What color to choose a wallet. What color should a wallet be to attract money: signs, Feng Shui

Compatibility horoscope: the color of the wallet according to the zodiac sign fish is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Let's paint a portrait of a thing that is guaranteed to contribute to our well-being.

So which wallet attracts money?

1. New, in perfect order

Of course, there is no need to buy another item every week. But buying a new wallet is definitely worth it if:

  • the old one is worn out, worn out and no longer pulls the status of a decent home for substantial sums;
  • if you want to start your financial life from scratch and are determined to become better off.

You also need to keep a close eye on the integrity of your wallet: every hole in your wallet is a hole in your budget. If a hole appears in any place, it must be sewn up immediately (preferably with golden thread), but it is still better to dispose of the old wallet and buy a new one.

2. Spacious

What wallet size attracts money? Large enough to comfortably accommodate a lot of money so that bills don't have to "crowd" and compete for a place in the sun. At the same time, the purchased wallet should be an organized space - contain enough compartments so that it is easy to maintain order in it.

Another answer to the question of how to attract money to a wallet is its price. For it to become a magnet for finance, the product must look expensive. Cheap wallets carry the energy of poverty - big money cannot stay in them, and you cannot do anything about it. And, most likely, serious sums will not get there at all. Therefore, when considering which wallet to buy, it is advisable to consider only expensive options - as expensive as you can afford in the current financial situation. It is believed that buying an expensive wallet is an investment that will pay off many times over very soon.

4. Natural

What material of the wallet attracts money - only natural! Things made from synthetic materials do not carry material energy. Moreover, they block or miss the power of wealth and prosperity. Therefore, it is best to buy wallets made of leather and natural fabrics (for example, suede).

What color of the wallet attracts money? There is no definite answer to this question - there are several preferred options.

How to choose a feng shui wallet color?

According to feng shui, it is believed that the color of wealth is represented by all shades of earth and metal. This means that the wallet should be in such colors as brown, black, yellow (from pale to orange) and, of course, gold and silver. The last two shades are good for those who do not want to work hard for the sake of wealth and are ready to be content with easily coming one-time injections into the budget. If you are more interested in stable financial growth, you should choose a green wallet.

White is considered acceptable at home for money. What color should the wallet not be? Any shades of blue and gray. Finances will evaporate and flow away in an unknown direction.

As for the red wallet, there are nuances. On the one hand, it is the color of life, energy, so it can help you earn money. On the other hand, money will not stay in a red wallet for a long time. Therefore, it is worth keeping funds in it that will serve as an investment and will go into circulation. A wallet of this color will attract money in the hands of enterprising, inventive, and risky people. Moreover, even they are advised, after receiving (not without the help of a red wallet, of course) a serious amount of money new house for money. In any case, a red wallet is clearly not the kind of thing in which you should make stash and money-boxes for a rainy day. A brown wallet is best suited for this role.

How to choose the color of the wallet for men and women

How to choose a wallet by your zodiac sign (color)

You can search for a wallet based on your zodiac constellation. According to astrologers, if people start buying purses of flowers in accordance with their sun sign, they will never face any problems with money. So how to choose the color of your wallet based on your zodiac sign?

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Aries need?

These people should only have red or burgundy wallets.

What kind of wallet does the Taurus zodiac sign need?

People with this sign must use a white or silver wallet.

What kind of wallet does Gemini zodiac sign need?

Gemini needs green wallets

What kind of wallet does the Cancer zodiac sign need?

People of this sign only need light, pastel-colored wallets.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Leo need?

The sun is the ruling planet of this sign, so its representatives need wallets in red, yellow or orange.

What kind of wallet does Virgo zodiac sign need?

Virgos should buy wallets in a deep dark green color.

What kind of wallet does the Libra zodiac sign need?

These people should have wallets in white, silver, or mud.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Scorpio need?

Scorpios should keep their money in red wallets.

What kind of wallet does Sagittarius zodiac sign need?

Wallets in yellow or orange- that's what, according to astrologers, Sagittarius needs for financial well-being.

What kind of wallet does the Capricorn zodiac sign need?

Blue or black is the perfect color for people of this zodiac sign.

What kind of wallet does Aquarius zodiac sign need?

These people must have very dark or black wallets.

What kind of wallet does the Pisces zodiac sign need?

Yellow wallets - the best choice for Pisces people.

6. The one you like

A purse, in order to attract wealth, must please the person who wears it. You should look at the thing with pleasure, because it helps to accumulate positive energy in it.

What to put in your wallet for wealth

What needs to be done so that our house for finances has a rich inner content in every sense, what to put in a wallet to attract money, and so that it is always found there?

What to put in your wallet for wealth - of course, money in the first place!

  • After buying a wallet, you need to immediately put money in it and imagine that there will be a lot of such in it, and always.
  • Money should be sorted according to its value, stacked on one side; do not fold them in half.
  • For a wallet to attract money, it must never be completely empty. There should always be something "for divorce" in it.

Talismans attracting cash flows to the wallet

Fortunately, there are a lot of them, for every taste. You can put the following wallet talismans in one of the compartments:

  • lucky money - for example, one of the bills of a large sum that has once been in your hands, a gift from a wealthy person, etc. In doing so, you need to be careful with the coins and banknotes that you won or found. In this case, you need to monitor how your budget reacts to such replenishment. It may turn out that the "freebie" will not do good, and then you need to get rid of the money that has fallen on your head in favor of those in need.
  • rare, collectible coin or bill. Non-exchangeable bills and coins are considered a good help to wealth.
  • a banknote with an 8 at the end of its serial number. It will be great if the number contains, in addition to the figure of eight, also 9.
  • a cinnamon stick.
  • anything from legumes: bean, beans.
  • fresh or dried mint. Instead, or in addition to the leaves, you can drop literally a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil onto the material. You can use patchouli oil for the same purpose.
  • leaf of heather.
  • acorn - it is believed that it concentrates material energy in itself.
  • a piece of horseradish root - with such a wallet talisman, you can never say that you have no shit. It is desirable that this horseradish be grown with his own hands or in the garden of a person who does not suffer from lack of money. By the way, saving the financial situation with horseradish is an old Russian custom.
  • Four-leaf clover
  • scales of carp or other fish served at the Christmas table. This custom is practiced by Catholics in Western Europe(as well as the previous one) - who knows, maybe he will help you too?
  • it is also recommended to keep an eye on oriental calendar and every year put in your wallet for wealth an image or some kind of symbol of the patron animal of the current 12 months (for example, a feather or something similar in the year of the Rooster, etc.).
  • three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon.
  • runes, hieroglyphs and other graphic symbols that bring prosperity. In particular, very good choice- a talisman with the Fehu rune, which effectively accumulates financial energies.
  • symbols of the planets Venus and Jupiter (in astrology, they symbolize abundance).
  • tiny mirror - it is designed to increase your fortune. The main thing is not to forget to take it out when the wallet is temporarily depleted.

