Why did I choose the profession of an oil worker. Who is an oilman? The profession of "oilman": description, features of training and interesting facts

Specialty - grinder

Required education: no special education required

Specific abilities required to successfully master the profession:

No special mental and physical abilities are required, but it is necessary to have good health, the livable character of a never discouraged person and a tendency to patiently perform physically difficult work operations. It is desirable to have well-developed muscles.

The nature and content of the work:

Heavy physical labor, requiring certain special skills, developed directly at the workplace. Work away from home and family, and also quite often far from human habitation on a rotational basis - conservation of wells, or liquidation of wells that have exhausted their resource. The work is exclusively collective, in a brigade of grouting workers.

Obvious pluses

High demand for personnel, stable and constantly growing high salaries, work on fresh air, the opportunity to admire the taiga

"Pitfalls", the cons are obvious

Work is clearly only for men and even then not for everyone. For half a month or longer, you have to live away from your family in workers' dormitories, in which drinks are likely to be arranged after work. Hard physical labor does not cause any negative health consequences for everyone. In summer, the taiga is full of midges.

Possible occupational diseases: sciatica, musculoskeletal system, the consequences of possible hypothermia.

Salary fork (in rubles):

One for residents of all regions, since work in any case takes place far from home and is paid very differently - from 35,000 (at the beginning of work) to 150,000 (with a high workload)

Here, for example, what one of the representatives of this specialty writes to his friend.

“An oil worker is my specialty in general, more specifically in Russian - tampon(from the word "tampon"). After a pipe (casing) has been lowered into a newly drilled hole in the ground, cementing is performed. The gap between the pipe and the ground is cemented, which kills two birds with one stone: the pipe is fixed in the ground and the annular space is sealed to prevent interstratal flows of formation fluids. Liquidation is a variant of our work. A worked-out well can be completely filled with cement to prevent fountains, and there is no need for constant monitoring ... A working day with a rotational method we have 12 hours, but sometimes you have to work longer, because the drilling rig will not stand: it is expensive. It is difficult when after work from one drilling rig you immediately have to go to the second, the third and carry the iron with you. Any healthy man who has a driver's license and a bag of sugar can lift and carry 200 meters can work with us - the rest still needs to be taught from scratch ... We work where there are drilling rigs and drilling is carried out, and this can be anywhere - and near cities, and in the dense taiga, where, as in a song, you can fly only by helicopter - no TV, no mobile phones. In short, we live like bears sometimes. The watch usually lasts four weeks. If we work near the city, then five weeks.

On the drilling team of five people, they expose the equipment as needed, connect it with hoses and pipes to each other and to the drilling rig, and during the pumping process, cement is mixed with water in the unit, after which this solution is pumped into the well by high-pressure pumps. At the end of the injection, the unit and pipes are flushed from the cement. We collect pipes and hoses and go to the base or to another drilling rig.

We live on a working shift, depending on the project, either in a hotel or in a rented apartment (at the expense of the enterprise, of course), if in the taiga, then in a comfortable hostel.

At first, the salary is not very good, somewhere in the region of 25-30 thousand rubles (average earnings), after professional development it increases by 1.5-2 times.

Physical strength is needed, because in spite of all the means of mechanization, the parts of the high-pressure pipeline weighing up to 80 kg have to be installed and connected manually. "

As you can see, you can't drag a sissy and a lover of urban comfort to such work with any kind of earnings. But a brave, strong, dexterous connoisseur of taiga romance has something to look for there - both reliable friends, and life experiences, and satisfaction from creative work for real guys. Nevertheless, the difficulties and inconveniences of working in the fuel and energy complex are usually compensated not only by rather high and, most importantly, stable earnings, but also by earlier retirement, preferential sanatorium vouchers for the whole family, and increased vacation time. Somewhere, fuel and energy companies provide their prospective employees with good office housing or provide a lucrative loan to buy an apartment (or build their own house). It is clear that such a gift must be earned, but it is still a big plus in terms of working in the fuel and energy complex.

Description of the profession

Oilman is a very broad concept, it includes whole line professions, from a worker in an oil field or an oil refinery to a top manager of a global corporation. Each specialty has its own requirements for candidates.

