How to clean the well yourself. Do-it-yourself well cleaning - causes of pollution, basic cleaning methods and tools, step-by-step video

Well cleaning is a kind of general cleaning, it is needed regularly and must be done in good conscience. The owners of this simple, but very necessary structure, may be interested in learning how to clean the well with their own hands in order to save a little.

To think that once dug a well no longer requires maintenance is fundamentally wrong. And to enjoy crystal clear, always cool, fresh water, you need to make some effort from time to time. The well is rehabilitated annually, and every 3-5 years it will need a “general cleaning”, sometimes more often.

In order for the water to be usable, the well must be cleaned regularly.

The quality of no longer drinking water will definitely tell you about the need to carry out unscheduled cleaning. Such water cannot be used either for bathing or for gardening.

You can involve specialists for the work, but many homeowners do not look for easy ways and prefer to do everything themselves. Such an initiative is always commendable and cost-effective, but comes with some challenges. Cleaning the well with your own hands is troublesome, unsafe and will require some theoretical knowledge.

There are several reasons for cleaning a well. And before starting work, it is worth determining the nature of the pollution and how to eliminate them. The causes of cloudy water are determined by color, smell and the presence of impurities.

  • Silting of a well. As a result of this inevitable process, the water becomes cloudy and acquires a characteristic taste. The deposition of sand and clay at the bottom of the well also leads to severe turbidity. This can significantly reduce the water level in the mine, but it should not be confused with sharp seasonal changes;
  • The appearance of an oil film above the surface of the water indicates the presence of oil products. They may appear due to depressurization of the mine, get directly from the aquifer, or for the banal reason for non-compliance with cleanliness when using the well;

If the water is contaminated, you can easily determine it by its color, smell and the presence of impurities.
  • Water becomes rusty due to the admixture of iron in it;
  • Bacterial contamination may be due to elemental stagnant water with rare use. The development of bacteria can also be facilitated by foreign objects that have fallen into the mine: household, plant debris or accidentally fallen animals and birds;
  • The ingress of sewage is easily recognized by an unpleasant odor;
  • The reason for the greening of the water is the simplest algae, which develop in the warm season with a sufficient amount of sunlight;
  • Blackening of water or the appearance of rot is often found in wells, at the bottom of which an aspen shield is installed. Wood can rot over time and spoil the water.

Security measures

Often people neglect the elementary rules of their own safety, but in the case of work in the well, this should not be done.

To clean the well, you will need the help of a partner and insurance
  • The first and basic rule is the presence of a safety cable, regardless of the depth of the mine;
  • It is strongly discouraged to work alone. This is not only much more difficult, but also not safe. There must be a person nearby who can provide assistance;
  • It is equally important to make sure that there are no harmful gases in the well. To do this, a lit candle is lowered into the mine, if it continues to burn, then there is enough oxygen;
  • The ladder, which will be lowered to the bottom of the well, must be equipped with a retaining platform, and the rope one must be well fixed.

Important! At a depth of more than 3 m, there is much less oxygen, so it is better for a person with cardiovascular diseases to entrust cleaning to someone else.

Technologies and methods for cleaning wells

There are several cleaning methods. The choice of a specific one depends on the nature of the contamination and the tool used. In some cases, complex measures may be required. Well cleaning can be:

  • Preventive;
  • Capital (drainage or manual cleaning).

Preventive cleaning of wells

For preventive cleaning of the well and disinfection of water in it, you will need a solution of manganese

Every year after the snow melts, it is desirable to carry out sanitization, even if the water seems clear. Use ordinary potassium permanganate for disinfection. A tablespoon of crystals is dissolved in a bucket of water and poured into a well. After 2-3 hours, all the water is pumped out of it. You can pour it on the garden, light disinfection of the soil will not harm and will even be useful.

Manual cleaning of the well: technology and features of the work

The whole process of manual cleaning is reduced to a gradual mechanical cleaning. In this regard, there are several main stages:

  1. Preparatory;
  2. pumping out water;
  3. Mechanical cleaning of the mine;
  4. Cleaning the bottom of the well. Flushing or replacing the well filter;
  5. Repair work, sealing of seams (if necessary);
  6. Well disinfection.

Preparatory work

Before you start cleaning, consider whether you have all the necessary tools

When all the tools are collected and helpers are found, you can proceed to the preparatory stage. Its purpose is to provide free access to the mine, so the canopy will have to be dismantled for a while. If there is debris on the surface of the water, it is removed manually. They also check for the presence of harmful gases, and if there are any, the work will have to be done in a gas mask.

pumping out water

Of course, you can choose water from a well with buckets, but it is much easier to do this with a pump. Even a small power "Spring", which can be borrowed from the neighbors, will do an excellent job if you do not lower it too low to the bottom. It is worth considering that it will not be possible to completely drain the mine, a small amount of water will remain at the bottom in any case.

mechanical cleaning

The walls of the mine are cleaned of all existing contaminants, a scraper, a metal brush or a sponge are used. Everything that is removed from the walls will fall into the water, but this is not critical, along with the bottom mule, it will be removed. The walls are washed twice with water. During the cleaning of the mine, the seams between the rings or masonry are carefully examined. In the event of cracks, repair work is carried out.

