Plants for dry stream. How to make a dry stream in the country with your own hands (60 photos)

The stream flows, runs the stream ... It turns out that there are dry streams that are not running anywhere, but perfectly decorated with any territory. Trying to transform a lucky household plot, landscape designers are regularly experimenting with materials. The result of one of these experiments and became a dry stream. This is a real work of art in which there is not a drop of water. The main material is stones that successfully imitate the stream of the stream. Despite its "piquancy" and originality, to build a dry stream with their own hands is completely simple. In addition, the embodiment of this idea is unlikely to require significant material investments from you.

The history of the origin of the dry stream

There is nothing surprising that for the first time this original design element began to apply in Japan. Water for the inhabitants of the rising sun is always associated with ease and purity, the murmur reminded that the life is fleeting and never stands on the spot. If you succeed in visiting this mysterious eastern country, pay attention to. Dry streams are found here and there. They perfectly imitate water element. It seems that the water in the garden dried yesterday, and today raindrops will fill its saving moisture.

Top 5 reasons to choose a dry stream instead of water

  • Simplicity. Dry streams are created by their own hands without any serious effort and essential financial investments.
  • Fast erection. Indeed, to choose a place, designate the stream of the stream and fill it with the necessary pebbles, it will take no more than 2-3 days.
  • Uncomplicated care. All that is required from you - to remove weeds in a timely manner and maintain the shape of the bed. With a real source, everything is much more complicated, ranging from cleaning the stream from algae and ending with the cleaning of deposits.
  • Registration. Indeed, almost any plants can be planted near the dry stream, while the traditional reservoir requires moisture-loving representatives of the fauna.
  • Safety. If your family has small children, you can not worry. There are no mosquitoes near the artificial stream, the child will not wet the legs and will not fall.

And the drone of the dry stream does not require the purchase of terribly expensive compressors, cleaning and water supply systems. Now do you understand all the benefits of using a dry water branch?

Manufacturing process. Selection of construction and harvesting stones

With this element of the landscape design, it is possible not only, but also to hide the visible flaws of the relief. Thanks to its form, the stream expands the space, makes a small garden more spacious. The arrangement of the dry stream is a very simple and exciting occupation. It allows you to implement almost any ideas related to creating a truly original decoration.

Its brook from small pebbles "draws", based on the obvious landscape features. If you designate contour sand, this will make it possible to form a structure and estimate how well it will be combined with already existing elements. And such a form is easily adjusted. Want to make changes? No problem! Just "register" line contours and pick up the best option for you. Prepare pebbles of various shapes and sizes. After that, you can safely switch to more detailed work with the material.

The ideal option for decorating is large-sized cobblestones, although small pebbles are also suitable. Combining pebbles of various sizes, textures and colors, you can create truly spectacular compositions. In the future, they will become a really bright addition to any type of design. A little secret: to make the shade of a dry stream in your garden gray-bluish, use a slate, basalt and gneiss. To make a red-brown column, use materials such as marble, granite and ordinary limestone.

You can give a stream with a special effect using waterproof paint. Apply it on pebbles - and they will glow in the dark. The pebbles covered with a layer looks no less original. In the bright rays of the sun, she begins to play delicious overflows.

Do you want to dry in the dacha with your own hands in full harmony with a natural landscape? In this case, use the stones characteristic of your region. To create an amazing effect of flow, take the pebble pebbles of a flat shape. As for the coastline, it is best to decorate it more by sweaty stones. Light elements are suitable for creating an artificial waterfall.

How to lay stones on the finished contour?

So, the contour is ready for a long time, the place is chosen, the materials for creating the composition lie and wait for their own hours. And he has come - we get to the construction! Where you designate the contour of sand, you need to dig up the so-called "trough" to a depth of 15 to 25-30 centimeters. The resulting "pit" is leveled with rakes. Of course, you want to see on our site as few weeds. This desire is quite understandable and explained, because they can spoil the appearance of the stream.

The solution to the problem is very simple. It is enough to cover the bottom of the nonwoven material that passes the air and moisture. For example, Loutrasil, geotextile. If there is no such material at hand, use the polymer film or, in the extreme case, fill the concrete. The surface has become smooth and protected from weeds. Excellent - now it can be made by special stones.

When you calculate the depth of the bed, the landmark for you should be its width. The ideal ratio of 2 to 1. For example, if your stream has a width of 2 meters, the optimal will be the depth of 1 meter.

Stay styling a reservoir with the arrangement of the "Berega". Using cobblestones and boot, reflect the inner edges. Available in the presence of naked allows you to lay clefts. The reservoir key itself is recommended to fall asleep in small pebbles.

Dry stream fit well into the composition

How to accurately arrange a stone reservoir?

It is difficult to imagine a really perfect dry type stream without beautiful plants. With their help, you can achieve the maximum realism of the site, which becomes like a real reservoir.

So let's get on the choice of plants. Clean the "coast" can be absolutely any beautiful blooming plants. By the way, shrubs are also welcome. The main thing and, perhaps, the key requirement is the absolute harmony. Do not forget about other important things. The selected plants are not all as well as the site will be covered, which soil is used whether temperature and humidity modes are observed.

Keep in mind that people association with water cause plants that have long leaflets, differ in blue and green shades.

Effectively decorate the stone stream will help plants that bloom with a bright blue tint. The choice of such representatives of the flora is really huge: Lobelia and Owls, Blue Oatman, Iris, Bruner with Large Leaflets, Burner Creeping.

Chinese reeds and ppasse grass, host, seed plant, sunflower, etc., can be supplemented with an existing composition. Do not hesitate to experiment when creating a dry stream. Use as many quality elements as possible.

Especially impressive will look a small wooden bridge.

Those who have long been dreaming of a fairly large and bulk stream, can advise the planting of coniferous trees. Boldly land on the shore of dwarf juniper, mountain pines, fir and fir. This type of plants comfortably feels on sand or light loamy soil.

And here are low deciduous shrubs worth choosing with extreme caution. Otherwise, in the fall you will find a big "surprise" from almost daily cleaning of the territory from the leaves. They will be regularly stuck between the stones. Otherwise, you will have to immediately acquire some kind of garden vacuum cleaner. It is better to replace them with a caticker who can delight you with bright colors almost all year.

How is the dry stream in the landscape design?

We disassembled, what plants for the dry stream should buy and what exactly it is better than the traditional reservoir. You also know how to make a dry stream, without resorting to the help of specialists. At the end of this publication, you will learn about all the real advantages that open in front of the site owner after the construction of a stone water reservoir:

  • The main function is decorative. With her, our dry stream copes to "excellent"!
  • Dry stream provides fast and efficient water flow after rain.
  • Since part of the moisture is still delayed under the stones, the need for growing airs of plants is eliminated by itself.
  • Creates clear boundaries between landscaped zones.
  • Significantly reduces soil erosion.
  • Expands the garden area. Even the smallest territory becomes wider if there is a water from stones on it.

Dry stream perfectly demarcate your design

Instead of output

Any landscape designer will tell you one simple truth. When arranging the plot, never be afraid to experiment, especially if we are talking about completely new, innovative work methods. Some 10-20 years ago, few people heard about dry streams, and today they are actively constructed not only in Japan, but also in most European countries. The advantages of the stone reservoir are obvious - they have already been discussed above. With the skillful design, the amazing effect of a dried river is created, which pleasantly glances the look and looks equally well at any time of the year.

How to make a dry stream on the plot

From the dried stream you can not get drunk and put on his waves boat. Dry stream is a solely decorative element of landscape design and an excellent illustration of how fashionable philosophical ideas of the East are coming around in the country's dacha.

We will talk about the decorative imitation of a dry stream with small pebbles, sand and plants planted on a rocky shore.

Dry stream design: who needs it?

The Japanese create their gardens for contemplation and privacy. All from flowers to stone in the Eastern Garden does not excite, but soothes and pacifies. Unfortunately, we are still far from the inhabitants of the East with their understanding of nature. Maybe because we are accustomed to see the source of inspiration and vitality in nature? It is clear that to compare the garden of a truly Russian person with Japanese is completely incorrect. But many ideas came to our daches in the shower. Take at least a dry stream. It would seem that it would be so easy to make it yourself: pick up the place, designate the river, fill it with a rubble or rounded pebbles, and put beautiful flowers on the shores.

