Planting Calceolaria. Calceolaria - Growing Bright Bubakers on the windowsill

The list of favorite spring flower flower color always includes such a name as Calceolaria. Pay attention to the photo. Since the care of her is not troublesome, bright shoes excellent grow at home. However, the problem is the process of removing the flower to an adult gratepiece.

Therefore, the important point of cultivation is the possession of all the necessary subtleties. The flowering period falls on March-June, but not more than one month. Then the calkesolaria is covered with small flowers in an amount of from 18 to 55 pieces on one plant.

Calceolaria photo care at home


Calceolaria loves a cool room, 12-16 ° C. In too warm rooms, dumps of buds or flowers.


The bright diffused light is preferred, does not tolerate direct solar rays. It is well placed on the windowsill of the eastern, northern or northwestern window.

How to care for flower calzelariary after flowering

If you feel so sorry to deal with a flower, which even in the photo looks divinely, cut it and put it in a cool and dark place for 60 days. From time to time, provide soil the required care, which will be incorporated in the rare moisturizing and making mineral complex fertilizers in order to prevent the drying of the Earth Koma. These steps will allow at home to get a secondary active plant, which will be much better than coloring, but more poorly. However, after the year, the plant will have to say goodbye.


Abundant, the earthen command should not disappear.

Air humidity: Calceolaria requires a very high humidity, for this pots with plants are placed on a wide tray with pebbles or clay.

Important! The pubescent leaves of Calceolaria do not like to enter them the water, so they spray this plant, trying to make moisture only on the flowers.


Soil - 2 pieces of turf, 2 parts sheet, 1 part of peat and 1/2 part of sand. After flowering, the plant is thrown out.


Seeds, sowed in May-July, without sprinkling above the soil and double picking. Calcceolary seeds germinate at a temperature of about 18 ° C. However, the cultivation of calkesolaria at home is a fairly troublesome occupation, it is easier to acquire a blooming plant.

Features of the growth of calkesolaria

The flower prefers a cool room with an air temperature not higher than 12-15 C. At higher temperatures, the plant quickly gets rid of flowers and buds. In order for development to proceed within the normal range, it must be provided with a bright, but scattered light. The straight sun rays are destructive for him. An excellent place to accommodate will be the windowsill of the Northern, East, or the North-West Window.

On a note! Especially good flower feels at home on the windowsill of the northern window.

Air humidity and watering

To enjoy Calceolaria in all its beauty, as on the photo provided, it is necessary to satisfy its need for abundant irrigation, which also consists. Earth team should not dry. Regarding the humidity of the ambient air plant, it should be high enough.

To achieve the required moisture, the flower pot with a plant is placed in a wide container, the bottom of which is lined with clay or pebbles. During irrigation, you need to ensure that the water does not hit the leaflets.

The reproduction of calkesolaria

For autumn flowering, they are sown in March, for spring - in June.

Small seeds (in 1 g about 30 thousand pieces) are sown to the surface of the substrate, they are not covered with soil. The crops are covered with paper, which is periodically moisturized. When the seedlings grow two real sheets, they are priced. At the same time, for the preparation of an earthen mixture, they take 2 pieces of humidiation, deciduous and peat ground and 1 part of the sand.

Calcceolaria seeds in the peat germinate well. So that the plants bloomed in the middle of March, the seeds are seeded on July 5-15 into the bedroom peat, the previously disinfected from rot heating to 90-100 ° C. To reduce acidity to torf, a ground chalk is added (15-20 g per 1 kg of peat). On 7 parts of the peat take 1 part of the sand. The substrate is well mixed. The seeds are sown by the corrosion, not sprinkling peat. Sevings are covered with polyethylene film or glass. If condensate is formed on the inside of glass or film, the shelter must be turned over, not allowing moisture to enter the plants. In the future, it is necessary to ensure that the peat is always wet.

