How to choose a gas trimmer for mowing grass. How to choose a lawn mower and what to look for Optimum power of a lawn mower

Lightweight gardening tool for lawn care, cutting shrubs and small trees. It is intended for works on the country and park territory, in a garden, a house adjoining site, forest park zones.

What is the difference between a trimmer and a lawnmower?

Attention! The site team asks you to pay attention to one feature of the use of the word "trimmer" in this article and on the site. The fact is that the garden trimmer is structurally made without a gearbox, has a flexible shaft and is intended only for mowing grass with a mowing head. However, due to the fact that our customers quite often call a lawn mower even a brush cutter a trimmer, for the purposes of general availability and search zeal, a wide group of products is combined under the word trimmer: electric scythes, mowers, gas scythes, brush cutters and classic grass trimmers.

Trimmer selection should be based and repelled primarily from the tasks that will be set before the tool. Modern lawn mowers and lawn mowers, according to the degree of their capabilities, are divided into the following categories:

  • Household lawn mowers(they are also called trimmers). These tools are used for mowing a low lawn, cutting grass on a lawn in areas of no more than 15 acres. The devices have a small power - up to 1.5 horsepower. Thanks to a small motor, this tool is lightweight, which makes it possible to use it even without special fasteners and support straps. As a working part, a special fishing line or plastic knives are used. Household trimmers do not withstand long work, so they can be used no more than 1 - 1.5 hours a day. The tool is most often equipped with a curved shaft, which makes it convenient to process the edges of the lawn and trim hard-to-reach places. Due to the design of the rod, the shaft is most often flexible, which slightly reduces the reliability of the tool.
  • Semi-professional lawn mowers. This is a transitional type from household to professional trimmers. Such a tool is already able to work on sites up to 30 acres for 4 hours a day. Unlike household models, the cutting part is represented not only by fishing line, but also by special cutting blades, knives that can mow tall dense grass, shrub branches, weeds. Due to heavy loads, semi-professional models should always have a straight shaft and a rigid shaft. Such a tool is equipped with an engine from 1.5 to 2.5 hp. and anti-vibration protection system, which will reduce the load on the joints of the hands and back muscles. Very often, manufacturers separate the engine from the rod with special shock absorbers to dampen vibrations.
  • Professional lawn mowers. These are powerful tools that can work full time - 8 hours a day and can process a whole hectare of territory. Powerful two-stroke motors from 2.5 hp and above, they can mow thick branches, small trees, cut off unnecessary shoots, and process a young forest belt. Saw blades and discs, special knives for thick growth and young stock are used as the cutting part. The trimmer device for professional work requires a professional vibration damping system, a professional piston group, a powerful engine with an easy start system and an electronic control system, a reinforced bar and shaft.
  • Electric trimmers. This category of tools, although it stands apart, is more likely to be related to household devices due to its low power and short duration of operation. A power tool can easily cope with a lawn or small grass, but is unlikely to be suitable for serious work on tending shrubs or cutting thick branches, as the electric motor quickly overheats. Such devices are ideal for small jobs in summer cottages or in the garden.

For a better introduction to the various types of lawn mowers and brush cutters, we recommend watching this video:

What should you also pay attention to when choosing a lawnmower.

  • drive shaft lawn mowers. There are 2 types of shafts that transmit torque from the engine to the mowing head / gearbox - flexible and rigid. The rigid straight shaft is able to withstand continuous torsional loads, which greatly increases the service life. Also, if you plan to work with a knife or a saw blade, then be sure to look at the lawn mowers with a hard shaft. Usually, all semi-professional and professional braids are equipped with a rigid shaft. If you plan to work only with a mowing head in small areas (up to 15 acres), then you can look at models with a flexible shaft.
  • Reducer lawn mowers. The presence of a gearbox significantly increases the service life of the product, and also reduces the load on the brushcutter engine. It is also important to do a systematic replacement (every 10-15 hours) of gearbox lubrication (bevel pair lubrication).
  • Motorcycle engine. The brushcutter engine can be either a classic two-stroke, four-stroke, or a hybrid four-stroke (stihl FS 100, 120,). Each type of device has its own advantages and disadvantages. Two-stroke engines operate at a higher RPM range than four-stroke engines, which provide more power density and performance with less weight, but have higher fuel consumption, more noise and vibration. In hybrid four-stroke models, the working cycle occurs in 4 strokes, however, the lubrication system is provided as in a classic 2t engine. It cannot be said that any particular type of device has obvious advantages, the main thing is the choice of branded original equipment of a certain class: household, semi-professional or professional. Each class of device has its own motor resource and the ability to work continuously.

