How to make a wooden sandbox with a lid. How to make a sandbox with a lid for children yourself

The construction of a full-fledged children's playground begins with a sandbox, consisting of many elements (slide, swing, house), which will be added as the child grows up.

According to parents, a sandbox is a place for games where you can keep your child busy for a long time. Psychologists say that the sandbox for children plays important role: hand motility develops, Creative skills, persistence and patience are shown.

Before figuring out how to build a children's sandbox in the country, you need to familiarize yourself with the types, types and choose suitable option for specific conditions.

Types of children's sandboxes for giving

There are two types of sandboxes for children:

1. By design features:

  • open sandbox (easy-to-manufacture construction);
  • closed sandbox. It is popular among users because it allows protecting sand from: debris, rain, wind, animals. In addition, a children's sandbox with a lid protects the sand from weathering, allows you to store toys under the lid (children's inventory: beads, shovels, shovels, rakes, etc.), and can also serve as an additional playground (if transformed into a table and chairs ).

2. By material of manufacture:

  • plastic, metal, wooden

Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Plastic sandbox

Does not overheat in the sun, has a compact size, lightweight, easy to move, transport, and during your absence can be hidden in a farm building or garage. Among the disadvantages are instability to ultraviolet light, high cost.

Metal sandbox

Provides long-term use, but is not safe for children, and is also corrosive and laborious to manufacture.

Wooden sandbox

The best option, since the tree is environmentally friendly, safe and affordable.

Therefore, consider how to build a children's sandbox from wood - independent technology using improvised materials (funds). Let's start with the open one, as this is the most easily implemented option for beginners with no construction experience. Manufacturing will take only a few hours, and if you have a competent drawing, the lid can be attached to it at any time.

How to make a sandbox with your own hands - step by step instructions

Stage 1 - Drawing of a sandbox made of wood

Despite the fact that the design is simple, the detailed layout of the sandbox allows you to rationally calculate the amount of material and choose the right place for installation.

Often, a sandbox made of wood is a square of a given height, which protects the sand from creeping.

Sandbox drawings (for simple construction) are given below.

The design can be more complex: it includes chairs, benches, tables, a cover, a roof, a slide, etc. or a sandbox made in the form of a car (car), a boat-ship, a house-castle.

The diagram below gives an idea of ​​what a machine sandbox (sandbox machine) consists of.

Anyway, functional purpose the basic structure is the same - a fence that protects the sand.

Advice. When planning the construction of a sandbox, one should take into account how many children it will be designed for.

Stage 2 - Sandbox material

The table lists a list of building materials with dimensions and quantities for the manufacture of a simple sandbox with dimensions of 1500x1500 mm, 300 mm high.

Lumber Appointment Quantity Note
Bar 50 * 50 * 450 Corner element 4 things. Beam 150 mm. treated with an antiseptic
Board 30 * 150 * 1600 Sandbox side walls 8 pcs. It is carefully sanded and covered with wood primer.
Board 30 * 150 * 1600 Bumpers for seating, folding toys, etc. 4 things. Sanded and coated with wood primer.
Self-tapping screws for wood, 45 mm. For fastening 50 pcs.
Geotextile For the bottom 2 rolls Can be replaced with foil
Antiseptic For wood processing
Wood primer For wood protection
Dye For coloring 1 can (1 liter) Oil or acrylic
For a closed sandbox (with a lid), you will additionally need
Bar 30 * 30 * 1600 2 pcs. The bar is sawn into pieces depending on the width of the cover
Board 20 * 125 * 1600 or plywood, 18 mm. 12 pcs. sheet
Piano hinges (awnings) 4 things.
8 pcs.
for hinged lid
for convertible seat cover
Pens 2 pcs.

Material prepared for the site

  1. the length of the bar depends on the height of the sandbox, which, in turn, is determined by the age of the child. The height of the sandbox should be such that the child can step over it. Optimal height- 300 mm (150 mm remains for digging and fixing the structure).