After the formation of a rosette of the plant, the second time is picked, transplanted into 7-centimeter pots and put on light windows. In September, transplan once again in 9-11 centimeter pots. Before the second transplantation of the plant pinch, leaving 2-3 pairs of leaves, from the sinuses of which side shoots appear.

Form Calcceolarian bushes and by step-in, i.e. Removing side shoots growing from the sinuses of the leaves.

In January - February, they transplanted into large pots with a heavier and nutritious earthy mixture. Humaceous, weakness (pH about 5.5) substrate is suitable for graceful plants. To compile a substrate, you can take 2 pieces of the turf, humid and peat ground and 1 part of the sand with the addition of full mineral fertilizer at the rate of 2-3 g per 1 kg of the mixture. Calceolaria blooms 8-10 months after seeding.

Possible difficulties of cultivation of calkesolaria

As already mentioned, Calceolaria is seized every year, but you can't tell this photo. It is difficult to accept the fact that no matter how appropriate care is, the flower is still ejected. However, there is a different kind of trouble. Nowadays, temperature conditions in spring often resemble summer hot days. An increase in ambient temperature in the room where the flower grows can lead to a complete loss of deciduous cover and premature aging. Therefore, always try to ensure such departure to the plant so that the temperature is within 12 degrees.

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The botanical origin of calceolaria is South America, where over 400 species of this plant meet. In room gardening, several varieties are used, which traditionally belong to the norichnik family.


Thanks to the intricate form of a flower, the people of Calceolaria got a name "Magic shoe" or "Shoe". The bud consists of two closed petals, the lower edge in the form of a large bubble, and the upper part covers it. It seems that the solid form flower.

Calceolaria looks like a bush up to 40 cm in diameter with inflorescences from alternately drop-down buds. Flowering lasts from May to June, about 4 - 5 weeks.

Coloring can be very diverse:

  • Light yellow monophonic,
  • Orange
  • Bright red
  • Cherry-purple.

Many varieties are decorated with dark dots, splashes, small stains.

Bustic - compact, with sowed leaves of rounded shape. At home is used as a two-year plant. However, the cultivation of calkesolaria in apartments can be difficult because the flower loves coolnessThis is not always possible in the house.

Types and varieties with photos

From numerous botanical species in bedroom flowering multiple varieties are popular:

  • Calceolaria wrinkled,
  • Calceolaria Mexican,
  • Calceolaria purple,
  • Calciolaria hybrid,
  • Calciolaria is a multi-flower.

Calciolaria Wrinkling - Calceolaria Rugosa

Spacidious flexible shoots chaotically hang in a radius of 40 - 50 cm. Leaves are small, narrow, pale green. Stems are decorated with spongy small flowers.

W. goldbukett varieties Buds of bright yellow color, tightly adjacent to each other.

Sunset hybrid It is characterized by large and loose flowers on compact shoots up to 30 cm long. Coloring - Fire-Orange.

Calceolaria Mexican - Calceolaria Mexicana

A bush forms strong-tangible stems, on each of which, it blooms in a somewhat inflorescence of yellow painting. The shape of each flower is double, consists of two densely closed petals. Boot size - 5 cm in diameter.

Successfully used in garden landscaping as an annual. It is often planted in curbs, a strip of 30 - 50 cm.

Calceolaria Purple - Calceolaria Purpurea Graham

From all indoor species this largest, the height of the bush is 50 cm.

Dark green leaves have a rounded shape, with gear edges and a sharp end in the center.

Flowers with an elongated lower lip is distinguished by a silanevo purple color.

The magnitude of the bud - 2 - 3 cm.

Calcolaria Hybrid - Calceolaria Herbeohybrida

The most numerous appearance, or rather the collection of varieties, which combined several spectacular selection hybrids with white, yellow, red coloring flowers.

Some have two- and tricolor spot.

They are most popular in bedroom flowering.

For example, hybrids include such varieties as calkesolaria GorodaloTe-flowered, Calciolaria Dainti Mix, Dantacy F1.

