How to get rid of the coin on the site forever. Methods of dealing with the Osense at the country area

Drubwear and Osay are two malicious weeds, with which it is very difficult to fight. Of course, the most faithful option is. But not every land owner wants to deal with chemistry. Folk remedies come into battle, which sometimes do not inferior to chemical treatments. It is possible to completely get rid of the coin and drinking with the help of green fertilizers and girlfriend materials.

Folk remedies for the fight against weeds

Immediately we note that you should not sprinkle the salt by salt, pour it with vinegar, vodka, to dry fires and burn plants soldering lamp, as well as generously water the soil with steep boiling water. So it is possible to get rid of the soak and the soil to get rid of the dustiness.

Take care of the soil - it is better to use gentle and even useful methods for soil - sowing sites and mulching. These funds are suitable for the struggle and with the osry and with dusty.

Fighting Pyrem

Drubwear is a living weed that can completely restore the authentative mass even from a particle of a length of 1 cm. It wakes up very early - sometimes the sharp pains of his leaves are already visible to the next snow.

It is much easier and preventing the appearance of drinking in the garden at all, than to get rid of it. Do not allow drinking to the site - every time you choose all parts of its parts.

Fighting of Osysuck

Also no less biased. Remove this plant from the site is usually quite simple, but it is quick and easily returned. Each time at the same place, the osry appears again and again, forms a powerful, woody overhead mass and absorbs a huge amount of moisture and nutrients from the soil, thereby cogenous cultural plants.

Useful properties of the severity and drinking

Surprisingly, but weeds - odds and drinking - possess and useful, medical properties. For example, decoctions and infants of the dusty are used to treat disorders of metabolism, as campling and expectorant, and decoction and substrates of the source - as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent.

About how else you can use garden weedsRead in the articles:

How to get rid of weeds

Of course, if there is a little ray or an alien, then you can simply break out the weeds periodically, trying to remove with the maximum part of the roots, in no case allow the formation of seeds. And then in a few years these weeds will disappear. But this is a very long time. Use on the mulch and green fertilizer - Siderators - will allow both weeds quickly and easily get rid of the soil and protect and easily.

Siderats from weeds

Much quickly, you can get rid of a dusty and albele, seeding the Sideral cultures: mustard, Lupine, Facelius, buckwheat, rape, clover, rye and peas.
Usually, the Sideral herbs are sown after the soil resistance per month before landing cultural plants either on the paired land.

Siderats are actively growing and "loss" weeds. Well, if they are then embedded in the soil, then you will enrich it with the nutrients everywhere.

Read more about the benefits and conditions of the use of Sideratov on the site, read in the articles:

Mulch from weeds

The mulch layer will also help to save the ground and from the source and from the dusty. Moreover, it is not necessary to acquire expensive non-woven underflowing material. You can use undergraduate tools.

Any gardener can confidently say that the struggle with weeds is one of the most difficult, because it requires not only the tremendous spending time, but also nerves and financial opportunities.

In particular, this applies to the most "harmful" weeds, which are pushing their existence and presence in the garden in principle - the osry. This representative of the Astrov family is deeply powered deep into the ground, due to high degree vegetative reproduction Wires its own root system and begins to terrorize nearby plants. Get rid of the coo in our own garden, we will be honest, it is impossible. However, due to the correctly chosen tactics of the management of the economy and the struggle with weeds, it is possible to get efficacy in the fight against the Osay.

Sophisticated outwardly flower: oblong spiny gear leaves and yellow inflorescences on the back of a straight stem can boast a very powerful root system in which all the strength of the odd is. Rhizome sprouts up to 1 m, firmly rooting in the ground.

Let's first figure it out, why do we need to get rid of this grass? Based on the previously described, the acute has a powerful root systemWhich due to the scatteriness absorbs all vitamins, fertilizers, minerals in neighboring plants from the soil. Simply put, Osay depletes the soil. Consequently, all vegetable crops growing on the plot will be deprived of nutrients, the fruits will not grow, remaining small and sick. Leaving odds without attention, you can count on its aggressiveness, at the expense of which he simply displaces the rest useful cultures. As a result, the crop can not wait.

True, individual sowing areas are specially allocated for sowing a coo. Quite a logical question, why? First of all, the essence essence lies in its taste, highly valued home cattle. This plant is used for feeding coarse livestock. Although some prefer to eat alike in food - soaking the mixture is added to salads, casserole, soup. At the same time, the yellow flowers of the severity of the long period are in a vase, simply gladly glad.

It would not be enough to mention medicinal properties This plant. Decorations and tinctures from the coolant are applied against worms, used as a bloodstand and antiseptic agent. For some, Oswish is recommended for admission to food in cases with complications of gastrointestinal diseases.

Chemical processing of the site

Having received an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of cooker, about its benefits and harm, you can proceed to the most important thing - the need to process the seed site. Most dachas wondered how to process the soil against weed. In the case when the earth on which the weed grows, did not pass on the reference, then vegetable cultures will not grow on it. In this situation, it is simply necessary to subjected to the soil of chemical processing. This procedure is extremely effective, the truth is not devoid of aggressiveness. After this processing, the expectation of at least one season will be required to land vegetable cultures on purified soil.

IN this moment You can practically in any specialized store purchase means for chemical treatment. Powerful herbicides, type "Roundap", "Tornado", Arsenal are most common. Chemical processing is planned in advance on those days when there are no expected precipitation. Before and after processing should not be predicted precipitation in the form of rain. In the process of processing it is worth taking care of hand protection based on rubber gloves, And for safety reasons, do not allow pets to at least one day to the garden.

Is it possible to remove the osry manually

In the case when the odds are adjacent to potatoes, carrots, beet and other vegetables, it should be cleaned manually. Unfortunately, it will not work from the first time, but due to the regularity of actions and patience, you can clean the garden from the very annoying weed. How?

  1. Closing the season in the fall, as soon as frosts begin to occur, it is worth opening the earth and, if possible, pull out all the available coins of the odd. It costs it with maximum caution - without shaking herbs, so that the seeds do not appear. Next will need to fold plants and destroy compost pit. Never leave the roots, eliminated from the ground, on the site - their ease of suit is striking!
  2. As soon as they dreamed and the land, you should not rush to loosen and ram. In this case, the fallen seeds will fully enter the ground and the spring will germinate. When they remain on the surface - they will have a chance to fire frozen, therefore, a real chance will be able to save their own garden from a wide number of weeds.
  3. In the spring it is extremely important to clean the garden manually, upgrading all the weeds, at the time, the code are still young and did not grow. In the case when the root is "grieving", the procedure will be much more complicated.
  4. It is impossible to get rid of the coolant without a periodic tide of the garden approximately twice a month. By carrying out this regularly, the plant has a risk of exhaustion, and, therefore, all the chances of death.
  5. Exists an effective way Protection of your garden from the cooler and other varieties of weeds. Having bought a special agriculture, it will be necessary to store the soil. It is this film that has special holes that allow plants to grow. The rest of the weeds, including the osic, are choking without oxygen and sunlight, and then dying.

The mechanical hand struggle with weeds will allow a positive outcome in 70-80% of cases. Conducting a job regularly, high likely to completely get rid of the odd.

Folk remedies

Let's use the tips of the experienced gardens who will help in getting rid of the acre on the basis of remedies.

  1. Extremely effective tool Curosene is considered against the odd. They should point to spray the weeds, so that they did not have time to bring harm to all vegetable crops. As a rule, it allows you to eliminate unwanted culture from the first time.
  2. Mulching helps to get rid of the acre. Mulch is a thick layer of sawdust or other dense substance that covers the soil. It is usually not able to break through the mulch. If he still found the road, he needs to immediately rize.
  3. To eliminate the sediment from the site, you can resort to sites. For those who do not know, Siderats are plants that are squeezed to improve the state of the soil and enriching it. The fight against the coolant is better running with bean, alfaling, nettle, lupine, rye. Any of selected crops is planting in places where the piglets are as active as possible. Collecting the harvest (let's say, pea) all the soil is covered polyethylene film. This bedspread remains until spring: you can be sure that none of the weeds will survive. All hearing under the film swells, while saturating the soil fertilizers and fertilizers.
  4. Speaking to the opinion of experienced gardens, it is worth understanding that most weeds are not capable of holding trimming. If it is possible to cut a week to the very top one periodically, it can gradually die. In the future, he will not grow in this area. This fact allows us to talk about efficiency, when unscrewing the stem of the weed. In addition, periodic trimming will allow to provide a smooth beautiful lawn.
  5. It may sound strange, but the osry is practically not able to get along with wheat. To get rid of weeds, you need to dwell the land in spring period, get rid of all the remains of the roots and after that, on the wheat site. It is wheat that will make it possible to cope as quickly as possible with weed.
  6. You can cope with the coolant and its subsequent appearance due to ammonia. This can be done on the basis of 5-7 ammonia vials, spraying this solution into the soil and growing weeds. After some time, it can be noted that the plant cares, and after - dies. Similar effect can be achieved on the basis of ammonia ammona alcohol. You can not forget to put on gloves and mask. It is necessary to carry out point processing, in order to reflect the fertile crops.

As a result, it is worth noting that thanks to the right measures to combat the Osense, you can completely get rid of it. Not every gardener amateur is able to cope with the complexity of the spread of the cooler. However, it is not necessary to fear the decision to destroy it. Mechanical manual way The process will turn out sufficiently long and tightened, but only making efforts can count on a positive result.

Most gardeners are trying on their own to solve the current problem, but without experience and knowledge is difficult to oppose the rapid pace of the spread of the weed.

We offered a certain set of measures, on the basis of which you can get rid of the coolant and stop the expansion of weeds on your garden. Thus, you will receive not only a clean field, but also high harvest.

We hope that this becomes useful for Novostnikov-beginners. It is time to take advantage of the knowledge gained in practice and stop settling on your dutch.

For details on the possible removal of the odd, see here:

Osay is a representative of the Astrov family. However, this plant is a weed that delivers a mass of inconvenience to dacms and gardeners. The fight against the cooker is not easy, takes away a lot of time and effort.

Externally, the plant is a milled yellow flower. His spiny leaves with a toothed edge have an oblong shape. Great problem Represents the root system, which has this weed. It is incredibly powerful, can go to the ground on the meter. It is almost impossible to emerge an osry. In addition, it is multiplied with the help of root offspring.


The revealed coaching of Osay quickly spreads into all directions to a large area.

This weed refers to annual plantsHowever, it does not make it harmless. It is so easy to grow: you can meet this plant almost on all continents of the world. For him, the role of the soil or its density is completely not playing, it takes place everywhere, even where other plants die. In addition, the Osay is absolutely not advocated to climate conditions, tolerates cold and heat.

Therefore, it is important to understand how to deal with the Osay to save his country area.

Methods of struggle
If you have noticed the osry on your Earth, urgent measures must be taken. The struggle is worth starting with the weakening of the root plant of the plant. Only so you can completely eliminate this weed.

The structure of the root of the coherence

There are two ways to get rid of the plant:

Chemical. Applying special preparations;
Mechanical. Speaking only to the help of agricultural equipment.

Choosing for yourself chemical methodIt is necessary to find suitable drugs. Herbicides are very popular. However, their application has its drawbacks.

They are great for not indulgeted plots of land, before the landing appeared there. This is due to the fact that herbicides are toxic substances. They kill weed, but at the same time poison the soil, and therefore the rest of the plants planted on it. Fruits collected from such landings cannot be eaten.

After processing the site it is necessary to give substances to milder, but only after this plant culture.

It is also necessary to observe precautions when handling preparations to avoid poisoning or burns. When spraying a plant with herbicides, use protective gloves. Best to wear before processing respirator, glasses and tight clothes.

If the garden is already broken, it is better to use more safe methods Fight with Osense. The most popular folk agent is the spraying of the weed kerosene. Spraying the substance should be very careful not to affect useful landings. With this scenario, the weed will die quickly, and garden crops Will not suffer.

Fighting weed with other plants
Another folk remedy is disembarking along a row of annual colors. It is believed that odds are not growing next to them. However, this theory has not yet been proven from a scientific point of view.

Simple I. affordable tool are Siderats. These include: nettle, lupine, alfalfa, peas, rye. After planning, you need to wait until the plants are growing up, then cover the sheets of cardboard or film and leave in this state until spring. Plants overheat, enriching the earth, but the weed cannot grow in such conditions.

Mechanical methods

It is also important to remember about mechanical methods fighting their misfortune. These include Popples of the Earth. It is carried out in autumn after the harvest is already assembled. You need to dig enough deeply to get the root of the odd completely. Weed remove manually. After, it can be used for compost.

After the rescue cannot be loosened. This is due to the fact that weed when removing sues everything around the seeds. If the land is exploded, the seeds will go deep into and will warm up later. Remaining on the surface, they simply will be freezed during winter period.

Pour the vegetable garden regularly - every two weeks. The coented coherers over this period of time are restored. With regular weeding, weeds will fully survive.

You can remove the osry manually while it is still young. As soon as you noticed his sprouts, you need to get rid of them immediately. It is easy, because young Plant The roots are still gentle and are located close to the surface.

Often use a robling to cover the beds. it special film, with slots for cultivated plants. Weeds also do not have the ability to germinate. It is effective, however, before its use, it is still worth carrying out at least mechanical "cleaning" from weeds.

Harm and use of acute
If you do not pay attention to the Osay and give it to "live" with my own life, it is very soon possible to say goodbye to the harvest. Osay is able to cause much harm. He quickly takes large spaces, destroying garden crops on his way.

Naturally, for such a brown growth weed somewhere to take nutrients. It draws them out of the soil. Thus, the land where weed is growing, it is very quickly impoverished.

However, what is a headache for a dacha, still has its value. Ows possesses I. useful properties. It turns out that he is a favorite delicacy of herbivores. It is often used in domestic cattle.

Also, the plant is excellent honey. Yellow flowers The odd is incredibly attractive for bees.

In addition to the listed, weed has one more application. It is an ingredient of some dishes. Its leaves are soaked and used in salads and sch). The coenses of the cooler can also eat, they look like Topinambourism.

He received his application and in medicine. The plant is known for its choleretic and laxative properties. Also, the osry consume nursing mothers for the best production of breast milk.

Osay is well stopped bleeding, its scratched sheets are imposed on the wound. And young shoots of the plant are part of the vitamin fees.

Soup from the coat
But whatever useful properties did this weed possessed, it is not a place in a garden next door to other cultures. Let these simple advice They will help you to get rid of the uninvited "guest", and the yields of the year!

Osay is one of the most survivable weeds, to get rid of which is not so easy. It does not often arise the question - at what soziness is growing, since it grows on any type of soil, but prefers well-moistened with a black soil from which it is difficult to withdraw. The fact that such a malicious weed is, does not know any owner of cottages or a garden, because they often have to lead a long and painful struggle with him. We will also get acquainted and we are more detailed with the oddities and varieties of this weed, and also learn how to destroy the osak in the garden.

Description and types of odds

- Perennial, less often annually herbate plant Astrovaya family of 0.5-1.7 m high. The root coolant system is powerful, thickly branched in the horizontal direction. Osdes are spread almost everywhere in the territory of the Eurasian continent. The shoots of the plant with the delicate upper part are both straight and branched, often pubes with hairs. The oath leaves of a rich-green color with spinous-baked edges, the lower row of leaves is narrowed and passes into the pet. Flowers small, bunch, form baskets surrounded by wrapper various shapes. Osim flowers from middle of summer before the beginning of autumn, after flowering on the plant, a fruit is formed - a brown color of a semi-colored with a soft tank of white color.

Important! The seeds of the acute that fell deep into the soil is able to maintain their germination for more than 20 years, giving a chance to grow new plants upon the occurrence of the slightest favorable conditions.