  2. the thickness of the boards must be at least 30 mm. This will provide sufficient structural strength and prevent the wood from cracking.

  3. plywood is indispensable in the manufacture of complex structures, such as, for example, a sandbox in the form of a ship (boat). It is used to make shaped products of a round, oval shape.

  4. it is better to process boards prior to installation. Thus, there will be no exposed pieces of lumber.

Tool: saw, Sander, drill, drills, screwdriver, pencil, tape measure, level, pegs and rope, paint brushes.

Stage 3 - Marking the place for the sandbox

a place for installation is selected. With the help of stakes and a rope, the outer perimeter of the structure is indicated;

inside the outlined square, the soil is selected to a depth of 300-400 mm. You can do without this and pour sand on top of the soil, but it will quickly deteriorate, since it will mix with the soil during the game. In addition, ants and other insects can grow in it;

drainage is arranged - a densely packed cushion of rubble / gravel and sand. The pillow will allow the water to drain freely into the soil and the sand to dry faster. Additionally, users recommend laying geotexil, it does not interfere with the flow of water, but protects the sand from below from insects or moles.

Advice. When using polyethylene, holes must be drilled in it to drain the water.

Many users complain that puddles appear around the sandbox after rain. This is eliminated by arranging a pillow and outside the perimeter of the sandbox - drainage, laid by 400-500 mm. around the sandbox will allow water to quickly drain downward.

Stage 4 - Making a children's sandbox with your own hands

Brief construction technology:

  • stakes are driven in at the corners marked with a rope - the support of the future sandbox;
  • on each side, one board is installed, covered with an antiseptic;
  • then the second row of boards is nailed;
  • to equip the seats, processed boards are horizontally installed on the top of the structure (2 on opposite sides, 4 on each side) or plywood corners - the most budgetary option.

Advice. It is important to ensure that the screw caps are securely sunk into the wood and do not cause injury.

The second option, how to make a sandbox out of wood

The method assumes a slightly different order of work, namely: first the production of the sandbox, then the preparation of the installation site and further installation of the sandbox. This option is convenient when the work is carried out together, because the design, although light, is quite cumbersome and it is inconvenient to install it alone in this order.

Step-by-step instructions for making a sandbox with your own hands (master class) are shown in the photo.

Stage 5 - Making a cover for the sandbox

Since a children's sandbox with a cover for a summer cottage is a more attractive option - consider how to make a cover for a sandbox.

The most simple option there will be a removable cover, which is a shield knocked together from boards, but its significant drawback is the need to remove the cover before the game.

Therefore, it is more advisable to make a structure with two doors that transform (open and fold) into seats. The photo below shows two options for the sandbox cover - folding and transforming into a seat. Please note that the two outer boards on both sides are stationary. They are securely fixed, this will allow a child and even an adult to sit on the lid without fear of breaking it.

Sandbox option with awning (soft lid, rolls up)

Stage 6 - Construction of the roof for the sandbox

Given that children want to play in the sand at any time of the day, care must be taken to protect them from direct sunlight. To do this, you need to install a visor over the sandbox. This can be a parasol or a fixed roof made in the shape of a fungus / canopy.

Stage 7 - Sand for the children's sandbox

How to choose sand for your sandbox?

It should be noted that GOST (18322-78 (ST SEV 5151-85) and GOST R 52301-2004) regulate the requirements for the maintenance of playground equipment, but do not contain recommendations regarding sand, except that when selling sand, it is necessary to provide certificates.

However, users have determined what kind of sand is needed for a sandbox and have the following requirements for it:

  • absence of impurities / objects;
  • good flowability;
  • dustlessness. Small particles of sand (fractions less than 0.1 mm) can enter the lungs of the child. To remove them, the sand is usually washed and dried or sieved through a very fine sieve;
  • formability (it is good to be molded into the beads);
  • humidity. The sand must be dry;
  • hygiene. The sand should not contain living creatures (bugs, spiders, worms, etc.).

