How to make an arrangement of flowers. Floristry for beginners. 7 principles of a correctly composed floral composition

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You can please your loved ones with an unusual bouquet or decorate a celebration with flowers not only with the help of a professional florist, but also on your own. You just need to follow a few rules to make the bouquet look harmonious and attractive.

website collected advice from experts for those who want to try themselves in the art of floristry and do it with pleasure.

How to know if flowers are fresh

To buy the freshest flowers, you need to pay attention to their freshness markers. We give examples of the most accurate.

Roses. The sepal of the flower should point upwards and support the bud. A sepal directed to the sides, and even more so down, means that the flowers are stale.

Daisies. A fresh flower has a greenish heart. Bright yellow indicates that the daisies have been cut long ago. Brownish - flowers are very stale.

Tulips. At fresh flowers dense, unopened bud. Opened tulips will not last long. Do not be afraid of very small buds, tulips have the ability to grow and bloom in water, so these flowers will last longer in a vase than others.

Gerberas. Shake the flower a little: if it is stale, the petals fall off easily. The stem should be green, see if there is any wire, which is often braided already withering gerberas.

Lilies. Lily buds should be greenish in color, if they are yellow, the flower will no longer bloom. There should be no traces of pollen on the opened flowers, which means that the lilies have been standing for a long time.

Before making a bouquet, purchased flowers must be saturate with water. To do this, with a sharp knife (scissors, secateurs are not suitable: they close the pores of the stem), cut off a small part of the stem obliquely and put the flowers in a container of water for half an hour.

What bouquet would you like to collect?

The shapes of bouquets can be different, but for beginners it is better to use 2 techniques for collecting the composition: parallel or spiral. Be sure to pre-clean the lower part of the stems from leaves and thorns.

1. Parallel bouquet

This is the easiest way to make a bouquet, however, there is room for creativity. Technics: we lay the stems of plants parallel to each other, tightly. Often the binding tape also acts as a decoration.

Such a bouquet can be assembled to make it round, asymmetrical or one-sided.

Round form assembled from 1-4 types of flowers of approximately the same size and additions. In the center - main flower, around it in a circle we place the rest, so that they are approximately at the same height. The composition can be linked several times for convenience.

AT asymmetrical bouquet we also place flowers in a circle, but the height of the flowers will be different.

Single sided bouquet. In such a bouquet there will be the highest point - a flower or flowers on the longest stems, and we arrange the rest of the plants in steps, gradually going down.

2. Spiral bouquet

This technique is suitable for lush bouquets, consisting of a large number of different plants or flowers of the same species. The shape of the bouquet turns out to be round, and the arrangement of the stems helps to present a large number of flowers in a favorable light.

Technics: the easiest way is to assemble such a bouquet on the table.

The first flower is the base. The second is laid with a stem on the first with an inclination to the right. The third is behind the first, with an inclination to the left. And then in the same order.

If you make a bouquet of the same flowers, you do not need to constantly check it. If the composition contains different flowers, periodically gently lift the bouquet, holding the intersection point of the stems, to check and correct the arrangement of the elements.

Composition harmony

In order for the bouquet to be successful and live for a long time, it is important to follow two rules:

  • plant compatibility;
  • color matching.

Bouquets can be plain, similar, iridescent or contrasting. If it seems that it is difficult to combine colors, you can use the color wheel. Nearby are similar colors, and opposite each other - the brightest contrasts.

The European style of bouquets allows you to combine different flowers, however, some plants are better used in mono-bouquets, as they greatly shorten the life of their neighbors. Among such harmful "egoists":

  • narcissus (especially for tulips);
  • cloves (especially for roses);
  • lilies of the valley;
  • bird cherry;
  • mignonette.

But there are also “doctor” plants, they will prolong the life of flowers:

  • cypress;
  • juniper;
  • lily (for roses);
  • jasmine (for lily of the valley).