Osima field or yellow - represents a perennial height of 1.5-1.7 m. The length of the main rod root of the odd can reach a length of 3-4 m, and the side roots growing in the horizontal direction - approximately 1 meter long. The stems of a field alone are bare, hollow, branched at the top, with pointed gray gray-green toothed leaves.

Flowerines thick are pubes with spiny hairs. Bright yellow flowers are a basket with a pitched wrap, which form a meltel-like inflorescence. The flower of the cooler looks like a dandelion flower, it is often possible to see bees that use a plant as one of the best honeycomb. The osry of the field often grows on the empty fields, the banks of the rivers and at the gardens, the existing measures to combat it are very laborious, but we will tell you a little later.

Oreva cooker

Surgean cooker is a grassy annual 0.4-1 m high with highly branched hollow stems. The leaves are gear with a pointed end and separate-cake, to the touch, softer compared to the leaves of the field alone. The leaves on the top of the shoots are sedentary, and below - located on the cruise cutter. Bright yellow baskets are large, diameter up to 35 mm. But, unlike the field, they form not very wide inflorescence. Surgeted seeds - elongated brown color With fluffy hairs. The plant can be found in ravines, near the rivers, in gardens and gardens.

Did you know? With 1 hectare of oak plantings, you can take up to 130 kg of honey.

The coarse cooker is an herbaceous annual 0.7-1 m height with extensive stems. The next rigid leaves are whole, and a little labeled, and short-term up to 15 cm long with sharp edges, on which spines are located. The upper leaves are sitting on the shoots with skeleton-free bases, roasting - narrowed into the winged stiffs. The blooming and wrapper cover ferrous hairs. In the autumn cooling of the stalks and central veins of a rough coo, the red-purple color becomes. The fruit is a smooth seed with a whiten khokholcom. It grows in the gardens and gardens, in the fields and along the roads.

The benefits and harm of the odds in the garden

Faced with the coo in his garden, everyone starts to think about how to remove the coolant, since the harm for this weed plant is huge. Oskim is, above all, an undesirable guest on panstonewhich quickly grows and displaces any cultural plant growing nearby, screaming from soil moisture and nutrients. In addition to the death of garden plantings and harvest, the osry is very impoverished with the soil, so at the slightest appearances of this weighing plant, the garlfriend should decide how to remove the ocher from the garden, and it is immediately apparent.

However, this weed brings and benefit - he is given to eat homely herbivores, with many vegetable crops At the Osay often, such a pest, like a wave, and odd fabrics are rich in minerals, which will help enrich the soil when using it as compost or mulch. In addition, young leaves are eaten - make tea, salads or soup, and boiled roots replace Topinambourism. Folk healers apply champs and substances of the coolant in the treatment of certain diseases.

However, whatever the benefit does not bring this plant, it is not a place in the household plot, and the fight against the coo in the garden is not worth postponing for a long time.

Important! The cooker includes poisonous substances, when working with this weed, it is necessary to abide by people with allergic reactions.

How to deal with the coo in the garden

Since the coolant and seeds are multiplied, and vegetatively, then the owners of the household plots are very acute the question of how to withdraw the downturn from the garden forever. An important fact It is a persistent weed ability to start young sprouts from each root of a damaged root system - this feature requires the organization of the fight against the weakening of the coins of the coin. Three main methods can be distinguished how to get rid of the coo in the garden: mechanical, chemical and folk.

Mechanical removal of weed

The mechanical removal of young bustards of the cooker consists in its neat pulling out of the soil, it is desirable to carry out this with a wet soil or with the help of a chopping plant from the ground to avoid the rice and leaving the root. Adult powerful bushes and their root system need to deeply pinch, smash the land and remove the roots found, and one-time removal will not be enough, and it will be necessary to repeat this process in 2-3 weeks.

How to get rid of the coem

The chemical industry has long taken care of the convenience of gardeners and gardeners, creating such herbicides as "TASK", "Glifovit", "Antiburnian", "Lontrail", "Chistopol"and others. Using chemicals In the fight against the Osk, it should be carried out with strict compliance with the instructions for the drug and with the use of funds individual protection. This method of struggle has a significant drawback - herbicides can affect garden crops and pollute the soil, which is recommended only after the total decay of chemical compounds.

Folk methods

Long experience of crop production will tell me how to effectively deal with the oily folk methods:

  • the point spraying of the coherence coosen, which, after processing, will diligence and die, the main thing at the same time is to not allow kerosene on the soil and cultivated plants;
  • further regular cutting of a young coil of the coolant will weaken the plant, which will soon be sombrained;
  • a good result gives the cultivation of sites that fit garden crops and weaken the cohere of the coin;
  • if the osry blooms, you should dump or trim the base of the stem, without giving mature and spread to the seeds.

This plant has established itself as one of the most malicious weeds, which is quite difficult to get rid. The weed of Osay clogs all types of crops, it is a very frequent and unwanted guest in gardens and gardens, in parks and forests. His even cattle eats reluctantly. Nevertheless, it has a lot and positive properties. So, meet: Osim - a representative of the genus of grassy families of astron or complex. One years, two-year or perennial. At the base sometimes shelasts. The yoke has about 80 species.

General description of the Oyank

The most common types of this weighing plant are a coastal cooker and the field of field. It is also called the rustic, jaggility, a bunny, a meal, hare of salad. Some types of bodian are also sometimes referred to as possible. The most interesting thing is that this "Beach Fields", for example, in Indonesia is cultivated.

Externally, Osay is a fairly pretty yellow, collected in a basket flower with oblong spiny leaves having gear edges. Oda has a very powerful root system, leaving in the ground for 1-6 meters. It is simply impossible to fully correct the osry. And if you consider that it is multiplied by the root offspring, the conclusions can be made appropriate: this plant is indeed invincible.

There are several varieties of odds

Raised in beds, Osay is rapidly spreading into all directions to large spaces. No wonder it is found on all world continents. The type of soil, density and other qualities for the odd have no importance - it is coming even where most other plants die.

The climatic conditions also nick it - be it cold or heat. An invincible, inexperienced odds safely clogs the crops of Europe and Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Far East, Siberia and the Urals. It is very fruit: on one plant up to 6,500 seeds diverged by the wind are formed. Moreover, the germination of seeds occurs without the state of rest. Row during the soil processing roots with pressing kidney immediately give rise to new shoots.

The benefits of all types of acute

  1. This worst weed, nevertheless, is an excellent honey. Bees willingly visit all types of odds and collect up to 120 kg of nectar with 1 hectare square. The cereal honey refers to primitive: it has a white or light yellow color, a pleasant taste, fragrant. Basically, it is produced from a perennial field cooker growing along the shores of lakes and rivers, as well as single and two-year-old garden. From mid-July to September, the cans flows. True, with the development of the culture of agriculture, the value of the severity as a honeycomb decreases.
  2. Osay is quite widely used in cooking. Its young shoots contain Milky juice. They have a gentle, pleasant, slightly flavored taste, so before using the stems and the leaves of the alkalo, half an hour are soaked in saline. The bitterness does not completely go out, but it only gives piquancy and sharpness of the sigh in salads. In addition, the coat is added in mashed potatoes, winegreets, soup, soups, filling for pirogors, omelets. If the leaves of this weed are screaming, they are in the form of infusion increase milk-shifting in nursing mothers. Oshot leaves collected at the beginning of summer, harvest for the winter: dried, salted.
  3. Osay is widely used in folk medicine: During flowering, it is assembled with an overhead part and dried in the shade, in a well ventilated place. This raw material contains tubyl substances, carotene (provitamin a) and some rubber. The sieves are inherent in choleretic, light, lactogenic (milk), hemostatic (especially during heaming), anti-inflammatory properties. It serves as an anti-shine means. Milky Juice of the Obath has long been used in hepatic diseases, and all the plant is entirely when the gout and hemorrhoids. The bleeding wounds are applied to the widespread oath leaves. Infusions and decoctions from it are able to improve metabolic processes, remove headaches, help with neurosis, vascular diseases.
  4. Osay has assistance in the growing up of some cultivated plants. For example, if it grows on the strawberry bed, the berries become more juicy and sweet. Osay varies to itself a berth with currant bushes. Read also Article: → ". Helps to grow Bakhchev, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, pumpkins, corn. You should not forget: when the searches, it is necessary to use gloves that protect from the barns. After collecting the alike, carefully wash your hands, as its juice is annoying mucous and eyes.