Seam sealing

Use cement mortar to seal joints

Cracks and other damage between the rings of the shaft may occur due to slight displacement, long-term contamination of water or vegetation. To restore the tightness, they are sealed with an ordinary mortar with a high content of cement or special mixtures are used. Before repair, it is recommended to clean the working surface, for better adhesion of materials. Apply the solution with a spatula or spatula.

Important! In no case should household detergents and other chemicals be used to clean the well.

Cleaning the bottom of the well. Flushing or replacing the well filter

Sediment excavation from the bottom of the well is performed in several ways. The easiest is to go down to the bottom and pick it up by buckets. You can use a grapple to clean the well. This is a special bucket, which is equipped with two interlocking blades. It is lowered to the bottom, silt is collected, and then it is lifted with a strong cable manually or on a winch. The old filter is also recommended to be removed, rinsed thoroughly and reinstalled. If for some reason it does not fit, a new layer is poured to the bottom. Stones of a larger fraction are laid on the bottom of a well made of loose clay or on a bottom shield. The fine-grained filter is used for sandy bottoms and calm inflows.

Manual cleaning of the bottom of the well

Well disinfection.

For disinfection, a bleach solution or special chlorine-containing stabilizing agents are used. Bleach will need 20 mg per 1 liter of water. To find out its amount in the well, the usual formula for the volume of a cylinder will help. After adding the disinfectant, the shaft is tightly closed and left for 5-6 hours. After that, the water is completely pumped out twice. Within 5-7 days after treatment, it is recommended to boil it. Such purification is necessary if the water has been contaminated with bacteria or organic matter. Other methods of disinfection for wells are not recommended.

Advice! To make sure the quality of drinking water, the sample can be taken for analysis.

Drainage cleaning: technology and choice of pumping station

Cleaning of this type is sufficient if only silting or deposition of clay and sand on the bottom has occurred. Only a special model is used in the work, namely, or a drainage pump. Preference is given to the submersible device.
Knowing the depth and fullness of the well, it is necessary to select a pumping unit with sufficient power, good flow rate and, most importantly, low requirements for water quality. In this situation, the conclusion is simple - the greater the pump flow and power, the better.
You can also use fecal pumps. If leaves or other debris float on the surface of the water, it is recommended to remove it first. The drainage pump is immersed in water at a distance of 0-5-1 meters from the bottom and well fixed.

Cleaning a well with a drain pump

It is important that the jet from the outlet is directed straight down and lifts the sediment well with pressure.

Periodically lift the pump and wash the filter. The frequency of cleaning with a drainage pump depends on the characteristics of the soil on the site, but, as a rule, no more than 1-2 times a year is required.
The process of contamination of wells is inevitable. But this is not a reason to refuse fresh, clean and free drinking water.

Cleaning the country well manually: video

If the only source of water in your country house is a well, then it should be protected and protected from all kinds of pollution. Even if every effort is made to protect it, pollution cannot be completely avoided. But at the same time, there are many ways how the well is cleaned.

There are many reasons why it's time to clean your well. In order to achieve the best result when doing this work, it is important to know the cause and root of the problem. There are several signs:

  • bad smell;
  • color;
  • the presence of impurities, etc.

The most common problems:

Problem Consequences and causes
silting up As a result, the liquid becomes cloudy. Clay and sand deposits are observed at the bottom
Oil film Sign of oil products. The reason may be the depressurization of the mine
rusty water It is explained by the large amount of iron in the liquid.
bacteria When water from a source is rarely used, then bacteria start up in it. The reason may be household debris that got into the mine, such as animals / birds and the like.
Bad smell One of the reasons is the penetration of sewage
green water The reason may come down to algae. Grows when exposed to a lot of sunlight
muddy water In most cases, the reason for this is a failed bottom filter.

Cleaning is also required when you notice a drop in the fluid level. In almost all cases, this work can be done independently, without the involvement of specialists.

How often is correct?

Ideally, once a year. The spring season is predominantly chosen.

Advice: even if you don’t have any of the symptoms listed above, preventive cleaning will get rid of possible problems.

Regardless of whether you are carrying out preventive maintenance or scheduled cleaning of the source, it should be done on time when the snow has completely melted. Otherwise, there is a risk that the drained liquid will again return to the source through the perch.

Methods for cleaning the mine in the country, from silt and dirt

There are two main methods:

  1. To go down.
  2. Don't go down.

In the first case, serious precautions should be taken to get the job done. But you can achieve a better result, because it is so real to see what is happening at the bottom of the source.

The second way is the safe method. To solve the problem, special pumping and other equipment is used.


Carelessness can end fatally for the worker. It is necessary to take a number of measures:

  • Do not do the work yourself: at least three people.
  • When descending into the mine, be sure to use a safety rope attached to the belt.
  • Before starting, make sure that there are no gases.
  • In the event of a fall of tools from above, the worker below must press as tightly as possible against the wall. Moreover, work should be carried out in a protective helmet.
  • It is unacceptable to stand at the bottom of the well at one point for a long time.
  • You can not purge those who have heart problems.
  • The ladder used must have a platform at the bottom, and securely hook it with a rope from above.
  • Use reliable equipment, including a bucket, cable, etc.

Common Mistakes:

  • Before starting work, the strength of the cable was not checked; the bucket being lifted may break.
  • Unexplained causes of bottom silting. For example, if sand is present, the rings should be checked for integrity. Otherwise, sand can be pumped out indefinitely.
  • If the source is standing, then the rapid pumping of sand will lead to subsidence of the mine. There may be rupture and seal failure.