Which sand is best for a sandbox

When choosing sand, it is better to give preference to:

  • river, not career. It is cleaner in itself;
  • sifted, free of foreign objects;
  • quartz sand is ideal. It is clean and well molded.

You can buy ready-made sand for children's sandboxes at the store. The quality certificate guarantees its purity and absence of impurities.

How much sand do you need in a sandbox?

In order to fill a sandbox with a size of 1500x1500 mm. you need to prepare about 0.5 cubic meters. sand.

The average price for a bag (25 kg) of sand for a children's sandbox is shown in the table.

Children's wooden sandbox with their own hands - video

How and where to install a children's sandbox correctly

In order for the sandbox to serve for a long time and not pose a threat to children, you need to adhere to several recommendations when making and installing it:

  • do not use metal elements;
  • do not leave boards unpolished;
  • provide a shadow;
  • place in a well-visible place;
  • ensure the absence of thorny shrubs, honey plants and allergens;
  • provide reliable fastening;
  • lack of electrical wiring, hoses, pipes, etc.


A wooden sandbox with a lid or an open one is an opportunity not only to please the child, but also to show their creativity. A sandbox in the form of a table, a car, hexagonal or round - will not only delight the child, but also allow you to decorate the summer cottage with an extraordinary, creative design.

When choosing the design of a small children's sandbox, it is necessary to take into account not only its direct (functional) purpose, but also pay attention to how harmoniously it will "fit" into the surrounding landscape.

The most suitable material for a sandbox is regular wood. Let's take a look at how to make a sandbox with your own hands.

Main questions:

  • what design to choose;
  • how many boards will be required to make it;
  • how to choose the right color scheme.

The design and dimensions of the sandbox for the playground

There are no special requirements for the size of children's sandboxes. If there is enough free space- you can choose any dimensions convenient for you (within reason, of course). Most often I make the sandbox square, which makes it much easier preparatory work associated with cutting blanks of the same size.

The boards can have a length of 4, 5 or 6 meters with a width of about 12 cm. As for the height of the walls of the entire structure, here the optimal size is about 24 cm, which corresponds to a bundle of two boards. Thus, if you have five-meter boards at your disposal, you will need eight of them to assemble the entire sandbox.

The thickness of the boards used for its manufacture is usually chosen equal to 30 mm. Billets of this thickness provide the required strength and reliability of the structure and exclude the possibility of cracking. The depth of the sandy fill layer used to fill the sandbox is chosen equal to 15 cm.

The main stages of making a sandbox: the order of work

After all the boards are prepared, you can proceed to the construction of the frame. For bonding individual elements structures between each other, you can use pre-prepared metal corners attached to the boards by means of self-tapping screws.

You can, of course, do without corners; but then half of the boards used to assemble the frame should be 6–7 mm longer. In this case, part of the prefabricated boards is attached to the ends of adjacent blanks using ordinary self-tapping screws on wood, which allows you to get a fairly reliable and durable frame.

In a suburban area, you will definitely need to worry about the bottom of the sandbox; and it is necessary to approach this issue with all seriousness. To protect the playground from rodents entering it, in particular, it is possible by covering the bottom with special agrofibre, the edges of which are fixed to the boards using a conventional furniture stapler.

Choosing a place to place a structure

When choosing suitable place proceed from the following considerations:

  • the place should not be open to wind and sun;
  • the place of children's games should be clearly visible from all points of the garden, i.e. would be "in sight";
  • there must be a "visor".

It is best to place the sandbox under the crown of trees or in such a way that the shadow of the nearest building falls on it for most of the day.

Concerning color scheme, then it should be chosen at your personal discretion (to taste). The palette of colors should be quite varied, as well as bright and saturated as possible. On the sides timber frame you can apply patterns or drawings.