Design Secrets

An objectively beautiful bouquet is always small floral secrets that make the composition harmonious. Some of them:

  • in a composition of many colors there should be a main “point”, a focal point that attracts attention. Our eyes are subconsciously looking for "points" and such bouquets seem harmonious;
  • do not overdo it with greenery, and it should not be higher than flowers;
  • the use of flowers of varying degrees of openness and buds prolongs the life of the bouquet;
  • the rhythm of the bouquet is important: flowers, shapes, colors should alternate, then a certain “movement” of the composition is created that pleases the eye.

Packaging as part of the composition

Among stylish and fashionable packaging recent years and this year the first place is occupied by plain paper. Fabric and lace, dense raw linen - matting, satin ribbons and coarse weaving ropes will add charm to the bouquet.

Large and small grids are losing ground.

Undesirable - polyethylene, it can only be used as technical packaging.

Floral Trends - 2018

It is difficult to imagine a solemn moment without picturesque flowers. They decorate the interior of the house, serve as signs of attention. You can easily buy a plant arrangement in the store, but if you want to make it yourself, take a moment to immerse yourself in this interesting and creative process.

How to make a bouquet of fresh flowers

A creative and exciting activity - making bouquets of fresh flowers - requires knowledge and skills. To make a beautiful composition, follow certain rules. You need to take into account:

  • destination - a woman or a man;
  • color combination;
  • incompatibility of plants with each other;
  • sizes according to the donation situation;
  • the texture of the components - it is better to use different ones (needle, terry);
  • undesirability when drawing up the use of a large number of plants;
  • proper training composition material;
  • beautiful decoration and packaging.

Types of flowers for a bouquet

The art of making bouquets of natural flowers - floristry - takes into account that each plant in the composition has a special meaning. It can be conveyed without words to the person receiving the gift. The value of plants:

  • lotus - health, happiness;
  • callas - balance, beauty;
  • peony - wealth, glory;
  • rose - love;
  • lily - nobility;
  • astra - charm;
  • irises - wisdom, peace;
  • tulips - wealth;
  • lavender - admiration.

Decorative greenery plays an important role in the composition. It helps to shade the beauty, give volume, revitalize. Popular in floral design plants:

  • Asparagus. Its feather-light twigs create volume and decorate the bride's bouquet.
  • Aspidistra. wide, large and dark leaves This plant is set off by flowers of a rough texture.
  • Gypsophila. A cloud of its small white flowers creates lightness and volume.
  • Bergras. Its unusual, thin, thread-like leaves, collected in a bunch, give the bouquet gracefulness.
  • Fern. These carved, graceful leaves will decorate a bouquet of different flowers.

Plant preparation

How to make a bouquet of fresh flowers so that it stays fresh and beautiful longer? To do this, collect them in the early morning or late evening. To properly prepare plants for composition:

  • delete lower leaves at the stems;
  • remove the thorns from the roses;
  • on chrysanthemums and plants with hard peduncles, make cuts up to 2 cm;
  • remove anthers from lilies;
  • peduncles of dahlias and peonies, burn on fire, dip in cold water;
  • make an angled cut on the stem under water.

Bouquet shape

Starting to make a bouquet, think about the shape. It may vary in size and assembly patterns. Smaller ones are especially popular. original compositions from small plants, which are based on a wire frame. They are used as:

  • neck jewelry;
  • bracelets;
  • boutonniere for the groom's suit.

Large sets in shape can be symmetrical - pyramidal, oval, round. Asymmetric compositions are characterized by the appearance of an irregular triangle or crescent. When compiling, the forms are often used:

  • freely assembled - good as a gift option;
  • round - ideal for desktop execution;
  • one-sided - from plants of different lengths, arranged in tiers;
  • linear - consists of several peduncles and greenery;
  • Biedermeier - modern style with dense laying of plants and trimming with ribbons, lace.

The combination of flowers in a bouquet

If the question arose of how to make a bouquet of flowers so that it pleases with its beauty, and does not annoy, consider all the subtleties. Composing color scheme, use these options:

  • similar - colors close to each other, for example, yellow, orange and red in different shades;
  • contrast - looks bright and optimistic;
  • monochrome - one color, but different shades;
  • polychromatic or iridescent - the whole variety of the palette.