Manual cleaning: what needs to be prepared?

Prepare the following tools, materials and clothing in advance:

  1. Safety rope.
  2. Long staircase. Instead, you can use a swing on a rope with a board tied at the bottom.
  3. Durable bucket.
  4. Metal brush.
  5. Rope for lifting a bucket.
  6. Cable for lifting and holding the ladder.
  7. Slings.
  8. Drum for lifting water.
  9. winch.
  10. Rubber boots.
  11. Kasku.
  12. Protective waterproof overalls.

A complete set of everything you need, will allow you to carry out work quickly and efficiently.

The process of cleaning the mine from concrete rings with your own hands

Let's consider in detail how to do it correctly, without using a pump. All work consists of several successive stages, such as:

  1. Pumping out.
  2. Inspection and cleaning of the bottom filter.
  3. Analysis and repair of joints between reinforced concrete rings.
  4. Mine cleaning.

The first step is to solve the pumping problem. The easiest way is to use a pump. If it is absent, then pumping is performed by buckets. A very long and laborious process. In the latter case, a winch and a drum for lifting buckets are installed.

Advice: this work should be done alternately, because a serious burden will be placed on one person. It is important to reach the conveyor so that the liquid is continuously pumped out.

You can pump out the liquid with a pump within a couple of tens of minutes, and the same work using buckets will take several hours.

The next step is to clean the walls of the mine. Drop into it and lock it. You need to start working from the top down.

For cleaning, a metal brush or some kind of scraper is used, some use a chopper. Very handy as they have a long handle.

Having cleaned the walls of the mine, it is necessary to start cleaning the bottom of the well. First, sand, silt, dirt and the like are scooped out with the help of buckets. Filling it, give a signal for extraction. Gradually, the bottom will be cleared of silt and other contaminants. The status must be checked. If necessary, it can be replaced or flushed with the existing one.

The condition of each seam between the reinforced concrete ring should be examined. If cracks are observed or the existing mortar peels off, then the old putty should be completely removed, a new mortar should be prepared and the joints should be sealed. Also, everything is covered with a waterproofing material, which is allowed in direct contact with clean water.

At the end of the work, the entire mine is disinfected. You can use ten percent bleach and a bucket of water. Mixing them, simply coat the walls with this composition. Thus, disinfection occurs, and all existing microorganisms simply die out.

How to clean from clay without going down into it?

A special self-priming pump is used. When performing work, difficulties may arise, since layers of gravel, sand, crushed stone are formed at the bottom. If you do not carry out timely cleaning of the well, then these layers will compact with each other. A pump with high power is required, which can quickly pump out liquid.

Important: if you use a weak pump, you can provoke even more pollution of the well. Moreover, the device itself under serious load will simply burn out.

Work begins with the following:

  1. Lower the pump to the bottom for cleaning.
  2. It dives to a distance from the bottom to one meter, and half a meter is possible.
  3. Then the pump turns on and the dirt is pumped out.
  4. After that, the liquid from the pump should be sent back to the mine. The jet will break up all deposits on the bottom.

It is extremely important to lift the device from time to time to the surface in order to clean the filters. The process is repeated until a clear liquid flows or until no large inclusions remain.

Before disinfecting the water in the well, you can take it to the laboratory for samples.

Advice: a clamshell bucket can be used to automate the process.

Features of using a clamshell bucket

A grab is a design consisting of two buckets. In the center they are connected by elongated levers-hinges. A chain or cable is attached to the edges of the buckets, which will pull to close the clamshell bucket. Well, if it will have a small weight.

The use of a clamshell bucket makes it possible to completely eliminate the need to go down into the mine yourself. Its use will allow you to raise silt, sand and other dirt from the bottom of the source. You can actually do the work alone, but it will be easier with assistants.

Before using it, you must completely pump out the liquid. Then the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The clamshell bucket is suspended on a cable.
  • During the descent, silt is captured (due to its fall under its own weight).
  • Then you should pull the cable, and the buckets will close. A locking ring is installed so that they do not open when raised.
  • Next, the grab is lifted by a cable to the surface.
  • Buckets open up. All trapped silt, sand and the like are removed from them.

This tool is considered optimal for cleaning the well bottom.

Disinfection, cleaning products

There are several disinfection methods that can be used to disinfect well water.


The amount of whiteness should be calculated based on one can per ring. Having treated all the walls of the mine with this solution, you should leave it for a day. The head must be covered with plastic wrap.

Advice: when disinfecting a home well using whiteness or chlorine, be sure to buy protective gloves and a respiratory respirator.

After a day, all the accumulated liquid should be pumped out. If necessary, it can be pumped out several times during the week.

Potassium permanganate

Simple potassium permanganate will allow high-quality disinfection of country wells with drinking water. One bucket needs one tablespoon of potassium permanganate. Dilute it by mixing thoroughly. Pour all the product into the source to clean it from bacteria. After that, you need to wait about two hours, closing the head. After the time has elapsed, pump out the water. You can drain into the garden, such a composition will be useful for the soil.

Bleaching powder

If the liquid in the source was contaminated with bacteria or contaminated with organic matter, then a bleach solution is used. One liter of water requires 20 milligrams of bleach.

After adding this chemistry to the source, leave it for six hours. After the time has elapsed, the liquid is pumped out twice. After one week, it is recommended to boil the water. Now you know how to disinfect the water in your well if it has been attacked by bacteria or organic matter.


Before you start cleaning the source with an iodine solution, you need to weigh the pros and cons. A number of researchers claim that this remedy has an excellent antibacterial effect. It destroys a large number of microorganisms and does not allow them to multiply. On the other hand, there is an opinion that iodine will make the liquid undrinkable.

If it is not possible to do a complete disinfection, then this tool is used to delay the completion of this work. So, for one liter of water you need three drops. The entire composition is poured into the source. Iodine should increase.


There are a lot of tableted products, mostly they contain chlorine, for example, Ecobreeze, Septolit and others. Their use is permissible only after preliminary cleaning of the source from all kinds of deposits on the bottom and walls of the mine. How to use them is indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer. By adhering to it exactly, you will be able to clean your source yourself and understand how often this procedure is necessary.


The use of ultrasound and ultraviolet refers to an alternative method. We immediately note the high cost of this purification option. But the advantage is that it is less labor intensive. Ultrasonic disinfection is carried out only after the preliminary cleaning of the shaft.

The disinfection process is carried out by a special unit, inside which there is an ultraviolet lamp. It is worth noting that this technology does not change the chemical composition of the liquid.

Preventive work

Potassium permanganate, iodine, or another drug described above can be used as prophylactic agents. Some tablets may also be used. But for this you need to read the instructions for their use.

How much is?

If you are unable to cope with the task, you can contact specialized companies. Approximate prices in rubles:

  • cleaning of a mine up to five rings deep - about 5 thousand;
  • repair and sealing of one seam - about 300;
  • waterproofing one seam - about 300;
  • source pumping - about 2.5 thousand;
  • disinfection with manganese - about 3 thousand rubles;

In any case, the cost will be formed individually, because each case is unique (region, distance from the city, etc.). You can focus on these prices before contacting specialists. With regard to the guarantee for work, it is approximately one year. This is true if the source is not used so intensively. If it is the main source of water, then you will have to clean it twice a year.


So we have considered all the features of how you need to learn, all the ways for this, what tools are used and how to make the work safe. By following all the tips and recommendations, you will be able to cope on your own. From time to time, carry out preventive cleaning so that at one moment it simply does not stop giving you clean water.

To consolidate the whole theory, we suggest watching the prepared video material at the end of the article. And if you have personal experience in this area, then share it by leaving comments at the end of the article. Your experience will help beginners.

Useful video

The well has long ceased to be the main source of water supply in dachas and rural areas, but still the owners are in no hurry to part with it. Indeed, in the summer there is a large flow of liquid for watering the garden, and if you connect the hose to the central water supply, then the water bills will increase significantly. And in the well, water is free and always in place. True, the periodic use of wells leads to a deterioration of water, and at one point the owners discover that it is simply impossible to drink it. There are two ways out: either leave everything as it is and use this source only for economic purposes, or perform a “general cleaning” of the mine. Consider how the well is cleaned with your own hands, depending on the cause of the pollution.

Before cleaning the well in the country, you need to understand what caused the water pollution. This will help to fix the problem exactly where it arose, and not act blindly. What could cause spoiled water is judged by signs: color, smell, the presence of impurities in the liquid raised from the bottom.

Leaky seams between the rings are to blame for the deposits of clay and sand at the bottom of the well, allowing muddy top water to enter the mine

Floating leaves and debris on the surface of the water signal that the owners do not care too much about the condition of the mine, forgetting to close the door of the house

The most common types of contaminants are:

  • Water loses transparency and looks cloudy. The main reasons: the seams between the rings were depressurized, and the top water began to penetrate inside. It carries small particles of earth and clay, which is deposited at the bottom of the mine, interfering with the operation of the bottom filter. The second reason is poor-quality filtration of the aquifer. And the bottom filter is to blame.
  • There is large debris, leaves or a fallen neighbor's cat in the water. The reason is free access to the mine from above. If the door is skewed, or it is completely absent, then the wind will cause a lot of dust and debris into the water, and its quality will gradually deteriorate.
  • Darkening of the water. Dark shades are direct evidence that the owners rarely use the well. Water is not updated and stagnates. Bacteria begin to multiply actively in it.
  • Greening. Green color indicates the presence of small algae in the water. And the owners are to blame for this, who leave the mine open. Penetrating sunlight causes the rapid growth of microorganisms on the inner walls, turning the well into a swamp.
  • Red color of water. Yellow-red shades in the liquid indicate an excess of iron in the well. If such water is poured into a container and allowed to stand, then a rust coating will be noticeable on the walls. The reason is the poor quality of the aquifer, which cannot be eliminated by cleaning the well. It is necessary to install a filtering system at the water inlet to the house, and if the pipeline is not created, then use special home filters.
  • Sewer smell and bad taste. If the water stinks, and extraneous tastes are felt when drinking, then the problem is in the depressurization of the mine. Somehow, sewer drains get into it. By the way, these same signs will be if an animal that you had no idea about fell into the water.

If too many deficiencies are identified, perhaps it is worth drilling a well? You can compare the pros and cons of both water supply options using the following arguments:

Preventive well cleaning

The main thing for the owners should be the annual preventive cleaning of the mine after the winter. Even if the water looks quite decent on the outside, it must be sanitized. To do this, they buy ordinary potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), dissolve it in a bucket of water and fall asleep directly into the mine. One tablespoon is enough. After 2-3 hours, complete pumping of water is carried out. By the way, it can be poured directly into the garden. At the same time, you will disinfect the earth.

Important! Sanitation should be carried out after the snow has melted and the likelihood of precipitation and perched water penetration will decrease.

Complete cleaning of the mine: options

If the water does not suit you because of the sandy or clay sediment that has covered the bottom filter and interferes with its operation, and the quality and taste are at the level, then you can clean the well with a drainage pump.

The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. Buy or borrow from friends, such as "Brook", and drainage, designed for pumping dirty cold water.
  2. The brook will play the role of "troublemaker". It is lowered to the very bottom by screwing a short hose (up to half a meter). It must create intense fluid movement in order to raise as much sand and debris from the bottom as possible.
  3. The drainage pump is suspended on a cable or winch so that it does not reach 30 centimeters to the bottom. Its hose should extend beyond the well to where you plan to drain the dirty water.
  4. First, the "Brook" is turned on so that it stirs up the water, and after 5 minutes the drainer is launched.
  5. By the state of the pumped water, you will see how much cleaner it has become. Typically, a 10 cm layer of sand is removed in 2 hours of pumping.

Important! The strength of the drainage pump should be enough for 2-3 hours of continuous operation. Low-power models will not cope with such a volume of sand, and the filter will instantly clog.

If you don't want the dirt from the bottom to flood your area with a layer of viscous clay, take the hose away from lawns and flower beds

If, after cleaning, the sand still appears, then you will have to do a general cleaning with the simultaneous repair of the mine itself, through the cracks of which the sand enters the water.

Major cleaning and repair of the mine

If the water in the well has become unusable due to the growth of algae, depressurization of the seams, or the ingress of some organic matter, you will have to completely pump out the mine, because it is impossible to clean the well filled with water (unless you are a diver!).

Since you will have to wash the walls and the filter manually, a series of devices should be prepared for cleaning:

  1. Water pump for pumping liquid.
  2. Safety ropes for the one who will descend into the mine.
  3. The stairs are longer. If this is not found, build a rope swing with a board tied to it. On the board, the cleaner will stand with his feet.
  4. Rubber boots.
  5. Bucket and soft metal brush.

Important! Cleaning wells by hand is not done alone. This work requires 3 people: one will go down into the mine, the second will take buckets, tools out and feed them in, the third will monitor the safety equipment.

Wells with deep shafts need to be cleaned by the three of us, descending in turn, since at a depth there is a lack of oxygen and it is difficult for one person to work for a long time

Cleaning begins with immersion of the pump. It is launched and waited until the first ring is pumped out. Then you can go down and start mechanical cleaning of the empty ring, while the pump will gradually pump out the next one. If a person works alone (which is extremely dangerous!), Then it is better to first pump out the shaft completely and only then dive inside. True, before starting the descent, you need to make sure that you can breathe normally at the bottom. It happens that unsafe gases that have come out of the ground accumulate there. The easiest way to check the air quality is to dip a lit candle into a container. If it is not extinguished, then there is enough oxygen at the bottom for breathing.

The walls are cleaned with a brush with a moderate degree of hardness so as not to damage the concrete. If, during cleaning, cracks are noticed in the rings and seams, they are immediately covered with liquid glass mixed with cement.

After sanitation and repair of the rings, they begin to clean the bottom. Dirt, silt and sandy deposits clogged the bottom filter are taken with a shovel into a bucket and lifted out with a winch. It is advisable to work at the bottom in a construction helmet, because God forbid the bucket breaks on the rise! The material laid as a filter is washed, and if it collapses, then they get it upstairs and make a complete replacement.

When sediment rises from the bottom of the well, drops of dirt can fly, so the head of the cleaner must be protected by a construction helmet

If such a long period of disinfection does not suit you, treat the walls with a solution of potassium permanganate and leave for a day. Then pump it out twice - and you can use it. But in this case, the level of disinfection will be weaker, so it is recommended to throw a mesh with silicon to the bottom. It is considered a natural disinfectant. Six months later, the silicon is replaced with a fresh one.

As you can see, it is not difficult to put a stagnant well in order if you do not act alone and in compliance with all safety measures.

Having your own well in the country solves the problem associated with water shortages. But this device needs regular maintenance. Over time, leaves, branches and other foreign objects get inside, mice, frogs and insects penetrate. All this begins to decompose, settles at the bottom in the form of silt. Dangerous bacteria and microorganisms begin to multiply in the water, and mucus forms on the walls.

In addition to supplying water, the well also serves as an excellent decoration for a courtyard or summer cottage.

Causes of Well Pollution

The water in the well must be clean so that it can be drunk and used for other needs.

Over time, the well becomes polluted, and the water in it becomes undrinkable.

But over time, it may become unusable. This can be caused by various factors:

  1. Penetration into the well of biological elements (amphibians or plants) and surface water and sewage.
  2. The appearance of silt, bottom and clay sediments and pumping soil.
  3. Clogged bottom filter.
  4. The high content of iron causes the water to become rusty.
  5. Depressurization of seams.
  6. The ingress of sand and clay into the water due to a rise in the level of the well.
  7. Stagnation of water masses.