  • Anti-vibration system. The presence of a 4-point anti-vibration system allows you to provide excellent working conditions for the user. The fact is that the lawnmower has a certain level of vibration, which causes wear on the user's elbow joints. Therefore, all world brands like Husqvarna, Stihl, Oleo-Mac, Echo equip their products with a proprietary anti-vibration system.
  • Shoulder strap There are two types: on one shoulder and both. It is recommended to watch products with a two-shoulder belt, in order to evenly distribute the weight on the user's body. Belts can be equipped with special bags for storing tools and cutting equipment.
  • primer- manual fuel pump, allows you to reduce the number of starter jerks after a long break in operation.
  • Compensator. This device is a unique regulator in the carburetor, which is able to prevent oversaturation of the fuel mixture when the air filter is excessively dirty.
  • Lever. The presence of all controls (start, stop, speed control) on the handle is mandatory, this greatly simplifies control and increases safety. Also a great addition is the presence of a handle adjustment without an auxiliary device.

  • Trimmer head. This is the most vulnerable and most often failing element of the spit. The maximum diameter of the mowing line depends on the class of the trimmer head. So, on electric trimmers, a mowing string with a diameter of 1.6 to 2 mm is usually installed, on household trimmers 2-2.4 mm, on semi-professional braids 2.4-2.7, on professional 2.7-3 mm, regardless of the section of the fishing line. What should you pay attention to when choosing a trimmer head? 1. Material for the manufacture of the lower part of the mowing head. The fact is that it is this part that most often contacts the ground and is subjected to enormous loads. The 2nd place where the line exits the trimmer head must have metal tabs.

Which brand trimmer is better to buy

Which trimmer company to choose for a summer residence Or for professional work? Today, any garden equipment store can offer dozens of models from different manufacturers. But we recommend that you follow a number of rules that will help you buy a reliable and convenient tool:

  1. Never buy a tool from unknown brands. Today on the market you can find Chinese and Polish trimmers, which are very captivating with their price. But the reliability of such a tool is very low. Chinese lawn mowers are unable to provide high quality work, quickly break down and become unusable. When purchasing lawn mowers from Poland, you get a complete lack of service and no warranty, which makes your purchase absolutely unsuitable for repair in the event of a breakdown. You should also think about spare parts and accessories. Global brands provide proprietary and uninterrupted technical support for their products. You can always, in any city, easily find spare parts for your products at prices that are much lower than for Chinese counterparts.
  2. Make your choice in favor of one of the famous brands. Today's leaders in the production of lawn mowers of all types are Stihl, Husqvarna, Oleo Mac, Stiga, Honda, Echo.

Each of these brands has its own models for each category of lawn mowers:

  • Household trimmers represented by models such as:

  • semi-professional

  • Professional

Which lawn mower to choose: electric or gasoline

In fact, the choice between these two types of tool will also depend on the type and amount of work to be done. Power tools have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages compared to gasoline models.

  • Power. Electric scythes are comparable in power to household gasoline models. Therefore, you should buy an electric tool for small areas where there is no hard growth and which can be processed within 30 minutes.
  • Quiet operation. The volume level of electric trimmers is much lower than their petrol counterparts. Therefore, it is preferable to use a power tool in a city where noise standards must be observed.
  • Harmlessness. The electric motor does not emit harmful gases into the atmosphere. It is an environmentally friendly tool that can be used even indoors.
  • Ease of operation and maintenance. Gasoline-powered lawn mowers require special maintenance and are difficult to repair. It is necessary to make a fuel mixture, take care that the engine does not become clogged. Electric trimmers are devoid of these shortcomings. All you need to start is to press the start button.

We can conclude that both types of tools will perfectly cope with their type of tasks. The main thing is to correctly determine the type and scope of work, and under it already make a choice in favor of one of the categories.
If you still decide to opt for buying an electric lawn mower, we recommend that you pay attention to the Stihl FSA 65, 85 cordless scythes. Their main advantage over other types of electric lawn mowers is in a powerful battery that allows you to work up to 45 minutes on a single charge, which enough to completely process the declared territory without recharging.

What to choose a lawn mower or trimmer

It should also be noted that if you plan to create the perfect lawn, then the haircut must be carried out exclusively with lawn mowers. The fact is that when cutting trimmers, the root part of the grass bundle is touched, which is why the grass turns yellow, giving the lawn an "unhealthy look." In this case, the trimmer must be used as an aid in cutting in hard-to-reach places. Read about how to choose a lawn mower.

In the struggle for a neat appearance of the territory, a very practical and useful tool called motokosa comes to the rescue, with which you can quickly bring grass, small shrubs and other growths into proper form. A huge assortment on the market allows you to choose a lawn mower for both professional activities and private use, which, of course, affects the technical parameters and cost of the tool. Therefore, this article will be devoted to the issues of choosing the best option that fully meets your needs.

