Child and houseplants. Indoor plants for the nursery: the main thing is to choose the right indoor plants for the nursery

Growing houseplants is not only a very beautiful but also a useful hobby.

As you know, "live" decorations create a favorable atmosphere in the room, and also absorb toxic substances and pathogens, which is especially important if there is a small child in the house.

But it should be noted that not all types of houseplants are useful for children's health, because some of them can have an adverse effect on the body, cause allergic reactions, or simply injure the baby.

So, which indoor plants can (and should) be placed in the nursery, and which ones are better to refuse?

What plants are not suitable for a nursery?

Poisonous plants

As you know, growing children tend to taste everything that is within reach. Therefore, a number of domestic plants, the leaves and fruits of which contain toxic substances, can be extremely dangerous for a child. These include:

  • nightshade - bears fruit with poisonous berries;
  • large-root alocasia - the juice contains hydrocyanic acid and alkaloids;
  • dieffenbachia, sinadeum - emit poisonous juice;
  • oleander - all parts of the plant are extremely poisonous, and strong smell may cause fainting.

Traumatic plants

Plants that can injure a child include cacti and most types of aloe due to the presence of thorns.

In addition, plants with long thin leaves (for example, sansevieria, or "mother-in-law's tongue") should be treated with great care.

  • firstly, many of them have a rough edge that can easily cut yourself,
  • secondly, the baby can easily overturn a heavy pot by pulling on a long sheet.

"Scary" plants

Children have very rich fantasy, therefore, some plants for the nursery, which are considered completely safe for health, can simply scare the baby.

First of all, these are large palm crops and vines (monstera, dracaena, philodendron) - after growing, they can cast bizarre shadows that children can mistake for creepy monsters at night.

Plants allergens

This includes plants that are potential allergens: all types of ferns, hydrangea, pelargonium, cyclamen, azalea.

True, it should be noted that many of them bring considerable health benefits, so there is no need to subject the entire list to a categorical ban.

For example, pelargonium (geranium) and Kalanchoe may well find their place in the nursery of a child who is not prone to allergic reactions. In addition, allergies are often caused not by the leaves or flowers themselves, but by the spores of the fungus, which can start in the soil or on the plant itself.

Indoor flowers for a children's room

Phytoncide plants

Phytoncide plants are indoor plants that secrete essential oils and other substances that can fight bacteria, chemical and toxic compounds. These include:

  • chlorophytum crested;
  • citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine);
  • hibiscus;
  • balsam;
  • eucalyptus;
  • aspidistra;
  • myrtle;
  • hippeastrum.

Hardy plants

Children are active and fickle creatures, so you should not choose capricious flowers for a nursery that require a lot of attention and do not tolerate all kinds of damage.

Caring for indoor plants in a child's room should be as simple as possible, so it is better to choose unpretentious crops for novice florists: violets, hibiscus, phalaenopsis, etc.

6 best plants for a nursery

Based on the above criteria, optimal options for gardening a nursery, you can name chlorophytum, hibiscus, balsam, saintpaulia, common myrtle and citrus plants.

Citrus trees

Lemon, orange and tangerine trees you can safely call perfect choice for a child.

  • firstly, they are natural phytoncides, therefore they kill all pathogens in the room.
  • secondly, such plants can be easily grown on their own from an ordinary bone, which will be very interesting for the baby. In this case, they will hardly bear fruit, but they will delight the eye with thick, glossy green leaves, and when good care and beautiful white flowers.

The only condition that citrus trees require is bright lighting, so it is better to place them closer to the windows.

Watering is necessary daily, but moderate, and in winter time it is reduced to a minimum, and feeding is only in the summer.


Chlorophytum crested is a plant with long light green leaves, collected in small rosettes. It grows extremely quickly, and in the spring and summer it releases thin shoots, on which small white flowers first appear, and then small rosettes of leaves.

It is very easy to care for chlorophytum - it needs diffused lighting, moderate watering and infrequent feeding.

In addition, this plant effectively cleans the air from toxic substances, and also, according to experts in feng shui, has a very light, joyful energy.


Another really childish flowers are called hibiscus, or simply Chinese rose... Hibiscus is a compact tree-like plant with carved soft leaves and large, bright flowers all shades of yellow and red (depending on the variety), which can be admired from April to October.