Calcolaria Multi-Deck - Calcelaria Multiflora

Fully corresponds to the name, because it has the largest and thick flowers of all varieties and species. The coloring of the open-colored spongy petals is one-photo carmine color, with bright yellow fluffy stamens.

Growing from seeds

Usually, Calceolaria is used as a disposable plant. After flowering, it is thrown out. If there is a desire to keep the flower, it is propagated by seeds. Sowing - mid-June, then Calceolaria will bloom in May of next year.

Sowing is carried out in this order:

  • Mature grains are sown in the dishes, a height of 10 cm, which is pre-filled with a substrate from the leaf land, the peat of the lower, humor, sand in a 2: 2: 2 ratio.
  • Seeds are carefully applied to the surface of the moistened mixture, without sprinkling them.
  • From above, sowing is covered with glass or polyethylene film and leave in a well-lit place with a temperature of +18 0 - +20 0.
  • Seedlings are constantly ventilated, not allowing moisture stagnation.

Caution! It is impossible to allow condensate on the inside of the cover (or films) to fall into seedlings, otherwise they rot!

Shoots appear in 10-15 days. When the second real sheet appears on the sprouts, the first picking is carried out. The next time the procedure is done after one and a half, two months.


In an individual pot, the plant is planted after 100 - 120 days after sowing. Flowering occurs after 8 - 9 months.

For cultivation of calkesolaria prepare soil substratewhich includes:

  • Peat lower - 7 parts,
  • Sand coarse-grained - 1 part.

The mixture is thoroughly stirred and placed in a pot, at the bottom of which, there is a drainage layer of clay. It will remove excess water during watering.


Calceolaria needs a gentle watering, timely feeding, compliance with the light mode and maintain optimal humidity.

The inappropriate conditions react painfully - does not bloom. With an unfavorable setting dies.


Like any blooming culture requires enough light, but it categorically does not tolerate direct rays and the scorching sun. Optimal place - It is the northeast or northwest side, where in the morning or in the afternoon there is a natural shadow.

The southern windowsill is better not to use at all. If there is no other way out, you need to give shading or create scattered lighting.

Winter Calceolaria is shoved by daylight lamps to a total duration of 8 hours.

In summer They carry out the sized balcony, under the carport of the terrace.


All types and varieties do not tolerate excessive heat. At +23 0 and higher, the plant suffers and rapidly agrees. With prolonged drought perishes.

In the period of active growth from March to June, the temperature is maintained + 15 0 – +18 0 .

From autumn to spring, you need to create conditions from +12 0 to + 17 0.


One of the most important conditions for prosperous growth and flowering is to maintain relative humidity.

Attention! It is impossible to allow sharp oscillations. Indicators are supported within 45% to 70%. Lower or high devastating plants.

With humidity less than forty-five percent, the plant quickly fades and dry out. When the moisture is rebuilding, the leaves are affected by the tooth, and the roots are puments.

Watering, fertilizer

Optimal irrigation - maintaining a substrate in a wet state. Invalid sharp drops of dry and wet soil. The bush is watered abundantly, so that the water completely shake the earthen com and went into the pallet. Excess moisture necessarily merge, sometimes it is necessary to do several times.

The next session is needed when the upper layer of substrates is dry.

Important! For irrigation, use soft water, room temperature.

When planting young plants, phosphorus-potash fertilizers for rooting are added to the substrate. They successfully replaced wood ash.

In the fall, feeding stops until the end of February. With the onset of spring, a comprehensive fertilizer is made for flowering indoor plants. Sessions repeat every 2 weeks.

Crane formation

As soon as the bottom leaves are thick growing, hanging from the pot, they are removed. Cepers are laid out to the base of the socket. If this is not done, the green mass will take nutrients and flower kidneys are not formed.

Calcceolaria has a tendency to fall on the side. So that this does not happen, the bush is supported by special pegs that support and direct the crown.

When buds appear, it is necessary to ensure that the leaves are not filled with inflorescences. If necessary extra plates are carefully climbed.


