Heating a room without electricity. Methods for economical heating of a private house without gas

If there is no gas in the house, then heating can be built on solid fuel or electricity, or better, on a combination of both. The more diverse the heating sources, the less likely it is that the system will fail.

For example, the installation of a solid fuel boiler can be supplemented with an electric convector for each room. You can combine a Russian stove on the first floor of the house, and infrared heaters on the second floor. However, electric and solid fuel energy sources are not the whole list. So let's start in order...

To heat a house without gas and electricity, you should think about the energy of burning solid fuels:

  • brick ovens;
  • metal ovens;
  • solid fuel boilers.

There are also fireplaces, but it is difficult to classify them as a home heating system, since they can only heat one room with their help.

Boiler operating conditions

The main models of solid fuel boilers are designed so that the air flow that provides combustion is directed by a mechanical thermostat with a chain drive. In this case, the natural draft of the chimney must be ensured. However, for the normal operation of the boiler, a number of conditions must be observed:

  • Place the branch pipe so that it is not higher than the incoming pipe.
  • Provide the system with free communication with external environment through open expansion tank located at the top.
  • Create a pipe system with optimal diameters and a minimum number of dead ends.
  • Equip the boiler with fire safety equipment.


The cost of solid fuel boilers varies in a very wide range - from 20 to 300-400 thousand rubles. It all depends on the design and capacity.

However, despite the price, solid fuel boilers are leaders in sales among home heating equipment without gas and electricity.

The difference between a liquid fuel boiler and a solid fuel boiler is insignificant. To obtain thermal energy, liquid fuel is poured into a liquid fuel boiler instead of coal:

  • diesel fuel;
  • fuel oil;
  • kerosene;
  • vegetable oils;
  • alcohol.

The last two are given only as an illustration of the possibilities. The use of oil and alcohol is from the section of unaffordable luxury. And the point is not even that alcohol, for example, is very expensive, but that this fuel is obtained from vegetable raw materials that could be used for food production.


A distinctive feature of liquid fuel boilers is high efficiency - up to 92%. In addition, for installation and operation, permission from special services is not required, unlike, for example, gas boilers.


The price range for such boilers ranges from 25,000 to 180,000 rubles and depends on the manufacturer and the volume of the combustion chamber. The average annual cost of heating a private house is 150 sq.m. without gas and electricity on diesel fuel about 150,000 rubles.

Which is higher than the cost of solid fuel and even electricity.

You can convert solar energy into thermal energy only if the sun shines often and for a long time over the roof of your house. Unfortunately, 80% of the territories of Russia have nothing to do with this. However, even in a warm climate, you cannot rely on solar heating alone; you definitely need a backup source.

Principle of operation

Light-absorbing batteries are installed in place "under the sun", which convert solar energy immediately into heat, and then transfer it to the coolant. There are two types of solar collectors - vacuum and flat. Vacuum are considered the most efficient and economical. The use of solar energy is an achievement of science.


The advantage of solar heating is the low price of solar collectors. Flat devices can be purchased at prices ranging from 1,500 to 60,000 rubles. Vacuum ones are much more expensive - about 80,000 rubles. However, if you consider that you don’t have to pay for fuel, then the price is quite adequate.

Biofuel use

Biofuel is any organic material that can burn. However, these terms have recently come to be understood as the use of gases emitted by decaying organic matter.

Principle of operation

For a source of such gas, anything that rots with sufficient intensity is suitable. Usually use manure, food waste, plant mass. All gases formed during the process of decay burn perfectly and replace natural gas.

The biofuel heating plant itself consists of units that collect, purify and feed the emitted gas to the boilers for combustion. And then the principle of operation is the same as that of a natural gas boiler.


A significant disadvantage of this method of heating is the low productivity of decay in natural conditions. In order to accelerate this process, it is necessary to increase the temperature, and this is the cost of energy.

For this reason, it is not possible to use biofuels as the main method of heating a large house, but it is quite possible to heat a small house or create an auxiliary system.

Biofuel heating is widely used by farms in countries such as Greece, Spain, Portugal.

Such heat is extracted from nothing, just from the air. It's an air conditioner in reverse. The pump itself does not produce heat, it only extracts it from the environment and sends it in the right direction.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the pump is to take heat from the environment in which it is placed. However, the pump needs starting energy. For example, in order to move 10 kW of thermal energy, it needs to consume about 3 kW of electricity.

The difference is impressive! And in the presence of electricity, allows you to make a choice in favor of heat pump for economical heating private house without gas.

Features and prices

However, the problem is that in severe frosts such a pump fails. Works well at frosts down to -15, stops working at -30. There is another drawback - with practically free energy, the pump itself is very expensive - from 200,000 to 1,500,000 rubles.

Once they were called potbelly stoves. This name originates from the distant times of the civil war and subsequent devastation, when the simplest joys of life were associated with great wealth.

Much has changed since then, but the iron stove is still called a potbelly stove. Now they look different. Many of them are equipped with fire-resistant glass windows, but their essence has not changed - they heat up quickly and cool down just as quickly.

Maybe that's also why this stove was called a potbelly stove, because to maintain a constantly high temperature, a lot of firewood is required in a bourgeois way.

folk fantasy

In the Siberian taiga huts, where it is possible to bring a cast-iron stove, but it is difficult to deliver a brick, a potbelly stove is lined on three sides with large stones run in by a river. It turns out beautifully and functionally - the stones heat up and slowly give off heat to the air.

This technique is quite applicable in the conditions of a country house - when the house is built, and the heating is not yet ready. To some extent, the stones perform fire-fighting functions, absorbing random sparks and excessive heat. Stone structures can serve as a reason for the designer's imagination to fly.

The efficiency of a metal furnace will increase if it is equipped with a coil for heating water and heating batteries are connected to it.

