Crafts from 5 liter plastic bottles. Crafts from plastic bottles

We all know that plastic takes over 100 years to decompose. Therefore, by giving a second life to bottles, we not only create interesting accessories for summer cottages, houses and backyards, but also help to preserve the purity of nature.

Description of plastic bottle crafts

The variety of bottle products is only limited by your mind - there are a huge variety of them: from small flowers to such serious things as boats or fences for flower beds.

Organizers and stands for the design of the workspace

By cutting off the neck of bottles or eggplants, you can arrange storage places for sewing supplies, correspondence, stationery, and cosmetics. If the cut bottles are joined together with glue, then whole sets with containers for different gizmos are obtained.

For example, you can hang a similar design in the bathroom, for rolled towels, or in the office, at the entrance to the office - for letters. The cut off bottom of the bottle is suitable for buttons, pins, paper clips, beads.

Any such product can be decorated with paints, ribbons, ribbons, attach handles, getting a convenient portable "bag" for clothespins, curlers, hairpins and other necessary accessories.

Covers can be made from dense fabric, in the form of beautifully designed hats - such a product will not only be functional and practical, but will also decorate any room.

Curtains from plastic bottles

If you have accumulated a large number of identical plastic bottles - do not rush to throw them away. By cutting off the bottom of everyone, and fastening it with threads, you can get an original transparent curtain that will shine favorably under the rays of the sun, protect from the wind and add zest to any veranda. This design will look like delicate flowers floating in the air.

floating facilities

Due to the lightness of the material and the voids, the bottles do not sink in water, which means that if you have a sufficient supply of material, you can construct a whole boat or raft.

However, the product must meet all the requirements of reliability and withstand a certain weight, so you must first carefully make calculations, or better, watch a master class in order to create a quality product that will last for a long period and will not leak, creating a danger to life.

The most in demand crafts from plastic bottles for the garden, vegetable garden, and local area.

Bird feeders

There are many schemes for creating such a product. If you take a large container with a handle that was used for water softeners or dishwashing detergent and cut holes in the sides, you get a whole bird house.

If there is only a two-liter blank - you can, leaving the bottom, cut off half of the bottle vertically and pour the food down - on the remaining uncut bottom, it will be convenient for the birds to get to food.

If you make a hole in the side of the bottle, closer to the bottom, suitable for inserting a wooden spoon, you will get a whole feed supply system. Through the hole, cereals will wake up on a spoon, which serves as a platform for birds.

Plant containers

With the help of plastic bottles, you can make a whole vertical garden. To do this, in a horizontally lying bottle, you need to cut a rectangular hole and fill it with earth. Secure the bottle on both sides with ropes and hang.

Seedlings, flowers or small shrubs can be planted in the ground and thus equip the entire wall. Do not forget to make holes for drainage in the bottom of the flower bed.

Caps for seedlings

The cut off top of the bottle can be used to create a microclimate around a newly planted plant or seeds. The convenience of this use also lies in the fact that by opening the lid and without removing the bottle itself, you can water.

Fences for flower beds

The most common way to use plastic bottles is to create fences for flower beds and vegetable gardens. This design looks neat, attracts attention and creates reliable protection against spillage and washing out of the earth. For greater effect, you can tightly fill the containers with sand or earth.

To make the flower bed seem more elegant, you need to use the same bottles. There are several ways to stack them - horizontal, vertical, using whole containers or cut parts. The fence from the bottom of the bottle looks very gentle. In the complex, they create flowers that, by the way, will look great for a flower garden.

Lid products

Lids can decorate walls, flower pots, create paintings, compositions, figures, toys, decorate various surfaces. The greater the variety of colors, the more fun and brighter the product looks. The rug, hot pads, sculptures and other decorations for the home and garden will look original.

You can find thousands of examples and ideas reflected in the photo of crafts from plastic bottles and caps. The city authorities of many metropolitan areas are deliberately decorating entire streets, walls and pavilions with covers in order to attract public attention and encourage the rational use of plastic.


Plastic bottles are an immense field of activity for a creative person. With their help, you can create real masterpieces that can optimize the workspace, create a functional storage place for various things, give the house an original, unique design.

And most importantly, you can make crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands, simply using unnecessary material ready for disposal.

Photo of crafts from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are a proven way to save money. You won’t have to spend money on materials, but the benefits are significant. And even if you fail to do everything “as it should” the first time, samples for “trial and error” will be enough. Dozens and hundreds of such "containers" are carried to the trash heap. But in vain. What can be done from plastic bottles with your own hands? You can find a variety of photos of crafts on the Internet. A person with any level of training, if desired, will be able to build their own design object.
Bottles are great craft material for kids.

Reincarnation of a plastic bottle

Why is it better to give a second life, and not to dispose of? It is no secret that we do not have such enterprises in our country everywhere, and purposefully looking for appropriate containers for a Russian person is an unusual thing. So tens and hundreds of thousands of unsorted bottles accumulate in landfills, and given that plastic does not decompose for about 500 years, it is quite possible that one day the entire planet will be covered with plastic garbage. The question is, is it trash?

What can be done from an ordinary plastic bottle

Products from plastic bottles, which received a "second chance", long ago "won" the hearts of environmentalists and ordinary inhabitants of the Earth. Very often, people by any means try to involve the public in the environmental problem of recycling plastic waste, volunteers now and then carry out campaigns to clean up natural areas and parks - they explain to people that the right attitude to dishes made of this material will help keep our world cleaner. Many talented designers have made a name for themselves by creating plastic art objects.