As a result, the water becomes cloudy, rusty, acquires an unpleasant smell and taste, and its level in the mine can significantly decrease. Therefore, periodic is an integral part of its operation. On average, each device should be cleaned about once every 5 years. But the terms can be reduced or increased if necessary, this is influenced by the characteristics of the terrain, the quality of the soil.

For some reason, many are in no hurry, equipped at their own dacha, not realizing the importance of this event. They forget that the microbes contained in the water have a detrimental effect on health. And some summer residents simply do not have extra money to hire specialists. But in fact, you can do it on your own.

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The main ways to clean wells

The method of manual cleaning of the well is quite laborious and time consuming.

You can clean the well in several ways, usually used:

  1. manual cleaning method.
  2. Drain pump method.

The first method is the most time-consuming and complex. When using it you will need:

  • ordinary or rope ladder;
  • strong rope;
  • pump or bucket;
  • metal brush;
  • large sponge;
  • 10% bleach solution.

Next, the water is gradually pumped out and in parallel the walls of the well shaft are cleaned with a sponge or brush. As soon as they reach the bottom, they begin to clean it, first you should pump out all the water. After that, the walls of the mine are disinfected and cleaned. This process takes a lot of time, so it's easier to use the second cleaning method, where the pump does all the work.

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Pump types and installation

Cleaning the well with a drainage pump is quite quick and easy.

There are 2 types of drainage pumps:

  • submersible;
  • superficial.

Type 1 - submersible. Before starting, they must be lowered into the water. These devices are designed for a long service life. They are universal, they can be used to pump out both clean and dirty water. They have a relatively small weight and overall dimensions, protection against drainage. But submersible pumps cannot provide a strong pressure. Moreover, the water pumped with their help is not purified and various impurities can eventually cause blockages.

Type 2 - superficial. To work, it is enough to immerse only the hose in water. Equipment of this type is characterized by high head power, uninterrupted operation, a high degree of reliability and affordable price. But such pumps cannot be used if a well is dug deeper than 9 m in the country house. Yes, and they work quite noisily.

Installing the pump is quite simple if you follow certain rules. And before connecting, you should check the package and read the instructions. The first step is to connect the pipeline to the pressure pipe, and then check the correct rotation of the engine. After that, the pump is installed in a vertical position and lowered to the bottom of the well.

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Cleaning wells with a pump

The pump allows you to pump out not only water, but also raise small particles, fibers, etc., which serve as water pollution.

There are varieties of drainage pumps that can only pump clean water. Cleaning wells using such models is not possible. High-power units are suitable for this purpose, which are capable of passing water with various contaminants through themselves, including small inclusions and fibers. Some of them are equipped with special wheels for crushing large dirt particles.

If you use a pump with a float that regulates the level of immersion, cleaning will be even easier. Otherwise, you will have to constantly monitor the process to prevent overheating of the device. To clean the well shaft with a drainage pump, there is no need to go down into it. And for work, you only need the unit itself, but it should be properly configured:

  1. It is necessary to immerse the pump into the shaft, not reaching 0.5-1 m to the bottom.
  2. Next, turn on the pump to pump out the dirty water. As the liquid passes through the device, it will clear. Under great pressure, it is returned to the well shaft, this allows you to get rid of the silt at the bottom.
  3. After short intervals, the pump is removed in order to clean the filter. This continues until silt deposits appear on its surface.

The duration of such procedures is 1 week, it is enough to carry them out 1-2 times a year (depending on the characteristics of the soil). The drain pump should be stored in a dry room, but in some cases the unit is left at the bottom of the well, this allows you to maintain cleanliness. But once a year or more often, its filter needs cleaning.

A well is an invaluable help in obtaining clean water for drinking and technical needs. But the problem is that the active circulation of the liquid gradually leads to clogging. You can cope with such troubles, you just have to strictly observe a certain work technology.

Signs of pollution

Start by recognizing the signs of contamination. After all, each type of blockage has a special approach and cannot be eliminated according to a universal template.

  • The appearance of muddy water, even in a very small volume, almost always indicates that soil particles enter the well cavity. Their penetration there becomes possible due to the weak tightness of the wall joints, which can move or leak. It is much worse if the water acquires one color or another.

  • The green tide suggests that the well has become a breeding ground for microscopic algae. And if the liquid turns black, this most often allows us to conclude that organic matter has not only got inside, but is also decomposing.
  • Yellow becomes water with an excess concentration of iron; it should immediately be borne in mind that ordinary cleaning in such a situation is powerless. Purification through special filters helps to cope with excessive saturation of well water with iron. A specific taste, which appears even earlier than obvious visual signs, also helps to recognize a “strong” metal.
  • In the country house and in the garden, the water raised from the well can be sweetish due to the presence of nitrogen. It gets there along with fertilizers (nitrates) and this problem cannot be dealt with until the source of these substances is blocked.
  • A yellowish color is often characteristic of water that has fallen into a domestic source from a swamp; the difference from a simple iron overflow is that the coloration is comparatively weak. Green tone, except for algae, is sometimes associated with the penetration of hydrogen sulfide from secondary sources. It is easy to recognize this by the appearance of a characteristic putrid odor.

