. Since, an excess of nitrogen leads to root rot.


Another problem that the fat woman faces is pests. The most common are scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites and thrips.

When it started up on the Crassula scab, then it is immediately noticeable by brown or yellowish spots on the leaves. The affected areas are treated with alcohol or kerosene, then washed with soapy water, and then with clean water. Rubbing the leaves with vodka every 5-7 days gives a good effect. Of the chemical preparations, Fitoverm, Arrivo, Fufanon are suitable.

spider mite noticeable even to the naked eye. These are small white or red bugs. First, yellow spots appear, then the leaves of the fat woman turn brown, a dry brown crust forms. To combat the tick, the drugs "Karate", "Fitoverm", "Agravertin" are recommended. Among folk remedies you can use the treatment with soapy water, as well as garlic and tobacco infusions.

Mealybug located on the roots and leaves of the fat woman in the form of formations that resemble cotton wool. It is enough to wash it off with water and wipe the places with alcohol or tincture of garlic. For credibility, you can still process the plant by special means- Aktara, Tiofos, Vertimek, Mospilan, Fitoverm. If the roots are damaged, then you need to transplant the fat woman, holding the roots for 15 minutes in a solution of any of the above drugs.

Very often in summer heat the fat girl is striking thrips. In this case, the leaves turn yellow and a slight silver sheen appears. If the infection is severe, then the leaves turn yellow and fall off. In this case, you can wash and spray Crassula with an infusion of garlic (dilute 1 teaspoon of chopped garlic in 1 glass of water) or treat with insecticidal preparations (Decis, Karate, Fitoverm).

When the fat woman stretched out a lot, then this indicates poor lighting in the room. To eliminate this cause, you just need to rearrange it to a brighter place.

How to save if the plant began to die?

First of all, it is desirable to find out and eliminate the cause from which it dies. If the trunk of the money tree has become sluggish and leans down, the leaves fall off, then in this case it is urgent to transplant the fat woman. To do this, take it out of the pot, rinse it under running water, inspect the roots and remove the rotten ones. It is very important not to forget to sprinkle the root sections with crushed activated charcoal. Next, you need to let the roots dry and then plant the fat woman in a flowerpot with moist soil, not forgetting, at the same time, to put at least a two-centimeter layer of drainage on the bottom. Do not water until the coma dries. After that, it is recommended to use a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin for irrigation.
Crassula is taken out to a well-lit place, covered from direct sunlight.

To reanimate the money tree, you can add Epin or Zircon biostimulants to the water for irrigation.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that Crassula is easy to care for and all diseases of this plant occur only through the fault of its owners. If you follow all the recommendations for caring for Crassula, then she will thank for this not only with her beautiful aesthetic appearance, but also with amazing flowering.

A photo

Next you can see photos of diseases and pests of the fat woman (money tree):