Brick ovens or Russian ovens

In its classic form, the Russian stove is a marvel of engineering with a very efficient heating system. Not only did the stove heat the entire hut, it was also a multifunctional kitchen, a heated bed and even a bathhouse.

Nowadays, a number of functions of the Russian stove are not needed, but as heating in a private house without gas and electricity, it is effective!

In modern conditions

Making an ancient Russian stove modern is quite simple:

  • If one of the sides is built into the wall that separates one room from the other, then two rooms will already be heated. However, the stove has four sides.
  • If you manage to build a stove into two walls of two different rooms, then you can heat almost the entire house.
  • If the house is large, then the forces of one heat source cannot be dispensed with - you will have to make a system of pipes and batteries with a water heating element.

The Russian stove differs from a simple brick one in size and in the absence of a stove bench. The brick oven has a large inertia - it heats up for a long time, but it also cools down for a long time.

To make the cooling process last longer, there is a damper system that retains hot air. However, it is precisely in this system that the greatest danger of the furnace lies - if the damper is closed ahead of time, then carbon monoxide from the furnace will not go into the pipe, but into the house.


Construction cost brick oven depends on a number of factors: firstly, on the size, secondly, on the selected materials, and thirdly, on the remuneration of the stove-maker. And the work costs the most.

So, if the stove-maker takes moderately, and you are not going to decorate the stove with marble and ceramics, then you can meet 20-60 thousand rubles. Expensive or not - everyone evaluates in their own way. However, one should take into account the fact that the furnace will stand idle for more than a dozen years.

How to heat the oven

You can heat everything that burns. Classic variant- firewood and coal. However, the following sources of thermal energy also went into the furnace at all times.


Kizyak - completely dried cow dung. It burns well and leaves almost no ash. Horse manure can be used for the same purpose. By the way, there is no smell from such fuel.


Peat, or rather, peat briquettes. In terms of calorific value, this is something between firewood and coal. Briquettes are burning in an already heated firebox. This means that you first need to melt the oven with wood, and then lay the briquettes.

Advantages - peat is environmentally less toxic than coal.

More precisely, the toxicity of peat smoke can be equated with the toxicity of firewood. Only from peat there is more ash and smoke. You can only talk about the benefits of using peat if you have the opportunity to buy it at a low price. In all other cases, it is better to use firewood and coal.


Firewood burns quickly and is not always hot. To maintain a high temperature in the house, you need not just a lot of firewood, you need to put it in the firebox all the time.


It is best to use coke. Coal burns for a long time, and good coked coal is also hot.

If you use black coal with low ash content and high calorific value, then one measure of coal can give as much heat as 3-5 such measures of their firewood will give. The only argument against coal is its high ash content.

Ash from coal is toxic, so there will be a problem of its disposal.


There are other substitutes for firewood. For example, seed husks or corn cobs. Both burn well, but not for long, and without strong heat. However, these types of fuel should not be taken seriously.

Thus, from all types of solid fuels, it is worth choosing firewood and coal. And, in combination. It is good to use firewood for kindling the stove, and coal for a long and slow burning.

Instead of a conclusion

For heating a private house without gas and electricity, there are a dozen systems - from a classic stove to solar energy. It is difficult to advise on which of them to stop. However, I can give one universal advice - try to form a multifunctional system with redundant functions and minimizing risk, like on warships.

When deciding which heating boiler is best for a private house, you should pay attention to many nuances that characterize the performance, efficiency, autonomy and environmental friendliness of the device. The heating system will work at the peak of its performance if the boiler is correctly selected in terms of power. When calculating this indicator, the climatic features of the region, the volume of the heated room, its specificity and the quality of thermal insulation are taken into account.

Which heating boiler is better for a private house: alternative home heating options without gas

Many families prefer to live in a private house, as in it, in comparison with a city apartment, you can create more comfortable living conditions. V more it refers to private house heating . Individual home heating is more economical than centralized. You feel like a real master in the house, you can set the desired temperature level, determine the beginning and end heating season. Naturally, this can be said in the case when an effective and functional solution is chosen.

If you only choose what to be private house heating, then this article will introduce you to the various types heating country housewithout gas.

Gas is the most suitable and common fuel for country houses.

According to statistics from all boilers operated in Russia:

  • about 50% runs on gas,
  • 30% - on diesel fuel,
  • about 10% - on electricity
  • and approximately 5% on solid fuels.

As we can see, gas boilers are far ahead of the competition. But, I must say, this option is not always and not always possible. For many country houses, gas is still an unrealistically distant dream. In such cases, people are forced to consider alternative ways to heat their home.

How to organize home heating without gas And what type of fuel do you prefer? Let's try to figure it out.

Classic oven heating

In certain cases, a stove is the only possible way to organize heat in a house.

Stove heating is considered the oldest. Furnace heating is still often used in suburban buildings. Do not think that this method is outdated. The absence of gas in some regions makes this type of heating still very popular and in demand. Combined stoves remain in fashion, allowing you to both heat the room and cook food. Among the advantages of this option can be noted savings in installation, operation, and fuel, multifunctionality. With all this, the furnaces need to be heated several times a day, they require constant maintenance. In addition, the risk of fire is high, the stoves are quite large and take up a lot of space. The room in which the oven is installed is always polluted with soot and coal, and will also require constant cleaning and regular maintenance. Greater risk of poisoning carbon monoxide if the oven is used incorrectly.

Liquid fuel systems

To extend the service life oil boiler , it is recommended to install a fine filter on the pipeline. Otherwise, the nozzles will quickly become clogged, which will significantly reduce the efficiency of the boiler.

