Correct pruning of Kalanchoe is the key to its health and abundant flowering. How to properly care for the Kalanchoe: how to follow it

To grow beautiful bush Kalanchoe is quite simple - for this he needs to create optimal conditions for growth, so that the shoots do not stretch, and the leaves become large and healthy. And to form the crown of the plant, giving it an attractive shape, will help correct pruning... This procedure is fraught with some risk, so you should familiarize yourself with the algorithm for its implementation in advance, so as not to destroy the plant and not to disrupt its life rhythm.

What types of Kalanchoe require pruning?

Kalanchoe is a genus of tropical succulents, including decorative floral and decorative leafy species grown in indoor conditions... The Blossfeld Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana), reaching half a meter in height, has gained wide recognition among gardeners. The ornamental value of this plant lies in the abundant long flowering small flowers, collected in inflorescences. After flowering, the plant also looks quite attractive thanks to the fleshy glossy leaves of a dark green color. A dwarf variety of this species is Kalanchoe Kalandiva with racemose inflorescences.

Kalanchoe Degremona received the popular name " living tree"due to the species unique for plants vegetative propagation- live birth. At the edges of its leaf blades, small viable layers with roots and shoots are formed, quickly rooting in the ground after falling off. This type of Kalanchoe is a typical succulent, has a colorful appearance thanks to the erect stem and fleshy toothed gray-green leaves, bordered by young seedlings. Like Blossfeld's Kalanchoe, this species is also pruned to form a dense, branched bush.

How to form a bush?

Kalanchoe shoots (primarily it comes about decorative and floral varieties) reach a height of up to 50 cm, but the greatest decorative value is a dense, low bush without bare stems that shine through between the leaves. To form such a bush, regular pruning is required from the first stages of plant life. Pruning Kalanchoe is carried out according to the "pinching" technology - cut with a sharp knife or blade the top of the shoot with two young leaves and. Scissors are not recommended for this, since they squeeze the thickness of the fleshy stem, causing severe damage to it. The slices dry out quickly and tighten. If rot begins to form on them, the affected surface should be treated with potassium permanganate or wood ash.

One of the advantages of Kalanchoe is fast and easy propagation by cuttings. All cut off shoots are suitable for obtaining daughter plants... If it was not possible to successfully form a bush, you can simply replace it by placing one of the cuttings in water for 1-2 weeks before the roots appear and planting the resulting plant instead of a poorly formed or too old one.

There are the following types of Kalanchoe trimming at home:

  • initial;
  • preventive;
  • pruning after flowering.

Initial pruning

The secret of the attractive appearance of the Kalanchoe lies in the correct formation of the aerial part immediately after the engraftment of the cuttings or seed germination. The first pinching is carried out when the plant releases 2-3 pairs of leaves. It is important to remove the apical bud of the plant, as it produces the auxin substance that keeps the lateral buds dormant. When the apex is removed, the lateral buds "wake up" and begin to grow actively, the Kalanchoe becomes branched.

Lateral shoots are also pinched, leaving several pairs of leaves. Successive pruning results in the plant developing many branched stems. Such a bush should be fed and allowed to gain vegetative mass so that it blooms in the future.

Initial pruning is the most important stage the formation of the aerial part of the Kalanchoe, without which the plant will have elongated shoots and an uneven crown. Next, preventive pruning of leaves is carried out, which interfere with the straightening of growing peduncles or have lost their attractiveness due to improper care.

After flowering

Kalanchoe bloom lasts 4-6 months and stops gradually. Leaving after flowering involves removing the peduncles, but before that you need to make sure that there are no unblown buds left on them. Peduncles are removed at the very base of the stem, leaving no petioles, which can become a source of spread of rot. The procedure is not postponed, if the inflorescences are not removed in time, the Kalanchoe may not bloom next season.

Flowering depletes the plant, therefore, the faded inflorescences are removed, the soil is replenished with minerals, applying fertilizer. The end of flowering is the right time for removing old shoots and pinching young ones. The bush is cut to about 2/3 of the height, leaving a small part of the vegetative mass and forming a compact crown. Without pruning, the Kalanchoe may not bloom, since new buds are laid only on the tops of young shoots. After that, the plant is transferred to a dark cool place, providing him with peace and stopping watering. This "quarantine" should last 14-20 days, after which the Kalanchoe again activates growth and gains vegetative mass.