This is how it is done:

With the advent of sprouts, Calceolaria is transferred to the container of larger size for transshipment. At the end of the summer, the beginning of winter is exposed to the windowsill. Then bloom comes in March next year, 2 months earlier than the sowing plant.

Reproduction of cuttings

The vegetative reproduction is proceeded in August or spend it in February, March next year.

  • The green cutlets are dispersed with a roof powder or soaked in a solution for 9 to 12 hours.
  • In the peat-sand substrate 1: 1, with the help of a pencil make a recess 1.5 - 2 cm.
  • The holes are placed in the holes and slightly crimp.
  • The greenhouse is covered with a transparent lid or film.

Spring plants are planted in pots when the third, fourth real leaves appear.

Possible difficulties

Calceolaria is prone to infection with fungal diseases, especially gray rot.

To prevent the spread of infection, you need to adhere to the optimal irrigation, prevent the moisture and oversaturation of the soil by nitrogen.

With the disease, it is better to crop the damaged areas of the plant and transplant it into another soil. EM - preparations (effective microorganisms) are used for prevention and control of pathogens. They improve the quality of the soil substrate, and suppress the growth of pathogenic flora.

Necessary accurate to adhere to the rules, not allow dry soil or water stagnation, ensure good lighting and low temperature.

From the video you will learn about the secrets of amateur amateurs for the cultivation of this beautiful plant:

Calceolaria is a perennial plant, but is more often grown as an annual. The height and width of the adult calkesolaria is about 20-30 cm. As a rule, they are divorced by Calceolaria because of its elegant, rejoices of the flowers. Calcceolarian flowering period falls on April-May and lasts 3-5 weeks.

Lighting and temperature of calculation of calkesolaria

Straight solar rays and a high calkesolaria temperature does not like, so containing a plant is recommended in a bright or adhesive room with a non-sucking room, the air temperature in which is in the range of 14-16 ° C. High temperatures (20-25 ° C) lead to rapid aging of the plant, as well as its damage to pests. In the summer, find a feverish place for calkesolaria on the balcony or in the garden plot. As for the winter, Calceolaria will feel comfortable in the bright room, the temperature in which is 8-12 ° C. This plant is ideal for growing on windows overlooking the eastern, western or northern direction.

If you decide to put Calceolaria near the southern window, shift the plant from direct sunlight.

A small shading is needed by Calceolaria and during flowering. In the fall and in winter, you can provide a plant with extra backlight using daylight lamps.

Air humidity level

Calceolariaria can be bolded to call wet air amateur. In order to provide a comfortable humidity level of air, place a pot with a flower on a pallet with a clayjit or gravel filled with water half. Spray the flowers and leaves of calzeolaria are categorically not recommended - on the leaflets of the plant there is a soft edge, and the dropping of liquid drops is extremely undesirable. Pots inserted into porridge is the perfect option for cultivation of calkesolaria. To fill the space between the two vessels, peat needed in need of constant moisture.

Watering Calchasolaria

During the flowering period, calkesolaria needs regular irrigation with a soft water. The need for the need to pour the flower to dry up the top layer of the substrate. Make sure that the water in the pallet is stored. After flowering, watering calkesolaria is reduced. Soil moisturizing occurs occasionally in order to prevent complete drying of the substrate. With the beginning of the reflection of the new row, watering is beginning to be gradually renewed. In the winter period, Calceolaria prefers moderate watering.

Fertilizer calkesolaria

Calcceolarian feeding fertilizers occurs once every 10 days with a solution of mineral fertilizers. It is advisable to start feeding Calceolaria 2 weeks after the plant was planted in a pot. The fertilizer of the plant continues until the beginning of the period of his flowering.

Formation of calkelying bushes

Calcalarian bushes are formed by step-in, while the side shoots that grow out of the sinuses of the leaves are removed. Before the bootonization, in the period of intensive growth, in some cases, Calceolaria pinch, while leaving two or three pairs of leaves, from the sinuses of which the side shoots grow. Thanks to this, the plant bushes well and more abundantly blooms, but the flower diameter will be less than when pausing.