Types of lawn mowers, their advantages and disadvantages

Motokosa is a device that has a number of functions aimed at mowing the lawn, field grass, weeds, as well as eliminating bushes and young trees. In the case of the selection of additional nozzles, you can also align flower beds and hedges without much effort. Depending on the scope of application, this tool is divided into three main kind, namely:

  • professional lawn mowers intended for use in the industrial sector, as a rule, by public utilities, in order to improve public areas and periodically harvest hay. This tool is designed to perform a large amount of work over a long period of time. It has a high build quality, dimensions and, accordingly, power. The bar of this lawn mower is non-separable, which, of course, creates some inconvenience during transportation, but at the same time prevents sand and dirt from entering the device;
  • semi-professional lawn mowers, which are used by gardeners and landscape designers. In terms of its technical characteristics, the tool is quite similar to the previous type, and the main difference lies in the lower engine power and more mobile design;
  • household lawn mowers, widely used by the average population to eliminate weeds and trim grass in areas up to 20 acres in size. The power of such tools does not exceed 2 liters. With. Outwardly, it is quite difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish professional models from household ones. Most often they are equipped with a curved rod, which can be easily disassembled for easy storage and transportation. The cost of models of household lawn mowers is more than acceptable in comparison with the pricing policy for professional and semi-professional tools.

Important is engine, which makes significant adjustments to the productivity of the tool. So, depending on the type of this important constituent element, there are such types of lawn mowers as:

  1. Motokosa with the engine internal combustion. This technique is characterized by high power, productivity, as well as the absence of auxiliary cables and wires, so professional lawn mowers are equipped with just this type of engine. A mixture of gasoline and oil is used as a fuel. To the main shortcomings significant weight, occasional fuel purchases, and higher equipment costs can be attributed.
  2. Motor scythes with electric engine. Assume power from the network through the cable. The indisputable advantage of this device is the absence of the need to purchase a combustible mixture. However, the power ratings of such a unit are much less than those of a gasoline engine, and its use is limited to areas where there is access to power. Household lawn mowers are most often equipped with an electric motor. It is important to remember that mowing wet grass with such tools is categorically forbidden.
  3. Motor scythes with accumulator. A distinctive feature of the tool is its autonomy from electricity and fuel mixtures. The principle of operation is to start the motor from a pre-charged battery. TO shortcomings can be attributed to low power and temporary limited work, which affects the versatility of this technique.

Features of lawn mowers

Design motokosa, regardless of its type, has a fairly similar structure and consists of the following primary elements:

  1. barbells, which, depending on the model, can be straight, curved, and also collapsible;
  2. Engine, most often gasoline, which, in turn, is also presented in two forms, namely two-stroke and four-stroke. Two-stroke engines run on a specially prepared mixture of gasoline and oil, which is poured into one common tank. In four-stroke engines, these substances are filled into different containers without pre-mixing;
  3. mowing head, in which the feeding of the fishing line to the required length can be carried out automatically and semi-automatically using the “Tap’N’Go” technology, which implies the supply of the fishing line after pressing the cooker on the ground, or manually by means of an easy grip;
  4. cutting elements under a protective cover in the form of a fishing line and a knife, the parameters of which completely depend on the model and power level of the device;
  5. handles, which can be d-shaped and t / u-shaped. The first will be most convenient when working at the same level and with a small mowing width, and the second, resembling a bicycle handlebar, on the contrary, with a wide span and on different planes.

Since the most popular are still scythes on gasoline engine, fuel preparation should be given special attention. As mentioned earlier, the combustible mixture for such tools consists of two parts, namely, oil and gasoline, which for two-stroke engines are mixed in a ratio of 1:50. It is very important to choose high-quality oil for high-speed equipment. Gasoline must be clean and correspond to the number 92 and higher.

Selection criteria and cost of lawn mowers

By purchasing motokosu, a number of factors should be taken into account, the main of which is the answer to the question - for what purposes this tool is needed. Having decided on the frequency of use and the complexity of the proposed work, you can begin to consider related parameters, namely:

  • a type engine and its capacity, which directly affects the productivity and volume of potentially performed work;
  • structure and weight corps. Straight rods made of metal are considered more reliable, but household lawn mowers are often equipped with curved plastic rods, which is justified by their practicality and light weight;
  • choice cutting elements. It is important to choose the right knives, which are fundamentally different from each other depending on the complexity and type of work.
  • form handles;
  • Availability belt. Since the weight of lawn mowers can vary from 3 to 8 kg, their management greatly simplifies the presence of a belt that optimally distributes the load during operation;
  • manufacturer and cost of equipment.

Manufacturers there are a lot of lawn mowers and each of them strives to present their products in the best possible light as much as possible corresponding to the declared pricing policy. So, among the numerous brands, there are three leading companies that have won the greatest trust among domestic consumers:

Motokosa is rightfully considered one of the simplest and, at the same time, ingenious devices, which greatly simplifies gardening and agricultural work. Summing up, it is important to emphasize that the choice of this tool depends solely on the ratio of individual needs and your financial opportunities.

A trimmer is a tool that allows you, with little or no effort, to cut grass, remove strong woody growth or trim shrubs near the house. It is safe to say that over the past few years in agriculture, this unit has become simply indispensable. Most often it is used for making hay for the winter. Let's talk about how to choose a lawn mower, what to look for when buying.