  • Clay getting into the well is sometimes provoked by the action of a quicksand. It mechanically destroys the most durable and stable structures, and the moisture-saturated rock easily finds seemingly insignificant gaps and immediately penetrates into them. The presence of lime in a significant amount is determined visually, as is the pollution coming from dirt and silt. If there is relatively little lime, the water "simply" becomes hard. Scale appears on household appliances and utensils, plumbing fixtures and pipes.

Dirt can appear both as a result of prolonged operation of the well, and almost immediately after digging.

The problem is aggravated by low-quality construction, non-compliance with sanitary and technological standards. In any case, do not expect that pollution will be eliminated by itself after some time. But to hurry too much, using random or recommended by someone means, is not too reasonable. It is much more correct, having found the root cause of the blockage, to deal with the tools and methods that will really help with cleaning.


Enthusiasts and engineers have developed many tools with which you can clean almost any well from mechanical dirt. The simplest option is to use a scraper. It removes blockages that have appeared on the walls of the mine. But before you scrape these walls, it is worth trying to clean the well with pumps. This is much more productive than trying to solve the problem manually.

The drainage pump, raising the water up, will simultaneously pull out the dirty particles that have accumulated in it. The pressure pump, mounted next to the head, will also play its role. This is such a high-tech “scraper” that creates a strong, intense flow of liquid. Importantly, pumps as a device for narrow and wide wells are equally suitable. To avoid the failure of the drainage unit in the silt, placing it on a special stand will help.

It is recommended to choose those pumps that are designed for dirty water; even if the blockage seems insignificant from above, it is impossible to predict how the situation will change at the very bottom and when the liquid supply is depleted.

The pressure hose is placed in a tank of about 300 liters. When it is not possible to use pumps, a bucket (or shovel) often comes to the rescue. This tool is easy to make even with your own hands, as long as you have sheet steel and a few simple tools for working with it.

Those who tried to actually clean the well with a ladle were not disappointed in it. True, such work is very tedious and time consuming, but at least financially it is easy. The scoop must be thrown into the well shaft with the tip down, making sure that it pierces the accumulated silt. When working, they try to capture the dirt as much as possible (in one step, it is removed from 2 to 3 kg).

A more complex option is a grab, this tool is suitable for a narrower scope of work.

In appearance, the grab is such “jaws”, which, when closed, capture sediments at the bottom. After lifting, they open, releasing the collected dirt. Like a scoop, a grapple is best done by hand. But the point is not so much in simplicity, but in the fact that almost no one offers such a tool in free sale.

When cleaning sewer wells, along with the listed tools, you can use a suction pump. This is the so-called sewage truck, equipped with a vacuum pump and a special tank. Contrary to the name, such equipment is suitable for removing more than just sludge. It copes well with sand and grease, with various particles of hard rocks. Only abrasives pose a danger to the relatively soft hose that carries the dirt into the tank. The disadvantage of this method is that you have to pay, specially call assistants.

Purification technology

It is not at all necessary to turn to specialists - you can clean the well with your own hands, without even going down into it, but remaining on solid ground. Manual cleaning begins with a thorough pumping of water, moreover, consistent. Having pumped out the mirror by 400-500 mm with the help of elongated tools, the walls are mechanically cleaned. In this work, the use of even the most gentle household chemicals is categorically unacceptable. Most of the work is still carried out inside and care must be taken to ensure that the structure of the rings remains intact.

Having reached the bottom, the liquid is pumped out completely and the decisive stage of cleaning begins. It is necessary to rinse the bottom filter, and it is desirable to raise the stones upstairs, where it can be done more efficiently. Seams that do not even have visually noticeable deformations must be sealed with cement with the addition of liquid glass. This will make it difficult for surface water to mix with mine flow. Be sure to disinfect.

Absolutely without going down, you can do with automated cleaning, it has already been discussed - this is the use of drainage and deep pumps. This technique helps if you need to deal with only minor clogging. A pumping unit is placed 50 cm from the bottom of the pit. Even closer to the bottom is a hose from the feed pump. It is very important to observe this placement, violating it will not allow you to achieve a good result.

It is necessary to continue work strictly until the pumping pump begins to supply impeccably clean water.

If necessary, it is recommended to use a winch to lower various mechanisms and devices into the well. This device is relatively simple, but it helps a lot to save energy. And, of course, working at the bottom of the pit requires an appropriate mental attitude.

Importantly, there are ways to clean the wells in stages without pumping water. This is not possible with all types of pollution, of course. Thus, the fight against microscopic algae, which give the water a greenish tint, is best done with the help of chlorine. In a few days, the tank will be completely clean and ready for use. Natural sorbents, such as zeolite and shungite, effectively fight the ingress of foreign substances. For optimal effect, you will have to use several kilograms of these reagents at once. Another way is to use dosing blocks.

The capacity of such a cartridge varies from 250 to 1000 cm3. But despite the availability of special developments, professionals still recommend completely pumping out water and removing silt by 100%. Then you need to fill the well with clean water, defending it for at least a week.

Cleaning without pumping using open chlorine or metering charges helps predominantly against microbiological agents. But given the danger of the substance used, the manufacturer's instructions should be followed very strictly and do not use doses greater than those recommended.

It is important to resolve another issue - when exactly is it better to carry out a planned cleaning of the well - in the fall or in the spring. Timely cleaning prevents the need for emergency work of this kind and allows you to use fresh water all the time. Regardless of the schedules, you need to get started if:

    sticks, stones, leaves and branches of trees, various birds and animals fell into the well;

    the presence of metals and their compounds was detected;

    water is clogged at depth with sand or clay.