How you can use plastic bottles to make the whole world talk about you

Nebraska resident Garth Britsman succeeded. In his hometown of Lincoln, he created a canopy for his car from 1,500 used plastic bottles, on the bottom of which he poured specially colored water of blue, yellow and green, in such a way that the canvas resembles a flower carpet. The process of creating the "kinetic ceiling" took more than 200 hours of work. The construction reminds of itself every time it rains or the wind blows - a kind of noise and rumble is heard throughout the area. Nevertheless, the find has already entered the top 50 most unusual structures in the world and brought great fame to its author.

Bottle rack by Garth Britsman

And how many useful things can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle? It is enough to drive this query into the search bar on the Internet. No one will name the exact number. Dozens and hundreds of Russians have long been using plastic containers to decorate the garden, store small things, create unusual lamps and furniture. Needlewomen willingly share instructions on how to turn transparent plastic into toys, spectacular jewelry, and tell how to create flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands.

For many housewives, not only beauty and decor come to the fore, but also functionality. Do-it-yourself homemade plastic bottles can replace dozens of things needed in the household.

Here are just some original ideas for useful household items made from plastic bottles.

Vase or form for storage

Coin box

Original phone charging bag

Dishes and pots for flowers

Decorative cups for toothbrushes

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic bottle crafts

Plastic has not changed its shape for hundreds of years, it is easy to clean and does not allow moisture to pass through. Such a flower bed or shelf will last more than one year. The plastic is incredibly light. A structure made of this material (for example, a greenhouse or a temporary shower) can be easily moved. And even if some element “fails”, it is easy to replace it with a similar one. As the drivers say, “there are always parts for a shift”, and in this case it’s also free.

Of the minuses, only one can be distinguished. Not always such crafts have an attractive appearance. However, this minus can also be transferred to a plus, skill will come with practice.

Crafts from plastic bottle caps

Plastic bottle caps are a versatile decor material. Some use caps to create panels and paintings. It all depends on the imagination of a person and his creative abilities.

Cap birds
Panel of lids

There are many options for crafts from corks from plastic bottles. This material is often used to decorate rooms and garden paths. However, it will take a long time to collect them. Think in advance what color the product is planned to be, and ask your friends to help you.

Such painstaking work requires considerable endurance. If a person does not have such a quality as perseverance, or he does not like monotonous work, this decor option is not for him.

Laying paths in the country and the design of flower beds. Usually plastic caps are collected to decorate paths or rugs in the country. Near the house, most often the corks are laid out in a special mosaic on a cement base that has not yet hardened, and if it is necessary to decorate a flower bed or approaches to it, the caps are placed directly on the ground. This is done in order not to disturb the access of oxygen to the soil.

Chest of plastic bottles

They will not take time to make, however, they will serve in good conscience for many years.

Sometimes plastic bottles are used to store shoes or small items.

Shoe rack
Plastic bottle shelf

Such shelves will not take up much space, however, will save a lot of time searching for the right pair of shoes.

Jewelry from plastic bottles

Fashionistas should say a big thank you to plastic. Not every lady will understand that such masterpieces are made from recycled materials.

Plastic bottle necklace

Earrings and necklaces outwardly do not give themselves away as a slightly "second-hand" item. On the contrary, such products are in unprecedented demand among fashionistas.

The manufacturing technology of such necklaces and earrings is similar to the one we have already talked about above - the plastic, cut into the desired shape, is simply melted over an open fire. Here, the shape of the "blank" and the time of thermal heating are of paramount importance. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it. You can decorate an art object with beads and rhinestones, fasten it with a fishing line or thin wire. In any case, the author is guaranteed an exclusive model.

Bracelets can be made according to the same principle, however, some ladies prefer to “frame” plastic in the old fashioned way.

Plastic bottle bracelets

Most often, such products are within the power of novice craftswomen. Leather, fabrics, felt, ribbons and beads are used. The advantage of such a product is that it will never lose its shape.

Crafts from plastic bottles in the country

Huge scope in the literal and figurative sense for the use of plastic bottles opens up in the country. Mountains of unnecessary containers have been “stored” here for years, and it is here that it is easier to use them.

Plastic bottles - a special element of country decor

The first thing that catches the eye of the guests of the summer cottage, the owner of which is a fan of the "plastic case", is an incredible number of figures made of this material, flower beds made of plastic bottles and flower beds, greenhouses and gazebos.


However, sometimes such designer “things” merge so successfully with the environment that it is not even clear what is real here and what is made of plastic, it is difficult to call these architectural finds inanimate nature.

artificial reservoir
Another pond

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden are amazing. One gets the impression that you are not in the garden, but in a living corner.

plastic animals


Bugs in the garden

Plastic bottles as a building material

Very often, a guest heading for berries and a basket is puzzled by unusual and even frightening art objects.

Papuan scarecrow

And when he is looking for an inconspicuous "house for reflection", he suddenly "stumbles" on a very interesting gazebo made of plastic bottles. And it doesn’t matter why the person was heading, it’s impossible to get around such a masterpiece without a selfie.


Greenhouse outside

Greenhouse from the inside

There is nothing surprising in the fact that plastic bottles are widely used in construction. In the countries of South Africa, they are used as the main building material. After all, humanitarian aid, including water, is brought here exclusively in plastic bottles, so such houses are affordable even for the poorest.

Technology for the construction of residential buildings in Africa

The main condition is to create strong walls from bottles using wet sand. The water inside the closed bottles does not evaporate, and the walls receive optimal strength and temperature.

Plastic bottles for watering

According to this principle, Russian summer residents create beds and decorative wells for seedlings in their garden. Sometimes a plastic bottle is planted vertically to provide the plant with moisture in the absence of watering opportunities. The bottle is pre-pierced in several places so that the roots of the plant can reach the water.