However, usually, when the term "oilman" is used in everyday life, they mean the geologist who explores and develops oil and gas fields (these minerals often accompany each other).

Field exploration is a complex process that includes the actual discovery of an oil field, its analysis in terms of the complexity and profitability of production, exploration and research work. The great complexity of exploration is due to the fact that each field is individual, and often it is necessary to use unique methods that require highly qualified oil geologist, the ability to work in difficult conditions and make quick and correct decisions.

The first stage of exploration is the search for deposits by external, indirect signs. Such signs can be oil films on water, direct oil release to the surface of the earth, traces of asphalt (purified oil oxidation) on cracks in the rock, the smell of its light fractions, etc.

V recent times High-tech methods of geological prospecting, geophysical research methods are actively used, for example, seismographs combined with directional explosions make it possible to study the shape, volume and location of oil reservoirs underground. After the initial determination of the location, support drilling is performed. A prospecting well can be up to several kilometers; the extracted core is examined different methods, which show the composition and quality of oil from this field, the prospects for its further commercial use.

This is followed by direct oil production, which is produced by drilling wells. Drilling can be rotary and percussion. In the wells, oil is under high pressure therefore, it flows out of the wells by itself. Over time, the pressure drops; For further oil production, water or gas (or both) is pumped into the formation to push it to the surface.

One field can operate hundreds of wells of different functionality - drilling, research, injection. All this requires a large number of highly skilled workers and specialists to maintain. The produced oil is cleaned of gas and solid impurities and enters a gas pipeline that connects wells with oil refineries.

Personal qualities

The profession of an oil worker presupposes an inquiring mind, a penchant for technical and natural sciences, good intellect, and memory. Hard work, patience and good health is required.

The work of an oilman is connected with long-distance business trips, life far from settlements. Sometimes you have to live for months in the most difficult conditions.

For some, "wandering through the tundra" is terrifying, but for others, living in tents, overcoming physical difficulties, combined with intense professional work, is romance. And the image of a geologist with a guitar is a symbol of cheerful resilience.

Education (What you need to know?)

Specialists of any level must have a high level of qualifications, good education and at least basic knowledge of professional software... The higher the proposed wage, the more serious the requirements for the applicant.

So, among the requirements are:

professional education... For workers - secondary specialized, for engineering and scientific personnel - higher.

- at least a minimum work experience in the specialty, experience in conducting geological exploration and prospecting work.

high level computer use, knowledge of geological modeling programs, AutoCAD, etc.

- knowledge of technical of English language at a level sufficient for understanding the documentation and literature in the specialty.

- readiness for business trips, living and working in the field.

The oilman in his work uses knowledge of the structure of the earth's crust, lithosphere, geological processes, the evolution of the organic world, ecology, etc.

He must know the methods of exploration for hydrocarbon deposits. He also needs to know the technologies of drilling, testing, well operation, methods of their research.

Place of work and career

An oil worker can work in the production and scientific and technical departments of companies producing oil and gas. And also in research institutes of the oil and gas profile. The work of an oilman is connected with long-distance business trips, life far from settlements.

Related professions:

Where to study?

Universities by specialty Speciality Forms
Cost per year
score (2018)

Transport Institute

Oil and gas business

Full-time (4 years)
Extramural (5 years)

free (59 seats)
183 900
73 700

Municipal community educational institution

"Average comprehensive school 2 p. Dergachi village "

Project on:


I've done the work

student 4 "A" class

Lysenko Roman

Project Manager

primary school teacher

Kozel Vera Vladimirovna

2015-2016 academic year


Chauffeur - good
Doctor - good
A pilot - good,
And the oilman is better.
I'd go to the oil industry,
Let them teach me!

Every person dreams of finding a favorite business in life that brings joy to oneself and benefits people. Therefore, it is so important from an early childhood to get acquainted with various professions, to learn about those qualities of character that a particular profession requires. This is how the idea of ​​creating this project arose. I would like to know more about the profession of an oil worker, because right choice profession determines the path of life.

Why is a career in the oil industry attractive? High salary, high bonuses, a significant social package. But not only material rewards are attractive.

