Do Miranda tubers have flowers? Arrowroot flower care and reproduction at home

Despite the exotic origin of arrowroot, even an amateur can grow it at home. By following simple steps to care for the plant, you can achieve excellent growth and long flowering.... The roots covered with tubers contain a lot of starch and are eaten. Let's take a closer look at this culture and its types.

The homeland of Maranth is the swampy forests of Central and South America, where it is very common. Depending on the variety, their appearance may differ slightly from each other. All in all, it is small, up to 30 cm in height, ornamental plant with tuberous roots... It attracts attention with its unusual coloring of wide-oval sheets - the surface is decorated with spots or bright stripes. The background of the leaf surface is light green to dark and reddish.

The front and back sides of the sheet are always different colors.

It blooms in spring and summer with small white or white-lilac flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences.

Like all crops from the tropics, arrowroot prefers bright, but diffused light and moderate to high humidity. In our climate with good care grows well at home.

The most popular types of arrowroot

The arrowroot comes from the Marantovaya family. There are about 25 species in total, but most often several of its representatives are grown.:


It is also called "tricolor", as there are 3 colors on the leaves. She also highlighted by contrasting central and lateral veins on the leaf that resemble the backbone of a fish. On the reverse side, the surface is crimson or pink.


It is not a very common plant. This species does not form roots and has short petioles.... The outer surface of the oval leaf is striped, the lower one is pinkish and covered with soft fluff.


A plant up to 30 cm high, which has drooping stems with heart-shaped leaves. Light streaks are clearly visible on the leaf surface, thanks to which it received the name Belozhilchataya. The other side is reddish in color.


It differs significantly from other representatives of this family in its size - the height reaches 130 cm... On dense stems there are large oblong leaves, pointed at the end. The front side is striped and has a bluish tint.


Plant height does not exceed 25 cm. It has short petioles with small oval leaves. that are covered with dark spots and light stripes. The reverse side is painted with a reddish color, smoothly turning into blue.

How to properly care for a plant

Optimal conditions and care

Taking care of this culture is quite simple. This plant needs bright and diffused light, even in winter. She does not need rest, so in the winter time you need to additionally illuminate it. Do not allow the arrowroot to be in direct sunlight.

The room temperature should be no more than 24 degrees, and in winter it will survive a lower temperature of up to 15 - 16 degrees. In this case, the humidity should be at least 60%, ideally about 90%. It is required to spray it with settled water 2 - 3 times a day. Arrowroot will feel great next to an aquarium or a humidifier. Watering is carried out every 3 to 4 days, less often in winter... The water should not stagnate in the pot. Before watering, she needs to settle and it is advisable to add a couple of drops of lemon juice.

In winter, pruning of the leaves should be carried out in order for the plant to be more luxuriant.

Soil and fertilizing

The soil needs to be sufficiently loose, breathable. To do this, sand or peat is added to it, as well as humus and pieces of charcoal to protect it from soil rotting. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot.

It is necessary to apply fertilizers for this flower 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.... Mineral mixtures for indoor plants with decorative foliage are suitable for this.

Reproduction and transplantation

You can propagate arrowroot in 3 ways:


To get arrowroot seedlings, in early spring prepare a box of earth and create temperature regime within 15 - 19 degrees... The seeds are spread over the soil in small holes and lightly sprinkled with earth. Shoots appear in about 10 - 15 days. When 2 leaves appear, the plant can be transplanted into a separate pot. At home, this method is rarely used.

Division of an adult bush

In order to divide the bush, it is enough to free the plant from the ground and cut the roots. Moreover, there should be several tubers on each bush. The place of the cut is treated with charcoal and the arrowroot is planted in moist soil.

Rooting cuttings

Cut off an adult plant from May to September stalk about 10 cm with 3 leaves... It is placed in water, and after about 5 weeks it will appear developed root... After that, it is planted in prepared soil.

Adult plant it is enough to replant every 2 years, the pot is slightly larger than the previous one. Spring is suitable for this - March or April.

What does the arrowroot flower bring to the house

The third name of this plant is Praying Herb.

The flower received it due to the fact that in good conditions its leaves are unfolded, but as soon as the plant lacks light or moisture, its leaves fold and stretch.

Therefore, there was a sign that the flower brings well-being to the house, helps to get rid of negative emotions and protect from conflicts... Placing a flower in the room of an overly active and excitable child can calm him down a little. Arrowroot does not bloom very often, and if it does bloom, then its owner will soon receive a large amount of money. So superstition about this exotic plant enough and a lot. But they all talk about the good and the prosperity that it brings.


Arrowroot is not the most whimsical representative of the rainforest. and is great for growing at home. She has long gained popularity due to her striking appearance.