The plant not only visibly revitalizes the interior, but also has a beneficial effect on the composition of the air in the room and helps relieve tension and stress.

As for ease of care, hibiscus has practically no equal here - it easily tolerates the lack of watering and temperature changes, but at the same time "does not like" too frequent touching and even more feeling.


Balsam is one of the most beautiful and hardy houseplants that blooms delicate flowers pink or red tint. The plant perfectly tolerates heat and coolness, is not afraid of drought or excessive watering, and can recover on its own even after serious care mistakes.

Thanks to this, balsam is often chosen by parents who want to instill in their child a love for houseplants and the skills of caring for them.

As for useful properties of this plant, many flower growers claim that it has a soft, calm energy, and will help the baby to become more organized and collected, as well as "wake up" his creativity.


Myrtle - small ornamental shrub, which belongs to the evergreen family.

The main feature of this plant is that its leaves are capable of emitting phytoncides, which disinfect and refresh the air in the room, and also actively fight against microbes and allergens.

In addition, the child will certainly be interested in the molding process, because the bright green crown of myrtle can be given almost any shape.

It is quite easy to grow myrtle on a windowsill - it is not afraid of temperature changes, drafts and sunlight. True, at the same time it requires quite frequent and abundant watering with settled water.


Saintpaulia, or Uzambara violet, is a real favorite of novice florists, because this flower is great for learning how to grow, transplant and root plants.

It has pleasant to the touch, velvety leaves and is very touching, delicate flowers collected in small sockets.

Many indoor plant lovers attribute to Saintpaulia not just healing, but really magical properties- she is able to strengthen the immune system, bring harmony to home atmosphere and smooth out conflicts.

As for care, this flower does not require anything special - just careful watering, soft lighting and occasional twisting.

Everything that surrounds the child in his room should not only be safe and practical, but also evoke positive emotions.

Before you put in the nursery any home plant, do not forget to ask the opinion of the little owner or hostess, because the baby must really fall in love with the new tenant - then they will be happy to share their care and good mood with each other.

A fairy tale for children 5-7 years old

Educational tale for children preschool age"Green Hedgehog"

Golyshevskaya Natalya Mikhailovna, senior educator of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 12", Barnaul
Purpose: this material is intended for preschool children
Target: to expand the ideas of preschoolers about indoor plants
- to acquaint children with the features of the appearance, structure, growing conditions of indoor plants;
- to teach to perform labor actions for caring for indoor plants;
- develop curiosity, cognitive interest.

Once upon a time there was a Cactus. It was round and green and prickly. Therefore, he was nicknamed the Green Hedgehog. But he was prickly only on the outside, but in fact, Cactus was very kind and sympathetic.
Recently, the hostess separated him from Kaktusikha's mother and put him in a beautiful little pot. The cactus cub liked his new house, one thing upset: around, in large flower pots, plants unknown to him grew. But Cactus was sociable and inquisitive. He decided to get to know the "neighbors" better, because the Green Hedgehog wanted so much to have friends!
The first, with whom Cactus cub dared to speak, turned out to be a plant with a thick woody trunk, the round leaves of which looked like coins.

- Excuse me, please, - a little embarrassed, said the Green Hedgehog, - what is your name?
- People call me a money tree, people think that I bring wealth and prosperity to the house, but scientifically I am called a tree-like fat woman, - answered the tree. My homeland is African savannas, so I love the sun. And I also love when my pot is turned from time to time, then I grow into a slender and beautiful tree.
- Tell me, are you not bored of standing on the windowsill all the time? - asked Cactus.
- No, of course, in winter I can watch what is happening outside the window, and in warm time years they send me "to the dacha", that is, they take me out to Fresh air- to the balcony.
Then another plant intervened with an unusually beautiful leaves, on which bright red veins and spots stood out:
- And my name is arrowroot, I really love humidity and am afraid of direct sunlight, so I like it when the hostess sprinkles my leaves with warm water. And I can also pick up leaves and fold them at dusk and even a few hours before the rain, like a real barometer.

The cactus was listening very attentively to the stories of plants, because he was still small and did not know much.
In one of the pots grew unusual plant, its dark green xiphoid leaves with a pointed apex and light transverse stripes resembled fish scales. It turned out that this is a sansevier, which is simply called "pike tail". The cactus even got a little funny when he heard this name.