The oil industry is one of the most complex. What does it mean? This means that almost any talented person can find application in it. For one word oilman there is a whole arsenal of professions. The oil industry is both engineering and economic specialties. These are chemists, mathematicians, drillers, financiers, lawyers, accountants, locksmiths, technologists, geologists, power engineers, economists and other very different professions.

Target research:

  1. Study of the peculiarities of the profession of "oilman";
  2. Formation correct concept about the profession of "oilman".

Within the framework of the main goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Get acquainted with the profession of oilman and its importance for people;
  2. Collect information about this profession using different sources:

a) what is oil, how is it produced,

b) features of the profession.

3. Correlate the requirements of the profession with its own characteristics;

4. Learn to collect and process information, analyze literature, summarize facts and draw conclusions;

5. To acquaint other children with the profession of oilman.

Hypothesis: Petroleum engineer is one of the most promising professions.

Stages and organizational work on research:

  • Preparatory.
  • Determination of the list of recommended literature.
  • Setting goals and objectives.
  • Putting forward a hypothesis.
  • Study of the recommended literature.
  • Writing work.
  • Project protection.

Necessary equipment: Internet resources, encyclopedias, dictionaries.

Oil as a mineral.

“Russia has a lot of wealth:

Mines, lakes and mountains
Steppes, forest tracts.
There are also open spaces of the sea,
Even if this is not a little modest,

Where would not roam the world
A huge reserve of oil -
Only Russia is warmed! "

There are almost all types of minerals in our country. Minerals are natural mineral formations in the earth's crust.

OIL is a flammable oily liquid , with a specific odor, sometimes almost black, very rarely colorless, widespread in the sedimentary shell of the Earth, is the most important mineral.

How did it come about? Scientists believe that it was formed from plants and animals that lived many years ago in warm waters oceans that covered the earth's surface.

Oil is a rock. We are accustomed to the fact that the rock is a solid substance of which the earth's crust consists and more deep bowels land. It turns out that there are liquid rocks, and even gaseous ones. One of the important properties of oil is its ability to burn. Industrial alcohol, paraffin, fuel, lubricating oils, technical fat, resins, asphalt and other products are obtained from oil.

Oil has been used by humans for thousands of years. In ancient times, the Chinese and Egyptians used it as a medicine. Long before our era in ancient India oil was used for lighting and as fuel.

In ancient times, oil was used for torches, was added in the manufacture of bricks, baskets and ship bottoms were coated with it so that they did not let water through.

What is oil made?

Crude oil is practically not used. It is purified and processed.

There is primary and secondary oil refining.

Primary oil refining is distillation, as a result of which oil products are separated into component parts (they are called fractions):

liquefied gas;

gasolines (automobile and aviation),

jet fuel,


diesel fuel (diesel fuel),

fuel oil.

The first five types of petroleum products are fuel. And fuel oil is processed to obtain:



liquid fuel oil,


By mixing bitumen with minerals, asphalt (asphalt concrete) is obtained, which is used as a road surface.

Liquid fuel oil is used to heat houses.

A wide range of lubricants is produced from oil:

lubricating oil;

electrical insulating oil;

hydraulic oil;

plastic grease;

cutting fluid;


Oils obtained from petroleum are used to prepare ointments and creams.

The concentrate remaining after the distillation of oil is called tar. It goes to road and building surfaces.

Secondary oil processing includes a change in the structure of its components - hydrocarbons. She gives the raw materials from which they get:

synthetic rubbers and rubbers;

synthetic fabrics;


polymer films (polyethylene, polypropylene);


solvents, paints and varnishes;





and much more.

Petroleum engineer is one of the most promising professions

According to Society of Petroleum Engineers to ensure peace the required amount 38% more petroleum engineers are required today and in the future.

For engineers, the oil industry has always been a favorable field of activity. Here you will find many different possibilities for realizing and developing your technical and personal qualities.

Petroleum engineers are involved in the search, development and operation of oil and gas fields, and they are also charged with the responsibility of restoring the territory after the completion of drilling operations. They are innovators using cutting edge technology to develop new oil detection and well drilling techniques. There are many different majors in the petroleum engineer profession, but they all serve the same purpose - to provide the world with energy and to preserve environment for the next generations.