Flowering calkesolaria

As already mentioned, often Calceolaria is grown as an annual plant, but you can save it for the next year. To do this, at the end of the flowering period, the calcaseolarium is cut and leave for 1.5-2 months in a cool darkened place, periodically moistened by an earthen com to prevent complete soil drying. As soon as the young pig is starting to grow, a pot with a plant put in a lit room where Calceolaria blooms again. However, the beginning of flowering occurs 2 months earlier than those plants that were grown from seeds, and the bloom itself passes rather weakly. Calceolaria is noticeably drawn and becomes not so decoratively attractive as young plants.

Soil for calkesolaria

The reproduction of calkesolaria

The reproduction of calkesolaria occurs through seeds. Externally, the seeds of this plant are pretty small and dusty. Severe them you need not to sprinkle the earth into the sandy, light soil. Moisturizing sowing is carried out with the help of a spray gun, a container with sowing is covered with glass or film. Until the first shoots appear, it is necessary to keep sowing in shading and constantly maintain its wet state. However, do not forget about ventilating to prevent downloading.

Shoots will appear in about 2 weeks. The first plant dive occurs at two weeks old. After 1.5 months, Calcceolarian seedlings, it is necessary to transplant in the pots of 7 cm in size and put in the illuminated place. After 2 months, the plants again transplanted into the pots of 9-11 cm in size. Before the second transplantation is made, Calceolaria is plugged, while leaving two or three pairs of leaves, which then grow young shoots from the sinuses.

Unusual Calciolaria Flower (video)

The reproduction of shrub calcacolaria is carried out with the help of shilling. After old plants are briefly cut, they produce a mass of side shoots, of which the cuttings are then forming.

The optimal time for the shilling is August or February-March. If you want a plant in a pot to be pretty bushy, set a few cuttings into one pot at once. After 3-4 weeks, they will root.

Plant calceolaria (Lat. Calceolaria) It belongs to the genus Calciolaria families Norichniki, although English scientists allocate the birth of Calceolaria in a separate family. There are about 400 species of plants growing in Central and South America. Translated "Calcceolaria" means "shoe". Representatives of the genus - grassy plants, half-workers or shrubs, there are perennials, twilight and annuals among them, but in indoor culture Flowers Calceolaria are usually grown as annual herbaceous plants.

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Landing and Caring for Calceolaria

  • Bloom: In April or May for 3-5 weeks.
  • Lighting: Halfing (North, Northwest or Eastern Window).
  • Temperature: Not higher than 15 ˚C.
  • Watering: Permanent so that the saddle in the pot was all the time is slightly wet.
  • Air humidity: very high. It is recommended to keep the plant on the pallet with wet pebbles or put the pot of peat and maintain its humidity all the time. Spray plant is not recommended.
  • Feeding: Two weeks after landing and before the start of flowering - solutions of mineral fertilizer twice a month. In the fall and winter feeding do not bring.
  • Pruning: After flowering.
  • People's period: After flowering for 1-1.5 months.
  • Transfer: Do not transplant. The life of the plant is 2 seasons, then the plant no longer blooms.
  • Reproduction: Seeds, cuttings.
  • Pests: TLL, whiteflies.
  • Diseases: Gray rot.

Read more about the cultivation of calkesolaria Read below

Calciscolaria Flowers - Description

Flower Calciolaria grows in height and width about 30-50 cm. Leaves of plants Lancelted, corrugated, bright green, with the downsion on the bottom side of the sheet plate, reach a length of 5 to 10 cm. The main advantage, due to which Calceolaria And it has gained its popularity, are its flowers, in shape resembling shoes-sabo bright yellow, orange, white or red colors, monophonic, with strokes or krapin. The flower shape is very fun: it consists as if of two lips - one large, sophisticated, spherical, and the other small, almost imperceptible. The room flower of Calciolaria in April or May and blooms for 3-5 weeks. On one plant at the flowering time, up to 50 flowers in size from 2.5 to 6 cm can be opened.

Calkesolaria care at home

How to care for calzelaria

In the question, how to care for Calceolaria, the most difficult is the creation of the conditions necessary for the plant. Calcceolaria's colors care is complicated by the fact that they are contraindicated with heat and dry air, and in apartments that are not equipped with a system of air conditioning, in the summer, just heat and sup. Calceolaria at home prefers halftime northern, oriental or northwestern windows, the temperature is not higher than 15 ºC and the wet air, so it is necessary to keep the pot with calzelaria in the pallet with wet pebbles, but to water the soft water-out water so often so that the ground does not stop.

After flowering, watering is gradually reduced. So that the plant does not suffer from dry air, you can keep a pot in a spacious porridge, putting a pot between the walls and a peat vase, which should be wet all the time. Spraying Calceolaria is undesirable. If the plant is too hot and dry, it drops the buds, it is easily affected by pests and is generally rapidly.

Fertilizer calkesolaria

Calciolaria care provides for feeding plants by soluble mineral fertilizers twice a month, starting in two weeks from the moment of planting the plant and before the start of flowering. In the fall and in winter, the plant does not fertilize, after flowering it is cut off, transfer it to one and a half or two months in a cool gloomy place, occasionally moistening the soil in the pot. When Calcceolaria begins to grow a new piglet, the intensity of moisture is gradually increasing, the plant move to the usual place and renew mineral feeding.

Calceolaria transplantation

The overwhelming plant blooms two months earlier than Calceolaria grown from seeds in the current year, but the decorativeness of last year's bush is significantly lower than that of the newly planted or purchased, therefore professional flowerflowers recommend to buy calkesolarity lovers every year to buy or grow a new plant.

If you have a problem, how to transplant a purchased plant from a technical pot into your own, decorative, then make it easy: put a decent drainage layer in a new pot, then the plant moves along with a lump of the land from the technical pot into the decorative and add earths for the heather or substrate For geranium to fill emptiness. You can create a soil for calceolaria themselves, for this you will need two parts of the turf and leaf land, one part of the peat ground and the half of the sand.

Pests and sickness of calkesolaria

From the insect pests most often amazed by Calceolaria Tlla and whitefly. TRU can try to assemble mechanically and destroy, but if the infection is total, then you will have to resort to the processing of the plant with a chemical preparation by accleretic, which will help you and in the case of deceolaria lesion. With too strong infection, it will have to re-process after 3-4 days - no more than four treatments with the same interval are allowed.

Of the diseases for Calceolaria, the only gray rot. It occurs when the plant has been subjected to chronic overwhelming during too low temperatures and too high air humidity in the room. Calcalarian cultivation requires strict compliance with rules, otherwise troubles may begin. Weakens the plant and excessive concentration of nitrogen in fertilizers, which provokes a flower infection with a gray mold. Highly affected areas are removed with a sharp knife, and the plant is sprayed with burgundy liquid or oxychom, topaz, a donkeeper - any copper-containing drug.

The reproduction of calkesolaria

Calcalarian cultivation of seeds

If you do not know how to grow calzelaria from seeds, get in the store or make a mixture of sand and peat in a ratio of 1: 7 with a slight addition of ground chalk or dolomite flour (20 g per 1 kg of soil mixture). Calcceolarian seeds are not a shortage, they can be purchased in any large specialized store, including through the Internet. Sowing Calcceolaria Seeds are carried out in April to the pre-dispenseed calcination and the moistened mixture, without closeing them in the soil, but covering the container with crops with glass or film, with which it will be necessary to delete condensate.

Sowing contains in heat (18 ºC), well-lit place, regularly conducting and moisturizing soil spraying. Two weeks later, when shoots appear, they are watered with a thin flowing between the rows. By the expiration of the month, they are pricted for the first time, and another two months, when the sockets are formed, they are pricked for the second time in individual pots with a diameter of 7 cm, water every two weeks. In September, seedlings transplanted into pots with a diameter of 9-11 cm and placed in bright and more than cool - 8-10 ºC - room.

