Alphabetical index of plants from "A" to "Z". Hawthorn arnold description

Arnold's hawthorn is a plant variety native to America, but it also feels great in Siberia. Many peoples call the hawthorn "thorn", because it is really one of its main parts. During flowering, the shrubs have a very beautiful decorative appearance. However, their main value lies elsewhere - the fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, which give the berries some medicinal properties.

plant description

Arnold hawthorn has some important differences from other varieties of this plant, namely:

  • large crown sizes - ornamental trees reach a height of 6 meters;
  • large edible fruits reach three centimeters in diameter, have orange shades, the pulp is juicy, pinkish in color, does not differ in flouriness, sweet and sour in taste; each berry contains 3-4 seeds;
  • rich chemical composition fruits - berries contain a large amount of vitamin C and carotene.

Trees bloom at the end of May, and berries ripen in the first half of September. Trees begin to produce crops about 5 years after planting. The yield of fruits is usually quite high - mature plant brings up to 6 buckets of large fruits. They can be eaten fresh, and also made from them for the winter - jam, wine, compotes, or brewed as tea.

It is important to remember that you can not eat too many hawthorn fruits - you can eat no more than 1 glass of berries at a time. Excessive consumption of hawthorn fruit can greatly lower blood pressure and disturb the heart rhythm.

Arnold's hawthorn, like all other varieties of large-fruited hawthorn, has powerful long spines that reach a length of 9-10 cm.

Landing and care

Arnold's hawthorn can be safely called unpretentious plant. Only in rare cases can it be affected by fungal diseases - the leaves are covered with a touch of gray. This can happen if the plant was planted in a shady place with high level dampness.

If you plan to grow hawthorn from seeds, be prepared for the fact that the first few years it will grow very slowly, but after reaching the age of four or five, its growth rate becomes much faster. Trees begin to bloom for the first time only 5-8 years after planting. If you want to get a fruit-bearing tree in a shorter period of time, grow hawthorn by grafting. Such plants begin to bloom in 3-4 years.

Trees reach their maximum size at the age of about 25 years. Each tree is able to live for more than 200 years under favorable conditions.

To speed up the process of seed germination, seeds from semi-ripe fruits can be used. The berries should already begin to take on the color characteristic of ripening, but should still remain firm. Also, when selecting the seeds of a plant for sowing, it must be borne in mind that almost half of them are without seeds inside.

Hawthorn can also be propagated vegetatively. Often, trees let out young shoots - these root offspring can be planted and propagated in this way. Another method of plant propagation is cuttings, which is carried out in exactly the same way as in all other fruit and berry plants.

Hawthorn bushes should be planted in exactly the same planting holes as seedlings. fruit trees(apple, pear and others) - the distance between the trees should be at least four meters. This plant loves sunny places very much, but in shady areas the hawthorn can get sick, bloom poorly and not bear fruit.

Hawthorn trees do not need too much watering, 1-2 buckets per plant once a month will be enough. In especially hot and dry periods, watering can be increased up to twice a month.

Plants tolerate pruning very well, quickly forming new shoots, so it is possible to give trees interesting shapes like a cube or a ball. In this way, you can bring an interesting unusual touch to the design of the site.

It is best to fertilize hawthorn in the spring - before the trees begin to bloom. It is best to use manure soot for these purposes.

Where is it applied?

Often, hawthorn is grown not only for the purpose of obtaining the most useful and very tasty fruits, because hawthorn bushes can also be used as a hedge. Such a plant has a very attractive decorative appearance, especially in autumn, so the hawthorn will definitely become a decoration of the site.


As already mentioned, hawthorn fruits contain a lot of useful substances and vitamins - vitamin C and carotene, as well as fructose (which allows diabetics to use hawthorn) and pectin (removes harmful salts of heavy metals from the body).

Hawthorn leaves also have useful properties, a decoction of which improves coronary circulation, as well as the work of the heart muscle. That is why hawthorn is often recommended for use by the elderly, if there are no contraindications for use from the attending physician.

Hawthorn is no less useful for young people, especially in situations where the heart suffers additional stress due to serious illnesses and stress.

