How to increase the speed of speech. Little speaker

Our speech is not only a tool for communication and information transfer, but also our individual feature ...

Each person's speech is unique and has whole line individual characteristics... The voice is as unique as a fingerprint or the structure of the retina. A person's character is judged by his voice. It is known that the general impression of a person is 55% dependent on facial expressions, 38% - on voice, and only 7% - on what this person says.

Only competent, clear speech is able to convey correct information, be understandable to others.

The secret to your success is in the art of speaking!

From early childhood to ripe old age, human life is associated with speech. Rough thinking is rude speech, cultural thinking is cultural speech. Since a thought always comes in front of a word, we cannot develop our speech without the development of thinking. In ancient times, there was a science of rhetoric, the founder of which was the great Greek philosopher Aristotle. He pointed out that the skill of the performance is determined by three components. The first of them was clarity of thought, and it appears only with the knowledge that a person receives along with experience. Only with the development of clarity of thinking will speech gradually develop. For our speech to be understandable, it must reflect a developed mind, thoughtfulness of thought, literacy, and in order for it to be also pleasant, it must be expressive and emotional. Through words, a person can touch the ancient thoughts of their ancestors, gain experience and knowledge and send a message to their great-grandchildren in the future.

Speech properties:

  1. Content - characterized by the volume of thoughts expressed in it, provided by the preparedness of the speaker.
  2. Comprehensibility - due mainly to the volume of knowledge of the audience, provided by the selective selection of material available to the audience.
  3. Expressiveness - associated with emotional saturation, provided by intonation, accent, pauses.
  4. Efficiency - is determined by the influence on thoughts, feelings, behavior, is provided by taking into account the individual characteristics of the listeners.

A person who speaks competently makes a favorable impression, he often achieves the set goal, he is more successful in his professional activity, it is easier for him to adapt to any life situation.

Correct speech has an almost magical effect. I want to listen and listen to her; and from the other - to close your ears and run away.

Mastering the art of speaking beautifully and competently, unfortunately, is less and less common.

People who think like a masterpiece sometimes do not know how to express themselves as vividly in words. Many people find it difficult to express their thoughts, feelings, to retell something interesting from what they have read, seen, experienced.

But behind the artless speech of such people sometimes a magnificent intellect is hidden, interesting person... But it takes time to recognize this. And time is what we constantly lack.

From here there is only one way - you need and can train your speech. After all, the ability to speak beautifully is not a natural gift, but an acquired skill that can be brought to perfection. Even if you are not going to become a professional speaker, the ability to speak beautifully, to use speech correctly, will be extremely useful both in work and in your daily personal life.

Following some guidelines can significantly improve speech quality.

First, read more. Newspapers, magazines, quality fiction... In this sense, our domestic classics, which we all studied in school years(or didn't study it, which is sad). Read or re-read the classics! And out loud, not in a hurry. This reading will have a tremendous effect. It will teach you the correct construction of words in sentences, increase vocabulary.

Third, watch your speech rate. It doesn't have to be monotonous. Pause to highlight the main points of the conversation. It should be appropriate and not over-tightened.

Fourth, use comparisons, metaphors, figurative expressions, sayings in colloquial speech, conversation, and finally. This will liven up the speech and make it more interesting. And, of course, humor is a safe bet. Appropriate self-irony, jokes will add brilliance to your speech. After all, words are only means for transmitting information, and the way you compose them, pronounce them - either sinks into the soul, or not.

Fifth, speak, train your speech as much as possible. This is easy to do if you have a wide social circle. If not, then a TV or radio will help. Pick the TV presenter you like the most and try to emulate him. Repeat aloud (!) Phrases behind him, copying also his voice intonations. It is not easy, but after a while you will certainly see progress. In addition to developing melodic speech, you will replenish your vocabulary.