In January-February, Calcolasolar is planted into large pots with a nutrient mixture for adult plants, pinch them over 3-4 leaves, transfer to a permanent place and waiting for flowering, which is usually occurring in 8-10 months from the moment of seed sowing.

The reproduction of calkesolaria cheesens

You can try to root the cuttings of the cut-off shoots after flowering. Cuttings can be chopped in August, but in February-March. Showned segments of shoots in a nutrient soil mixture. Usually 3-4 weeks are enough to appear roots. In order to get a thick bush, several rooted cuttings are planted into one pot.

Calceolaria is a herbaceous plant from Family Calc olzelaria. His homeland is the coastal zones of Central and South America. Domestic flowerflowers are grown by Calceolaria as a room plant. It is famous for abundant blossoms and an unusual form of buds. Two-bottom flowers resemble a handbag or a shoe, among the flower water instead of a complex biological name there is a simpler - "shoes". The bloom is so abundant and beautiful that the plants often give instead of a bouquet to the holiday.

Botanical description

Calceolaria is a perennial, which in moderate climate is grown as an annual or two-year-old plant. The height of the shoots is 10-50 cm. The root system has a basic structure. Above the Earth are soft branched shoots. Straight or running stems and foliage are covered with thick pile.

Puffy leaves of lanceal or oval shape have wavy edges and corrugated surface. The length of the leaflet is 5-10 cm. Most of the soft, pleasant to the touch of the leaves concentrated in the ground.

Flowering begins approximately 5 months after landing and lasts up to 5 weeks. This feature allows you to verify the appearance of colors to a certain celebration or date. On one plant can bloom up to 50 buds. They are collected on one infloresception or several less large. Inflorescence has a busy shape. Flowers are distinguished by an unusual structure. The two-born whisk at the bottom has a large lip of the lip, and the top is much smaller in size, the spherical lip. The flower diameter ranges from 25 to 60 mm. Coloring can be yellow-orange, red, brown. Often white or pink spots are located on the surface of the petals. In the center there are 2-3 stamens and ovary.

After pollination ripens the fruit - a dry seed box of the oblong shape. Inside there is a plurality of small dusty seeds of brown.

Types of calkesolaria

Almost 300 species are registered in the kalceolaria. However, in culture, it is most often grown not species, but varietal plants with decorative colors. They are more resistant to growing indoors and are distinguished by long and abundant flowering.

In nature, the grassy perennial grows up to 25-50 cm in height. Flexible, branched stem is covered with red-brown skin. Small lanceal leaves are assembled at the base in the root rosette. They have an oval shape. Thick inflorescences consist of yellow buds 1.5-2 cm in diameter. Popular varieties:

  • GoldBukett - a 2.5-30 cm bush tall forms larger yellow flowers in dense inflorescences;
  • Sunset - on a plant with a height of 15-20 cm there are several inflorescences with small red-orange or pink buton.

The plant is strongly branched and dissolves several small inflorescences with golden yellow couch flowers. The diameter of one whin reaches 5 cm.

The flower consists of a dense bright green outlet of leaves covered with thick pile. Over them rumbles loose carlike inflorescence. Each small flower has an oblong bottom lip with red-lilac divorces.

The species includes many hybrids and varieties with very decorative inflorescences. Light green leaves most often have an oval shape. Thick inflorescence may differ in size. Sometimes several blooms grow on one plant. The main tone of the petals can be yellow or orange. On the surface there are shapeless pink, white, red or brown spots, points and strokes. Special popularity is particularly popular with a tiger, which, however, is considered the most capricious.


Most often, Calcolasyaria is breeding seeds. They can be bought in the store or get from their own plant. From the seeds of one plant, depending on the conditions of detention, can grow low or high instances. Fresh seeds ride very well. You can sow calzelaria at any time of the year, focusing on the estimated flowering date.