Irrigated plastic bottles

Tanks from under the water are used as budget "sprinklers". The hose is directly connected to the bottle, and the pressure jet starts watering over a sufficiently long distance.

spray bottle

Homemade crafts from plastic bottles for children

Very often, plastic containers become indispensable materials for the manufacture of the crafts that were needed yesterday. It's no secret that grand craft fairs in kindergartens and schools are an opportunity not only to show the work of a child, but to amuse one's pride.

plastic animals
Decorative fruit boxes

Crafts from plastic bottles for school most often fall on the shoulders of parents, not children. While they sleep peacefully and see the third dream, the parents are frantically trying to create crafts from a plastic bottle.

A plastic bottle in this sense is an invaluable thing. First, they are always in stock. Secondly, an interesting flowerpot can be a good “bribe” for the teacher, even if the craft turned out to be out of the “topic”. After all, the educator is always interested in having more living plants in the group.

Penguins from plastic bottles

By the way, such flowerpots or containers for flowers will take the crumbs for a long time not only in kindergarten, but also at home. It is enough to instruct the baby to water the home flower garden. With such a "zoo" the child will be happy to complete the task.

In a special publication of our portal, we will talk in detail about crafts made from natural materials. You will learn what materials you can use, what crafts you can do with children and the features of working with materials.

Plastic products for outdoor games

If there is no new toy, make it yourself. With this approach, plastic containers will become a real lifesaver. It can be used to create many interesting and useful things for the child.

What are the advantages of plastic bottle toys - the child is always "busy". First, the creation of your toy, and then the game. The attitude to such a masterpiece is more thrifty, because he himself did and spent time and effort.

A plastic bottle can be used as a basket for playing ball.

You can make such a toy on a string.

Bottles can be used for bowling.

You can hide the bottle and put something tasty there.

Houses for dolls from plastic bottles

The main thing for a child is the development of imagination. And what develops it is, of course, a role-playing game. The child will more willingly begin to take on social roles when he feels that he can also be the "master" in the house. Let it be quite small.

Doll house

Creating such a house from plastic bottles with your own hands will not take much time, but it will save you - in any case, a certain amount of personal time is provided to parents. Especially if, in addition to the house, the child will also have doll furniture. This is where the plastic bottle comes in handy.

Bed for dolls

Cars and planes

It doesn't matter if your kid doesn't like to play with cars. Most likely, the child is used to the same type of models. Not always the right soldier will enter the “purchased cars”, but such models will enter - and not one.

Cars made from plastic bottles

Artillery arrived in time to support "from the air". An ambulance on the wings just in time! The game gets a new plot.


It is not scary to leave such a toy in the sandbox. All you need to do is remember to wash the bottle of chemicals before giving it to the child. You can decorate such a car with adhesive tape or indelible markers.

Shoes and skis from plastic bottles

Plastic shoes are no joke. Some environmentally conscious designers use bottles to create fashion items. Clothing and hats have long been the object of desire for trendy designers.

Now it's time for the shoes.

The only thing holding back the couturier is the risks associated with model insurance. After all, plastic is a rather slippery thing. Literally. However, Russian craftsmen also try such peaks. Here, for example, slates for a bath. Quite nothing.

Bath slates

And this is a shoe - for going out .... In the forest. Such plastic uggs will easily overcome any quagmire due to their volume. Often foresters use such shoes in winter.


Do-it-yourself skis made from plastic bottles can be a good alternative for going after a predator, because the tracks left in this way will not give the animal the presence of a person by smell.

bottle skis

Crafts from plastic pipes

Plastic pipes are a particularly durable material. Their uniqueness is that special fasteners help to achieve the desired shape and volume, while the product retains stability and strength. Here are some unusual crafts you can make from this material.

Velomobile made of plastic pipes
Sledge made of pipes

The downside of the material is that, unlike plastic bottles, it will cost a pretty penny. However, if there are familiar pipeliners, then this material can become indispensable for creating comfortable everyday things.

Sports corners made of plastic pipes. Both for home and for the street. Compared to finished products, it is much cheaper and easier to assemble.

Outdoor sports corner
Sports corner at home

Furniture. Plastic pipes are unique in that they can bend at right angles and create niches. You can make both chairs and beds. They are easy to move or increase if, for example, the child has grown up.

Other options for using plastic pipes


Plastic bottles and fittings today are no longer just containers for storing or transferring liquids through pipes. Today it is a resource that must be used wisely. Ideas about what can be made from plastic bottles can appear out of nowhere, just look around. If a person mindlessly "hoards" the container, it will eventually "swallow" all living things. Therefore, if you suddenly see an ownerless bottle, do not rush to carry it to the trash can. Perhaps it will still serve you faithfully.

We hope that today's article was useful to the reader. Questions, if any, can be asked in the discussions below.

Plastic bottles are considered to be garbage and sent to the appropriate places - trash cans and landfills. But in the right, creative hands, these things can sparkle with new colors. And you don't have to be a master to breathe a second life into ordinary plastic. You just need to have a little patience and imagination.

Crafts are quite simple and everyone can do such things with their own hands. Or maybe for someone this business will become a real hobby.

Useful things from garbage

Plastic bottles come in different shapes. They are also different in color and size. Therefore, it is quite possible to make small decor items for the garden plot from them. And for a summer residence, plastic furniture or even a summer gazebo built from the same plastic utensils is quite suitable.

And even caps from plastic bottles in skillful hands can turn into real masterpieces - mosaics on the walls, a hot stand, cute toys for a child and other useful little things.

Everyone can make this or that little thing. This is where fantasy plays the main role. After all, the material for making crafts is almost everywhere. They can be found in the park, on lawns, near the river and in landfills.

And collecting them for his creativity, a person thereby purifies nature from harmful things. After all, plastic today has become a real disaster that threatens the environment. This material is durable, so the constructed crafts from plastic bottles will serve and delight for a long time.

Where to begin

In every decision, the main thing is a plan of action. In order to start working on the craft, you will need the following:

  • a detailed description and photo of crafts from plastic bottles or one separate craft to choose from;
  • bottles of suitable sizes and colors;
  • additional materials and tools that may come in handy: a knife, scissors, adhesive tape, glue, paint, fabrics, etc.

Then you just need to be patient and follow the instructions. And soon the children will enjoy the new fabulous playground, the guests will be happy to spend time in the “almost crystal” gazebo, and the hostess will appreciate the unusual practical appliances in the kitchen.


You can make an excellent box from plastic bottles, in which it will be convenient to store various little things: hair ties, buttons, paper clips. To do this, you need two lower parts of plastic bottles of the same size. They are interconnected by a zipper, which is sewn along the edges.

Or a simpler option is to cut off the top of the bottle in the place where it begins to narrow. The container is ready. It remains to decorate the bottle with decorative ribbon, buttons and beads. They are glued on. Sew a cap from the fabric, which is tightened with a cord and glue it to the edge of the container in the same way.

And it’s not at all difficult to make a convenient and original sandwich container that you won’t be ashamed to take to school or work. The main thing is to decorate it with a plan. And it is done in just a few steps.

The bathroom also has a place for a plastic box in which you can put all the necessary accessories: toothpastes and brushes, washcloths and shampoos. If these boxes are hung on the wall one above the other, then you can free up space.

Plastic bottles can make an unusual stand for pencils and pens. It is enough to cut it in a circle in the shape of a muzzle of a cat or an owl and paint it. In the same technique, a vase for flowers is made. Only for its stability, a handful of small pebbles should be poured onto the bottom.

Playground toys and decorations

To decorate playgrounds, decorations are made in the form of plants, animals and even insects.

For a palm tree, you need about 15 brown bottles, from which the trunk of a palm tree is made, and 7-10 green bottles for leaves. The barrel is assembled from bottles cut across, stringing them on a frame made of a strong rod.

To create leaves, green bottles need to be cut lengthwise, forming the desired shape. To make longer leaves, you need to attach an additional one to the main sheet using a stapler.

You can decorate your garden plot even in winter. Funny penguins in colorful hats and scarves will cheer you up on a cold winter day. You can make penguins of different sizes. For one bird, you need two identical bottles that have a "waist" at the bottom.

This bottle needs to be cut in half. This will be the body of the penguin. At the second bottle, you only need to cut off the bottom with a small margin - these are the legs. Connect the two parts with a glue gun, paint. Make a pom-pom out of wool and a scarf out of a strip of fabric.

Such crafts are not stable, since plastic is a very light material. In order for the penguins to stand quietly in the chosen place, they must be filled with sand or small pebbles before gluing the parts.

Even plastic lids in skillful hands turn into cute ladybugs. You just need to color them accordingly and stick funny eyes.

If the plastic lids are connected to each other by the edges in the form of a small circle, then you get an original stand for a hot pot or kettle. Such a device is useful in the kitchen.

Flowers and plastic bottles

Flower beds can also be decorated in an original way with plastic bottles. If you take the lower parts of the bottles, paint them in different colors and stick them into the ground next to each other, you can create a flower bed that will “bloom” all year round.

The tops of bottles with caps can also be used as flower pots. They are not stable, but in the form of flower pots they will look fabulous.

From plastic bottles with a volume of 3-5 liters, you get a bright flower bed-train. In each bottle, you need to cut one side part. Paint in different colors. Fill the bottles with earth, transplant garden undersized flowers into them. Lay them horizontally and lean against each other, creating wagons.

Furniture and buildings

The construction of a summer gazebo will require more costs and effort. After all, for construction, you will first need to make a frame of wood or metal. The walls are built from whole bottles, which are strung on a wire or rod.

First, a hole is made in the bottom of the bottle, the cap is unscrewed. A rod with strung bottles is attached to the frame in a horizontal or vertical position.

With the help of bottles, you can create a sofa, armchair, ottoman. Here you must first make separate blocks: seat, armrests, backrest. Then connect them, according to the design. Blocks are best made from 2-liter identical bottles.

On the top of the bottle (where the cap is) you need to put on the bottom of another bottle so that the bottom of the bottle is on both sides. All bottles, blocks are attached to each other with adhesive tape. To make the seat soft - you need a foam block of a suitable size. Sew a cover according to the size of the furniture.

Photo of crafts from plastic bottles

The family hearth for each of us is a sacred repository of kind hearts, warm and affectionate words, gentle kisses and caring hands. This is the place where everyone rests their souls, fills with positive and positive energy, feels relaxed and cheerful, fun and at ease. And so that the reigning idyll is not exhausted over time, daily caring housewives and hosts, including, strive to equip every corner of their “royal” possessions as best as possible. And this does not mean that you need to rearrange dishes, furniture and household appliances from place to place all day long, grow your favorite flowers, keep order and cleanliness. This, of course, is of great importance for the prosperity of harmony in your home, but it would also be nice to pay attention to the adjacent areas to your home - this is a garden and a vegetable garden. Of course, growing vegetables, fruits and berries is useful and cost-effective, but in addition, we offer you to add some zest to well-groomed land plantations - decorate your backyard estates with various crafts made by yourself from plastic bottles. Many people have such good things and a full cart, and all this, as is commonly believed, will come in handy on the farm, but it is better to turn the old and unnecessary into something original new that will benefit and delight the environment. So, dear friends, the topic of our article is directly related to needlework. If you are interested, then we provide 10 photos of do-it-yourself plastic bottle planter ideas for the garden and vegetable garden made at home. Our creative ideas are meaningfully disclosed to you through prepared master classes with step-by-step instructions. Check them out and get creative. You and your kids will definitely love this!

Beetle "Ladybug" from plastic bottles

To make your garden and vegetable garden take on a bright outline, we recommend using our step-by-step master class with detailed instructions for the course of action. We will make cool crafts from plastic bottles in the form of colorful ladybugs with our own hands. If you have children or grandchildren, you should definitely like this idea with a visual photo, and especially the younger generation. Arm yourself with the necessary improvised material and forward to exciting creativity.

For work you will need:

  • plastic bottles - liter and two-liter;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • dye;
  • brush;
  • small foam ball;
  • toothpick;
  • disposable fork;
  • candle;
  • manicure tongs;
  • ready-made eyes;
  • glue gun.

Manufacturing process:

  1. At the beginning of the creative work, we need to prepare the building material for the body of the bug. To do this, we take all the bottles that you have - from small to large, and cut off the bottom of them with a clerical knife.
  2. Finished parts should be covered with your chosen paint of bright colors on both sides - inside and outside. If stains remain during the decor process, it is advisable to repeat the steps. After that, it is recommended to dry your blanks.
  3. In the meantime, we begin to form the head of the beetle. To this end, you need to take a small foam ball and cut it into two parts with a clerical knife, one of which will be slightly larger. She is what we need for work. We need to cut off the edge of this foam part slightly so that the future head of the insect fits snugly against the body.
  4. After we have made the head of the craft with our own hands, it should be painted black on all sides. We take a toothpick and stick it into the beveled edge of the part. This will be our holder during the design of the product. After the decor process, we take some time to dry the elements of the body.
  5. Now we need to make antennae for our bug from a disposable fork. To do this, light a candle and slightly bend the ends of the cloves of the cutlery with a flame. And when you succeeded, you need to cut off all the teeth of the fork to the base with nail clippers.
  6. When all the details are ready, you can start assembling the bug. We attach the foam head with a glue gun to the body made of a plastic bottle.
  7. We need to revive the face of the insect with ready-made shop eyes, the antennae we created earlier. We attach them to the holes made with ordinary nail scissors with glue.
  8. The final step of our creative work will be decorating the back of the ladybug with black dots. For such a move, you need black paint. After that, you need to carefully dry the craft, then put it in the garden or in the garden, wherever you want. Believe me, the neighbors will be simply amazed by your resourcefulness and creativity.

Flowerpot "Merry pig"

To make wonderful crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands for the garden and garden, you need a little patience and skill. In order to somehow help you in this skillful business, we provide a step-by-step master class with meaningful instructions, thanks to which you will create unique piglets in the form of a flowerpot or other vegetation. So let's get started.

For work you will need:

  • plastic five-liter bottle (for the body);
  • plastic two-liter bottle (for ears);
  • water-repellent paint in pink and black;
  • scissors;
  • tassel;
  • glue gun;
  • stationery knife.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take a five-liter container and cut out one of its sides with a clerical knife, leaving room for the muzzle and back of the piglet.
  2. Separately, from this improvised material, we make with our own hands the ears, the tail of the animal, and, if desired, the legs from the trimmed necks of plastic bottles.
  3. After preparing the torso and all its constituent elements, we need to paint all the details pink with water-repellent paint.
  4. Draw the eyes and nose of the animal in black, as in the photo idea.
  5. Using a glue gun, we attach the ears to the product and its protruding tail. If you want, you can add hooves, they also need to be glued. After drying, our craft is ready for use in the garden or vegetable garden as a decorative and unusual flowerpot for vegetation.

Flowers "Daisies"

To decorate and effectively complement your garden and garden, you will, of course, need flowers. However, attention, the topic of our article today, as you remember, is related to crafts from plastic bottles, so the plant riot will be made with your own hands from this improvised material. You will certainly like our idea, so go ahead, dear friends!

For work you will need:

  • tree trunk;
  • multi-colored paint;
  • plastic liter bottles;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun.

Manufacturing process:

  1. First we need to prepare the "stem" for our future flower. We take a thick stick or a strong branch, remove and sharpen the extra knots, and then paint our trunk green.
  2. From one liter container, we will have to cut off the bottom, since we will use it for the base of the flower. Color it yellow.
  3. Then we prepare our "petals" of the plant. We take liter or half-liter plastic bottles and paint them in colorful colors.
  4. When our flower base and "petals" dry up, you need to put them together, as in the photo. For this purpose, we need a glue gun.
  5. Do not forget to attach leaves made of the same material as the flower itself to the stem of the plant. We also attach them with glue. Here, in principle, our craft "Chamomile" for the garden and vegetable garden is ready. You need to create more such products with your own hands so that the view seems richer and richer.

Plastic bees in the garden

To make your garden or garden come to life, you need to decorate it with bees. Such products, created by hand from plastic half-liter bottles suspended on low-growing trees, will cause a lot of admiration and smiles among your relatives, children, grandchildren and acquaintances. Our step-by-step master class with a photo idea will be useful and informative for you. Study it and get down to creative work immediately in order to quickly make a wonderful craft at home.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • plastic half-liter bottles;
  • black and yellow paints;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • loop thread.

Work process:

  1. To make beautiful cartoon bees, we need to take half-liter plastic bottles with caps and decorate them with paints, giving them a natural striped color.
  2. When the craft is dry, attach wings to it, cut from the same material at hand as the insects. We make small cuts with a clerical knife, almost at the base of the expansion of the container, and insert our blanks into them. For reliability, fix the work with universal glue.
  3. The final step will be the formation of a loop on the back of the bee and hanging it on the tree you like. This is how elementary you can simply create a cool decorative product with your own hands, even with children for the garden. They will be delighted with your ideas and fantasies.

fly agaric

Amanitas will also look great in your garden or vegetable garden. Make them with your own hands from plastic bottles and place them somewhere in the grass with a small family. Such a craft will not leave anyone indifferent, especially small children. View our photo idea and proceed to a step-by-step master class.

For work you will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • colors - red and white;
  • brush;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • your fantasy.

Process of creation:

  1. We cut off the bottom of a two-liter plastic bottle and immediately paint it red with white patches, as in nature with a fly agaric.
  2. We make the leg with our own hands from the same improvised material only from the remnants. We twist the plastic with a kind of tube, fasten it with a glue gun, and then completely transform it with white paint.
  3. Do not forget about the "skirt" of the fly agaric, located on the leg of the mushroom. We also form it from a small piece of flexible material and fasten it with a glue gun, and then dress it in white.
  4. The parts of the future product prepared by us are connected using the same glue. So our original fun craft for the garden is ready, which will gather a lot of onlookers around it! Here you will see!

Penguins from plastic bottles

In order for your DIY plastic bottle craft for the garden to turn out interesting and bright, you need to put all your effort into this creative activity, patience and creativity. Well, for example, look at our photo idea and try to translate it into reality, through the provided step-by-step master class with a detailed description of the course of action.

For creativity you will need:

  • plastic liter, five-liter or six-liter bottles;
  • colors - black, red, white;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • paint brush.

Manufacturing process:

  1. In order for our future craft to turn out believable, it is necessary to comply with all the norms of the natural color of the bird. We take a six-liter bottle and, without cutting off the neck, decorate it with black and white paints, as in the photo provided.
  2. From a two-liter container, cut off the top, slightly beveled type. It will become the head of our northern bird after we masterfully transform it with black paints, equip it with eyes and a red beak, made with our own hands from plastic waste, rolled into a sharp thin cone and glued together.
  3. We should carefully fix the finished head of the penguin on the body with a glue gun.
  4. The wings, as well as the beak, we create from the waste of the container, painted in the black color characteristic of this bird.
  5. We form the paws from two flattened liter plastic bottles, repainted red and attached back with glue under the weight of the penguin's body. Our product is ready to decorate the garden! Now choose a suitable place on your land plantation for the settlement of guests from the snowy north.

beautiful pink flamingo

A handicraft in the form of a flamingo will look quite beautiful and exotic on your land plot in the garden or vegetable garden. It is also easy and simple to do with your own hands at home using plastic bottles and paints, and, of course, your spiritual and creative investment. Like any other work on the creation of decorative products, it will require maximum patience and diligence, since the external aesthetic appearance of your creation will depend on this. Let's get started.

For creativity you will need:

  • plastic six-liter bottle or food canister;
  • foam ball;
  • silicone hose;
  • thick flexible wire;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • two metal twigs or sticks;
  • water-repellent paints in pink, pale red, black and white.

Manufacturing process:

  1. At the beginning of the creative work, we will need to make with our own hands all the necessary details for our crafts. First, we make the head of an exotic bird out of a foam ball. Masterfully, but extremely carefully, we wield a knife to achieve this intended goal. We look at the idea provided by us in the photo and try to create something similar or even better.
  2. As for the torso itself, for its manufacture you will need a six-liter plastic bottle or a canister made of the same material. We cut off its neck, mask the resulting hole with a petal of this improvised material and a glue gun.
  3. Subsequent creative work will be related to the creation of the "plumage" of the flamingo. We cut it out of the same material as the container itself. Their number should correspond to the size of the body in order to cover both the top and, if desired, the bottom of the bird. After the constituent elements are ready and painted over with pink paint, we attach them to the back of the flamingo with a glue gun from the beginning of the plastic bottle to its very bottom.
  4. Now we connect the head of the bird with the body. For this we need a long narrow neck. We take a strong but flexible wire and a silicone hose, we put a metal element inside. By the way, the length of the neck is purely your own business. The wire pin that came out on one side is built into the foam head, which also needs to be painted pink in advance for convenience and draw the eyes and beak in the appropriate colors. The connection of these two parts - the base of the neck and head, should be tight and neat. We will need to insert the second end of the wire and silicone hose into the body of the flamingo. Just below the disguised neck of the container, we make a small hole where e and insert our product in the form of a neck. We fix everything with universal glue.
  5. It remains to install our product on the legs. We create them from wooden sticks or from metal twigs. We cut out the limbs from a plastic bottle, attach the wire to the legs and paint over the entire structure with a pale red color.
  6. From the bottom of the body we make two small holes for attaching the legs. We stick them in and fix them with glue. Our adorable DIY craft is complete! Give her the most prominent place in the garden or vegetable garden so that everyone, even passers-by, can admire such beauty.

Cheerful gnome and his girlfriend from plastic bottles

To make your craft from plastic bottles with your own hands for the garden unusual and catchy, we recommend using our prepared photo idea. The dwarf and his girlfriend will decorate your land, giving it a certain fabulousness and carefree childhood.

For work you will need:

  • plastic liter bottles - 4 pcs.;
  • plastic five-liter bottles - 2 pcs.;
  • disposable flower pots - 2 pcs.;
  • water-repellent paints in green, red, black, white and pink;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • gray yarn;
  • glue gun;
  • stationery knife;
  • plastic kinder egg - 1 pc.;
  • decorative elements: a basket with artificial fruits, any garden tools.

Manufacturing process:

  1. First of all, let's create a gnome. We take a five-liter bottle and cut two opposite holes on the sides, equal to the volume of a liter container. This will be the place for future hands.
  2. We will create hands from the same material at hand as the body of our product. We cut off the top of the containers and insert them into the pre-made holes on the body of the craft. We fix everything with a glue gun for reliability.
  3. Now we make out the appearance of the product. With green paints we draw clothes, and with black we draw additional accessories in the form of a belt and cuffs.
  4. We dress the fingers and face of the gnome in soft pink or beige.
  5. With a convenient brush we depict eyes, a mouth, cheeks, and a nose with glue from a half of a kinder egg, the same color as the face.
  6. We make eyebrows and a beard with our own hands from gray yarn. Having cut off the required length, we fasten the parts to strong glue.
  7. We plant a flower pot on the head and transform it into red color with a black drawn strap for beauty.
  8. Since we have a gnome - a hard worker, we insert a mini-shovel and rakes into his hands, and then we proceed to create his girlfriend - an assistant.
  9. From a five-liter bottle, we make the body of a girl with similar actions, cutting off the neck of the container and making holes for the hands.
  10. We also make hands from the same material and attach them to the body with glue.
  11. We put a flower pot on the head and paint it white. As a decor - any artificial flower.
  12. We paint the face with a delicate pink color, glue a pink nose from a kinder egg, draw eyes, a mouth.
  13. Weave pigtails from gray yarn and fasten them under the do-it-yourself hat.
  14. The shirt on the gnome's girlfriend will be white with green cuffs and a bow around the neck.
  15. The skirt can be made of plastic, heated slightly over a fire and taking the form of some coattails. If this is too complicated for you, then simply - simply draw a skirt with black paint.
  16. We insert a basket with artificial fruits into one handle of the product created by us, and some flowers into the other. Such cool helpers appeared in your garden or vegetable garden. Make a lot of these creations and you will see how great it is!

Palm trees from plastic bottles

A very simple and original craft made from plastic bottles is a palm tree. It will look great in your garden or garden, where there is a flower bed or a well-groomed lawn. It is quite easy to make such a product with your own hands, especially since our step-by-step master class with a photo idea will explain everything in detail and clearly to you.

For work you will need:

  • any plastic bottles;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • wire;
  • glue gun.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We pre-prepare our building material. Cut off the bottoms of plastic bottles. Their number should correspond to the height of the future palm tree.
  2. After that, we form our exotic tree with our own hands, planting the cut products on top of each other.
  3. You can use a glue gun as a fixer, or simply make a metal twig, a wooden stick or something else with a rod and place it in the middle of a palm tree trunk.
  4. We make the top of the edged "sheets" of plastic. We cut the edges of each finely and assemble the finished composition into a bundle, which must be fastened with a piece of wire.
  5. We insert ornamental vegetation into the top of the trunk and once again secure ourselves with a piece of wire.
  6. The finished tree can be covered with paint, draw some patterns. In general, everything is at your discretion, dear friends! The craft will perfectly complement your garden or vegetable garden, be sure of it!


Plastic bottles along with plastic bags have become the main source of contamination of the entire planet. In order to somehow deal with this problem, people are developing various ideas for the rational use of empty containers. Today, PET bottles are used to make boats, build greenhouses and houses, erect fences and design furniture.

A simpler and more affordable way for the average person to recycle plastic is to make various decor from it. Such an idea is especially relevant on playgrounds or in gardens, because wonderful crafts are made from multi-colored bottles: bright, interesting and useful.

This article will be devoted to garden decorations from plastic bottles.

Features of plastic material

Before you start building something from plastic bottles, you need to get to know this material better and become familiar with its properties. So:

Advice! It is much easier to work with plastic bottles of the same color.

And if a large product is conceived (for example, outdoor furniture), it is recommended to collect bottles of the same shape and size. For some small crafts, on the contrary, bottles of different shapes, colors and volumes are suitable.

What crafts can be made from plastic bottles for kindergarten

Crafts for a garden from bottles can be very diverse: from fencing sandboxes to making fairy-tale characters, flowers or lanterns. Here, much depends on the artist's imagination, as well as on the amount of plastic containers collected.

Important! In children's institutions, it is better not to use long-drying toxic dyes. Therefore, for painting plastic crafts, it is recommended to use water-based acrylic paints - they dry quickly, lay down in an even layer on plastic, and have a bright palette of shades.

bottle palm tree

It is possible to build from plastic not only an exotic palm tree, but also any other tree - the principle of its manufacture will be almost the same. For work, you will need plastic bottles, scissors and a knife, metal wire or a long wooden rod, acrylic paint (if you could not find bottles of the desired shade).

The whole process of making palm trees from plastic consists of several stages, which are very easy to implement:

  1. The stem of the tree will be made from dark brown plastic bottles. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottles - it will not be needed in the work.
  2. A metal or wooden rod is inserted into the ground, imitating the frame of a palm tree trunk. The length of this frame should match the desired height of the tree.
  3. Cut brown plastic bottles are strung on a reinforced rod, neck up.
  4. When almost the entire rod is hidden behind the plastic, the last detail is strung - it is better that the bottle is green and blends with the crown of the palm tree.
  5. To roughen the trunk and make it even more like the original palm tree, you can cut the teeth on the free edges of the bottles with scissors and bend them outward a little.
  6. Now leaves are made from green plastic bottles. Here, everyone can act at their own discretion: you can cut the plastic bottle lengthwise into four segments, leaving only the neck intact, and form the carved edges of the leaves; someone uses a different method - cuts green plastic into long thin strips and collects them like dangling palm leaves.
  7. It remains to fix the leaves on the trunk, and the plastic palm tree is ready. It is quite possible to supplement it with plastic coconuts or bananas.
  8. If transparent bottles were used for work, they must be painted with a suitable paint.

Advice! Several palm trees will look more organic than a single tree. It is better to immediately make a small "oasis" of three or five palm trees of various sizes.

Such plastic palm trees are not afraid of either rain or snow - they will decorate the playground for a long time and delight the kids (an excellent example of a palm tree is shown in the photo below).

So that children do not get hurt on slices of plastic, it is recommended to melt them a little with a simple candle or match.

Plastic flower beds from bottles

Many parents and employees of kindergartens know how difficult it is to break a beautiful flower bed on the site. After all, children often trample on flowers, and it happens that there is simply no one to take care of the plants.

But this is not a reason to leave the site without bright colors - fresh flowers can easily be replaced with artificial ones, and the easiest way to make them is from plastic bottles. To do this, it is not even necessary to cut out the petals of each flower, you can create a larger plastic composition.

For such a flower bed, you will need the bottoms of plastic bottles - they are cut off with a knife or scissors, cutting the bottle approximately in half. Now the prepared elements must be painted in the desired color using a thick and uniform paint and a soft brush or dye from a can.

When the paint dries, the halves of plastic bottles are inserted into the ground with their bottoms up - beautiful and bright flowers are obtained, collected in a certain composition.

Attention! To make the flowerbed organic, it is better to first depict its design on a piece of paper. This will allow you to visually see the result and correctly select the shades of "flowers".

Using this simple technology, it will be possible to make plastic flower beds of unusual shapes and various sizes (as in this photo).

For those who are able to do more delicate work, the method of creating delicate flowers, the details of which are cut from plastic bottles, is suitable. Such flowers can become a decoration not only on the street, they can be used to decorate a group or an assembly hall.

To work, you need simple tools:

  • plastic container;
  • dyes based on acrylic or latex (they are more uniform and non-toxic);
  • sharp scissors;
  • decor in the form of beads to create the core of the "flower";
  • strong wire for the stem and thinner wire for the stamens;
  • glue gun or other reliable fast-curing glue;
  • a candle for melting the edges and shaping the plastic petals.

Petals of the desired size and shape are cut out of the bottles - it is convenient to use a cardboard template for this. Then they need to be heated over a candle and give the edges and the middle the desired shape. Now the petals are painted in the selected color and allowed to dry thoroughly.

Collect the petals from the inflorescence and fix the plastic parts on the wire leg. The middle is made of wire, thick fishing line and multi-colored beads. Also, flower leaves are cut out of plastic and attached to the stem with a glue gun.

An excellent example of creating such a flower from a plastic bottle is shown in the photo below.

bottle fences

From plastic bottles you can create beautiful and durable fences for flower beds or sandboxes, for example. Those who have been working with plastic bottles for a long time recommend strengthening vertical structures by filling the container with ordinary sand, earth or pebbles. In this case, if the child steps on or falls on the fence, it will not break or deform.

With the help of the same paints, plastic bottles are given the desired shades and added dropwise around the perimeter of a flower garden or sandbox. Fences made of several rows of painted bottles look even more beautiful - this way you can even create some kind of pattern inside the fence.

Mosaic from caps

You can also use the container for developing activities with the children themselves. One of these lessons can be a simple drawing assembled from multi-colored plastic corks. If the children in the group are very small, the leader can make blanks for such a mosaic by drawing circles on paper in the places where the caps should be located.

The child only needs to pick up a cork of the desired color and fix it on his panel with glue.

This technique allows you to collect more complex patterns from plastic bottle caps. Good craftsmen create whole pictures on walls and fences from plastic caps of different diameters and shades (you can see them in the photo below).

Animal world and fairy-tale characters from a plastic bottle

Most of all, children love the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons - these characters can also be easily made from plastic bottles. You just have to be patient and apply some skill to the manufacture of such crafts.

The size of the hero and his complexity are entirely dependent on the mastery of the master. Talented performers make real masterpieces from ordinary plastic waste. These are firebirds, and flamingos, and peacocks with huge tails, and big wolves, foxes, owls and bunnies, small funny bugs and bright butterflies.

As a rule, in such crafts, a metal frame made of a rod is used, on which plastic parts of the torso, head and limbs of the character are strung. The easiest way is to build a funny pig from a container - children can also be involved in this process.

To create a plastic pig you will need:

  • five-liter water bottle;
  • five ordinary one and a half liter plastic bottles;
  • knife or scissors;
  • pink paint and brush;
  • wire or something else for the pig's tail;
  • beads for eyes;
  • glue or gun with silicone.

The body of the piglet, together with the head, will be made from a single five-liter bottle. From four small plastic bottles you need to cut off the necks, one side of the cut is made slightly lower than the other. These will be the legs of the piglet, and such sections will help to better attach them to the body.

Ears are cut out of the last plastic bottle. The easiest way is to cut them off near the neck, since in this place the plastic is already bent and has the desired shape. If you need larger ears, you can cut them out of the “body” of the bottle and shape them by heating the plastic with a match.

Now the whole structure is assembled together and all plastic elements are fixed with glue. It remains to paint the pig in its inherent pink color and glue the eyes and tail (the finished pig is shown in the photo below).

Arbor from plastic bottles

For those who are not afraid of difficulties and have enough plastic containers, a method of constructing a gazebo is suitable. This may be the simplest design of four pillars and a roof, or a more complex round-shaped gazebo with windows and a doorway - it all depends on the skills of the master.

The main thing is that it will be interesting and safe for children to play in such a house, so it’s worth making it for the garden.

The construction of plastic can be carried out on the basis of a metal or wooden frame, or you can use the plastic container itself as supports, only after filling it with sand or earth.

The roof is covered with a light material, such as ondulin or polycarbonate. Also for these purposes, you can use the bottles themselves, connected like a raft or flattened into flat petals and fixed with wire or screws.

The walls are fastened with small screws. To facilitate the process, or when there is not enough “building material”, you can use a waterproof fabric or a bright film, the same polycarbonate, which is stretched and fixed between adjacent plastic supports.

The door and windows of the gazebo can be curtained with corks from the same plastic bottles. You can collect such curtains with the children. To do this, a small hole is made in each cap and all the corks are strung on a thread with knots or on a long fishing line.

Very beautiful gazebos made of plastic bottles are shown in the photo in this article.


Instead of littering the planet, you can use plastic bottles for good - decorate a playground or a kindergarten group with them. Plastic is safe for babies, and it is also quite light. If suddenly the design of this material is damaged, the children will not suffer.

Another big plus of this idea is that the pupils themselves can easily be involved in the work - even kids can assemble simple crafts for the garden from plastic bottles.