Yes and no. Of course, the creation of a dry stream is not such a costly occupation as, for example, a device of a natural reservoir. But without competent planning and creative inspiration, it is not possible to maximize the similarity of the crossbar of the pebbles with real bourgeous watercourses.

Let's start with the simplest scheme of the dry stream. She probably will like it to those who live with a dream of a beautiful garden, but is lazy to do something for this.

How to make a dry stream - step-by-step instruction

Diagram of the device of a winding dried stream for the most lazy

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Carefully consider the country area. Find some obvious flaws in the terrain. Here we will be veiled with the help of a stony stream of the rocky stream. The "dried" aqueous stream visually deeperate space, masks the flaws of a small area, visually make it more and demarcate to the functional zones.

Plan of dry stream

Your first step in creating the original decoration should draw the contour of the future stream. You will not draw borders with a pencil, but in conventional sand. To do this, lay the twine on the ground, imitating the natural bends of the stream (the wrong and unexpected will turn out, the natural stream will look at the site). The source of the stream is best spaced on a small elevation.

Depth of dry stream

Having calculated the depth of the bed, you need to focus on its width. The perfect 2: 1 ratio. Those. If the width of your stream is one and a half meters, then its depth is 0, 75 cm. (Dry stream, the photo and the diagram of which is presented below, in the width of no more than meter, respectively, the depth of the bed varies between 30-40 cm.

"Copy!". No, this is not a phrase from the miniature of Galygina, but a soft motivation to action. So, when the plan is scheduled, you can move to cashial work.

When removing the top layer of the turf, it is important to make the walls of the trench at an angle of 45 degrees.

The channel then needs to be cleaned of weeds, carefully removing their roots, and the soil is pretty tumped by inclined and horizontal planes.

Let us leave the waterproof concrete basis for a real stream with live water, and our decorative ditch for lazy fastened dense (any!) Employee material. The construction (polymer) film is also suitable, and the water permeable Loutrasil, and even runneroid.

Dry River bottom

The display of the bottom begins with the sole of the channel, which must be filled with a layer of rubble or clamzite (5 cm) and sprinkle with sand. And only then start laying the strengths of different sizes and shapes.

Dry Creek Stones

In our scheme (its photos can be viewed below) We offer to use large cobblestones, middle and fine pebbles of a gray-blue shade. Basalt (rock formation of volcanic origin), a slate (characterized by a magnificent texture and colors) or gneis (metamorphic, coarse blown). Stones in an artificial stream can be opened with a layer of varnish, making them "wet" or paint waterproof blue, azure or blue color, flickering in the dark.

Laying stones

  • The place from which the water "follows" should have a kind of rock. Choose the largest stones and build a mound (places where the stones do not docile with each other you need to fill in small rubble).
  • Mountain flow effect Form from flat pebble stones. More convex stones lay out around the edges.
  • The remaining large stone blocks arrange the coastline (it will look natural if one shore gets a cooler, "rocky", and the other - gentle). Those. Focus all the large stones on one side of the dry stream, and the second place the smallest gross pebbles.
  • On the "shallow water" scat out fine pebbles.
  • "Stormy rapid flow" Create with the help laid on the edge of flat pebbles.
  • In the middle of the "water" channel, you can put a trimmed boulder, and the pebble around it is to create the illusion of the "whirlpool".
  • Crowders of the stream can be laid medium and large naked.
  • With the help of stones of the darker color, we create a sense of depth, light pebbles, glass or plastic granules in the stream - water excitement.
  • Stones in a dry stream need to be decomposed, so that no one doubt has any doubts - they lie here all their stone life.
  • Are you afraid that the stones will wash off a strong stream of rainwater? Then in small portions, pour out the sole of the rubble cement-sandy solution and "PRIEND" the stones directly into it.

The bridge from solid natural block is the most suitable option for a dry stream at the cottage. Want a more functional means of crossing? Take an ordinary log or make your own wooden bridge. Or even better - arrange a real life through the raging mountain stream, laying out suitable stones on the surface of the stream.

Plants for coastal zone. The main thing is not to rearrange with the decoration of the shores, otherwise the dried drain will turn into a flowerbed. When selection of shrubs, cereals and flowers, it is important to take into account the composition of the soil on the site, its illumination, the heat-magnetic mode.

Dry stream with your own hands - choose plants

The natural flowering carpet along the edges of the dry stream can be obtained using soil and herbaceous plants on the site. Among the beautiful creamy, it is best to choose views with juicy blue, purple and blue shades of colors. Will not leave the streamless and early spring, and late summer, such perennials as a bell tower, Brunner Large (insides), Floxo-shaped, lobby, lobby, Muskari, Badan, Muchanka, Primula, Blue Astilba, Wasproof, Barwin , Silver Lily of Lily, Geikhera, Iris Siberian and others.

Making the dry streams of stones and colors can not do without flibers, cereal herbs, bamboo and cane. Juicy, long-narrow leaves of listed plants create an optical illusion of wild thickets on the shores of natural reservoirs. The most popular can be attributed to: Miscantus, Blue Ovseyan, Cortadery, Escock, Host, Ayir Ordinary, Host.

If you plan to split a large, volumetric stream from coniferous, then boldly planted on the rocky shore dwarf types of juniper, mountain pines, fir trees and fir - these plants for the dry stream grow well on a subline or light sandy soil.

Low deciduous shrubs need to be chosen with extreme caution. Otherwise, on the autumn, you do not flexing you to remove the fallen leaves that are stuck between the stones. Have you already purchased a garden vacuum cleaner for this purpose? Well then, be sure to sit next to the stream of the Kisser and Barbaris - these plants will surprise you with bright colors all four seasons in a row.

Special decoration of dry streams will be one-year bulbous: lilies, decorative onions, daffodils, tulips and hyacinths.

Scheme of dry stream

  1. "Bamboo-leaf-breeding" SIZO-GREEN
  2. Motley "Iris Bearded"
  3. Air-tender "Lobelia"
  4. Real Garden Decoration - "Calming Label"
  5. Unpretentious "Bell of Predarch"
  6. Bright carpet from "Hybrids of Oblatives"
  7. "Bruner Large" with motley high-shaped leaves
  8. Evergreen "Msanka Shillaste"
  9. Rediste "luggage creeping"
  10. Thick thickets "Arundo Reed"

Dry Creek in Landscape Design

Creating a dry stream with their own hands you need to act in stages. You may not worry that in the future for the drunks will be difficult to care. Yes, it will be necessary to determine the anthills under the stones and water regularly. But if all this is done regularly and not leave the stream for a long time without supervision, care for it will not give you special troubles.

For your information. The elegant dry stream, the feed of its main decorative function, performs the following important tasks in the garden arrangement:

  • provides direct flow of stormwater (EDAKA Drainage System in Japanese Style);
  • delays part of moisture under stones, which allows the plant of the dry stream to water extremely rarely;
  • serves as a border between different landscaped zones;
  • reduces soil erosion;
  • summary increases the garden area.

Council. Instead of pebbles, you can use flowers. But the dry stream of flowers is decorative only during flowering.


Skillfully decorated decorative dry stream creates the feeling that he just gotten, and even recently there was water in it. Wait a little and can the creation of your hands will return to life a random rain?

Dry stream - photos and pictures for inspiration

What only designers do not use designers to transform conventional household sections to fabulous corners for a full-fledged holiday. Dry stream is one of the most popular modern landscape design tools, in which there is not a single drop of water, but only stones imitating the drill of a dry stream. The main advantage of this "spicy" element of the design is that it is decided to create a dry stream with your own hands on the garden plot, the embodiment of the idea does not require significant material costs.

A universally applied decoration element leads its origin from Sunny Japan. In the country of the rising sun, the element of water is associated with the purity and thirst for life, and the murmution is a time symbol of time. Dry streams that are very popular in Japanese gardens are necessarily present in areas where water for any reason can not be applied as an element of landscape design. The dry stream in the garden, as the imitation of this element, allows you to create the impression that the water in the direction of the source only dried, and the first drops of rain will fill it with a newly lifeful moisture.

  • The ability to create a dry stream with your own hands without making special efforts and significant financial expenses.
  • The speed of erection: to choose from the place, the designation of the stream of the stream and filling it with stones takes only two to three days.
  • Easy to care, which is limited only to maintain the shape of the bed and the removal of weeds. While caring for a water stream assumes timely purification from lime deposits and algae.
  • The decoration of the plants of the dry stream is not limited. While for planting a natural water branch, the choice is limited only by the moisture-loving colors and plants.
  • Safe for young children. In addition, in dry streams, unlike natural reservoirs, there are no mosquitoes, causing so much inconvenience for a full-fledged rest.

For the drum of the dry stream, it does not require the purchase of expensive compressors, water supply and purification systems, which are the necessary attribute of natural reservoirs.

Dry stream will be the best solution for sections of any garden style.

Choose the shape of the structure and harvest the stones

Competent planning for the placement of the drum of the dry stream in the country will allow you to carry out the flaws of the area. A narrow appearsing stream visually deepens the space, making a visually small garden somewhat large.

The device of the dry stream is a fascinating and easy-to-perform occupation, which makes it possible to implement the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an original decoration, which will emphasize the sophistication of landscape design.

The contours of the stone stream "Drawn" on the basis of the features of the shapes and landscape of the garden of the garden plot. The contour drawn by sand will pre-decide on the form of the future structure and its harmonious combination with already existing decor elements. The form can be easily corrected, "Specifying" new contours of the thin line of sand, selecting the optimal option that perfectly fit into the landscape of the terrain. Deciding with the shape and size of a stone structure, one can move to the choice of the nature of the material and its quantity.

One of the secrets revealing how to make a dry stream, simulating the flow of water, is the elimination of clear boundaries and the inhomogeneity of the structure

More beautiful and natural looks like a dry stream on a plot that has not the same width in the course of the formation of the flow

To decorate the stream, fit both large cobblestones and small pebbles. The combination of stones of various sizes, colors and textures allows you to create spectacular compositions that will become a bright addition to any direction of landscape design. You can get a stream of a gray-bluish tint by applying a slate, basalt and gneiss.

Red-brown shades acquire water bodies made of granite, marble and limestone. The spectacular decoration of the stream can be pebbles painted by waterproof paint, which gives light light in the dark. No less, the stones opened with a layer of varnish. Playing overflows in the sunshine stones, give the compositions "wet" effect.

The illusion of water flow can be easily obtained by adding the composition of the stones of the stones of glass granules or balls

In order for the stone stream in harmoniously combined with the natural landscape of the terrain, it is advisable to use local rocks of the stones in the construction structure. To create a flow effect, flat pebble stones are suitable for coastline - larger stone blocks. Rights of the terrain are successfully decorated with waterfalls made of stones of lighter shades.

Laying stones on the harvested contour

By choosing a place and determined with the contours of the structure and materials of the composition, you can begin construction. According to the designated sand, the contour is digging "trough": a layer of earth is removed with a depth of 15-30cm. The surface of "pit" is aligned with rake. In order to avoid the growth of weeds, which are able to spoil all the beauty of the dry stream, it is necessary to remove the bottom with a dark nonwoven underfloor material transmitting moisture and air, for example: geotextile or Loutrasil. An alternative option can also be a thin layer of concrete or polymer film. Aligned and eliminated surface can now issue stones.

The main requirement for the design of the stone composition is conciseness and moderation

Laying the stone reservoir begins with the "shores". Booth and cobblestones are used for the backpage of inner edges, the naked is used to lay cleft, fine pebbles fall asleep the stone of the stone reservoir.

Registration of stone reservoir plants

The obligatory element in the design of the stone stream is plants. Dry streams of colors makes it possible to obtain the maximum effect of the similarity of the stone structure with a real reservoir.

Choosing plants for the design of the "shores" of a stone stream, you can use any shrub, decorative and beautiful-flowing plants. The main requirement is the flower arrangement should be harmoniously combined. In the selection of plants, the illumination of the site, the composition of the soil, humidity and temperature modes is also taken into account. When decomriage of the stone stream itself, it is desirable to use plants that really grow in water.

Against the background of small pebbles, the plants whose color is associated with water elements, for example, is uncomfortable largest or luggage creeping

Water spaces also associate plants of blue-green shades with long leaves. The spectacular decoration of the stone stream will be plants whose flowers are painted in juicy shades of blue. Among the beautiful shades of blue handsome men are suitable for labels: Lobelia, Own, Oatman. Blue, Burner Broker, Broner, Broner.

A good addition to the composition of the composition can be a Chinese cane, a pampass, sunflower and a host, a loyal, and a sewage plant.

When planning a stone reservoir on its site, it is possible to use such a design option to plants: 1 - Bamboo-leaf-head-breeding, 2 - Varieties of Iris Bearded, 3 - Lobelia, 4 - Label Creeping, 5 - Bells of Predarch, 6 - Hybrid Oblative Forms, 7 - Brunner Large , 8 - Shiloliste Msanka, 9 - Bulletin Creeping, 10 - Arundo Reed

Creating a dry stream at the cottage for the harmonicity of the composition, it is advisable to use more natural elements. Very spectacular on the background of the stream, a decorative wooden bridge looks.

The scenery in the form of a witted stream of the stream will make a notch of romance and wildlife into a single landscape. Unlike the Alpine slide with a similar aesthetics, a dry stream in the country or at the house may have an applied value. If you build it on the trajectories of communications, wiring or water supply, you can provide easy access, especially to the joints, if necessary.

With a skillful layout, you can combine the decorative effect with drainage, removing excessive moisture from the treated areas of the Earth.

Features planning

To create a picture close to nature, you need to decide on the location and the area you want to remove under dry stream.

The imitation of a mountain stony stream will look at the sites with the slope. The smaller the area, the more compact this decorative element should look like. Winding and places expanding drawing will complement the illusion.

The choice of space for the source and the channel is also important. Stone crossings can unexpectedly look out of the thickets, and at the end of the serpentine it is in a half-burned decorative jug in the ground.

For large projects from the origin of the source, a slide of boulders is built, the small decorative reservoir is laid down at the bottom.

On the smooth areas of the land, the channel of decorative dry streams can be smoothly paid or winding. Additional elements from plants, clay decor, artificial and road bridges will complement the design.

Construction nuances

It is not difficult to make a dry stream with your own hands, you can give the will of fantasy, and in case the result does not justify itself, remake or transfer the finished project to another place.

In step by step form, creating this decor looks like this:

  • Project creation: the choice of place and materials, with the drawing of the trajectory and the placement of decorative accents.
  • Marking of the bed. You can use threads or wooden peasants. But in order to view the occupied area and take the pattern once again, it is better to read the sand flowing section.
  • Digging a shallow (10-15 cm) channel. In the narrower, it is necessary to provide a slope of the wall, which will save the pattern.
  • Cleaning the Earth and Tamble.
  • Isolation of the bed with a waterproof material - a construction or other polypropylene film.
  • Lowing the stones along the shore line and falling asleep with small pebbles or clay.
  • Final laying.

When laying, you can use the tricks of design:

  • Flat river stones installed on the edge or at an angle will create a rapid flow effect;
  • For the illusion, the massive stone can be installed, with sand and chaotic located injecting it with peaks;
  • The filler color palette can be made darker to the middle of the bed to create the effect of depth;
  • Glass balls and small mirror splashes, as well as lacquered stones, help create the effect of water.

When choosing materials, it is necessary to insure from possible injuries, refuse cutting and acute materials, or to arrange them out of people reach. In case of operation on an inclined plane, the risk of collapse should be excluded.

Design Ideas and Styles

In order to get the most close to the natural effect, it is necessary not only to take into account the peculiarities of the site, but also make an additional seating of characteristic plants. This most difficult project in implementing should be thought out to the smallest detail, only untreated natural material should be used for laying.

To preserve the illusion, regular care can be needed and adjusting the overall picture. This approach is more expedient to apply in the case when the relief features are as close as possible to the possibilities of imitation.

Semi-united options are used most often. The wild beauty of the stones can be drawn by a stylish decor that creates the impression of well-maintained and allowing individualization project.

When laying, you can use splashes from painted stone, glass, seashells. Sandboxes, bridges, flower beds, located along the trajectory, will help to enter a new element in the overall landscape.

Dry streams can add artificial water bodies, alpine slides and arbors, becoming a tool for zoning the territory. Examples of designer projects of dry streams presented in the photo show all the variety of possible options.

Purely decorative projects are usually used to create children's fabulous plots, with features of characters and blue pebbles, which replaces water in the stream.

Another option is the geometrically defined laying of the same stones created in a minimalist style.

Photo of dry stream

In landscape design now there are a lot of different elements, with which the country areas decorate. Designers create new and increasingly interesting projects for the laconic refurbishment of the local area. One of these options is the creation of the so-called dry stream. This flow can be created as soon as possible in contrast to a full reservoir, but it looks incredibly beautiful and organically in any landscape.

Characteristics and origin

Frequently used in landscape design are different types of reservoirs, but not at each site, you can execute such design. To the creation and operation of water bodies on the country site are always associated with additional both financial and temporary costs, for example, on cleansing, construction of a water supply system and other components. For those who do not see the meaning in additional costs and carrying out long-term work on the site, designers offer dry reservoirs.

The dry stream was very popular in landscape design, especially in those sites that are made in the style of the rocky garden, which came to us from Japan. In the country of the rising sun, dry rods decorated the gardens another 700 years ago.

In oriental beliefs it is believed that such an imitation of the source attracts the positive energy to the owner of the dwelling and affects life in the best way, and also contributes to the achievement of harmony and well-being.

In fact, dry stream is the imitation of the dried flow, the bottom of which is lined with stones, sand, rubble and other materials. And on the shores, decorative plants are planted.

The advantages of such a decorative dry element on the plot before the real reservoir are:

  1. No need for permanent care.
  2. Minimum financial costs for creating.
  3. The ability to quickly edit.
  4. Attractive appearance regardless of the time of year.
  5. Lack of attractiveness for harmful insects.
  6. Ability to hide landscape defects.
  7. Perform the function of drainage ditch.
  8. The ability to mask communications on a plot, such as sewer hatches, pipes, cables and other things.
  9. No restrictions in the choice of plants for planting.
  10. Full security.

A dry stream is able to visually increase the site, divide it to the functional zones, as well as strengthen the impression of other significant objects of the landscape.

Versions of dry streams

Conditionally, it is possible to divide the flows of dry type into several types:

In fact, there are a lot of different subtypes of dry streams, which differ both in appearance and in the stages of creation. We will look at the most popular, which are used by landscape designers for decorating areas.

The source of the stream

Such a dry stream has a specially decorated place of origin in its composition. It may be overturned bowl or jug, rock or well. Such an imitation looks spectacular at the expense of its naturalness.

Sandong jets

For the design of such a dry stream will have to spend a lot of time and effort. It consists of a shared dry stream of several thin jets that are connected together. Throughout the channel, this effect is supported. As a rule, these are different shades, or are performed from materials that are contrasted, but combined with each other.

Important! Bring the originality to this element of the landscape can simulated waves, which are easy to create with robble.

Merge sleeveless

This composition refers to complex and requires additional design before creating. With competent execution, such a dry stream will look spectacular and natural. In appearance resembles a dry stream, which falls several more. In the same way, several sleeves are made, which in a certain place merge together.

In order for the landscape element with the effect of the dried stream, it turned out concise and harmoniously fit into general design when it is created, it is necessary to adhere to the following advice:

To care for dry streams simply, the process is mainly in the loosening of the soil around the plants and their fertilizer. In the summer months, the stones and plants themselves are recommended to water. As needed, the river is cleaned by the moss, garbage, fallen leaves to preserve its original appearance. If weeds make their way through the stones, they should be deleted on time to avoid the ingrowth of the composition. At the same time, you can not remove wildflowers, for example, chamomile. They will become an additional decoration of the dry stream. If they are planted with those plants that are prone to extinction, they should be prepared in advance to wintering.

Self installation

There is nothing complicated in the fulfillment of the dry stream on the site with your own hands, unless, of course, refer to the case extremely carefully and highlight a sufficient amount of time.


Before moving to the formation of a dry stream composition, it is necessary to determine its size, form, color and materials.

The first 2 indicators are chosen, leaning on the plot area. For example, if the territory is narrow and long, then the imitation of a dried lake will look at the site. The short and wide area is best decorated with a winding stream, which visually extends the territory. At the same time, for the correct perception, the flow width should not be greater than 1 meter and less than 30 cm.

A place to bookmark the stream is also an important component on which close attention should be paid. In general, it is possible to arrange such a landscape decor anywhere, whether it is the territory in front of the house, in the garden or in the backyard. The source is placed both on the hill and on the plain. If you wish, you can perform such a dry stream, which will zonate a plot during separation. Excellent object will fit into the territory along the track.

The most commonly used materials for creating a dry stream are pebbles and gravel. You can buy them in the construction market. If the project requires, the material can be painted water-repellent paint of any color to fit well into the overall style of the site. So, small pebbles of blue color will remind a real reservoir.

If the budget is not strictly limited, it is quite possible to use basalt and slate for design in the gray-blue gamma. If you dilute the finished row by inclusions of glass balls, then when exposed to sunlight, the stream will wonder the paints will wonder.

If it is planned to move away from the classic understanding of the stream and create a red-brown stream, take the design of granite, marble or limestone.

To create accents, it is the large stones between which the goals are installed.

After it is decided where the streams will be located and, as it will look, it will be worth it to capture it on paper in the form of a sketch, so that in the future it is not to be knocked down and perform the landscape object in accordance with the creative idea.

Laying stones

Installation of the dry stream begins with marking and surface preparation. So, the boundaries of the future stream are delineated by sand or stand out with a rope. These contours are used in order to pull out a trench of a depth of about 15 to 30 cm. It is not done too deeply.

The bottom of the trench is equally aligned and tamper. From above, geotextiles are stacked - the material that prevents the growth of plants and the deepening of the trench is already after the creation of a dry stream.

Next, you can already move on to the immediate laying of stones. Start it from the shores of coasts with large cobblestones. In crevices there are smaller stones in chaotic order. Already after the coast, the flow itself is created as fantasy requires.

If necessary, dry stream decorated with stones painted in different colors. You can even arrange the backlight so that in the dark, the streams played with the paints and gave the area notching romanticity and mysteriousness.

Important! Laying stones is made only as much as possible so that anyone does not even have thought that the stream was created artificially.

Floral stream

Not only from stones can create a stream. For registration, plants are often used. Such a semblance of a stream looks at the site incredibly luxurious. As a rule, soil and ampel representatives of flora are used as the basis. Perfectly approach pansies, buttercups, phlox and lobelia.

Important! A decorative appearance in such a stream will be only in the period of flowering plants, arranged it.

Selection of plants

Both for flower and dry streams of stones need flowers that will support the composition and make it complete. At the same time, it is important to choose a variety of plants that will be optimal to perform this function.

Special effectary when planting along the edges of the stream is distinguished by Tollga, swimsuits, irises and Derbennik. Places where the stream takes a different shape, decorate with a decorative onion or planted with small bushes.

In those places where the shadow falls, the place of shadowish plants, such as ferns and hosts.

Important! For dry stream, those plants that are usually used for the design of alpine slides are excellent.

Flowers and herbs are usually planted with small groups to avoid strong dense, which will block the external beauty of the dry stream. Major spreading flowers are combined with soil cutters to avoid the effect of launched of plantations.


Dry stream is an excellent alternative to a full-fledged water. There are a huge number of options for designing it on the site. You can even perform a completely new and earlier unknown type of such landscape decoration, just a little fantasy and desire.