Arrowroot is an unusual herbaceous perennial of the Marantovaya family. Its main value is its large leaves with an amazing pattern. Sometimes it's hard to believe that it is living plant... For spots that correspond to the number of biblical commandments, arrowroot is called "praying or prayer grass", "pilgrim", "princess frog". Its homeland is the moist Brazilian forests, where the plant occupies vast territories. Do not be afraid of the exotic look; at home, caring for arrowroot is within the power of a grower, even with little experience.

Botanical characteristics

Arrowroot - perennial herbaceous plant with a branched rhizome. Elongated nodules are formed on thin roots. They contain large amounts of starch and are used for food. The stem of a young plant is erect, but as its length increases, it begins to droop towards the ground. The annual growth is small, the height of an adult bush does not exceed 60 cm. Up to six new leaves are formed per year.

The petioled foliage of a dark green or bluish color grows opposite in pairs. It has an oval shape with a rounded edge. There are also varieties with a cordate pointed foliage. On the leaves are embossed central and lateral veins. In many varieties, they are summed up with thin contrasting lines of cream, light green or white. If saturated green shades prevail on the front side of the leaf plate, then pink, lemon or whitish color predominates on the reverse side. The length of the leaf is 10-15 cm, and the width is 5-9 cm.

During the day, the leaves turn, which is called the "arrowroot prayer". In the evening, the leaves are unfolded like a fan and show their lower side, and by morning they fall again and show a vivid pattern.

Flowering occurs during the summer months. From the top of the arrowroot stem, rare paniculate inflorescences appear. Petals of small flowers can be white, yellow or pink. Of course, tiny flowers cannot compete with showy foliage. After pollination, compact seed pods are formed in place of flowers.

Types of arrowroot

In total, there are about 25 species of arrowroot and several dozen ornamental varieties.

This plant is very popular. There are three colors at once on the leaf plate: a darker (often pink) middle, contrasting veins and light edges. It is in this species that 10 spots can be distinguished by the number of commandments. Some argue that the drawing resembles the back of a fish.

The plant has oval leaves up to 15 cm long. The petiole and the underside of the leaf are colored in pink color and covered with soft pubescence. The surface of the leaf blade is smooth and green with brighter edges.

A herbaceous plant with a drooping stem up to 30 cm long bears large heart-shaped leaves. On their front side, against a gray-green background, thin white veins are visible. The reverse side is reddish in color.

This large (up to 130 cm high) plant has dense erect stems. The roots are densely covered with tubers. Elongated ovoid leaves with a pointed edge are colored dark gray.


There are several ways to propagate arrowroot:

  • Sowing seeds. Seedlings begin to grow in early spring. To do this, prepare a wide box with wet sandy-peat soil. The seeds are distributed in the holes and slightly crushed with soil. Seedlings appear within 5-15 days. The entire growing season should be kept at a temperature of + 15 ... + 19 ° C. Plants with 2-3 leaves dive into separate pots.
  • Division of the bush. An adult plant is dug up and freed from the ground. The root is carefully cut so that in each section there are several nodules and 2-3 leaves. Places of the cut are sprinkled with crushed charcoal and the plants are immediately planted in light, slightly moistened soil.
  • Rooting cuttings. From May to September, you can cut off an 8-10 cm long shoot with 2-3 healthy leaves from an adult arrowroot. Root it in water for 4-5 weeks. After the formation of a full-fledged rhizome, the cutting is planted in peat soil and kept in a warm and humid environment.

Plant care

So that caring for arrowroot does not require much effort, it is important for her to find the right place at home. All variegated plants need bright, diffused light. Without him beautiful drawing fades. However, direct sunlight is contraindicated in arrowroot. In winter, it is necessary to light up the bushes to provide about 16 hours of daylight.

In too hot rooms, arrowroot grows poorly. The optimum air temperature for a flower is + 22 ... + 24 ° C. In winter, a cold snap of up to + 15 ° C is allowed, but there is no need to create such conditions artificially. The plant does not need a dormant period.

The humidity in the room with arrowroot should be high. Ideally, it can go up to 90%. It is recommended to spray the leaves several times a day, use a humidifier and place the pots next to aquariums, trays of wet pebbles. For spraying, use purified water to limescale did not spoil the appearance of the leaves.

Water the plant regularly, every 3-4 days. When the temperature is lowered, this interval is increased. Excess moisture should freely leave the pot, and the pallet should also be emptied. The water for irrigation should be slightly warmer than the air temperature. It should be well defended and slightly acidified with lemon juice.