There is another funny, and only at first difficult exercise. Choose a simple household item like a floor lamp or slippers. Define yourself a time limit in which you will talk about this subject beautifully literary language... At first it will be difficult for 5 minutes to talk about some kind of banal floor lamp. But it will be easier with each workout. By increasing the time limit and complicating the topic, you will soon overcome uncertainty, shyness in front of words, inability to choose them. As a result, you will be able to enthusiastically talk about your house slippers for an hour without repeating yourself. It is better to do this in a group or with family members, turning the workout into a kind of game. In turn, each becomes both a performer and a listener.

Another exercise from the masters of speech to develop melody.

Melodious, melodious,

Velvet, velvet.

Dare, try, play!

Nice voice, correct diction and the ability to build beautiful sentences - these are the basics effective communication with people. It's no secret that our voice affects the feelings of the interlocutor, and figurative and literate speech easily reaches his consciousness and convinces. Therefore, it is so important to learn to speak beautifully and competently, correctly and clearly expressing your thoughts.

V Everyday life the ability to speak beautifully will also give you and help you easily solve any problems.

The human voice is a powerful tool in the development of interpersonal relationships. With it, you can work wonders: repel or charm, attract attention, invigorate or lull. As a rule, the gift of eloquence is rarely given to someone by nature, usually there is a lot of work behind it. Therefore, if you want to speak beautifully, so that they want to listen to you, you have to practice.

Below you will find tips and techniques thanks to which you can get rid of the dialect, master the basics of oratory and learn to speak beautifully and correctly. First, try recording your voice on a voice recorder. Did you listen, how did you like it? Probably not very ... Stuttering, swallowing endings, unnecessary pauses and many other unpleasant moments are noticeable. Now it is clear what needs to be changed and what to work on to gain a beautiful speech. So let's get started.

Speech technique

It is divided into four subsections:

1. Breathing
The key to successful communication is impeccably delivered deep diaphragm breathing. This must be learned in order to reduce the pressure on the speech apparatus, then the voice is deep and sounds beautiful. Many breathe shallowly, while the voice weakens, acquires a hoarse hue, becomes dissonant, gets tired quickly and sometimes even sits down.
When you are able to breathe properly, you will have a healthy glow on your cheeks and improve your overall well-being.

2. Diction
Good diction is the first condition for good speech. When you eat endings or sounds, speech sounds unintelligible. This happens due to the lethargy and stiffness of the lips. Because of this, burr, lisp and lisp appears. Speaking beautifully means pronouncing each word fluently, opening your mouth well for clear pronunciation. It is necessary to learn not to pronounce phrases too quickly or quickly, since the speed of thinking of your interlocutor may differ from yours, and it will seem to him that you are speaking indistinctly.

3. Voice
And again breathing, because this is the basis of the sonority of the voice. To put a voice, you need to learn how to breathe with a diaphragm and understand how to use resonators correctly. Sometimes you notice when you communicate a lot, your voice sits down, becomes hoarse, a sore throat appears, it becomes difficult for you to speak, and you lower your tone. But it can be made strong, sonorous, flexible, with a wide range of sound. But for this you will need to improve your speech technique, strengthen it and develop it.

4. Orthoepy
This science studies laws and regulations correct pronunciation... Deviation from the rules leads to problems in communication, the listener ceases to understand what you are saying to him and does not perceive the information that you want to convey to him. Take a little time for spelling and your ability to express your thoughts beautifully, correctly placing emphasis even in difficult words, will definitely be appreciated by those around you.

Important! Before you start doing speech development exercises, do some exercises. Exercise improves blood circulation, warms up muscles, relieves physical and emotional tightness, relaxes the forearms, shoulders and neck, and all muscles that affect the voice.


  • head tilts different sides, head rotation in a circle;
  • swings and circular movements with hands;
  • turn and tilt the body in different directions, drawing circles with the hips.

After charging, you need to lie down on the mat and relax. Imagine a beautiful landscape, feel the light breeze, feel how the sun warms you and you breathe in the fresh air deeply.
You are now ready to practice.

Learning to breathe correctly

If you want to communicate beautifully and for a long time, so that the voice sounds and does not break out, you just need to learn how to include a diaphragm in the sound production process. It is located in the solar plexus region.
To get started, practice maintaining your posture using the wall exercise, doing it every day for 5 minutes for several weeks. Press your back against the wall with your whole body from head to toe. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. 6 very deep breaths. Inhale at 1,2,3,4 and exhale at 5,6,7.8. Then walk around the house at different speeds, while keeping your back position unchanged. Tell yourself more often: “I am brave and decisive!”, To these words of conviction, your body will react with a straight back automatically.

Diaphragm breathing exercises

The ability to express yourself beautifully is only half the battle. You probably noticed that you want to listen to some people, but not to others, albeit very smart ones. What is the matter then? You will be surprised, but in fact, it is not what the person says, but how he does it that matters. A pleasant timbre, correct abdominal breathing and the ability to pronounce phrases with different intonations can turn even the most boring speech into a fascinating show. Below are 3 exercises that will help you master your voice.

Candle- trains a slow breath. Imagine that you are blowing on a candle, if it is difficult to imagine, then light a real one. Concentrate your attention on your stomach. Exhale slowly, try to keep the light tilted.

Stubborn candle- take a deep breath, hold your breath a little, and then abruptly and forcefully begin to blow, trying to put in several such energetic exhalations in one breath.

Extinguishing 10 candles- the principle, as in the previous exercise, only increase the number of candles from 3 to 10, spending less and less air to blow out the candles, and the amount of air inhaled, leaving the same.
After a few weeks of these exercises, you will notice how your diaphragm breathing has become automatic.

We put the voice

In order for your voice to be spacious and sound beautiful, you need to learn how to use the upper (skull, mouth and nose) and lower (chest) resonator systems. Breathe in shallowly from your stomach ten times. Take a short inhale and exhale slowly. And you can start exercising.

Moan- do not forget about posture. Say the M sound with closed lips. Pronounce it as you exhale, do not strain. Now start changing the position of your head while making the same sound. Gradually, you will begin to feel vibration in the upper resonator. Having mastered the sound "M", start attaching other vowels: oh-a-and-y-y, so that they sound like “mmmm-e-mmm-o-mmm-a-mmm-and-mmm-u-mmm-s ". When you have mastered this practice too, move on to the continuous pronunciation of different variations of these sounds.

Tongue Twisters... Pronouncing tongue twisters is a really great way to hone your speech and master the art of speaking beautifully, pronouncing each letter clearly. Try to say the phrase: "aground, .. aground, aground, .. aground, aground, aground," while rubbing your forehead. We do the same with the words “we are lazy” - rubbing the nasal cartilage, “we caught burbot” - rubbing our cheeks.

Beep- straight posture, lips with a tube, as you exhale, pronounce the sound "U". Next, combine it with other vowel sounds. The main thing is not to change the position of the lips.

Poetry- read them aloud and with intonation using the middle tone. At the end of each line, inhale and pronounce the line as you exhale. I recommend on the Internet to find the poem "Reading Rules", which was written by A.V. Pryanishnikov. It is ideal for correct execution this exercise.

We train diction

First, do a warm-up with speech apparatus... Perform all these exercises 5-7 times.

  • We close the mouth and relax. Say the sound "Y" a couple of times, pulling out oooooo. Now A, slowly opening his mouth vertically, no more than 3 centimeters.
  • Show your teeth. Squeeze your jaws and stretch your lips in an unnatural smile.
  • Fold your lips in a tube, jaws closed. Make circular motions with your lips up and down, from left to right. With the tip of the tongue we touch the lower row of teeth, open the mouth no wider than 3 cm. Now lift it to the upper palate, then to the left-right cheeks.

Now you can do articular gymnastics.

  • Speak the vowels on one exhale, trying to use all the muscles: I-E-A-O-U-S. Gradually increase the speed of pronunciation and put several chords in one exhalation. After you master this link, start experimenting with others.
  • Do the same with vowel sounds, substituting consonants for them. Example: Bi, ba, bo…. , bbc ..., bbbb .., bip, bp ..., then with the sound P, TD, KG, FV, M, N, L, R. GBdi .., Bdgi .., Ftki .., Mi-mi .., Mrli ... Do the same with whistling and hissing sounds S, W, F, W, Sh: Si-zis .., Zissi .., Zdi .., Sti .. etc. By connecting them into groups and combining them.
    And also read as many tongue twisters as possible, they will perfectly help you to work out the vocal apparatus.


Studying science, a set of rules for normative literary pronunciation, stress in words, the beauty and sound of speech, as well as the rules for articulating sounds and phrases. Since the rules in spelling are countless, if you want to speak beautifully, pronouncing words correctly, you need to refer to the relevant literature.

We work with speech

You need to be able to correctly put intonation in your speech, in order to learn this, it is best to practice on expressive reading aloud literary texts recording on a dictaphone. Listen, analyze how correct it is, correct the shortcomings and read again. Do the same with an article from a newspaper, technical literature, or any other source. Bring life and brightness to your voice - start speaking correctly!

Beautiful, competent speech is an indicator of education, a guarantee that you will be understood correctly. Therefore, the phrase "who owns the word - owns the world" is relevant in our time. After all, literacy and imagery of speech is feature world leaders, diplomats and other personalities. Therefore, if you can correctly and clearly convey to others thoughts and ideas, then professional career growth is guaranteed to you.

Competent, beautiful speech helps us to establish full-fledged communication with the interlocutor. And the wrong formulation of speech with big amount stylistic mistakes will negate all efforts, for example, when communicating with the boss or in a conflict situation in the family.

In addition, literacy is incompatible with swear words, so even a good-looking person uses frank abuse in his speech, he will not become a cultural intellectual anyway. Therefore, good speech and verbal abuse and swearing are incompatible.

Moreover, literacy is not only the ability to accurately and clearly express thoughts, but also to speak in a matter so that everything is clear to everyone.

When trying to make your conversation literate, pay attention not only to your vocabulary, but also to your culture. To do this, speak, taking into account the rules and norms of punctuation, as well as the style of the Russian language.

Literacy is adherence to the rules of stress placement, the ability to the right moment raise or lower the tone, observe intonation, the skill of pauses.

Criteria for determining speech literacy

Speech culture:

  • relevance;
  • literacy of the voiced information;
  • the availability of the utterance;
  • the use of epithets, metaphors and phraseological units;
  • variety of speech without tautology;
  • aesthetics.

The paucity of vocabulary and illiteracy repels the interlocutor and annoys. Even if you allow yourself to be tongue-tied at home, it is unlikely that you will conduct a business conversation correctly and will be able to express yourself competently when talking with your boss. And over time, when you have children, they will take illiterate words from you.

How to improve speech

During the conversation, maintain a friendly tone and change intonation depending on the situation. To make your tonality and intonation richer, learn to read with expression.

How to develop speech correctly

Those for whom literacy is required for professional growth cannot cope without specialized literature. In this case, use the works of Radislav Gandapas and the manual by I. Golub and D. Rosenthal "Secrets of Style".

Professional help

If you need a teacher, then a highly qualified teacher will provide you with competent speech. But where can you find it? Contact your school teacher or a philologist friend, and if opportunities allow you to take lessons from a teacher specializing in rhetoric, then you should take advantage of this.

Making speech literate is no more difficult than losing weight, but to achieve this you just need to want.

Voice, diction and speech are essential ingredients for any successful public speaking. Many people have slurred speech, low voices, and limp diction. There are countless reasons for this. Below we will consider the most basic reasons for such "Diseases", as well as consider ways that will help you develop your voice, develop diction and speech on your own. If you are interested in this topic, please read this article carefully and follow all the exercises outlined in it.

Causes of a low voice, poor diction, and slurred speech

I only know a few reasons for a low voice, poor diction and slurred speech - this is, low and. There are also genetic reasons, but we will not touch on them. Why do I think that the main reasons for all this are lack of self-confidence and noticableness? Do you think confident people with high self-esteem have a quiet voice? Do they speak softly? Do they have slurred speech? In most cases, such people do not have speech problems. Look at politicians, actors, singers. They are all self-confident people, constantly performing in front of the public. Therefore, their speech is developed, and their voice is loud and there are no problems with diction.

Now let's take a shy person. During communication, this shy person experiences self-doubt, he thinks that something is wrong with him (complexes), feeling envelopes and, as a result, his voice is quiet, his speech is illegible, and it is simply impossible to listen to him. Therefore, if you want develop voice, if you want to develop diction, if you want to develop speech, You need to do a lot of work on yourself.... Without labor, the voice will not become loud. We now turn to the exercises that will help you get where you want to go. Let's start in order.

How to develop your voice?

So, as we have already found out, voice development is an important task for people whose profession is associated with public speaking. Voice staging is important not only for public figures. A developed and loud voice will facilitate your communication in everyday life, and you will not be constantly asked again: "Aaa?", "What?", "What?" and other annoying questions. By performing a series of voice training exercises, you will eliminate many defects and imperfections. So let's get started.

1) It is very important to breathe correctly for the voice to be resonant. If you are just starting to develop your voice, then breathing exercises are the first thing you should do. Stand, straighten your spine, put your feet shoulder-width apart, put one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. When inhaling through your nose, push your tummy forward (expanding the lower chest area). Breathe out the air freely and naturally through your mouth, returning your belly and chest to their original position. This is how you design the diaphragm.

2) The second breathing exercise is associated with air retention. Breathe in air quickly through your nose and then hold your breath for three seconds. Then exhale the air through your mouth. Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes.

3) Breathe in as much air as possible through your mouth, then slowly begin to exhale it, pronouncing the vowels (a, o, y, and, e, s). Try to make the sound of the vowel sound as loud as possible and for as long as possible. Also, when you exhale, you can smoothly jump from one vowel to another - aaaaoooooouyyyyy.

4) With your mouth closed as you exhale, begin "Moo"- pronouncing mmm. Try to hum in a way that tickles your lips. In addition, be sure to change the volume of the sound - from a quiet sound to a loud one and vice versa. This exercise will help develop your articulation apparatus, which will give strength to your voice.

5) Now start growling while saying rrrrr. This exercise also develops the articulation apparatus. Change the volume of the sound, as well as intonation from fine to coarse.

How to develop diction?

Diction is the quality of pronunciation of words (distinctness), the manner in which words are pronounced. Diction is very important for actors, singers, politicians, teachers.

For the development of diction, tongue twisters are suitable. You can easily find them on the Internet. Here's a video for an example!

In order to start developing diction, you first need to stretch the tongue, lips, facial muscles and articulation apparatus.

1) Let's start with the language. Stick your tongue forward as far as possible, then stick it back (just don't swallow it). Start pushing your tongue forward and then backward. The duration of the exercise is 5-7 minutes.

2) Pricking the cheeks with the tongue. Start stabbing your cheeks with your tongue alternately. Prick first left cheek, then the right one. Take 7-12 minutes to complete. This is a great language training exercise.

3) A good language exercise is "Teeth cleaning"... You start rolling your tongue in a circle. At the same time, the mouth must be closed. Do 20-30 rotations hourly and counterclockwise.

4) Then, stick out your tongue and start twisting it in a circle. Make 10-15 circles clockwise, then counterclockwise. After that, rub yourself (wipe the drool from your lips).

5) Lips are almost the same. The exercise is called "Tube - Smile"... First, you pull your lips forward, after 3 seconds you start smiling as wide as possible. First lips forward, then back. Do this exercise for at least 7 minutes.

6) Next, pull your lips into a tube and start lifting the heels first up, then down. Then start doing the same thing, only to the left, to the right. Then start twisting the patch in a circle, hourly and counterclockwise.

7) The next exercise is "Bubble"... You fancy your cheeks and start spinning this bubble in a circle.

8) Start nibbling your upper lip with your teeth. Do this carefully, do not bite yourself off. Then start nibbling on your lower lip. After that, start rubbing your upper teeth with your upper lip. Try to wipe so that your lower lip doesn't move. It is difficult, but possible. Do this exercise in front of a mirror to control yourself. Then start rubbing your lower teeth with your lower lip, the upper lip shouldn't move either.

9) After completing this warm-up, stand near a window and say the following phrase: "The weather is good outside, but I have a beautiful, clear, intelligible speech"... Say this phrase loudly, clearly and clearly. On the street you should be heard.

10) To warm up your facial muscles, start kneading your face randomly. Make faces, bulge your eyes. From the outside it looks not pretty, but funny and very effective.

11) In order for the pronunciation of words to be distinct, it is necessary to pronounce the endings. Many people swallow endings, especially "Th"... Start pronouncing the next row:




BI - PI - BE - PE - BA - PA - BO - PO - BU - PU - WB - PY

PI - BI - PE - BE - PA - BA - PO - BO - PU - BU - PY - W




This row develops your diction. Don't forget about tongue twisters.

How to develop speech?

To develop your speech, you need discipline, mindful control, and consistency. Good speech is less and less common these days. You can listen to one person for hours, but you want to escape from the other. Your professional and personal life depends on the quality of your speech. Half of your success depends on your communication skills, and to be able to communicate, you need not only erudition, but also developed speech.

1) For the development of speech, the first thing I advise you is to read newspapers, magazines,. And you need to read aloud. While reading, try to force with intonation, do not allow monotony. Also, change the reading speed and volume. Pronounce all endings, observe punctuation marks. Reading aloud is a basic exercise for developing speech.

3) Third, as with reading aloud, observe the tempo of speech. Enrich it with intonations. Highlight with pauses important points conversation. The pause should be appropriate and not too long.

4) Fourth, build your vocabulary. This can be done while watching films, trainings, reading books. If you heard the president or another politician speak on TV, why not try to say the same at home. Imagine that you are speaking to the public as president. Tell your imaginary people about the political and economic situation in our country. This is a very fun activity for developing speech and expanding vocabulary.

I train my voice, diction and speech according to the above method, your speech in three months will be transformed beyond recognition. Therefore, do not be surprised if acquaintances start telling you that something has changed in you. And the voice, diction and speech have changed. Practice every day and then your efforts will be rewarded.

How to develop voice, How to develop diction, How to develop speech


You should understand where you are "overdoing" with facial expressions and gestures and where they are lacking.

Learn to highlight the main thing

In order to make your speech beautiful and interesting, you need to learn to highlight key points and miss unnecessary details... The mistake of many people is that during a conversation they try to convey and describe absolutely all the details. From this, speech becomes boring and uninteresting from the very beginning. It is no coincidence that A.P. Chekhov said: "Brevity is the sister of talent."

Monitor your intonation and speak confidently

The liveliness of speech and its beauty also depends on the intonation with which you pronounce it. You need to understand that a beautiful thought loses its value if it is poorly expressed. Most likely you have noticed that listening to lecturers, teachers or just an interlocutor with a monotonous speech is boring and uninteresting. Therefore, if you want your speech to be beautiful and listened to with interest, learn how to use intonation correctly.

In order to make your intonation correct, read stories, poems, fairy tales aloud with expression. You need to read so that intonation matches the role of each character from the work.

Parodying actors, politicians, journalists and other people who have beautiful and correct speech will help to improve the intonation of speech.

Also, intonation depends on the mood and interest in the topic of conversation, if it is really interesting to you, you will talk about it with interest and enthusiasm in your voice.

The reason for monotonous speech is often self-doubt. Usually, insecure people are afraid to release their emotions and feelings, and besides, they speak very quietly. Therefore, if your speech is monotonous from self-doubt or low self-esteem, then you should first start working on self-confidence, for this you can read the article. Self-confidence will not only help make your speech colorful, but it will also help you achieve success throughout your life.