The most important type heatingHouseswithout gas - liquid fuel systems. Liquid fuel systems operate mainly on diesel fuel. You can also use kerosene and rapeseed oil. The main advantage is high efficiency, which makes it possible to warm up very even large rooms. Nevertheless, such systems have many disadvantages: fire hazard, difficulties with fuel storage and a rather high price. On top of that, diesel fuel has a persistent unpleasant odor, its fumes are harmful. And, if a gas boiler can be placed in the kitchen, hallway or combine a furnace with a laundry room, then an isolated room will have to be allocated for a liquid fuel boiler. It is allowed to store only a small supply of fuel in it, the main tank should be located outside the house.

Home heating with electricity

electric boiler

Modern electric boiler for heating a country house

next type heating Houseswithout gas : heating with electricity the simplest, safest and clean way organization of heating.

  • When using an electric heater, its efficiency approaches 100%.
  • A water electric boiler is simple in design, relatively inexpensive, there is no need for a chimney, ventilation, or a separate room.
  • Modern electric boiler for home heating has many operating parameters, a very important of which is its power.
  • The required power is determined individually, first of all, it depends on the area to be heated, the material of the walls, the quality of the thermal insulation of the house

Heated electric floors

IMPORTANT! If warm electric floors serve as the main source of heat in the room, then the power of such floors is 150-180 W per square meter. With this type of heating, the heated floor area must be at least 70% of the total area of ​​the room.

Heated electric floors in compliance with the norms of insulation interfloor overlap even more profitable than the electric-water option:
— there are no intermediate heat losses;
- heated directly building construction;
— there is no bulky boiler equipment;
- minimum space occupied by communications;
- optimal heat distribution;
- the system is practically maintenance-free;
- the cost is often lower than that of water systems.
An electric heating cable or film is both a heat generator and a heating device.
Electric convectors are even cheaper, but they dry the air and pick up fine dust, overheating it. Convectors are a practical and affordable option for summer cottages with periodic heating, but they should not be used as the main system in a permanent residence. However, in new generation devices with ceramic heaters, the disadvantages inherent in convectors are almost eliminated.

At home heating with electricity many advantages and only one drawback, but decisive: the high cost of electricity.

Read also our articles on home heating without gas :

Heat pump

The essence of the principle of work heat pump not in production, but in the transfer of heat. This allows you to get a high coefficient (from 3 to 5) of thermal energy conversion - each used 1 kW of electricity will “transfer” 3-5 kW of heat to the house

Making electricity less expensive Heat pump. The scheme of its work can be compared with the refrigerator compartment. The heat pump is based on the cycle refrigeration machine, the difference is only in the freon used and the control system. The heat pump allows the use of free natural heat from the depths of the earth massif, where the ground temperature is constant throughout the year.

One of the advantages– a guarantee that the pipeline will not freeze even at the lowest temperatures. The design includes an electrical compensator that generates maximum energy with minimal electricity consumption, spending one kilowatt to drive the pump, you can get up to six.
Flaws: The cost of the system is quite high, The option is doubtful from a financial point of view. The payback period of the equipment is too high.

solid fuel

Solid fuel boilers are a great opportunity to quickly, efficiently and inexpensively heat any country house

solid fuel: firewood, wood waste, hard and brown coal, coke, peat, pellets play a significant role in the organization heatingHouseswithout gas .

The technology of obtaining heat from the combustion of solid fuels has stepped far ahead in comparison with the traditional stove and fireplace. Boilers appeared long burning and pyrolysis, which have a fairly high efficiency (about 80%) and do not require such frequent loading. Solid fuel is the cheapest type of heating if the house is located in an area rich in these resources.

But solid fuel boilers for heating a private house have significant drawbacks:

  • The impossibility of full automation of the process, the need for periodic (from 2 to 40 hours depending on the type of equipment) loading of fuel manually.
  • Partially solves the problem using wood pellets, as they are loaded into a bunker of significant capacity and subsequently fed into the furnace automatically.
  • However, the use of pellets is only advisable if the workshop for their production is located nearby.
  • Pellets have a small specific gravity and shipping them over long distances is unprofitable. There are also such nuances: the quality of Russian pellets can be low, and their prices can be too high.

Pellet boiler. The minimum set of equipment for an automated country house boiler house operating on wood pellets includes a boiler equipped with a pellet burner and a bunker

In a separate group of equipment, the so-called "universal", multi-fuel boilers can be distinguished. The idea to use one heating unit for all possible types of fuel is not new, but, alas, it has not found a worthy embodiment today. The fact is that for the best combustion of fuel and the most complete heat extraction universal design the fuel chamber has not been invented, the combustion processes are too different.
The only exception is gas and liquid fuel, and even then not one hundred percent. Therefore, multi-fuel boilers are, in fact, solid fuel, where additional gas and liquid fuel burners are built. The efficiency of such boilers when operating on "spare" fuel leaves much to be desired.

Liquefied gas

WITH liquefied gas is transported and stored in cylinders or in gas tanks specially designed for this purpose

In order to heat private house LPG bottles can be purchased. Its basis is propane-butane composition.

Gas tank heating of a private house(liquefied gas) costs much more than natural, but often cheaper than diesel fuel and electricity. The cost is reduced if a large capacity storage with appropriate equipment is installed for several houses.
There are no fundamental differences in the design of heat generating equipment for natural and liquefied gas: conventional boilers are used, the only difference is in the adjustment: the pressure in the gas pipeline is lower. In some cases, it will be necessary to replace the jets in the burners, it is inexpensive and the equipment can be quickly returned to its original condition.

A gas tank is a container used to store liquefied gas in large quantities. Such tanks are installed both on the surface of the earth and underground. Most often, for country houses, an underground option for installing a gas tank is chosen in order to save space and money. The depth of its occurrence must necessarily be not lower than the freezing level of the soil.

