The Moorish lawn at the dacha is a fragrant and blooming meadow of wildflowers. Lawn with flowers: cultivation features Creating a meadow lawn

A colorful meadow dotted with a dozen varieties of grasses and wildflowers, like a magnet, attracts the eye. For you - the secrets of planting and caring for a Moorish lawn.


The perfect English lawn looks impressive, but rather boring. Bright Moorish attracts with naturalness and restrained beauty.

Benefits of a blooming lawn:

  • simple care, a minimum of agrotechnical measures;
  • to give a pleasant look, you need to mow the site only once - during the growing season;
  • easy to pick up herbal and flower mixtures;
  • the number of plant species suitable for creating a variegated meadow in the country reaches forty;
  • a beautiful corner is easy to create on insufficiently fertile soil;
  • weed growth is rather slow;
  • you can equip a Moorish lawn even in a small area.

Stages of creating a flowering meadow with your own hands

It is not enough just to sow grass and wildflowers. Caring for a Moorish lawn is easy, but furnishing will require accuracy and attention to detail. Nothing supernatural, but negligence is inappropriate.

Step by step:

  1. Choose a suitable location. The best option is an open, well-lit area with the sun.
  2. There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil.
  3. The plot should not be very large. You can arrange a flowering meadow next to a hedge, in front of the house, or near a body of water (if there is one).
  4. Buy grass and meadow flower seeds. Combine flowers according to your taste, choosing brighter colors or quieter tones.
  5. Experienced summer residents recommend buying domestic varieties, they take root better in the local climate.
  6. Level the soil, get rid of weeds and accumulated debris. If there are too many weeds, treat the soil with herbicides. Doses - according to the instructions.
  7. Dig up the soil, add peat, fertilizer and sand. Before planting, it is advisable to feed the soil with nitrogen-containing compounds.
  8. The final stage is soil compaction and leveling. You can plant a Moorish lawn in 2-3 weeks.

Seeds. Compound

For the arrangement of a flowering meadow on the site, ready-made seed mixtures are sold in specialized stores "Everything for a garden-garden", "Green world", etc. Separate bags contain cereals and seeds of flowering plants.

How to sow:

  1. The first option is to mix the contents of both bags and sow both herbs and flowers at the same time. The lawn will be more uniform.
  2. Option two: sow cereals, and then flowers. As a result, bright "islands" will appear on the lawn.

Sow seeds only in well-heated soil. In different regions, this period falls on April-May.

Landing rules:

  • moisten the soil, but do not flood it;
  • deepen the seeds from 3 to 5 mm;
  • number of seeds: 10 g per 1 sq. m;
  • gently level the soil and water the lawn.

Seedlings will appear in a week or two. By mid-July, the flower lawn will be perfect.

Advice: Non-woven fabric stretched over the future flowering lawn will accelerate seed germination and protect seedlings from birds. Provide adequate air access to the ground.

Flowers for flower beds and lawns

A bright corner, pleasing to the eye from spring to late autumn, is easy to create.

Find plants that bloom at different times.

Every owner can easily find suitable crops and flowers.

Advice: the optimal ratio of flowers and meadow grasses: 80% to 20% or 95% to 5%. Check in the store which plants are annuals and which ones will delight you for several years.

Popular herbs:

  1. Meadow bluegrass.
  2. The bent field is thin.
  3. Pasture ryegrass.
  4. Timothy grass.

Flowers for the Moorish lawn:

  1. Oriental poppy... Large, bright flowers are visible from afar. Scarlet poppies are the highlight of a variegated meadow, blooming in mid-May.
  2. Swimsuit... The herbaceous perennial has taken root in many parts of Russia. Fiery yellow buds - "roses" will revive any lawn. He loves moist soil, several interesting varieties have been bred.
  3. Field cornflower... Delicate blue flowers give the lawn a pleasant look. Germinates well, has a long flowering period.
  4. Meadow chamomile... A perennial familiar to everyone. It blooms for a long time, looks good next to bells and cornflowers.
  5. Red clover... Low plants with delicate lilac flowers are unpretentious, pleasing to the eye and attract bees. Long flowering period.
  6. Nemesia... Beautiful, yellow or white flowers are collected in graceful inflorescences. The plant tolerates winter well, grows well in sunny areas.
  7. Marigold... The plant with bright yellow or orange flowers has taken root well in different regions of the country. Marigolds bloom for a long time, do not require special care.
  8. Chinese carnation... Bushes up to 0.5 m high with narrow leaves are frequent "guests" of Moorish or flowering lawns. Flowers - from white to purple, certainly with a burgundy border and cuts. Hybrid varieties - annuals, flowering - from June to August.

Note! Many flowers for the Moorish lawn are honey plants. Butterflies and bees will often fly to your site. Choose flowers with vibrant buds.

Decoration of lawns with flowers. Photo gallery

Stick basic rules for placing flowering plants:

  • plant creeping or cushion perennials in the foreground;
  • leave room for growth, keep a checkerboard pattern;
  • on a small lawn, do not get carried away with the number of compositions;
  • pick plants that have similar environmental requirements;
  • the assortment should provide flowering for a long time;
  • do not forget about the bulbous species that go well with cereals.

Photo of a Moorish (flowering) lawn.

Everyone loves the bright spots of flowers among the lawn grass. Based on the experience of FORUMHOUSE users, we will tell you how to equip a lawn with flowers, which annuals and perennials can be planted in the lawn, and how to do it correctly.

What flowers can be planted in the lawn

The best flowers for lawns are tulips and other bulbs. Planting is carried out in early autumn, when the soil temperature at a depth of 15 cm drops to 9 degrees C - if the soil is warmer, tulips will take root less well. Tulips can be planted directly in the ground under the grass, but it would be more correct to use a plastic basket or a deep tray with a lattice bottom when planting.

First, carefully, with respect to the lawn, cut out a piece of turf to fit the basket. The recess should not be shallow - let there be another three centimeters left from the top edge of the basket to the edge of the recess. If the soil is clay, pour 2-3 centimeters of sand on the bottom of the pit. Fill the basket with a mixture of earth and sand (there should not be too much sand, the main thing is that the soil is not too dense!). It will not be superfluous to add autumn fertilizer (according to the instructions). Do not forget that the bulb must never come into contact with the fertilizer!

A basket (in Soviet times, they used a herring jar, making holes in the bottom with nails) is needed for this. Tulips winter well in the ground, even in regions with a really harsh climate. But it is recommended to replant them every two years. If this is not done, the bulbs will go deeper and the flowers on the plants will be smaller. The basket will allow you to easily remove the bulbs for transplanting, you are guaranteed not to cut the bulbs or damage the grass - just as carefully remove the sod and then put it back in place.

Clean, healthy bulbs can be planted immediately, bulbs with spots and other signs of damage will need to be planted and must be treated with a fungicide to etch the planting material.

Choose the correct depth for planting tulips - it should be equal to three times the height of the bulb.

The planting depth of the tulip is measured from the base of the bulb.

If the soil is heavy, plant the flower bulb 2 to 3 centimeters shallower from the desired depth.

The basket should be filled with soil tightly, literally overflowing, so that there are no voids either in it or nearby. Subsequently, the earth will surely sag, so there should be more soil, then the lawn will be flat, without holes. After planting, carefully put the sod back in place, lightly press it to the ground. After a few days, the spade cut will no longer be visible. In the spring, soon after flowering, primroses should be mowed along with the lawn grass. There are other flowers that you can mow without fear of ruining them.

Vasily Zhurov Landscape architect, user of FORUMHOUSE,

Species daisies, crocuses, daffodils, veronica, tenacious ... Narcissus and tenacious need to be given time to bloom and plant a little.

Maintenance of such a lawn is simple. To mow a lawn with flowers on which tulips or other bulbs grow, set the mower to nine centimeters - then the plant will have enough leaf area to form a new bulb.