Here are a couple of tips:

  1. The shape does not have to be square at all. If you try to move away from templates, then it is quite possible to imagine a triangular, trapezoidal and even polygonal structure.
  2. In the sandbox itself, you can prepare some kind of labyrinths, passages and grooves in which it will be interesting for the kid to arrange outdoor games.


Sandbox photos: 14 unusual ideas

Schemes and drawings

When there are children in the family, it is important to properly organize their leisure time, especially at summer cottage when parents are busy in the garden and vegetable garden. The improvement of a children's play area begins with an idea for decorating a sandbox with your own hands.

Many have been proposed so far. interesting options- from multilevel structures in the form of ships with sails to the simplest circle of tires. But it is not only important original design and convenience, but also the safety of a place for exciting games for children.

What materials are used for the construction of summer cottages

The dacha is the place where, in order to save money, everything that was waiting for its use in the garage, shed, on the balcony and on the mezzanine is used.

Much of the postponed "just in case" is also suitable for a playground with a children's sandbox:

  • bricks and foam blocks;
  • wooden chocks and blocks;
  • trimming boards;
  • old skis;
  • pieces of tarpaulin and camouflage netting;
  • plastic bottles;
  • bald tires.

Availability suitable material determines the shape, size and height of the sides of the sandbox being built.

For maximum convenience and hygiene she must have:

  • lid;
  • awning, canopy or "fungus";
  • planes for laying out "pasoches";
  • bench or seat;
  • storage space for scoops, rakes, molds and buckets.

If necessary, some of the materials are purchased. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the quality of the paint with which the sides of the sandboxes are opened. It should be non-toxic, odorless, dry quickly and not stick to your fingers.

It is advisable to carry out painting work in the absence of children, showing the finished result as a gift, like a photo of a sandbox in bright colors.

The sandbox is needed not only to keep the child busy, it is useful for his development.

The construction of figures develops spatial thinking, fine motor skills and creative potential baby. Two or three companions in one sandbox - the ability to communicate and learns to build relationships.

If the children have too developed possessive ambitions, it is advisable to build several departments with sand and give their own inventory.

To the quality of sand in the sandboxes in the country, as well as preschool institutions, special requirements are imposed. Best of all is fresh river or quarry sand, which must be sieved to remove coarse fractions, glass and debris.

During the game, it gradually crumbles and spreads around the site, clogged with dust and garden vegetation. Over time, it is not only filled up, but also changed 2-3 times over the summer.

The children's sandbox should be closed from unexpected "visitors", and the dirty sand should be taken out of the site. Convenient sand cover is easy to build from leftovers old furniture, an inflatable boat and other materials at hand.

Choosing a playground for a children's sandbox

It is advisable to refine the favorite place for children to play with sand. Lawn or paving slabs much better than an abandoned lawn with roots and branches.

Ideally, a cultured place with green lawn, but gradually it will be covered with sand. A sandbox can be built among flower beds, right next to garden path v landscape design when there is no other place.


The best location for the playground is opposite the kitchen windows, where mom and grandmother often cook. The kid will be in sight, but no one will distract him from the exciting game.

Tip: If there is no suitable place at all (around the garden and vegetable garden), a mobile sandbox in the form of a box on wheels can be shifted under the window or removed to another place along the hard surface of the courtyard.

But you need to be very careful when a car or motorcycle drives into the yard.

Attention: It is undesirable to build a sandbox under a tree from which flowers, branches, leaves and ripe fruits fall off. Wasps and flies flock to rotting fruits, which are unsafe for children. Caterpillars may fall from branches. When processing trees from garden pests poisonous chemicals can enter the sandpit.

How to make an inexpensive summer cottage sandbox with your own hands

The simplest round-shaped structure is made from a large tire. In this case, sandbox drawings and additional costs are not needed.

  • On the prepared site, mark the place where the tire with sand will stand.
  • The bottom is fixed to the ground or asphalt area with metal pins, you can partially deepen the tire.
  • The bottom of the "free-flowing tank" is covered with tarpaulin so that living creatures from the ground do not crawl into the sand.
  • The surface of the tire is painted at your discretion, but you can leave it uncoated.
  • It is advisable to install a bench and an awning nearby, but a beach umbrella is enough if the child rarely visits the country.


Another option is a classic square or rectangular sandbox with wooden sides. It is made from leftovers edged boards height 20-30 cm. For the most simplest design you need a drawing in order to accurately calculate the consumption of materials and mark the sawing of boards.

It is convenient for children when there are benches or triangular beams in the corners on the sides, on top there is an awning from the sun or "fungus", as in the photo.

For 2-3 kids, it is better to make a spacious sand box. Any structure in the corners is fixed with pegs. It is better to pave the bottom with hollow bricks - excellent drainage and a solid base.

Kids love the colorful, freeform sandboxes made from tree stumps or attractive objects.

There are also more complex ideas for decorating a sandbox in landscape design - a whole playground for children with slides and houses. For a construction, a rocket, a boat, a typewriter or a tower, a lot of costs and the hands of a master are needed.

If the family does not have a grandfather or dad who can make a real summer cottage masterpiece under the sand, you should not deny the baby such joy. You can invite a specialist from a specialized company by showing him a photo example from our gallery.


Do-it-yourself sandbox photo

With the arrival of spring, the hot season begins for arranging the territory in the country, near country house or a quiet city courtyard. Prudent parents do not wait until the city authorities remember the promises of a playground, but begin building a children's sandbox on their own. There is a mass good ideas- from simple wooden boxes and bald tires with sand for children to real masterpieces in landscape design.

Sandbox in the form of a ship with an awning

The sandbox is the main attribute of children's games in warm time of the year.

Main pluses:

  • children are keen on the game, they require less attention to themselves;
  • it is convenient for parents to observe babies while doing their daily duties;
  • playing together develops communication skills and companionship in children;
  • sand games develop children's motor skills and contribute to the formation of an idea of ​​volumetric forms;
  • an exciting activity for a long stay in the open air.

Sandbox frame

To the attention of parents! The main conditions for long-term children's play under the summer sun are an awning or canopy, children in light hats. The sandbox should be located on open area so that babies do not fall out of sight, but where there are no drafts.

What you need to know about sand for kids to play with?

Not every filler is suitable for a children's sandbox. Ideally, coarse quartz or river sand, devoid of inclusions. No matter how clean it looks, the sand is pre-sieved to remove glass fragments and fragments of river molluscs valves, the remains of rotting organic matter.

Square wooden sandbox

Suitable sand is clean and free-flowing when dry, moist and sticks well. Such a filler warms up well in the sun and is unsuitable for the development of small animals. Quarry sand with a large inclusion of soil or clay is less suitable for these purposes.

Sandbox in the form of a boat with sun protection

Over time, the wind blows street dust into the sandboxes, construction garbage, fallen leaves with insects, soil particles from vegetable gardens and orchards sprayed with chemicals. The volume of the filler in the sandbox also decreases, usually the sand is carried by children outside the sides. Therefore, it is advisable to change it as it gets dirty and periodically fill it up, and the old ones can be sprinkled on garden paths.

DIY sandbox in the form of a truck

Advice. While the children are away from the country, make a slide of sand and cover it with a tarpaulin or thick film, securing it in the corners with something heavy.

Children's sandbox with a roof

Buy a ready-made sandbox or build it yourself?

A common courtyard is not a place for bright, expensive objects that can be carried away by lovers of freebies. An urban playground is usually equipped with a simple square or rectangular sandbox made of wood with oil-painted sides.

Children's sandbox

In the private sector, in the country, or in any protected area, you can equip a whole playground and afford expensive decor. If there is no one in the family to build even the simplest sand box, then they buy a container of a suitable size in a children's supermarket or order it via the Internet.