Hawthorn berries are also effective in the treatment of biliary tract and liver. In addition, they normalize thyroid function and eliminate shortness of breath.

Large-fruited hawthorn should be grown in every garden. Effective as a solitary plant. Planting in one row along the border of the site will create an impenetrable hedge. It is beautiful when in bloom and delights the eye in autumn when it is studded with red fruits and the leaves change color to autumn tones. The fruits are edible and have medicinal properties. He doesn't need special care It is winter-hardy and drought-resistant.

Types of hawthorn

When choosing a hawthorn for planting in the garden, you should pay attention to the most unpretentious species with large fruits and high yields: pinnatifid hawthorn, softish and American Arnold.

The only requirement: landing in places well lit by the sun, ground water should not pass close to the surface. Minimal care, great attention to these garden trees do not require.

Description of hawthorn Arnold
The Arnold species looks like a soft hawthorn. Its branches are more sinuous. Fruits on top are covered with long white hairs. fruit pulp Pink colour. It bears fruit in the first half of September and quickly crumbles.

Hawthorn softish
It grows in the form of a tree with a height of 6 to 10 meters. The crown naturally forms in the form of a rounded tent. The shoots are winding, covered with long spines, 6-8 cm in size. Brown, may be straight or curved. The leaves are ovoid, 3-4 cm wide, and 3 to 7 cm long. The edge of the leaf is serrate.
Care is not difficult, fruiting begins 6 years after planting. The fruits are large, up to 2 cm in diameter, orange-red. Their shape is round or pear-shaped. Powdery pulp, yellow color, taste good.

Pinnatifid far eastern
Hawthorn pinnate is a tree 4-5 meters high. Because of the overgrowth, it often grows in the form of a branched bush. Spines are rare and sharp. They are short, only 1-2 cm, sometimes they may not be at all. It differs from other types of hawthorn in the shape of the leaves. They are dissected into 5 or 7 lobes. The blades are slightly wavy, serrated, which makes them look like feathers. The leaves are large, 8 long and 5 cm wide. The upper part of the leaves is saturated green with a sheen, and the lower part is lighter.
Its flowers smell unpleasant, but the flowering period is short, no more than 5 days. Fruits are 1.5 to 2.5 cm in diameter. The fruits are covered with white pimples, the flesh is red. Their taste improves when they are slightly overripe.
Hawthorn pinnatifida is recommended for growing in areas where night frosts occur in spring. Due to late flowering, in June, it does not fall under spring frosts which has a positive effect on productivity. Berries do not fall until winter.

Garden hawthorn is propagated in two ways: by seeds and vegetatively.

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How to grow hawthorn from seeds

This is a more time consuming method, it will take patience and proper care for young seedlings. Hawthorn pits are covered with dense skin and thick protective layer. This hinders gas permeability, and therefore the embryo is in a state of deep dormancy. The awakening process lasts about 2-3 years, seedlings appear unevenly. Large seeds may not sprout at all.
Stratification helps speed up germination. To do this, the bones are mixed with peat. 4 months kept in a wet state at a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C, then cleaned in cool place for 6-7 months. The temperature must be maintained between 4° and 7°. After stratification, they are again brought into heat.

If instead of a peat mixture, planting is carried out in sand, the awakening period increases by 1-2 months.
There are several ways to shorten the process:

  • seed is washed in large quantities running water and then dried at a temperature of about 50°C;
  • to soften and destroy the hard shell, soak in hydrochloric acid for 20 minutes;
  • cut off the top of the bone with a sharp pruner;
  • seeds are taken from large unripe fruits, when the shell has not yet hardened.

For sowing, you should take seeds two to three times more than necessary. Part of the planting material is often barren.

Vegetative propagation

When cutting down an old tree, dormant buds wake up, from which many shoots grow. A shoot that has grown its own roots is a beautiful planting material. She takes root well and retains all maternal properties.
Planting green cuttings is less effective: rooting is difficult and survival is minimal.