Curb tape

We repeat: so, right in the grass, only unpretentious bulbous are planted. In a lawn with flowers, all plants, except tulips, etc., planted directly in the grass, are good only in photographs. In life, they will be like field weeds.

Sodmaster Agronomist, FORUMHOUSE user

It is most correct to do this: mark the places for the flower bed, fence them with a curb tape (you can narrow it - 10 cm) so that it protrudes 1.5-2 cm above the ground level, then lay the lawn, and then plant the flower beds.

If you are planting roses on the lawn, do not forget that it is better to prepare the area for these bushes in the first place, because they require deeper tillage than the lawn. And it will be possible to plant the bushes after laying the lawn, at a convenient time for you. Many experienced gardeners say that it is difficult and undesirable to grow these flowers on the lawn. Roses need a rose garden or flower beds - this all means that you need to create your site not on a whim, but according to a plan.

The curb tape is installed after the soil has been prepared for the lawn - this will make it easier to take into account the level of the lawn. If you put the tape in advance, it will interfere with the preparation of the soil.

Not only the curb tape, but also a groove 10-15 centimeters deep (and with the same width) can prevent stubborn cereals from crawling onto the flower garden, the wall should be sheer, vertical. But such an edge of a flower lawn can only be made either on very dense, clayey soil, or with strong, dense turf. Curb tape is the best option. If fruit bushes grow on the lawn, and you are worried that the grass will tighten the root collar, if you want to grow flowers such as hosts, roses, irises and other plants on the lawn, it will be the most correct solution.


The curb tape can be replaced with plastic clapboard. Many gardeners believe that it is even more convenient and practical than different types of curb tape. Walk through hardware stores or markets and notice the plastic lining 12 centimeters wide. The most unpopular color is called "chocolate", so it costs less than others.

For gardeners, on the other hand, brown is preferable because of its inconspicuousness. The plastic lining is easy to lay, it looks neat. Bury the lining so that at least three centimeters remain on the surface of the earth - then it will be convenient to work with a mower without fear of damaging the flower lawn.

Red flax and other plants are put together to form a multicolored sea of ​​flowers. Pick the right plants and they will bloom from early summer to fall.

Butterflies and bees they are very fond of variegated flower meadows. Here the blue-eyed butterfly drinks nectar from the sulfur-yellow (Cosmos sulphureus).

Soil preparation and planting

1. Soil on the site under the lawn, dig to a depth of about 20 cm, break up large clods of earth. Then loosen them with a rake.
when arranging round flower beds, use a garden hose to mark the area.

2. Two weeks later rake the area again and remove the sprouted weeds. After a few days, repeat the procedure again.

3. For even distribution seeds from a flower mixture on the soil surface are mixed with dry sand, fine sawdust, auxiliary components (for example, vermiculite). In some mixtures, such components are already included in the composition.

4. Sow the seeds scatter and compact the soil lightly with a plank or roller.

5. Water the sown area abundantly. The soil should always be slightly damp before the seeds germinate. And when shoots appear, water the plants as needed.

And in a few weeks you will not recognize this clearing: it seems that the abundance of flowers has always been here.

Bloom always, bloom everywhere!

Having created such a flower meadow in the garden, place light accents: it can be a narrow strip along the fence, or a small island in the center of the lawn. Or decorate unused areas of the garden with flowers for a short time.

A sunny place and a well-loosened, weed-free soil - and the flowering will be lush. The soil needs to be prepared in about four weeks before the planned sowing or even from the fall of the previous year. Sow flowers starting from mid-April to July.

You can always pick up lawn flower mixtures that suit your garden, - from moisture-loving (mixture "Aqua") to drought-resistant (mixture "Desert"). Flower arrangements are selected according to height, color range, flowering time and preferred location. The species and varieties contained in the mixtures go well with each other, moreover, buying such a mixture, you can save yourself from numerous bags of seeds. A small amount of seeds is needed: depending on the mixture, from one to 5 g of seed material per 1 sq. m (the exact amount is indicated on the package). If sowed too thickly, fast growing species will overwhelm those that grow slower, and the flower carpet will be less colorful.

It takes one to three weeks before germination, during which the earth should never dry up... If the sowing was done later than usual, you need to water the flowers in the morning and evening. After another 4-6 weeks, the first buds open. Maintenance of a meadow with summer flowers is mainly limited to moderate watering during dry periods. A little feeding of plants during the summer helps to increase the duration of flowering. Those who want to admire summer beauties such as escholzia, kosmeya or cornflowers can grow them in boxes and pots on their balcony or terrace. In this case, it is best to choose mixtures with undersized or medium-sized flowers (mixture "Mini" 15-50 cm high), so that during rain or strong wind, the plants do not die.

Decorate the landscape in an area with abundant sunshine you can use the flower mixture "Solar" of the company "Russian Ogorod - NK". The mixture consists of 18 types of seeds and does not require careful maintenance. The colors that set the tone include Iberis, Pied sage, Moroccan toadflax, Helipterum, fragrant marigolds, and also Cosmos bipinnatus with flowers of a wide variety of shades.

In boxes and pots

Seeds on a belt allow you to achieve even sowing:
  • Fill the boxes with flower soil, tamp it down and make grooves 1 cm deep.
  • Place the seed strips at the bottom of the groove, water, sprinkle with earth and water again.

Sown in a wicker basket varied resemble poppy thickets along the fields with cereals.

Romantic and festive but at the same time, the combination of poppy, ammi large, purple cosme and escholzia looks at ease.

Advice: remove plants only when they are completely wilted. Even if the flowers are already slightly wilted, they still create certain color accents, and in combinations that resemble wild-growing ones, they can be safely left to grow ...

The choice of plants for a suburban area depends on many factors. The main ones are where the lawn will be located (south, east side, a place in the shade under trees or a sunny meadow), whether you have the opportunity to care for the lawn, and what kind of flower arrangement you want to see in your place.

Unpretentious perennial plants

If you are setting up a lawn that will not require mowing and daily maintenance, choose seeds for sowing that will bloom throughout the summer season. Such a collection is unpretentious, resistant to pests and various diseases, tolerates large amounts of rainfall and does not need weeding and additional fertilizing. Specially selected collections of such flowers can grow on lawns for several years, without requiring seasonal flower beds and additional planting.

The advantage of perennial flowering plants lies in the fact that they are resistant to frost and sudden temperature changes in the off-season. This means that in the fall they will not need to be planted in pots and hidden in the room until the onset of spring.

Lawn arrangement options

There are several options for forming a lawn with flowering plants:

  • Planting plants alternating in flowering periods. The collection consists of several types of flowers - primroses (blooming profusely in early spring), summer and autumn flowers (astilbe and Chinese aster bloom until the first frost). It is necessary to plant irises and peonies, lilies, chamomiles and dahlias, etc. on the flower bed. Different periods of flowering will form a landscape picture that changes in bright colors.
  • Sowing field plants that bloom all summer are English roses, marigolds, pansies, Chinese carnations, field chamomile, rudbeckia, gypsophila.
  • Creation of mixed flower beds. These are compositions of plants of various heights, shrubs, grasses, grasses and climbing perennials. For complex planting of plants that bloom all summer season, such unpretentious perennials as lupine, Carpathian bell, delphinium, and Chinese carnations are ideal.

Several rules for disembarkation and leaving

When choosing flowers for lawns that bloom all summer, remember that when arranging a flower bed, you will need to follow some rules:

  1. Plants are completed only when they have the same planting and growing conditions;
  2. Calculate the number of seeds so that flowers and herbs fill the entire area of ​​the lawn;
  3. The distance between the seedlings must strictly comply with the planting recommendations;
  4. When choosing colors, consider the degree of illumination of the area under the lawn (violets, periwinkle, poppies, sedum grow better in the shade)
  5. Ensure that all plants are equally demanding on the frequency and degree of watering.

Also, be sure to pay attention to the stem height of the mature plant. Tall flowers should be planted on the lawn under the wall of the house or fence, small flowers - closer to the paths.

In order for your chosen plants to bloom all summer, do not forget about regular. If your lawn is in full sun, aerate early in the morning or at sunset.

With the correct selection of plants and proper care for them, you will receive a real floral masterpiece. Perennial plants grow very quickly, and after 2-3 years it will be possible to plant new plants, ennobling other corners of the suburban area.

Flowers for the lawn (video)

In an effort to create a landscape design in the country with their own hands, many gardeners make a gross mistake, planting only shrubs, trees and flower beds, while completely forgetting about the "floor covering" of the garden - the lawn.

But what if, after hearing enough about the difficulties of growing lawn grass, you are worried that you simply do not have enough energy to prepare the site, fight hard-to-eradicate weeds, painstakingly growing seeds, fertilizing, watering and mowing regularly? There is a way out - sow the area not with grass, but with a flowering mixture for the lawn and create a motley, easy-care Moorish lawn in the country.

Such a decorative variegated or one-color lawn is formed by including thirty or even forty meadow flowers and cereals in the traditional mixture for lawn grass.

What is a Moorish lawn

The village lawn owes its appearance to the Moors (hence the name), who once, many centuries ago, owned part of Spain. Travelers who first set foot on the land of the city of Cordoba - a place of concentration of Moorish art, culture and science, were amazed at the wealth of the ennobled oasis. Everything in this cozy city was unusually beautiful. But the garden around the palace was especially beautiful. Well-groomed and large, with fountains and, it was all sown with wildflowers, emerald lawn grass and ornamental grasses.

The new solution to the familiar lawn was to the taste of the European nomads. They adopted the practice of planting wild flowering grasses and grasses in desert areas, replacing some of their neatly trimmed lawns with naturally beautiful, low-maintenance, flowering meadows - Moorish-style lawns.

The advantage of this type of lawn lies mainly in the fact that they can be located even in those areas of the garden where the soil is depleted and dried out (or waterlogged). You don't have to spend a lot of money on them, and it is very easy to pick up seeds for a perennial flowering lawn. In order for the ornamental meadow to bloom throughout the season, it is enough to know the flowering time of each plant in the composition.

Cereals, flowers and herbs for the Moorish lawn

So, you have made the final decision to lay out a Moorish lawn at your dacha. Plant seeds for a multi-color meadow should be chosen unpretentious, easy to care for. The site is sown with the help of special mixtures of perennial grasses with the inclusion of perennial and decorative flowering flowers. (The higher the sowing rate, the tighter the flowers will grow to each other).

Important! All flowers should bloom continuously. And then, when blooming, shed the seeds so that they germinate again next year.

The best plants for a Moorish lawn

Decorative perennial cereals

  • The bent field is thin;
  • Timothy grass;
  • Fragrant bison;
  • Red fescue;
  • Meadow bluegrass;
  • Zhitnyak;
  • Lagurus;
  • Pasture ryegrass.

Early flowering bulbous

  • Proleski;
  • Snowmen;
  • Tulips;
  • Onion-anzur;
  • Hazel grouses;
  • Daffodils;
  • Crocuses;
  • Cyclamens.

Meadow (wild) perennial flowers

  • California and oriental poppy;
  • Nemesia;
  • Meadow chamomile;
  • Echinacea;
  • Quaking grass;
  • Arnica;
  • Gaillardia is spinous;
  • Gentian;
  • Loosestrife;
  • Tansy.

Annual plants

  • Forget-me-nots;
  • Nemesia;
  • Mattiola is two-horned;
  • Delphinium;
  • Nigella;
  • Cornflowers;
  • Dimorphoteca notched;
  • Catchment;
  • Marigold;
  • Bells;
  • Gypsophila;
  • Phlox Drummond;
  • Lobularia sea;
  • Daisies;
  • Clover;
  • Phacelia is bell-shaped;
  • Primrose;
  • Carnations;
  • Nasturtiums;
  • Goldenrod;
  • Sowing agrostemma;
  • Snapdragon;
  • Flaxen and others.

When decorating a low Moorish lawn, anise, thyme, mint and lemon balm are often used. Tall - fragrant herbs and flowers that emit a lot of pollen and thus attract variegated butterflies and honey bees to the garden.

Bulbous plants in a Moorish lawn will be the first to color the garden in spring, while other meadow plants barely emerge from the soil. In summer, when the primroses turn yellow, their wilting leaves will be hidden by the lush color of the grasses and meadow flowers.

Advice. If you are a beginner, then it is better to start sowing a Moorish lawn with a one-part mixture - without proper, albeit easy maintenance, a multi-part lawn of several plants over time will resemble not a charming lawn, but a front garden with weeds. (An unusually fabulous lawn is obtained from low-grade carnations and thyme - it is a pleasure to grow it yourself).

In the photo below, the following flowers are sown for the Moorish lawn: blue cornflower, sowing chrysanthemum, samoseyka poppy, common agrostemma and field umbilical.

Material prepared for the site

Such a wonderful variegated lawn was obtained from only 5 species of field plants (on average, 20-40 unpretentious cereals and flowers can be included in the device of a Mauritanian meadow). It all depends on the landscape design of your garden.

Moorish lawn - buy or sow with your own hands?

It is easy to buy a mixture for a Mauritanian lawn for little money in a store for gardeners and summer residents (it is recommended to give preference to domestic seeds) or make the mixture yourself. If we talk about the approximate ratio of plants, then it should be as follows: 80% of cereals and 20% of flowers. The mixture is sown at the rate of 10 g per 1 sq. m.

If you really want a very blooming lawn, then do exactly the opposite than with purchased mixtures. Build your lawn with 70% annuals and 20% short grass. It will turn out very nicely.

Sowing the Moorish lawn is carried out in the same way as the ornamental lawn grass - from early spring. In order for the plants to fully develop and bloom, it is recommended to plant them in unshaded places. If you plan to organize a meadow among the trees, then give preference to such plants as ifaeon, kandyk, lily, white flower, arizema, anemone, arum, trillium, snowdrop, etc.

When making a magnificent living carpet, do not set aside too large, well-lit area under it.

Planting a Moorish lawn - step by step instructions

  • Step 1

We free the soil from weeds (we treat heavily infested areas with glyphosate several times) and, after about a month, remove the topsoil to a depth of 8-10 cm.

  • Step 2

We carefully dig up the soil with a shovel 25 cm deep and apply low-fat organic fertilizers, sand and peat. This should be done 8-10 days before sowing.

  • Step 3

We provide a slope of 3 degrees for the drainage of rainwater from the lawn. (Having made a high-quality installation of drainage, thereby you will not allow your flowering lawn to turn into a swamp due to prolonged summer showers).

  • Step 4

Immediately before planting, we level and compact the ground with a bayonet shovel and a rake, and then with a garden roller. It is recommended to do this in dry weather.

  • Step 5

After leveling, we once again go over the surface of the site with a special lawn rake. This is necessary in order to remove the newly formed bumps after compaction.

  • Step 6

On a flat, soft and moderately damp surface, we manually sow the mixture for the Mauritanian lawn mixed with sand in proportions of 1: 3 (about 0.0001 g of seeds per 100 g of dry sand). You can sow the area evenly or make islands of flowers by first sowing cereal grasses, and meadow flowers between them.

  • Step 7

We immerse the seeds with a rake to a depth of 5 mm, roll them in and carry out drip irrigation (a strong pressure of water can wash out the sowing).

  • Step 8

We cover the area with non-woven material - in this case, the seedlings will be uniform and friendly. But even if shoots seem too rare for you, in no case rush to finish sowing - forbs grow at different times, sometimes the interval can reach 4 weeks.