When composing and decorating a composition, decoration should not be intrusive and distract from the integrity of the idea. The design depends on the occasion to which the gift is dedicated:

  • the birth of a child - bears, hearts are used;
  • New Year's meeting - complemented by sweets, figures of animals, birds;
  • romantic date - characterized by the presence of beads and butterflies;
  • autumn anniversary - allows additions in the form of branches with berries.

How to pack a bouquet of flowers

When composing bouquets of fresh flowers important point is the packaging. It serves as a decoration, but does not draw attention to itself. With the help of design, you can hide the flaws of the kit. It is important to choose the right material and not overdo it using decorative elements. For decoration use synthetic materials:

  • film - color, transparent;
  • organza - plain, with sparkles, pattern;
  • artificial mesh that retains its shape well.

Original bouquets of fresh flowers are made using natural materials. They give the composition a finished look, look organic and stylish. Popular in packaging are:

  • thin felt - successfully complements high compositions;
  • sisal - adorns sets with a short stem;
  • jute mesh - serves as a decor for status compositions;
  • corrugated paper - has a good drapery.

Check out the photo below to replenish your piggy bank with new ideas. A round set of roses looks elegant, decorated with felt, matching in tone with flowers. The composition is beautifully complemented by packaging in corrugated paper, which does not distract attention with its coloring. Bouquets of flowers collected using the spiral technique are distinguished by splendor and grace. They will be appropriate for any solemn event. For a gift to a girl on a first date, a mini-bouquet of tulips is perfect.

For those who don't like to throw away wilted bouquets, florists have figured out how to extend the life of cut plants. Creative bouquets in a box of fresh flowers will delight you with their splendor for a long time. For decoration, you can use toys, butterflies. In addition to fresh flowers, they decorate in this way japanese tree bonsai. The secret is that a special sponge soaked in water is placed in the box.

In ancient times, plants and flowers were endowed with magical, supernatural powers that influenced the fate of people. Beautiful bouquets were used to decorate the dwellings of ordinary villagers and the palaces of wealthy people.

Floristry is an art

(floristry) is a surprisingly exciting activity. It will appeal to delicate natures, with exquisite taste and appreciating beauty. Doing this business, you will not be bored or sad. Learning how to make bouquets of flowers is not difficult if you have an artistic taste. Live and branches, leaves, fruits, etc. are used for work).

Any person can learn how to beautifully and correctly make bouquets. This opinion is very common. In fact, success in creating unique compositions consists of 30% knowledge of the technology of working with plants and 70% of artistic talent, love for wildlife and a great desire to improve your skills every day. Based on this, we can safely say that arranging bouquets, floristry is an art in which each created work is a canvas of flowers, leaves and branches.

Floristics - the world of your fantasies

Like any art, arranging bouquets (floristry) does not have strict limits for the artist's imagination. Compositions can be very diverse, and floristry styles are just options that are the basis for your creativity.

Making bouquets (floristry) from fresh flowers

The art of floristry involves the creation of compositions from living plants or dried ones (ikebana). But more often this style is used for long-term decoration of premises. Bouquets of natural flowers are more popular.

In composition, it is important to learn how to combine various varieties plants. For example, it will not look organic with an orchid. When composing a bouquet, you can apply one simple trick experienced florists- use plants that this moment are situated in different stages: buds, partially or fully opened flowers. Such a bouquet will please for a long time with gradually blooming buds. Decorative greenery makes the composition complete.

in a bouquet

If you want to make a gift bouquet, then you need to know about the meanings of some flowers. For example, calla symbolizes balance and beauty, lotus - happiness and good health, peony - wealth and glory, gladiolus - constancy. The shade of the flower also matters. A bouquet in dark pink tones means gratitude, white - innocence and purity, purple - friendship. Composing the composition, pay attention to the foliage. It should not have brown spots.

Bouquets for special occasions

There are many situations in our life when beautiful bouquets not enough. Personal celebrations, weddings, birthdays and anniversaries are those cases when a flower arrangement will bring harmony and a certain charm to the interior of the room where the holiday takes place. If we are talking about bouquets for decoration, then you need to choose the right size. The composition should fit into the interior and not interfere with guests.