Clogging with both metal and sand can be triggered by soil movements. They lead to the displacement of the rings and the penetration of a foreign mass. In such a situation, it will be necessary not only to clean, but also to repair the water source. Prevention of clogging is the regular rise of water to the top. Even when there is no obvious need for it, it turns out to be a very useful thing.

Before cleaning, all interfering objects, including pumping equipment, are always removed from the well.

After removing the water, it is supposed to inspect the structure and look for signs of visible destruction. In the absence of such problems, the bottom filter is changed. The sand, gravel and rubble located there must be pulled out and a completely new embankment made. The freed walls are cleaned especially, for this they use not only brushes, but also antiseptic preparations. Having completed the formation of the bottom filter, the pumps and stationary output filters are returned to their place.

We have to keep in mind that the water obtained during the first injection is not yet ready even for technical use. High-quality liquid is always transparent, without foreign smells or tastes. It is sometimes possible to achieve such success only from the third bay. If the filters are not changed, they are cleaned as prescribed by the manufacturer's instructions - mainly with strong water pressure.

A different approach should be to pipe wells. In them, as well as in wells, only pumps and filters can be used. Pumping out water is also required, as well as checking the liquid obtained after cleaning in a specialized laboratory. To reduce the need for cleaning wells and wells, covering them with covers or canopies helps. As for the regular cleaning time, for wells used only in summer, the operating time comes in spring and autumn. Closer to winter, water has to be pumped out to prevent contamination of filters and pumps. In the spring months, special attention is paid to cleaning the walls of structures or replacing natural filters.

Even if the water seems to be clean all the time, it is recommended to test it in the laboratory four times a year.

Regardless of the conclusions of experts, cleaning the source of water supply is mandatory. It is also necessary to carry out it in the case when the soil is heated when the snow melts. Important: independent cleaning of a sewer well, unlike a water well, is almost impossible. For this purpose, you will have to use special equipment, the purchase of which is not justified. Before using any reagent of natural or artificial origin, it is better to immediately check whether it is environmentally safe.

Bottom filter installation

A properly installed bottom filter is the most important element of coarse cleaning, stopping the intrusion of sand and clay. For the formation of this protection, only natural materials are used that are not washed away by water. Be sure to put them in several layers to ensure the complete safety of those using well water. It should be noted that in dense soils of clay origin with water from underground springs, a filter is not required. But when the bottom is composed of soft clay and the water flows with significant pressure, the fight against muddy suspension is very relevant.

Large crushed stone or pebble rocks, laid out with a layer of 0.15-0.2 m, will help prevent erosion of the bottom here. If the base of the pit is made of sand and the water flows in uniform portions, you just need to lay out the filter yourself. It is also obligatory in those cases when a quicksand is below.

The direct type of bottom filter is used where the inflow is relatively small, as well as on top of the quicksand. First, the material of large fractions is laid out, then medium and small (each layer is 5-6 times smaller than the previous one).

The upper filter surface in such a system is made of quartz sand or pebbles. If the bottom is already sandy, reverse filters are used. Their main task is to prevent dirt that has entered the water from reaching the bottom of the well. At the same time, the owners insure against clogging of the liquid with grains of sand rising in the stream of spring water. The difference from the direct scheme is that the sequence of layers is reversed; the thickness of each layer is a maximum of 150 mm.

Water disinfection

To clean the well purely mechanically is very good. But this will not allow you to protect yourself from:


Meanwhile, all these types of living beings are formidable enemies of man. Bad smell is only a subjective problem, the health consequences will be much worse. Disinfectants should be used once every six months, before the seasonal use of the well and in the fall. Special cases where such a measure is urgently needed are:

    flooding of the mine by flood or sediment, sewage;

    seepage of untreated groundwater;

    clogging with any pesticides and industrial, household waste;

    entry of terrestrial animals and birds;

    collapse of a part of the material;

    the presence of garbage;

    bottom subsidence;

    detection of excessive concentration of microbes in the study of samples.

Powdered bleach can be used to make water drinkable.

Attention: you should carry out an accurate calculation of its amount and do not try to exceed the dosage "for greater efficiency." Care must be taken when handling this substance!

In some cases, it is better to use potassium permanganate - such a tool works quickly and is not dangerous. Its disadvantage is its relatively low efficiency.

30 g of the reagent are mixed with 10 liters of warm water. After waiting from 30 minutes to an hour, you need to pump out the water several times. Then dry walls are washed with the same solution, and a grid with 3-5 g of potassium permanganate or silicon chips is placed on the bottom. Ready-made tablets based on chlorine compounds may only be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions!

Important: all disinfectant solutions must be prepared in a clean container that has been pre-rinsed.

After all, it is impossible to predict how this or that reagent will behave when interacting with foreign substances. Having applied chlorine water, you need to thoroughly mix it for about 10 minutes with the help of long poles or by scooping it up with a bucket and a sharp spill back.

Much easier to do this using an outboard pump. After such chlorination, in any case, it is necessary to cover the well with a dense cloth or polyethylene. Be sure to keep the mine cool and out of the sun. Otherwise, the chlorine will evaporate too quickly and will not produce the desired result. The walls will need to be washed with clean water. Pumping out the well after chlorination is repeated until even the faintest smell of the chemical disappears.