After flowering, Kalanchoe Kalandiva is recommended to be cut almost at the very root, leaving a few centimeters of the aboveground part. New shoots develop from buds at the very bottom of the stem. Such pruning is mandatory, since this subspecies of Kalanchoe grows quickly after the inflorescence wilts and discards lower leaves, losing decorativeness.

Pinching the plant is not carried out in winter, so as not to accidentally remove the tops of the shoots, which will give rise to new inflorescences. At correct formation crowns and good care bush Kalanchoe will bloom already in the middle of winter.

Kalanchoe is a plant that can be seen in many apartments. And there is an explanation for this: almost all of its varieties are unpretentious and capable of exerting a healing effect on the body. However, even the most picky flower needs proper care... This is watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, pruning. Pruning is a simple process, but in order not to harm the flower, you need to know how to prune the Kalanchoe, namely the sequence of the procedure and the best time for this.

What is Kalanchoe pruning at home and why is it needed?

Pruning Kalanchoe is the removal of excess leaves or peduncles. It is necessary to give the flower a neat rounded shape. Growing in the form of a small bush, the plant looks more original than a long, thin stem stretched upward with chaotic branches.

In addition to decorative purpose pruning Kalanchoe at home is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for plant life. The accumulated sap inside the flower is distributed evenly over the processes, filling the leaves. The plant becomes succulent and more resistant to drying out and wilting.

Kalanchoe pruning is of three types:

  • initial;
  • preventive;
  • after flowering.

It is better to use a sharp table knife or stationery blade to trim the flower. Picking off the leaves by hand can damage the plant and cause it to wilt.

How to cut Kalanchoe depending on the type of flower

Depending on the Kalanchoe variety, the pruning rules also differ. To date, more than 200 plant varieties are known, however, few can grow at home. The most common is the Blossfeld variety, which blooms with bright red flowers. Pruning of its excess leaves can be done in unlimited quantities. Even if you cut off all the adventitious branches and leaves, leaving only a "stump", after a while this flower will again be covered with thick leaves.

The situation is more complicated with varieties of Kalanchoe, flowering white and yellow flowers... Such varieties of it are quite rare and whimsical. Excessive leaf removal can be detrimental to the plant. Before pinching Kalanchoe of rare species, it is necessary to accurately determine its variety.

As a rule, competent pruning of Kalanchoe is painless for a flower. However, in the case of a wound on the stem in the form of rotting, it is necessary to sprinkle this place not a large number m of wood ash.

Initial and preventive pruning

A young plant must be pinched almost immediately, as soon as it has taken root and begins to grow. On each of the Kalanchoe shoots, it is necessary to cut off one - two upper leaves. This is the initial pruning of the flower. Further, as necessary, preventive pruning will already occur: new shoots will appear at the site of splitting off, on which leaves will form. This procedure must be repeated until the plant takes on a neat round or bushy shape.

If you have any questions, you can watch a video on how to cut Kalanchoe at any stage of its growth.

In winter, in particular, after November, it is advisable to stop pruning. It will be possible to resume the procedure late spring however, at this time, the flower may bloom, and then pruning will already be contraindicated.

Prophylactic pruning can be carried out as soon as new leaves are formed on the shoots. You don't have to wait for them to grow up.

During the initial formation of a flower, it should not be kept in a highly lit room. In bright light, the plant grows quickly, as a result of which its overgrowth occurs.

Pruning Kalanchoe after flowering

After flowering, pruning of Kalanchoe is done not only in order to remove excess leaves, but also in order to free the flower from peduncles. The leaves are removed, as with normal pruning: one or two outer leaves on the stems.

Before pruning the Kalanchoe after flowering, you need to make sure that all its flowers have completely faded. Peduncles must be removed at the very base so that the plant does not start to rot. They must be removed every last one after each flowering of the plant.

This procedure stimulates new growth stems ready to bloom. Upon completion of pruning Kalanchoe after flowering, the plant needs a rest period. This is the time to cut back on watering and ensure there is no direct sunlight. The time it takes for the flower to come to its senses is about 20 - 40 days.

It is better to prune leaves and peduncles in the morning, preferably before noon.

Timely pruning of the Kalanchoe will provide a lush and rich bush with regular flowering... Proper pruning is the health of the flower.

Video about Kalanchoe

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Kalanchoe is famous not only for its remarkable appearance and unpretentiousness, but is also used for medicinal purposes. Any grower is familiar with this plant. Our article will tell you about an important "ritual" that gives your green friend the final sophisticated appearance - how to pinch a Kalanchoe. Step-by-step instruction at your service.

