How to make a small sandbox for a child. Do-it-yourself sandbox with a lid on the plot: the child has fun - the parents are busy

Do you dream of returning to childhood even for a moment? This is not at all difficult to do. Just create sandbox with lid, and then build castles or make sand cakes with your child.

In this article, we will tell you about such an important part of the sandbox as the lid and offer several options for it. making.

In addition, the article contains useful tips on the correct placement of the sandbox on the site, the choice of high-quality sand and the sequence of construction.

Types of children's sandboxes

Let's try to consider the main varieties of children's sandboxes... They can differ in material for production, design, design.

The most familiar not so long ago were wooden sandboxes, but today manufacturers also offer plastic that delight the eye with a rainbow of bright colors and all kinds of shapes.

But if you nevertheless decide to create a sandbox with your own hands, the list of materials can expand significantly, since both are suitable for work. improvised means... After all, a sandbox can be made from old tires, used plastic bottles, pallets.

The simplest structure of the structure can be supplemented benches, an umbrella, a cover and other accessories... And you can arrange a sandbox in accordance with your own imagination and skill level.

Sandbox in the form a boat, a turtle, a ladybug or a stylized sand truck kids will definitely like it.

Seat selection

First of all, you should look for the sandbox the most appropriate place in accordance with some requirements:

  • A place for children to play is a must should be in sight, because you have to constantly look after the child. Therefore, you should not hide the sandbox in a secluded corner behind overgrown bushes;
  • Give up places blown by all the winds... There is absolutely no need for grains of sand under the gusts of the wind to fall into the eyes of the baby. It is easy for a small child to catch a cold in the wind, so you should not risk his health;
  • Find a place on the site where one edge of the sandbox will be in the shade, and the other in the sun... Most likely, it is better to install it near a large tree with a spreading crown. If it is not possible to find such a place, the problem of creating a shadow is solved either with the help or by installing an umbrella of the "fungus" type.

Materials and tools

When starting to purchase everything you need, still ask the child's opinion regarding sizes future structure.

What if the little builder plans to create sculptures or a castle with towers, a moat and fortress walls? In this case, you will need big sandbox.

To create a standard wooden sandbox, you will need the following:

  • 4 pieces of wood about 50 cm long;
  • dense polyethylene or plywood sheet for the foundation;
  • boards for the manufacture of a frame and benches;
  • material for making cover.

Important advice! When choosing wood as the material for the sandbox, take care of the antiseptic with which the boards are impregnated. It can be a primer or alkyd impregnation, which will protect wooden surfaces for a long time from rot, fungus and pests.

After you have stocked up with everything you need, you can proceed to making a sandbox.

Site preparation and marking

The standard sandbox for toddlers is in the shape of a square with a side 1.7 m... But that doesn't mean you have to follow these standards.

So use the pegs, tape measure, and cord to mark the perimeter of the area you want in size and shape. It is done as follows:

  • Drive in 2 pegs on distance 1.7 m from each other (measure the required distance using a tape measure);
  • From the first two pegs at an angle of 90 °, we again set aside 1.7 m and drive in the third and fourth pegs;
  • To make sure that the corners of the future sandbox are marked correctly, we check the length both diagonals(the length of the diagonals of the square must be the same);
  • If diagonals are not equal, move one of the sides (both pegs at the same time) until the length of the diagonals coincide, while maintaining right angles.

Only now we pull the cord, marking the perimeter of the base.

Preparation of the base

It is important to consider some kind of drainage so that the water in and around the sandbox did not stagnate:

  • Removing the soil layer to a depth 30-40 cm inside the marked area;
  • We dig a hole in the center to a depth about 60 cm... So that the water after the rains is absorbed into the soil, we make a slight slope towards the center of the sandbox. To do this, we simply remove a little more soil: a little from the edges of the sandbox and more near the center;
  • Then the hole needs to be covered with fine gravel or pebbles, a layer at 20 cm.