Arrowroot needs regular feeding. In April-September, twice a month, they are introduced into the soil mineral compositions for indoor plants with decorative foliage. The dosage indicated on the package must not be exceeded. With an excessive amount of fertilizer, arrowroot can die.

The flower is transplanted after a year. The pot is selected wide, but not too deep. At the bottom, holes and drainage material (pebbles, shards, expanded clay) are required. The soil for arrowroot is made up of the following components:

  • sheet land (2 parts);
  • leaf humus (part 1);
  • coniferous land (1 part);
  • river sand (1 part).

It is useful to add small pieces of charcoal to the soil mixture to prevent the development of rot.

Diseases and pests

If the air in the room is too dry, the risk of spider mite infestation increases. It is difficult to detect, but the smallest punctures on the leaves and a thin cobweb along the edge quickly become noticeable. Some growers prefer to use natural soap solutions, but insecticides are more effective.

It is a perennial flower, which is characterized by creeping or even shoots, as well as root system tuberous origin. Leaves take on a variety of shapes: round-oval, long-elliptical and linear-lanceolate. Most often, arrowroot is characterized by unusual colors of flowers and leaves. You can find this plant with shades from dark green to almost black. At the same time, small veins and small specks will be clearly visible on the surface.

Today, there are about 25 species of flower varieties. The plant was named after one of the famous physicians in Venice, Bartolomeo Maranta (18th century).

The homeland of this amazing flower is the humid tropics and swampy jungle, which are located in Central and South America. It is for this reason that, before purchasing arrowroot, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the correct conditions for its maintenance and care at home.

Varieties of arrowroot

For lovers of green plants, you can choose the most different kind arrowroots. In this case, it is worth considering the characteristics of each type of flower. So:

  1. By far the most popular for home breeding considered a stranded decorative arrowroot. It has a relatively short stem, which does not exceed 30 centimeters in height, and oval-shaped leaves. Their length can range from 10 to 15 centimeters. In this case, the width is from 5 to 9 centimeters. Such gorgeous flower will easily take root in a house or apartment. In order for the plant to please its owners for a long time, proper care must be taken for it, although the arrowroot of this species is not very demanding on the attention of people.
  2. Tricolor flower or red-streaked arrowroot with lilac flowers. Such a flower looks noble due to the color of its leaves. On the inside, they are saturated green tint and closer to the edges of the leaves, it slowly begins to fade and reduce its intensity. The presence of spots on the leaves will allow you to see unusual pattern in the central part. Sometimes it is somewhat reminiscent of a bird's feather. A distinctive feature of a tricolor plant is the presence of red veins. They are very visible and can change their shade under the influence of sunlight.
  3. Kerkhovina, with the presence of oval sheets. This plant variety is characterized by short cuttings and very small, light-colored flowers. Interesting spots can be seen at the very top of the flower. They can be of various sizes and shapes. The leaves that are at the bottom of the flower can turn red or blue over time. It all depends on proper flower care.
  4. It should also be noted arrowroot massage. It differs slightly from the previous species in that it has a different color of spots on the leaves. They, in turn, can go from olive to almost black in color. This type of flower needs constant care and attention.
  5. Bicolor plant. His distinctive feature lack of tuber formation is considered. This type of arrowroot has oval leaves that grow on very short cuttings. The top may turn dark green, while the bottom of the leaf pattern may become more reddish.
  6. Growing arrowroot cane takes a lot of patience and care. It will not work to place such a flower in a small apartment, because its dimensions can reach almost 1.2 meters in height. The flower is presented in the form of a bush with leaves elongated in shape. During the flowering of arrowroot, it dissolves gorgeous flowers white.

Planting a plant

A prerequisite for the normal growth of arrowroot is its competent planting. First of all, you need to correctly form the flower. In order for a lush plant to grow as a result, you just need to pinch off the top of it. The optimal time for this procedure is the active growth of arrowroot.

When planting young plants Special attention must be devoted to land. It is very important not to tamp it when planting. And if you nevertheless decide on this, then the process must be carried out with extreme caution. Until the moment when the plant adapts to new growth conditions, it must be sprayed daily. Remember, both over-spraying and lack of it can provoke the development of plant disease and its death.

When the arrowroot starts to grow, it is very important to feed the plant in a timely manner. But we'll talk about this a little later.

Location and lighting

The reaction of arrowroot to sunlight is very interesting. If the flower is in the shade and there is a significant lack of lighting, then the leaves over time will begin to stretch vertically and gather together (like palms on hands). As soon as the flower receives required amount the sun's rays, the leaves instantly disperse and take their usual horizontal position. For a similar process, the arrowroot people received the name "Praying Flower".

