Definition of honor. Definition: what is the honor and dignity of a person What does the concept of honor mean

    HONOR 1, -and, f.

    1. The totality of the highest moral and ethical principles of the individual. A matter of honor. Swear on honor.Father said to me: - Farewell, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you swear; obey your superiors; do not chase after their affection; --- and remember the proverb; take care of your dress again, and honor from a young age. Pushkin, Captain's Daughter. He was a man of a new breed: He understood exclusively honor, And even sinless income He called it theft, liberal! N. Nekrasov, Masha. [Von Schlittau:] I am a former officer and a man of honor. A. N. Tolstoy, Dealer. || Dignity (personal, professional, military, etc.). Military honor. Working honor.He had no idea about the honor of an officer. Got drunk drunk and drunken rowdy. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Poshekhonskaya antiquity. He was to be the last to leave the battle - that is how he understood his commanding honor. Simonov, From the Black to the Barents Sea. || what or which. Good, spotless reputation, good, honest name. Brand honor.“My wife,” continued Prince Andrey, “is a wonderful woman. This is one of those rare women with whom you can be deceased for your honor. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace. - Is the honor of our MTS dear to you? You don't value it. Nikolaeva, The Story of the Director of MTS ... || Chastity, purity, virginity (about women). Lose honor.[Marina:] I took care of my honor more than a girl's eye. You ruined me for nothing, you deceived me. L. Tolstoy, The Power of Darkness. [Vasiliev] knew that there are such immoral women who, under the pressure of fatal circumstances, are forced to sell their honor for money. Chekhov, Attack.

    2. Honor, respect. They call him [Chartkova] in print by his name and patronymic - an honor completely unknown to him until now. Gogol, Portrait. [Mastakov:] People should be distinguished not by their words, not by their clothes, but by their work. Those who know how to work are honored. M. Gorky, Old Man.

    3. Outdated. High rank, position, rank; honor. [Prisoner:] The king rewarded him with honor and gold. Basmanov is sitting in the tsarist Duma. Pushkin, Boris Godunov. The young ataman of the Zimoveyskaya stanitsa with dignity accepted the high military honor: not so much - in thirty years he became the ataman of the Don army, which went to war. Zlobin, Stepan Razin.

    4. That which gives the right to honor, respect, recognition is honorable. Zhukovsky was honored to introduce romanticism into Russian poetry. Belinsky, Poems by V. Zhukovsky. And I dreamed that She should read "Faust" from the Nizhny Novgorod stage. But, foolish, rejected this honor And passion rejected him arrogantly. Martynov, Shevchenko's Diary. If he frees me from the honor of being his second, I can go to Sapozhkov and persuade him to apologize. Kaverin, Unknown friend.

    5. About who or what they are proud of, who or what they pay tribute to, admiration, etc. Young mare, Honor of the Caucasian brand. Why are you rushing, daring? And it's time for you. Pushkin, a young mare. - Our writers are the honor and glory of our homeland. Sollogub, Tarantas.

    In honor of someone what- as a sign of respect, reverence for someone, something, memory of someone, something.

    (Not) honored (outdated.) - (not) held in high esteem.

    Of honor (outdated.) - for the sake of honor, out of respect; disinterestedly. [Bata] added that it is not money that is dear to him, but that he is ready to serve Hadji Murad out of honor. L. Tolstoy, Hadji Murad.

    To my credit whose to the dignity of smb.

    By honor- properly, in good conscience. - Our children want to live according to honor, according to reason. M. Gorky, Mother.

    By honor (to say) (in meaning input sl .; outdated.) - frankly, frankly, honestly. [Prince:] You avoid my gratitude. [Arbenin:] To tell you the honor, I can't stand her. Lermontov, Masquerade.

    With honor (do what) - very good, worthy of appreciation.

    Honor honor and honor by honor- as it should, as it should, as it should.

    Honor and praise to whom cm. praise.

    Honor (do what) - of their own free will, without coercion.

    To do honor to whom cm. make .

    Have the honor with unspecified (outdated.) - is used as a polite or obsequious form of address, in the meaning: to be honored.

    Salute - 1) (to whom greet smb. in a military fashion, putting his hand to the headdress. [The Quartermaster] quickly put his hand to his head ---. - How dare you salute without a cap? - shouted the commander. Novikov-Priboy, Joked; 2) ( to whom) to show someone signs of respect, to give honor. They went to the field where the comrades were shot, saluted, the last duty, buried them in mass graves. Furmanov, Lbischenskaya Drama; 3) ( what) (joke. pay due attention to smth. From French cuisine, he saluted only the Rouen duck. Nikulin, loyal sons of Russia.