Plant called Osim Many confused with an ordinary dandelion

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How to deal with the coo in the country

One of the most effective ways The fight against weed is growing on the part of the legumes, mustard, rapesee, winter rye. In addition, if regularly - once every two weeks - to raise the osh, then its roots weaken significantly, and its development and reproduction slows down.

You can spring in the clogged area to sow peas. After cleaning the ripe pods, the pea should be taken together with weeds, cover the site with several layers of newspapers and fold them a variety of vegetable residues, Bottva, collected from the whole area of \u200b\u200bGarden and Garden. All this is "good" on the newspaper and under it quickly overloads and thereby gives food for worms and useful bacteria.

Tip # 1. On the started plot, overgrown with the cooler, you need to climb and trample all the highest weeds, pressing them to the ground.

The fight against the Osense is based on the weakening of its root system. Thus, one can achieve complete elimination of this weed.

Often use two ways to combat the Osay:

  • Chemical, based on the use of special preparations.
  • Mechanical when only agricultural equipment applies.

Chemical way to fight odds

Main funds that are used - herbicides. They are very popular, but have their drawbacks. In particular, they can be used on undeveloped plots of land - that is, on those on which there are no landings yet. This is explained by the fact that herbicides are toxic. Of course, they destroy the weed, but at the same time poison the soil. And at the same time and all useful plantswhich planted on it.

Therefore, by processing the area with the cooker with herbicides, let them destroy them and only then plant cultures on them. Moreover, when communicating with herbicides, precautions must be observed: when spraying, use gloves, glasses, dense clothing.

Board # 2. Popular folk remedy The fight against the cooker is the spraying of its kerosene, and it is necessary to spray it so as not to hurt useful plants. At the same time, Osay will die quickly, and your vegetables will not suffer.

Mechanical ways to combat weed

This can be attributed to the Packet of the Earth, which is carried out in autumn after harvesting. Moreover, dig it deeply, trying to completely reach the root of the weed. When you manually removed the weed along with the root, use it for compost.

But landing near Siderats is a simple and affordable method. After sitting down the Siderats, to which rye, peas, nettle, alfalfa, Lupine, need to wait for the time when they grow up, after which they cover them with film or sheets of cardboard and leave in this form until spring. They reprove, enriching the earth, and the osry will not be able to grow in such conditions.

Features of the wilderness

It is called the oily yellow or mope. Places of its growth - moisturized soil, meadows, swamps. Osima Field is a scientific corneupry perennial plant from the Astrov family (complex color). It has spiny leaves. Flowers from July to September. Flowers are golden yellow, similar to dandelion flowers (in these plants one family).

Due to the fact that the fruit is attached to the horschik (feud), it can easily be spread by the wind. Milky juice is formed on the break. The main rhizome of the field alone is located at a depth of only 50 centimeters, and the outgoing processes from it - and that less: they are 6-12 centimeters below the ground surface. However, the processes of thin roots penetrate from 2 to 4 meters deep.

It follows from this that, weeping your garden, we provide a dubious service to the fieldside - it quickly multiplies with root siblings. Roots that occur at the depths are not dangerous - from there they deliver power to the plant upstairs. By the way, in this even plus the odds: from the deep layers of the soil, it supplies to the top by cultural plants those substances that they lack in arable layer.

From the small root of the total length of 3 centimeters can grow a new autonomous plant. And the roots of the odd is quite fragile.

Useful qualities of the odd of field and methods to combat it

  • Animals are not too complaining of this plant because of his stratificness. But it loves insects. In particular, the bees get nectar and pollen from the field odd.
  • He lures on himself with cultivated plants to TRU.
  • It is enriched from the deep layers of soil with minerals, so his grass as a mulch or in a compost enriches the soil.

Field Osol is considered among all their fellow harmful. The methods of combating it are as follows:

  • Removal by cutting at the shooting phase (when 1-2 leaves appear) or at the outlet step (when 2-4 leaves appear). At the same time, it should not be deeply plugged in order to not affect the roots, other plants will begin to develop. If the earth is mild, you can pull the osry along with the root. If the root system is broken, and the new plants will turn out, it is necessary to cut them again in the early stages. This will lead to the fact that the rhizomes run out and will not give new plants. Cutting should be started with spring.
  • If the osh rose, the buds threw or bloomed, then it is necessary to give it to be sampled. To this end, it is necessary to break down the stem or cut it with a flat-based foundation and use as a mulch or throw it into compost.
  • The use of mulch is the easiest way. If the osry or other weed through the mulch breaks, you need to rip it and also use as a mulch or compost.
  • From time to time it is necessary to sow siturates on the beds. It is healing the soil and eliminates many weeds.

Features of the severity of garden

Surgean cooker - malicious enemy seedlings of vegetables and colors

In contrast to the field, garden isos - the plant is annually. It is less spiny and lower. Its height from 30 centimeters to 1 meter. Flowers have a light yellow shade, bloom from June to September. In many ways, its characteristics are similar to those who are inherent in the fowering. The difference is that that a garden deer is a favorite delicacy for livestock.

Chemical composition of the coat

Scientists Osay, like others poisonous plants With beneficial properties, causes acute interest. Still not studied his chemical composition. However, probably it is known that in this weed plant there is a lot of substances useful for humans.

Useful material Action on man
  • immunostimulator and antioxidant;
  • regulator of metabolism and oxidative reaction reactions;
  • protein synthesis stimulator;
  • strengthens hair, nails, bones;
  • slows the aging of the body.
Vitamin C
  • regulates proper work endocrine and immune systems;
  • promotes blood formation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • warns oncology, fights with free radicals;
  • initiates mental activity and endurance;
  • regulates the work of the nervous system.
Fixed oils
  • accelerate the update and regeneration of organism cells;
  • supply energy and activate metabolic processes;
  • remove harmful substances and purify blood;
  • accelerate wound healing and tissue restoration.
Saponins and bitterness
  • enhance protective reserves of the body;
  • improve digestion and stimulate appetite;
  • remove fatigue and nervous tension.
Wine acid
  • helps to lose weight, speeding up metabolic processes;
  • removes colic and pain;
  • it has a weak diuretic and a relaxing effect;
  • eliminates heartburn and hanging syndrome.
  • reduces the level of bad insulin;
  • promotes the operation of the gallbladder and liver;
  • helps assimilation of fats from food;
  • accelerates cell renewal, contributes to the extension of youth;
  • stimulates the work of the heart and all muscles;
  • it helps to resist stress and maintains the nervous system.
  • promotes the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • regulates the assimilation of minerals and vitamins from food;
  • strengthens immunity and leads to normal microflora of the internal organs;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • it helps to reduce blood sugar.
  • effectively remove any pain;
  • reduce blood pressure and elevated temperature;
  • prevent the occurrence and development of tumors;
  • strengthen the walls of the vessels, eliminate bleeding;
  • restrain inflammatory processes, help rapid healing.

Yellow Osay, which is most common

Rubric "Question-Answer"

Question from gardeners:Is it possible to grow a coolant and what is it useful?

Osay is considered a malicious weed, with difficulty eradicable from gardens and fields. Its chemical composition is not studied. This plant is used in medicine, cooking. For the cultivation of the coat, you can divert the most useless for agriculture Earth - wasteland, forest cutting, ravines slopes of mountains. Grow and give a large amount of zelen oat everywhere. However, it is necessary to still take into account the lack of knowledge about this plant and approach its cultivation with caution.