It is important that the plant receives a certain amount of light. Placing it on the windowsill, take into account the fact that the direct rays of the sun are very harmful for the flower. In addition, you can put the flower on the table or place it on a special stand on the floor. A fluorescent lamp is perfect for lighting it.

Pot size

When planting and replanting, special attention is paid to the size and quality of the pot. Since the root system of the flower is not very large, it is best to pay attention to medium-sized pots. The most suitable option would be a pot, which will be made of plastic. In this case, the diameter of the pot should approximately correspond to its height.

In the summertime, to avoid overheating, it is best to replant the plant in a planter. It is very important to keep an eye on the seepage of excess fluid. If one appears on the pallet, then it must be poured out without fail.

The soil

In order for the arrowroot to grow well and bloom in a timely manner, you need to take care of the quality of the prepared soil. The best option for this plant will be the land, which will be prepared on the basis of 2/3 of leafy soil, part of peat soil, part of soil humus, part of coniferous soil. All components must be mixed with sand. Only then can small pieces of charcoal be placed in the soil.


The procedure for transplanting arrowroot should be carried out once every few years. The best time of the year for this is the spring season. For this, a pot is selected, the size of which should be slightly larger than the previous one. This will enable the root system of the flower to take a horizontal position.

Before transplanting, you must carefully inspect the plant. If curled leaves or roots are found, they will need to be trimmed.

A prerequisite for each transplant (and planting) of a plant is to place the drainage at the bottom of the pot. It is believed that its thickness should be at least 3 centimeters. For this, broken brick, charcoal and coarse sand are suitable.

After the transplant is completed, the plant will need to be observed for several days. Also, do not forget about the daily spraying of arrowroot.

Fertilization and feeding

Arrowroot needs feeding after planting and transplanting. In this case, highly concentrated fertilizers must be very well diluted.

Usually, the feeding procedure is carried out first in spring and until autumn. To do this, once every couple of weeks, you can use ready-made fertilizers of a mineral nature (they are standard for all plants that grow at home).

All that is required for this is to dilute 1 gram of fertilizer in a liter of water, which will have room temperature... Sometimes it is recommended to alternate the use of mineral and organic fertilizers.

It is very important not to forget that the flower can react negatively to frequent and abundant feeding. Therefore, it is better to create a special calendar in which you can fix the required dates.


Watering arrowroots is carried out not according to a specific schedule, but according to the state of the plant's soil. It is very important that the soil dries up a little before the next watering.

In the hot season, the soil will dry out several times faster. It is for this reason that the flower will have to be watered more often. V winter period you can alternately spray the arrowroot and water it. The flower loves this procedure, regardless of the season and temperature.

It is better to water the arrowroot with settled water. No need to take tap water. Do not spare boiled or melted water for a flower. It is important that the temperature of the liquid is at room temperature!


In the room where the plant is located, you need to carefully monitor the air temperature. The optimal condition for the growth of arrowroot is considered to be a temperature of 20-25 degrees (this is warm time of the year). In winter, the mark on the thermometer should not fall below 18 degrees.

It is important to consider the fact that arrowroot does not like drafts and cold. If in winter the plant is on the windowsill, then it is better to cover the glass with a pillow or put a thicker stand under the pot.

Air humidity

Suitable humidity for this flower is 90%. To achieve such indicators, you need to regularly spray arrowroot leaves and monitor the condition of its soil. If white spots form on the leaves, then the water must be changed (after all, this indicates poor water quality). Sometimes the flower can be watered in the shower.

During the hot season, arrowroot must be placed in wide trays and observe the amount of excess liquid that seeps through the soil. You can put moss or expanded clay on the pallet. It is very important that the bottom of the pot does not come into contact with water!


In the case of arrowroot, pruning for this plant is not considered the most popular method. If you need to get cuttings of a flower, then you should pay attention to its top, on which there must be several leaves. When the choice is made using scissors, cut off the selected area and immediately place it in a glass of water.

Flower diseases and possible pests

Arrowroot does not have any fungal or infectious ailments. Only with poor care, spots with brown spots can form on the leaves, and the root system can decay strongly and quickly. In order to correct such a nuisance, the missing roots and leaves are cut off. After this, the flower must be treated with a weak solution of manganese, and then transplanted into new land.

Leaves curl and dry most often due to very dry air. To eliminate this problem, it will be enough to apply mineral fertilizers. After a few days, the leaves will return to their previous appearance.

When curling and the appearance of spots on the leaves, abundant watering of the plant is necessary. It is important in this situation to monitor the condition of the ground (it may be slightly damp).

A flower can most often rot or wither when low temperatures and abundant watering. To save the flower from death, it is recommended to transplant it into a new land and place it in a warmer room.

When the shade of the leaves changes, this indicates that arrowroot is standing in the sun. In order to prevent the death of the flower, it must be transferred to the shade.

One of the most common pests of arrowroot is the spider mite. To get rid of it, preventive treatment is carried out.


Flowering continues during summer season... At the same time, you can observe an abundant number of small flowers of various colors. In captivity, arrowroots do not always bloom regularly. Therefore, if this happens, then the owners are always glad to such a unique and unusual phenomenon.


Arrowroot can multiply in several ways. Among them, the following are distinguished:

  • Reproduction by division. It is necessary to cut off all shoots to the very root. After that, the prepared shoot is sent to a container with water and is there, until a new root begins to sprout. Only when the rudiments are visible, the plant is carefully transplanted into a small pot.
  • Reproduction by cuttings. It is best done between May and June. For this, cuttings ranging in size from 8 to 10 centimeters are selected. In this case, it is important to cut lower leaves and begin the process of strengthening the root system. After 3-4 weeks, the young stalk can be transplanted into the prepared soil.

Dormant period

Arrowroot is usually dormant between October and February. If we compare it with other flowers that tolerate winter and low temperatures very poorly, then we can confidently say that for this plant this period is the most favorable for its growth.

Useful properties and toxicity

With the correct arrangement of the flower in the house (for example, at the head of the bed), after a certain period of time, the person regains normal sleep, throughout the day he feels great and is in a great mood. Experts recommend placing this plant in places where a lot of negative energy is concentrated. In this way, it will help to normalize the situation and improve the collective spirit!

Arrowroot is a plant unique in its beauty and properties. It can easily take root in the house and apartment, only for this it is necessary to create all the conditions for its existence. At the first sign of wilting of the plant or the appearance of unusual spots, urgent measures must be taken. Otherwise, there is a risk of death of arrowroot!

A short South American tropical plant with decorative oval leaves is called arrowroot. Its leaves have spectacular shades of green: from light to deep dark. Bright spots, dots or veins are symmetrically located against their background. Arrowroot stems, while young, are directed upward and begin to spread later if it is grown without support. At home, care for arrowroot must be correct, then it blooms. Flowers, collected in spikelets, nondescript and small, appear in late spring or summer.

The beautiful plant is named after Bartolomeo Maranta, a botanist and physician from Italy, who lived in the 16th century. Seeds got to Europe with the help of the American statesman W. Houston, who was also a planter. He first discovered the plant near the city of Santa Cruz and exported its seeds to European countries. Unusual flower immediately came to the liking of their residents and took a worthy place in greenhouses and greenhouses. A lot of interesting things are told about him:

Types of indoor plants arrowroot and photo selection

The arrowroot family has about 25 varieties. Here is some of them:

Arrowroot bicolor. From a biological point of view, it is separate species quite similar to Kerhoven's arrowroot. On a small reddish petiole there are oval leaves 11-15 cm long with slightly wavy edges. From below they are pubescent, with a reddish ornament, from above the pattern is represented by rich green and brown spots. This species does not form tubers.

An unusually effective variety. The rich background of leaves of arrowroot tricolor (tricolor) fades slightly at the edges. There are yellowish or light green spots along the central red vein. At the edges of the sheet, they turn into feather-like patterns of a dark green color. Red veins clearly visible from above on the inner side of the leaf fade and acquire a pinkish tint. It is difficult to explain why the arrowroot tricolor is compared to fish, but it is also called the “red herring ridge”.

Kerhovena arrowroot - it is believed that this species is the most hardy

The plant has oval leaves (on short petioles) and small white flowers. The lower part of the leaves is colored from bluish to red. The upper one is decorated with a central light stripe and feather-like or ocellated spots of a dark green color. This species is considered hardy and you can even find a plant among inexperienced flower growers.

In contrast to the above, it has dark spots on the leaves (from brown-olive to black) and a light central stripe. The plant is compact. Compared to the rest, this species is the most demanding to care for.

Grows in Mexico, Central and South America, and the island of Trinidad. The leaves of the plant are ovoid, the flowers are panicle-shaped.

The most common plant. Leaves are gray-green in color with silvery veins and colored patterns. The stem is small (up to 30 cm). Leaves are cordate (length - 11 - 15 cm), below they are reddish and gray-green. The root of this type of flower is tuberous. White-necked arrowroot multiplies easily and is unpretentious.

Tall compact plant (up to 1.3 m), has thick tuberous roots. Leaves are elongated, dark green with a bluish tinge. Their shape is ovoid, with a sharp tip. Below the leaves are pubescent. The flowers are small and white.