Suddenly the door opened and the hostess entered the room. She was holding a pot with a very beautiful plant in her hands.
- Meet, this is your new neighbor - she said (the hostess often talked with her pets, as she believed that flowers, like living creatures, understand everything and love when they communicate with them) - this is a fern. It will not only decorate the room, but also help clean the air from dust and harmful substances... It is a pity that ferns do not bloom, but they delight with their various leaves: huge, tiny and even curly.

The hostess put down the pot and left. So a "newbie" appeared on the windowsill. He quickly got used to the new environment and proudly talked about the fact that ferns, the oldest inhabitants of the Earth, existed along with dinosaurs and survived to this day.
So the Green Hedgehog not only got to know his "neighbors", but also learned a lot of interesting and useful things.

In the conditions of urban life, a person needs at least a piece of nature, so he tries to surround himself with plants and flowers. Green shrubs and trees are planted in the courtyards, and decorative indoor plants are bought for apartments.

Flowers and Plants can be kept in all corners of the apartment: there are plants suitable for the bathroom, for the kitchen, for the study and for the bedroom. It would seem that this is difficult: buy a pot with a plant you like in the store and put it in a suitable place for it. It turns out that plants may not be suitable for a particular space. You need to be very careful about the choice of colors for the children's room. It is necessary to choose those plants that have good energy and the necessary features and properties.

First of all, the plant must fulfill its main natural function - to purify the air in the child's room and produce oxygen. It will perfectly cope with this, it will rid the room of bad chemical impurities, various viruses and pathogenic bacteria, and it also has excellent energy.

For the nursery, any citrus, essential oils of which are a good bactericidal agent. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the tree bears fruit, it is quite possible to grow it yourself. Useful properties in these plants are possessed not only by inflorescences and fruits, but also by the leaves themselves. Citrus plants can save a child from bad sleep and children's nightmares, relieve fatigue, irritability and have a calming effect on hyperactive children. Well, if such a houseplant also bears fruit, then the benefits from it are priceless, besides, in a small amount, bright colors look incomparable in any interior.

Another great example of a houseplant that cleans the air well of impurities that enter it with exhaust gases is. And it is also believed that she is able to protect against the evil eye.

The correct choice for the rooms of schoolchildren would be. Its energy will help you to concentrate on what is needed while doing your homework, relieve stress and allow you to cope with the large amount of information that has fallen on your child during the school day.

If the child is capricious a lot, the parents will help in calming him down, in addition, this incomparable plant will be able to awaken the creativity in the baby.

Sometimes indoor plants, possessing wonderful properties, are also incredibly beautiful and fit perfectly into any interior. These types include. It is useful in that it is able to release substances that can fight harmful bacteria and viruses.

Another plant that should be in every apartment, and suitable, including for a children's room, is Money Tree-. The energy of this miniature tree allows you to find relaxedness and tranquility, and also contributes to the development of hard work in a child.

It possesses healing properties and, thanks to it, all the senses of others are aggravated, especially hearing, it is also able to protect the child's body from various diseases. well and appearance this plant is flawless.

The list of indoor plants useful for children does not end there. It is quite large, it includes gardenia, asparagus, rosemary and many others. They are all excellent natural air filters with different healing properties and clean favorable energy. If you have the strength and ability to grow coniferous plant in an apartment, it will be of great benefit and will beneficial influence per child. But we must bear in mind that this is not easy.

But there are some plants that should never be in the children's room. Among them, ehmeya, any cacti and ficuses. They cannot "live" in the nursery because of the heavy energy they possess. Some of them are poisonous. And, for example, some types of ficuses themselves absorb oxygen, which is so necessary for children.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that in addition to the beauty and tenderness that indoor plants bring to the atmosphere of an apartment, they can have a lot of useful properties and functions, from cleansing to healing. It is recommended to decorate all rooms of the apartment with plants and not to ignore the children's room.

It is not difficult to find flowers and plants for a nursery; the list of indoor plants useful for children is much longer than the list of harmful ones. It is also very important not to forget to ask the children what kind of flowers they like externally, let it be a joint decision and a conscious choice of the child.

In kindergarten, the child spends most of the day. Therefore, it is natural that parents want it to be cozy and comfortable there, just like at home. Indoor plants can help with this.