The heroes of our article refer to plants that have been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes.

The heroes of our article refer to plants that have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. From their leaves squeezed juice, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, used on wounds, burns, and even from the "scourge of humanity" - the common cold (from which, until now, there are almost no drugs more effective). Especially after pinching, Kalanchoë grows rapidly,

Although almost all varieties of Kalanchoë need to be pinched, there are certain varieties that do not need to be pinched - they are already all year round have a complete shape, without shoots, periodically drying up at the ends in other species. One of these - the most famous of all, is called Degremona among scientists and gardeners, and among the people he received the honorary name "doctor" (or "surgeon"), for exceptional medicinal properties... And also - "crocodile", behind growing in pairs fleshy toothed leaves, between which the "younger generation" huddles. Although this Kalanchoe pinching withstands firmly, and if you wish, you can do it, side shoots after this procedure, it grows without much zeal.

Video about Kalanchoe

  1. Let's start with observation. We see that any Kalanchoë feels great even in the bank, and is growing by leaps and bounds. The main thing is that he gets more light, therefore it would be a bad idea to put a flowerpot with him in a poorly lit corner of the room. Over time, thinning of the upper shoots can be noticed in most varieties. In parallel with this, the leaves on them become smaller and smaller. This is a sign that not enough juice is being supplied to these areas. Such shoots may not only fail to bloom, but also dry out entirely. Seeing this, it's time to start pinching off the weakened shoots.
  2. You can tear off the top of the plant without any preparation of the green pet for the procedure. This can be done with scissors or simply with nails, without fear of wound formation. Occasionally, the latter do appear. This happens if you have gone too far with the pinching, pinching further than necessary. However, wounds are treated very simply. It is enough to sprinkle them with ashes, or better - charcoal. After a while, the vacated space will give rise to two lateral shoots.
  3. As new shoots form, keep watching them grow. The compact flower shape can still be preserved long time after this operation, but in some cases you may again notice signs of drying out of new branches. Then you should carry out the same manipulations with them that we considered in the second paragraph.

You can tear off the top of the plant without any preparation of the green pet for the procedure.

What else is good to know about pinching

There is one more moment when it is very desirable to pinch the Kalanchoe - if it should bloom, but still will not give buds. Please note that standing on the northern windowsill, the flower grows with noticeable effort and may not bloom. If it is in the south, it should be pinched before December, and if it looks to the west or east, on any convenient day. By caring for Kalanchoë in this way, you will undoubtedly receive gratitude from him.

Kalanchoe care video

Often gardeners ask a question specifically about the Kalanchoe Kalandiva, how to pinch this flower. The main thing to consider is that the plant must be thoroughly pruned immediately after flowering. Otherwise, the instructions are the same.

Whether it is necessary to pinch the Kalanchoe - everyone decides for himself and his green pet, without this operation the plant will not die. However, remember that the procedure can help the process of healthy, lush growth, as well as improve the aesthetics of the appearance.

How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering? You can say about this flower: and how I lived without it! In any case, our mothers and grandmothers cannot imagine how it is possible not to have such useful plant like a Kalanchoe. I remember that it also grew in our house.

And it is not surprising, because Kalanchoe medicinal is used for medicinal purposes: for the common cold, throat diseases, for cuts and burns. In our article we will tell you how to prune Kalanchoe after flowering.

What you will learn from this material:

Healing Kalanchoe and decorative

The tree of life, the room doctor, the indoor ginseng - what names the Kalanchoe has not received for its usefulness and necessity. And although different types of this plant look different, they all have healing properties.

In total, more than 200 species of Kalanchoe are known in nature. Only a few of them are grown at home. Most often Kalanchoe pinnate, Kalanchoe Blosfeld, Kalanchoe Daigremont, one-flowered Kalanchoe.

But no matter what Kalanchoe you buy, home care for any representative of this plant is approximately the same. After all, they all belong to the same family - the bastards. These plants are inhabitants of the tropics.

They are adapted to a long stay, both in arid conditions and in conditions high humidity. Kalanchoe leaves in favorable periods, they accumulate moisture, which the plant can then use for survival.

Also, this flower does not need to be fertilized and transplanted often. We can say that this plant gives us more than it requires of us.

Also, these indoor flowers are characterized by resistance to various diseases and pests. In addition, even a plant that has begun to rot or disappear can be divided into cuttings and rooted. It reproduces easily and often independently with the help of children.