How to care for a South American beauty arrowroot

This plant loves warmth, a comfortable temperature for it is considered to be 20-26 degrees

Watering. Arrowroot grows in nature near water bodies in wet areas. Therefore, in the summer it is necessary to moisten it often (every other day) so that the soil is slightly moist all the time. Irregular watering may cause the plant to dry out. In winter, it is desirable to reduce its frequency (1 time in 5 - 7 days). The surface of the substrate should be allowed to dry for a couple of centimeters. Excessive soil moisture can cause the root to rot. When watering, you must not allow water to get on the leaves, so that fungal diseases do not arise. It is necessary to moisten the plant only with soft water (boiled, rain or settled).

Temperature. Maranta loves warm air, + 20 - 26 degrees in summer and + 16 - 18 - in winter. She does not tolerate temperature extremes and drafts. For this reason, it is not recommended to take the plant outside in the summer.

Air humidity

  • If the flower is in a room with dry air, spray it a couple of times a day (in summer) and 1-2 times every 7 days in the winter.
  • Put flower pot into an outer container, which is pre-filled with moist peat.
  • You can put the pot on a pallet with damp: moss, sand, pebbles.
  • Rinse the plant regularly in the shower, covering the pot with a bag so that the soil does not become waterlogged.

Despite all measures taken to humidify the air, indoor conditions the tips of the leaves dry out from the flower, but in the greenhouse the plants feel great.

Place the plant out of direct sunlight

Lighting. Indoor does not like direct sunlight of arrowroot. In bright light, the leaf plate shrinks, the leaves lose their bright color. In an unlit (dark) place, the color shade of the leaves also fades. Arrowroot prefers bright diffused light (partial shade) and grows best under artificial lighting (16 hours a day) with fluorescent lamps.

Indoors, the best place for placing a flower is a stand in the center of the room. In winter (due to lack of light), the plant can be transferred to the windowsill.

Soil composition. Breathable loose substrate - is the basis for successful cultivation plants. If you grow it in peat, then you need to add a little to the mixture dolomite flour... You can also use store-bought arrowroot mixes.

It's pretty easy to make your own substrate. There are 2 ways to prepare it:

  • Peat (2 parts).
  • Leafy land (2 parts).
  • Sand (1 part).

Second way:

  • Humus (part 1).
  • Leafy land (4 parts).
  • Peat (2 parts).
  • Sand (1 part).

For the looseness of the substrate, sphangum moss, charcoal, pine bark, light soil from a coniferous forest are added to the mixture.

Throughout spring and autumn, the plant must be fed with mineral fertilizers.

Top dressing and fertilizers. From spring to autumn, the flower is fertilized every 2 weeks with a special one (for indoor decorative leafy plants) mineral fertilizer(2 grams per 2 liters of water). You can alternate it with highly diluted organic. However, it must be remembered that the plant is sensitive to overfeeding.

In winter, arrowroot is fed with highly diluted fertilizer no more than once every 28 - 30 days.

Plant transplant and care. Arrowroot is transplanted over 3 years of age in spring(Once every 2 years), young plant- annually. To do this, take a not very deep, but wide pot, slightly larger than the previous one, because the root system of the plant is small and develops horizontally.

It is necessary to remove diseased and old leaves on the plant, and a drainage layer (charcoal, broken brick, coarse sand, expanded clay) must be laid on the bottom of the pot. It should be about 5 centimeters tall.

To make a lush bush from arrowroot, you need to cut off all the shoots at the root. As a result, new fresh shoots and young leaves are formed on the plant again.

Reproduction of arrowroot plant

Arrowroot propagates by seeds, cuttings and division.

Cuttings. In May - September, an 8 - 10 cm stalk with a pair of internodes and several leaves (2 - 3) is cut from the arrowroot bush, processed with a growth stimulator and placed in a container with water. After 32 to 45 days, it will release roots. After that, it is planted in a peat soil mixture and watered well. Cuttings root well in greenhouses with high humidity and temperature.

Division. The bush is removed from the pot, the rhizome is carefully cut into 3 - 4 parts, so that each tuber has a good root and several leaves. Plant each root in a separate pot of loose potting soil and cover with a transparent bag to better survival rate... Keep in a warm place.

Reproduction by seeds. You can also grow a flower from seeds. It is better to sow them at a temperature of 15 - 19 degrees and maintain it throughout the growing season.

Blooming arrowroot. The plant blooms profusely, and flower arrows appear on it throughout the summer. However, the flowers themselves are rather inconspicuous: on the arrow, small pale pink, light yellow or white flowers are collected in a spikelet.

At home, arrowroot blooms are very rare, and growers consider it a significant event.