What shouldn't be in a wallet that attracts wealth

What does not belong in the wallet, which is entrusted with the mission of making you rich? Anything that has nothing to do with money or amulets.

  • Obviously, checks, tickets, business cards, which we have a habit of littering our wallets with, are clearly not drawn to the role of a mascot.
  • invalid, overdue bank cards.
  • prescriptions for medicines, especially expired ones: they may prevent us from recovering, and money will be spent on medicines.

Can I carry photos in my wallet?

This is a controversial topic, and the main thing here is who is depicted in the pictures. If this is a photo of very rich people, successful people, who are for you the personification of material well-being, then - unlike the pictures of loved ones (more on this below) - such a photo in your wallet will be quite appropriate. He will not lose money from the rich, but he can help you.

But the photos of loved ones in the wallet are not the most best idea: The snapshot interrupts cash flows. In addition, it is not recommended to carry a photo of a loved one in a wallet also because the person depicted on it will be either greedy, or, conversely, prone to too frivolous spending.

There is also a compromise option: if you absolutely want to carry photographs of loved ones in your wallet, then these should be people you love, whom you want to surround with care, including financial ones. But you cannot carry in your wallet photos of relatives (even loved ones) who are pulling money from you or once became the cause of your difficult financial situation. Because of this, you may find yourself in debt. Are you ready for such sacrifices for them - it's up to you

When to purse

On the waning moon, clean your wallet, free it from paper trash... On the growing moon, it is good to put things in order in the talismans for the wallet: put new ones, check the status of existing ones, etc. Well, go for a new home for big money best when the moon is in Taurus.

Wallet color for attracting money according to Feng Shui and zodiac signs

In esoteric teachings, the color of an object is a reflection of its energetic component. Different teachings interpret the influence of colors in different ways. Now we will find out what color the wallet should be to attract money, according to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui and Western astrology.

Feng Shui selection

It is believed that for a person the energy that corresponds to the element of his birth works best. This applies to the color of any object: a car in which you will not have an accident, or a wallet that will attract additional material wealth into your life.

Therefore, before determining what the color of the wallet should be in Feng Shui, you need to know your element by the year of birth.

This color is always considered as one of the strongest wealth activators. It suits people of the element of Fire. Not bad for the elements of the Earth.

However, even those elements for whom red suits are not always worth purchasing such an accessory. The fact is that red enhances everything: both good and bad. And if there is in a person's life serious problems with money, he can exacerbate these problems. And finally push away material wealth.

Therefore, if you feel some resistance internally, do not purchase the red accessory. Even if you belong to the element of Fire.

This color is considered a symbol of abundance in many cultures. Not only in the teachings of Feng Shui.

The blue wallet is suitable for people of the elements of Water and Wood. Neutral to Earth. And it is completely contraindicated for Fire and Metal.

In Feng Shui, black is also associated with Water. Therefore, such accessories are again suitable for people of the Release of Water and Wood.

They are bad for Earth, Fire and Metal.

The color of the elements of the Earth. Also suitable for people of Wood and sometimes Metal. In no case should it be used by Water and Fire.

Beige shades are good only for the Earth.

An excellent choice for people of the element of Wood and, oddly enough, Fire.

Also, green items are suitable for all those who start something new in their life, for example, gives a start to a new project, and wants to get additional monetary profit from this enterprise.

The color of the elements of the Earth. Suitable for Metal.

However, be careful. Money comes easily to yellow wallets. But it is also easy to leave them. Therefore, they should not be used by people prone to thoughtless spending.

The gold option is suitable only for people who already have good money savings and want to increase them.

Corresponds to the people of the element of Metal. They can also use silver and light gray accessories.

Pure whites are shown to those who are completely entangled in financial problems and want to clean and update their money channels. Regardless of the element of birth.

Choice by Zodiac Signs

Astrologically, the color of the wallet is chosen according to the color of the elements of their zodiacal constellation.

Fire Release: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Red, gold, violet (purple, lilac).

Earth Release: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Brown, terracotta, green, black.

Air Release: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

All shades of blue. Work especially well bright hues- the color of the summer sky, turquoise.

Water Release: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Red and blue-green shades.

It may seem strange that red is associated with Water. But it is so. He personifies the power of the ocean depths.

But remember that the final choice is always yours. Be sure to listen to your inner voice. If you feel that the advice of the Eastern teachings does not suit you psychologically, then it is actually not true for you.

Feng Shui rules of use

  1. Do not put in your wallet under any circumstances family photos... It will "embarrass" the money.
  2. Never leave it blank. There should always be a certain amount of money that is not intended for spending, but simply “lives” there. It will be great if you take such an “irredeemable ruble” from a person who is much more wealthy than you in the financial planets.
  3. Do not use an old, dirty or torn wallet. As soon as an item shows signs of wilting, it must be replaced immediately.
  4. Buy only items made from natural materials. If you can't afford real leather, buy a cloth accessory rather than a leatherette item.
  5. You can't keep anything that reminds you of spending in your wallet. For example, receipts. Do not put there credit cards... Since they symbolize the lack of money, not their abundance. Also, do not put items that have nothing to do with money, for example, identity cards.
  6. Purchase wallets only large enough to fit the bills freely without folding.

I would also recommend storing a bill in your wallet with this serial number so that its last digits ideally coincide with your year of birth (for example, 1977), or the last 2 or 3 digits coincide with two or three digits from the year of birth, i.e. 977 or 77. A banknote with four digits of the year of birth may not be found right away. But to meet a bill with two numbers is quite real. It must be non-exchangeable and must be kept in your wallet all the time.

The wallet should please. No need to spare money to purchase it. Every time you pull it out, positive feelings should arise. This is a certain message from the Universe that you are happy to spend money. She, in turn, will do everything possible so that you do it more often.