But, despite the unpretentiousness of this plant, it is worth remembering how to care for the Kalanchoe at home.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe

If the day length is more than 12 hours, you can plant the plant. To do this, use the following methods:

Reproduction of Kalanchoe by cuttings. Only healthy people are suitable stem cuttings... Carefully separate the base with two leaves from the common bush, planting them in prepared weakly acidic soil.

Do you want to spend for Kalanchoe reproduction sheet at home? Carefully detach an intact, healthy leaf from the common bush, plant in new pot with prepared soil.

Seeds. Place the seeds on the surface of the moistened soil (1 part each of sand and peat), without sprinkling it with earth. Cover for 10-12 days with glass or plastic. When you see the sprouts that have hatched, remove the “shelter”.

Do Kalanchoe need pruning

Kalanchoe in progress home cultivation trimming required. The features of this blooming Kalanchoe event depend on the type of plant.

So, for example, Blossfeld's Kalanchoe tolerates the removal of leaves and shoots well, and it is permissible to cut it without restrictions, thus giving the bush a "silhouette" that fully suits your aesthetic tastes. This variety can even be shortened to a hemp - anyway, a fresh, renewed plant will soon grow.

And here rare species Kalanchoe, in particular, hybrid ones, with yellow, pink and white inflorescences are more capricious, and they should be "cut" with great care, otherwise there is a risk of wilting and even death of green pets. Usually, in such Kalanchoe, only the top is cut off.

Kalanchoe trimming tool

For trimming, you must first prepare the tool. Perfect option- garden knife with a carefully sharpened blade.

But a regular paper knife will also work, but again, very sharp and certainly sanitized. Tearing off excess leaves with your hands is strictly not recommended, as this can weaken the green inhabitant of the room.

Types of pruning Kalanchoe

Thanks to pruning, you can give the plant beautiful shape bush. Pruning also stimulates good growth and flower development.

There are 3 types of trimming:

  • Initial;
  • For preventive purposes;
  • After flowering.

How to form a Kalanchoe bush

Shoots of Kalanchoe (first of all, we are talking about decorative and floral varieties) reach a height of up to 50 cm, but the greatest decorative value is a dense, low bush without bare stems that shine through between the leaves. To form such a bush, regular pruning is required from the first stages of plant life.

Pruning Kalanchoe is carried out according to the technology of "pinching" - cut with a sharp knife or blade the top of the shoot with two young leaves and. Scissors are not recommended for this, since they squeeze the thickness of the fleshy stem, causing severe damage to it. The slices dry out quickly and tighten.

If rot begins to form on them, the affected surface should be treated with potassium permanganate or wood ash.

One of the advantages of Kalanchoe is fast and easy propagation by cuttings. All cut off shoots are suitable for obtaining daughter plants.

If it was not possible to successfully form a bush, you can simply replace it by placing one of the cuttings in for 1-2 weeks before the roots appear and planting the resulting plant instead of a poorly formed or too old one.

Pruning Kalanchoe after flowering

After flowering, pruning of Kalanchoe is done not only in order to remove excess leaves, but also in order to free the flower from peduncles. The leaves are removed, as with normal pruning: one or two outer leaves on the stems.

Before pruning the Kalanchoe after flowering, you need to make sure that all its flowers have completely faded. Peduncles must be removed at the very base so that the plant does not start to rot. They must be removed every last one after each flowering of the plant.

This procedure stimulates new growth of the stems ready to bloom. Upon completion of pruning Kalanchoe after flowering, the plant needs a rest period. This is the time to cut back on watering and ensure there is no direct sunlight. The time it takes for the flower to come to its senses is about 20 - 40 days.

It is better to prune leaves and peduncles in the morning, preferably before noon. Timely pruning of the Kalanchoe will provide a lush and rich bush with regular flowering. Proper pruning is the health of the flower.

How to cut Kalanchoe to bloom

Pruning is recommended for any of these ornamental plant as a flowering stimulating measure. The process is the removal of excess leaves or painful peduncles to prevent the development of diseases and to give a neat shape.

Since, with the development of the stem, the upper shoots tend to thin out and become sterile, it is important to know how to pinch the Kalanchoe correctly so that it blooms. These two processes (pinching and cutting) are similar, so they can be combined into one.

Kalanchoe is a beautiful and unpretentious representative of succulents that will decorate any windowsill. However, like any other plant, this flower requires basic care: watering, temperature conditions, feeding and pruning. The latter helps to form an aesthetically pleasing bush, the stems of which will be compact, and the foliage will be lush.