Useful information for the consumer

Currently, in any specialized store you will find a lot of models from various manufacturers. All lawnmowers have different specifications. Some are more suitable for the tasks you set, others are less. But for a beginner, all this is a dark forest. So a completely normal question arises about how to choose a lawn mower.

The first thing you need to do is get familiar with the tool. This refers to power, weight, nozzles and much more. There are various types of such devices: benzo- and lawn mowers. All this plays an important role. Do you want to simplify your work, and not have unnecessary troubles? That is why your choice must be justified.

Classification and device

As noted above, people who have never dealt with a lawn mower will find it difficult to make a choice. For example, the price of a tool fluctuates in a very wide range, and the cheapest options are not recommended for purchase. This is due not only to poor build quality, but also to the lack of important additional features. The most popular products of such brands: Stihl, Husqvarna, Alpina. They will cost at least $250. For high-quality Chinese products, you will have to pay at least 120 USD. Products of little-known brands can cost $80.

As for the design, it is quite simple. There is a two-, less often a four-stroke engine, which, in fact, is the drive.

From the motor, through a flexible or rigid shaft, as well as through a gearbox, torque is transmitted to the working element. The latter is a cord or cutting disc. In some cases, it is possible to adjust the rotation speed of the cutting tool, but more on that later. As for the classification, today it is customary to divide lawn mowers into amateur and professional. The former are suitable for home and summer cottages, the latter for processing large problem areas.

Features of choosing a household lawn mower

A tool for domestic use involves the installation of a small engine power. As a rule, this is 1-3 horsepower. As for the cutting attachment, it is either a trim cord or a disc. The work item is determined by the manufacturer, but when choosing, be guided by the tasks. If the priority is such actions as processing the edges of the lawn, small lawns, then the ideal solution would be a lawn mower with a flexible shaft (the most popular options are Stihl FS38, FS45). The advantages of the unit are low weight (3-5 kg), as well as ease of maintenance. But it will not work to install a cutting disc as a nozzle, only a trimmer cord can work here.

Models with a rigid shaft are considered more reliable and powerful. The presence of a gearbox allows the use of a cutting disc. It is desirable that the tool be collapsible, so you can take it with you to the country and will not experience any problems with storage.

Ideal lawn mower for home

Buying something really worthwhile is the dream of any gardener or summer resident. Let's see what it is - an ideal lawn mower. Firstly, it is desirable to have a curved rod. The advantage of this solution is that working in hard-to-reach places will not be a problem. Need to mow the grass under the bench or between the trees? No problem. Such a motokosa can easily cope with this. Engine power should not be minimal, you can stop at about 1.8-2.0 hp. Such a tool will cope with almost any grass: tall, short, curly, hard, etc. Pay attention to weight too. It is desirable that it does not exceed 10 kilograms. If a young strong person works behind the instrument, then, in fact, this will not be a problem. But when a woman or an elderly person gets down to business, weight matters a lot. Another important point is the comfortable handle. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Which brush cutter is better to buy, or Decide on the type of handle

The quality and speed of the work performed depends on how comfortable it is to hold the tool. The following three solutions are widely used today:

  • T-handle. Suitable for areas where large areas need to be treated. Most often, professional models are equipped with such a holder, but recently they are also found in amateur lawn mowers.
  • D-handle. The ideal solution for medium to large areas with shrubs growing on them. Consumers prefer this shape of the handle because of the convenience of processing areas where there are hedges, trees, etc.
  • J-shaped. Purchased for the most part to ensure maximum operator safety. If you need to mow tall grass, then the J-handle is exactly what you need.

A little about the professional tool

Motor scythes for industrial use are designed to work for a long time, and in various weather conditions. The reliability of such a tool is at a high level. This applies to both the quality of the assembly as a whole and the operation of individual mechanisms (reducer, engine, cutting element). The power of such units most often ranges from two to five horsepower. The shaft is almost always rigid, and the gearbox is reinforced. This makes the design more durable and reliable, which, in fact, is necessary for solving industrial problems.

A unit with a disc installed can cope with a young forest, and a cord with a diameter of 3 millimeters will cut any grass. It is worth noting that sometimes the choice of professional lawn mowers is quite appropriate for home use. Large lawns with a variety of vegetation are just the cases when an industrial unit is needed.

Which lawnmower is better - gasoline or electric?

Much depends on the goals pursued. Electric options are less powerful, but they also make less noise. In principle, this is a good solution if you need to process a small lawn without hard vegetation. The big downside is that you'll have to get used to the wire and carry, and don't count on high performance. As for the petrol options, everything is exactly the opposite. These are powerful units, most often having a higher weight than electrical counterparts. The advantage is high performance and the use of any available nozzle. We have already figured out a little about how to choose a gasoline lawn mower.

A few words about consumables

Under consumables, it is necessary to understand a working tool that wears out quickly in the process of work. This is a trimmer cord and a cutting disc. An important role is played by the cross section and the number of teeth. The more of the latter, the better. Before choosing a lawn mower, see which area needs to be treated. If more than two acres, then the presence of a shoulder strap is mandatory. Thus, the load on the hands will be significantly reduced. In principle, this is all the information on this topic. Now you know how to make the right choice, which device to give preference to.

Every year more and more summer residents and owners of personal plots use a trimmer or lawn mower to restore order on the lawn. Such a device allows you to cut the grass with high quality even in places where it is not easy to do it manually.

With the help of a lawn mower, you can easily get rid of the weeds under the trees, trim the grass on the lawn or make hay. Every year, more and more new models of trimmers appear on the garden equipment market, and therefore the choice of a quality device that meets all the requirements of a summer resident is very difficult.

Lawn mower classification

Among the extensive line of lawn mowers, the trimmer is distinguished by high power parameters and performance. This was achieved primarily through the use two-stroke or four-stroke motor high power.

The most common are two-stroke models presented on store shelves in the budget price category. At the same time, comparatively low price in no way affects the quality and functionality of the tool.

If we consider the shortcomings of two-stroke lawn mowers, then there are not so many of them and they are contained in the intricacies of maintenance: fuel preparation, filter replacement and planned technical measures service.

Models with a four-stroke engine are the most modern and powerful equipment for mowing lawns. Thanks to the powerful motor, long continuous operation is ensured, while the noise level is less than that of a two-stroke counterpart.

The disadvantages can be counted impressive dimensions and the weight of the tool, so this parameter is very important when choosing a lawn mower.

Main parameters and features of choice

A powerful lawn mower requires a large fuel tank, which together affects the weight of the device. But even considering these not entirely pleasant circumstances, a liquid fuel tool more practical and convenient for use in the country or in the private sector.

The absence of the need to connect to a stationary power source using cables makes the lawn mower as mobile as possible, and the relatively small size of the unit allows it to be transported in the luggage compartment of the car.

When choosing a quality lawn mower, it is important to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. The quality of the operation of the lawn mower depends on its working equipment. The main difference between a petrol scythe and an electric trimmer is the use of steel blades rather than fishing line or plastic knives. Due to this, the cut of the grass is evener and better, thanks to which tall plants and even young shrubs are better removed.
  2. Depending on the equipment used on the lawn mower, the parameters of the capture width, the main indicator of the working area, change. The small diameter blades, pointed on both sides, are perfect for mowing grass on uneven terrain. For processing large areas, it is better to give preference to tools with cutting discs or triangular blades.
  3. Ergonomics affect the comfort of using the tool. On all models of lawn mowers, the handles are different in shape, on which the load on the hands and the principle of controlling the equipment depend. Powerful models with a lot of weight are additionally equipped with a comfortable strap that is worn over the shoulder.

How to choose a lawn mower according to technical characteristics

If we consider the main characteristics of lawn mowers, then when choosing a tool, special attention should be paid to the following parameters:

  • type and power parameters of the motor;
  • type of cutting element;
  • total weight of the unit;
  • petrol mower price.

Equipment power is the main parameter on which its maximum performance and uptime depend. In the process of choosing a quality trimmer, it is very important to pay attention to this characteristic.

A tool with a power of up to 1 kW is suitable for mowing soft grass on a small lawn. If the lawn mower will be used to remove weeds, then it is better to choose a device with a power of more than 1.5 kW. Equipment whose power exceeds 1.8 kW already belongs to the professional category, which increases its price accordingly.

Expert advice on how to choose a quality lawn mower

When choosing a high-quality gas trimmer, as has been repeatedly mentioned, you need to decide on its power, on which productivity and, accordingly, the volume and intensity of the work performed depend.

If the tool is purchased for use several times a week on a small plot or lawn, then the equipment is quite enough. low power, which will cope with the removal of weeds and soft grass.

Naturally, if you use low-power equipment for a long period at high loads, then it will not last long. Although its price is quite affordable, and with proper operation of the tool, it will be enough to clean the summer cottage or lawn near the house.

If the equipment is planned to be used continuously for a long time, then it is advisable to purchase powerful models of lawn mowers. It is also important that the tool is made by a well-known brand. And despite that, the price of such units is quite high, it is fully justified by the duration and safety of the gasoline trimmer.

In addition to power, when choosing a gas trimmer, you need to take into account the fact who will work with the tool. If this is a fragile woman, then when using a heavy trimmer, she will quickly get tired.

In turn, a man can use big tank equipment so as not to be distracted by refueling. It would also be useful if the lawn mower is equipped with a shoulder strap.

Another important parameter of the quality and reliability of the unit is rod used. If it has a curved shape, then a metal cable is used to rotate the cutting blades, which cannot withstand heavy loads for a long time. If it is a tool with a metal shaft, then it is suitable for long-term continuous use.

The type of cutting mechanism determines the possibility of using the tool in various conditions. It is convenient to mow soft grass and small weeds with a fishing line, and if installed steel knife, you can cut young shrubs.

Popular brands that produce lawn mowers

Today, many companies are engaged in the production of gasoline trimmers. Usually these are enterprises engaged in the production of tools for the garden and garden, which can make life easier for a person. On the shelves of domestic stores, products of the following brands are presented:

Rating of popular models of lawn mowers

The high popularity of garden equipment, including trimmers, has led manufacturers to constantly expand their product line. All models may differ not only in price and functionality, but design and material used in manufacturing.

These features make the choice of suitable equipment difficult and therefore the consumer must see the most popular products presented on the domestic market.

Powerfulequipped with a two-stroke engine. The power of the tool has been increased: it is 3 kW or 4 liters. With. Use a petrol trimmer KRUGER can be used for a long time: thanks to air cooling, it will not overheat. When operating the trimmer KRUGER gives out 9000 rpm. It is suitable for processing impressive territories - up to 10 acres. In the package there are spools with fishing line, which cut the grass on the lawn, as well as saw blades: with their help, the branches of young trees and bushes are removed.

The functionality of the Kruger gas trimmer is impeccable. It has everything for the comfort and safety of the operator. A comfortable shoulder strap significantly increases the duration of work with the tool, as it redistributes the load from the arms to the shoulders. An important advantage of the Kruger trimmer is its affordable price.

Husqvarna 128R petrol trimmer- one of the most popular brands, designed for use in everyday life by owners of their own personal plots. Equipment with a full tank of fuel weighs no more than 5 kg, which allows you to use it for a sufficiently long period of time without overloading your back and arms.

The benzokosa of this trade brand is distinguished by the built-in Smart Start function, which greatly facilitates the launch of the tool. The power unit can be easily started in all weather conditions thanks to the unique Air Purge fuel pumping system.

Petrol lawn mower Stihl FS-55- a small device with a small motor of lightweight construction. The total weight with a filled fuel tank does not exceed 5 kg. At the same time, the ergonomic parameters of the tool are thought out to the smallest detail, which makes it easy to maneuver the brushcutter.

Thanks to the hand pump, starting the motor is greatly simplified. Two types of knives act as cutting elements - disk and double-sided. The disc coulter is ideal for decorative lawn mowing due to the ability to control the height, cut the grass.

Professional models of petrol trimmers

The Efco D.S. 3200 T lawn mowers are professional gardening equipment with high performance, which was achieved through the use of a four-stroke engine. Powerful motor provides long uninterrupted operation tools under heavy loads.

The gas tank is made of a translucent material, which ensures visual fuel control. All the necessary levers providing control of the tool are placed on the convenient handle. At the same time, the equipment is qualitatively balanced, which allows you to evenly distribute the load throughout the body. In addition, it is possible to connect an additional shoulder strap.

Petrol trimmer CARVER GBC-31 FS equipped with a four-stroke type motor with an air cooling system. This model line is equipped with specially designed chrome-plated engines that have a long service life. Such a reliable tool can be used in any, including rainy weather.

Benzokosa STIGA SB 35 DS is a professional equipment that is designed for mowing large lawns, weeds and even young shrubs. The use of a two-stroke engine made it possible to significantly reduce the fuel consumption of the tool.

As a cutting mechanism, a fishing line is most often used, and if necessary, a knife. For the safety of the operator, the working area was covered with a special metal casing. The used shoulder strap is adjustable in several directions, which allows you to evenly distribute the load.

When choosing a lawn mower, even a well-known brand, it is important to always check what is included in the equipment. You can ask complete the tool additional belts or cutting mechanisms.

If large volumes of work are planned, it is important to take care of high-quality work clothes that will make the lawn mowing process safer and easier. Although the final choice remains with the buyer.

Tired of weeds, thick grass and unnecessary shrubs? But at the same time you want a well-groomed territory? You can buy a lawn mower, but it is too bulky and immobile. In addition, buying it will greatly “hit your pocket”, a trimmer will be a good alternative. It has many advantages and is much cheaper. And which gasoline trimmer is better to buy, our article will tell.

TOP 11 best petrol grass trimmers by buyers

Eminent manufacturers do not always produce high-quality models, so you should carefully study the technical characteristics of a particular instance. To simplify the choice and not to read a lot of conflicting reviews, we have prepared for you a rating of the best, according to owner reviews, gasoline trimmers.

Petrol trimmer Kruger German manufacturer. The device is increased in power, so it quickly and easily processes large areas. The kit comes with two spools with fishing line for grass, knives for cutting young trees and shrubs.

The tool is equipped with a shoulder strap. It reduces the load from the hands and redistributes it to the shoulders, so you can work with the tool for a long time. The bicycle handle allows you to comfortably hold the lawn mower in your hands.

  • Acceptable price.
  • Robust metal housing resistant to corrosion.
  • Quick start of the engine due to the soft start function.
  • No overheating due to air cooling system.
  • A little noisy due to the increased power.