Sevings are produced in shallow containers with light peat soil. You can add a small amount of sand and chalk into the ground. The land is thoroughly spilled, spray from the sprayer and distribute seeds on the surface. The container must be covered with a film or glass and put into a light room with air temperature + 18 ... + 20 ° C.

Shoots appear in 5-7 days. When 2-4 real sheets appear on tiny seedlings, the first picking is carried out (plants age about 1.5 weeks). After 1.5 months, the plants are recovered by separate pots or plastic cups. Each picking significantly accelerates growth, the development of seedlings is much faster than that of non-spiked samples. After another 1.5-2 months, the graceful calkesolarians plant in the pots with a diameter of up to 11 cm and grown as adult plants.

After completing the flowering period, many side processes are formed on the bush. 5-7 cm long cutlets can be cut off and rooted. The rooting is produced in loose peat soil. It is necessary to maintain high humidity. To do this, use a film or plastic cap. The process takes 2-3 weeks, after which the seedlings can be distributed over individual pots and remove the shelter.

Plant landing

For the planting of calkesolaria, pots of 0.8-1.2 liters are used. The pot must have drainage holes, a thick layer of clay, clay shards or brick crumbs is poured onto it. Land for landing should be very light and air. It is best to use a fluffy peat with the addition of leaf land, sand, fern roots and deciduous humus. To prevent the development of root rot, wood ash or crushed activated carbon.

The landing is produced by the transshipment method so as not to damage thin roots. It is not recommended to plunge the root neck. Earth with caution is rambling and watered purified water.

Care for "shoes"

Room Flower Calciolaria at home needs special care. For the reverent attitude, it will thank with abundant flowering and a thin aroma.

Lighting. Lighting for calkesolaria should be bright, but scattered. Straight sun rays can cause burns and the appearance of ugly spots on the leaves. The duration of the daylight even in winter should not be less than 8 hours. If necessary, use backlight. Western or oriental window sills are better suited for cultivation. In summer, flowers can be reached on fresh air under the canopy.

Temperature. Calceolaria loves cool content. The optimal temperature for it is + 18 ... + 23 ° C. It is advisable to provide daily fluctuations in temperature, lowering it at night to + 15 ... + 17 ° C. The higher the air temperature, the more high there should be humidity. During the period, it is necessary to provide colder content, lowered the maximum temperature to + 14 ... + 17 ° C.

Humidity. High humidity for calkesolaria is a determining factor. Seedlings and young plants are grown under the hood. Plants spray and placed near the pallets with water and wet clay. For spraying, use fine spacing and thoroughly purified water. Otherwise, ugly lime spots will appear on the leaves. Also, the accumulation of drops on the foliage leads to their spoilement.

Watering. Calceolaria is often watered, but small portions of water. Soil should always be slightly wet, but not wet. The recommended water water temperature is 25-28 ° C. The liquid must be carefully cleaned from chlorine and lime impurities. All extra water from the pallet must be immediately removed.

Fertilizers. During the period of active growth and vegetation, Calceolaria needs regular feeding. They are beginning to make 2 weeks after the transplant. Double or three times a month, the land is watered with a solution of mineral fertilizer. Upon completion of flowering, the feeding stops.

Crane formation. From an early age, Calceolaria needs pruning. It is recommended to remove side processes so that the plant will be more sturdy, and thick inflorescences consisted of large buds. The growing flower can be cloning to the sides. It is possible to grow a calkelylarium in the porridge in the form of an ampel plant. So that the bush is more stable, use special circular supports. After the flowering completion, the shoots are partially cut off, leaving up to 20 cm pores.

Possible difficulties

Calceolaria is sensitive to fungal diseases. With excessive moisture, the soil may appear root rot or pulse dew. Plants slowly slow down in growth, the leaves are yellow and fall. To prevent such phenomena, it is necessary to strictly observe the agricultural engineering.

Calceolarians do not like dry and hot air. Their shoots in this case will be offended and stretched, and the leaves will begin to dry from the edge and yellow. Flower is characteristic of fast aging. After 2 years, decorative varieties are completely annoying and require replacement.