Yan which means. Yin and Yang in Chinese Culture: A

The pure substance yang is transmuted in the sky; the muddy yin substance is transformed in the earth ... The sun is the yang substance, and the moon is the yin substance ... The yin substance is rest, and the yang substance is mobility. The yang substance gives birth, and the yin substance cultivates ...
"Nei Ching"

In ancient Chinese mythology and natural philosophy, yin-yang ("tai tzu", the Great Limit) is a symbol of the creative unity of opposites in the Universe. He was depicted as a circle, the image of infinity, divided by a wavy line into two halves - dark and light. Two points symmetrically located inside the circle - light on a dark background and dark on a light - spoke of the fact that each of the two great forces of the Universe carries in itself the embryo of the opposite principle. The dark and bright fields, representing yin and yang, respectively, are symmetrical, but this symmetry is not static. It assumes constant movement in a circle - when one of the two principles reaches its peak, it is already ready to retreat: “Yang, having reached the peak of its development, retreats in the face of yin. Yin, having reached the peak of its development, retreats in the face of yang. "

“The concept of yin and yang - two opposing and complementary principles - permeates everything in the Chinese cultural tradition, from the system of government and relations between people to the rules of nutrition and self-regulation. It also applies to very complex scheme the relationship between man and the spiritual world ... The concept of yin and yang as accurately as possible conveys the Chinese perception of the external world and the world within themselves. " (A. Maslov)

According to the ancient Chinese, all manifestations of Tao are generated by the dynamic alternation and interaction of these opposite forces. The separation of Heaven and Earth was preceded by the state of the primordial integrity of the world. This source of all that exists was called Chaos ("hundong") or Infinite ("wu ji"). For the creation of the world to begin, chaos had to differentiate. First of all, it split into two main elements - yang and yin. The interaction of these elements led to the formation of objects of visible nature.

“Initially, yin and yang meant, respectively, the shady and sunny slopes of the mountain (such an understanding can be found, in particular, in the I Ching) - and this symbolism perfectly reflected the essence of these two principles. On the one hand, they represent only different slopes of one mountain, not reducible to each other, but also not different from each other; on the other hand, their qualitative difference is not due to inner nature the slope itself, and by some third force - the sun, which alternately illuminates both slopes. " (A. Maslov)

Since the Zhou era, the Chinese began to view the sky as the embodiment of yang and the earth as yin. “The Qi of Heaven and Earth, when collected, forms a unity, and when separated, it forms yin and yang,” said the traditional formula. The Sun and the Moon, "Tai Yang" and "Tai Yin", the Great Yang and the Great Yin, form a pair of opposites that give rise to the forms of Heaven.

Already in antiquity, yang and yin gave birth to a number of cosmological symbols. The yang power was correlated with the sky, sun, warmth, light, spirit, life, active and masculine principle, left side, odd numbers. Yang symbolizes everything light, dry and high: mountain, heaven, sun animals and birds. Yin is primordial water, passive, feminine, moon, soul, depth, negative, soft and compliant, north, darkness, death, even numbers... In the realm of human thinking, yin is the intuitive female mind, yang is the clear rational mind of a man. Yin is the immobility of the sage immersed in contemplation, yang is the creative activity of the ruler. The contrast of yin and yang is not only the organizing principle of all Chinese culture, but is also reflected in the two main philosophies of China. Confucianism prefers everything rational, masculine, active. Taoism, on the other hand, prefers the intuitive, the feminine, the mystical.

Extreme yang and extreme yin correspond to the elements of Fire and Water. The cycle of their mutual transformations includes two intermediate stages, symbolized by the elements of Metal and Wood. A circle of yin and yang transformations is formed, which, like any circle, has its center. The emblem of the center is the element of the Earth. Thus, the Great Limit unfolds into a fivefold structure, which combines the duality of yin-yang and the triad of creation, and therefore is a capacious symbol of the universe.

One of the most important concepts of the traditional Chinese worldview is san tsai - "three matters", "three gifts", "three riches": Heaven, Earth and the Man connecting them. In the cycle of its development, Chaos gives rise to two principles of the universe - Heaven and Earth, and gets its completion in Man. The Tao Te Ching says: “One gives birth to two; two gives birth to three; three gives birth to all the darkness of things. " A person, according to Chinese concepts, stands in the center of the universe, closes in on him, he keeps the world stream of being. “From the all-encompassing character of Tao, which contains both the macrocosm and the microcosm, in the Canon of Changes follows the idea of ​​man as the center of events: a person who is aware of his responsibility can be on an equal footing with the forces of space - Heaven and Earth ... To the extent that a person who is aware of his responsibility is given to influence the course of things, variability ceases to be an insidious unrecognizable trap, becoming an organic world order that is in harmony with human nature. Therefore, a person is assigned a far from insignificant role. " (Helmut Wilhelm, Change)

Thus, everything that exists is nothing more than a transformation of a single stream of being, a projection of the Great Way, ultimately - a "transformed single". Both principles - yin and yang - are included in the circle of universal cyclic circulation and change.

陰陽 In yō, in-yo) - the stage of the initial cosmogenesis in the representation of Chinese philosophy, the acquisition of the greatest separation of two opposite properties. Graphically indicated by the appearance of two opposites of two different colors- light and dark.


According to the famous Russian orientalist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexei Maslov, the yin-yang symbolism may have been borrowed by the Taoists from Buddhists in the 1st-3rd centuries: white "fish" yin and yang ".

Philosophical concept

Historical overview

Five elements as a product of Yin and Yang

The interaction and struggle of these principles give rise to five elements (primary elements) - woo xing: water, fire, wood, metal and earth, from which all the diversity of the material world arises - "ten thousand things" - wan wu including the person. The five elements are in constant motion and harmony, mutual generation (water generates wood, wood - fire, fire - earth, earth - metal, and metal - water) and mutual overcoming (water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal destroys wood, wood - the earth, and the earth falls asleep with water).

Yin and Yang in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The doctrine of yin and yang constitutes one of theoretical foundations traditional Chinese medicine. All phenomena of the surrounding world, including humans and nature, are interpreted by Chinese medicine as an interaction between two principles. yin and yang representing different aspects of a single reality. [ ]

One example of the application of the concept of yin-yang in Chinese medicine is the system of restrictions imposed on a woman who has recently given birth.

Similar concepts in other teachings

  • Purusha and Prakriti are fundamental concepts of Hinduism. Masculine and feminine principles.
  • Anima and animus are terms introduced into psychology by Jung. Feminine and masculine principles.
  • Ohr and Kli (light and vessel) in Kabbalah are two sides of one action, the root of which is the interaction of the Creator and creation.

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the desired ancient Chinese symbol has only two truly correct transcribed names - "Yin-Yang" (from traditional Chinese) and "Ying-Yo" (from pinyin). In fact, the name "Yin-Yang" is incorrect, however, due to the fact that the wording "Yin-Yang sign" is widespread in everyday and colloquial practice, in this article we will use it along with the correct option.

So, what is the meaning of the Yin-Yang sign and how did it come about at all? In the context of this issue, it is necessary to understand that objectively we do not know where the Yin-Yang sign originated (a photo of the symbol is presented below). Historically chinese sign Yin-Yang was borrowed by Taoist natural philosophers from Buddhists, presumably in the 1st-3rd centuries AD. This concept is put forward by a number of modern researchers, in particular - by the Russian orientalist A.A. Maslov.

Nevertheless, we learn what the Yin-Yang sign looks like from the legendary "Book of Changes" (where it is first mentioned), which according to legend was created by the Buddhist monk Yi Ching and later adapted by ancient Chinese mystics for their own traditional worldview. In the II century BC "The Book of Changes" (more accurately called the "Canon of Changes") was adopted by the Confucian tradition and the Yin-Yang sign became almost the philosophical and esoteric basis of Confucius's teachings. Later, when Taoism took shape in an established philosophical system, the Yin-Yang symbol became one of the key elements in understanding the principles of Tao.

That is why today, when we ask the question, what does the Yin-Yang sign mean, exclusively Taoist concepts come to mind. This is also true, although one should not forget that the origins of the sign are in Buddhism. On the other hand, Taoism and Confucianism in many aesthetic and philosophical aspects are extremely close to traditional Chinese Buddhism, and in most cases the meaning of the Yin-Yang sign (the symbol pictures are presented below) is interpreted identically within the framework of various worldview systems.

What does the Yin-Yang sign mean: symbolism and philosophical semantics

To understand what the Yin-Yang symbol means, there is no need to dive deeply into the conceptual foundations of Taoism. After all, the basis of this system is quite simple, and this is its key feature. So, the Yin-Yang symbol is a model of the universe, which embodies the essence of all processes taking place around and inside a person. This is the dialectical principle of the unity and struggle of opposites, the eternal opposition of light and dark principles, which exist only mutually and perish in the absence of one of the elements.

The black and white Yin-Yang sign embodies the principle of constant change, but this is not chaos, but a sequential change of states - a sinusoid, where the period of decline is always followed by a period of "take-off". It is a constant transition from a static principle to a dynamic one and vice versa. The meaning of the Yin-Yang sign traditionally denotes the union of two principles, two principles - masculine (Yang) and feminine (Yin). Yang is fire, action, development, the apotheosis of a light, creative beginning. Yin is water, potential, a state of rest (sometimes stagnation), dark (conventionally negative), cold hypostasis of something.

The Chinese sign Yin-Yang in the context of the Taoist tradition teaches that progress is achievable only with an equivalent union of two opposing principles. The purpose of existence is absolute equality of all vectors, harmony with oneself and the surrounding world. And in such a struggle (whether it be a moral struggle within a person or a military conflict between two states) there can be no winner if, in the end, the forces are not equalized. In fact, the Yin-Yang sign says that there is no struggle at all, everything that happens is a natural and independent process, because any system strives for balance. The void is always filled with something, and where there is no void, there is no need to reproduce anything, this leads to the degradation of the system.

The rude one lacks softness, while the refined one lacks toughness in making decisions. A warrior must also be a wise strategist, and a philosopher must be able to stand up for himself and for what is dear to him. The Yin-Yang symbol indicates the need to compensate for personality deficiencies by eliminating "gaps" in terms of skills, spiritual, physical and emotional development. This applies to both the person himself and any other object in the Universe.

What does the Yin-Yang sign mean: practical aspects

The Chinese Wu Xing system, which underlies most of the eastern divination systems and martial arts, and is also the conceptual basis for the well-known Feng Shui system, is based on the Yin-Yang symbolism. All primary elements (water, fire, wood, metal and earth) embody the dual structure of Yin-Yang. Water extinguishes fire, metal destroys wood, and so on. At the same time, the black-and-white Yin-Yang sign and its principle have a creative aspect here: water gives life to a tree, wood gives food to fire, and so on by analogy.

Also, answering the question of what the Yin-Yang symbol means, it is worth paying attention to the fact that conceptual dualism is at the heart of traditional Chinese medicine. First of all, these are the principles of constraints and assumptions. As illustrative example Zoyuzi can be cited, this is a concept of actions prescribed to a woman who has just given birth. This is a prohibition to leave the house, to be in a draft, to do sewing. You need to eat according to a well-developed diet, do not say certain words, do not perform whole line customary actions. That is, as we can see, this ritual system is based on the philosophy of the black and white Yin-Yang sign, the dual aspect of “possibility-limitation”, which determines a harmonious (in this case, healthy) state.

The meaning of the Yin-Yang symbol is similarly reflected in many other cultures and concepts. These are Jachin and Boaz, as well as Ohr and Kli in Kabbalah. These are Eros and Thanatos in the ancient Greek concept of the world order. These are Anima and Animus in the philosophical system of K. Jung. This is Jav and Nav in Vedic tradition ancient Slavs. In other words, the concept of Yin-Yang is universal for many (if not all) religious and ethical traditions. At the same time, the Yin-Yang sign also has purely specific features, which are described in detail (and quite simply) in the Nei Jing treatise.

P.S. Yin-Yang tattoo is quite popular in modern society. However, you need to understand that there is no evidence that the Yin-Yang tattoo could be the norm in the ancient Chinese tradition. Moreover, in all religious and ethical traditions of the world, tattooing on the body without a valid (really significant!) Reason is considered inappropriate and even dangerous for a person. That is why the Yin-Yang tattoo is done only at your own peril and risk, this action does not and cannot have a historical, cultural or religious background.

Perhaps each of us has seen a simple picture more than once, which depicts a circle divided by a wavy line into two parts - black and white. Moreover, each of them has a point of contrasting color inside itself - white on a black background and black on white. As you know, it is a well-known Chinese symbol called Yin-Yang.

The meaning of the Yin-Yang symbol and the history of its appearance

No one gives the exact date of its appearance, but historians probably know that around the 7th century BC. it was mentioned by ancient Chinese philosophers and followers of Taoism. Both then and today, it symbolizes the unity of two opposite principles, complementing each other (as there is no day without night, so).

The main meaning of the Yin-Yang symbol has not changed over the years, however, in different historical periods it was identified with a variety of elements, matters and substances. So, according to one legend, initially a black and white circle was drawn following the example of a mountain slope, which is illuminated by the sun from one side during the day and from the other in the evening and, accordingly, constantly changes its appearance.

In the Zhou era, the sky began to be called the bright embodiment of Yang, while the eastern sages began to consider the earth as the personification of Yin. In addition, it is believed that Yang symbolizes:

  • light, tall and dry (like mountains and skies),
  • active,
  • masculinity,
  • The sun,
  • body,
  • positive,
  • solid and impenetrable
  • light and warmth,
  • odd digits,
  • the rational mind of a man.

Yin, on the other hand, symbolizes completely different concepts:

  • water,
  • passive,
  • feminine principle,
  • Moon,
  • soul,
  • negative,
  • soft and compliant,
  • north,
  • darkness,
  • death,
  • even numbers,
  • intuitive female mind.

This list can be continued indefinitely, but the meaning is probably already clear. Despite such radical opposites, followers of many Eastern teachings, including the same Feng Shui, strongly advise against opposing Yin and Yang to each other, but perceiving them as a single whole, an inseparable structure, without which our world and existence will lose meaning.

Practical application of the Yin-Yang symbol

Feng Shui, as a science, seeks to balance all flows of energy, strengthening positive and weakening negative flows. This is directly related to our life, home improvement, health and relationships with each other. Because of this, many feng shui masters suggest using special symbols and signs to eliminate negativity. One of these is Yin-Yang, which can be sold as wearable ornaments (usually pendants) or presented as paintings, patterns on statuettes, and the like.

According to Feng Shui, possessing such a talisman, a person is able to harmonize his life and achieve success in many matters, but for this it is necessary to believe in his power and make every effort to organize the space around him in the proper way. This primarily applies to the home.

So, to balance in own home flows of passive and active energy It is important to remember that the living room, kitchen and study are the places where Yang energy should prevail. To do this, they must be painted in bright shades, dilute the interior with books, family photos and other Feng Shui talismans, symbolizing the active principle, as well as often include live music in them. However, for balance, the design of these rooms should be diluted with Yin elements - soft armchairs, a couple of paintings and decorative objects of soft deep shades.