German unit with a power of 3.30 hp. designed for those who monitor and care for their site. The T-shaped handle with rubber pads allows you to hold the device firmly in your hands when working on a large area. For convenience, its position can be changed, and icons about safety rules are drawn on it. The volume of fuel 1.2 l is enough for 2 hours of intensive work of the trimmer.

The straight rigid shaft makes it possible to mow neglected areas with dense grass with a fishing line or a knife at a speed of 9500 rpm. The cutting element has a cutting width of 255 mm. To lengthen the fishing line, you do not need to disassemble the reel, it is enough at high speeds of the device not to hit the ground hard. The protective cover is equipped with a length regulator for capturing the mowing area. Thanks to the top arrangement of the engine, it does not overheat and the vegetation is not hammered into it. So that the back does not get tired of the weight of the device of 7 kg, the set includes a shoulder girdle.

  • Works great on dry grass of varying lengths. Also with shrubs.
  • Starts up quickly.
  • Comfortable to hold.
  • Low price.
  • The coil breaks quickly.

The most inexpensive petrol trimmer in our ranking with a cutting width of 43 cm. This device is not inferior in performance to famous brands. The knife is capable of accelerating up to 7500 rpm. The fuel tank is designed for 1 liter of fuel. Half a liter of the mixture is enough for half an hour of active work. The package includes: belt, knife and fishing line.

  • Replacing a knife with a fishing line is easy.
  • You can cut branches.
  • Easy to start.
  • Good power (3 hp).
  • Big weight.
  • Build quality varies by instance.

This model of a petrol trimmer belongs to the middle price category. Thanks to the "Primer and Easy Start" option, the engine starts quickly. Power 1.75 HP enough to cut even large grass while saving fuel. The handle folds up for easy transport. In addition, you can choose the size of the main rod that suits you.

The blade width of 255 mm increases the speed of mowing the surface. The casing has a metal mount, which increases its reliability. You can adjust the device using the adjusting screw, without the use of tools. A non-separable bar increases the strength of the structure.

  • Suitable for use in large areas.
  • Reliable metal fastening on a casing.
  • Small fuel consumption.
  • Uncomfortable shoulder strap.

This model is designed for mowing in difficult places: near walls, stairs, trees. The fuel pump allows you to independently pump gasoline to the carburetor, and this, in turn, allows you to start the device without jerking even after idle time. The large casing protects against flying vegetation. The cutting system is a fishing line, ideal for bumpy surfaces, as it will not be damaged when it comes into contact with hard objects. It will not be difficult to control the device, due to its low weight - 5.6 kg.

The curved rod allows you to position the unit at different angles and reach hard-to-reach places. Protection against accidental activation is provided by a safety button. Thanks to the collapsible design, the petrol trimmer is easy to place in the trunk. The fuel tank cap is connected to the tank with a special holder. Rubber buffers dampen vibrations.

  • Lightweight, arms and back do not get tired.
  • Convenient design with a curved bar.
  • Cutting width 38 cm.
  • Grass does not clog during operation.
  • High noise level.

This model has earned quite a few positive reviews from the owners of gasoline trimmers. The engine capacity is 52 cubic meters. cm, which allows you to mow even real weeds, using the included knife. Thanks to free access to the filter, the device is easy to maintain.

  • Good equipment.
  • High power allows you to mow even difficult areas.
  • There is an anti-vibration system.
  • Quality build.
  • Rigid shaft.
  • The bar is non-separable.
  • Small mixing container.

A good 1.9 hp petrol trimmer that can cut grass of almost any hardness. The bar is collapsible, so it can be easily transported even in the trunk of a small car.

At maximum load, the consumption of the fuel mixture is 0.62 l / h. Line feeding is semi-automatic. The kit includes a 2.4 mm fishing line and a knife.

  • Powerful engine, copes with any grass.
  • Easy to start.
  • Low fuel consumption.
  • The trimmer head is not the best quality.
  • Big weight.

Lightweight design weighing only 4.5 kg mows thickets with a girth of 42 cm. The trimmer is stored in the branded bag that comes with the package. Replaceable cutting element: knife or fishing line. It is possible to install a brush cutter / delimber. When winding thick grass, the brake is activated, which allows the engine not to burn out. Thanks to the Robin engine, toxic gases are kept to a minimum.

  • Low vibration.
  • Light weight.
  • Comfortable handle.
  • Good build quality.
  • When winding grass, the coil can be unscrewed.
  • Uncomfortable shoulder strap.

A good 1.1 hp petrol trimmer. and a cutting width of 45 cm. Universal casing, which is used both under the fishing line and under the cutting knife. The cutting part rotates at a speed of 9000 rpm. The unloading system is represented by a professional backpack belt with a gaiter. Thanks to Air Purge, an easy start of the device is possible.