It turned out to be unpretentious drainage well, but thanks to him, even after strong and prolonged precipitation, the water will quickly leave and the sand will not be damp.

If you give up the foundation, then after a while the sand will mix with the ground and insects will start in it, which is absolutely useless.

To prepare the base for the sandbox, pour it on a layer of rubble or pebbles. The layer thickness should be approximately 5 cm... On this "pillow" we put plywood or thick plastic wrap.

Frame fabrication

The sandbox manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  • In the corners of the future sandbox in the places marked with pegs, we dig in prepared bars to a depth 20 cm;
  • The surface of each board for the sides of the sandbox and future benches is of high quality polish, otherwise the baby runs the risk of getting more than one splinter;
  • To the bars with the help of self-tapping screws, we fasten the sides from 2-3 boards... The height of the sides should be approximately 30-35 cm;
  • It remains to lay and strengthen with self-tapping screws 4 horizontal benches along the perimeter of the sides.

Recommendation! Under no circumstances should the frame and benches be fastened with nails. Over time, the structure is capable of loosening, so the fasteners should be as reliable as possible. It is better to use self-tapping screws for this purpose - easy-to-use and reliable fasteners.

Cover selection

Without cover the sandbox is indispensable. She will keep the sand from getting debris, leaves and twigs into it, and also will not allow pets and stray animals to get into the habit of doing their toilet business in it.

There are several options for making the lid:

Sandbox finishing

We decorate the finished building to your liking... We paint the sandbox with bright colors and draw funny pictures.

If your artistic ability is in doubt, that's okay. There are all kinds stencils for stuffing drawings, with their help decorating the sides will not be difficult.

It remains to establish a bright Beach umbrella to protect from the hot sun. If the sandbox has a mushroom canopy, you can decorate it by painting it like a fly agaric. In general, do not limit your imagination to any limits. Then your sandbox will look bright, unusual and original.

Sand selection, preparation and backfilling

Left fill in sandbox. But even here some subtleties are possible.

It turns out that the cleanest sand is river, but even before filling it will have to be sifted through a special construction sieve.

This procedure will help remove pebbles, shell pieces, and dangerous glass shards. In stores you can buy washed or quartz sand... Sometimes sand is found with special additives to scare away animals.

And be sure to check with quality certificate, which should indicate that this sand is suitable for use in playgrounds. So you show concern not only for the leisure of children, but also for their safety.

Where to buy a ready-made sandbox

Plastic, wood and metal sandboxes with and without lids, as well as other equipment and accessories can be purchased via the Internet and in specialized shopping centers.

Prices for the products shown vary from 1500 rubles for the smallest and simplest plastic sandboxes and above.

The cost of sand in building supermarkets and online stores directly depends on its quality. The starting price of river sand is 950 rubles for 1 ton and more.

You can see how to make a sandbox with a fungus with your own hands in this video.

What could be more beautiful than a garden filled with flowers? Only a garden where children play! Kids are big lovers of fun outdoor adventures, and it is very important to take them away from the bustle of the city at least on weekends. At the same time, the child needs to be occupied with something interesting and useful. Today we will tell you how to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands in order to provide the kids with a good place for children's games.

How to place a structure correctly

Surely not only your children, but also their friends will have a rest at your dacha. This means that the sandbox must be roomy. There are several principles for placing a sandbox on a site, which should be followed during its construction.

  1. Visibility from any point on the site. Children should always be in sight so that in certain cases adults can come to the rescue. The sandbox should always be visible and accessible.
  2. Hygiene. Better not to build a sandbox under the trees. Fallen leaves will clog the sand, and bird droppings will create additional problems.
  3. Protection from the sun and drafts. Direct sunlight is more harmful than beneficial for a child, especially if he is in an open area for a long time. Drafts can lead to disease.
  4. Ease of use. When calculating the size of your sandbox, be sure to consider the number of children who will be playing in it.

Position the sandbox as conveniently as possible

When building structures for children, it is imperative to adhere to the existing standard standards. As a rule, it is customary to make such structures from wood, as the most environmentally friendly material. The sandbox is usually square, with side dimensions ranging from 2.5 to 3 meters. For. to fill the structure, you will need about 2 cubic meters of sand.

The best material for the body of a standard sandbox is pine plank 25-30 mm thick.

Simple Sandbox Installation Process

Before getting started, the first step is to define what our sandbox will look like. If this is your first time doing this kind of construction, then it is better to stay with a simple, standard design. Select a small area in your garden, measuring 2 X 2 m, over which no branches of trees will hang, and proceed with the improvement of the space for games.

The dimensions of our structure will be 1.7 x 1.7m. Such a sandbox is suitable for several toddlers to play and will take up little space in the garden.

Simple sandbox enclosure

Prepare a site for the future structure. To do this, take a cord and pegs. Mark the perimeter of the future sandbox and dig a hole inside the fence, the depth of which will be 25 cm. The removed layer of fertile soil can be useful in beds, flower beds and other areas.

Now we need to strengthen the base of the sandbox. It is advisable not to be limited to digging a hole: the sand, mixing with the ground, will become dirty, lose its appearance and will need to be changed frequently. The garden sandbox must be clean, which means that you need to take care of the solid foundation.

A sand pad will help level the soil surface. Pour sand at the bottom of the pit in a layer of 5 cm, compact it well and cover it with a special material.

Paving slabs can act as such a material, but this option is quite costly. If you are using plastic wrap, after the first rain, you will have to disassemble the sandbox to remove any accumulated water. Therefore, drainage holes will need to be made in the film. The same goes for plywood if you choose to seal the base with it.

The best option is to use agrofibre or geotextile. These materials are excellent moisture permeability and will not release moles or earth insects.


Prepare blocks of dimensions 450 X 50 X 50 mm. They will need to be positioned at the corners of the structure. Be sure to treat the bars with an antiseptic, because they will be buried 15 cm in the ground. You can use bitumen for these purposes.

For each side of the box, assemble a shield 2.5 cm thick and 30 cm wide from pine boards.It can be made either from one wide board, or from several narrow ones.

The most important thing is to carefully process the surface of the shields, removing all knots, notches and chips, so that later children do not get hurt while playing.

To make it convenient for children to be in the sandbox, make bumpers. Lay 4 boards around the perimeter of the structure, having previously trimmed them. Bumpers can be used as seats, toy stands, buckets, showcases for Easter cakes.

Sandbox with a cover that converts into seating

Now let's talk about some simple ones. But useful additions. You can upgrade the usual version and prudently add a cover to it, which is useful for protecting:

  • sand from moisture and rain;
  • wind that can carry debris and leaves into the sandbox;
  • pets who will probably want to make their own toilet.

As a cover, we will serve as a board made of boards, attached to the bars. Before playing, it will need to be picked up and removed. The baby himself will not be able to do this. To make it easier for him, make a cover-door in two parts: put together two shields of the required size, fasten on the hinges and attach the handles.

Please note: if it is not possible to make a cover from boards, replace it with a film or an awning. Stretching the material and securing it with rubber bands or stones will provide protection to the sandbox.

Final preparations: set up the canopy and fill in the sand

A canopy, especially in the form of a fungus, can be a very useful element of the sandbox. Under such a fungus, you can hide from the rain, and children will be reliably protected from direct sunlight. You can also attach a table to it for added convenience.

It is better to make a canopy from wood. The leg will be a beam of 100 X 100 mm and a length of 3 meters. To make the leg stable, dig it into the ground about a meter deep. Be sure to treat the wood with an antiseptic.

For the cap of the fungus, prepare triangular shields from the boards. Nail them from the inside to the leg, and sheathe the outside with thin plywood. For a hat, a width of 2.5 meters will be enough.

You can make a canopy in the form of a roof. To do this, you will need two beams and two rectangular boards made of boards. They should be nailed at an angle to form a gable roof, and secured with slats of the appropriate length.