They not only look beautiful and ennoble the interior, but also bring a piece of wildlife into the life of every kid.

In addition to aesthetic pleasure, flowers in kindergarten also bring practical benefits.... They perfectly clean the air from dust and toxic substances. Phytoncides, which some green "pets" secrete, have bactericidal properties.

Scientists have proven that in a room where there are indoor plants, the number of harmful microorganisms is halved. Plants increase the level of humidity in the air, which is especially important during the heating season.

In addition, representatives of the indoor flora have a positive effect on the mental and emotional health of children, bring joy, and relieve fatigue. And also - this is an opportunity to get acquainted with the world around us, learn how to take care of plants, develop responsibility and kindness.

However, despite all the advantages of having indoor flowers in kindergarten, not every one of them is suitable for this institution.

Color requirements

Choosing flowers for kindergarten, it is important to be attentive and focus on childhood... In view of this, the main characteristics of plants are:

  • Flowers for kindergarten must be harmless!

    Unpretentiousness- they should not be too capricious and demanding so that both the staff and the children themselves can take care of them. It is important that the flower can quickly recover, because babies can accidentally damage it;
  • Safety- all plants in the garden must be non-toxic and absolutely safe: no thorns, thorns, berries. After all, children want to touch and taste everything. Since some babies are prone to allergies, flowers should not exude a strong scent or collect a lot of dust on their leaves;
  • Air purification- it is better to give preference to those species that bring health benefits, namely, purify the air from dust, bacteria, toxins, enrich it with oxygen;
  • Accommodation- it is important to arrange flowers in the room in such a way that the level of natural light in the room does not decrease.

Better are those species and varieties that have pronounced parts - stem, leaves, flowers. This will help children learn about the structure of green friends.

The best plants

Dangerous for children

You can read more about plants harmful to health.

Living plants in toddler's bedroom create a harmonious, cheerful environment with a clean and useful air... A child, observing the growth and flowering of plants, learns the world, learns to respect it.

In the article, we choose flowers for the nursery from the point of view of safety, improvement of the microclimate, ease of care.

Plant requirements:

Nice appearance pleasing to the eye.

Endurance, quick recovery after possible damage as a result of the games of restless children.

Beneficial effect on air composition:

  • cleaning from dust and chemical poisons,
  • moisturizing,
  • enrichment with oxygen and phytoncides.

Security measures

When choosing pots or planters, go for shatterproof materials. If children accidentally knock over the plant, they will not get hurt. And you just have to collect the earth back.

When placing flowers in the reach areas of babies, make sure that the pots are as stable as possible, secure them or fence them off so that they are out of reach.

Timely care. Green pets are beneficial if they are looked after properly: they are watered, fed and cleaned of dust on time. Harmful pollutants accumulate in it, which are returned to the air.

No place in the nursery

To all kinds of vines... Their long shoots are dangerous. A curious kid can get confused in them.

Plants causing allergic reactions:

lianas (philodendrons, ivy), monsters, ficuses, geraniums, ferns, milkweed, Kalanchoe (its juice in allergy sufferers can cause Quincke's edema), catharanthus, rhododendrons (especially during flowering).

For the sake of fairness, it should be said that many representatives from the above list are very favorable for health (geranium, ficus or Kalanchoe), so it should not be taken as a dogma.

Look at the child's well-being. And if you decide to settle Kalanchoe or ficus in the bedroom, then put it so that the children cannot contact them until there is confidence that there is no allergy.

Plants with poisonous sap:

milkweed, ivy, ficus, philodendrons, oleanders, lamers, dieffenbachia, monsters, spathiphyllums, adeniums, hydrangeas, glorioses, begonias.

The sap of these plants can cause skin burns (if you break a branch, tear off a leaf) and poisoning if ingested.

Beautifully fertile, whose berries can be tempted to eat them: nightshade (brovallia, nightshade, ornamental pepper), billiards, brunfelsia, passionflower.

IMPORTANT: be sure to inspire your child that breaking, plucking leaves and tasting ANY plant is very dangerous.

Strong smelling during flowering(the smell may be an allergen):

rhododendrons (azaleas), jasmine, freesia, gardenias, tabernemontans, hyacinths, primroses, pelargoniums, etc.

Many of these flowers are very useful, so they can only be taken out of the nursery at the time of flowering.