Growing seedlings

The sprouted seedlings must be grown on the shkolka. This process is lengthy and takes three to four years. During this period, regular care is needed: weeding, loosening and top dressing. The first year the earth must be constantly kept moist, in the second year it is watered infrequently, but plentifully.
The main fertilizer during the growing period is nitrogen. It helps the development of seedlings, improves the absorption nutrients from the soil, protects plants from diseases. It is applied in liquid form during irrigation.
From the second year of cultivation, they begin to form a crown. If the plant will continue to grow as a single plant, or is necessary to create a landscape composition, then it is advisable to form a small stem by cutting off the lower branches. Then the plant is allowed to grow in a free form.

If planting a hawthorn involves the creation of a hedge, then the top of the plants is shortened to enhance the growth of lateral shoots. This procedure is repeated every year.

Disembarkation to a permanent place

Plant a garden hawthorn in a sunny place. Landing in the shade or penumbra does not allow him to fully develop. The lack of sun reduces the yield, and sometimes there are no fruits at all. The soil should be fertile and moderately heavy. acidic soils needs to be notified. Landing is carried out in pre-dug holes, 60x60 cm in size, of the same depth. When planting in groups, the distance between the trees is left at least 4 meters. To create a hedge, plant often, 50 cm apart. When planting, the root neck should remain strictly at ground level.

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Hawthorn Care

Good quality seedling, planted in accordance with all the rules, in a suitable place, does not require special attention.

  • Care for him consists in sanitary pruning, which can be carried out at any time of the year. The shaping of the hedge, or trimming the bushes to suit the landscape design, is done in the spring.
  • It is necessary to weed the trunk circles and loosen the soil. This care can be reduced to a minimum by covering the soil with a layer of mulch and periodically updating it.
  • Top dressing is carried out once, before flowering. Dilute manure with water in a ratio of 1:10. One bucket of fertilizer is enough for one tree.
  • Hawthorn is a drought-resistant plant. It is necessary to water it only in hot summer and during a long period of lack of rain.

If the soil in your area is very light, with a predominance of sand, then in the heat you will have to water more often, 2-3 times a month. The same applies to supplements. In the fall, you will have to bring humus under the tree and dig a shovel onto a bayonet.
Hawthorn is subject to the same diseases as apple trees. Carrying out preventive care for apple trees, do not bypass the hawthorn.

Every spring, before bud break, spray the trees with 3% Bordeaux mixture. If in the summer you notice signs of diseases, then you need to re-treat, but prepare the Bordeaux mixture at a lower concentration - 1%.

Dry branches should be cut in a timely manner. In autumn, fallen leaves and old mulch should be collected from under the trees and burned. Fresh compost and digging will prevent pest larvae from overwintering in tree trunks.

Useful and medicinal properties

Flowers and leaves of hawthorn have healing properties. Tinctures are made from them, dried for tea. The fruits contain many vitamins, which are preserved in dried berries.
Hawthorn is useful for vegetative-vascular dystonia, mild disorders in the work of the heart, strengthens blood vessels, and has calming properties. But, apply it like medicine only after consulting a doctor. But how vitamin tea, which increases efficiency, normalizes blood pressure, saves from insomnia, you can drink it every day.
Leaves and flowers are harvested to make tea in the spring. Flowers are most useful when they have not fully blossomed. Dry them in the shade, in a warm, ventilated room, spreading them out in a thin layer. Periodically, you should shake slightly. Store in glass jars with the lid closed.
The fruits are dried in autumn. More valuable substances are preserved when drying in an oven at a minimum temperature, or in a special dryer for vegetables and fruits.
Hawthorn tea can be prepared with the addition of other herbs and fruits. Ivan tea, dried raspberries, rose hips, mint, lemon balm, thyme - there are many options. Experiment and find your own version.

The only rule when making tea is that the dry mixture should not exceed 1/5 of the volume of the teapot. Exceeding the norm can be harmful to health.

There are many benefits in frozen hawthorn. It is slightly defrosted and twisted in a meat grinder along with lemon. Then a little honey is added - a vitamin mixture is obtained. To use 2 teaspoons diluted in warm water and drink at any time.