River sand is best for children to play

Now let's talk about the choice of sand. River sand is preferable for children's games: it is fine, clean, without impurities. You can buy quartz sand at a building materials store. But in any case, it must be carefully sieved.

Now there are special grades of sand with a high clay content, specially designed for sculpting figurines. They even contain special fragrances that will keep dogs and cats away from the sandbox.

Now all you have to do is paint the sandbox. To do this, choose bright colors. Do not be limited to one color, use all your imagination: let the sides have funny pictures, numbers, letters, geometric figures.

Sandbox options for kids

Video about the construction of a sandbox in the country

A handmade children's sandbox will serve as a decoration for your summer cottage and will become a favorite place for your kids to play. You can improve the design, add additional elements to it. Tell us in the comments about your DIY sandbox installation experience. Easy work!

It is very difficult to meet a child who does not like to play in the sand. To give the child the opportunity to enjoy what they love to the fullest, caring parents in the country or just in the courtyard of their house mount sandboxes. You can easily find ready-made designs on sale, but you will have to pay a completely childish cost. The best option is to make a sandbox with your own hands. In this case, all the needs and desires of your child will surely be taken into account, and the price will be several times lower.

What can you make a sandbox from?

The most popular material for arranging a children's sandbox with your own hands has always been considered a tree. Planks, logs, beams or block - house are well suited for these purposes. They are the main materials for the production of sandboxes. For the final result to please with its appearance, it is better to choose polished wood. It costs a little more, but the bottom line is worth it. If the construction budget is small, you can save money and polish the existing material yourself.

You can also use moisture resistant plywood. But this type of building material is best used in extreme cases, since the presence of glue and formaldehyde in its composition does not have a very good effect on human health. But it is worth noting that it is with plywood that it is easiest to work. It is easily cut with a jigsaw, assembled with a screwdriver. And after assembly, it is enough to simply grind the ends of the structure, and cover the sides with paint.

If you want to make a sandbox with your own hands in the country, you can use any material at hand. For example, empty plastic water bottles can be used. To make a solid wall out of them, the caps are screwed into a wooden base with self-tapping screws, and then the bottle is screwed in. Also, with the help of thick wire, additional strength is added to the walls of the sandbox. For this, the bottles are pierced through the top and bottom with a sharp wire. The ends of the wire must be twisted well, and the dangerous ends are hidden.

The twist is located on one side only. When mounting the side of the sandbox, try to keep it inaccessible to the child. The finished structure for sand is mounted in a shallow ditch and well sprinkled with sand and soil, and then tamped very carefully. Plywood is laid at the bottom of the sandbox, and then it is filled with sand.

Another very popular material for making a do-it-yourself children's sandbox is car tires. They are great for the job. To quickly make a place for playing with pitch, one side of the tire is removed. As a result, quite high sides are obtained. Then you can go in two ways:

  • close the hole with plywood and screw it to the second sidewall;
  • cut off the second part and get just a side.

Attention ! Regardless of the choice, the slices must be secured. If the reinforcing fiber is plastic, then it is enough to simply grind it, but if it is made of metal, it must be covered with something.

The main stages of making a sandbox

In order to understand how to make a sandbox with your own hands, we will consider in detail the main stages of its construction. Regardless of the type of construction, all steps will be repeated.

Choosing a location

It is better to choose a site for placing the structure so that part of it is located in the sun, and part in the shade. If this is not possible, then it is better to make a sandbox in the sun and make a good awning. It is important to pay attention that tall trees and bushes do not grow near the place where children play. Plants, of course, provide shade, but, firstly, branches sometimes fall from the trees, which can injure the child, and also constantly giving leaves in the fall add work for adults.

Never make a sandpit in the scorching sun and in a place where there is no air movement. Avoid drafts. There is also another important factor to remember. Make a sandbox in a place that is very clearly visible from the window of the house, so you can be calm for the safety of the child.

Making markup

If the structure is rectangular, then wooden pegs and threads stretched between them are used for marking. The stakes are driven in, having measured out the necessary parameters. Traditionally, the size of children's hand-made sandboxes is 2 * 2m. A rope, twine or metal cord is pulled between the stakes. Check the angles. They should be exactly 90 ° C.

If the design provides for rounded edges or sides, then sand will help to make the arc correctly. It needs to be poured into a bag, in which a small hole is made and so draw the desired shape.

Digging a pit

To do this, first remove the top layer of the soil, and remove the soil. It is important to clear out all roots, stones and other debris. A pit for a children's sandbox needs to be made about 30 cm deep. In the middle of the excavated rectangle or square, make a hole smaller in size, but deeper. Pour rubble into it. This is how the melt or rainwater drainage system is set up.

Advice ! If a slight slope is provided from the edges of the sandbox, then the sand will always be dry.

We mount the base

We fill the bottom of the resulting pit with a small layer of sand, no more than 5 cm, and then tamp it well. Only then can the base be laid. The best option for these purposes is geotextile. It is a special non-woven material that is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance. It does not allow grass to grow, and does not allow the connection of earth and sand. If, when laying, the geotextile is wrapped around the edges of the pit, then it will still hold back the earth, preventing it from getting wet in heavy rain. In the case when geotextiles are not available, you can make a base from plywood or linoleum. Only then you need to make several holes in the material so that water does not accumulate at the bottom of the sandbox.

Building a seasonal sandbox

The seasonal sandbox is a box with sides. The height of the box is approximately three boards (depending on their width). The frame is assembled by attaching the boards with self-tapping screws to the vertical beams mounted at the corners of the sandbox perimeter. If the board is about 10 cm wide, then two attachment points are required, in the case when the board is 15 cm wide - 3 points. If the sidewall is made of a conventional edged board with a length of more than 1.8m, then another additional vertical element is attached in the middle of the sidewall.

The corners of the sandbox must be additionally reinforced. To do this, the corner posts are mounted outside, and the boards, which are the walls of the sandbox, are interconnected in half a tree.

We mount the sides

The sides of the sandbox are a frame made of planks. It serves for additional rigidity of the box, it can look like a seat or a shelf for toys. In order for the sides to be connected reliably, they must be cut at an angle of 45 ° C. It is very important to make sure that the corners match up clearly.

Important ! The outer edge of the corner is very sharp and grassy. Children very often scratch on it and get splinters. To avoid injury, it is better to make the corners semicircular, for this you need to cut them down, and grind all kinds of flaws and edges.

Carrying out the installation, the sides are laid on the box and fixed with corner and intermediate posts. Fastening the sides to the edge of the box board is not very reliable. A lining block will also not save the day, because children love to hide toys under the side so much. The best method for attaching the sides of the sandbox is to cut the skirting board with a cross section of at least 4 cm. A 30 cm long cut will be enough per meter of the side. Self-tapping screws are fixed in those places with a step of about 10 cm. Also, if the supports are mounted under the outer edge of the side, then its fasteners must be made hidden.

We equip the roof

Since the sandbox is located in the open air, then a roof is simply necessary for it. The traditional roof model is a mushroom. But everyone who has ever played in the sandbox understands that such a roof will not cover anyone. It is better to make the fungus separately, for quiet, calm games in the yard. But it is better to equip the sandbox with a different type of roof.

The best, simplest and most reliable roof option is a surface on four pillars. The only disadvantage of such a roof is that it is very traumatic for restless children.

An equally good roof option for a sandbox would be a surface on two pillars. They are attached to the sides of the box. If the roof is heavy or complex in design, the pillars are reinforced with struts.

It is better to make the roof of the sandbox soft, or stretch. The latter option is very profitable, since the cost of materials is minimized. Remember, whatever you choose for the sandbox roof, the materials must be safe for life and health.

Advice ! If polycarbonate remains from the construction of a greenhouse, gazebo or porch, then it may be the best option to cover the roof.

How to fill the sandbox

What sand is most suitable for children to play with? White and small will not work unambiguously. Such sand is poorly molded, dusty, gets into the eyes and ears, and is also an allergen. Even adults, working with such sand, wear masks and respirators to protect themselves.

Also white or gray quartz sand is not like. It doesn’t get dusty, but it doesn’t stick. But this sand injures the delicate skin of a child very quickly. The thing is that quartz is a very hard mineral and its particles cannot be polished to full roundness.

Red or gully sand. He, of course, molds well, but for children it is completely unsuitable. There is a lot of clay in such sand, in which bacteria and microorganisms multiply very quickly.

The best option for a children's sandbox is yellow sand of the middle fraction. It is very suitable for good sculpting, and a special layer that envelops the grains of sand reliably protects the sand from the growth of bacteria.

If the sand is reused, up to 2-4 times, then special handling is necessary with it:

  1. In winter, you need to know how to store sand properly. The best way is to store in bags, in a dry, unheated room. If the sand is stored outdoors, then it must be covered with a film.
  2. With the onset of warmth, the sandbox is filled with sand. If the sand has been in it all winter, then it must be ventilated and sieved.
  3. The sandbox is filled with layers of 10 cm. Each layer of sand is dried in the sun for at least twenty-four hours.

Requirements for the play area

After the sandbox is made, you need to pay special attention to its strength and safety. Therefore, it is very important to properly fix everything that was done and grind all the corners and roughness with a grinder.

After the sandbox is done, it is painted. On the one hand, a sandbox painted with bright colors is very attractive for children, on the other hand, a tree impregnated with paints significantly increases its service life.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Despite the fact that one generation is replaced by another, all children at all times love to play in the sand. To provide children with this joy, you need to think about how to make a sandbox for them. It is very important for children to have a playground not only in the yard, but also in the country, so a do-it-yourself sandbox is the only right choice to provide children with the opportunity to play active games, and not sit near the TV.

Sandbox materials and sizes

If you look in the children's section of the hypermarket, you can see sandboxes there: plastic, wooden. But one has only to look at the price, the thought immediately arises: can he make a children's sandbox with his own hands so as not to pay such a large amount? But when you return to the summer cottage, difficulties may arise with the choice of material, the size of the boards.

In order to have a general idea of ​​what is required for this, it is better to first look at a photo of the sandbox made with your own hands, and you can start working. First of all, you will need to find the boards. But keep in mind that this will require well-sculpted boards so that children cannot get hurt.

To make the sandbox for children beautiful, you first need to draw up a drawing. But when drawing up a drawing, it is very important to take into account the size of the area.

In most cases, such a playground is made square. The most optimal size of such a structure is 1.5 or 2 meters in length and width, and 20-30 cm in height.

Before making a sandbox with your own hands, it is worth deciding on the thickness of the boards - they should be no thinner than 30 mm.

How to make a children's sandbox?

Getting started, it is better to watch a video of self-creation of a sandbox - this will allow you to have an idea of ​​what needs to be done for what.

Since sand will be poured inside, which will press on the boards, it is best to fasten them to each other with self-tapping screws. But before assembling the structure, the wood must be treated with an antiseptic.

Since rain and snow will fall on the sandbox, rot and various insects should not appear in the boards. Such processing of the boards will allow this playground to be more durable.

In order for the sandbox in the country to stand as long as possible, it is necessary to make a canopy to it. Such a canopy will protect children from bright sunlight, and, if necessary, from short-term rain.

To save children from trouble, it is necessary to make the bottom for this playground. If you use agrofibre as the bottom, then various beetles and other insects will not get into the sandbox from the soil. In order for the agrofibre to hold better, it must be attached to the boards with a furniture stapler.

It is worth considering that the children in this playground can sit somewhere. To do this, you will need to attach boards from above, or make wooden benches with backs on opposite sides.

In this case, children will have the opportunity not only to play in the sand, but also, if necessary, relax on the bench.

Summer has come, the children have grown up and the question arose about building or buying a children's sandbox. An analysis of the children's sandbox market was quickly carried out. As a result, the following picture has developed: there are either plastic or wooden children's sandboxes.

For a more or less reasonable cost, you can purchase a sandbox somewhat reminiscent of a plastic basin. The rest of the models, in respect of which, at least, there was at least some desire to buy, was very "surprised" by the cost. Ultimately, there was an opinion that it would not be possible to buy something normal at an affordable price. And it was decided to make a sandbox with our own hands, and a wooden one.

How to make a sandbox. Problems and Questions

Since I did not make children's sandboxes before, a number of questions and additional requirements arose at the stage of project development. I will list the main ones.

  1. What size should a children's sandbox be?
  2. How high should a children's sandbox be?
  3. What is the thickness of the planks needed to build a sandbox?
  4. Do you need a sandbox cover?
  5. If necessary, what should it be?
  6. How to organize a place where you can "bake Easter cakes" (table, bench, etc.)?
  7. Where to install the sandbox?
  8. How to sift sand? And does it need to be sifted at all?
  9. How many boards are needed? And which ones?

Having monitored the Internet, I did not find answers, mostly vague recommendations on how to make a sandbox with your own hands. Naturally, this did not satisfy me and I had to invent. Unfortunately, I never made the drawings, but I will try to briefly describe the train of thought and the answers to the above questions.

Dimensions of the children's sandbox

Having slightly compared the size of the child, the prospects for its growth and the appearance of a company (including a brother or sister) in the future, I came to the conclusion that the sufficient size and shape of a children's sandbox is a square from approximately 1m to 1.5m. This size, on the one hand, will allow 2 and 3 children to be directly in the sandbox at the same time, on the other hand, it can be easily installed anywhere.

Then I began to think about the fact that there would be as little scraps of boards as possible during construction. Not far from the dacha there is a base for sawing materials and the standard size of the boards they have is 0.12x6 m.The decision came by itself, the dimensions of the children's sandbox should be 1.2x1.2 m.I will explain from a board 6 meters long, 5 boards of 1.2 meters are obtained, i.e. half of the sandbox and no scraps.

Sandbox height

And so we decided on the size of the children's sandbox, now the height. What height should a children's sandbox have?

  • The height should be sufficient so that there is enough sand in the sandbox that the child would not be able to get to the ground.
  • The child should calmly climb in and out of it without the help of adults.

Based on these two criteria, it was decided that the height of the sandbox should be no more than two boards, that is, 24 cm. Such a sandbox is suitable for a one and a half year old and three year old child. Moreover, the sand (in depth) in the children's sandbox should be about 10-12 cm, that is, about half of the sandbox.

The thickness of the boards for the children's sandbox

The thickness of the side walls was chosen to be 32 mm. For two reasons. First, boards of the specified thickness will provide sufficient strength and rigidity. Secondly, the likelihood of boards cracking when assembling the sandbox is significantly reduced, i.e. more convenient installation.

Sandbox cover

Do you need a sandbox cover? I thought for a long time and decided that I still needed it. It is needed for two reasons. Firstly, the sand in a closed sandbox will remain dry, which is important for the child's health. Secondly, the lid on the sandbox will protect against the ingress of any foreign objects: leaves, apples falling from a tree, and of course from birds, cats and cats. I think it's clear what I mean about cats.

But to make a lid for a sandbox in the form of a lid - I did not like this idea. This cover will be lying around all the time, you will have to take it off and put it on, in general, it is inconvenient. After looking at the pictures on the Internet, I found several options for the execution of a sandbox with a lid.

  • The lid transforms into a shelf on which you can build Easter cakes.
  • The lid transforms into a bench where you can not only build Easter cakes, but also sit.

I liked the idea very much, and it was decided to build a children's sandbox with a lid that transforms into a bench. And you can sit (not only for a child) and the surface for "baking" Easter cakes is good.

I decided to make the cover for the sandbox from a 20 mm board. So it will turn out to be strong enough on the one hand, and light on the other.

Children's sandboxes for a summer residence - photo