What is better to choose: a bar or a rounded log. Which is better: glued laminated timber or a log What is the difference between a rounded log and a timber

The green boom is picking up steam! Humanity wants to wear natural clothes, eat natural food and live in eco-friendly houses.

Popularity wood construction today is obvious, and many, as a rule, decided to build wooden house, ask the question "which is better: a bar or a log?" Let's try to understand this issue together.

Buildings made of wood, and more specifically from solid logs, have a long history. For a long time, log cabins were built on the territory of Mother Russia, and you can still look at some of them.

The craftsmen of that time used only an ax. There are such craftsmen (cutters) to this day. But this process is very long, laborious and, naturally, expensive.


Pros of chopped (solid log) houses:

  • the presence of a protective outer layer rich in tree resins;
  • a log processed by hand will crack less;
  • the reliability of the log house.

Cons of log houses:

  • high cost of construction and long duration of work in time;
  • shrinkage can occur up to two years and reach 12%.

Rounded logs are prepared using modern factory technologies. The barrel then has the same caliber, aesthetic appearance, but loses its protective layer, which allows buildings made of solid logs to stand and delight the eye for much longer. Come to the aid of modern protective equipment for wood, allowing the rounded log to compensate for this disadvantage.

Pros of houses made of rounded logs:

  • assembling such a house takes significantly less time than assembling a log house and, as a fact, construction costs less;
  • appearance such houses are impeccable, allowing you to see the unique texture of wood.

Cons of houses made of rounded logs:

  • a common disadvantage, as in a chopped house, is a long shrinkage period;
  • low protection of logs from weather factors;
  • a significant number of cracks.


An overview of timber construction led us to talk about log houses. Construction from a bar is convenient and rational. No fit needed wooden elements, more room for interior decoration, which gives room for individual design solutions... V modern construction they use such types of timber: ordinary, profiled and glued.

Common timber

Purchase ordinary timber does not cause difficulties, since many firms are selling it. It is an environmentally friendly building material that has not been exposed to additional processing... The appearance of non-planed ordinary timber is not as presentable as, for example, glued and therefore needs external finishing work.


  • Low price (the production process is quite simple)
  • Ease of building construction
  • Availability on construction market and short delivery times


  • Cracking (after shrinkage, additional external cladding may be required)
  • The appearance of gaps due to the deformation of a conventional bar, which entails a distortion of the walls of the building
  • The likelihood of "blue" appearance, which can be avoided by timely treating the wood with an antiseptic

Profiled timber

Profiled timber is very popular. With him, as they say, it is pleasant to work with, because it is the presence of a profile that allows you to assemble it, like a designer, without modifying the openings. Its smooth surfaces have a neat appearance, which makes it possible to do without additional cladding. Houses made of profiled timber are distinguished by their attractive appearance.


  • Presentable appearance
  • The rigidity of the structure and tight connection, which does not allow moisture to get between the bars and excludes rotting
  • No need for additional finishing after shrinkage
  • Good wear resistance and thermal insulation
  • Economical construction (there is little waste after collecting)


  • Time for shrinkage is obligatory, but less than that of a simple bar
  • Inevitable cracking during drying

Glued timber

If we focus on the advantages, then glued laminated timber deserves special attention. Eco-friendly, beautiful, reliable and durable houses made of laminated veneer lumber practically do not shrink, which makes their popularity undeniable. No deformation and cracks, which means that you can move into such a house as soon as construction is completed. Seismic resistance of buildings made of laminated veneer lumber is quite high.


  • Minimal shrinkage
  • No deformation of buildings made of laminated veneer lumber
  • No difficulties in assembly and additional finishing works
  • High thermal insulation characteristics
  • The ability to implement complex projects


  • High cost (approximately two to three times higher than construction from conventional timber)
  • Despite the use of ecological glue, this type of timber still loses in the struggle "for naturalness" in front of others

It is not so easy to tell the difference between a bar and a log.... It all depends on your preferences and finances. After all, the question of price is often the main argument in the choice of material for construction. Someone is ready to wait for "shrinkage" for a couple of years to enter the primordial Russian log house. And someone is captivated by the speed and aristocracy of buildings made of laminated veneer lumber.

Choice wood material depends on the object itself, which you have planned to build: will it be the construction of a country cottage, a bathhouse, or simply country house... For example, for the construction of a summer house, the period of residence in which is limited from spring to mid-autumn, an inexpensive ordinary timber is perfect.

Carrying out comparative characteristics before buying materials for construction, pay attention not to "more expensive - cheaper", but to the quality of timber harvesting, whether it be a bar or a log.

Many compatriots are faced with the problem of choosing building materials for construction country house... So, the question is: from what to build houses, from a rounded log or a bar? In this article, we will consider the features of both material, provided natural moisture, and define the advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of profiled sawn timber

  • Time saving due to short shrinkage. Both the one and the other material are subject to shrinkage. Thus, having lifted the walls, it is necessary to take a break, during which the structure will take the required shape.

The time required for shrinkage should be regarded as a disadvantage. But if the shrinkage of a structure from a log lasts from 6 months or more, as required by the instructions, then a similar process in buildings from square beams proceeds an order of magnitude faster.

The difference in the numerical indicators of shrinkage of these building materials due to the special design of the profiled timber.

  • Lack of cracks. When deciding that a rounded log or a profiled bar is better, you need to understand that log buildings need caulking (sealing the cracks between adjacent logs).

Modern buildings are erected from a wide variety of wood materials- from unplanned logs to wooden bricks... Despite the generality of the name, these materials differ markedly from each other in both qualities and cost. So, which is better: a bar or a rounded log is by no means an idle question.

Rounded log

From ordinary material differs in the degree of processing. During production, a tree trunk of the required diameter is cut using special equipment - up to 10 mm of the top layer is removed in order to obtain a perfectly smooth surface. This not only increases the aesthetics of the product, but also facilitates installation: it is much faster and more convenient to lay elements with a smooth, uniform surface and the same shape.

In addition, during manufacture on wood, samples are taken for better masonry: crescent-shaped for masonry and locking for corner joints.

There are a lot of advantages of this material:

  • quite affordable cost - the technology is simple, so that a rounded log from common wood species is relatively cheap;
  • retain all the outstanding qualities of wood: the ability to remove moisture, the ability to regulate the microclimate, resistance to temperature extremes;
  • thermal insulation qualities also remain at their best;
  • a house or a bathhouse from a bar is quite simple to build: you do not need complex construction equipment for this.

The disadvantages include insufficient resistance to rot and mold in a rainy region and, of course, shrinkage. Shrinkage lasts up to 7 years, so this must be taken into account in design and construction.

After construction, you can start finishing or installing windows no earlier than a year later, the shrinkage is so great, and thermal insulation works you need to periodically repeat, since gaps form between the logs over time.

Profiled or glued material: which is better?

Question: it is better to build a house from a bar and a rounded log, requires clarification. Lumber is produced in different ways, and their characteristics are different.

  • Planed - the tree trunk is simply planed from 4 sides, giving it rectangular section... This shape greatly facilitates installation, allows you to reduce the cost of material, since barrels are used. different sizes and with different amounts defects. At the same time, the properties of natural wood are preserved, according to reviews on the forums.

Planed lumber projects are very popular due to their low cost. But it is worth remembering that such material needs processing.

  • Profiled - the trunk is not only shaved off, but also given a more complex shape... The profile includes grooves and protrusions for better joining, grooves for insulation, and so on. From the point of view of construction, the question - a profiled beam or a rounded log, requires an unambiguous answer. The first option fits much faster and easier: a house can be built in 3-4 weeks, a bathhouse is even faster. It gives less shrinkage, especially when using dry wood.
  • Glued - the material is obtained by gluing several lamellas on a spike and under high pressure... It is distinguished by its high strength, and, most importantly, by the invariability of dimensions. It practically does not shrink - up to 0.5%, does not change its appearance, does not need additional processing.

However, due to the manufacturing technology, it loses its ability to regulate the microclimate: here the wood structure is too disturbed, and its thermal insulation qualities are lower.

Profiled timber or rounded log: which is better

Comparative characteristics of materials allow you to choose best project for a residential building, bathhouse or outbuilding, taking into account all conditions: humidity, temperature differences, the need for thermal insulation, financial capabilities, and so on.

The question of which is better: a rounded log or a profiled bar does not have an unambiguous answer. Both have a number of advantages, and are in deserved demand among connoisseurs of warm and environmentally friendly wooden houses. However, these materials have a number of important differences that are worth paying attention to when choosing and comparing. In addition, you need to decide what is cheaper - a profiled beam or a rounded log in your region. Let's take a closer look at the features of each.

What is cylindering

The rounded profiled log retains its natural shape: it is a processed tree trunk of a cylindrical shape, of the same diameter along the entire length: the maximum divergence does not exceed 1 cm.This makes it possible to build perfectly flat walls and not alternate the butt and top, as in the case of construction from a conventional log.

This material has important advantages:

  • Aesthetic look. Log cabin looks interesting and beautiful, recalling Russian fairy tales and allowing you to create interiors in a traditional style. He does not need decorative finishing, it is enough to treat the wood with an antiseptic to protect it from decay.
  • Durable and reliable connection rims thanks to the longitudinal semicircular groove worked out on the machine and the precise shape of the bowls. A connecting groove 2/3 wide of the log, its depth depends on the climatic characteristics of the region.
  • Ease of assembly. House kits with numbered elements are made from rounded logs, and they can be assembled like a designer in finished log house in just a few days.

OTSB will become good decision for both home and sauna: natural material provides natural air exchange and a light, pleasant atmosphere in the premises.

Features of profiled lumber

Like rounded logs, profiled beams are made from solid natural wood, but they are processed differently. It has a square or rectangular cross-section, while its sides remain smooth, and the top and bottom are provided with a system of spikes and grooves. They are made in such a way that when the crowns are laid, they are firmly connected to each other, and the “thorn-groove” system excludes the blowing of the walls.

Properties of profiled p / material:

  1. Allows you to build completely flat and smooth walls, comfortable for any decorative finishing. Log cabin Not everyone likes it, and it still limits design options. If you want to create a more modern environment, your choice is profiled beams.
  2. During construction, it is not necessary to use insulation: the crowns will already fit very tightly to each other and protect the house from the cold.
  3. It will be quite simple to build a house; the assembly of a house kit is within the power of a non-professional.

Table "Comparative characteristics of building materials"

The main characteristics of the processed logs are very similar, but they need to be compared according to several important parameters:

Evaluation criterion

Rounded log

The process can take a very long time, cracks may appear.

Log caulking

At correct assembly enough styling roll insulation during construction.

After shrinkage, you will have to caulk the cracks.

Caulking is not required for normal assembly.

If the assembly is of poor quality, the gaps will appear in a few years.


When treated with an antiseptic, it can serve for tens of years.

Moisture accumulation in the bowls between the crowns is possible, rotting is possible.

Rim joints are protected from moisture ingress.

Natural wood decays over time. Regular antiseptic treatment will be required.

Heat protection

When properly assembled, the insulation is good, with a sufficient diameter of 24-28 cm.

Thermal insulation is worse than that of a bar.

A bar 200x145mm is equal in insulating properties to a log with a section of 32 cm.

Thus, for the main technical specifications the profiled bar still outperforms the rounded log. The walls will be smooth and neat, reliably protected from blowing and various destructive factors. In addition, it gives less shrinkage and deforms much less. And all the same, the OTSB has many of its connoisseurs, so it is also in high demand.

What is more profitable

The price of a profiled bar and a rounded log is also not the same. The average cost of a cubic meter of rounded logs is about 9800 rubles. in the metropolitan area and 8,500 in other areas. At the same time, the species of wood and the diameter of the trunk affect the price tag: a cubic meter of larch logs will cost about 10-11 thousand rubles. A barrel with a diameter of 26 cm or more will cost at least 11,000 rubles. per cubic meter.

The price of profiled raw materials is also heterogeneous: if you buy wood of natural moisture, its average cost in the metropolitan area will be 9500 r / m3. If we take a dried whip of the same size, its cost will increase to 12000r / m3, since its advantage is in the almost complete absence of shrinkage. Therefore, it will be possible to continue finishing the house immediately after the completion of the construction. But most often they choose an undried whip, and it will cost less than cylindering.

Thus, both the one and the other material will be more affordable in cost than brick or aerated concrete, but profiled timber among them will be the most affordable. Now he continues to gain popularity, and from him are being raised as modest country houses as well as full country cottages with all conviniences. This is the most profitable and environmentally friendly solution that will allow you to enjoy all the delights of suburban life.

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When building your home, you need to take care of the choice of materials used. Nowadays, wooden houses have become quite popular. They look pretty prestigious and beautiful. Whatever it was, but even here there are some nuances, which is better to choose: glued laminated timber or rounded log? Both options have their pros and cons, which makes the choice much more difficult. We draw your attention to the fact that the construction of houses from rounded logs is available at the link to the site http://severles43.ru/, see what the specialists offer and the prices for their services.

Before talking about the pros and cons of both options, you should clarify what they are. Glued laminated timber is made using a special technology, which implies gluing together wooden planks... A rounded log is a solid tree trunk that undergoes mechanical preparation using special equipment. The output is the same diameter and length of the workpiece for construction.

The process of building a house made of wood is quite complicated, because in this matter there are a lot of nuances on which the durability and performance dwellings. So, in order for the building to stand as long as possible, you need to pay attention to some points:

  • Choosing a tree. It is best to use winter rock, which has strength, while the shrinkage of the material is minimal. A winter tree fills the room with the required humidity coefficient. When choosing, you should Special attention give the color of the material, it should be bright and saturated.
  • Protecting the future home. The wood is very strongly affected by moisture. Therefore, during construction, care should be taken to waterproof the foundation. For this, a sheet of roofing material is mainly used. At the stage of construction of the building and after the end of the work, the tree is carefully processed with special impregnations. This will help not only to protect the house from destruction under the influence of moisture, but also bacteria, rot, mold and other misfortunes.
  • Fire protection system. Wood is a highly flammable material, especially when dry. So professional builders use special methods protection against fire. The walls are treated with fire retardants from all sides. Such manipulations do not guarantee perfect protection, but they will gain time before the arrival of the fire brigade.

Advantages and disadvantages of a laminated veneer lumber house

The indisputable advantages of such material are:

  • Durability and strength. If we compare rounded logs and glued beams, then the latter is definitely more resistant. This is due to the fact that during gluing, the material is additionally carefully processed special means that are absorbed into the wood. In addition, during gluing, the wood fibers are located in different directions, which significantly increases the strength of the timber. Thus, the material becomes more resistant to temperature and humidity.
  • When gluing the boards, only safe and environmentally friendly products are used that have antiseptic properties.
  • The speed of construction even if a small team is involved.
  • And it is worth noting the excellent thermal conductivity of the material.

There are much fewer disadvantages, but, unfortunately, they also exist:

  • cost, which is quite high;
  • the need for constant care, treatment with special impregnation agents that allow the tree to retain its color for as long as possible and slow down the aging process.

Disadvantages and advantages of log houses

The indisputable advantages of rounded logs are:

  • simplicity and speed of construction;
  • the cost, which is much lower than that of glued beams, chopped logs or bricks;
  • aesthetics and prestige of the material;
  • lack of gaps and trims, which are responsible for heat loss.

The disadvantages of rounded logs are:

  • rather quick tendency to shrinkage (2 - 3 years are enough for this);
  • the wood used requires constant care (coating with antiseptic agents, when using high-quality compounds once every 10 years);
  • despite the treatment with fire-fighting agents, the flammability rate is significantly higher than that of houses made of laminated veneer lumber.