Thorny succulents (cacti), long and holly plants... Small children can easily injure themselves on sharp edges or thorns, and knock over the pot by pulling on the long leaves.

But when the child grew up and began to sit at the computer, the cacti have their place at the monitor, they perfectly absorb harmful electromagnetic radiation.

Too large flowers(monsters, dracenas, dieffenbachia). The attractive daytime appearance can appear at night, frightening the little one.

Plants for a child's bedroom

Lavender and laurel ideal for kids' bedrooms.

Their phytoncides are beneficial for the psyche, calm down, slow down the heart rate, relax, and improve sleep.

Even in the old days, it was customary to hang branches of laurel at the head of the bed, and dry lavender was placed under the pillow.

Myrtle, peperomia, eucalyptus, rosemary- these are home healers, they disinfect from microbes and enrich the air with phytoncides, facilitate breathing, strengthen protective functions a child's fragile body, help to prevent colds. They are recommended to be placed in the bedrooms of frequently ill children.

Myrtle calms restless children, reduces, if any. The delicate aroma relaxes, gives you a good sleep.

Peperomia- a friendly flower, adjusts household members to a peaceful, blissful mood, suppresses negativity. All types of peperomia are good, except for climbing.

Eucalyptus improves sleep, actively moisturizes the air, promotes rapid recovery from illness. It is not for nothing that it is called the “tree of life”. The energy of eucalyptus is powerful, it helps to cope with stress and other people's negative influences.

Rosemary frees the atmosphere of the house from low vibrations, brings harmony and love into it.

Sansevieria produces oxygen around the clock, serves as an effective absorbent of formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene emitted by furniture, floor coverings, etc. Strengthens the immune system.

Dangerous cylindrical (has very strong shoots, ending in sharp, strong thorns) and long-leaved (you can hurt yourself on the sharp edges of the leaves, overturn the plant) sansevieria. These species should not be placed in the room of a very small child.

Chlorophytum- a real fighter for air purity, will work well in housing after renovation or recently built.

Absorbs harmful chemical substances, produces oxygen, neutralizes the radiation of electromagnetic sources. Has a light joyful energy.

Watch out for the shoots thrown out in the spring, they should not hang in long lashes, cut or plant new daughter sockets in the mother's pot.

Spathiphyllum(women's happiness, lily of peace) is a very effective air humidifier and filter for acetone, ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene and many other chemicals. Soothes, pacifies, pleases the eye.

And although its juice is poisonous, I included the lily of the world for its merits in this list. If you are sure that the kids will not taste the plant, accidentally break it and not smear it with juice, then feel free to place it in the bedroom.

Hibiscus(Chinese rose) will brighten up the room. It will cleanse the air from pollutants, the aura of the room - from tension and negative emotions. Soothes caprice and playfuls.

During flowering, hibiscus is touchy, does not like touching and feeling unnecessarily, and if you forget to water, it will not be offended.

Begonia cleans the atmosphere from bacteria, fungi and other nasty things, ionizes and saturates it with ethers, facilitates breathing and the course of colds. Stabilizes the psyche of children.

Important! Any plant, as well as dust on leaves, mold and fungi on the soil when frequent watering, may cause an allergic reaction. Be attentive to the health of the baby and immediately remove the source of the allergy from the room.

A few tips:

Choose plants with your child taking into account his interests and desires. This step teaches children to take initiative.

Take care of flowers yourself let children with early age(from 5 years old). The guys get used to work, become kinder, more attentive to nature and people. Communication with green wards develops thinking, normalizes the psyche.

If there is no interest, you can awaken it by buying, or better by making, the original flower pot in the form of a favorite toy (truck, animal) or any other idea.


The baby's room should be safe and comfortable. This is the space where the first fantasies and hobbies appear, habits are formed. The more beauty and positiveness surrounds the child, the more creative and happy he grows. Indoor plants help us with this.

Choosing flowers for the nursery, and teaching them to care for them, we achieve several goals at once: we bring up responsibility, caring, empathy, instill a sense of beauty, expand the horizons of the young generation.

When a child feels sympathy for a green pet, an invisible connection is established between them, a favorable exchange of energies occurs. Therefore, it does not hurt to ask your son or daughter if they like the flower before settling it in the baby's room.

Health to you and your beloved crumbs!

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project.