Hawthorn is one of my favorite trees that I remember from childhood. It grew in our yard, and my parents always warned me against sharp thorns that could pierce any sole, but during the flowering period, the bush looked very elegant, and also gave fruit for delicious tea. Later I learned that the variety of the plant was called Arnold's hawthorn - it is known to gardeners as an unpretentious, beautiful and useful inhabitant. personal plot. Today I want to talk about its features and cultivation rules.

The homeland of the plant is the eastern part of North America, where it lives in overgrown places in the lowlands of rivers. The tree grows tall, from 6 to 8 m, with a wide, rounded crown with a diameter of about 6 m, has thin and shiny shoots, as well as large spines - up to 9 cm long. The leaves of Arnold's hawthorn are oval and wide, divided into three lobes, and differ interesting feature- at different times of the year they have a different appearance:

  • in spring and summer - light green, bright;
  • in autumn they turn yellow-red.

The tree blooms with large white flowers with a characteristic aroma that many find unpleasant. The active time of flowering occurs in late spring or early summer, after which in the place of inflorescences appear big berries(fruits are larger than other varieties of hawthorn). The pulp is juicy, contains a large amount of vitamins and is suitable for any purpose - drying, freezing, preservation. Productivity - about 4-6 buckets of fruits from one adult plant.

How to plant

Caring for Arnold's hawthorn is very simple, but the planting process can be a little tricky. Tree cuttings take root weakly, so the seed propagation method is preferable, which takes time and patience. The seed has a hard shell, so without additional processing emerges only after 1.5-2 years. For normal growth and development, the plant needs the following conditions:

  • sunny, open place is possible (hawthorn can grow in the shade, but it will be bad to bear fruit and bloom);
  • optimal soil characteristics - sandy or loam, with good drainage, slightly acidic or slightly alkaline reaction.

Otherwise, there are no special requirements for the planting site - it tolerates wind and frost well, and can grow on heavy and clay soils.

Sowing seeds

Seeds can be bought at the store or you can take out their unripe fruits, put them in water for two days, clean them well from the pulp and rinse. They retain their germination for 2 years, but not all seedlings germinate, so it is better to sow them thickly, and after germination, choose the strongest and strongest. Arnold's hawthorn can be planted in two ways - before winter or in spring, and the first option does not require side events, and in the second case, the seeds must be prepared in advance. Seeds are stratified in sand at a temperature of about 20-25 degrees for about 2 months, after which the temperature is reduced to 4-7 degrees and kept for another 4-6 months.

Reproduction by cuttings

Cuttings for planting hawthorn Arnold are cut from young shoots in early spring or in autumn, after the leaves fall. They are kept in a root-forming preparation for an hour, after which they are planted in open soil. Drainage should be poured into the planting pit, a mixture of humus, peat and sand, 30-40 g of lime or 50 g of phosphate rock should be added. The prepared cuttings are planted in a hole, covered with earth and well tamped - after the soil has settled, the root neck should be flush with its surface. After planting, mulch the soil around with a 5-7 cm layer of peat.

It is better to cover the planted cuttings from above plastic bottle to create greenhouse conditions favorable for growth. In the first year, young plants develop poorly, but with proper care and favorable conditions are well added in growth - 25-30 cm per year.

Caring for Arnold's hawthorn

Arnold's hawthorn has a feature that the gardener needs to remember about - unlike other varieties of the crop, it needs to be watered even with normal rainfall. Watering frequency - once a month, 1-1.5 buckets of water for each bush, and on dry days, plants need to be watered twice a month.

The earth around the tree should be loosened regularly by about 10 cm, weeds should be removed, and in spring time and autumn should be dug up trunk circle on the bayonet of a shovel. A crust should not form on the surface of the soil, but it is also not worth over-moistening the soil, otherwise the hawthorn will hurt.

The plant responds well to pruning - in the spring you need to remove all dry, frozen and diseased branches. In addition, it can be given the desired shape by cutting off no more than 1/3 of the length of the shoot. You need to feed Arnold's hawthorn at least twice a season - in the spring with long-acting granular mixtures, and before the appearance of flowers - organic fertilizers(liquid mullein).

Trees tolerate well. low temperatures, but in the first 2-3 years it is recommended to cover them from frost. With age, the winter hardiness of the culture increases, and the hawthorn will not need shelter. At the first signs of disease and pest damage, the plant must be treated with special preparations, otherwise it may die.