Some areas of specialization for petroleum engineers are: Drilling Engineer; process engineer; development engineer of oil and gas fields; environmental engineer; teacher / professor; consultant; government liaison officer; entrepreneur; supervisor.

The work of petroleum engineers is carried out both from the office, with the help of special computer programs, and in the fields. In addition, they often travel to various points in their country and the world, where they implement a wide variety of projects, one way or another related to their specialization.

The demand for new methods, technologies and sources of energy is constantly growing, and with it the demand for petroleum engineers. Many representatives of this profession will soon reach retirement age, which means that young specialists will have a chance for rapid career growth.

In the oil industry, a graduate is offered one of the highest starting salaries. Even aspiring petroleum engineers are often rewarded with lucrative positions and significant bonuses.

How much do oil workers get?

The oil industry in Russia firmly holds the second place in terms of wages after banking. The oil industry is not only interesting, it also pays well for it. By working in the oil industry, you will earn above average. The diagram below can give some idea of ​​the order of salaries. But these figures are the average for the hospital. The spread, in fact, from region to region and from company to company is very large.

How impressed?

In fact, salaries in the oil industry are much lower. Ask any oil worker you know about it. The fact is that the data on the chart does not reflect the salaries of the subsidiaries of large oil companies. Ordinary employees receive an order of magnitude less, but on a national scale, even their "relatively modest" income looks pretty decent.

Make money like an oil worker

Psychologists have identified one very interesting rule... Works ironically. Whatever one may say, but you cannot get away from him. A person earns as much as average earns his inner circle. If you want to make money as an oilman - become an oilman! If you want to earn more - become an advanced oilman!

How to make a career as an oil worker?

Squeeze everything out of your capabilities !!!

How do people, in principle, make a career in any organization? Success in today's business culture is based on several principles that differ from conventional wisdom about fairness. Life, in general, is not a very fair thing.

The conventional wisdom, not without foundation, is: Connections are everything! The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) and HeadHunter conducted a joint study of the role of connections in building a career. We look at the results and, as they say, we shake it off.

According to the results of the study, connections helped in their careers only 24% of those surveyed. How did their connections help them? For most of them, connections helped to get a job on Good work... Only 11% said their connections helped them get promoted.

The main factors in building a successful career were named: quality professional training(37%) and hard work and great patience .

Now a little about the qualities that should have oilman profession... This specialist must have a penchant for technical sciences. But some of the most important qualities are physical endurance and alertness. There are also many other skills, for example, possession of various kinds of tools and so on, but all this already depends on the specialization of the oilman. A good specialist I can even invite you to work abroad.

Working in a well, people of this profession face constant risk to their lives. Oil can always ignite. Working at heights for an oilman is fraught with injury. And remoteness from the place of residence is the main disadvantage in this work. This mineral is often mined at sea, which is even more life-threatening.


It must be said that I am aware that this topic has not been fully investigated by us. I am confident that in the future, while studying at the university, I will continue to study the oil industry.

The world will always need energy. Oil and gas are the most important sources of energy, the demand for which is growing. Meeting the growing demand for energy is a challenge for petroleum engineers.

It is the representatives of this profession that determine the future of humanity and actually change the world. Therefore, those who choose to pursue a career in petroleum engineering today face a unique and exciting future. I hope I will not miss my chance!

Oil gives warmth and light -

There is simply no replacement for it.

They make a lot of oil:

And asphalt roads

And suits and shirts

Amazing cups!

Remember as a diesel locomotive

You were once taken to the sea ...

Oil burned in its furnaces,

And without oil, what's the deal?

And it's not for nothing in our land,

Every oilman knows this,

They are looking forward to her

They call it black gold.

Petrol is made from oil
For motorcycles and cars,
They make roads out of oil
Where our feet step.

Many tons of black gold
They help us to work and live
Let its stock be bottomless!
You could deserve our love!

So simply the bowels of the oil will not give up,
You walk boldly on the planet,
So that there was plenty of kerosene, gasoline, fuel oil
Warm, so that it was for old people and children!

All professions associated with oil production are usually called one common word- a petroleum worker, which means many specialties from a petroleum engineer and a petroleum geologist to a driller. How are they similar and what are their differences? Let's figure it out.

It unites all the professions, one way or another related to the oil field, it is the raw materials themselves - oil and gas. By the way, for those who are not in the know, gas is a by-product obtained in the development of oil fields. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to separate oil and gas production. In addition, to obtain any of the specialties in demand in this area, you need a technical mindset and deep knowledge of subjects such as mathematics, physics, geography or chemistry (depending on the chosen direction).

In order to get the maximum points when passing the exam, it is best to take care of high-quality preparation in advance. You can get it using the services online tutors. offers applicantsservice Tutoronline. ru., using the services of which you can deal with. In this case, it does not matter at all in which city you live. After all, classes are conducted online via Skype and a special interactive whiteboard.

But, despite the fact that all these professions belong to the oil industry, they differ dramatically from each other. All of them can be divided into three groups:

  1. Specialties in one way or another related to the search for new deposits

These include the professions of a geologist, geophysicist, surveyor, etc. All these people carry out an enormous amount of work to study the structure and movement of the earth's crust, to study and assess the soil, to collect samples of various rocks. Based on the data obtained, assumptions are made about the possible location of the oil and gas field. After that, additional research is carried out on the ground. If the theoretical assumptions are confirmed in the course of practical exploration, and the new field turns out to be rich enough, then its development begins.

At the same time, specialists engaged in oil and gas exploration can work both in the field and in offices. Since some of them are engaged in collecting samples, while others are analyzing them. Both of these branches are equally important. But each has its own specifics:

  • - Those who collect the necessary data, first of all, should include field geologists, seismicists and geophysicists. These people spend their work time in difficult conditions: they live in tents, cook at the stake, long time do without basic amenities. For some, their work is romance, for most, it is hard work and constant self-restraint. Not everyone is able to take root in these professions.
  • - The analysis of the provided samples and the processing of the results are carried out under stationary conditions. This is done by offices that unite several large departments under their wing. They work geologists and geophysicists capable of competently performing laboratory and scientific analysis of data collected in the field and unmistakably indicate the location of the deposits.

Here's what he says about his profession chief geologist of the Berezitovy mine Oleg Mozharov: « Geologists are people who go ahead and work in the toughest conditions. This is hard everyday work. This profession requires constant replenishment of knowledge, since our work largely depends on the geological region. And the peculiarities of the specifics of individual territories in educational institutions do not teach. It takes five years of practice for a graduate to become a specialist. If you have to move to another geological area, you will have to study again».

But, as mentioned above, even an oil geologist does not necessarily have to work in the field. It could be a regular office worker. But there is still a difference. As a rule, before settling in office cabinet, you need to prove your high professionalism in the field. After all, only the one who understands all the subtleties of this matter is able to competently analyze the data collected by others.

  1. Professions related to the development of found deposits and mining.

First of all, it is worth attributing to them drillers, drillers and driller assistants... However, their work is again supervised by geologists and geophysicists with higher and secondary vocational education.

These people start work after exploration has been carried out and a decision has been made to build a drilling rig and start oil and gas production at a specific location. As a rule, they work on a rotational basis, without being at home for several weeks. During working hours, these specialists live in small trailers for several people and get by with a minimum level of comfort.

  1. Specialties responsible for the maintenance of drilling rigs and personnel.

Each drilling rig, in addition to those directly involved in oil and gas production, has people responsible for providing correct work rig and creating a minimum level of comfort. it mechanics, instrumentation locksmiths, electricians, cooks, dishwashers, etc.

Each of these specialists performs the same functions at the rig as his colleagues employed in other industries. However, they all work in extreme conditions for several weeks without being at home and not seeing the family.

Advantages of the profession of an oilman

At the moment, all of these specialties are very popular in Russia. And, above all, thanks to the high pay. The oil industry has the highest wages. They are the most powerful incentive when choosing the profession of a geologist, geophysicist or driller.

In addition, this industry provides a large number of benefits and additional bonuses: various additional payments and financial incentives, rest and travel on vacation at the expense of enterprises, early retirement (if the deposits are located in areas equated to the Far North), etc.

The prestige and relevance of the profession also play an important role. The people employed in the oil industry are highly respected and honored. And competent specialists with special education are worth their weight in gold. And graduates of oil institutes always have excellent opportunities for a start in life and for building a career.

In a word, choosing this profession, the applicant will definitely not be left behind. In addition, he is guaranteed employment, a high salary and, with the ability and desire, a brilliant career.

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Petroleum geologist- a specialist in the exploration of oil and gas fields, the most important sources of energy for modern civilization. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics and geography (see choosing a profession by interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Petroleum Geologist is a geologist's specialization focused on working with liquid (oil) and gaseous hydrocarbons.

The main task of any prospecting geologist is the search for mineral deposits. An oil geologist is looking for new deposits and evaluating the potential of the existing ones.

Why are gas and oil always mentioned in the same "bundle"? The point is that gas is a constant companion of oil. Anyone who has been to oil production sites must have seen torches burning at high altitudes. This burns gas escaping from the bowels along with oil, and it is not always possible to use it rationally. Also, once it is dissolved in the oil itself, and it is released already in the process of its processing.

The modern world is completely dependent on energy sources, which include oil and gas. Oil has been used as a fuel since ancient world... And at the end of the 19th century, it became the basis for breakthrough technologies. German engineer Gottlieb Daimler invented a compact Gas engine that could be used for transportation. This opened the way for the automotive industry. Since then, the demand for oil has grown tremendously. The scope of application of both oil and gas has also expanded. These substances are used not only as fuel, but also in the chemical industry.

Russian oil and gas fields were mainly explored back in Soviet time, but every year the task of finding and mastering new ones is becoming more and more acute. And this means new research, new reconnaissance expeditions.

However, exploration work begins long before geologists are sent to the prospect. First, you need to choose this place. But not by typing, but based on scientific evidence.

Underway careful preparation... The head of the reconnaissance project studies data on the terrain, draws up a search plan, based on geodetic data, his own knowledge of the structure of the movement of the earth's crust.

He decides where exactly the geological party (geological team) will begin the search. After that, equipment for test drilling, field laboratories, all-terrain vehicles, fuel, etc. are being prepared.
Already during the expedition, the search results are constantly evaluated, the tactics of work are changing.

When a deposit is discovered, development begins. Geologists participate in the design of the field, control the production process. Over time, when oil and gas deposits are depleted, the field has to be reconstructed, preserved (suspended) or even liquidated. All these stages in the life of the field also require the participation of a geologist.

The work of a geologist is connected with trips to undeveloped, uninhabited areas. Sometimes you have to live for months in the most difficult conditions. For some, "wandering through the tundra" is terrifying, but for others, living in tents, overcoming physical difficulties, combined with intense professional work, is romance. And the image of a geologist with a guitar is a symbol of cheerful resilience.


An oil geologist can work in the production and scientific and technical departments of companies producing oil and gas. And also in research institutes of the oil and gas profile. The work of a geologist is connected with long-distance business trips, life far from settlements.


Salary on 02/18/2019

Russia 40,000—50,000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a petroleum geologist presupposes an inquiring mind, a penchant for technical and natural sciences, good intellect, and memory. Hard work, patience and good health is required.

Knowledge and skills

An oil geologist in his work uses knowledge of the structure of the earth's crust, lithosphere, geological processes, the evolution of the organic world, ecology, etc.
He must know the methods of exploration for hydrocarbon deposits. He also needs to know the technologies of drilling, testing, well operation, methods of their research.

Petroleum Geologist Training

Invites you to professional courses in the Mining Graduate Program. You can take professional retraining in this area, as well as deepen your knowledge as part of advanced training, in the format of distance learning.

On this course, you can get the profession of an oil and gas specialist in 3 months and 20,000 rubles:
- One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
- Diploma of professional retraining the established sample;
- Training in a completely remote format;
- Certificate of conformity to the professional standard worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!;
- The largest educational institution of additional prof. education in Russia.