Plant diseases and pests

Arrowroot is susceptible to a lot of diseases and pests, so you need to monitor the plant

Mealybug. This pest focuses on leaf stalks. It must be washed off with a soap solution (20 g per liter of water). Do not forget to remove the soap from the arrowroot afterwards. If washing is not effective enough, apply spraying with actellik solution.

Shields. Brown plaques appear on the surface of leaves and stems. The sheets dry up, fall off, lose their color.

Control measures

The leaves are cleaned by wiping them with a sponge dipped in soapy water (20 soap per 1 liter of water). Then the plant is sprayed with a solution of actellik (1 - 2 ml of the product per 1 liter of water). The treatment can be repeated several times until the pests are completely destroyed.

Red spider mite. Most dangerous pest room arrowroot is a spider mite. It usually settles on the underside of leaves that grow in a dry, warm room. The leaves on the damaged plant lose their color - they become pale and fall off prematurely. Whitish specks form on their surface, and a thin web appears on the underside of the leaves.

Control measures

Washing the leaves with a mild tobacco solution and soap. Removing damaged. Pollination (on fresh air, outdoors) ground sulfur or spraying with actellik, fitoverm, fufan, derris.

As usual, the leaves curl up at the arrowroot due to insufficient watering

Folk recipes for the destruction of mites on plants

Pass unpeeled garlic or onion through a meat grinder and dilute in 1 liter of water. Insist 24 hours, then strain. Add 5 g of soap. Pour in water at a rate of 1: 1. Treat the plant. You can also insist dandelion and yarrow.

Slow growth, dry and brown leaf edges

It happens when the air in the room is very dry. Moisten the plant regularly. And be sure to check if the flower is affected by pests. If necessary, you will need to apply an insecticide.

Leaves curl up, spots appear on them

This happens when there is insufficient watering. The soil mixture should always be slightly damp.

Yellow-brown leaf edges

With a lack or excess nutrients in the soil.

Falling leaves

With excessive watering or extremely dry air in the room. The soil should not be soggy, but slightly damp.

Decaying limp stems

Low temperature with high humidity.

Leaves dry up and lose their bright color

This happens when the sunlight is too intense.

Pruning arrowroot

Elongated plant growths should be removed as they appear. This contributes to the fact that new young shoots are actively growing from the center.

Bottom line: The arrowroot is home to the humid, diffused light, warm South American tropics. For the plant to feel as good as at home, it needs to be provided with comfortable warmth, frequent spraying and diffused light. And then the flower will constantly delight you with bright beautiful leaves.

Good luck with growing arrowroot.

Members of the Marantaceae family are often called “prayer plants” or “worshiping plants” due to the unique ability of their leaves to rise vertically and fold like the hands of a praying person.
At the base of the leaf blade of these plants is an area containing pigments that control the change in leaf position depending on the intensity of solar radiation. In the morning and evening, when the sunlight is not very bright, the plants turn their leaves towards the sun, receiving the light necessary for photosynthesis. In hot midday hours, their leaves turn to the sun with an edge to reduce moisture loss and risk sunburn, and at night the leaves of arrowroot take the position characteristic of the hands of a pilgrim.

Such unusual behavior of leaves is far from the only advantage of plants of the arrowroot family. Home-grown arrowroots, namely calathea, stromant, ctenant and arrowroot, have amazingly beautiful and bright leaves, and some species, for example, saffron calathea, bloom spectacularly.

Genus arrowroot, by the name of which the whole family is named, includes more than two dozen species, the most common species are maranta leconeura, varieties massangeana and tricolor.

Both varieties of arrowroot have a very original color of leaves. The lateral veins of the arrowroot massangeana are colored silvery; the lateral veins of the tricolor arrowroot are red. Unlike other plants of the arrowroot family, the long stems of an adult arrowroot descend and spread, so the plant must be fixed on a support.

The most colorful representative of the arrowroot is, of course, stromant- a rather large bushy herbaceous plant with elongated oval leaves. In indoor culture, the most commonly grown blood-red stromanthe (stromanthe sanguinea) variety Triostar, also called Tricolor. The upper part of the leaf plate of the Tricolor stromant is colored dark green and painted with light green and creamy pink stripes. The lower part of the leaf has a rich burgundy hue. V optimal conditions In the spring, reddish-pink flowers appear on Stromanthe sanguinea, collected in inflorescences in the form of spikelets.

Genus calathea has several species, each of which is unusual, extremely decorative and deserves the attention of flower growers.

V flower shop or a garden center most often offer one of the most original and popular types of calathea - calathea roseopictus(calathea roseo-picta). Its large, oval-shaped, dark green leaves are adorned with a vivid pattern, giving the impression that there are more leaves painted on the leaf plate. The lower part of the leaves has a purple color.