In order not to harm the Kalanchoe, you need to know not only optimal terms pruning, but also the features of its implementation.

Kalanchoe may well do without pruning, but in this case, its decorative effect is lost. Over time, the shoots begin to stretch, become bare near the trunk, and the old branches do not allow the young to develop normally. Pruning has the following goals:

  • Maintains a beautiful and harmonious bush shape. Often, the top of the Kalanchoe, stretching towards the sunlight, violates the correct proportions of the plant, so it periodically needs to be “demolished”;
  • Gives the bush a rest after long flowering... During pruning, all dried inflorescences are removed, which draw life juices from the plant;
  • Rejuvenates the bush and allows you to multiply the variety. From an adult elongated bush during the removal of shoots, you can get a good planting material in the form of cuttings, which will quickly turn into compact flowering Kalanchoe;
  • Creates favorable conditions for development. After pruning, the juice that has accumulated inside the flower is evenly distributed over all the shoots, nourishing them. As a result, the bush becomes more resistant to wilting and drying;
  • Helps prevent diseases. Removing dried and damaged branches is a kind of prevention, thanks to which the Kalanchoe will not hurt.

What types of Kalanchoe require pruning

About 200 are known in floriculture. different types Kalanchoe, however, only a few of them are grown at home. Although in general pruning for all varieties is performed in the same way, specific points should still be highlighted.

The most common inhabitant of the windowsill, Blossfeld's Kalanchoe, can be identified by the bright red inflorescences that adorn the compact bright green bush.

It is a very hardy plant that will easily survive the most radical pruning. That is why, if the plant begins to stretch strongly, it can be completely cut off the top, leaving a small stump. Soon, new shoots will begin to appear at the site of the "operation", and the Kalanchoe will bush luxuriantly and beautifully.

The yellow-flowered and white-flowered Kalanchoe hybrids are more whimsical, therefore they require careful pruning. They do not tolerate excessive foliage removal and can die after improper manipulation.

Kalanchoe Degremona is a rather colorful plant that looks unusual due to its erect stem and gray-green deciduous mass, surrounded by young layers. This look also requires formative pruning, the implementation of which depends on the aesthetic preferences of the grower.

Pruning Kalanchoe: features and deadlines

The initial pruning helps to form a young bush, so it is advisable to do it immediately after the shoot has taken root and adapted to new conditions. For this, a simple manipulation is enough - on each of the Kalanchoe shoots, 1-2 upper leaves are carefully removed.

Preventive pruning should be done after new leaves have formed on the stems. The specificity of this procedure lies in the possibility of removing shoots almost all year round, with the exception of winter period... To achieve desired result, it is necessary to pinch the tops of the branches after the formation of the 3rd pair of true leaves.

The last stage of the formative pruning of Kalanchoe is carried out in November for plants growing on southern windowsills, or throughout December for bushes with pots on the east or west side.

After pruning at home, in the initial stages of bush growth, it is better not to put the Kalanchoe on a windowsill with a lot of light - it must be shaded. Bright lighting provokes fast growth shoots, as a result of which they stretch out again and nullify all the efforts of the grower to form the plant.

The specifics of pruning after flowering

Pruning Kalanchoe will help rid the plant of excess leaves and dried flower stalks, thereby contributing to the accumulation of strength for lush budding.

If you cut the inflorescences at the root, you can guarantee the health of the bush and prevent decay. For preventive purposes, the cut sites are sprinkled with crushed activated or charcoal.

If desired, you can shorten the shoots, giving the bush the desired shape, or pinch the tops, as during the initial pruning (approximately 2/3 of the stem height is removed). After flowering Kalanchoe, it is better to give it a rest by organizing a rest period for it for 1 month. The bush is shaded, and watering is minimized (once every 14 days).

Pruning Kalanchoe step by step

Correctly cut the Kalanchoe according to the following scheme:

  1. Using a disinfected sharp knife or blade, the 2 top sheets are removed (see photo).
  2. After the length of young shoots reaches a centimeter (3 pairs of leaves), their tops are pinched.
  3. Subsequent shoots are pruned in the same way until the shape of the bush acquires the desired decorative effect.

It is not recommended to use scissors for pruning Kalanchoe - they severely damage the fleshy tissue of the flower, as a result of which the undercuts take a long time or even begin to rot.