And one more recommendation, not from Feng Shui, but from practical psychology. If there is such a problem as unreasonable spontaneous spending, put a piece of paper in your wallet with a reminder: "Do I need it?" And every time you want to buy another unnecessary thing, it will serve as a kind of reminder. Will save you a lot of money) Checked)

Money horoscope: how to choose a wallet by your zodiac sign

Would you like to have such a wallet that would attract money to you? If you believe the money horoscope, then this is quite possible if you choose a wallet in accordance with your Zodiac Sign. So which wallet will attract wealth to you?

Aries need to choose expensive leather wallets. Such an accessory will emphasize its status and become an excellent talisman for money. Preferred wallet colors: red, gold and crimson.

A modest wallet will suit Taurus, but with taste. Desirable without drawings and inscriptions. The money will be lured by a wallet of green and yellow colors.

For Cancers, monetary luck will be brought by a wallet with many branches and pockets. The color of the wallet should be chosen lilac, silver, light green.

A Leo wallet should be luxurious. Glitter, stones, lettering, designs, rivets and other decorations are welcome. The color of money luck in this case is black, scarlet, purple.

A Virgo wallet, first of all, should be convenient and practical. The colors recommended by the money horoscope are white, green, pale blue.

Libra needs to choose a stylish and original wallet. The colors of money luck are blue, turquoise.

Only a high-quality and expensive wallet can attract Scorpio luck in money. The colors recommended by the horoscope are red, yellow, orange, gold.

Sagittarians need to choose a large and bright wallet that will become a beacon for money. Lucky colors- blue, green, purple.

The classic version of the wallet will come in handy. Recommended colors are black, blue, brown.

Aquarius wallet will bring monetary luck self made made by someone close or familiar. Colors - turquoise, blue, ultramarine.

A vintage wallet will bring money luck to Pisces. Colors - blue, steel, silver, white, color sea ​​wave.

Use your monetary luck given to you by your Zodiac Sign! Good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

What color should a Pisces wallet be?

What color should a Pisces wallet be?

Pisces People- refined natures. They love everything graceful, beautiful and unusual. Pisces can be called connoisseurs of all that is beautiful. They look at antiques with trepidation, they love it very much when things are made of good, solid materials.

And this time the astrologers are not original. For Pisces, they advise choosing a wallet made of quality leather. It can be performed in strict or vice versa, in unusual design... Pisces are not daring, but when it comes to accessories, they can experiment.

It is better to choose a wallet of medium size. It will be optimal if there is no extra decor on the wallet, there will be minimalism. The main thing is the quality of the material.

A that's about color, then astrologers recommend choosing colors that will remind Pisces of the water element.

  • choose a blue wallet. It is better to choose a deep color.
  • an aquamarine wallet is very suitable;
  • steel. Its modest brilliance will resemble scales, but fish scales are used to attract wealth).

These colors are recognized as universal and can be used to create not only women's but also men's wallets.

The photo below shows the clutch wallets:

How to choose a wallet by horoscope

Each wallet has the ability to attract money.

Your money house can have a different shape, color, size, material, but regardless of this, it the main objective is to promote the magic of wealth.

This article will discuss how to choose a wallet according to a horoscope so that money can be found in it.

What should be a wallet that brings wealth?

You can choose a wallet based on your zodiac constellation.

According to astrologers, if people start buying purses of flowers in accordance with their sun sign, they will never face any problems with money.

How to choose a wallet by horoscope (color)

1. Wallet for Aries - these people should have wallets only in red, crimson, gold or shiny.

2. Wallet for the zodiac sign Taurus - green, lemon, lilac, white or silver.

3. What kind of wallet does the Gemini zodiac sign need - light yellow, orange, purple, gray-blue.

4. Raku purse - only light, pastel shades of purses, light purple, soft coral, silver, pistachio, etc.

5. Wallet for the zodiac sign Leo - scarlet, black, red, yellow or orange.

6. Which wallet to choose for Virgo - deep dark green, as well as white, light blue.

7. Purses to the signs of Libra - purple, blue, white, silver, aqua.

8. Scorpios should keep money in red wallets and all its shades.

9. Wallets green, purple, blue - that's what, according to astrologers, Sagittarius needs for financial well-being.

10. What kind of wallet does the Capricorn zodiac sign need - blue or black, ash gray, light beige, dark brown.

11. Wallet for the zodiac sign Aquarius - very dark colors or black.

12. What wallet to choose for the zodiac sign Pisces - blue, steel, aqua.

How to choose a wallet to attract money according to the horoscope

1. Aries - strict proportions of a well-known brand in expensive leather. Don't forget about the Aries money talismans.

2. Taurus - an original and comfortable model of a large size, preferably without drawings and inscriptions.

3. Gemini - optimal choice, reversible wallet or purse with two compartments. Better yet, two wallets at once to stabilize the financial situation.

4. Cancer - Pay attention to fasteners and compartments. The presence of a secret pocket is required, you need to put a spoon-rag or other purse talisman in it. And if there is only one compartment in the wallet, then let it be closed with a beautiful lock.

5. Lion - gorgeous quality and beauty, catchy handwork will do. Glitter, stones, lettering, designs, rivets and other decorations are welcome. Place a yellow shiny coin in the inner pocket.

6. Virgo is a neat little wallet, the most convenient and comfortable. Be sure to calculate the imperial wallet sizes.

7. Libra - stylish and original wallet with big amount branches and pockets so that you can expand money in ascending order of denomination of bills.

8. Scorpio - a thing that has clear seams, an even lining, no stains and poor workmanship, with an emphasis on quality.

9. Sagittarius is a big bright wallet that will become a beacon for money luck.

10. Capricorn is a classic version that combines beauty and functionality.

11. Aquarius is a large wallet in which bills will not wrinkle.

12. Pisces - a wallet made of exceptionally high quality leather, possibly handmade, in vintage style or having an aged look. You cannot save on wallets.

Why you can't give an empty wallet, and what to do if you were given it
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    How to choose a wallet for money
  • Studying ancient treatises on Feng Shui, it is unlikely that you will come across a mention of a wallet. But any practical teaching cannot stand still, it must constantly improve and develop, taking into account new realities. In modern Feng Shui, the wallet acts as a kind of symbol of prosperity, and whether you live in poverty or in wealth largely depends on its type. In addition, the wallet is like a home for your money, and the improvement of this "home" is directly reflected in its inhabitants. Another argument in favor of taking seriously the choice of a wallet: this thing is in contact with you for a long time (in your pocket or purse), so constant energy exchange is inevitable: not only your well-being depends on whether you have chosen the right wallet, but also well-being and health.

    And now more about what to consider when choosing a "home" for money.

    Feng Shui Wallet

    Feng Shui wallet shape

    For storing paper money, it is better to choose a rectangular wallet and of such a size that the bill fits in it as a whole, in an unfolded state. Wallets that wrinkle or fold bills are considered bad choices, they suppress the energy of money and prevent it from multiplying. Of course, if you have a separate coin purse, it may be small, but it is not recommended to put bills in it, and the preferred shape is still rectangular.

    Feng Shui wallet sizes

    To determine the correct size of the wallet (length, height and depth), you need a ruler from a Feng Shui master. All favorable and unfavorable sizes are already applied on it. If you don't have such a tool, it doesn't matter, use a regular ruler, and you will find out about the meaning of certain sizes here.

    On the scale of the master's ruler, there are 4 favorable segments and the same number of unfavorable ones. Each of them, in turn, is divided into 4 parts, each of which has its own special meaning. Favorable lengths: 0-54 mm; 162-215 mm; 215-270 mm; 378-432 mm. In principle, all sizes that fit within these values ​​are suitable for wallets. But there are those among them that are directly related to "monetary" luck, and we will tell you more about them.

    Feng Shui wallet sizes

    • 0-13 mm - means financial success;
    • 27-40 mm - luck of all 6 types;
    • 40-54 mm - wealth;
    • 175-189 mm - receiving unexpected additional income;
    • 202-215 mm - future success;
    • 243-256 mm - increased income;
    • 378-402 mm - money flow;
    • 415-429 mm - wealth in jewelry;
    • 429-432 mm - success, prosperity.

    Other sizes that fit into favorable segments are also acceptable, but they have no direct relation to the accumulation of wealth and their effect in our case will be lower. Unfavorable sizes are highly undesirable, but their negative impact can be reduced by using special amulets, for example, a "wallet extension". You just need to adhere to the rules: for 2 successful sizes - no more than one unsuccessful one, and the sum of favorable sizes is greater than the sum of unfavorable ones. However, there are some particularly unpleasant options to avoid:

    • 81-95 mm - failures and collapse, up to imprisonment;
    • 95-108 mm - death of a wife or husband;
    • 149-162 mm - danger of theft or robbery;
    • 270-284 mm - death or departure;
    • 297-311 mm - shame, exile;
    • 311-324 mm - significant loss of money;
    • 324-338 mm - various misfortunes;
    • 338-351 mm - death.

    Now you understand how important correct sizes a wallet - a thing that you constantly carry with you.

    Feng Shui wallet material and quality

    Feng Shui wallet material

    Buy only a quality, neatly crafted wallet that is the best you can afford. This does not mean that you need to overpay for famous brand it just needs to be done well. Smooth seams, high-quality leather, no protruding threads, persistent color, correctly installed and well-functioning fasteners - these are the signs of a thing of excellent quality. Everyone would like to live in a durable, comfortable and beautiful home, and money is no exception.

    The best material for a wallet is genuine leather or suede. A wallet made of polyethylene, plastic, or leatherette is a poor choice. These materials act as a kind of screen that reflects the flow of energy. In general, they will not bring you wealth. If you are on a budget, choose a fabric wallet. Its purchase will not hit the family's budget so hard, and it will "work" almost on a par with the leather one. If the funds allow you to spend on a leather wallet, give preference to it, you should not save on future well-being. Money is respected by the thrifty, but not by the greedy.

    Feng Shui wallet color

    Each Feng Shui has its own favorable colors. They are determined depending on which element (element) protects this or that person and which elements are adjacent to them in the circle of Destruction. The element is calculated by the last digit of the year of birth (exclusively according to the Eastern calendar, which does not quite coincide with ours).

    • 0 and 1 are metal, suitable colors are white, gray, silver;
    • 2 and 3 - water, colors - black, purple, blue, light blue;
    • 4 and 5 - wood, colors - brown and green;
    • 6 and 7 - fire, colors - carmine, scarlet, burgundy;
    • 8 and 9 - earth, colors - yellow, orange, beige, golden.

    There are some nuances here. People who are under the auspices of the elements of Metal should not choose a gray wallet, and those whose element is water will have a very difficult time. The fact is that all shades of blue and black are not suitable for a wallet. They carry too strong water energy and will literally "wash" money out of their container. Try to pick the right color intuitively, or try to befriend red. The fact is that the Feng Shui red color is quite universal, and its powerful power is used for a wide variety of purposes, in particular, to activate a particular zone or to enhance magical objects and symbols.

    Red wallet

    How do you tame the color red and make it bring you money? First of all, it should be a pure bright shade that evokes pleasant emotions and pleasing to the eye. If your mood improves even a little every time you take out the red wallet, then its color will multiply the received positive energy and direct it to increase your well-being. Just keep in mind that this color is very picky. Therefore, the wallet should look as expensive as possible. Best of all, if it is made of high quality patent leather.

    Wallet talismans

    Wallet talismans

    You can increase the flow of money passing through your wallet with special talismans.

    Many people carry the first coin or bill they earn in their wallet. Better if it is 1 or 100 US dollars. These banknotes, by the way, fully meet the requirements of Feng Shui - all shades of green are extremely successful for banknotes. This bill should not be exchanged and used for settlements. You can lightly smear it with honey so that the money will fly to her like bees.

    3 Chinese coins connected by a red ribbon are a real money magnet. They are carried in a wallet or placed in the Wealth sector located in the southeastern part of an apartment or house.

    Bean pod will protect you from theft and unreasonable waste. If there is little space in the wallet and a real pod can wrinkle and deform bills, use a picture with its image.

    The keychain depicting accounts helps you to properly manage your funds and make the right decisions to make a profit. It can be hung from a wallet or carried in the same pocket.

    According to Feng Shui, mint has a scent that attracts money. You can put a drop of essential oil on the lining of your wallet, or put a mint leaf, a bag of mint tea in it.

    What shouldn't you keep in your wallet?

    Old receipts, tickets, unnecessary pieces of paper - this is all rubbish, to the presence of which the Feng Shui masters are sharply negative.

    You should not keep photos of friends, relatives, pets in your wallet, this can harm both them and the cash flow.

    It is better to exchange torn, dilapidated, dirty banknotes for whole and clean ones.

    Whether you choose a yellow, green or red wallet, according to Feng Shui, the main thing is that it is right for you. There has to be some kind of connection, even sympathy, if you will. Like any thing you own, a Feng Shui wallet should be in harmony with your personality. If you don't like something about it, you should look for another wallet with which you can "find a common language."

    The choice of a wallet for storing cash must be approached responsibly. Monetary energy is very sensitive to these little things. If you neglect this, then money can take offense, and then financial well-being can leave you. To choose a wallet to attract money, you must follow certain rules in order to lure wealth and luck into your life with the purchase.

    Features of purchasing a wallet

    To purchase it, you need to choose a day. It is better to shop on a waxing moon or on a full moon, since it is at this time that financial energy is in full force. In general, you should take it as a habit that all things aimed at increasing something or making a profit should be carried out on the moon that is gaining strength. This includes business development, investments, various financial transactions.

    If you want to get rid of something, for example, debts, competitors, etc. do business on the waning moon. Therefore, if you have financial problems, you need to buy a new wallet on the waning moon and throw it away, saying that together with it you will get rid of poverty.

    If you lose your wallet, think about why it happened and why it left you. Consider this when purchasing a new storage medium.

    Also important is the moment from whom you acquire it. Pay attention to the seller, if for some reason you do not like this person, then you should not buy a thing from him. This can scare off financial luck, and your new wallet will be empty all the time. Therefore, try to buy it in the store, and not in the market or even from your hands. Bought from another person, he can bring misfortune to the house, since it is not known where he got it from and what the seller did with it.

    How to choose a wallet to attract money

    When buying this item, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • the wallet must be made from natural materials

    These include natural leather, suede, fabrics. Most the best option there will be a purchase of a wallet made of textiles. Natural leather looks great and does not lose its shape and appearance for a long time. Do not spare the money to buy a "home for money", they will be grateful for it, and they will start visiting you more often.

    Do not buy a wallet from artificial materials... It looks cheap and quickly deteriorates. The money will “feel” that he is poor and will try to disappear as soon as possible.

    Women often use a wallet to store funds, however, a strong half of humanity neglects this fact. It is not uncommon to observe how a man takes out crumpled and carelessly folded bills from his trousers or shirt pocket. Money doesn't like that.

    The best option there will be a wallet for storing them for men, do not skimp, choose a high-quality, branded item so that it will serve you for many years. The most optimal colors in this case will be black or brown.

    A less common and desirable option is a natural fabric wallet. It is less presentable and less durable.

    • have good capacity

    This means that the entire bills must fit into the wallet. It is unacceptable to store them crumpled or bent. Money should lie neatly, face to face. Also, the wallet should have a convenient compartment for small change, it should not accidentally spill out when making a purchase or in a bag. This fact leads to irrational losses, and money does not like being disrespectful to itself. In extreme cases, you can store your change separately in a small special leather bag.

    • be of the appropriate color

    Money colors are red, black, brown. They attract and accumulate funds in your wallet. Do not buy "money vault" water colors - blue, blue, green. In such a wallet, finances will not stay for a long time and will quickly flow to another owner.

    Also, you should not buy this thing in flashy and colorful colors. Because they bring confusion and chaos in financial matters. Money, despite its fluidity, loves counting and a rational attitude towards itself.

    • not everything can be stored in the wallet

    You cannot store photographs of loved ones in it, this fact can adversely affect their health and cause financial problems in life. Also, checks, notes, receipts and other junk that you receive in the process of shopping and paying bills should be kept separately. Get a little daddy for these purposes.

    An abundance of unnecessary paperwork in a "money house" can cause confusion and confusion in your financial matters, and entail unnecessary waste and loss of funds.

    To lure wealth, put a cinnamon stick, dried mint, or a piece of horseradish in your wallet. They serve as a kind of talismans of financial well-being. You can also store one US dollar. According to the beliefs of successful businessmen of this largest world financial power, this fact contributes to the growth of your well-being. For these purposes, you can also use beans, beans, heather sticks, etc. Just don't overdo it by turning your wallet into a bag of talismans.

    • should be new

    The wallet must be new. It cannot be bought hand-held since you do not know if the previous owner was successful. Thus, he can transfer his energy of financial failure to you. So buy new thing so that only your energy is on it.

    Separately, it should be said that when buying a wallet, it is better to have conservative views on its design, since stylish scuffs and holes can reduce the number of bills in your pocket. You should be careful with little-known newfangled money talismans. Often, designers popularize a particular symbol, unaware of its true meaning. For example, according to modern fashion trends, appeared money talisman- wallet mouse. However, this small rodent has been a symbol of chaos and loss since antiquity. These petty thieves spoiled goods and products, as well as spread infection and disease.

    Also, if your wallet is worn out, leaky, then you should not wear it, postponing the purchase from paycheck to paycheck. Thus, you are showing your disrespect for finances, and they can repay you in kind. Also, there is no need to patch and sew up a wallet. Patches have always served as a symbol of poverty, which money does not like at all.

    Ways to Attract Financial Luck

    After buying a new wallet, you need to follow the following guidelines so that it is never empty:

    • do not store in it money that you donated, borrowed or won

    Usually, easy money is easy and goes away. Therefore, so that there is no “turnover” in your wallet, keep these financial assets separately. Also, so that such money is not wasted in vain, some of it needs to be invested in. Thus, you will thank the universe for the funds you have inherited.

    • you can't keep it empty

    There should be a little money in it all the time, since the emptiness attracts the emptiness that finance does not like. Your wallet needs to have multiple compartments, including a coin compartment. This will help you manage your financial resources more rationally, put large paper bills in one, medium bills in the other, and the smallest change in the third. So you can clearly see how much you are spending, and orient yourself regarding the rationality of spending.

    • money should be folded neatly

    By following this rule, you show respect for money, and they love it. Make it a habit to revise your wallet every time at the end of the day and arrange the bills accordingly.

    In the process of exchanging money during the day in a store, at home, with work colleagues, friends, etc., make it a rule to put your money neatly, and not stick it in a crumpled form in your pocket or purse.

    Financial resources should only be in your wallet, if they are scattered around your bag, desk drawers, or lie on shelves at home, then, thereby, contribute to the formation of chaos in your financial affairs. Unpleasant irrational spending can occur, for example, tights are accidentally torn, an umbrella is lost, new jeans are damaged with paint, etc.

    • carry bank cards in your wallet

    Bank cards, credit cards, discount cards for the purchase of goods should be kept in your wallet. Almost every “money vault” has pockets where you can put them. These means of payment contribute to the attraction of additional Money... Since, in fact, it turns out that in the wallet there are always large amounts of electronic money invisible to the eye, i.e. the wallet is formally full of money. Here the proverb "money to money" works.

    The availability of special discount cards allows you to make purchases at reduced prices. But, since such cards are very common, and you can get them in any more or less decent store, quite a lot of them accumulate. It is not worth "inflating" the "house for money" by storing them all in it, this will have little effect on increasing welfare, and it may well cause inconvenience in the form of a torn wallet. For such purposes, you can purchase, for example, a business card holder or something similar.

    • designer wallet

    This is a rare, but quite effective feature for raising funds. Often in the old days, some kind of protective pattern was embroidered on a money bag (purse), for example, a symbolic designation of the god responsible for welfare - Veles.

    You can choose something of your own and put it on your wallet. It is better to do it yourself, because the fewer people see and ask what these symbols are, the better.

    Our ancestors knew that some plants can attract money well. These include beans, beans, horseradish, mint, cinnamon.

    Also effective method there will be a method called a "picture of desires" to attract crispy bills of a large denomination into your wallet. It lies in the fact that you, manually or using Photoshop, can make a small drawing, on which you can display your most basic desires. But do not overdo it, as the picture can turn into chaos, and the universe will not understand what you want from it.

    Once created, put it in your wallet. Whenever you open it, there will be a goal in front of your eyes that you must achieve. In this way, you are communicating this to the monetary energy of the universe.

    Watch your speech, stop talking about poverty, high prices and injustice of the government, officials, etc. The universe does not understand and does not accept humor and lies. She can punish for this by the actual deprivation of funds. Use special monetary affirmations and meditations to help you tune in and strengthen the energetic message of well-being to the universe. For the same purpose, they can be stored in your wallet.

    If certain monetary meditations do not work, this does not mean that some are stronger or weaker, it all depends on the energy that a person puts into it when pronouncing.

    In order for the chosen wallet to be successful for you and fit in all parameters, you need to focus on the signs of the zodiac. This will help to take into account certain characteristics inherent in the individual and strengthen his monetary biofield.

    After purchasing the "cash vault", observe how it will behave with you. If the wallet is constantly torn, lost, money spills out and disappears from it, then you should think about replacing it, since it obviously does not suit you. You should not transfer or simply store it, because even if you do not use it, it will still cause losses, scaring off financial luck. Just throw it away or burn it. If this wallet was donated by someone, then it is necessary to analyze your relationship with this individual, perhaps he is not so well disposed towards you as you think.

    The shape of the wallet also plays an important role. Better to give preference to the classic rectangular version with a compartment for small items. The funds will fit there completely, which will prevent them from being damaged and jammed. Also common and convenient option is a men's wallet, especially if it is made of high quality and from natural materials, preferably leather. Money loves expensive accessories made of genuine leather.

    Wallets unusual shape it is better not to buy, as their effect on money can be the most unpredictable. For example, this little thing in the shape of a bag is well suited for small change, but it is better not to store paper money there, because they will have to be folded several times. This can scare off monetary energy.

    Always keep your wallet in one place, for example, in your purse or desk drawer. Shifting money from place to place will lead to unforeseen expenses and reduced profits. Cash flow should be directed to one location. If possible, place a cactus next to your wallet. It will help you save money and ward off poverty and failure.

    Do not buy wallets with names and inscriptions you do not understand. For example, Arabic script or Chinese characters can carry a completely different meaning than what you think. If you like it, you can buy a wallet and then pick up a sign that you can be sure of.

    After buying a new wallet, you can perform a special ritual over it, fumigating with incense sticks and saying certain affirmations, then wrap it in a red cloth and let it lie in the closet for a while. After that, you can use it. If the wallet is “not yours,” but it’s expensive and it’s a pity to throw it away, don’t be greedy, you can lose much more with it than without it.

    Now you know how to choose a wallet to attract money, you need to approach this issue responsibly, because in the future it will be of great importance to your financial condition, and scare away or attract monetary energy. Before choosing it, think carefully about the material, shape, color, size. Don't keep your wallet empty and store your money neatly. Keeping bank, payment and discount cards has a positive effect on attracting financial luck.

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    Each wallet has the ability to attract money. These products may have different shapes, sizes, be made from different materials. But regardless of the execution, their main goal and mission is to promote the magic of wealth. What kind of wallet to buy so that money can be found in it, and more?

    How to choose the right wallet based on your zodiac sign?

    If you want to attract large sums of money, then your wallet should look rich by the sign of the zodiac. Remember one of the basic laws of magic: like attracts like. A cheap, dirty, torn wallet concentrates the energy of poverty, and large bills there is no reason to show up there. Choose natural materials, because synthetic materials are not able to store the energy of abundance, they extinguish it, deprive it of strength, and your money cannot attract wealth. The ideal wallet for the zodiac sign is, of course, leather, although suede and natural fabrics are also attractive for monetary energy.

    So, the material of the wallet is determined by the sign of the zodiac, it must be natural! You should know that the wallet has a direct connection with the magic of wealth, it attracts and concentrates it at a certain point, because the basis of the magic of wealth is money energy, and its keepers are planets, elements, plants, colors. And so now let's talk about what the color of the wallet should be according to the sign of the zodiac.

    Aries: what wallet should a man and a woman have?

    Aries sign is characterized by hard work. People born under this constellation can easily make big money. However, they can quickly spend them. Representatives of the zodiacal constellation do not have a sense of greed. They are ready to realize the dreams of their loved ones, not sparing their money.

    Aries embraces wealth as a way to achieve new goals. To achieve material well-being for both men and women, you should buy wallets made of genuine leather. The accessory should have a stylish, no-frills look. It is advisable to take a wallet in red colors: from a bright color to a dark burgundy color.

    IMPORTANT: Red is a sign of active energy. If the accessory is painted in its various shades, then the flow of money is guaranteed to you. However, in such a wallet, the bills will not stay for long. Therefore, save money in a wallet of a different color if you decide to save up for something.

    Which wallet to choose: Taurus

    For a calf, it is better to choose a solid wallet with a huge number of compartments from soft skin... Lettering and graphics should be avoided, but the color of the accessory should be smart and festive to match the character of the calf. Do not forget about the commercialism of this holiday person, be sure to put a lot of money in your wallet!

    What color of wallet should Gemini men and women have?

    Men, women (Gemini) rarely achieve great wealth. Money is not their first priority. They can earn with their mind large amount, and then spend it with ease. They often participate in charitable projects. It is not alien to them to gamble.

    It is the impermanence of this sign that is the main problem in attracting wealth. Astrologers recommend that men and women buy accessories made from natural materials. Choose either a combined color - gray, orange, or take two wallets at once. They will also receive blue, purple purses to receive money.

    IMPORTANT: Don't let your wallet get torn. Otherwise, you are guaranteed financial instability.

    What color of wallet should a Cancer man and woman have?

    Perhaps Cancers are the most frugal signs. They always have funds for contingencies in life. Some of them, starting to put aside what they have earned, sometimes cannot say to themselves: "Stop." And as a result, they deny themselves a lot, and they accumulate a decent fortune.

    It is better to take a "money house" for Cancers a little unusual, mysterious. And the color is suitable for men, for women lilac (any tone), silver.

    Which wallet to buy according to the zodiac sign Leo for a man and a woman?

    Lions deny themselves little. They love expensive brands. People born under this constellation are completely non-greedy. They are always ready to help, if required - to lend their friends even the last money. But, when funds run out, Lions quickly find ways to earn them. For ladies Lions, it is preferable to buy wallets in red, purple. And chic purses, clutches of black, dark red shades will go for men.

    IMPORTANT: It is advisable that the money clutch be spacious, then the bills will linger in it.

    Which wallet to choose: Virgo

    Virgo strives to have graceful, but comfortable and practical things. For this sign, you should choose a neat small wallet, made with no frills, rhinestones and sparkles. Contrary to all the laws of saving money energy, purses in white, turquoise and green are recommended for virgins.

    Which wallet to choose: Libra

    For scales, the money house needs to be stylish. Libra prefers a wallet with a variety of pockets, among which there are exactly the same. This will provide an opportunity for the wavering sign to transfer banknotes from one place to another. Regarding color, stick to a cold color scheme: blues and greenish tones.

    Which wallet to choose: Scorpio

    This zodiac sign is extremely demanding and moody. If you are deciding which wallet is best for your scorpion, choose a very high quality product. The souvenir should have clear seams, high-quality lining, and classic uncomplicated fittings. The passionate nature of the scorpion adores the colors reds, oranges and golds, they will ensure the financial stability of this sign.

    Which wallet to choose: Sagittarius

    The ability of a Sagittarius to forget and lose everything is often disappointing to loved ones. To keep the wallet always in sight of the scattered sign, give it a large item that is hard to miss. Sagittarius stars are recommended to buy a large and bright wallet with multicolored inserts, which will become a real magnet for wealth. Good luck - blue, cyan, green, purple.

    Which wallet to choose: Capricorn

    If you decide to give the Capricorn any thing, first find out exactly how much he needs it. Capricorns most often have their own plans and aspirations. For this conservative zodiac sign, the classic version of the wallet will come in handy. The preferred colors for ibex are black, brown, or dark chocolate.

    What kind of wallet does an Aquarius man and woman need?

    Aquarius is a creative zodiac sign. He can be terribly rich and poor. There are many geniuses among the representatives of this constellation. For Aquarius, freedom comes first. Therefore, he has problems with money.

    Handmade wallets are best suited for people of this sign. The color should be dark for both women and men. Give preference to blue, purple, turquoise shades.

    IMPORTANT: Blue color attracts monetary energy, but it is not advisable to keep money in it. They will decrease rapidly.

    What color of wallet should Pisces men and women have?

    Pisces is not a currency. It is important for them inner world... Even if Pisces becomes wealthy, they will not have a stranglehold on their capital.

    Often among the people of this constellation there are lovers of antique products. Therefore, an antique wallet with a touch of the last century will suit them. The color for attracting material wealth can be white, steel, blue, silver, turquoise.

    Choosing a good day to buy a wallet

    To find out when is the best time to buy a wallet, let's turn to the lunar calendar.

    • Astrologers advise going to the store to shop on the days when the Moon passes through the signs of Taurus or Libra, since they are ruled by Venus. As you know, Venus in astrology is responsible not only for love, but also for money, so you can attract monetary profit by choosing the right day when the influence of this planet is increasing.
    • It is good if the moon is growing on the day of purchase. It is such a moon that favors expansion, the attraction of material wealth. Do you want the money in your wallet to multiply and grow? Then choose the days between the new moon and the full moon - this is the growth phase of the moon. For information on when the new and full moons are in 2016, see this article. See also New and Full Moons 2017.
    • Avoid buying on the 19th, 26th and 29th lunar days to get this useful thing did not become a cause of concern and a source of financial problems. Also, the days when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn are not suitable, the ruler of which, the planet Saturn, symbolizes obstacles and restrictions.
    • If the "house for money" was purchased during the period when the Moon passes through the fire signs of the Zodiac - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the owner of the wallet can safely enjoy the joys of life, without regret saying goodbye to honestly earned bills. You won't have to worry about the money spent on entertainment for a long time - just as easily and quickly, new financial receipts will fill your empty wallet with order.
    • The most comfortable spot in a purse purchased during the Moon's stay in Gemini and Aquarius, it is recommended to give it to bank cards.
    • If the owner is inclined to save money, astrologers advise to pre-stock up on plastic bonus and accumulative cards and, after waiting for the moment when the Moon is in Virgo, choose the appropriate wallet.

    Throwing out an old wallet after buying a new one is not worth it, because having two is an excellent indicator of multiplication cash flows... Moreover, the old can turn out to be a good "bait" for money. After waiting for the onset of the first lunar day, all the contents are taken out of it. With the onset of the second lunar day, money should be gradually thrown into the bait, one bill at a time, regardless of the denomination. The main thing is to stretch this process over the entire lunar month. On the growing moon (3-7 lunar days) put a silver coin in an old wallet, it energetically activates the magical influence of the moon. The coin can be replaced with a small silver spoon or a piece of jewelry. This simple ritual carries the energy of attracting and increasing savings.

    Feng Shui Wallet Color

    Feng Shui believes that the color of the wallet is of great importance in attracting money. The strongest colors are brown (the color of wood and earth), black (also the color of the earth), any shade of yellow (solar), about gold and silver, and they have nothing to say "and cards in their hands."