Light green large leaves Calathea Makoya(calathea makoyana) are similar in shape to the foliage of the previous calathea species. They are distinguished by elongated oval dark spots extending from the central vein and a dark edging of the leaf. Due to its variegated color, Kalatea Makoi is called a peacock flower abroad.

Leaves hand painted calathea(calathea picturata) are also decorated with a dark edging, but the leaf plate is solid, light green.

Decorated calathea(calathea ornata) is one of the most elegant species. She has large oval dark green leaves, variegated with thin pink lines running along the lateral veins.

Calathea zebra(calathea zebrina) can be recognized by its striped leaf color. Large, up to 40 cm long, leaves of zebra-like calathea have a light central vein and are covered with dark transverse stripes.

Calathea Varshevich(calathea warscewiczii) has velvety leaves. Its leaf blade is colored dark green, along the light central vein there is a light green pattern, the underside of the leaf is purple. Calathea warscewiczii blooms in rather large white or creamy pink inflorescences.

Calathea is wonderful(calathea insignis or calathea lancifolia) has an elongated and narrow leaf blade of a light green hue. On the upper side of the leaf there are oval-shaped spots. The underside of the leaves purple.

Calathea saffron(calathea crocata) grown for the beautiful orange flowers... The leaves of calathea saffron are monochromatic, dark green in color, the underside of the leaves is purple.

Amateur flower growers grow several species ktenant- this is Ctenant Berl-Marx, Ctenant Lubbers and Ctenant Oppenheim.
(ctenanthe burle-marxii) - the most common species, it is a medium-sized herb about 40 cm high with small oval light green leaves about 10 cm long. Dark green stripes extend to the sides from the central vein of the leaf.

(ctenanthe lubbersiana) grows in indoor conditions up to 60-70 cm. Its leaves have the shape of an elongated oval with a pointed end and are colored green with irregularly spaced yellow stripes.

(ctenanthe oppenheimiana) - a plant of quite impressive size, growing up to a meter in height. The leaves of this species are large, also elongated. The color of the leaves resembles that of the Triostar stromant: green and creamy stripes on the upper side of the leaf and burgundy color on the lower part of the leaf plate.

Conditions of detention
All representatives of the arrowroot family are very demanding on keeping conditions and, above all, on air humidity, which should reach 90%. With insufficient moisture, plant leaves begin to dry out and may fall off. To grow a luxurious specimen at home, you need to get an air humidifier or keep the plant in a terrarium, florarium or near an indoor waterfall. In the absence of a humidifier, the plant should be placed on a tray with damp expanded clay or pebbles and sprayed several times a day. Calathea Varshevich should not be sprayed, since this negatively affects its velvet leaves.

Place arrowroots in a well-lit room away from windows, since plants cannot tolerate bright direct sunlight, which fade the color of the leaves. With too much sun, arrowroots may even die. With a lack of lighting on the leaves of arrowroot, the bright pattern disappears, and the leaves become monotonous green. If the plants are nevertheless grown on the window, then they must be shaded in the hot midday hours.

Arrowroot plants are thermophilic, optimum temperature for their maintenance - 22-25 degrees, in winter - about 18-20 degrees. Drafts and temperature changes have a detrimental effect on plants.

Watered arrowroots with abundant warm well-settled water as the topsoil dries up. In the autumn-winter period, watering is slightly reduced. It is necessary to ensure that the earthen lump does not dry out in the plants. They react to overdried soil with yellowing, curling and even dropping of leaves. Waterlogging of the earthen coma and cooling of the root system leads to its decay.

V spring-summer period arrowroots are fed with complex fertilizer for ornamental deciduous plants every two weeks. Due to the fact that plants do not react well to an excess of minerals in the soil, it is recommended to dilute the fertilizer at half concentration. Calathea saffron, which is flowering plant, fed with fertilizer for decorative flowering.

Adult arrowroots transplanted in the spring every two years, young plants require an annual transplant. Shallow wide pots are suitable for arrowroots, while you should take a pot slightly larger than the previous one. To prevent root decay, a drainage layer must be placed in the pot. Use a special soil for arrowroot or azaleas, which can be bought at a flower shop.

When transplanting, large plants can be carefully divided into several parts, planted in separate pots, watered well, covered with a plastic bag and placed in a warm place. After a while, the planted plants will take root and release new leaves.

In spring and summer arrowroots, stromanths and ktenants multiply by rooting cuttings, which are placed in a glass of water and covered with a bag. You can try to grow Calathea from seeds.

Plants should be checked regularly for pests- spider mites, whiteflies, scale insects and mealybugs.

With proper care and maintenance, a beautiful specimen can grow from a small stalk of arrowroot that can create an exotic atmosphere in the house.