As for the bedroom (as well as the bath), then, of course, the passive Yin energy should prevail here. Wanting to provide it with a smooth and unhindered flow, it is necessary to remove all bright and frankly aggressive (in the literal and figurative sense of the word) objects from here. These include office tools, TV, music center, exercise equipment and more. Instead of them, again, to achieve harmony in the bedroom, it is allowed to use other bright little things.

In addition, it is not prohibited to decorate your interior using the Yin-Yang sign itself. It can be part of esoteric objects, or be directly applied to walls, furniture and other surrounding objects. This is how it might look:

Of course, the above tips only partially reflect the basic principles of harmonizing the surrounding space. Indeed, in order to achieve complete balance, in addition to this, you need to monitor your health and inner state of mind, not to rush from one extreme to another and a measured lifestyle, where there are both active and passive periods of activity.

Date: 2014-03-27

Hello readers of the site.

In this article, I want to touch interesting topic: or Yin and yang... Both spellings are correct. But mostly Yin and Yang are written. In this article I will tell you what Yin and Yang are, what these signs mean, what is the relationship between them, as well as when and where these concepts came from (origin story).

Yin Yang

We all saw that famous logo that personifies Yin and Yang, but not all of us immediately understood what it meant. Looking at the logo, we see a circle where the first half is colored with a white fish and the other half with a black fish. Together, these two halves form one whole.

There is one important law in the Universe - balance law... This is exactly Yin and Yang. If the balance is disturbed, then external forces enter the input, which normalize it. And this is not always done in a positive way. It is believed that cataclysms occur due to the violation of the universal balance.

Having rummaged in Wikipedia, I found out that this symbolism was borrowed by Taoists from Buddhists in the 1st-3rd centuries. They were attracted by Buddhist symbolism and then in Taoism arose "mandala": the most famous black and white "Fish"

Yin-Yang are two complete opposites that complement each other. There is such an interpretation that Yang is heaven, being a pure substance, and Yin is earth, being a muddy substance. The sky is Yang and the earth is Yin. Peace is Yin, and mobility is Yang. Yang gives birth and Yin nurtures.

Concept Yin Yang is the primary model of all living things, and it opens two positions that interpret the origin of Tao. The first is that everything changes immediately and the second is that the opposites complement each other (white without black does not exist as well as black without white). Balance and harmony of opposites is needed.

When Yin and Yang interact, five basic elements are created: water, fire, earth, wood, metal - five phases of transformation or five energies that determine the course natural phenomena... Such a manifestation demonstrates to us a cyclical process, endless birth and death, since everything, having reached its highest point, is transformed into its opposite.

Such oriental medicines as Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan are mainly based on restoring the balance (Yin-Yang) of the human body. That is, if the balance (Yin and Yang) is disturbed, it can be restored with the help of meditation, diets, qigong, taiji, shiatsu, or a combination of these techniques. Oriental medicine seeks to treat not the external symptoms of diseases, but their sources, which consist in a violation of the internal balance.

Yin and yang man and woman

Of course, we humans are also divided into Yin and Yang, where Yang is the masculine principle, the destructive force, and Yin is the feminine principle, the creative force. Yin-Yang characteristics are clearly demonstrated in the picture below.

The original meaning of Yin: North side of the slope, that is, not sanctified by the sun. As for Yang - the southern side of the slope, that is, illuminated by the sun. Ying-Yang have their own symbols. For Yin: moon, night, water, turtle, black, north, lead, even numbers. For Yang: sun, day, fire, dragon, red, south, mercury, odd numbers. Now take a look at the harmonious exchange in the picture below:

It is very important to understand the law of energy exchange. Many people live by the principle of receiving without giving anything in return. In this situation, the balance is disturbed, as a result of which, even if a person received something for free, he will still sooner or later pay for it.

People fall into two categories: consumers and creators. It is clear that the first category dominates the second. And you have probably heard many times that in order to receive something, you first need to give something. This is the law of conservation of energy, which says that freebies do not exist.