Let's summarize

  1. Arnold's hawthorn is a beautiful plant with delicious and beneficial fruits, which will decorate any personal plot.
  2. Bushes should be planted in sunny places away from fruit trees, especially apple trees, as they suffer from the same diseases.
  3. Arnold's hawthorn does not require special care, but, unlike other varieties of culture, it needs to be watered 1-2 times a month, depending on the amount of precipitation.
  4. The most difficult period in growing a plant is planting and the first year of growth, but in the future it will not cause much trouble to the gardener.

» Hawthorn

Hawthorn is a deciduous shrub with a long history, which belongs to the Pink family. It grows in mountains and forests in conditions temperate climate. The height of the tree reaches 5-8 m. This is a light-loving plant, hardy and unpretentious.. In this article we will talk about the most popular varieties of this plant: Crimean, Chinese, plum-leaved and others.

Hawthorn is considered one of the most beautiful plants. It is often used in decorative purposes. It has about 100 varieties worldwide. In Russia, 15 species are known that take root and bloom excellently.


The height of the shrub is 5 m. This type hawthorn is hardy and resistant to cold. Suitable for growing in the suburbs and middle lane Russia. It has bright red berries and yellow flesh. Well takes root in rocky and clay areas. It makes beautiful hedges.


It is a shrub or tree that reaches 6 m in length. The spines are rare, but long - 4 cm. From the end of spring to the middle of summer, the Siberian hawthorn has white flowers. Its fruits are bright red and round.. From the moment it reaches 7 years old, it bears fruits that can be eaten.


The semi-soft hawthorn has orange-red berries and yellow flesh.. It grows up to 8 m. The crowns are dense, covered with sharp thorns. Bears fruit from the age of 6. The fruits and leaves of the semi-soft hawthorn are extremely beautiful. Therefore, this type is used as decorative ornament garden, home.

Green meat (chokeberry)

The flowers of the green-meat hawthorn are white and have dark stamens. Black fruits and green flesh have a pleasant taste.. The green-fleshed hawthorn, like many other species, has thorns. The chokeberry is common in Sakhalin and Kamchatka.


The bush of single-petal hawthorn has a dense crown. It grows fast and looks great. hedge. This species is valued for its healing properties and decorative.

Among the many types of hawthorn, each person will find for himself the one that suits him.

Popular varieties

Varieties of hawthorn have differences in color, size, decorative features, fruiting. But all varieties are picky and resistant to cold and heat. They love the light, but can also grow on the shady side. The most popular varieties of this plant are listed below.


This is a small tree growing in the Crimea. It is not often possible to find this variety away from other shrubs. It prefers to grow next to deciduous shrubs. Grows well on slopes and rocky terrain. People use the flowers of the Crimean hawthorn and ripe fruits for medicinal purposes. They normalize the work of the heart - vascular system, also struggle with nervous disorders.


This variety is called Chinese because it is common in China and Korea. But it can also be found in the Far East. Most often grows in forests near the river. The neighbors of the Chinese hawthorn are poplar, ash, walnut. This variety of hawthorn is also considered light-loving. Can reach 6 m. A distinctive feature of the Chinese hawthorn is that it has no thorns.. Its leaves are bright green. They are covered with fine hairs. They have an acute upper angle. The lower part of the leaves is painted in a lighter tone.

This variety is considered ornamental plant. This tree, reaching a size of 7 m. The crown of the tree resembles the top of an egg. Its leaves are green. In mid-October, leaf fall begins. The flowering process lasts only 11 days. The flowers of Maksimovich's hawthorn are large, white color. The fruits are reddish and large. This variety bears fruit in August. The fruits are widely used in medicine, they are edible. Maksimovich's hawthorn loves the sun, but can also grow in partial shade. The cutting process is easy for them.

Paul Scarlet (decorative tree)

This variety is distinguished by its special beauty and decorative effect.. Has inflorescences in the form of an umbrella. Flowers hairy, large. The leaves are dark green. Grows up to 4 m. Hairy branches. The crowns of Paul Scarlet are rounded. It has spines up to 1.8 cm. The leaves begin to bloom early. The process of leaf fall also begins early. Blooms in late spring and early summer. The fruits resemble an apple. They are silver or red-brown in color.