Floristry: arranging bouquets for beginners

To learn the art of floristry, you need to know its basic principles, styles, study the methods of preparing material, master the professional tools of a florist. Everything else depends on the beginner's imagination and sense of style. It is necessary to always be aware of floral fashion, that is, to know which flowers are most popular today.

Florists' tools

In order to make the perfect bouquet, you will need:

Secateurs flower;

Gardening scissors.

You need a pruner to cut flowers with a dense stem, a knife is used to remove leaves, and you can trim almost all plants. To fix the plants in the compositions, floral foam is used, or an oasis, as professionals call it. When working with artificial flowers, you can use ordinary polyurethane foam.

Used vessels for bouquets and accessories

Amazing and exquisite craze for people different ages, men and women - floristry. Drawing up bouquets, the photos of which you see in our article, cannot be imagined without the use of special accessories and vessels. It could be a vase various materials: crystal, metal, glass, plastic, wood. As accessories, you can use ribbons, bells, candles (they are often used in Christmas compositions), beads, stones, etc.

Making bouquets (floristry) is an ancient and eternally young art. It is currently one of the leading trends in aesthetics.

Today I want to talk about basics of floristry , the basics that are applicable to any floristic composition made by hand, be it from fresh, dry, artificial flowers , or not from flowers at all, but from fruits or sweets. There are several basic principles of floristic composition:

1. Concept, design - the master plan of the arrangement from which it is created. The design has three parameters: height, width and depth. The master of flower arrangement at first mentally imagines it in ready-made and only then does it begin to work.

2. Proportion - this is the ratio of the size of plants and the vessel, the proportion between flowers, leaves, vase, the ratio of the size of the finished composition and the room, the showcase where it will stand. Compliance with proportions means that in general the composition makes a pleasant impression - the composition looks proportionate. A composition in any style can be disproportionate if there is no relationship between the size of the vessel and the height of the plants. To maintain proportion in the creation of compositions, they proceed from the classical formula of the "golden section". With a vertical position of the bouquet, if the entire height is divided into 8 parts, then 5 of them should fall on the flowers, and 3 on the vase. Or the size of tall flower should be equal to 1.5 vase heights (light flowers and buds are higher, darker ones are lower). In a horizontal position, when the bouquet is placed low, flat vase, the diagonal or diameter of the vase should be taken into account. The longest branch, flower according to the "golden section" should be 5 parts, the shortest 3 or the size of the longest flower 1.5 diameter or diagonal of the vase.

3. Focal point - the center of attention of the composition, a place where the eye is attracted. It can be larger flowers or a group of small flowers located at the edges of the vase. The focal point should not be large, otherwise it can ruin the whole composition.

4. Rhythm - it is a movement in the composition, which can be achieved by alternating form and color, changing the size of flowers. Without rhythm, the arrangement looks monotonous and static.

5. Balance - is important, an unbalanced asymmetric composition can tip over. Visual balance, not much more than physical balance, is the requirement that the composition look stable, even if it is asymmetrical. There are several methods of visual weighting of the lighter side of the arrangement - dark flowers heavier than light, round heavier than tubular. There is a balance between top and bottom. Large flowers in the middle or at the bottom of the arrangement give the impression of balance.

6. Harmony - it is the aesthetic quality of the composition, the aesthetic value in which all parts of the arrangement, their shape and color complement each other.

7. Colour- one of the main elements of a properly composed composition. Help here color circle, in which the shades of the spectrum of the sun's beam, passed through the prism, and transitional tones are located. All colors can be divided into warm (red, orange, yellow) and cold (blue, blue-violet, violet, green). Read about ways to harmonize colors

Floristry is one of the types of applied art. It allows you to create masterpieces from natural materials. The result is collages, bouquets, panels, compositions. This direction of art allows you to show creativity and learn technical techniques. Only flowers and leaves are used in the work.

Novice florists should try to fold simple compositions in the form of bouquets. For a creative person, such a hobby can become a real hobby. Create unusual work from natural materials very easily adhering to the lessons and advice of experienced florists. In nature, there are no identical flowers or leaves, so the work always turns out to be unique.

Getting started with flowers

After reviewing the lesson on making bouquets, you immediately need to think about what to make it from.

Pick the right material

You can use both live ingredients and dry ones. Materials are divided into categories: exotic, field and others. There are plants that will universally fit into any bouquet. For example, Irises or Sunflowers.

I mainly use the following materials:

Some plants don't match. They tend to release substances into the water that poison other plants. It is customary to keep roses, carnations and lilies separately from others.

Gift bouquets have their own characteristics. Flowers have always had their own meaning. Coloring also implies a certain message. Even the packaging matters.

Using too many different flowers (more than 4 types) makes the composition heavy, heaped or too rustic. A bouquet from a novice florist should be different from a set of wild flowers.

Etiquette in floristry is getting more and more developed. It is getting more and more attention. If flowers can convey the feelings of the donor, then the composition can have the value of a full-fledged postcard.

According to the canons of design in any field perfect combination are the three primary colors. With regard to the composition of bouquets, this rule also applies. A beginner will demonstrate good taste if he sticks to a modest color palette.

The quality of flowers, especially live ones, is a very important factor. The arranged bouquet looks sloppy if there are spots on the leaves or the stem is sluggish. There are tricks to keep fresh flowers in good condition: store at a suitable temperature, cut the stems at an angle, peel them from leaves and shoots to the water level. The cut needs to be updated sometimes - the flowers will last longer.

Bouquets of dried flowers have a number of advantages:

  • Durable.
  • Simple composition.
  • No extra care needed.
  • They stand without water in a vase or even in wooden blanks.
  • Additional coloring gives brightness and uniqueness to the bouquet.
  • Dark corners of the house are suitable so that the bouquet does not fade.

Select track

There are several basic compositions that will help beginners to collect bouquets of fresh and dried flowers very quickly and efficiently.

  1. Use similar flowers. This technique of making bouquets is the most popular among non-professionals. Peonies, irises, roses, lilacs, violets are easy to arrange.
  2. Struggle and unity of opposites in contrasting compositions. They are one of the most spectacular and bright. Usage basic colors makes the arrangement of bouquets interesting. It will be especially simple and interesting to make bouquets of fresh flowers for beginners. Contrast can be achieved through light and dark shades.
  3. Combination various colors one saturation. To do this, I use a tint circle. There are special computer programs that allow you to see the colors combined with a particular shade. It helps artists and web designers work. A beginner florist can train his color perception thanks to them.
  4. Color combination of the same color but in different shades. The bouquet is like a gradient.

Composition is also affected by the shape and size of objects. They must be proportional to each other.

Tools for beginner florists

All these items are needed to get started. With experience, you can choose other devices.

Styles in the art of floristry

Formolinear style, characterized by a restrained amount of materials and forms. The bouquet consists of only one flower.

Massive style is an arrangement characterized by large shapes and soft lines. First, the main part of the bouquet is drawn up, and then all the voids are filled in to achieve smooth lines.

Creative floristry - applied non-standard forms and priority is given to the uniqueness of the product.

Mixed style is the combination of several styles into unusual compositions.

Bouquets for women are more streamlined and round, while for men they are more elongated.

Spring bouquet: step by step instructions

Master class in floristry for beginners from several simple steps. The lesson on how to make this bouquet can be repeated even by a child.

  1. Prepare your tools. Trim soft pink peonies so that the stem is 45 cm long. Remove any leaves from the stem that will be in the water.
  2. Choose the most big flower, add smaller ones to it. They need to be placed just below the main flower. Point the bouquet with the buds towards you to see how they are arranged.
  3. The stems of the flowers should be in relation to each other at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. We fill the bouquet until it is the desired volume. Now you can secure it with floral tape. Close the fixation with a satin ribbon.
  5. Level the stems so that the buds are on the same level. Wrap them in transparent packaging.

The bouquet is ready. The buds of pink peonies can be diluted with white.

Video master class

Floristics will allow you to make a unique gift for loved ones or decorate a celebration. Even a beginner can make a bouquet of flowers by following the steps in the master class step by step.

Making creative products from plants will be easy if you stick to the technique from the master class. It describes in detail the composition, the creation of form and the selection of shades of color.