    The red wallet is also not bad, but it is suitable only for those who are sure that this wallet will always have at least a little money. Since red has the ability to enhance everything, it also enhances an empty wallet, and no one needs this.

    There is one more tip - choose the color of your wallet according to your zodiac sign, but it will be for you " true friend”And will never remain empty.

    Of course, the most strong magnet there will be a do-it-yourself wallet for money, and if you take into account the recommendations of Feng Shui, then the positive energy in it will double or even triple.

    Never, never, never buy a blue, cyan and green wallet, even if you are crazy about these colors. Feng Shui is sure - in this case, money will forget the way to your home. And even those who have never had any special financial problems - they will appear. It will be much more difficult to restore the destroyed positive energy than to try not to lose it, keep this in mind.

    Wallet color and birthday

    If you are not a fan of Feng Shui, search for the perfect shade by date of birth is at your service. To find out the optimal color for a money wallet, use numerology. It is simple to do this: subtract the least from the number of your birth. For example: you were born on the 27th (7-2 = 5). Five is the money birth number that attracts money powerfully. If you were born on the 11th or 22nd, the entire color palette is at your service.

    For others:

    1. Bronze, orange, yellow, gold;
    2. White, green;
    3. Purple, pink, blue;
    4. Blue, gray;
    5. White, gray, yellow;
    6. Light blue, blue, pink, green;
    7. Green, lilac, pink, lilac, white;
    8. Black, blue, dark green;
    9. Red.

    The color of the wallet by date of birth will be even more successful if you combine this choice with the color identification of the wallet by the sign of the zodiac.

    A few secrets on how to increase money, attract it and save it

    № 1. Documents related to monthly payments (pay books and receipts for payments for utilities, gas, telephone, credit documents, etc.), whether paid or not, should be stored in one folder, and in red. So you will not have problems with debts, with

    timely payment, and the money needed to pay off debts, if any, will themselves be attracted.

    № 2. To attract money, keep a pinch of cinnamon and a few mint leaves in your wallet and other places where you store money.

    № 3. Money will go into your hands if you make it a rule to carry out one simple manipulation. It must be done every new moon, ideally when this day or three days after it starts, falls on Wednesday or Thursday. Before going to bed, collect all the money that is in the house without counting it, drip cinnamon or rosemary oil, smear it on all the money, and put it under your pillow. Immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, count them three or seven times. At the same time, it is good to pronounce your favorite conspiracy for money. So, you will charge the bills with your own energy, and the bills spent during the month will return multiplied.

    № 4. It is unacceptable to count and give money from home after sunset. But if the circumstances develop in such a way that you still need to give them away, and at this particular time, do not hand them over, but put them on the floor, the person to whom they are intended, let him pick them up.

    № 5. It is categorically impossible to count and discuss other people's income - your own money will not be! The fact is that envy of other people's money and success, condemnation of the rich subconsciously drives you to poverty. Such thoughts send a signal and block your life: if wealth is bad, then you don't need it.

    № 6. Do not stuff crumpled bills in your pockets, do not throw money anywhere. They should have their own place, good, beautiful and cozy - a purse, a casket.

    № 7. Break the habit of passing and taking bills from hand to hand, paying off debts, accepting returned ones, paying for purchases. Together with them, you can transfer your financial luck to a stranger, and get bad energy from him. There are special saucers for money on store shelves for a reason.

    № 8. Get rid of money found on the street, do not wear found jewelry, and do not buy jewelry from your hands. Their former owner faced failure, loss or ruin, taking his money or things for yourself, you also take away the negative.

    № 9. When you host guests, never finish off the rest of the alcohol for guests and do not finish eating from other people's plates. Do not pour leftover glasses back into the bottle, and do not put food from other people's plates in the refrigerator.

    A wallet is not just an accessory. It serves as a storehouse of money and influences the financial situation of its owner. Esotericists believe that a wallet can play the role of a talisman that attracts financial luck. To make it work, be sure to consider the color when shopping. Ideally, it should match the priority color scheme for your zodiac sign.


    Aries will suit a bright wallet with golden fittings. The influx of money will be provided by the red range (from bright red to maroon), as well as raspberry, orange and yellow colors.


    Taurus prefer sturdy wallets with plenty of compartments to hold all their cards and business cards. Suitable colors for them: lemon, yellow-green, olive, all shades of green, cinnamon.


    Gemini doesn't like bulky wallets. Their active pace of life is more consistent with a small but expensive money clip. Astrologers recommend that they purchase two accessories. One will attract money (orange, yellow, gold), the other will help to preserve and increase savings (gray, blue, purple).


    Cancers love to save, and they do it very well. A small but roomy wallet with silver fittings will help them in this endeavor. Recommended colors: silver, light gray, all shades of lilac, white.

    a lion

    Leos prefer solid branded accessories. They should definitely like the wallet. it rare case when astrologers recommend buying a piece with rich decor. Leos suit all shades of red and orange, as well as brown and black.


    Virgos need a convenient and practical wallet that will serve them for more than one year. A small purse of emerald, gray or turquoise color will help to attract money. Among the most suitable shades are dark blue and dark green.


    Libra prefers classic wallets with compartments for bills and small change. At the same time, they often choose unusual textures and original design... The following colors will help representatives of this sign to attract money: all shades of blue, green, gray.


    Picky Scorpios prefer high quality accessories and are willing to spend. At the same time, they are closer to classics than extravagant models. Astrologers recommend to Scorpios a red-orange palette (especially dark red shades), gold, purple and black colors.


    A large wallet or wallet with brightly colored accents will suit Sagittarius. It is advisable to choose pure blue, turquoise, bright green, blue-purple as the main color.


    Capricorns are closer to the classic options for a purse with a laconic design, but always of high quality. Their main requirement for accessories is presentable appearance... Among the preferred colors for Capricorns, it is worth highlighting brown, dark brown, black, dark blue.


    Creative Aquarians love unusual things and hand made... All shades of blue and light blue will help them attract money. Especially it is worth paying attention to the shades of "ultramarine" and "turquoise". But in order to save savings, it is better to start another wallet. In this case, black or dark gray is preferred.


    Pisces also love unusual piece accessories. They also have a soft spot for vintage items. The following colors will help them to ensure stability in monetary terms: silver, gray, platinum gray, blue, light blue, aqua, white.