Instructions for starting a cold engine are located on the carburetor cover. The asymmetrical handle adjusts to the user's height. A four-bladed knife with an outer diameter of 255 mm and an inner diameter of 25.4. He can do both grass and shrubs. Easily sharpened with a file. If you pull out a longer line than required, the knife will cut off the excess. The belt has wide inserts, which makes it possible not to cut into the shoulders.

  • Confidently mows grass of any stiffness.
  • There is a shield on the belt that will protect the genitals.
  • Low vibration.
  • Balanced weight and comfortable straps.
  • Insufficient rigid bar when using a knife.

A reliable portable trimmer that is suitable for working with small vegetation for plots of 10-20 acres. A two-stroke engine with a power of 1 kW, which is enough for mowing small shrubs 1.5 cm high. It runs on a mixture of oil and gasoline AI-92. Air-cooled engine allows you to work in hot weather up to +32 degrees. The foam filter protects the carburetor from dust. The length of the line is three meters.

  • Light weight (4.8 kg).
  • Economical and high-torque engine.
  • Low noise level.
  • Vibrations are practically absent.
  • There is no throttle stop.

One of the best gas trimmers according to customer reviews, which will become indispensable helpers in their summer cottage. It has an unusual starter shape, which is part of the body, covers the muffler and protects the gas tank from rubbing. On the control handle there are buttons: start, stop, throttle lever with a fuse. The one-piece trigger does not allow the lever to fail. The steering wheel is attached to the bar with a holder with four screws. The air filter cover is located on the engine housing. Access to it is keyless, just press one button to get to it.

For mowing grass, a two-pronged blade is included. Its outer diameter is 230 mm, inner 25.4. A backpack-type belt relieves the burden on the operator (it comes in an advanced configuration).

The extended version also includes two protective covers. One of a larger diameter with a line cutter, and the second of a smaller one and is used only for a knife. In order not to damage objects around with sharp parts during transportation, there is a sheath for the knife. In case you work with mowing knives, the protective cup is put on the lower gearbox.

  • Comfortable strap and thoughtful ergonomics.
  • Light weight.
  • Confident engine start.
  • Good protection against grass ejection.
  • Reliability.
  • Weak handles.

comparison table

If you have not yet decided which petrol trimmer is better to choose from our 2019 rating, then we advise you to familiarize yourself with the table of technical characteristics, in which we compared the main parameters of each model.

ModelEngine displacement, ccEngine speedFuel tank volume, lNoise level, dBWeight, kgAverage price, rub.
52 7500 1.2 96 7 6200
7000 1 101 8 4600
43 6300 1.1 92 8.5 8000
25 8600 0.68 112 5.6 8100
52 6500 1.2 103 7.7 8900
6800 0.95 102 8.3 7500
25 8800 0.5 107 4.5 12000
28 8000 0.4 114 5 14800
21 6500 0.44 91 4.8 15100
27 7000 0.33 90 5 15490

How to choose the best option for giving?

A gas trimmer costs a lot of money and requires careful selection. Before you buy it, you need to consider: the scope of the proposed work, how many times you will use it, the vegetation of the site, ease of use. As well as the following important features:

  • Type of motor and drive. The main element of the trimmer, the price of the device depends on it. Four-stroke is used in professional models. They are heavy and not cheap. A two-stroke engine will be more profitable, but it requires the preparation of a special mixture: gasoline and engine oil. The drive from a straight shaft is low-wear, unlike a drive with a metal cable. It is better if it is located at the top.
  • Cutting part. It is a consumable and comes in the form of nylon fishing line and paddle knives. The life of the fishing line is less than that of knives, but it is safer. If you have chosen a device with nylon fishing line, then buy more immediately, as it is quickly consumed. And you also need to know its diameter so that it fits the trimmer head. Blades in the shape of a circle do an excellent job with thick grass, bushes and small trees.
  • Bar shape. It comes in collapsible and non-collapsible design. The first is more convenient, as it takes up less space, it is easy to transport it in the trunk.
  • Handle type. The convenience of using the device depends on its shape. A bicycle handle is considered a universal option, because it allows you to work with different types of vegetation. Also, its convenience lies in the fact that you can hold the device with both hands at once.
  • Power. The higher it is, the more fuel is consumed. If you have a small plot (6-8 acres) and you do it twice a week, then buy a device up to 1 kW. If you have a lawn, dense weeds, then your option is 1.5-2 kW
  • Fuel tank volume. It depends on how long you will continuously work with the device. Consider the amount of work you need to complete. The best option would be lawn mowers with a volume of 1 liter.
  • Filter. It will have to be cleaned or changed periodically. Please note that access to it is carried out without problems. There are models of trimmers with reusable filters, it is enough to wash and dry them.
  • Fuel tank attachment. Metal is stronger and more durable than plastic.
  • Casing. It must be impact resistant and flexible. Fastened with metal plates on both sides.
  • Hanger type. If you will use the trimmer often, then buy with a knapsack hanger.
  • Mowing head body material. The metal body of the head is “not afraid” of stones and other hard surfaces, so it is durable.

For more information about the selection criteria, see the video: