How to prune Kalanchoe: basic rules and tips. Proper pruning of Kalanchoe is the key to its health and abundant flowering.

Kalanchoe is one of the most famous indoor plants. In apartments there are several of its types. Kalanchoe is not only luxurious decoration interior, but also good medicine. The juice from its fleshy leaves is much to relieve the common cold, treats abscesses and inflammations, and one of its species even received the name "surgeon" among the people. Kalanchoe is growing rapidly and does not always look the way the owners would like. Its crown needs to be formed.

You will need

  • - Kalanchoe;
  • - charcoal.


1. Watch the plant. Kalanchoe, standing on a clear window, is much more powerful to grow even in a jar of water. Rapid growth is characteristic of virtually all species of this plant. However, on overgrown upper shoots, the leaves become smaller and smaller, and the shoots themselves look thin and not exceptionally beautiful. At the same time, plants that are powerfully stretched in height often do not have enough strength to bloom, although in fact, about all varieties of Kalanchoe bloom in apartments extremely willingly. Noticing similar manifestations, tune in to the fact that you have to pinch off extra shoots. Do not be afraid of this moment, a similar operation will benefit the flower.

2. Do not touch the flower while its crown is thick and the leaves are huge and beautiful. As soon as a thin, non-viable tip forms, remove it. Kalanchoe tolerates similar operations well, the plant does not even need to be intentionally prepared for this. Its stem is quite soft, therefore tear off the top easily with your nails. Wounds usually do not form. If it nevertheless arose (and this happens when the stem is already quite thick, sprinkle it with charcoal or ash. Enough ashes from a small burnt sheet of paper. After pinching, a couple of lateral shoots quickly appear.

3. Let the shoots grow freely for the first time. It may well be that no more operations are needed, and Kalanchoe itself will save its super-compact shape. However, this is not always the case. New shoots may initially grow well and give good fleshy leaves, and at some point again become thin and ugly. Having noticed this, pinch the plant again. Do it right the same way as with the first shoot.

4. Pinch the Kalanchoe even if the flowering species does not produce buds for a long time. The pinching time depends on certain conditions. But usually the flower standing on the south window is pinched until the end of November. If he lives on the western or eastern window, then this is allowed at any time. On the north side, Kalanchoe does not like to grow and may not bloom at all.

Kalanchoe belong to the Crassidae family. Different kinds This plant is distinguished by plump (succulent) leaves and the color of flowers (white, pink, red), collected in umbrella inflorescences. Kalanchoe is unpretentious in room culture. This plant needs to be repotted once a year. Of course, a transplant for a plant is invariably stressful, and therefore it must be carried out correctly.

You will need

  • - a pot;
  • - soil mixture;
  • - expanded clay and clay shard for drainage;
  • - water.


1. Transplant Kalanchoe in the spring. The plant itself will show you that it's time to do it. Flower roots will appear in drainage hole in a pot, the earth will compact and become poorer.

2. Prepare a slightly larger pot for transplanting, preferably ceramic and unglazed. If you bought newest pot then soak it in water for a couple of hours. This will remove gases from the pores of the clay that got there during firing. If the pot was used, then it should be washed with hot water and soap, and then soaked for 2-3 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

3. Prepare a fresh soil mixture: soddy soil, leafy soil and sand, in a ratio of 4:2:1. In stores you can buy closer ready soil for succulents. You will also need a fragment of a shard for laying on the bottom of the pot and a little expanded clay.

4. Water Kalanchoe richly before transplanting. Carefully remove the flower from the old pot. Lightly shake off the old earth. Cut off all broken or excessively twisted roots. If the plant is too large, then shake off the ground should not be. It is allowed to primitively transfer a flower with a dilapidated clod of earth into the newest pot.

5. For Kalanchoe, excellent drainage is very important, therefore, several shards must be placed on the bottom of the pot, then small expanded clay pebbles and sand on top. The thickness of the drainage layer should be at least a quarter of the height of the pot, since Kalanchoe does not tolerate stagnant water. Pour the earth on the prepared drainage layer.

6. Carefully place the plant in the pot and add soil until it covers the roots. The soil layer should be a couple of centimeters below the rim of the pot. Water the flower and add soil if necessary.

It is undesirable to transplant Kalanchoe during flowering. It is better to wait a little with the transplant than to injure a flowering plant.

Helpful advice
If the plant feels crappy after transplanting or is weakened, then feed it with a special fertilizer for succulents.

Kalanchoe- This is a plant of the Crassulaceae family. There are over 200 species in this genus. Especially famous among flower growers are Kalanchoe felt, Degremona (popularly called the "living doctor") and fine blooming kalanchoe Blossfeld and Mangin.


1. Kalanchoe- the plant is not demanding. Grows well in a clear place, tolerates direct clear rays. True, it can calmly experience a lack of moisture, but still loves abundant watering.

2. The plant does not like stagnant water, therefore, before planting, provide it with cool drainage. Make up the soil mixture from leafy soil, peat, sand and humus. Plant and transplant Kalanchoe in the spring.

3. Propagate the plant with cuttings or seeds. Let the cuttings dry for two days before planting. Plant them in a damp substrate in peat or a mixture of sand and leafy soil, put in a warm place. It is not necessary to cover the container with cuttings. In addition, until they take root, water the cuttings very carefully, otherwise they may rot.

4. Sow the seeds in wet sand, cover with foil or glass and place this makeshift greenhouse in a clear place. Shoots will appear in about one or two weeks.

5. It is easier for everyone to propagate the viviparous Kalanchoe Degremont. His daughter plants, formed along the edges of the leaves, take root easily and grow rapidly.

6. At breeding kalanchoe cuttings plant will bloom in ten months, and if propagated by seeds, then two months later.

7. Feed Kalanchoe once a month with a special fertilizer for cacti and succulents. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth and spray occasionally. Water the plant richly once every two weeks.

8. Kalanchoe- a flower of a short day. If you want to get flowering in winter, then it will not be necessary to unnaturally shorten the daylight hours, during this period, flowering is caused by its usual reduction. But in order to achieve flowering in spring or summer, shade the plant from clear rays. Light day should not exceed nine hours. Also, make sure that the air temperature in the room does not exceed twenty degrees.

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Kalanchoe is native to Africa and Madagascar. The plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family, it has fleshy leaves that are able to store moisture, like other succulents. However, among lovers of indoor floriculture, Kalanchoe is famous not only for its decorative foliage, it is a charming plant with pretty flowers that bloom in winter. And some species, in addition to everything else, also have medicinal properties.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

The most well-known species in culture is Blossfeld's Kalanchoe. This is a plant with branching stems and elongated rounded fleshy leaves. Its size is small, in diameter and height Kalanchoe Blossfield reaches every 30 cm. Among flower growers, it is exceptionally valued for its excellent flowering. Small double flowers of red, yellow or orange color collected in inflorescences that crown the stem of the plant.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a hybrid of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. The flowering of this species is much longer (up to six months) and more abundant. A cap of small shiny double flowers also covers the plant in winter, provided positive care. In order to achieve repeated flowering, you need to form a bush. Cut off the extended shoots immediately after the plant has faded. They can be rooted in water and get new specimens.

Kalanchoe Daigremont

The unusual plant Kalanchoe Daigremont is a "viviparous" succulent. It has a straight, non-branching stem, covered with elongated triangular-shaped leaves with denticles along the edges. On each of these teeth grows a new small plant(the so-called brood bud) with leaves and aerial roots. It is also easy to propagate Kalanchoe Daigremont, as a result of these daughter plants, it is enough to separate the bud and place it on the surface of the substrate. The succulent will soon take root and begin to grow.

Kalanchoe Mangusa

Outwardly, Kalanchoe Mangus resembles Daigremont, the difference between these species is that the final one blooms in early spring with small flowers. After the end of flowering shoots are recommended to be shortened. The succulent will rapidly grow its green mass and continue to grow.

Kalanchoe dissected

Unusual foliage in Kalanchoe dissected, like in other species, it is juicy and fleshy, however, they are strongly dissected, as a result of which the people this species Kalanchoe is called "deer horns". With age, it becomes more decorative.

Kalanchoe tubulariflora

In nature, this species lives on the island of Madagascar. This is a shrub reaching a height of 70 cm. It has elongated long leaves with most brood buds. The plant blooms richly. The flowers are quite large, tubular in shape. In addition, they have a wide variety of colors from white to purple and dark purple.

It makes no sense to pinch some types of Kalanchoe. These include, say, Degremont's Kalanchoe. It has several popular names. The names "surgeon" and "doctor" he received for healing properties and "crocodile" for the shape of the leaves. Young plants grow between the cloves of the leaves. The leaves of the "surgeon" grow in pairs, they are traditionally fleshy at each height of the plant, and there is no need to pinch it. But in the thesis it is allowed to do this, it beautifully tolerates pinching and gives side shoots, though less readily than other species.

Note that this is one of the unpretentious and decorative indoor plants. It is very popular with flower growers, because it is not only an easy-to-care and beautiful-looking flower, but also has a whole spectrum medicinal properties. The people call Kalanchoe - "Tree of Life".

Today, there are more than two hundred varieties of this flower, which are successfully grown at home. Proper care for Kalanchoe includes:

  • landing;
  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • swelling of the soil;
  • pruning.

In this article, we will dwell in more detail on how to cut Kalanchoe and why this should be done.

Why you need to cut Kalanchoe

Home care for Kalanchoe, in addition to watering and feeding, should also be aimed at pruning the plant. There are absolutely no difficulties in this process. All, without exception, varieties of this houseplant safely tolerate pruning. The main task of the grower, in its implementation, adhere to certain rules.

What is pruning? First of all, it is the removal of a certain part of the leaves and peduncles. These manipulations make it possible to form a beautiful and compact bush from long stems of Kalanchoe, which grow in a random direction.

Pruning is also carried out in order to give the plant vitality. The fact is that Kalanchoe belongs to quite juicy and fragile flowers, therefore the formation of its ground part not only makes the bush visually beautiful, but also more viable, since the juice inside the flower spreads evenly along its stems, making them more resilient and strong. And this means that in the case adverse conditions, the plant will be much more likely to survive (not dry out and die).

There are three main types of pruning:

  • primary;
  • preventive;
  • after flowering.

All of them are carried out according to certain rules, which should be followed so as not to harm the plant. Let's consider in detail how to properly trim Kalanchoe.

How to do your own pruning

Pruning Kalanchoe at home should be carried out in compliance with safety regulations, both for the grower himself and for the plant. Leaves and flower stalks are strictly cut off, and in no case are they broken off. This should be done with a sharp knife or a clerical blade. To prevent infection of the flower, the knife must be ignited over a fire before use.

Also, before you start removing the leaves, you need to remember that despite the fact that all types of Kalanchoe tolerate pruning perfectly, there are some nuances. this process. Some varieties, for example, Blossfeld, this type of Kalanchoe can be recognized by beautiful flowers juicy red color, fully restored even after the most radical pruning. His bush can be cut almost to the ground, and he will soon grow a green mass again, even more dense than before.

But the varieties of Kalanchoe with white and yellow flowers, are hard to recover from excessive removal of their leaves, and may even die.

Therefore, when proceeding with pruning, it is necessary to take into account this feature plants.

And so, we will consider all types of pruning of leaves in Kalanchoe in stages.

Primary pruning. These actions are aimed at preserving forces young plant and bookmark beautiful shape further. The first time the Kalanchoe bush is pruned in enough early age when the plant is fully rooted and has formed a small but already branched green mass. Technically, pruning is carried out by pinching young shoots. You should also remove one upper leaf on each young branch. After the manipulations, the flower must be removed from the bright sun, for it to recover and accumulate strength for further development requires light partial shade for the next ten days.

Preventive pruning. As the houseplant grows and develops, preventive or formative pruning is carried out. It consists in the periodic removal of new leaves and part of the shoots. To give Kalanchoe a presentable appearance. When cutting leaves from a bush, you need to make sure that an infection does not get into the wound. It is best to crush the cuts immediately with crushed charcoal.

Preventive removal is carried out immediately after the appearance of young leaves on pinched or previously cut shoots. Thus, the flower will not waste its strength in vain.

It is impossible to cut leaves and shoots during the flowering of Kalanchoe and in winter.

Pruning Kalanchoe after flowering. Even a formed Kalanchoe bush must be maintained in proper shape. It is necessary not only to periodically remove excess leaves, which branches and spoil the appearance of the plant, but also flower stalks.

Before you start pruning Kalanchoe after flowering, you need to inspect the plant and take action only when all the flowers on the bush have already faded.

First of all, remove all wilted inflorescences and cut off one or two leaves on the apical shoots.

Removing flower stalks not only has an aesthetic function, but also stimulates the plant to form new flowers.

Pruning Kalanchoe is carried out in the morning. After, the flowers are removed from the sun and provide them with light partial shade for ten to fifteen days.

For full recovery, Kalanchoe will take about a month.

Doing the right things will make a huge difference. Kalanchoe flower will delight with a magnificent form and abundant and long flowering.

Among indoor plants, Kalanchoe is worth mentioning. He is popular for his abundant flowering. In addition, caring for Kalanchoe at home is also not particularly difficult. It can be cut, pinched without fear, and after that it can be easily propagated by the most simple ways. However, there are some rules to be aware of.

Plant features

Kalanchoe is one of the plants of the succulent group. It is distinguished by fleshy leaves with a slight waxy sheen. In fact, it belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Such indoor flowers are good because they do not require careful care, because they are able to withstand almost any temperature conditions and watering regime.

When choosing such a plant for yourself, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • Stems should be straight and without flaws. In the presence of dried leaves and weak shoots, it is better to refuse such an instance;
  • Acquire the plant when it is in bloom, as you will be able to see its color and judge its strength and health by appearance inflorescences and their number;
  • The best time to buy is winter. During this period, Kalanchoe is just in the midst of flowering. After that it will be possible to transplant it;
  • If there are spots or breaks on the leaves, it is also better to discard the specimen and look for a clean and healthy one.

You can buy a small bush with lush flowers. After flowering stops, it begins to grow rapidly, so you will quickly bring it to the size you need. It is best to transplant a purchased flower during this period. Suitable soil for succulents.

As for the choice of location, this issue does not really matter. In principle, Kalanchoe feels good both in the shade and in the sun, but not under the scorching rays. However, it does not like very high temperatures, especially during the summer dormancy.

But is it possible to cut Kalanchoe yourself?

In fact, this is a prerequisite. In addition, the plant tolerates such procedures perfectly. The exception is hybrid varieties which can die if not properly cared for.

Another feature is healing properties. The juice of the plant is used to treat colds, including the common cold. That is why some varieties are so useful to keep at home on the windowsill.

Rules for watering and feeding

In order for Kalanchoe to grow healthy, it is important to properly organize its watering regimen. To do this, you can use a scheme suitable for most succulents. It is enough to moisten the soil every 5-7 days. If the earth ball is too dry, it is allowed to increase watering.

But after flowering, you can reduce the frequency and supply water in small portions every 1-2 weeks. This will be enough to maintain the strength of the plant during the dormant period and prepare it for new emissions of inflorescences. As for the introduction of fertilizers and top dressing, it is also better to do this after flowering.

During long bud opening, you can use the method of spraying nutrient mixtures directly onto the flowers and leaves themselves. Otherwise, basal nutrition is more preferable. At the same time, it is important to control the growth of green mass.

bush pruning

In order to prevent excessive growth of the bush, it is important to know how to cut Kalanchoe. Most varieties can be pinched and trimmed without much concern. The plant tolerates these procedures perfectly, and each time it produces new and new shoots. Due to this, it is possible to form a beautifully shaped decorative bush that will look great on the windowsill even after flowering.

Since you basically have to cut Kalanchoe after flowering, you should start with this
moment. During this period, it is important to remove faded elements in a timely manner.

After the whole bunch dries, it is cut off to the very root. After that, the plant begins the phase of active growth of greenery. If you want to keep a miniature shape, you should not hesitate to pinch. Otherwise, you can wait a month or two.

You need to remove the top of the shoot near the sheets diverging to the sides.

Very soon after the procedure, two shoots will grow from the buds in the axils of the leaves. Such pinching can be done indefinitely, and the result will be the same. In this case, the size of the leaves will decrease. If you want to keep the original shape of the flower, cut the branches closer to the bottom. When doing this, make sure that you leave the kidneys for the issuance of new shoots. In fact, pruning can be done at any time.

Preparing for flowering

How quickly you manage to cut Kalanchoe depends on how soon the plant will throw out new buds. Most often, inexperienced flower growers are faced with this particular problem. After flowering, Kalanchoe throws out greenery, but may not bloom again the next year.

In order to achieve repeated flowering, it is important not only to cut off old inflorescences and excess shoots in a timely manner. You also need to adhere to a special regime in terms of lighting, temperature and humidity. The fact is that in order to prepare new buds, you need to observe a rest mode. Of course, in a greenhouse, this is much easier to do.

At home, you can achieve this effect using the following techniques:

  • Remove Kalanchoe from the world. He needs to organize a short daylight hours. To do this, you can use a paper bag or box, which is covered with a flower during the day for several hours. It will be enough for 4-6 hours of being in the light per day;
  • After it blooms, cut off all excess fragments;
  • Reduce watering to once every 1.5-2 weeks;
  • Move Kalanchoe to a cool place where the temperature is about 17-20 degrees, not higher;
  • Before winter flowering, gradually return Kalanchoe to its usual mode. The plant will immediately throw out the buds.

The complexity of the preparation lies in the fact that the rest period falls on summer time, when the day is maximum. That is why it is difficult to ensure that the amount of light for the flower is reduced. Also, difficulties arise when trying to maintain a suitable temperature regime.

Reproduction methods

Another feature is the ease of reproduction. Some varieties even have leaves with children growing on them, which are easy enough to stick into the ground, and they will immediately take root. Otherwise, Kalanchoe shoots are mainly used for reproduction. If you want to get a new plant, you can cut the flower to the desired level.

Then, stick a branch in damp soil or place in a glass of water.

Kalanchoe grows in many houses and apartments. The plant does not require special care, but like everything else it needs watering, fertilizer and, of course, pruning. In this article, we will look at how to properly prune Kalanchoe so as not to harm the plant.

pruning domestic kalanchoe- This is the removal of excess leaves and flowers. This procedure will help shape the plant so that it looks beautiful. A small bush looks more original than a long stem.

Apart from decorative purpose, pruning is also needed for lush flowering. When we remove the extra shoots, the juice accumulates in the stem, which is then evenly distributed over the remaining branches. Kalanchoe becomes juicy, the plant increases resistance to drying.

Note that pinching is of three types:

  • initial;
  • preventive;
  • after flowering.

How and when each type of pinching is done, you will learn further. Sometimes, especially in sunny places, the flower can outgrow. Therefore, many flower growers are interested in how to cut Kalanchoe if it is stretched out. If it so happened that a long, ugly top has grown, you just need to cut it off. Try to constantly watch the shoots. As soon as they begin to grow, you need to immediately pinch off two leaves from above. Of course, the green inhabitant of your house can do without pruning, only then it will look ugly, and old shoots will interfere with the development of young shoots.

How to prune different types

And now we will figure out how to cut Kalanchoe of different varieties. It is noteworthy that today about 200 varieties of this flower are known. However, only a few can be grown at home. For almost all varieties, the pruning instructions are the same, but for some individual representatives there are special rules.

The most common variety is . The variety is excellent for growing at home. The plant blooms with beautiful red flowers. This Kalanchoe can be cut to the very root. In this state, the flower will begin to develop intensively, its bush will become lush.
Species that bear flowers of yellow and white color, you need to pinch in a different way. True, such varieties are rarely found in homes. They need special care. It is necessary to form such a bush correctly. If you remove a lot of foliage, you can cause irreparable damage to the green space.
To perform the pinching correctly, it is important to find out what variety you have. However, it is worth remembering that pruning is a necessary procedure and painless for the plant. If rotting has begun at the cut points, these areas must be treated with charcoal. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to disinfect the tools for pruning. In no case do not cut off extra leaves with your hands, such actions can weaken your green friend.

Initial and prophylactic sample

The initial pruning is that as soon as the plant has taken root after transplantation, it is immediately pinched. How to pinch Kalanchoe - more on that below. On the shoots, you need to cut off the top two leaves in turn. In the place where the pruning took place, young shoots with leaves will grow.
Now carry out preventive pruning. It is repeated from time to time until Kalanchoe looks like a pretty and neat bush. Don't wait for the leaves to grow. Only the young ones appeared - you can already carry out the procedure.

In late autumn, when winter is just around the corner, cutting the flower is stopped. You can again form a bush late spring. But if the flower began to bloom, pruning is prohibited.

Before you dive, identify the species of Kalanchoe, as each species is pruned differently. If the flower is overgrown, remove the top without any remorse. To get a dense bush as a result, watch the growth of the shoots. As soon as a young shoot appears, pinch off two leaves - in this place you will eventually see two shoots.

Let them grow until the third leaves appear, and pick at this level. Then let the next pair grow to the third leaf, and pinch again. And so on until you get a beautiful spherical bush.

Pruning after flowering

Pruning Kalanchoe at home after flowering is a must.

During preventive procedure remove leaves and flowers. The leaves are cut, as usual, one by two extreme. Now let's talk about how to prune Kalanchoe after flowering correctly. The step-by-step procedure is as follows: first of all, you need to carefully examine the flower to find out if the whole flower has faded; flower stalks should be removed at the very base, otherwise the plant may begin to rot.
Every time the plant has faded in a lush color, you should carefully remove every single flower stalks. Then pruning is done. It is better to carry it out early in the morning, in extreme cases, you need to manage before noon. Thanks to this simple procedure, the formation of new stems is stimulated, which are ready to bloom.
When completed pruning kalanchoe after flowering, the green space needs rest. At this time it is less

PHOTO 1. First of all, determine the type of your Kalanchoe, because different varieties treat pruning differently. The common Kalanchoe Blossfeld, blooming with red flowers, can dive without restrictions. Even if you leave only one stump, after a while it will sprout and curl up.

PHOTO 2. Care for rare hybrids with yellow, pink, white flowers, be more careful, they may even die as a result of improper pruning.

PHOTO 3. If the plant has overgrown (this often happens in sunny places), has lost its compact shape, and an ugly frail top has formed, remove it. After each flowering, be sure to cut off all flower stalks.

PHOTO 4. This will also give the plant decorative look. Remember: having cut off the top, Kalanchoe will begin to grow to the sides, and will no longer reach up.

PHOTO 5. To form buds, put the plant on a dark windowsill (you can even close the flower at night with a bucket or box) and keep it almost without watering for a whole month. Then move to a bright place and start watering, such a change of regime has a positive effect on Kalanchoe, and it will almost certainly bloom.

PHOTO 6. In order for Kalanchoe to grow in a dense bush, carefully observe the shoots. As soon as they begin to grow, pinch off the top two leaves from them. After a while, two shoots will appear at the pinching point, let them grow to the appearance of the third pair of leaves, and cut them off at this level. Wait for the appearance of two more shoots and a third pair of leaves, pinch again. Proceed in this way until a neat, dense bush of a rounded (or desired) shape is formed.

PHOTO 7. Cut off the shoots of Kalanchoe for the last time in November (on the south window) or in winter (on the west or east window). Please note that in winter it is advisable to keep Kalanchoe in cool place, optimum temperature 10-15C.

PHOTO 8. You can propagate Kalanchoe or simply update it with cuttings. To do this, cut young shoots 10 to 15 cm long with a sharp blade or knife. Remove the leaves from the bottom of the cutting, dry for 1-2 days.

PHOTO 9. Prepare a place for the flower in a pot with a mixture of sand and wet peat. Place the cutting to a depth of about 5 cm, press the ground around well. Do not cover the cutting with polyethylene or a jar, or spray it with water. Just water it moderately and keep it at a temperature of 20-25 C.