    To ask for honor- to ask without threats, counting on obedience, voluntary consent.

    Get honored to whom be at the mercy of smb.

    Think ( or to put etc. ) for the honor what- to recognize it as honorable for oneself.

    Go out with honor Of what- find a decent way out of smb. predicament.

    Field of honor (outdated. and high.) - the field of battle, battle.

    Court of honor- public court, consider 673 on morality, demeaning, compromising smb. (originally existed among the officers).

    An honor would be offered- is used as an answer expressing an indifferent, indifferent attitude towards smb. refusing to accept offer, agree to etc.

    Your (your, his, their) honor (outdated.) - in the respectful appeal of the lower to the higher or when pointing to a third person who is higher than the speaker in origin, position; the same as yours (yours, his) mercy.

    Necessary ( or it's time) and honor to know cm. know 1.

    Honor and place to whom (outdated., now joking.) - a polite invitation to sit down, to take a place at dignity.

    I have the honor to bow cm. bow down.
  • HONOR 2, honor, do you honor; nonsov., trans. (owls. honor 1). Outdated. Recognize, count. [Fufaikin:] You, therefore, with analysis, but do not honor me as a person? Nevezhin, Friends of the Childhood. Bobrok is respected for a wizard, because he has learned a lot and has seen a lot. S. Borodin, Dmitry Donskoy.

    HONOR 3, honor, do you honor; nonsov., trans. Outdated. Read. “In our village there was a soldier African, so he used to start a psalter of honor… the drum beats evenly… I read it dexterously! M. Gorky, The Case with Clasps.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of linguistic. research; Ed. A.P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., Erased. - M .: Rus. lang .; Polygraphs, 1999; (electronic version):

  • Honor gives strength - to overcome even the most difficult and formidable obstacles.
  • Honor gives respect - a “man of honor” has long been one of the most significant compliments to a noble person in Russia.
  • Honor gives hope - even in a hopeless situation.
  • Honor gives freedom - from base deeds, lies and insincerity.
  • Honor gives opportunities - for unlimited spiritual development.

Shows of honor in everyday life

  • Military actions. Military honor is the main quality that should be inherent in a good warrior, both a private and a commander.
  • Everyday situations. A person who stands up for the weak or offended is a person of honor.
  • Religion. A clergyman who is persecuted or condemned, but does not betray his religious beliefs, is a man of honor.
  • Extreme situations. A person who, in an extreme situation, thinks not about how to be saved alone, but about how to be saved together with everyone, is a man of honor.

How to cultivate honor

  • A person should have honor from birth; if a person does not feel honor in himself, he will have to make significant efforts in order to become a person of honor.
  • Fulfillment of obligations and promises. A person who teaches himself not to make unrealistic promises and always keep his word becomes a man of honor.
  • Psychological trainings. The less fears and fears a person has, the more likely it is that in a difficult situation he will prove himself as a man of honor. Psychological training helps to get rid of many fears.
  • Self improvement. If a person manages to soberly assess himself, see the negative sides of his character and set a goal to overcome them, he is on the way to becoming a man of honor.

Golden mean

Dishonesty | complete lack of honor


Bragging rights | excessive understanding of honor, turning it from internal to external

Winged expressions of honor

Honor is an outer conscience, and conscience is an inner honor. - Arthur Schopenhauer - Take care of your dress again, and honor from a young age. - Russian proverb - Real honor is the decision to do, under all circumstances, what is useful to most people. - Benjamin Franklin - My honor is my life; both grow from the same root. Take my honor and my life will end. - William Shakespeare - Honor is the diamond on the hand of virtue. - Voltaire - Each posterity will give its honor. - Tacitus - Sergei Okhlyabinin / Esprit de corps. Russian army from Peter I to Nicholas II The book is dedicated to military honor. It is a collection of historical miniatures. Blaine Lee / The principle of power. Influence with respect and honor A very authoritative and more than curious book. The author proves that the basis of true power is impeccable adherence to life principles, an unshakable moral law that inspires respect and trust in people.

In the old days, people were afraid to lose their honor, defended it and died for it in duels. Now, of course, there is no such thing, but this does not mean that he is not endowed with this quality. Everyone should be honored. Why does a person need dignity and how not to lose it?

Definition: what is honor

The concept of "honor" means the totality through which he gains self-respect. It includes such as nobility, justice, valor, courage, honesty, high morality and strict moral principles.

In the past, honor was associated not so much with internal as with his ability to behave in society, to comply with established norms and rules of behavior. This was required to maintain reputation and respect for their person.

The definition of the word "honor" is closely related to the concept of honesty. First of all, a person should not deceive himself. Honor sets a framework for what people can afford to do without feeling guilty or remorseful.

What is Human Dignity

The dignity of a person is his respect for his person, a sense of the significance of himself as a person, the ability to get out of any situation without overstepping his principles. It is inherent in every person from birth.

Human dignity allows him to realize the importance not only of himself, but also of those around him. People who have this quality are respectful of others. Dignity gives a person a sense of self-confidence and self-confidence. The higher we rate ourselves, the more potential opportunities open up before us.

Honor and what dignity is, are somewhat similar to each other. They establish the criteria for a person's self-esteem, as well as the attitude towards his person on the part of society and reflect the moral value of a person.

Does every person have honor and dignity

Probably, everyone in his life got into situations when you feel a feeling of lack of self-respect and your own worthlessness. From a legal point of view, the definition of what is honor and dignity assumes that every person is endowed with these qualities at birth. They cannot disappear and disappear during life. Human dignity is protected by law, in case of humiliation, the culprit faces punishment.

In fact, it happens that people do not feel worthy, they think that they have nothing to respect. Most often, this happens when a person commits one or another act, for which he subsequently experiences remorse. In such cases, honor and dignity are said to be lost.

As a rule, after some time, a person makes amends, improves his reputation, and again deserves the respect of society. He ceases to consider himself a failure and insignificance, removes this definition from himself. At the same time, honor and dignity return to the person.

How to feel like a worthy person

If for some reason you do not feel like a worthy person, you can make an effort to correct this situation. First of all, you need to suppress all attempts to demean yourself from others. Only by learning to place yourself correctly in society can you feel worthy of respect.

It is necessary to constantly replenish your luggage with knowledge and skills, improve in the profession and other spheres of life. The more valuable you are as a specialist, the higher your self-esteem, and hence dignity, will be.

To feel your honor and dignity, you need to responsibly approach your duty. This applies not only to the debt to the state, but also to the specific obligations and instructions undertaken. This includes fulfilling family responsibilities, taking responsibility for work assignments, keeping promises, and understanding the meaning of what you say and do.

HONOR - eng. honor; German Ehre. 1. Dignity, high moral quality; honor and respect. 2. The type of encouragement received by an individual from society, community. Sociological Dictionary

  • honor - honor I w. 1. Moral, professional, social, etc. dignity that causes respect for oneself or on the part of others. 2. Honor, respect. || Signs of attention shown to someone. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary
  • honor is an HONOR. the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience. A man with honor, unblemished honor. On honor, I assure you on honor, assurance, approval. An act incompatible with honor. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • honor - 1) -and, f. 1. The totality of the highest moral and ethical principles of the individual. A matter of honor. Swear on honor. □ Father said to me: - Farewell, Peter. Small academic dictionary
  • honor - Obsheslav. Suf. derivative (suf. -t, compare power, message, etc.) from the same basis that honor, honor "honor"< čьtti (tt >st, b> f), honor, read. Honor literally means "veneration, honor, respect." Etymological Dictionary of Shansky
  • HONOR - HONOR - DIGNITY, BUSINESS REPUTATION (legal protection) - according to Russian law, a citizen or a legal entity has the right to demand from the court a refutation of information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation ... Big encyclopedic dictionary
  • honor - HONOR, honor, about honor, honor and honor, pl. (· Obsolete.) Honor, honor, honor, · wives. 1.units only. Moral or social dignity, that which evokes, maintains respect (for oneself or on the part of others). Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • honor - A category that means a person's moral assessment by society, as well as self-esteem. one of the intangible benefits (article 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), belonging to a person from birth; inalienable and indescribable. a citizen has the right to demand in court a refutation of those discrediting him ... Big Law Dictionary
  • honor - n., f., uptr. very often (no) what? honor, why? honor, (see) what? honor, what? honor, about what? about honor 1. Honor is a good, spotless reputation, an honest name. Family honor. | The honor of the firm. | Take care of your dress again, and honor from your youth. Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
  • honor - HONOR - and; f. 1. The totality of the highest moral and ethical principles of the individual (honesty, decency, conscientiousness, etc.); preserving one's own dignity and respect for the personal dignity of another. Man of honor. Explanatory dictionary Kuznetsov
  • honor - noun, number of synonyms ... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • honor - J., b. n. -and, honest, honest cross, honor (see)., honor (see), Ukrainian. honor, blr. comb, Old Russian chst, art-glory. chst τιμή (Klotz., Supr., etc.), bulg. honest, Serbo-Horv. often, Slovenian. čȃst, Czech. čеst f., slvts. čеst᾽, Polish. cześć, b. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • honor is great ~ great ~ great ~ Dictionary of Russian Idioms
  • honor - In honor of someone and something to someone (book) - as a sign of respect, respect for someone. There are even holidays in their honor established. Krylov. To get out of something with honor - to cope with something, preserving, maintaining your dignity. He... Phraseological dictionary Volkova
  • Honor - Crimes against Ch. - see Personal Offense and Insult. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • honor - orph. honor1, -and honor2, honor, honor, honor is outdated .: recognize, consider, believe; read) Spelling dictionary Lopatin
  • Honor is a rather voluminous concept that has recently begun to be forgotten. However, in the culture of many peoples, it is even in a more important place than human life. So what is honor?

    Dictionary meaning

    This is a complex concept that combines loyalty to one's own principles, nobility, dignity, and a desire for justice. Now such things often fade into the background, because the definition of what honor is, not everyone knows. The dictionary says that these are respectable moral qualities and ethnic principles of a person. Associations with this word in Russian culture are only good. He was often heard in speech, it was found in prose and in songs. A man of honor is one who can live by conscience and maintain dignity even in the most difficult situations. Power and wealth are secondary to him.

    The idea of ​​this is laid at an early age - his parents are responsible for how well a person will follow his ideals. In the future, he himself is responsible for the state of his moral core.

    What is female honor?

    Interestingly, the meanings of this word in relation to people of different genders were different. What is honor for a girl? Previously, it consisted only in the observance of chastity, for a married woman - in marital fidelity. There were different methods of punishment for the one who did not retain her virginity before the wedding - in the 19th century, a collar was put on such brides, and not only the guilty herself could get it, the parents and the matchmaker were also punished. It was the latter who was considered the main person responsible for the bride's chastity.

    The requests to the wives were even tougher - the unfaithful spouse could be flogged or beaten. Only in the last century did cruel punishments end - now, although dishonor is condemned, no serious problems are expected from society. Now it all comes down to whether a woman is cheating or not in a relationship with a partner. Moral criteria also began to matter, about which later.

    Honor in a broad sense

    For a man, this concept also includes a sexual aspect - if he is cheating on his wife, then he is a dishonest person. But the matter is not limited to this - the term covers morality as a whole, and it no longer has dependence on gender. Deception of other people in order to obtain benefits, their use, the ability to leave another in trouble, forget about the word given to someone - all this makes a person dishonest.

    People who want to know what honor and dishonor are, it is worth remembering that following your ideals is the main postulate of any person who wants to preserve his dignity. This concept also includes an unblemished reputation and a good name - which is still expensive now, since reliable people can be met not so often, but they are highly valued.

    Professional honor

    They talk about what a person's honor is, and in relation to his profession. This concept deserves special attention in the Armed Forces. Here it is a collective concept that defines the attitude of a soldier to colleagues, military duty and the Fatherland.

    It should be noted that earlier in the army this word was encountered much more often than now. In the army, there was a term "salute", which at the end of the last century was replaced by a faceless "military greeting". It meant paying homage to another soldier. This concept was especially appreciated in the Russian Empire. Defeat for a warrior of those times was the hardest shame, morally not everyone could cope with it. Those who want to know what an officer's honor is, we can simply say - it is a duty to protect the borders and dignity of the country.

    What does honor give to a person?

    Morally, adherence to principles gives a lot - with its help, even the most difficult and terrible obstacles can be overcome. Its advantages are freedom from low deeds and self-esteem.

    How to become a man of honor?

    If you think you’re not following the principles, even though you would like to, it will take a lot of effort to succeed. Learn to keep commitments and promises. It is important to understand what a matter of honor is - something that must be done. Train yourself not to make unrealistic promises and keep your word is the first step.

    Arrange psychological training. Fear and fear are things that you should not allow yourself to be. The stronger they are, the more likely it is that in a difficult situation you will become cowardly. Work on yourself will help to overcome fear, and if it is not easy to cope without someone else's help, it is worth resorting to psychological training to help you become more confident. And remember - only in difficult situations judge whether you have achieved success.

    The main thing is self-improvement. If you develop, you will be able to soberly assess the possibilities, not only see negative character traits, but also try to win in the fight against them, then you will be on the right path.