The variety grows well in Siberia, despite the harsh Siberian climate. Reaches 6 m in length. Has fruit orange color that can be eaten. Arnold's taste is sweet and sour, the fruits are juicy. This variety appeared in America, but took root in Russia, in particular, in Siberia.. Known for its high content of vitamin C. Arnold gives a rich harvest. Its fruits can be consumed both raw and processed.


The foliage of the plum-leaved hawthorn is variegated. The tree can reach 7 m in length. The branches are well branched, the crown is dense and asymmetric. Every year the crowns become denser. In summer, the leaves turn dark green, and in autumn - bright orange or red. Lateral branches of the old plum-leaved hawthorn hang down a little. This variety bears a lot of fruit in early autumn, the fruits are bright red and round.. Plum-leaved hawthorn has strong, durable roots.

Each variety of hawthorn is unique in its own way and has a lot of advantages, including decorativeness, productivity, frost resistance.


For planting, it is necessary to prepare a place on the sunny side, since the hawthorn is a light-loving plant. It is very unpretentious to the soil, but some recommendations should still be taken into account.

The soil should be heavy, fertile, and the water balance in it should be normal. Water should not stagnate. This will limit the access of oxygen to the roots. Adding lime to the soil will make it soft and fertile.

Although the hawthorn is not capricious, it takes root well, nevertheless it reacts badly to drought and polluted air. You can plant hawthorn in spring and autumn. Enough holes with a depth of 40 cm, and a width of about 80 cm.

It is necessary to water the flowers abundantly after the planting process is completed. Cover the soil with humus, shorten the shoots.


Hawthorn reproduces with the help of seeds, layering, cuttings, dividing the bush. All of the above breeding methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. They allow to preserve the features of the hawthorn variety.


Young shoots are suitable for cuttings. It is desirable to cut them at an angle of 45 degrees. It is necessary to plant in peat with sand using root and moistening the soil.


Shoots at the age of 1-2 years are placed in the ground so that the top is free. The process of fixing the shoot is carried out using a metal bracket. The beginning of the layering must be pulled with wire. Reproduction by layering occurs in the spring months or early summer..

root cuttings

Cook root cuttings needed in the fall. It is necessary to cut off parts of the old roots and dig in for the winter. You need to plant in the spring at an angle of 45 degrees. The thick part of the cutting should be completely immersed in the soil.

It is better to plant cuttings in a greenhouse, as they need to provide high humidity.

seed propagation

Seed propagation is a difficult method that takes a lot of time. The disadvantage of this type of reproduction is that it does not preserve the characteristics of the variety. Dignity seed propagation– the possibility of obtaining a large number of seedlings.

Birds help seedlings reproduce in natural conditions. natural environment. The main condition for reproduction is the preservation distinctive features hawthorn varieties.

Application of fruits and leaves

Since ancient times, hawthorn has been used in folk medicine, cosmetology, cooking and for decorative purposes. Hawthorn is not contraindicated in people suffering from diabetes. It removes from the body harmful substances, salt, cleansing it.

  • Hawthorn is taken by the elderly to strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation.
  • Preparations made with hawthorn extract, normalize blood pressure, strengthen the heart muscle.
  • An important component of hawthorn is ursolic acid. She dilates blood vessels, kills germs and viruses relieves inflammation.
  • Hawthorn is useful people with urinary tract diseases.

Tinctures, decoctions of hawthorn are useful for heart defects, nervous disorders. Improves blood circulation infusion of blood-red hawthorn. It also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stimulates the work of the heart.

You need to pour 3 tablespoons of dried hawthorn flowers boiled water. For 1 spoon 1 glass of water. You need to insist 30 minutes, after which the infusion is filtered. Take it 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Compote, jam, fruit drinks are prepared from hawthorn. It is an excellent ingredient in many desserts.

The hawthorn is amazing plant with a number of advantages and disadvantages. If you follow the above recommendations, you can get a rich harvest and use it with maximum benefit.