In countries Western Europe gas holder systems are used quite widely, our liquefied gas delivery service is underdeveloped and not available everywhere.
For small houses groups of standard liquefied gas cylinders can also be used. True, their capacity is too small to ensure the operation of the boiler for a long time, frequent replacement, taking into account transportation costs, can make the operation of the system on cylinders more expensive than heating with diesel fuel.

Renewable sources. Solar collectors

Solar collectors are by far the most efficient devices that use solar energy.

A Promising Alternative heating private housewithout gas - solar collectors. These devices allow you to convert solar energy into heat. On sale you can find vacuum and flat models. Collectors are mounted on the roof of the building.

  • Among their advantages it can be noted safety to human health and the environment, ease of operation.
  • Among the cons: low practicality, because the operation of the equipment is affected by changeable weather conditions, costly installation, the need for constant maintenance.

House insulation

Instead of heating the building, you can insulate it well. This is a very economical option, the most popular in Europe. Of course, the harsh winters in Russia complicate the task, but do not make this option impossible. The main conditions for increased building insulation: thick walls, low-emission glass, the use of heat pumps.

It is better to insulate than to heat!


Let's summarize. Organize heating country housewithout gas not just possible, but there are an unlimited number of options for this. Each of the alternative methods has its pros and cons. The choice of a particular option depends on the needs and capabilities of the person.

Video: Country house heating. Types and methods

Heating of a country house. Types and methods

Today, heating a private house without gas and electricity is quite affordable for every owner. It is far from always possible to connect gas inexpensively. And electricity is not so cheap, given that in winter the cost of it will be large.

There are different types of heating systems if there is no gas in the house.

Different heating options will help answer questions about how to heat water and warm the room at the same time.

Solar collectors

Great alternative gas heating- solar collectors. Such installations operate smoothly and economically. Collectors ways for a long time keep the room warm. But the main thing is that when good conditions they can generate electricity. Such installations have both advantages and disadvantages.

So, solar collectors are absolutely safe. Mounting such installations is quite simple and fast. Collectors are installed in any place on the facade of the building. The installation will perfectly fit into the design of the house, since among the wide range you can choose the most suitable option for yourself. But most importantly, collectors provide significant savings in utility costs. Therefore, this type of installation is perfect even for low-income families.

The only drawback of such collectors is that they work exclusively from solar energy. This predetermines the specifics of the installation of collectors. In regions where almost all year round sunny (usually it is the south of the country), the installation of collectors is fully justified. But in the northern latitudes, these installations will be completely useless.

Heat pumps

How to heat a large house? Independent heating of a country house without gas can also be arranged using a heat pump. Thanks to such an installation, it will be possible not only to heat the room, but also, if necessary, to heat water for domestic needs. What are the features of such installations for giving without gas?

The main sources that generate heat when using pumps of this type are the bowels of the earth, soil or water. And this already suggests that the operation of the pump will also not cause any harm to the environment. Alternative heating of a country house without gas by means of a heat pump has many advantages. So, pumps are also environmentally friendly. Moreover, the use of such installations completely eliminates fires or explosions.

Heat pumps heat efficiently and better than many other installations, but at the same time quite economical. This setting is very easy to adjust even for an inexperienced user. This makes it possible to set the desired room temperature. Also, heat pumps have an automatic regulator, which, if necessary, can turn the installation on or off.

The only significant disadvantage of a heat pump is its high cost. Of course, today there are many models of pumps, among which you can find both expensive and cheaper options. And it's not about quality at all. Just different installations can be focused on heating large or small rooms. But still, practice shows that even the use of the most expensive heat pumps during operation fully pays for itself. After all, utility costs are significantly reduced.

Solid fuel boilers and furnaces

How to heat a house cheaply? The most affordable and initially cheap option for heating a country house today is the use of ordinary firewood. It is an old and proven safe fuel. But if in a simple village small house people have enough firewood and a small stove, then this will not be enough for a modern country house. And here special boilers that run on solid fuel will come to the rescue.

As a rule, firewood gives a large amount of heat. Therefore, with the help of them, you can also heat the room, cook food and heat water if necessary. If we are talking about heating a large house with several rooms, then one boiler or stove will not be enough. Here, special batteries or radiators will come to the rescue, which will distribute heat to all rooms from the main source installed in a certain place. Heat will circulate throughout the heating system. If desired, such a system can be made adjustable, which will allow you to heat some rooms and leave others cold.

To date, there are 3 main types of solid fuel boilers. These are pyrolysis units, classic devices and gas-generating boilers. Each model has both its undeniable advantages and disadvantages. Classical installations are considered the most inexpensive and in demand. They are not so expensive, they work almost smoothly and without serious breakdowns.

But still the cheapest country house will get the usual wood burning stove. Such economical heating will help solve several problems at once. It will be possible to cook food, heat water. In this case, the stove will perfectly warm the air in the room. And in regions with a particularly harsh climate, such a stove is convenient because you can also sleep on it.

Figure 1. Wood stove in a private house.

The stove can be either built in the house on your own, or you can invite a specialist who will assemble it according to a finished project. It all depends on the financial resources of the homeowner. If you approach this issue competently, then you can make such a wood-burning stove, which will not only be distinguished by high functionality, but also fit perfectly into the interior. An example of such an installation is shown in the photo (Figure 1).

But when choosing this heating option, some disadvantages should be taken into account. So, firewood will constantly have to be loaded into the oven. If coal is used, then this can be done a little less often. When using the oven, it will be necessary to strictly monitor compliance with safety rules. Another significant disadvantage for many homeowners is that when using the stove, you will need to constantly remove debris and ash. And this can only be done mechanically. Therefore, you will have to abandon the carpets in the room with the stove in advance.

How to heat a house without the use of electricity and gas, now it has become clear. What is the cheapest way to do it? Such a question cannot be answered so immediately. Here, much will depend on related factors. But still, there are many options for alternative heating. Therefore, you can always find the most suitable solution for yourself.

Eco-friendly Homestead: Use natural gas is the most economical way to heat a wooden cottage. This fuel, among all other alternatives, is cheap, and the boilers on it are extremely easy to operate. But how to organize the heating of a private house without gas, because not everywhere there are main gas pipelines. What are the alternatives to this fuel, which of the options is the most profitable?

Using natural gas is the most economical way to heat a wooden cottage. This fuel, among all other alternatives, is cheap, and the boilers on it are extremely easy to operate. But how to organize the heating of a private house without gas, because not everywhere there are main gas pipelines. What are the alternatives to this fuel, which of the options is the most profitable?

Ways to organize heating in a cottage

The most common autonomous home heating system in domestic country houses is water. It uses water heated in a boiler or furnace as a heat carrier. After heating, it gives off heat to the premises with the help of batteries and pipes, creating comfortable conditions in them.

Heating systems, depending on the scheme for connecting heating devices, are divided into:

  • Single-pipe - with series connection of radiators, according to which the coolant is supplied and removed from the device using one pipe;
  • Two-pipe - with supply and return lines and a sequential scheme for connecting devices to pipes, according to which the coolant is supplied to the device with one pipe, and the other is discharged.

Both types of heating systems come with an upper and lower type of wiring. The first option provides for laying the supply pipe above the location of the devices receiving the coolant, the second, respectively, below.

The location of the pipes relative to the heating devices can be vertical and horizontal, on the basis of which the heating system takes the technical term of the same name. The first type is used mainly in multi-storey buildings or in one-story cottages with an attic, within which it is possible to install an expansion tank and lay a pipeline to supply the coolant through a separate branch to each device.

A horizontal heating circuit is built in small private buildings. The reason is insufficient performance and length restrictions - the network cannot be more than 30 linear meters in length.

Connection of risers to radiators is carried out according to a one-sided or two-sided scheme, i.e. with pipe connection on one or both sides. If in a vertical single-pipe system the batteries are connected on one side, then it is called a reverse circulation circuit. The latter variety is not recommended for systems with steel or cast iron appliances.

The main elements of a typical heating system in a private country house are: a heating boiler, radiators and coolant supply pipelines

According to the type of water circulation in pipes, heating systems are of two types:

  1. Natural - imply gravity flow of the coolant due to the laws of physics.
  2. Forced - suggest the presence circulation pump to create a circuit of the carrier of thermal energy from the boiler to the appliances, and after cooling in the opposite direction.

The first option is simpler than the second in design and installation. But the supply of heat in a natural system is not amenable to automatic regulation, the coolant in it moves through the pipes due to gravity and the difference in densities of cold and heated water. But unlike the forced option, it is non-volatile.

In the event of a power failure, the heating system with natural circulation water will continue to function properly if its main unit is a non-volatile boiler. The pump, which requires power from the outlet, is also not in it.

However, gravitational pressure has its limits. The heating capacity with natural circulation is simply not enough to supply the coolant to the branched circuits. Sometimes it is not enough to supply heated water with the temperature required for heating at a distance between the radiator and the boiler of 25 m, if the pipeline is made of a material with high hydraulic resistance: steel or cast iron.

If a wooden house has a small area, then a natural system is enough for it. However, a cottage large in two or three floors requires a more powerful version with a pump that will pump hot water to all rooms remote from the boiler on all floors.

In addition to using gas, the coolant can be heated by electricity or by burning other types of fuel. Also, autonomous heating in a private house, where there is no connection to a gas main, is often organized using convectors, infrared heaters and heat pumps.

The choice of a particular method of arranging a heating system depends on many factors. The climate of the region of residence, the quality of home insulation, as well as the availability of one or another type of fuel are important here.

Heating circuits with steam and heated air circulating through them are arranged according to identical principles.

Of particular note is the "warm floor" system, which is a network of pipes with a circulating coolant under flooring. The main advantage of this option is that as a result of heat entering from below, the air in the room warms up optimally at the level of human growth, and not somewhere under the ceiling.

An alternative to gas: choosing a water heating boiler

Natural gas is far from the only type of fuel for autonomous heating systems. Boilers also burn solid or liquid fuels as fuel. It is also possible to use electricity for heating water. Some prefer traditional wood or coal stoves, while others prefer clean electricity. But it is worth remembering that in case of interruptions in the networks, there will be zero sense from electric boilers.

Option number 1: Solid fuel

Solid fuel stoves and their more modern counterparts, boilers, are the oldest and most popular way to heat private homes in areas without gas. It can be both traditional Russian stoves and modern industrial boiler equipment with various automation.

As solid fuels are used:

  • firewood;
  • straw briquettes;
  • peat;
  • coal;
  • wood pellets.

Such equipment is cheap and easy to operate. Fuel is also not particularly expensive. However, as a result of its combustion, rather large volumes of ash are formed, which must be constantly disposed of. Plus, you have to visually control the operation of such equipment, which takes a lot of time.

On the one hand, the cheapness of fuel, and on the other, regular cleaning of the furnace and chimneys. There is no single decision “for” or “against” here. But in a situation of living near coal deposits or near a forest, the choice in favor of solid fuel boilers or stoves is obvious to many, and often the only possible one.

As an option for a solid fuel unit, you can safely consider a fireplace, although there is a strong opinion about its low efficiency. However, the fireplace correct device it is not only a decorative element of the interior, but also a good alternative to gas boilers. Moreover, it is absolutely non-volatile, which eliminates interruptions in heating in case of any problems on the power grid.

A traditional fireplace implies air heating only of the room where it is located, but nothing prevents pipes from being connected to it to heat the coolant

Most fireplaces are designed in such a way that they can heat only one room. However, the standard fireplace design can be supplemented with a coil around the chimney, which will heat water for the radiators of the heating system. And you can immediately dilute the warm air through the rooms using air ducts with adjustable dampers.

Fireplace heating is highly inert. It takes a lot of time for them to warm up a private house. The best option is to heat the fireplace constantly. However, in this case, you will need a lot of firewood. But all these minor inconveniences are more than offset by the opportunity to observe the process of burning logs and the aesthetics of your own hearth.

Option number 2: Liquid fuel

In terms of efficiency, liquid fuel (diesel) boilers differ little from gas counterparts. However, they are larger and heavier. Their installation requires a separate non-residential premises. It is strictly forbidden to install them in a cottage under the stairs or in the kitchen.

During the combustion of oils of vegetable origin and petroleum products, significant volumes of harmful emissions. The boiler room for these installations must be equipped high-quality ventilation and flue system. Plus, with improper installation and operation, they can begin to smoke.

For heating private wooden houses The following types of liquid fuel are used:

  1. Kerosene.
  2. Diesel fuel.
  3. Processing of fuels and lubricants.
  4. Fuel oil.
  5. Biofuel from vegetable oils.

Due to the specific smell and the high probability of ignition, it is recommended to store such fuel outside the cottage. But in winter, liquids freeze on the street, so you will have to make a separate heated room for such fuel or organize its preheating. And this is an additional and significant expense.

Among the advantages of using liquid fuel equipment for heating, it is worth noting high efficiency, no need to issue permits for installation and autonomy of work. However, the high price of fuel interrupts all these advantages. Arrange heating wooden house without gas with the help of a diesel boiler is only in cases where there is no other alternative, and it is not even foreseen in the future.

Option #3: Electricity

Electric boilers do not require a chimney. They are safe and compact. The heating of the coolant inside them occurs due to the heating element. You can use electric boilers as both the main and additional source thermal energy. They are easy to use and efficient, but heating with their help is quite expensive.

If the power grids in the village do not please with the constancy of voltage, then choosing an electric boiler for heating your own wooden house is risky. At some point, you can be left without lighting and a heating system at the same time. The only option in such a case is a backup diesel generator.

Not always allocated by power engineers is enough to fully heat the cottage. And pulling an additional power line will result in a serious waste of money. Installation and heating electrical equipment is relatively cheap, but the latter consumes a lot of electricity. If you plan to equip heating in a private house without gas with an electric boiler, then you should prepare in advance for a serious increase in electricity bills.

How else can you heat a wooden house

For creating comfortable conditions in the rooms of the cottage, you can use other methods of heating. There are a lot of novelties in the market of autonomous heat engineering now. Some of them have a high price, but have high efficiency. And others involve the use of alternative energy sources.

Infrared heating options

The main feature of IR heat sources is not the heating of air, but of objects and surfaces in a heated room. Already from the heated furniture, walls and floor, heat is transferred to the air masses in the room. As a result, with minimal energy consumption, it is possible to create the most comfortable conditions in the home.

Infrared electric heaters are sold as:

  • hanging panels in enclosures various shapes;
  • film devices for ceiling or floor mounting;
  • floor models (a la a regular radiator).

IR heaters operate in automatic mode. It is enough to plug them into the socket and set them to the desired temperature. Installation of wall and ceiling models is extremely simple, all necessary fixings. Difficulties can only be caused by the installation of a “warm infrared floor”. But with strict adherence to the instructions, everything is done elementarily.

Film heaters under the ceiling are an excellent alternative to gas boilers: economical, no oxygen is burned in the room and completely safe from the point of view of fires

IR heaters allow you to quickly create a reliable and effective system heating in any private house where there is no gas. When compared with a heating electric boiler, they save 30-40%. Moreover, the heating of rooms occurs an order of magnitude faster, almost instantly.

Infrared heaters can be used as the main heat source or complement other cottage heating systems. Diversity model range makes it possible to fit them into any interior, and if necessary, quickly increase the thermal power.

Among the negative aspects of IR electric heaters are static electricity, which contributes to the attraction of dust, and a lot of initial investment. Nothing much can be done about static, and equipment costs are always paid off due to low power consumption.

Heat pumps as a useful addition

Among the alternatives to gas when heating a wooden house, heat pumps stand apart, extracting it from the subjects environment. Structurally and technically, this air conditioner is the opposite. Only the heat pump does not cool the air, but heats it. Moreover, it generates all the thermal energy necessary for this thanks to the reasonable use of free natural resources and phenomena.

Heating based on a heat pump for a private house without gas is the maximum savings on energy resources. But in our latitudes, this type of heating can only serve as an addition to the main heating network.

The disadvantage of heat pumps is their dependence on the presence of voltage in the outlet. They will not work without a constant power supply. Plus, in severe frosts, their effectiveness is sharply reduced. In warm regions with winter temperatures around zero, the return on them is excellent, but in Siberian conditions they are of little use.

Heat with low potential can be collected by heat pumps from:

  • outdoor air;
  • land through wells or pipe systems in the ground;
  • water (any nearby body of water or wells).

Heat pumps are good. However, you have to pay a lot for “free” energy by purchasing expensive equipment. For a large house, the costs can exceed a million rubles.

Solar energy and windmills

Another option for green energy is solar panels and collectors. The former generate electricity, while the latter, using the rays of the sun, heat the coolant for supply to the in-house heating system. They do not need any gas to work, they only need constant wind and cloudless weather.

In the future, electricity and the heated coolant can be used to heat a private house by installing a heating system in it with radiators and various electric heaters. Solar plants are generators of electrical and thermal energy. The rooms themselves are heated thanks to a variety of heating devices that are connected to these generating devices.

In turn, wind generators convert wind energy into electricity. And then the heaters are connected to the power supply.

The main disadvantage of all these clean energy sources is that they depend on external factors. Cloudy weather and calm negate their effectiveness. As an additional source, they are quite suitable option heating a private house without gas, but building the entire heating system on them alone is not worth it.

What is the most economical heating

From the point of view of fuel costs, the most cost-effective option after the main gas is the option with firewood. Cheaper fuel for boilers, stoves and fireplaces is hard to find. Then comes coal, and then electricity and diesel. In case of alternative energy costs under this item are generally zero or minimal. However, one should not forget here the cost of heat engineering units for heat generation.

In the aggregate of all costs, heating a house without gas is the cheapest thing to do with electricity. But this applies only to cottages with good insulation, as well as situations where power existing networks I allow you to connect heating electrical equipment. In other situations, it is better to opt for more traditional solid fuel stoves or boilers. published

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Gasification of "rural" areas, unfortunately, lags behind the pace of suburban construction. And even for residents of the suburbs of administrative centers, the question of what kind of heating in a private house is the most economical, if there is no gas, sounds relevant. Taking into account the prices of energy carriers in the domestic market, the cost of a kilowatt of thermal energy looks like this: the second place is solid fuel, the third is liquefied gas, the fourth is liquid fuel, and the last is electricity. But even in this hierarchy, not everything is so simple. How to heat the house if there is no gas.

Heating a house without gas should ideally be combined - using traditional and alternative energy sources

There are different options for heating a country house without gas, each of them is worth special attention.

solid fuel

Not so long ago, solid fuels had no competitors. At first, wood, and then coal, were the main types. Of course, they also burned peat, straw and even dung, but, as now, it was a “local” fuel that was not widely used.

The primitive hearth in the cave is very reminiscent of a classic fireplace

With the beginning of the "gas era" of heating, firewood and coal faded into the background, but still remain in demand. Moreover, their prospects are "rosy", since there are much more explored reserves of coal than gas, and firewood and "wood" fuel are renewable energy sources. The modern difference is only that earlier stoves or fireplaces were used exclusively for heating the house, and now the boiler is considered the main source of heat. Although there are exceptions.


They still meet now, especially when it comes to a small country house or cottage. The main advantage is absolute energy independence. Therefore, they are used when it is necessary to provide heating for a private house without gas and electricity.

According to the purpose of the stove, there are heating and heating-cooking. The first option includes a Russian stove and a Swede, the second - a Dutch stove and a classic fireplace.

Their effectiveness largely depends on the design of the chimney system, of which there are three types:

    Direct-flow. The chimney has a minimum number of elbows in the direction from the furnace to the pipe. This category includes classic open hearth fireplaces and Russian stoves. The heat emitter is the body and part of the chimney that runs indoors or inside the wall. By the way, due to the special design and massiveness, the Russian stove is considered one of the most efficient. And the traditional fireplace has the lowest efficiency. And in modern realities, it is more of a decor or a means of relaxation when contemplating an open flame than a full-fledged heater.

    Channel. The combustion products are discharged through a system of channels passing inside the furnace body, which not only radiates, but also accumulates heat. This type includes "Dutch". It, like the Russian stove, warms up for a long time, but it also cools down for a long time.

    Bell-type. Hot gases first rise into the "cap", where they give off part of the heat, cool down, descend along the walls of the cap and through the "cap" are drawn into the chimney.

In addition to non-volatility, the advantage of classic stoves is their "omnivorousness" in relation to solid fuel. Firewood, coal, peat, briquettes - everything that can be put in the firebox with your hands and set on fire. Moreover, unpretentiousness extends to the ash content of coal and the moisture content of firewood.

The Russian stove is still relevant, and can heat several rooms on two levels.

The disadvantages are no less significant than the advantages:

    radiation type of heat energy transfer - a house is heated by one stove, where all living space consists in one or two adjacent rooms;

    labor-intensive maintenance - frequent refueling and cleaning;

    low efficiency (average efficiency of about 20%) - the fuel does not completely burn out and most of the heat "flies into the chimney" along with smoke;

    complex structure"Handmade" production, which can only be performed by an experienced craftsman.

These shortcomings are not present in modern solid fuel boilers and factory fireplace inserts.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Solid fuel boilers

Another not the worst option than to heat the house. Modern solid fuel boilers have an efficiency of 80-95%. That is, the best samples in terms of work efficiency are at the level of gas boilers, and only three economic factors "throw" them into second place:

    higher cost of the heat carrier in terms of a kilowatt of thermal energy;

    higher price of equipment;

    "present" maintenance costs (expenses for transport, fuel storage and disposal of solid residues).

If we talk about the cost, then in the Moscow region, heating with wood is approximately one and a half times more expensive than with gas - about 90 kopecks. per kilowatt against 53 kopecks. (according to tariffs for natural gas for the second half of 2017, subject to the availability of metering devices).

Pyrolysis boilers have the highest efficiency - the firewood in them burns out almost completely, with a minimum "solid" residue

The use of fuel pellets increases the cost of a kilowatt to 1.3-1.4 rubles. and almost equals in price when using coal, but still cheaper by 15-20% than heating with anthracite. But there are nuances here.

If the task is how to heat a house cheaply without gas, then wood boilers long burning or pyrolysis (gas generating) models best meet this condition. The only drawback is that the laying of firewood is done manually and it is impossible to automate this process. Although this should be done infrequently - 1-2 times a day.

There are boilers for pellets or coal with automatic loading of fuel from the bunker. And although the bunker also needs to be loaded manually, it is much larger than the volume of the firebox. A conventional boiler model with a standard hopper with a capacity of 1 m3 can operate continuously from three days to a week, and with an enlarged hopper - up to 12 days (taking into account high-quality insulation of the house and low heat losses). And when it is not possible to load fuel frequently, then such boilers are the best option (if you do not take into account the higher prices for equipment).

Solid fuel boilers of long burning with a large capacity bunker do not require daily maintenance from the owners

Note. There are even automatic modular coal-fired boilers with a bunker capacity of up to 14 m3, their own crusher, auger fuel supply to the furnace and automatic soot removal into their own bunker - practically a mini-boiler room for a private house. Moreover, this is a domestic development and the cost of equipment is also “domestic”.

Fireplace inserts

Modern fireplace inserts, fireplace stoves and stoves do not differ in principle from solid fuel boilers. They also have the function of long burning and secondary afterburning. Their efficiency differs from gas-generating boilers by only 5-10%, which is at least four times higher than that of classic fireplaces with an open firebox.

Demonstration model of a closed-type fireplace insert with a water circuit

The intraspecific differences between such devices are that fireplace inserts require additional installation of a decorative portal and are used only for heating, fireplace stoves have a finished design and some models belong to the heating and cooking class (there are even models with a built-in grill), and all stoves perform two functions - cooking and heating.

Fireplace stoves and stoves have a limited power range - a maximum of 25 kW. This, of course, is less than that of boilers, but they can heat a house up to 250 m2.

Heating and cooking stove-fireplace - the best option for a small country house

The power of the fireplace insert can reach 40 kW, which allows you to heat a house up to 400 m2.

Stoves and fireplace inserts can heat a home in three ways:

    heat radiation in the common space with a free layout of the entire level (studio type);

    in a water heating system, if the furnace has an appropriate heat exchanger with piping;

    in the air heating system.

Note. Air heating is the first known system in history, which appeared several millennia earlier than water heating. And now it is successfully used, but only in a modern version - the use of forced feed warm air to adjacent rooms or to the second floor through air ducts.

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Visually how to heat a house without gas using air heating, see the video:

Liquefied gas

In terms of the cost of a kilowatt of energy, liquefied natural gas ranks third.

There is different ways its delivery and storage, but the smaller the volume, the more expensive the final price. Therefore, a gas tank is needed for a permanent residence, and for small dacha, which is rarely visited in cold weather, you can get by with several cylinders of 50 liters each. When using a gas tank, the price of a kilowatt of heat from burning liquefied gas is 2.3-2.5 rubles, the use of cylinders raises the bar by 50 kopecks.

You can also heat up in different ways.

Most simple system- direct combustion of gas to produce heat without heating the intermediate heat carrier, piping and radiators. For this, apply gas convectors and infrared heaters. Their principle of operation and design are different, but one thing in common is the availability of equipment, compactness and operation from bottled gas. The disadvantage is the power limitation and heating of only one room. For example, infrared and catalytic gas heaters firms AYGAZ maximum power is 6.2 kW.

Such a compact infrared heater can heat up to 40 m2

The gas holder allows you to build a complete autonomous system water heating, and the frequency of refueling depends on the volume of the tank, the heating area and the operating mode. In terms of ease of operation and maintenance, the system ranks second after electric heating. But it requires significant initial investments for the purchase of a gas tank, its installation (usually underground) and the laying of communications (pipes for connecting to the boiler and electric cable for tank heating system).

Another difficulty for a gas tank is the choice of location. It should be located close enough to the house and be accessible for refueling with gas.

Liquid fuel

This is probably the last option that should be considered when solving the problem of how to heat a house if there is no gas. It's not even about the price of energy carriers - they can be different. The most expensive diesel fuel allows you to get thermal energy at the same cost as when using liquefied gas from cylinders. The price of heat when burning fuel oil is the same as for coal-fired boilers, and "working off" practically compares the cost of heating to the level of natural gas. But…

In terms of equipment cost, this is one of the most expensive fuel-using systems. In addition, these boilers are "capricious", requiring regular maintenance and maintenance of the same complexity as the fuel supply and injection systems of a diesel car. There are also such disadvantages as air pollution by products of combustion of liquid fuels, as well as high level noise from the operation of the fuel pump and burner.

Maintenance of an oil-fired boiler is much more difficult than any other

Electric boilers

Electric boilers have the highest efficiency - up to 98%. Moreover, it does not depend on the type of boiler. Heating elements, electrode and induction boilers differ only in the way the coolant is heated, and they have no losses from incomplete combustion of the fuel - electricity is converted into heat almost completely. In principle, it would be correct to speak not about the heating system (there is no fuel and combustion chamber), but about the method of heating.

By the cost of equipment, simplicity of the device, completeness of automation and ease of maintenance electric boilers have no competitors. But they have the highest cost per kilowatt of thermal energy. Although there are "loopholes".

Video description

In addition, you can use modern geothermal pumps, clearly about which - in the video:

Since July of this year in the Moscow region for settlements and rural areas with electric stoves and heating appliances a one-part tariff is 3.53 rubles. per kWh. Taking into account the efficiency, a kilowatt of thermal energy will cost 3.6-3.7 rubles. But there are two- and three-part tariffs that allow you to save money. To do this, you need to install a thermal accumulator, which allows you to accumulate warm water for the heating system at night, when the tariff is 1.46 rubles. per kWh. If the house is small, and the capacity of the heat accumulator is sufficient, then the night supply (from 23-00 to 7-00) may be enough for the rest of the time or for most of it. This compares the cost of heating with electricity to coal-fired solid fuel boilers. And much cheaper than burning liquefied gas. And the battery capacity is no more expensive than a gas tank or a coal bunker with a screw feed system.

The heat accumulator is able to optimize the operation of any heating system

But the main drawback of heating with electricity is the poor quality of networks and the power limit.


There are several other ways than to heat a house if there is no gas. For example, alternative ways to heat a house without gas are solar panels and heat pumps. But the widespread use of the first option is limited by the insufficient level of insolation in our latitudes precisely in winter time. And the only stable and effective form For a ground-to-water heat pump, the cost of equipment and installation is such that, without state support (as in some European countries), it makes it unprofitable compared to traditional heating systems.

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