Truck Sandbox

Some construction companies engaged in the construction of objects from rounded timber, at the request of the owners, will make not only a house. You can order an original sandbox, a pirate town or a whole children's play complex with slides and houses. Or you can make children's sandboxes with your own hands - photos and ideas will help bring an interesting project to life.

Square red sandbox

A do-it-yourself play area has the following advantages:

  • it is a matter of pride for the head of the family before friends and neighbors;
  • the remains of the timber are attached to the case, wooden planks, plywood, plastic bottles, bald tires and other material suitable for this venture;
  • the most economical option;
  • the ability to choose a suitable type of sandbox.

Children's sandbox in the form of a boat

A bright plastic container for sand from a store, one might say, a forced purchase, for example, when there are no men's hands in the house.

The construction of a wooden rectangle is available even to a novice master who does not have woodworking machines and tools. Parts for a homemade children's sandbox are recommended to be ordered at the nearest carpentry workshop and assembled in the country using a screwdriver or universal tool... Finally, sand and paint with non-toxic paint.

Sandbox with sun protection

One more the simplest way- dig in vertically in a circle wooden posts from neatly sawn trunks of dry trees.

If the structure is made of stumps different heights, children are happy to use them for jogging around the sandbox.

Sandbox in the form of a house

Much less often they make a sandbox from solid logs connected along the perimeter. This is a good option to attach a piece of dry, felled tree. Children will be much more comfortable if comfortable seats are fixed on top of the logs.

Worn tires are also widely used as sand containers. Rubber from a wheel with a large diameter is ideal for a summer cottage if the container is designed for one child to play in the sand. From scraps of several tires in the form of a flower or a polygon, they make a sandbox for 2-3 kids with their own hands. Only it must be painted so that the rubber heated in the sun does not evaporate an unpleasant odor.

Sandbox made of wood in the yard

Where to install the sandbox

Choosing a place for children's activities due to several factors.

Folding sandbox

The best ideas for building a children's sandbox with a photo

The design of a play area with bulk material is often equipped not just in the form of a circle or a square with triangular benches in the corners. If you apply a little imagination and skill, spend a little more time and building materials, the courtyard will be decorated with an original recognizable object.

Construction of a children's sandbox with an awning

Boys like sandboxes in the form of cars. A box of sand is made in a rectangular shape, like the body of a truck. It is advisable to dig in unnecessary tires on the sides. The cabin is attached to the end side of the tank, preferably on the south side - it also serves as protection from the sun.

Small sandbox made of wood with awning

Inside the plywood cabin, a "dashboard" with a steering wheel and comfortable seats made of plastic or wood are installed. Outside, they are painted over, as imagination suggests, not forgetting about the headlights. Do the doors or not - at the discretion of the parents.

No less popular are "yachts" and "boats" with sand for children's games.

The options are very diverse:

  • a real boat (it can be an old, leaky punt) as a container for loose play material;
  • an elongated pentagonal sandbox, where the "bow of the yacht" is lined with boards, where it will be convenient to sit down and lay out sand "cakes";
  • multilevel structure pirate ship with sails, ropes, slides and a steering wheel;
  • a simple children's sandbox with a ship's bow and a "cabin" behind, where children can play like in a house.

Children's sandbox

Teremok is one of the most popular ideas, and everyone embodies it in their own way, depending on the skill and building materials at hand.

Wonder island with a palm tree and bumpers from plastic bottles- such a sandbox should be in the shade, since the “palm” itself is not enough.

Construction of a children's sandbox made of wood

A canopy fungus is a "classic" shape, but its shadow usually falls outside the container.

Multilevel labyrinth of wood blocks connecting several separate reservoirs of sand - convenient option for a family with several children. This will minimize the “possessive” ambitions of the children.

Sandboxes of any arbitrary shape are also suitable for children's games if they are equipped with:

  • awning;
  • visor;
  • canopy.

What is important to know about paint

Paints and impregnations for wood processing are selected non-toxic and fast drying. It is advisable to build the sides of wood from a previously prepared bar. Painting is also done at least a week before the baby and mother move to the dacha, so that the varnish or paint has time to dry by this time and do not stick to the child's hands.

Small sandbox with a visor

Ideally, use an eco-friendly paint based on natural resins. Facade paint and other suspensions for outdoor use are good at withstanding rainfall and temperature extremes, but they are toxic, especially the first days after treatment. Nitro enamel is toxic, but dries quickly. Oil and acrylic paints are most often used to decorate a children's sandbox.

The sides can be colored and monochromatic, but funny stories can be drawn on the seats. It can be a funny zoo or palms, little men or a road for toy cars carrying sand to a construction site among the forest and houses.

Small sandbox with sand protection and awning

The simplest options for building a sandbox with your own hands

With any configuration of the play area for sand, you need to prepare the bottom and remove the sod layer. Once no one was involved in arranging the lower level of the sandbox, but today sanitary standards dictate their terms. Moreover, from upper layers earthworms crawl out into wet sand after a downpour. Various microorganisms and helminth eggs can get into the free-flowing substrate.

Sandbox in the form of a boat with an awning

Therefore, it is advisable to make an intermediate layer along the bottom perimeter according to the following principle:

  • stretch agrofiber, plastic wrap or an old tarp, make holes in the corners for a shower drain that fills the sides to the brim;
  • lay out a layer of broken porous bricks or the remains of paving slabs;
  • the base of the sandbox is strengthened in the corners, where the "legs" must be attached for digging into the ground.

Small sandbox with sand protection

Common ways to make a sandbox with your own hands.

  1. The sides for free-flowing children's "building" material are made from inverted plastic bottles, the containers are filled with soil, sand or clay, they are dug into the ground in a circle or in the shape of a rectangle, the containers are braided with thick wire for the integrity of the structure.
    While this is a good alternative to wooden boards, children need wooden benches for laying out sand figures and seating.
  2. Tires from heavy trucks adapted for a children's sandbox are another simple way of arranging a playground. With large slate nails, the lower edge of the rubber is fixed on a tamped platform, the upper edge is neatly cut off, leaving enough space for the seat, the outer surface of the tires is painted in a bright color, a tarpaulin or film is laid on the bottom and covered with sifted sand, it is advisable to put a table and a bench next to it, and stretch it awning.
  3. DIY rectangular wood sandbox - classic version... You will need 4 identical pieces of board about 1.5 m each and up to 25 cm wide, 4 wedge-shaped bars of 40 cm each, 4 triangular trimming of wood. A children's sandbox from prepared ready-made pieces of wood can be made in 2-3 hours. Connect the boards for the boards at right angles with wedge-shaped bars using a screwdriver so that the flat edge of the bars is flush with the board, and the pointed edge protrudes, we connect all 4 corners and securely fix the bars, in an inverted form it should look like a low table with short legs... Then you need to prepare the site (remove the sod layer, lay a brick or stretch agrofibre), dig out small indentations for the pegs of the boards, put the sandbox in its place and dig in the base, nail the seats in the corners. Now you need to sand everything well wooden surfaces, so that children do not get splinters while playing, paint the sandbox, after drying, fill it with sand. The last step is to secure a beach umbrella or awning next to the sandbox. If you have the skills to work with wood, then it is better to make a canopy in the shape of a fungus. The height should be such that adults can freely enter under it.

Wooden sandbox with backs

Additional equipment for the children's play area - benches or a table with a bench, wooden figurines or garden decor, a box for children's inventory and molds. The site can be improved by adding new elements. As the child grows up, something will have to be removed, new elements and accessories introduced.

Video: How to make a children's sandbox yourself

50 photos of ideas for children's sandboxes with their own hands: