What beautiful Tatar names for boys. Tatars, tatarlar, international tatar portal tatarlar.info - tatar names

Names of Tatar origin, are distinguished by their peculiar beauty and symbolism. These are names with ancient history, and both for boys and girls, they are closely associated with events and outstanding personalities in the fate of the Tatar people. All these names have one thing in common - they are Tatar in origin. Today we will talk about how to choose the right name for a boy, look at the list of Tatar names of boys and their meanings, and also find out the history of the origin of one or another Tatar name. The modern language, called Tatar, belongs to the Turkic group of languages ​​and some names in it are borrowed from related languages, also belonging to this group, in addition, borrowings from Arabic and European dialects are traced. Tatar names, among other things, often originate simply from beautiful combinations sounds and words.

Tatar name for a boy and his choice is a responsible and very important step in everyone's life young man this nation. Many believe that this choice will determine the future fate of the man, his failures and successes. Therefore, when choosing a name, one must take into account the character and inclinations of the child, which in early age can be very tricky. Modern names are often meaningless, unlike old names, the meaning of which was hidden in every syllable.

Widespread male Tatar names are often have roots in old Turkic names, to which beautiful sounds are added for euphony (for example: Ramil, Ravil or Rem). The name should be easy to remember and sound good, without causing negative analogies, so that his friends, and the boy himself, treat the name with respect and have no reason for ridicule. “Mistakes” when choosing a name, because of which a child is teased and called names, many children cannot forgive their parents for the rest of their lives, respectively, the choice should be taken extremely responsibly.

Tatar names have a special appeal, which includes a certain amount of controlled aggressiveness, which should emphasize the courage and strength of the owner of the name. Whatever the name, it personifies the future fate and character of the boy. Male Tatar names rarely have a single meaning; their meaning can have several connotations and shades. When choosing and understanding the future name, you should, if possible, take into account all of them.

Tatar names are often referred to as Muslim, but, despite the kinship, it is these names that are endemic and common only among the Tatar people. Muslim male names are relatively new, and many Tatar names, like Arabic ones, belong to an earlier, pre-Muslim era.

Let's take a look at the most common and popular Tatar names - in the presented list you can find the semantic meaning of each Tatar name, which will help you most successfully name your baby.

SLAVE - conquering

RABI - spring

RABIGA is an Arab. spring, daughter of the prophet

RAVIL is aram. 1. taught by god, 2. teenager; traveler

RAGIB - willing, thirsty

RAZIL (Ruzil, Ruzbeh) - happy

RADIK (Radif) - the origin is unknown, perhaps an analogue of the name

RAPHAEL (Raphael, Raphael, Raphael) - ancient Hebrew. god healed

RAFIK (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafkat) - Arab. kind

RAZI is a mystery

RAZIL (Ruzil) - the secret of Allah

RAID is the leader

RAIS - Tat. (Zh.F. Raisya)

RAKIN - respectful

RAKIYA - Arab. going ahead

RAMIZ (Ramis) - symbolizing the good

RAMIL - magical, enchanting (f.F. Ramil)

RASIL is an Arab. sent

RASIM is an Arab. stronghold, defender (J.F. Rasim)

RASIH is an Arab. solid, stable

RASUL - the apostle; precursor

RATIB - measured

RAUZA (Ravza, Rose) - Tat. flower rose

RAUF - Arab. gracious (J.F. Rauf)

RAUZA (Rose) - Tat. flower rose

RAFGAT (Rafkat, Rifkat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arab. kind

RAFIK (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rifat) - Arab. kind

RAFI (Rafik) - a good friend

RAFKAT (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arab. kind

RAKHIL - ancient Hebrew. lamb

RAHIM is an Arab. gracious

RASHID (Rashad) - Arab. walking the right path, conscious, prudent (J.F. Rashidya)

REZA - determination; humility

RENAT (Rinat) - lat. - reborn, reborn, renewed (J.F. Renata, Rinata)

RABBANI - Belonging to Allah; divine.

RABI - Spring.

RABIB - Step-child (boy).

RABIP - Educated, pupil.

WORKS - Binder, connecting.

RAVAN - Outgoing, heading.

RAVI - Epic, storyteller, reader.

RAVIL - 1. Teenager, young man. 2. Spring sun. 3. Traveler, wanderer.

RAGDA - Thunder, thunder rolls.

RAGIB - Desire, ideal, dream; long-awaited child.

RAJAB ~ RAZYAP - Name of the seventh month of the Muslim lunar year(one of the months in which wars were prohibited). Was given to boys born this month.

RAJI - Asking; hopeful.

RAJIKH - The most comfortable.

RAJKHAN - Superiority, advantage.

RADIUM - Formed from the name of the chemical element radium. The Latin word for radius means "ray".

RADIK - Diminutive affectionate form named Radium (see).

RADIF - 1. Accompanying someone. 2. The last one standing behind all the guard; the youngest (last) child in the family. 3. Satellite (celestial body). Dialectal variant: Razif.

Razetdin (Razietdin) - The Chosen Servant of Religion.

RAZZAK - Breadwinner; one who provides food. One of the epithets of Allah.

RAZI - 1. The Chosen One; consonant. 2. Nice, cute. Anthropolexeme.

RAZIL - 1. The Chosen One; consonant; nice. 2. Walking, pedestrian.

RAZIN - 1. Calm, modest; serious, reliable. 2. Pompous, forcing.

RISE - The best, the most excellent, the most advanced.

RAIK - Unique, very beautiful.

RAIL - Laying the foundation, foundation, founder, founder.

RAIM - Kind-hearted. Anthropolexeme.

RAIMBEK - Raim (see) + bey (lord).

RAIMKUL - Raim (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior). Dialectal variants: Ramkul, Rangul.

RAIS - Head, Chairman.

RAIF - Compassionate, merciful. Dialectal variant: Rife.

RAINUR - Light path (about the path of life).

RAIKHAN - 1. Pleasure, delight, bliss. 2. Basil (a plant with fragrant blue flowers).

RAKIM - Meadow, floodplain.

RAKIP - 1. Guard; security guard, watchman. 2. Competitor, rival. Dialectal variants: Rakai, Raki, Rki, Rahip, Ragib.

RAMAZAN - 1. Very hot, hot season; hot month. 2. The name of the ninth month of the Muslim lunar year. Was given to boys born this month. Dialectal variant: Ramai.

RAMVAL - A new name formed by combining the first syllable of the name Ramziy (see) and the first three letters of the name Vali (see) (mother - Ramzia, father - Vali).

RAMZI - Having a label, marked with a sign; sign, symbol. Synonyms: Nishan, Ramiz. Anthropolexeme.

RAMZIL - Formed on behalf of Ramzi (see). Phonetic variant: Ramzin.

RAMZULLAH - The Rule of Allah.

RAMI - Archer, archer; having arrows.

RAMIZ - 1. Sign, mark, landmark, brand. Synonyms: Nishan, Ramzi. 2. An illustrative example.

RAMIL - Magic, wonderful, miraculous. In Arabic, the word raml means "fortune-telling in the sand." A popular way of divination in the East by points and lines in the sand (Alim Gafurov).

RAMIS - Rafter of rafts, raftsman, raftsman, raftsman.

RAMMAL - Witch doctor, fortuneteller.

RANIS - A new name formed from the word "early": "born early in the morning; first child".

RANNUR - A new name formed by the combination of the first syllables of the names Ranis (see) and Nurania (see) (father - Ranis, mother - Nurania). Compare: Rannur Publishing House.

RASIL - Messenger, representative. Phonetic variant: Razil.

RASIM - Artist. Phonetic variant: Razim.

RASIMJAN - Rasim (see) + jan (soul, person).

RISE - Mature, coming of age.

RASIF - Strong, healthy.

RASIH - Solid, serious; strong, hardy, persistent, patient; solid, stable.

RASUL - Messenger, messenger; prophet. Anthropolexeme.

RASULAKHMET - 1. Ahmet the messenger, Ahmet, bringing the message. 2. Praiseworthy, famous, famous messenger. Compare: Ahmetrasul, Mukhammetrasul.

RASULULLAH - Messenger, Messenger, Prophet of Allah.

RAUZAT - Flower beds (plural).

RAUZETDIN - The flower garden of religion.

RAUNAK - Pattern; beauty; light.

RAUF - Merciful, merciful, kind-hearted; sharing grief.

RAUSHAN - Radiant, illuminating with radiance; light. The name Raushan is used as both a male and a female name. Varieties: Rushan, Ravshan. Anthropolexeme.

RAUSHANBEK - Raushan (see) + bey (master). Radiant bek (lord).

RAFAGATE - High degree; good feature, good quality.

RAFAK - 1. Convenience. 2. Wealth, abundance. Variety: Rafah.

RAPHAEL - 1. The name that came to the Jews and Romans from the Old Chaldean language. It means "God healed". 2. In the Torah: the name of the angel. Phonetic variant: Raphael.

RAFGAT - Height, greatness, majesty; high rank. Dialectal options: Rafhat, Rafat.

RAFGATJAN - Rafgat (see) + jan (soul, person). In the meaning of "high soul, great man".

RAFGITDIN - A high-ranking servant of religion.

RAFI - High-ranking; well known.

RAFIG - 1. High, sublime; great. 2. Honored.

Rafigullah - Friend of Allah.

RAFIK - 1. Friend, comrade, satellite. 2. Kind-hearted.

Rafil - Dandy, dandy.

RAFIS - Famous, prominent, outstanding, wonderful, popular.

RAFIT - Assisting Assistant.

RAFKAT - Seeing off; accompaniment.

RAKHBAR - Indicating the way; leader, leader.

RAHI - Servant of God, servant of Allah.

RAHIB ~ RAHIP - S broad-minded.

RAHIM - Merciful, merciful, virtuous. One of the epithets of Allah. Anthropolexeme.

RAHIMBAY - Rakhim (merciful) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

RAHIMBEK - Rahim (merciful) + bey (lord).

RAHIMGARAY - Rakhim (merciful) + Garai (see).

RAHIMJAN - Rahim (merciful) + jan (soul, person).

RAKHIMETDIN - Merciful servant of religion.

RAHIMZADA - Rahim (merciful) + 3ada (see).

RAHIMKUL ~ RAHIMGUL - The Merciful Servant of Allah. Dialectal variants: Ramkul.

RAKHIMNUR - Rakhim (merciful) + nur (ray, radiance).

RAHIMULLAH - The Merciful Servant of Allah. Dialectal variants: Rahi, Rahim, Rahmi, Rahmuch.

RAKHIMKHAN - Rakhim (merciful) + khan.

RAHIMSHAKH, RAHIMSHA - Rakhim (merciful) + shah.

RAHIMYAR - Raheem (merciful) + yar (friend, close person).

RAKHMAN - Merciful, merciful, merciful; virtuous, benevolent. One of the epithets of Allah. Varieties: Rahmanai, Rahmani. Anthropolexeme.

RAHMANBAY - Rahman (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

RAHMANBEK - Rahman (see) + bey (lord).

RAHMANBI - Rahman (see) + bi (prince, lord).

RAHMANZADA - Rahman (see) + 3ada (see). The Son given by Allah.

RAHMANKUL (RAHMANGUL) - Servant of Allah, servant of Allah.

RAKHMAT - Compassion, compassion, mercy; pity, forgiveness. From this name, the Russian surnames Rakhmatov, Rakhmetov were formed. Anthropolexeme.

RAHMATBAY - Rakhmat (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

RAHMATBEK - Rakhmat (see) + bey (master).

RAHMATJAN - Rakhmat (see) + jan (soul, person).

RAHMATKUL - Rakhmat (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior).

RAHMATULLAH - Allah is merciful, merciful. Dialectal variants: Rahmi, Rahmay, Rahmuch.

RAHMATKHAN - Rakhmat (see) + khan.

RAHMATSHAKH, RAHMATSHA - Rakhmat (see) + shah.

RAKHSHAN - Light, shiny.

RASHAT - The right path, the path of truth; truth, truth.

RASHAT (RASHAD) - 1. Prudence, ingenuity. 2. Correct point of view. 3. Superiority of the mind. 4. The correct, correct path. Varieties: Raushat, Rushat, Rushad, Rishat.

RASHIDETDIN - Devoted to religion; going to religion on the right path. 2. Religious leader.

RASHIDUN - 1. Walking the right path. 2. Smart, intelligent (plural).

RASHIT - Walking on a straight road; walking the right, right path. Anthropolexeme.

RYAN - 1. Full, straight. 2. Comprehensively developed. Variety: Ryan.

RAYANJAN - Ryan (see) + jan (soul, person).

RAYAT - 1. Lightning. Dialectal variants: Riad, Riat. 2. Flag, banner, standard.

RENAT (RINAT) - 1. Name derived from the Latin word renatus ("renewed, reborn"). It has been actively used by the Tatars since the 30s of the twentieth century.

RIJAL - Man.

RIDZHALETDIN - Men of religion.

RIZA - 1. Consent; whoever agrees does not oppose. 2. The Chosen One. Anthropolexeme.

RIZAETDIN - Satisfied, satisfied servant of religion; chosen person.

RIZVAN - 1. Joy, joy of the soul; favor, satisfaction. 2. The name of the angel guarding the gates of paradise (see Gadnan).

ROME - 1. New name derived from the name of the city of Rome. 2. A new name formed by abbreviating the words "revolution and peace".

RIMAN - Formed by joining the name Rome (see) the Türkic-Tatar anthroponymic affix -an. It is also possible that this name comes from the surname of the outstanding German mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann.

RIF - Reef (underwater sea rock; coral island).

RIFAT - see Rifgat (in Turkish Rifat = Rifgat).

RIFGAT - Climbing; achievement of a high position; greatness. Dialectal variants: Rifat, Rifhat, Rafhat.

RIFKAT - Partnership, friendship; kindness, beneficence, beneficence. Dialectal variant: Rafkat.

RISHAT - Walking on a straight road; embarked on the right path.

RIYAZ - 1. Gardens, flowers (plural). 2. Fond of mathematics. Dialectal variant: Riaz.

RIYAZETDIN - Gardens of religion.

ROALD - 1. Agile, agile. 2. The courtier of the king.

ROBERT - Beautiful, radiant glory. A name that came into use in the 30-40s of the twentieth century.

ROSALYN - From the name of the rose flower. Very beautiful. A new name that came into use in the 30s-40s of the 20th century.

ROCAIL - Shell, pearl shell. Variety: Rkail.

ROMIL - Strength, power. On behalf of Romulus (founder of ancient Rome). Varieties: Ramil, Rumil.

RUBAZ - Open.

RUBY - Red yacht, ruby.

RUDOLF - Glorious, famous wolf (English - Ralph, French, Spanish - Raul).

Roose - Day; in the afternoon. Compare: Nahar ( female name). Anthropolexeme.

RUZAL - Happy, having his share.

RUZGAR - 1. Time, era; 2. Life.

RUZI - Happy; living a calm and happy life.

RUZIBEK - Beck (master), living a calm and happy life.

RUY - Face, face; appearance. Anthropolexeme.

RUSLAN - The form of the name Arslan (lion), adapted to the Slavic languages. In Russian, the form Eruslan was also used.

RUSTEM, RUSTAM - Giant, giant. In ancient Iranian folklore: legendary hero, hero. Anthropolexeme.

RUSTEMBAY - Rustem (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

RUSTEMBEK - Rustem (see) + bek (master).

RUSTEMDZHAN - Rustem (see) + jan (soul, person).

RUSTEMKHAN - Rustem (see) + khan.

ROOFIL - Formed on behalf of Raphael (see).

RUFIS - Red; red-haired.

RUKHELBAYAN - The spirit of openness. Epithet of the prophet Isa.

RUHULLAH - Spirit of Allah.

RUSHAN - see Raushan.

RUSHDI - Growing up; growth.

Rys - Happy. Anthropolexeme.

RYSBAY - Happy buy. Compare: Urazbay. Dialectal variants: Arsai, Rysai, Rezbai, Rizbai.

RYSBUGA - Rys (happy) + buga (bull). Happy and strong.

FISHERMAN (FISHERY) - A happy owner. Compare: Urazkhoja.

YARKUL - Happy servant of God. Compare: Urazgul.

RYSMUKHAMMET - Happy Muhammet (see). Compare: Urazmukhammet

Tatar names Meaning of Tatar names

Female Tatar names. Tatar names of girls

REZEDA - flower

REFAH - prosperity

RIDA (Riza) - benevolence, benevolence

RIDWAN - content

ROME (Rem) - Tat. (J.F. Rimma)

RIMZIL - Tat. (female f. Ramzia)

RIZVAN is an Arab. favor, satisfaction

RIFAT (Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arab. kind

RIFKAT (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rufat) - 1.arab. kind. 2. high position, nobility

RISHAT (Rifat, Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arab. kind

RIYAD - gardens

ROSALIA - of 2 names - Rose and Alia

ROKSANA is a Turk.

RUBIN - pers. precious stone

RUZIL (Ruzbeh) - happy

RUNAR - scand. - the mysterious wisdom of God

RABABA - Lute (musical instrument).

SLAVERY - Belonging to Allah, given by Allah (girl).

RABIGA - 1. Fourth; fourth girl in the family. 2. Spring time of the year. 3. Snowdrop.

RAVIL - 1. Teenage girl, young girl. 2. Spring sun.

RAWIA - 1. Telling legends, storyteller. 2. Full, abundant.

RAGVA - Desire, striving.

RAGIBA - Desire, ideal, dream; desired, long-awaited; subject of dreams.

RAGIDA - Wealthy, secured.

RAGINA - C beautiful face, stately.

RAGIA - 1. Attentive. 2. Shepherdess (in poetry).

RAGNA - 1. Beautiful. 2. Rose flower.

RADA - A new name formed from the Russian word glad.

RAJAPBANU - Born in the month of Rajap (the seventh month of the Muslim lunar year).

RAJAPGUL - A beauty who was born in the month of Rajap (the seventh month of the Muslim lunar year).

RAJAPSULTAN - Rajap (see) + sultan (mistress, sovereign). This name is carved on a tombstone installed in 1493 on one of the graves in the village of Molvino (Mulla Ile), Zelenodolsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

RAJIBA - Feminine name derived from the male name Rajap (see).

RAJILA - Walking, pedestrian.

RAJIHA - 1. The best, prevailing over others; the most beautiful. 2. The most comfortable, handy.

RAJIYA - Asking; hopeful.

RADINA - Spinner, spinner.

RADIFA - Following someone; the youngest; satellite (planet). Variety: Razifa.

RAZIKAMAL - Razi (see the male name Razi) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws). Complete agreement, satisfaction.

RAZILA - see Razin.

RAZINA - Calm disposition, meek, patient, reliable. Variety: Razilya.

RAZIFA - I agree.

RAZIA - 1. Consent, satisfied. 2. A favorite, loved one. 3. The Chosen One. Epithet of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammet Fatima.

RAIDA - Pioneer, Pioneer.

RAILA - Laying the foundation, the foundation of something, the founder, the founder.

RAIMA - Kind.

RAISA - Woman Leader; woman chair.

RAIFA - 1. Compassionate, merciful. 2. Well-known, prominent.

RAIHA - Aroma, fragrance.

RAIKHAN - 1. Pleasure, delight, bliss. 2. Basil (a plant with fragrant blue flowers).

RAIKHANA - see Raikhan.

RAYHANGUL - Basil flower. Compare: Gulraykhan.

RAKIBA - Watching, observing, checking.

RAKIGA - 1. With a wide soul. 2. Thin.

RAKIMA - Meadow, floodplain, tugai.

RAKIA - 1. Growing, going forward; going in front. 2. Worshiper, honoring.

RALINA - A name derived from the Sumerian word ra ("sun").

RAMZA - Sign, label, brand, symbol.

RAMZIL - see Ramzia.

RAMZIA - Sign, label, brand, symbol. Compare: Nishan.

RAMIZA - Stamping, marking with a sign.

RAMIZA - Leading example. Variety: Ramusa.

RAMILA - Magic, fraught with magic, wonderful, miraculous. In Arabic, the word raml means "fortune-telling in the sand." A popular way of divination in the East by points and lines in the sand (Alim Gafurov).

RAMIA - Archery archer.

RAMUSA - Example, sample.

WOUND - Beautiful. Variety: Ranar.

RANAR - see Rana.

Wounds - 1. Beautiful (girl). 2. Flower.

RASIDA - Having reached maturity, coming of age.

RASIL - Messenger, representative.

RASIMA - 1. Custom, tradition. 2. Fast paced. 3. Artist; the one that decorates.

RASIFA - Strong, healthy.

RASIKHA - Strong, persistent; solid, reasonable, serious.

RASMIIA - Official.

RASUL - Messenger, messenger.

RAUDIA - Seeker.

RAUZA - Flower garden, heavenly groves. Anthropolexeme.

RAUZABANU - Rauza (flower garden) + banu (girl, young woman, lady). A girl (woman) like a flower garden.

RAUZABIKA - Rauza (flower garden) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). A girl like a flower garden.

RAUZAGUL - Rauza (flower garden) + ghoul (flower). Flower from a flower garden. Compare: Gulrauza.

RAUFA - 1. Merciful, merciful, beneficent; sharing grief with anyone. 2. Loving.

RAUSHAN - Source of rays, radiance; showering with rays, illuminating with light. Varieties: Raushaniya, Raushana, Rushaniya.

RAUSHANA - see Raushan.

RAUSHANELBANAT - Radiant, very beautiful girl.

RAUSHANIYA - Radiant, illuminating with radiance; light.

RAFAGA - High degree, high rank.

RAFIGA - High, sublime; great; well-deserved.

RAFIDA - Assistant.

RAFIKA - 1. Comrade, girlfriend, companion. 2. Kind.

Rafil - dapper, smart, able to dress elegantly.

RAFISA - Well-known, prominent.

RAFIA - 1. Persimmon; palm tree. 2. Possessing a high rank; very authoritative, well-known.

RAFKIA - Merciful.

RAKHILA - Sheep; in a figurative sense: a girl who has to leave her father's house, a bride.

RAKHIMA - Merciful, merciful. Anthropolexeme.

RAHIMABANU - Rahima (merciful, merciful) + banu (girl, young woman, lady). Merciful, gracious girl, woman.

RAHIMABIKA - Rakhima (merciful, merciful) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). Merciful, gracious girl, woman.

RAKHINA - Mortgaged, mortgaged.

RAHIA - Abundance, space, freedom.

RAKHSHANA - Light, shiny, radiant.

RASHIDA - Walking on a straight road; going the right, right path.

RAYANA - Straight; full-fledged, comprehensively developed.

REGINA - The wife of the king (king), queen (queen), mistress. Affectionate form: Rina.

REZEDA - Reseda flower; fragrant blue twigs. Dialectal variant: Resida.

RENATA - 1. Name derived from the Latin word renatus ("renewed, reborn"). 2. A compound name formed by the abbreviation of the words "revolution", "science", "labor".

RIMZA - A female name formed by joining the male name Rome (see) the affix -za.

ROMMA - 1. Roman woman, a native of the city of Rome. 2. In Hebrew, it means "beautiful, pleasing to all." Variety: Rome.

RINA - See Regina.

RISAL - Treatise, scientific work.

RITA - Pearls. Diminutive form of the name Margarita. see Marvarite.

RIFA - Reef; coral island.

ROBINA - Beautiful, radiant glory.

ROVENA - Beautiful, with a thin waist, slim, stately.

HOMELAND - Motherland.

ROSE - Rose (flower); very beautiful. Anthropolexeme.

ROSAGULE - Rose flower.

ROSALINA - Very beautiful rose.

ROSALIA - 1. Rose (see) + Leah (see). 2. One of the variants of the name Rose.

ROXANA - Illuminating with bright rays, illuminating. The name of the wife of Alexander the Great, Princess of Bactria.

ROMILA - Strength, power. On behalf of Romulus - the founder of ancient Rome. Varieties: Ramil, Rumil.

RUBINA - Red yacht, ruby.

RUVIA - The Thinker.

RUZA - Day; in the afternoon. Synonym: Nahar.

RUZGARIA - Daughter of time, era.

RUZIGUL - Happy flower; a flower provided with food (about a girl).

RUZIDA - Giving food, nourishing, nourishing.

RUZIDJAMAL - Happy, beautiful.

RUZIKAMAL - Completely, absolutely happy.

RUZINA - Everyday necessary, necessary.

RUZIA - Happy; having food.

RUY - Face, face. Anthropolexeme.

RUKIA - 1. Magic, witchcraft. 2. Binding, attracting to itself. The name of the most beautiful daughter of the Prophet Muhammet. Variety: Urkia.

RUKIYABANU - Rukia (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

RUMINA - Roman woman.

RUMIA - A native of Byzantium, Byzantine.

RUFINA - With golden hair.

RUFIA - With golden hair.

RUKHANIA - Souls (plural).

RUKHIA - Inspired, spiritualized; religious, devout.

RUKHSARA - 1. Face, face; cheeks. 2. Rosy-cheeked. 3. Beautiful image.

RUKHFAZA - A woman (girl) with a beautiful face.

RUSHANIA - see Raushan.

RYSBIKA - Happy girl, woman. Compare: Urazbika

Tatar names Meaning of Tatar names

Male Tatar names. Tatar boy names

SABA - Light morning breeze.

SABAN - Plow. It was given to boys born in the month of "Saban" - during spring plowing. Preserved in the names of Sabanov, Sabanin.

SABANAI - The month of May, the month of spring plowing. A ceremonial name given to boys born at this time. Preserved among the Kazan and baptized Tatars in the names of Sabanaev, Sabaneev.

SABANAK - Formed by joining the word saban (plow) with an anthroponymic diminutive-affectionate affix -ak. It was given to boys born during the spring sowing season. Preserved among the baptized Tatars in the name of Sabanakov.

SABANALI ~ SABANGALI - Gali, born in the month of "Saban" - during the spring plowing. Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryakov) in the names of Sabanaliev, Saban-Aliev. The surname Sabanaliev and its variety - Sabaneev - are also found among Russians.

SABANCHI - Plowman, farmer. It was given to boys born during spring plowing. Preserved among the Kazan and baptized Tatars in the names of Sabanchiev and Sabanchin. The Russians have the surname Sabancheev, formed from this name.

SABAH - Morning; morning freshness; dawn. Variety: Subah. Anthropolexeme.

SABAHETDIN - Morning of religion; light of religion.

SABIG - Seventh (boy). Phonetic variant: Sabik.

SABIL - A road, a wide post road.

SABIR - Patient, hardy. The epithet of the prophet Ayup. Anthropolexeme.

SABIRZYAN - Sabir (patient, hardy) + jan (soul, person). Patient soul (person).

SABIRULLAH - Patient servant of Allah. Dialectal variants: Sabrulla, Sabri.

SABIRKHAN - Sabir (patient, hardy) + khan.

SABIRKHUZYA - Sabir (patient, hardy) + khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher). Variety: Sabirkhoja.

SABIT - Strong, solid, durable, resistant; hardy, patient; one who always keeps his word. Anthropolexeme.

SABITZYAN - A person who always keeps his word.

SABITULLAH - Servant of Allah, who always keeps his word.

SABIKH - Handsome, with a beautiful face, handsome; flowering.

SABUR - Very patient. One of the epithets of Allah.

SAVADI - Black, black color; black color.

SAVI - 1. Straight, even. 2. Direct, correct; mature, perfect.

SAGADAT - Happiness, prosperity; pleasure, bliss; success, luck. The Tatars were originally used as a female name. Anthropolexeme.

SAGADATBEK - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + bey (lord). Synonyms: Kutlybek, Urazbek.

SAGADATVALI - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + Vali (see). Synonym: Kutlyvali.

SAGADATGALI - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + Gali (see). Synonyms: Kutlygali, Urazgali.

SAGADATGANI - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + Ghani (see).

SAGADATGARAY - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + Garay (see). Synonyms: Bakhtegaray, Kutlygaray.

SAGADATJAN - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + jan (soul, person). Happy man... Synonyms: Bakhetjan, Mubarakjan, Urazjan, Kutlydzhan.

SAGADATKUL - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior). Synonyms: Kutlykul, Urazkul.

SAGADATNUR - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nursagadat. Synonym: Bakhtinur.

SAGADATULLAH - Happiness given by Allah (about a child).

SAGADATKHAN - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + khan. Synonyms: Kutlykhan, Urazkhan.

SAGADATSHAH, SAGADATSHA - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + shah. Synonym: Kutlyshah.

SAGAYDAK - Arrow; quiver. It was given with the wish that the child (boy) could strike evil forces and enemies like a sharp arrow. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the names of Sagaydak, Sagaydakov, Sagadakov. Dialectal variants: Sagadak, Sadak.

SAGDELISLAM - Happy follower of Islam.

SAGDETDIN - A happy adherent of religion. Dialectal variants: Sagitdin, Satdin.

SAGDI - Happy; bringing happiness.

SAGDULLAH - Happy servant of Allah. Happiness, a gift given by Allah.

SAGI - Diligence, dedication to work.

SAGIDULLAH - The happy servant of Allah. Happiness, a gift given by Allah.

SAGINBAY - Long-awaited buy (child).

SAGINDYK - Long-awaited child (boy). Preserved in the surname Sagyndykov.

SAGIR - Junior, small.

SAGIT (SAGID) - Happy, prosperous; living comfortably. Anthropolexeme.

SAGITJAN - Sagit (see) + jan (soul, person). Happy man.

SAGITNUR - Sagit (see) + nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nursagit.

SAGITKHAN - Sagit (see) + khan.

SAGITYAR - Sagit (see) + yar (friend, close person). Happy friend.

SADA - Simple, uncomplicated.

SADAK - Quiver. see Sagaidak.

SADGARAY - Centenary Garay (wish to live to be one hundred).

SADDIN - The most loyal, the most reliable.

SADIR - Beginning; incipient, emerging; leader, chairman.

SADRELGILMAN - The first (main) boy. Dialectal variant: Sadrilman.

SADRELISLAM - Head of Islam, Islamic leader. Dialectal variants: Sadrislam, Sadris.

SADRELSHAKHIT - Chest (meaning "heart, soul") of a hero who died for a holy cause.

SADRETDIN - Religious leader, leader.

SADRI - 1. Relating to the heart, to the soul; a particle of the heart, soul. 2. Leader, chief. Anthropolexeme.

SADRIAGZAM - Sadri (see) + Agzam (see). Chief Vizier, Chief Minister.

SADRIACHMET - Sadri (see) + Ahmet (see). Compare: Akhmetsadir.

SADRIGALI - Sadri (see) + Gali (see). Outstanding leader. Dialectal variant: Sadrali.

SADRIGALLYAM - Sadri (see) + Gaul (see). Big, knowledgeable leader.

SADRIZHIGAN - Sadri (see) + Djigan (see). Worldly head, leader.

SADRIKAMAL - Sadri (see) + Kamal (see).

SADRISARIF - Sadri (see) + Sharif (see). Dear, respected leader.

SADRULLAH - Leader in the path of Allah, religious leader.

GARDEN - 1. Faithful, devoted, sincere, sincere. 2. A reliable friend.

SADYR - Chest, heart; in front, the front of something.

SAIB - 1. Faithful, correct, true. 2. Successful, convenient; God-pleasing, generous.

SAIL - Asking. A child (boy) begged from Allah.

SAIM - Holding the Uraz (Muslim fasting).

SAIN - 1. Very good, glorious. 2. Epithet of Eastern monarchs.

SAIR - Walking, traveler, traveler; observing, contemplating.

SAIT (SAID) - 1. Head; lord, sovereign; master; "white bone", sir. The title given to the clan originating from the children of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad Fatima. The Russians have the surname Sevidov, formed from this name. Anthropolexeme. 2. Happy, lucky.

SAITAMIR - Sait (see) + Amir (see).

SAITAHMET - Sait (see) + Akhmet (see). Compare: Akhmetsait. Dialectal variant: Saitak.

SAITBAY - Sait (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Compare: Baisait.

SAITBATTAL - Sait (see) + Battal (see).

SAITBEK - Sait (see) + bey (master).

SAITBURGAN - Sait (see) + Burgan (see). Compare: Burgansait.

SAITVALI - Sait (see) + Vali (see).

SAITGAZI - Sait (see) + Gazi (see).

SAITGALI - Sait (see) + Gali (see).

SAITGARAY - Sait (see) + Garay (see). Dialectal variants: Satgaray, Sat, Satuk, Satush.

SAITGARIF - Sait (see) + Garif (see).

SAITGATA - Sait (see) + Gata (see).

SAITGAFUR - Sait (see) + Gafur (see).

SAITGAFFAR - Sait (see) + Ghaffar (see).

SAITJAGFAR - Sait (see) + Jagfar (see).

SAITJAN - Sait (see) + jan (soul, person). Compare: Jansait.

SAITDIN - See Saidetdin.

SAITZADA - A child from the clan of the Prophet Muhammet.

SAITKAMAL - Sait (see) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws).

SAITKARIM - Sait (see) + Karim (see).

SAITKUL - Sait (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior). Compare: Kulsait.

SAITMAGRUF - Sait (see) + Magruf (see).

SAITMAHMUT - Sait (see) + Mahmut (see).

SAITMULLA - Sait (see) + mullah (spiritual mentor, teacher, preacher).

SAITMURAT - Sait (see) + Murat (see).

SAITMURZA - Sait (see) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

SAITMUHAMMET - Sait (see) + Muhammet (see). A man from the clan of the Prophet Muhammet. Compare: Mukhammetsait.

SAITNABI - Sait (see) + Nabi (see).

SAITNAGIM - Sait (see) + Naked (see).

SAITNAZAR - Sait (see) + Nazar (see).

SAITNUR - Sait (see) + nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nursait.

SAITRASUL - Sait (see) + Rasul (see).

SAITRAHIM - Sait (see) + Rahim (see).

SAITRAKHMAN - Sait (see) + Rahman (see).

SAITTIMER - Sait (see) + timer (iron). Compare: Timersaite.

SAITTUGAN - Sait (see) + tugan (born).

SAITKHABIB - Sait (see) + Khabib (see).

SAITKHAZI - Sait (see) + Haji (see). Compare: Hajisayit.

SAITKHAN - 1. Sait (see) + khan. Khan is from the clan of the Prophet Muhammet. Compare: Hansait.

SAITHUZYA - Sait (see) + khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher). Compare: Khojasait.

SAITCHURA - Sait (see) + chura (boy; worker, farmer, warrior; friend).

SAITSHARIF - Sait (see) + Sharif (see).

SAITSHAH, SAITSHA - 1. Sait (see) + shah. 2. Shah from the clan of the Prophet Muhammet. Compare: Shakhsait.

SAITYAR - Sait (see) + yar (close / loved / person; friend, comrade).

SAITYAHYA - Sait (see) + Yahya (see).

SAIF - He who has a blade, armed with a blade.

SAYBEK - A name formed by joining the word sain, meaning "good, glorious", the word bek (lord). This name is also found among the Mari. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the name of Saybekov.

SAIDAR - A name formed by joining the Mongolian word say (see Saybek) with the Persian affix -dar, which is a sign of possession, possession. What matters is "the source of beauty, goodness" (about a person). Dialectal variant: Zaydar.

SAIDAR - Noble, noble; aristocrat, "white bone".

SAYDASH - 1. The name formed by joining the title sait (see) the anthroponymic reversal-naming affix of the Tatar language -ash. 2. An abbreviated version of the surname of Salikh Saydashev (an outstanding Tatar composer).

SAIDELISLAM - Islamic leader.

SAIDETDIN - Religious leader. Variety: Saitdin. Dialectal variants: Satdin, Sattin.

SAIDULLAH - Noble, noble servant of Allah.

SAIKAI - An ancient name formed by joining the word sai, which had the meaning "good, beautiful" in the ancient Türkic and ancient Mongolian languages, with the diminutive affix -kai. From this name the Tatar, Chuvash and Russian surnames Saikaev, Saikov, Saikiev, Saikin were formed.

SAILAN - Small multi-colored pearls.

SAYMAN - Virtuous, beautiful, agile.

SAYMURZA - Beautiful Murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

SAYMUHAMMET - Beautiful Mukhammet. Dialectal variants: Saimat, Saymet.

SAYRAM - A name formed by combining the Arabic word sayr (rest, entertainment) and the Turkic word bayram (holiday).

SAYRAN - 1. Rest in the bosom of nature, picnic. 2. Walking, walking, moving around; excursion. 3. Fun, having fun, having fun.

SAIF - Blade, sword, saber. Compare: Sayaf. Anthropolexeme. Synonyms: Khisam, Shamsir, Kylych.

SAIFEGAZI - Sword of a fighter for a holy cause.

SAIFEGALI - Sword of the Prophet Gali.

SAIFEGALIM - 1. The sword of knowledge, science. 2. In a figurative sense: a scientist with a sharp mind.

SAIFEGANI - Rich blade; sharp blade.

SAIFELGABIT - The blade of the servant of Allah.

SAIFELISLAM - Sword of Islam.

SAIFELMULUK - Sword of the monarchs.

SAIFETDIN - Sword of religion; figuratively: spreading religion with a sword. Compare: Sayafetdin, Hisametdin. Dialectal variants: Sayfuk, Sayfush, Sayfi.

SAFE - Armed with a sword, blade; man with a sword. Synonym: Sayaf.

SAIFISATTAR - Sword of the All-Forgiving (Allah).

SAIFISULTAN - The sword of the Sultan (master).

SAIFIKHAN - Khan's sword.

SAIFIYAZDAN - Sword of Allah.

SAYFIYAR - A friend armed with a sword (see).

SAIFULLA - The Sword of Allah.

SAIKHAN ~ SAIKAN - Kind, handsome khan. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surnames Saykhanov, Saykanov and Saykhunov (the latter is in the Apastovsky district), among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryakov) in the surname Sayganov.

SAKIN - Calm; with a calm character.

Sal ~ Salli - Strong, healthy. Anthropolexeme.

SALAVAT - 1. Prayers; song of praise, eulogy. 2. Blessing.

SALAVATULLAH - Praise of Allah.

SALAM - Healthy, in good health.


SALAMATULLAH - Allah gives health.

SALAH - 1. Good, good, good deed. 2. Be fit, needed. 3. Religiosity, piety. Dialectal variant: Salakh. Anthropolexeme.

SALAKHETDIN - 1. Good, a blessing of religion. 2. Sultan of religion (ie religious leader). Dialectal variant: Salyakhetdin.

SALAHI - Beneficial, virtuous; religious, devout, pious.

SALBAY - 1. Bai having rafts; healthy, strong buy. 2. Sal (translated from Persian "country") + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Compare: Ilbay.

SALBAKTS - 1. A healthy, strong child was born. 2. Sal (translated from Persian "country") + bakty (born). Compare: Ilbakty.

SALJAN - 1. A healthy, strong person. 2. Sal (in Persian "country") + jan (soul, person), i.e. loving his country, a patriot.

SALIGASKAR - Loyal warrior, hero of his country. Preserved in the name of the Saligaskar.

SALIK - Walking; adhering to a certain religious direction.

SALIM - Healthy, in good health; with a pure soul. Dialectal variants: Sali, Sala, Salai. Anthropolexeme.

SALIMBAI - Salim (healthy) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Bai with good health. Compare: Baisalim.

SALIMBEK - Salim (healthy) + bey (master). Beck (lord) in good health.

SALIMGARAY - Salim (healthy) + Garay (see).

SALIMGUZYA (SALIMHUZYA) - Salim (healthy) + khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher). The owner is in good health.

SALIMJAN - Salim (healthy) + jan (soul, person). Healthy person.

SALIMETDIN - Health, well-being of religion.

SALIMZAVAR - Salim (healthy) + Zavar (see).

SALIMZADA - Salim (healthy) + Zada ​​(see). Healthy son.

SALIMKURDE - A healthy child was born.

SALIMULLAH - Allah, giving health, peace. Dialectal variants: Sali, Salmi, Saluk, Salmush, Salmuk, Salai, Salim.

SALIMKHAN - Salim (healthy) + khan.

SALIMSHAH, SALIMSHA - Salim (healthy) + shah.

SALIMYAR - Salim (healthy) + yar (close / loved / person; friend, comrade).

SALIKH - Good, kind, virtuous, holy; fair, faithful, with a pure soul. Anthropolexeme.

SALIKHBAY - Holy, virtuous buy (master; wealthy, influential person, lord).

SALIKHBEK - Holy, virtuous bey (lord).

SALIKHDZHAN ~ SALIKHZYAN - Holy, virtuous person. Dialectal variants: Salish, Salai, Salush, Saluk.

SALIKHKUL - Salih (holy, virtuous) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior).

SALIKHMULLA - Salih (holy, virtuous) + Mullah.

SALIKHMURZA - Salikh (saint, virtuous) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

SALIHKHAN - Holy, virtuous khan.

SALKAY ~ SALLIKAY - A name formed by adding the diminutive-kai affix to the word salli (strong, healthy). Preserved in the names of Salkiev, Salkaev. Variety: Salakai.

SALLYBAY - Healthy, strong, strong buy.

SALMAN - Healthy, from among healthy people; not knowing sorrows and troubles.

SALMURZA - 1. Strong healthy Murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility); strong murza. 2. Sal (translated from Persian "country") + murza. Compare: Ilmurza.

SALMUKHAMMET - 1. Healthy, strong Mukhammet. 2. Sal (translated from Persian "country") + Muhammet (see). Compare: Ilmukhammet. Dialectal variants: Salmat, Salmuk, Salmush.

SALTAI - Possessing good health... Preserved in the name of Saltaev.

SALTUGAN ~ SALTYGAN - 1. A healthy, strong child was born. 2. Sal (translated from Persian "country") + tugan (born). Compare: Iltugan.

SALTYK - 1. Keeper of order and traditions. 2. Lame, lame. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Russians in the name of Saltykov.

SALEGET - A healthy, strong young man.

SALAM - 1. Health; calm, peace. 2. Greetings. 3. Savior (one of the epithets of Allah).

SALAMULLAH - Allah the Savior.

SAMAR - Fruit, result; useful. Anthropolexeme.

SAMARETDIN - Benefiting religion.

SAMARI - Fruitful, fruitful; fruit, result; useful.

SAMARKHAN - Samar (see) + khan. Preserved in the surname Samarkhanov.

SAMAT - 1. Eternal, living forever. 2. Leader, leader. One of the epithets of Allah. Anthropolexeme.

SAMI - 1. Highest rank, great. 2. Dear, valuable. 3. A representative of the Sami clan (Samits), a Jew.

SAMIG - Hearer; hearer (one of the epithets of Allah). Anthropolexeme.

SAMIGITDIN - Listening, hearing the voice of religion.

SAMIGULLA - Hearer, hearing the voice of Allah. Dialectal variants: Samik, Samigil.

SAMIM - True, pure.

SAMIN - Dear, valuable.

SAMIR - 1. Fruiting. 2. Interlocutor.

SAMIRKHAN - Samir (see) + khan. Khan is the interlocutor.

SAMIT - 1. Strong, stable; unshakable. 2. Proud.

YOURSELF - Generous. Dialectal variants: Sami, Samish, Samuk.

SAMUR - Sable. Preserved in the name of Samurov. Synonym: Kesh.

SANAGAT - Master, one who owns his craft at a high level; industry.

SANBULAT - Like damask, similar to damask.

SANGISH (SANKISH) - An ancient name formed by adding the Turkic word ish (equal, couple; child) to the word of the Tajik and Persian languages ​​sang ("stone"). Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the names of Sangishev, Sankishev.

SANDJAK - Banner, flag, standard. Preserved in the names of Sandzhakov, Sanzakov.

SANJAP - Squirrel. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Kazan Tatars in the names of Sanjapov, Sinjapov.

SANDJAR - Sharp, piercing through; a spear. Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the names of Sandzharov, Sanzharov.

SANIAKHMET - Second Akhmet (see). Preserved among the Bashkortostan Tatars in the name of Saniakhmetov.

SANIBEK - Second bek (boy). The second son in the family.

SANIYAN - Second soul (child). The second son in the family.

SANUBAR - Pine. Synonym: Narat.

SARBAZ - 1. Military, soldier. 2. A hero, strong, brave, fearless. Preserved in the names of Sarbazov, Sarvazov.

SARBAY - 1. Yellow buy; bai with yellowish red hair. 2. The nickname given to dogs with red and yellowish hair (zoonim). Compare: Baysary. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryakov) in the surname Sarbaev. The surname Sarbaev is also found among Russians.

SARVAR - 1. People's leader, leader. 2. The owner, the owner. Dialectal variants: Sarvay, Sarvari. Anthropolexeme.

SARVARETDIN - Religious leader.

SARVAT - Wealth; treasury; abundance.

SARDAR - Warlord, Commander-in-Chief; at the head.

SARJAN - Lord of the soul.

SARIGASKAR - Commander, military leader. Preserved among the Kazan and Ufa Tatars in the surname Sarigaskars.

SARIM - 1. Sharp. 2. Solid, strong. Dialectal variant: Sarym.

SARMAN - 1. T. Dzhanuzakov believes that the first syllable Sar of the given name in the ancient Mongolian language has the meaning "lunar". 2. According to another point of view, the name Sarman is formed from the components sar (translated from the Mongolian "moon") and mandav ("rose") and, therefore, means: "the moon has risen". (Compare: Aytugdy, Aytugan). 3. Perhaps the name Sarman means: "yellow". 4. In Persian, sarman is "a leader, an authoritative person." Preserved among the Kazan and baptized Tatars in the surname Sarmanov.

SARMANAY - A variant of the name Sarman (see), formed by the addition of the affectionate-reversible affix -ai. The name Sarmanai is also found among the Mari. Preserved among the Ural Tatars in the name of Sarmanaev.

SARMAT - Having a constant continuation, eternal; immortal; endless, limitless. Synonyms: Mangu, Samat. Dialectal variant: Sirmat. The surname Sirmatov was formed from this name. Anthropolexeme.

SARMATBEK - Sarmat (see) + bey (lord).

SARMATKHAN - Sarmat (see) + khan.

SARRAF - Changed; master; appraiser. Phonetic variant: Saraf.

SARTAK - 1. Persian, Iranian. 2. Sart (Sart is a part of the Uzbeks that has settled since ancient times). VA Nikonov believes that the Russian surname Sartakov is derived from the word sartak ("carrot") used by the Siberian Tatars. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Russians in the Sartakov surname.

Sary - Among the ancient Turkic peoples yellow(sarah) was considered valuable, symbolizing gold. All the creatures of nature that have a yellow color (the color of gold) were treated with respect. In a figurative sense: matured, matured. Synonym: Asfar. Anthropolexeme.

SARYBALA - Sarah (see) + bala (child). It was given to boys with red and wheat-colored hair.

SARYBASH ~ SARBASH - Sarah (see) + bash (head). Red-haired head, head with wheat-colored hair.

SARYBEK - Sary (see) + bek (master). Noble, noble bek (lord).

SARYBUGA - Sarah (see) + buga (bull). It was given with the wish that the child (boy) would become rich and strong.

SARYBULAT - Sary (see) + damask (premium steel).

SARIGUL - Sarah (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior). Variety: Sarikul.

SARYJAN ~ SARYAN - 1. Sary (see) + jan (soul, person). 2. In the Persian language sar jan means "the main (first) soul", i.e. "the main (first) child".

SARYKAY - A variant of the name Sarah (see), formed with the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai. In the meaning of "dear baby, krovinushka".

SARYMARGAN - Sarah (see) + Margan (see).

SARYMSAK - Garlic. Among the ancient Turkic peoples, it was given with the wish that the bitter, pungent taste of garlic scared away evil forces, not allowing them to reach the child. Preserved in the surname Sarymsakov (compare: among the Russians - Chesnokov).

SARYSLAN - Sary (yellow, golden) + arislan (lion). Preserved in the surname Saryslanov.

SARYTAI - Sarah (yellow, golden) + Thai (foal). Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the name of Sartaev.

SARYKHUZYA - Sarah (see) + khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher). A noble, noble master.

SARYCH - Sarich, a hawk. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Russians in the surname Sarychev.

SARYCHECH - Golden hair. It was given to boys with golden (red) hair. Compare: Sarytulum (female name), Altynchech (female name).

SARYCHIK - Formed by joining the name Sarah (see) the diminutive-affectionate affix -chik. Preserved in the surname Sarychikov.

SATAI - Beloved, close relative. Preserved in the name of Sataev.

SATI - Sold, bought. Preserved in the name of Satiev.

SATIM - The purchased child. Preserved in the surname Satimov.

SATIR - Forgiving.

SATLYK - The purchased child. The Turkic peoples had a special "preventive" custom (with the aim of driving out the evil forces) of criticizing the name of adopted children and children born in families with high infant mortality. According to the preliminary agreement, after the birth of the child, he was given to relatives or friends, and then after some time they were "ransomed" for money, while giving the child the name Satlyk (purchased child). Altaians still use the names Satlak, Satylysh, Satu.

SATTAR - Forgiving, All-Forgiving. One of the epithets of Allah. Anthropolexeme.

SATYBAL - The purchased child. see Satlyk. Preserved in the name of Satybalov. This surname is also found among the Kumyks.

SATYSH is a child for sale. see Satlyk.

Sau - Healthy, lively, prosperous. Anthropolexeme.

SAUBAN - Trustee, educator.

SAUGILDE - A healthy child came (was born). Preserved among the Siberian Tatars in the name of Saugildeev.

SAUD - Happy.

SAULAT - Strength, power, energy; power, greatness.

SAUMAN - Possessing good health.

SAUMURZA - Healthy and prosperous Murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

SAUR - The month of April. Born in April.

SAURIDZHAN - With a revolutionary spirit.

SAUCHURA - A healthy youth, a farmer, a warrior. Preserved in the names of Sauchurin, Sauchurov.

SAFA - 1. Purity, holiness; 2. Fun, pleasure, enjoyment, bliss, carelessness, carelessness, calmness. Anthropolexeme.

SAFAGARAY - Safa (see) + Garay (see).

SAFAGUL ~ SAFAKUL - Safa (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior).

SAFANUR - Safa (see) + nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nursafa.

SAFAR - 1. Travel, trip. 2. The name of the second month of the Muslim lunar year. The name given to children born this month. Anthropolexeme.

SAFARBAY - Safar (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

SAFARBEK - Safar (see) + bey (master).

SAFARWALI - Safar (see) + Vali (see)

SAFARGALI - Safar (see) + Gali (see)

SAFARGARAY - Safar (see) + Garay (see).

SAFARGUL - Safar (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior).

SAFARJAN - Safar (see) + jan (soul, person).

SAFARKHUZYA - Safar (see) + khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher)

SAFDAR - Furious, stormy; brave, decisive.

SAFDIL - Pure soul.

SAFI - 1. Clean, no impurities; true. 2. The chosen one, the chosen one. Anthropolexeme.

SAFIAHMET - Safi (see) + Akhmet (see). Compare: Ahmetsafa.

SAFIDZHAN - Safi (see) + jan (soul, person).

SAFIR - Ambassador, Plenipotentiary Representative.

SAFIT - White; with an open face.

SAFIULLA - The Chosen Servant of Allah. An epithet of the prophets Muhammet and Adam.

SAFIKHAN - Safi (see) + khan. Dialectal variant: Safikan.

SAFIYAR - Safi (see) + yar (friend, close person). A real honest friend.

SAFKUL - Immaculate, pure servant of God.

SAFUAN - 1. Purity, holiness; health. 2. Strong stone, granite, rock. Compare: Taktash.

SAFUANGALI - Safuan (see) + Gali (see).

SAFUAT - Chosen, the best kind of objects (objects).

SAKHABETDIN - Believers, those who follow the path of religion. Dialectal variants: Sahabi, Sahap, Sahau.

SAHAP - Companions, comrades (pl.). Anthropolexeme.

SAKHAPKUL - Sahap (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior).

SAKHAR - Dawn; pre-dawn time. Anthropolexeme.

SAHAU - Generous, with a wide soul.

SAKHAUTDIN - Generosity of religion.

SAKHBI - Comrade; one with whom it is pleasant to be friends, friend. Variety: Sahabi. Anthropolexeme.

SAHI - Generous, with a broad soul. Anthropolexeme.

SAHIBJAN - Sahib (see) + jan (soul, person). Heart friend.

SAKHIBETDIN - Friend, companion of religion.

SAHIBULLAH - Friend of Allah. Dialectal variants: Sakhai, Sakai.

SAHIBKHAN - Sahib (see) + khan. Phonetic variant: Sahipkhan.

SAKHIL - Edge of the sea, seashore; equality.

SAKHIN - Red-hot, incandescent, hot.

SAHIP ~ SAHIB - 1. Friend, companion; comrade, like-minded person. 2. Master, master, owner. Anthropolexeme.

SAKHIPGARAY - Sahip (see) + Garay (see).

SAHIPZADA - Sahip (see) + Ass (see).

SAKHIR - Not sleeping, vigilant.

SAHIULLAH - The Bounty of Allah.

SUGAR - 1. Healthy, alive. 2. True, correct, direct.

SAKHMAN - Having his share, a happy person.

SAYAD ~ SAYAT - Hunter, hunter; catcher. Synonym: Sunarchi. Dialectal variant: Sayyad.

SAYAN - 1. White. 2. Snow. A new name derived from the name of the mountain ranges in East Asia.

SAYAR - Walking, wandering, moving; satellite, planet. Variety: Sayyar.

SAYARGALI - Sayar (see) + Gali (see).

SAYATKHAN - Khan hunters, hunters.

SAYAF - 1. A gunsmith who makes blades, sabers; 2. Armed with a blade. Compare: Sayf. Synonym: Sayfi.

SAYAFETDIN - Servant of religion, armed with a blade. Compare: Sayfetdin, Hisametdin.

SAYAKH - Wanderer, traveler, tourist. Synonym: Ilgizar.

SAYAKHETDIN - Walking the path of religion.

SEBAK - Apple. Preserved in the surname Sebakov. Compare: Alma (female name), Almaty.

SERMAKTAI - Patient, hardy man, young man. Preserved in the name of Sermaktaev.

SIBAI - Formed by joining the Arabic word Siba ("love, youth") with the Turkic invocative-imperative -ay affix. Phonetic variant: Sybai.

SIBGAT (SIBAGAT) - 1. Paint; beautiful color, pattern. 2. Temper, thought. Dialectal variant: Shibat.

SIBGATULLA ~ SIBAGATULLA - The Image of Allah; religion of Allah. Dialectal options: Sibi, Sibuk, Sibush, Sibat, Sibak.

SIGEZAK - An old name given to the eighth child (boy) in the family. Compare: Tugyz, Tugyzai. Preserved in the surname Sigezakov.

SIDKI - Correct, honest, sincere, sincere. Anthropolexeme.

SIXANBAY - Siksan (eighty) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). This name was given to boys with the desire to live to the age of eighty, as well as if the father of the boy who was born was eighty years old. Compare: Tuksanbai. Preserved among the Ural Tatars in the name of Siksanbaev.

SIMAI - 1. Appearance, face, face. 2. Brand, mark; picture, image.

Sina - Chest. Anthropolexeme.

SINEGUL - Sina (chest) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior). A servant of God with a powerful chest; in a figurative sense: a brave warrior, comrade, assistant. Preserved among the Bashkortostan Tatars in the name of Sinegulov.

SIRAZELHAK - Light of truth, truth.

SIRAZETDIN - Light of religion, lamp of religion. Dialectal variants: Shirai, Siraji, Siraj, Sirazi, Shirakai.

SIRAZI - Lamp, candle, lamp, torch. Synonym: Kandil.

SYRIN (LILAC) - Lilac (shrub and flowers); carnation, clove tree.

SITDIK - Correct, true; faithful, faithful. Dialectal option: Sit down.

SIYULE - Favorite (child). Preserved in the name of Syuliev.

SIYAR - Will love (about the child). Anthropolexeme.

SIYARBAY - Favorite buy (child). Compare: Baysiyar. This name is also found among the Mari.

SIYARBEK - Siyar (will love) + bek (lord).

SIYARGALI - Siyar (will love) + Gali (see). Favorite Gali.

SIYARGUL (SIYARKUL) - Siyar (will love) + cool (comrade, companion).

SIYARMUHAMMET - Siyar (will love) + Muhammet (see). Dialectal variants: Siyarmet, Siyarembet.

SIYARKHUZYA - Siyar (will love) + khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher).

SPARTAC - The name of the legendary leader of the largest uprising of Roman gladiators in the first century BC. In Italian: Spartaco.

SUBAY - 1. Nice, slender, handsome, elegant; neat, tidy. 2. Horseman, cavalryman, equestrian warrior. Preserved in the name of Subaev. Anthropolexeme.

SUBBUH - 1. Exaltation, glorification, praise. 2. Sunrises (pl.). In a figurative sense: a person who gets up early. Anthropolexeme.

SUBBUKHETDIN - Exalting, glorifying religion.

SUBKHAN - Glory, praise (an epithet of Allah). Anthropolexeme.

SUBHANBIRDE - Allah gave a glorious, praiseworthy child. Gift of Allah.

SUBKHANKUL - Slave of the glorified, praised (Allah).

SUBHANULLAH - Glory to Allah, praise to Allah. Dialectal variant: Subhulla.

SUGUD - 1. Rise, ascent, birth, appearance; Beginning of work. 2. The beginning, the front (main) part of something.

SUPER - Capercaillie (bird). Preserved in the name of the Suers.

SUPERBAY - Suer (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Preserved in the name of Suerbaev.

SUPERMAK - One that you can't help but love.

SULEIMAN - Healthy, lively, prosperous, living in peace. The Russians and Jews have Solomon, the British have Salmon, the Germans have Zalman, the French have Salmon, the Italians have Salomon, and the Bulgarians have Salomon. Dialectal variants: Suley, Suli, Sulish, Sulesh, Suliman, Sulim.

SULIM - Glorious, famous. Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryakov) in the name of Sulimov.

SULIMSHAKH, SULIMSHA - Sulim (see) + shah. Glorified, famous shah. Phonetic variant: Sulemshah.

SULTAN - Lord, ruler, sovereign, head of state, monarch, emperor. Varieties: Sultanay, Sultankay, Sultakay. Anthropolexeme.

SULTANAI - A majestic, stately month. Compare: Aisultan. Dialectal variant: Sultai.

SULTANAKHMET - Sultan (sovereign) + Ahmet (see). A sultan worthy of praise, a glorious sultan. Compare: Ahmetsultan.

SULTANBAY - Sultan (sovereign) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Compare: Baysultan. This name is also found among the Mari.

SULTANBEK - Sultan (sovereign) + bey (lord). Compare: Biksultan.

SULTANBI - Sultan (sovereign) + bi (prince, lord).

SULTANBIRDE - Sultan (sovereign) + birde (dal). God gave a boy worthy to be a sultan.

SULTANGAZI - Sultan (sovereign) + Gazi (see).

SULTANGALI - Sultan (sovereign) + Gali (see).

SULTANGARAY - Sultan (sovereign) + Garay (see).

SULTANGILDE ~ SULTANKILDE - The Sultan came, i.e. was born.

SULTANHUZA ~ SULTANHUZA - Sultan (sovereign) + khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher).

SULTANGUL (SULTANKUL) - Sultan (sovereign) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior). Servant, assistant to the Sultan.

SULTANETDIN - Sultan of religion (i.e. religious leader).

SULTANZADA - Sultan (sovereign) + 3ada (see). Son of the Sultan.

SULTANMAHMUT - Sultan (sovereign) + Mahmut (see). A sultan worthy of praise.

SULTANMURAT - Sultan (sovereign) + Murat (see).

SULTANMUKHAMMET - Sultan (sovereign) + Muhammet (see). Compare: Mukhammetsultan.

SULTANNABI - Sultan (sovereign) + Nabi (see).

SULTANNUR - Sultan (sovereign) + nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nursultan.

SULTANSALIM - Sultan (sovereign) + Salim (see). A healthy and prosperous sultan.

SULTANTIMER - Sultan (sovereign) + Timmer (iron). Compare: Timersultan.

SULTANKHABIB - Sultan (sovereign) + Habib (see). Beloved Sultan. Compare: Khabibsultan.

SULTANKHAKIM - Sultan (sovereign) + Hakim (see).

SULTANKHALIL - Sultan (sovereign) + Khalil (see).

SULTANKHUSAIN - Sultan (sovereign) + Husain (see).

SULTANSAH, SULTANSHA - Sultan (sovereign) + shah. Compare: Shagisultan.

SULTANSHEIKH - Sultan (sovereign) + sheikh. Compare: Shaikhesultan.

SULTANYAR - Sultan (sovereign) + yar (friend, close person).

SULTANYASAVI - Sultan (sovereign) + Yasavi (see).

SULUKHAN - Glorified, famous khan. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Russians in the surname Sulukhanov.

SULYUKBAY - Slender, stately, handsome bai (young man).

SUNARGUL - Hunter; hunter.

SUNARCHI - Hunter. An old name indicating an occupation. Preserved in the names of Sunarchin, Sunarshin, Sunarchiev. Synonym: Sayad.

SUNGALI - Sun (smart) + Gali (see). Preserved in the name of the Sungaliyev.

SUNGAT ~ SUNAGAT - Skill, mastery; profession, craft, business, art. Dialectal variant: Senagat.

SUNGATULLA ~ SUNAGATULLA - Art, mastery of Allah. Dialectal variants: Sinai, Sunay.

SUNIKAI - Clever girl, clever girl. Formed by joining the Old Tatar word sun ~ suna, meaning "mind," the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai. This name is found in the Bulgaro-Tatar genealogies.

SUNMAS - One who will live long; unquenchable, eternal.

SUNNY - 1. Custom, practice. 2. Sunni (follower of the Sunni direction of the Muslim religion). Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the name of Sunniev.

SUNCHALI - see Suyunuchgali. Preserved in the surname of the famous Tatar poet Sagit Sunchali (Sagit Hamidullovich Sunchaliev, 1889 - 1941) and in the name of the village of Sunchali, Zelenodolsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

SURAGAN - Begged. This name was given to a child (boy) who was born after performing ritual actions and prayers addressed to the Almighty. Preserved in the names of Suraganov.

SURAN - Child begged from God. Preserved in the name of the Suranov. Anthropolexeme.

SURANBAY - A child begged from God.

ZURANCHIK ~ SURACHIK - A name formed by joining the word Suran (see) or sura (ask) the diminutive-affectionate affix -chik. It was given to a child (boy) who was born after performing ritual actions and prayers addressed to the Almighty. Preserved in the name of Suranchikov.

SUURAPKUL - The servant of God, begged from Allah.

SURUR - Joy, joy. Anthropolexeme.

SURURETDIN - Joy, joy of religion. Dialectal variant: Suruk.

SUSAR - Beaver (name of the animal).

SUSLAN - A shock made up of several sheaves. This name was given with a wish to the child of wealth and abundance. Preserved in the name of Suslanov.

SUSLANBEK - Suslan (see) + bek (lord). Preserved in the name of Suslanbekov. This surname is also found among the Balkars.

SUFI - Not committing unseemly deeds; Sufi (hermit, ascetic), pious, devout. Anthropolexeme.

SUFIAKHMET - Sufi (see) + Akhmet (see).

SUFIAN - Avoiding everything unseemly, sinful, pious person.

SUFIYAR - Sufi (see) + yar (close / loved / person; friend, comrade).

SUFYAN - Wind; gust, breath of wind.

DRYAIL - Star Canopus.

SUKHBAT - 1. Communication, connection, friendship. 2. Friends, interlocutors (plural). Anthropolexeme.

SUHBATULLA - Communicating with Allah; friends, interlocutors of Allah.

SUYUK - Favorite child. Anthropolexeme.

SUYUKAY - A name formed by adding the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai to the word syu (love, love). Preserved in the names of Suyukaev, Sukaev, Sekaev.

SUYUKBAY - Favorite buy. In the meaning of "beloved boy". Compare: Baysuyuk.

SUYUKJAN - Beloved person (child).

SUULIM - My beloved. Dialectal variant: Sulim.

SUULISH - Favorite (child). Dialectal variant: Sulish.

SUYUM - Favorite. Anthropolexeme.

SUYUMBAY - Favorite bai (child). Preserved in the names of Suyumbaev, Simbaev.

SUYUMBIK ~ SUYUMBEK - Favorite bek (master).

SUYUMMUHAMMET - Beloved Muhammet. Dialectal variants: Suyumbet, Sumbet.

SUYUN - Joy, joy. Anthropolexeme.

SUYUNGUL ​​- The servant of God (child), bringing joy.

SUYUNDUK - A very great common joy.

SUYUNUCH - Joy, good news. Anthropolexeme.

SUYUNUCHGALI - Suyunuch (joy, good news) + Gali (see). Dialectal variants: Sunchalyai, Sunchali.

SUYUNUCHKAY - A name formed by adding the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai to the word suyunuch (joy, good news).

SUYUNUCHLEBAY - Joyful buy. Preserved among the Siberian Tatars in the name of Suyunuchlebaev.

SUYUNUCHTIMERR - Suyunuch (joy, good news) + timer (iron). It was given to commemorate a joyful event - the birth of a boy, and with the wish that he became strong as iron.

SUYUNCHAK - A baby, a toddler who brings joy.

SUYUPBAY - Loving buy (boy).

SUYUCH - Love; favourite. Preserved in the name of Suyuchev.

SUYUSH - A child who is loved; a manifestation of love.

SYGUNAK - A name formed by adding the anthroponymic affix -ak to the ancient Türkic word shogun ("deer"). Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the names of Sygunakov, Sagunakov, Sygynakov, Saganakov.

SYLU - Handsome, slender, stately. Anthropolexeme.

SILUBAY - Sylu (handsome) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Compare: Baisylu (female name).

SYLUJAN - Sylu (handsome) + jan (soul, person). Compare: Dzhanslu (female name).

SYLUKAY - Formed by joining the name Sylu (see) the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai. The Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) have the surnames Sylukaev, Sulukaev.

SYLUKHAN - Handsome Khan. The surname Sylukhanov was formed from this name.

SYRTLAN - Hyena. A symbol of playfulness, beauty. Preserved in the name of Syrtlanov. Dialectal variants: Syrtak, Syrtai. Anthropolexeme.

SYRTLANBEK - Syrtlan (see) + bey (master). Strong, agile bek (master).

Syutish - Milk brother, blood brother. Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryakov) in the names of Sutyushev, Sutushev.

Tatar names Meaning of Tatar names

Female Tatar names. Tatar names of girls

SABAGUL - Morning, dawn flower; a flower blooming at dawn. Synonym: Tangule.

SABAH - Morning, dawn time.

SABIGA - 1. Seventh. The ritual name given to the seventh daughter in the family. 2. Beauty.

SABIDA - Creator, creative. Phonetic variant: Savida.

SABILA - Way, road; big road.

SABIRA - Patient, hardy. Synonyms: Sabiha, Sabria.

SABIKHA - 1. Patient, hardy. Synonyms: Sabira, Sabria. 2. Blooming.

SABRIA - Patient, hardy. Synonyms: Sabira, Sabiha.

SABYRBIKA - Patient, hardy girl, woman.

SAVILIA - Selected direction; great way.

SAVIA - Straight; straightforwardness, straightforwardness; truth, truth.

SAGADAT - Happiness, prosperity; bliss. Anthropolexeme.

SAGADATBANU - Happy girl (woman). Synonyms: Kutlybanu, Urazbanu.

SAGADATBIKA - Happy girl. Synonyms: Kutlybika, Urazbika.

SAGADATNUR - Radiant happiness. Synonym: Bakhtinur.

SAGDA - Happy.

SAGDANA - The Star of Happiness.

SAGDANUR - Happy ray, radiance of happiness.

SAGDIA - Happy; bringing happiness.

SAGDUNA - Our happiness.

SAGIDA - Happy, enjoying life. Anthropolexeme.

SAGIDABANU - Happy girl (woman).

SAGIDABIKA - Happy girl, woman.

SAGIRA - Younger (daughter).

SAGIA - Diligent, dedicated to work.

SADA - Simple, sincere. Anthropolexeme.

SADAGUL - Simple, sincere, pure flower (about a girl).

SADADIL - Straightforward; with a sincere, pure soul.

SADJIDA - Who bows down to the ground during prayer; adoring; honoring someone.

SADIKA - 1. Faithful, devoted, sincere, sincere. 2. A reliable friend.

SADIRA - Beginner, appearing.

SADISA - Sixth. The ritual name given to the sixth girl in the family.

SADIA - Thirsty.

SADRIYA - 1. Relating to the heart, to the soul; a particle of the heart, soul. 2. Female leader, female boss.

SAZA - Suitable, Suitable, Acceptable, Appropriate.

SAIBA - 1. Correct, faithful, true. 2. Lucky, successful, comfortable; rewarded by God. 3. Generous.

SAIMA - Holding Uraza (Muslim fasting).

SAIRA - 1. Walking, traveler, traveler. 2. Another, different.

SAIDA, SAIDA - 1. Noble, noble woman; mrs. 2. Happy, lucky. Anthropolexeme.

SAYDABANU - Sayda (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

SAIDABIKA - Saida (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

SAIDAGUL - Pollock (see) + ghoul (flower). Compare: Gulsayda.

SAIDANUR - Saida (see) + nur (ray, radiance).

SAIDELJAMAL - Noble, noble, beautiful.

SAIDELJIKHAN - Leading the whole world.

SAIDIDJAMAL - Noble, noble, beautiful.

SAILANA - Small multicolored artificial pearls.

SAIFIA - 1. Armed with a sword, blade. 2. Summer cottage; summer house.

SAKINA - Calm; patient.

SALAHIA - Beneficial, virtuous.

SALIKA - 1. Walking, following someone; continuing. 2. Feeling beauty, good intuition.

SALIMA - Healthy, in good health. Anthropolexeme.

SALIMABANU - Healthy and prosperous girl (woman).

SALIMABIKA - Healthy and happy girl, woman.

SALISA - Third. The ritual name given to the third daughter in the family.

SALIKHA - 1. Doing good, doing good deeds, beneficent. 2. With a pure, immaculate soul. 3. Generous.

SALIA - Giving consolation (girl).

SALVI - 1. Joy, tranquility. 2. Sage flower.

SAMANIA - Eighth. The ritual name given to the eighth daughter in the family.

SAMARA - Fruit, success, luck; result, achievement.

SAMARIA - Fruitful, effective; lucky, successful.

SAMIGA - 1. Hearing, listening. 2. Compliant, obedient.

SAMIMA - Real, sincere, pure.

SAMINA - Dear, valuable; beloved, dear.

SAMIRA - Interlocutor.

SAMIA - Honored, great.

SANA - Bright light, radiance.

SANAM - My beloved, my idol.

SANDUGACH - Nightingale. Among the Turkic peoples: a symbol of melodies, tender feelings and love. Synonyms: Was, Gandalif. Anthropolexeme.

SANDUGACHBIKA - Sandugach (nightingale) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

SANDUGACHSYLU - Sandugach (nightingale) + sylu (beauty).

SANIGA - Created, created by a dream.

SANIGUL - Second flower (second daughter in the family).

SANIA - Second. The ritual name given to the second daughter in the family. Anthropolexeme.

SANIYABANU - The second girl (woman).

SANYABIKA - The second girl (woman).

SANIYASILU - The second beauty. The second daughter (beauty) in the family.

SARA - 1. Lady, mistress, noble woman, "white bone". 2. Mother of the clan. 3. In Persian, the word sara means "the best, most beautiful." Anthropolexeme.

SARBI ~ SARVI - Cypress, acacia; figuratively: stately, slender. Varieties: Sarbia, Sarvia. Anthropolexeme.

SARBIBANU - Sarbi (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

SARBIGUL - Sarbi (see) + ghoul (flower).

SARBIDJAMAL - Sarbi (see) + Jamal (see). Slender, stately, beautiful.

SARBIDJIKHAN - Sarbi (see) + jihan (world, universe). The most stately beauty in the world.

SARBIKAMAL - Sarbi (see) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws). Stately and perfect in every way.

SARBINAZ - Sarbi (see) + naz (bliss, weasel). Stately, slender and graceful.

SARBINISA - Sarbi (see) + Nisa (see). A slender, stately, beautiful woman.

SARVAR - Woman leader; respected, authoritative.

SARVARIA - Sarvar (see) + -ya (an affix serving to form female names).

SARVAT - Wealth, treasure; abundance.

SARDARIA - Warlord, female commander.

SARIMA - 1. Agile, agile, nimble. 2. Firm, strong.

SARIRA - Mind, spirit.

SARIA - 1. Spring. 2. Something very valuable; noble personality.

SARIYABANU - Saria (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

SARMADIA - Eternal, immortal.

SARRA - Joy, joy, happiness.

SARRAFIA - Tax collector; exchanging money. Phonetic variant: Sarafiya.

SATIGA - Very light; incomparable beauty... Compare: Guzel.

SATIRA - Compassionate, forgiving.

SATURA - One line poem.

SAUBANA - Educator, nurse.

SAUDA - see Saudia. Anthropolexeme.

SAUDABANU - A girl (woman) experiencing an unquenchable passion.

SAUDAJIKHAN - The most passionate in the world. Dialectal variants: Saudjian, Saudjan, Saudi.

SAUDIA - Inextinguishable passion, great love, love. Variety: Sauda.

SAURA - Revolution.

SAUSANA - Lily flower.

SAFA - Purity, purity; pleasure, bliss, carelessness, carelessness. Anthropolexeme.

SAFAGUL - Safa (see) + ghoul (flower). The flower of purity, purity, pure flower.

SAFANUR - Radiant, pure, immaculate.

SAFARGUL - Safar (journey, path) + ghoul (flower). Compare: Gulsafar, Gulsafara.

SAFARIA - 1. Traveler, traveler. 2. The name of the second month of the Muslim lunar year.

SAFDILA - With a pure soul, sincere, simple.

SAFIDA - Light; open, welcoming.

SAFINA - Big boat, ship.

SAFIRA - 1. Angel, cleansing the souls of people. 2. Female Ambassador, Plenipotentiary Representative; messenger. 3. Born in the month of Safar of the Muslim lunar year.

SAFIA - 1. Pure, no impurities, real. 2. Pure, sincere (girl). 3. The Chosen One.

SAFNAZ - Pure, real bliss, affection.

SAFURA - Star; shimmery. Synonyms: Yulduz, Sitara, Esfira, Stella, Najmiya. Anthropolexeme.

SAFURABIKA - Safura (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

SAKHARBANAT - Daughters of the dawn; girls born at dawn (pl.)

SAKHARBANU - A girl born at dawn (before dawn).

SAKHARBIKA - A girl born at dawn (before dawn).

SAKHARIYA - Daughter of the dawn; girl born at dawn.

SAKHARNAZ - Pre-dawn bliss.

SAKHBIA - Good comrade.

SAHIBA - A friend who can be trusted with secrets, a companion, a good friend.

SAKHILA - 1. Sea coast. 2. Pleasure, pleasure. 3. Generous, with a broad soul. 4. Lightweight, comfortable, handy.

SAKHINA - Hot, red-hot.

SAHINISA - Sakhi (see male name Sakhi) + Nisa (see). The woman is generous, with a broad soul.

SAHIPJAMAL - Sahip (see male name Sahip) + Jamal (see).

SAHIPKAMAL - Sahip (see male name Sahip) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws).

SAHIRA - Awake, awake, not sleeping.

SAKHIA - Generous, with a broad soul.

Sugar - Lightweight, handy.

SAHURA - Not sleeping, awake (plural). Varieties: Saura, Shaura.

SAYARA - Companion; satellite, planet.

SVETLANA - Light, illuminating, radiant.

SIDKIBANU - Sidki (see male name Sidki) + banu (girl, young woman, lady). Honest, fair girl (woman).

SIDKIDJAMAL - Sidki (see male name Sidki) + Jamal (see). Honest, sincere, fair beauty.

SIDKIKAMAL - Sidki (see male name Sidki) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws). Perfect, sincere, fair, honest.

SIDKIA - Correct, honest, fair, sincere, sincere.

SILVA - Forest beauty, daughter of the forest.

SIMA - 1. Face, appearance; image. 2. Sign, mark, brand.

Sina - Chest. Anthropolexeme.

SYRASIA - Lamp, candle, torch.

SIREN - B ancient greek mythology: a creature with a female head and a bird's body, living on rocky sea islands.

LILAC ~ SIRIN - Lilac, lilac flowers; allspice.

SITARA - Star. Synonyms: Safura, Yulduz, Esfira, Stella, Najmiya.

SITDIKA - Correct, true, real; direct, fair.

SIYARBIKA - Siyar (will love) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

STELLA - Star. Synonyms: Yulduz, Safura, Sitara, Esfira, Najmiya.

SUBBUHA - 1. Exaltation, glorification, praise. 2. Sunrises (plural); figuratively: accustomed to getting up early. Dialectal variant: Sobbuha.

SUGDA - Very happy.

SUGUDA - Ascent, ascent.

SUZGUN - 1. Slim, tall. 2. The pheasant. Synonym: Suna.

SUZGUNBIKA - Suzgun (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). A slender, tall girl.

SULMAS - Everlasting (beauty).

SULMASGUL - An unfading flower (beauty).

SULTANA - Queen, mistress, sovereign, ruler.

SULTANAT - Leadership, greatness.

SULTANBIKA - Sultan (sovereign, mistress) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). Lady, mistress.

SULTANGUL - Sultan (sovereign, mistress) + gul (flower). A regal, stately, beautiful flower. Compare: Gulsultan.

SULTANIA - 1. Daughter of the Sultan. 2. Queen, queen. 3. Majestic, regal, beautiful.

SULMA - Very beautiful.

SULUKBIKA - A slender, stately, graceful girl.

SUNMAS - Will not fade away; in a figurative sense: will live long, will not die.

SURIYA - The Arabic name for the star of the Northern Hemisphere Sirius.

SURUR - Joy. Anthropolexeme.

SURURBANAT - Surur (joy) + Banat (see).

SURURVAFA - Surur (joy) + Vafa (see).

SURURJIKHAN - Surur (joy) + jihan (peace, universe). The joy of the world, the universe.

ANTIMONY - Antimony (paint used in cosmetics). A sign of beauty.

SUSANNA - 1. Lily, white lily. 2. Tulip.

SUSYLU - Water beauty.

SUFIA - Not committing unseemly deeds; holy, pious.

SUYUMBIKA ~ SUYUNBIKA - Beloved lady; Girlfriend.

SUYUNGEL - Always rejoice, be joyful.

SUYUNUCH - Joy, joyful event, joy.

SUYUNUCHDZHAMAL - Suyunuch (joy) + Jamal (see).

SYLU - Beautiful; slender, stately. Anthropolexeme.

SYLUBANU - Beautiful girl (woman).

SYLUBIBI - Beautiful girl (woman). Compare: Bibisylu.

SILUBIKA - Beautiful girl, woman. Compare: Bikaslu.

SYLUGUL - Beautiful flower... Compare: Gulsylu.

SYLUJAN - Beautiful soul. Compare: Dzhanslu.

SYLUJIKHAN - Beauty of the world, world beauty. Compare: Jihanslu.

SILUKAY - Beauty (affectionate form of the name Sylu).

SYLUNAZ - Delicate beauty; beautiful bliss, affection. Compare: Nazlysylu, Nazsylu.

SYLUNISA - Beauty among girls and women.

SILUTAN - Beautiful sunrise. Compare: Tansylu.

SYLUHANA - A beautiful noble girl.

SYLUUZ - Beautiful face.

SYUMAIRA - Dark-skinned.

SUMAYA - She took a step, took a step (meaning "she was given a name").

SYUMBEL - 1. Month of August. 2. Hyacinth (flower). Variety: Syumbel.

SUMBEL - see Sumbel.

SUNA - Pheasant. Synonym: Suzgyn.

Any name in any language that has a positive meaning is considered Muslim.

Read about the ceremonies associated with the birth of a child in.

Gazi(Arab.) - making a hike, procession; striving; warrior.
Ghalib(arab.) - the winner.
Ghani(Arab.) - rich, owner of untold wealth. One of the names of the Most High.
Ghafoor(Ghaffard) (Arabic) - forgiving, merciful. One of the names of the Most High.
Gayaz(arab.) - an assistant, helping.
Gayard(Arab.) - courageous, brave, brave, decisive.
Gayas(Arabic) - savior, helper.
Gufran(Arabic) - forgiving.

Delil(arab.) - accurate, correct, truthful; guide (showing the way).
Damir- (Arab) conscience, mind; (Turkic) derivative from "timer-dimer" - iron; persistent.
Danil(Daniyal) (Hebrew - Arab.) - a gift from God, a person close to God; God is my judge.
Danis(pers.) - knowledge, science.
Danif(arab.) - the sun declining.
Daniyaz(Arabic-Pers.) - desire, need, need, necessity.
Daniyar(pers.) - smart, prudent, sensible.
Dauzhan(Turk.) - generous.
Daulat(Davlet) - wealth, country; happiness.
Dout(Dowd) (Arabic) - beloved, dismissive.
Dahi(Pers.) - the owner of great knowledge, foresight, a great writer.
Dayan(arab.) - rewarding for what he did, a great judge. One of the names of the Most High.
Dzhambulat- Bulat (Arabic) - very strong; Jan (Turkic) - soul.
Jamil(Arabic) - beautiful.
Dilyar(pers.) - sincere, heartfelt; comforter.
Dindar(Persian-Arabic) - very God-fearing.

Zhamal(Arabic) - camel (meaning endurance and diligence inherent in this animal).
Jaudat(arab.) - superior, irreproachable, spotless, without flaws; generous, generous.

Zabir(Arabic) - strong, strong, hardy.
Zayed(arab.) - growing.
Zakaria(Hebrew - Arab.) - remembering the Almighty; a real man .
Zaki(arab.) - smart, wise, capable; clean, straight.
Zakir(Arabic) - remembering, remembering; praising God.
Flood- the word "zalim" (the stress falls on the first syllable) is translated from Arabic as "unjust, cruel." But "zalim" (the stress falls on the second syllable) is like an ostrich; oppressed, offended.
Zamil(Arabic) - friend, comrade, colleague.
Zamin(Pers.) - land, founder, ancestor.
Zarif(Arabic) - affectionate, attractive, sophisticated, beautiful; beautifully speaking; resourceful, witty.
Zafar(Zufar) (Arabic) - the winner who reaches the goal.
Zahid(Arabic) - pious, humble, Sufi, ascetic.
Zinnat(Arabic) - decoration, gorgeous, smart, beautiful, good.
Zinnur(Arabic) - light, radiant, illuminating.
Zia(arab.) - light, light of knowledge.
Ziyad(Arab.) - growing, increasing, maturing.
Goit(Dobit) (Arabic) - officer; rule, system, order, control.
Zubair(Arabic) - strong, smart.
Zulfate(arab.) - curly; loving.
Zulfir(Arabic) - predominant, superior; man with curly hair.

Ibrahim(Ibrahim, Abraham) (Hebrew - Arab.) - the father of peoples. One and the same name has different sounds: Ibrahim is used in the Muslim environment, and Abraham is used in the Jewish and Christian ones.
Idris(arab.) - diligent, learner, charming. The name of one of the prophets of the Most High.
Ikram(Arabic) - respect, reverence.
Ilgiz(Turkic-Persian) - wanderer, traveler.
Ildan(Türko-Tatar-Pers.) - glorifying the homeland.
Ildar(Tatar-Pers.) - having a homeland, leader, master of the state.
Ildus(Tatar-Pers.) - loving homeland.
Ilnar(Tatar-Pers.) - the fire of the homeland, the light of the homeland.
Ilnur(Tatar-Arabic) - the light of the motherland, fatherland.
Ilsaf(Tatar-Arabic) - from a combination of "il" ("homeland") and "saf" ("pure, noble").
Ilham (Ilgam) (Arabic) - inspired, inspired.
Ilyas(Hebrew - Arab.) - Divine power, miracle.
Iman(Arabic) - faith, conviction, worship.
Inal(Old Turkic - Tatar) - prince, aristocrat; lord, ruler.
Inar(Arabic-Tatar) - make sure, trust.
Insan(arab.) - a person.
Insaf(Arab.) - educated, modest, conscientious.
Irek(Tatar) - free, independent, independent.
Irken (Irkin) (Tatar) - generous, welcoming, wealthy.
Irfan(arab.) - enlightened, educated, well-mannered.
Irshad(Arabic) - a guide, guiding, pointing.
Iskander (Alexander) (ancient Greek) - conquering the courageous.
Islam(Arab.) - obedient to the Almighty, worshiping.
Ismagil (Ismail) (Hebrew) - derived from the phrase "God hears himself."
Ismatulla(Arabic) - "under the protection of God."
Israfil(arab.) - warrior, fighter. The name of the angel announcing the coming of the Day of Judgment.
Ishaq(Hebrew - Arab.) - joyful, cheerful. The name of one of the prophets.
Ikhlas(Arab.) - sincere, sincere, devoted.
Ihsan(Arabic) - kind, good, showing mercy, helping.
Ichtiram(arab.) - honoring, respecting.

Yoldyz (Yulduz) (Tatar) - a star, radiant, light like a star.
Yosif (Yusuf) (Hebrew - Arabic) - the owner of beauty. The name of one of the prophets.

Kawi(Arabic) - strong, powerful, powerful. One of the names of the Most High.
Kavim(Arabic) - direct, honest, correct.
Kader(Arab.) - authoritative, respected, ambitious.
Kadir(arab.) - powerful. One of the names of the Most High.
Kazim(Arabic) - patient, balanced.
Kamal (Camille) (Arabic) - full, mature; brought to perfection.
Kamran(Pers.) - mighty, powerful, powerful, happy.
Kari(arab.) - a reader who knows the Koran, hafiz.
Carib (Caribulla) (Arabic) - close friend ("close" person to Allah).
Karim(Arabic) - generous, revered, sacred.
Kasym (Kasim, Kasym) (Arabic) - dividing, distributing, fair.
Kausar (Kävsar) (Arabic) - the name of the stream flowing in Paradise; living in abundance.
Kapil(arab.) - returning.
Kaharman(pers.) - hero, hero.
Kahir(arab.) - the winner.
Kahhar(arab.) - possessing power. One of the names of the Most High.
Kashshaf(Arabic) - revealing, revealing (all good).
Kayum(Arabic) - eternal, reliable, permanent. One of the names of the Most High.
Kiram(Arabic) - generous, noble, sincere, sincere.
Kudrat(arab.) - strength; a man who can handle everything.
Eid al(Arabic) - sacrificing, not sparing himself for the sake of the Almighty.
Kutdus(arab.) - respected, revered.
Kyyam(arab.) - ascended, resurrected.
Kamal(arab.) - reached, matured.

Latif (Latyf) (Arabic) - open, merciful; funny, witty.
Lockman (Luckman) (Arabic) - looking, caring.
Lutfulla(arab.) - God's mercy, His gift.
Lyabib(arab.) - smart, well-mannered.
Lyaziz(Arabic) - sweet, tasty.

Maqsud(Arabic) - sought, desired; purpose; meaning, meaning.
Malik(arab.) - master, leader, king.
Mansour(Arab) - victorious, triumphant victory.
Marat- This is a new name that appeared among the Tatars after the 30s in honor of one of the leaders of the French Revolution, Jean-Paul Marat (1747-1793).
Masgood(Arabic) - happy.
Mahdi(arab.) - going the right way.
Mahmoud(arab.) - praised, revered.
Minniyar(Arabic-Pers.) - helper, friend, comrade, doing good.
Mirza(Arabic-Pers.) - lord, nobleman.
Mikhman(pers.) - guest.
Mubin(arab.) - able to distinguish between truth and falsehood, open.
Muzaffar(arab.) - a victorious warrior.
Muqaddas(arab.) - holy, pure.
Mukim(arab.) - correcting; building; setting; performing; living, living.
Munir(Arabic) - illuminating, spreading light.
Murad(arab.) - desire, goal; something desired; intention.
Murtaza(Arabic) - chosen, outstanding, beloved.
Musa (Moses) - (ancient Egyptian) son, child; (Greek) extracted from water.
Muslim(Arab.) - Muslim; obedient to the Creator.
Mustafa(Arabic) - even, superior, best.
Muhammad(Arabic) - the name "Muhammad" is translated as "praised, praised." Comes from the verb "ha-mi-da", that is, "to praise, praise, thank."
Mukhsin(arab.) - doing good, helping.
Mukhtar(arab.) - the chosen one; having freedom of choice.

Nabis(arab.) - a prophet.
Nadir(Arabic) - rare.
Nazar(Arabic) - this name can be translated as "far-sighted", as well as - "look"; "Looking at things from the good side"; "Vow (promised)"; "Dedicated to the Lord."
Nazim(arab.) - building, putting in order, collecting.
Nazif(Arabic) - clean, straight, healthy.
Nail(arab.) - receiving; gift, gift; benefit, benefit.
Nariman(Old Persian) - strong, hardy, sturdy.
Nugman(Arabic) - merciful, beneficent, gracious.
Nur(arab.) - light, shining.
Nuriman(arab.) - the light of faith.

Ravil(Heb.) - teenager, young man; spring sun; traveler .
Radik(Greek) - sunbeam.
Rais(arab.) - leader, head.
Ryan(Arabic) - the name of the heavenly gates through which those who were observing the obligatory fasting in the secular abode will enter on the Day of Judgment.
Ramadan (Ramadan) (Arabic) - the name of the 9th month of the Muslim calendar, the month of Holy Lent. This is the name usually given to children born in that month.
Ramiz(arab.) - a sign that symbolizes the good.
Ramil- magical, enchanting.
Rasim(Arabic) - accelerated step, move, fast movement.
Rasul(arab.) - a messenger; ambassador; messenger; apostle; precursor.
Rauf(Arabic) - merciful, sympathetic, compassionate. One of the names of the Most High.
Raphael(Heb.) - healed by the Most High. In the Torah - the name of one of the angels (Raphael).
Rafik(Arab.) - friend, comrade, travel companion; kindhearted.
Raheem(Arabic) - merciful, kind-hearted. One of the names of the Most High.
Rahman(Arabic) - merciful, merciful, forgiving. One of the names of the Most High.
Rashad(Arabic) - when the first syllable is stressed, the name is translated as "conscious, prudent"; "adult"; "Walking along the right way", With the stress on the second syllable -" consciousness, consciousness "; "Soundness, prudence"; "right".
Rashid(arab.) - walking on the right path.
Reed(arab.) - contentment; agreement; benevolence, benevolence.
Rinat(lat.) - renewed, reborn.
Rifat(Arabic) - high position, nobility.
Rifkat(Arabic) - blessed.
Ruzil(pers.) - happy.
Ruslan(Old Turkic - Tatar) - derivative from Arslan.
Rustam Is a very large person with a powerful body. In ancient Iranian folklore - a hero, a man-legend.
Rushan (Raushan) (pers.) - light, emitting light.

Sabir(arab.) - patient.
Sabit(Arabic) - strong, honest, keeping a promise.
Aloes(Arabic) - very patient. One of the names of the Most High.
Sadyk(arab.) - honest, sincere; friend.
Said(arab.) - lord, nobleman.
Salavat(arab.) - praising; blessing.
Salman(Arabic) - healthy, without grief.
Salah(Arabic) - useful, necessary; pious, God-fearing.
Samat(Arabic) - eternal; supervisor. One of the names of the Most High.
Samir(arab.) - interlocutor, storyteller.
Sardar(pers.) - commander-in-chief, leader.
Sattar(arab.) - forgiving, protecting. One of the names of the Most High.
Safa(Arabic) - pure, sincere.
Suleiman (Solomon) - living in health and well-being.
The sultan(arab.) - king, head of state.
Sufyan(Arabic) - proper name.

Tabris(arab.) - heritage, wealth; pride, greatness.
Tavfik (Tawfiq, Taufiq(Arabic) - blessing; reconciliation, appeasement; success, luck, happiness.
Tair(Arabic) - flying, soaring.
Such (Tags) - initially "Tagi" sounded like "Such", which in translation from Arabic means "pious, devout".
Talgat (Talat) — appearance, face; beauty, attractiveness, grace.
Tahir(Arabic) - pure, sinless.
Timerlan (Timur) (Turkic) - iron, persistent. In ancient times, when physically weak children were born in the family, the next child was given the name Timer, investing in this a plea for his health and resistance to illnesses and hardships of life.

Umar(arab.) - life, living. This name was given in the hope that the child's life would be long; the name of the second righteous caliph.
Umit (Umid) (Arabic) - expected, desired; dream.

Fazil(Arabic) - educated, talented.
Faiz(arab.) - a winner who achieves his goal.
Faik(arab.) - superior; excellent, great, amazing; conscious.
File- giving a good sign, which is a good omen.
Farid(Arabic) - unsurpassed, unique.
Farouk(arab.) - able to distinguish good from bad.
Fattah (Fattakhetdin) (Arabic) - who opens the doors of happiness, the winner; opening the doors of faith. One of the names of the Most High.
Fatykh(arab.) - beginner; winner.
Fayaz(Arabic) - rich, generous.
Fuad(arab.) - heart; mind.
Fyanis(pers.) - a lighthouse that illuminates.

Khabib(arab.) - beloved; favorite; friend; dear, beloved.
Haydar- a lion.
Hayretdin(Arabic) - the best in worshiping the Almighty.
Hakim(Arab.) - wise, educated, scientist.
Khalik(Arabic) - animating, illuminating. One of the names of the Most High.
Khalil(arab.) - a close friend; righteous.
Halim(Arabic) - soft, patient. One of the names of the Most High.
Khamzat (Hamza) (Arabic) - agile, scorching.
Hamid(Arabic) - commendable, worthy of praise.
Hammath(Arabic) - praising.
Hanif(Arabic) - truthful, honest, lover of truth.
Haris(arab.) - guard, defender.
Harun(Arabic) - stubborn, restive, headstrong.
Hasan(Arabic) - good, beautiful.
Hafiz(Arabic-Tatar) - who knows the Koran by heart; retentive. One of the names of the Most High.
Hezir (Khizir, Khidr) - the Holy Quran describes in detail several historical episodes, where the main persons are the prophet Moses and his teacher Khizir

Tatars are a large people who have played a significant role in history. Together with the warlike Mongols, they conquered half of the world and kept the other in fear. Today their descendants have settled all over the globe keeping their customs. One of the oldest traditions of the people is to give newborn babies beautiful Tatar names. Boys are named, as a rule, so that the name reflects the person, his character, inclinations. Sometimes these are wishes for good luck, firmness, well-being, and in another case, the names are protection from evil forces.

According to their names, modern boys are divided into the following types:

Often the Tatar names of boys come from Arabic words, since they were borrowed along with Islam. Today, the modern is often combined with a traditional surname of Turkic-Persian-Arab origin. This is due to the fact that Western culture penetrates further and further to the East, making its own adjustments to the local mentality. Previously, the traditional names of this people were created from the words of the Turkic, Persian and Arabic languages. Usually the stress is on the last syllable.

The Tatar names of boys, like the personal names of other peoples, have been transformed over time, borrowed from neighbors, composed by adding a few words with different origins... An example would be the names Gainutdin, Abdeljabar, Mintimer, Saidjafar.

In the twentieth century, a new trend has emerged in the world - to baptize children with old names or those that were derived from the ancients. Letters were added for better sound. This is how the names Raf, Ravil, Ram, Ramil, Rome and the complex ones, created by merging the familiar name and the ending "ullah", "Allah", appeared. After the revolution of the seventeenth year, the names Karl, Marseille appeared in the everyday life of the Tatars, but they cannot be considered national. Often parents choose Tatar boy names because of their good sound and beautiful meaning... But one should take into account the fact that the meaning of not every name can be reliably recognized. Sometimes creative personalities name the baby with a unique word, invented on their own.

Since ancient times, people have believed that a name is not just a word that identifies a person among others. It transferred to its owner some properties that were necessary for a full-fledged member of society. Therefore, the guys were called "courageous", "strong", "protector", "brave" and "firm", and the girls were given tender names flowers and plants, stars, wished them beauty and many children.

Tatar boy names are more popular today than ever. After all, every nation strives to restore its roots, its originality, to restore the lost connection with previous generations. And the name is just the first step towards the restoration of patriotic consciousness.

Our ancestors also knew that the name is of great importance in a person's life. After all, this combination of letters accompanies us from the moment of birth and leaves with the soul at the moment of death. Modern science has proven that the sound of your name is the sweetest for a person. In addition, it activates the activity of certain parts of the brain that are responsible for certain emotions. Therefore, it is so important to choose a beautiful name with a good meaning for the child, which will help the child find happiness throughout his life. Today we decided to tell you about the Crimean Tatar names, they have a very interesting history and no less unusual meaning. Perhaps this is the name you choose for your newborn baby.

A little about Tatar names

Modern Crimean Tatar names have a certain scheme, expressed in first name, patronymic and surname. This makes them essentially related to modern Russian traditions. After all, children always receive a patronymic and a surname from their father, but the first name is chosen by the parents based on various preferences and desires.

It is interesting that among the large number of different names, only the Crimean Tatar ones are so unique. What is their feature? The thing is that most of them are borrowed from other languages. The influence of the following language groups is especially noticeable:

  • Arabic;
  • Iranian;
  • Persian;
  • Turkic.

The most common names are of Arabic and Turkic origin, which in general had a great role in the development of the Tatar language.

The second feature that distinguishes Crimean Tatar names is the tradition of collecting them from various words. For example, the male name Timerkotlyk consists of the following individual words - "timer" and "cauldron". The first means "iron" and the second means "happiness". There are a lot of such names in the Tatar language.

Over the past hundred years, many have become more Europeanized and acquired a different sound. Also, names taken from various TV series and films have become firmly established. Thus, the Tatar language was significantly enriched. However, it should be noted that this people has very strong ancient traditions, therefore, along with modern ones, ancient Crimean Tatar names are also actively used.

Originality and diversity of names: details about the main

To understand how diverse the names of the Tatar people are, it is enough to find out their number - more than twenty-five thousand. They firmly hold the palm in the world, so they definitely deserve a detailed description in our article.

Naturally, they are primarily divided into two categories:

  • for boys.

But this is the case with all peoples and in all languages. Of particular interest among scientists are groups of names by type of education. There are four main categories:

  1. Turkic roots. Most of these names were formed in the ninth to tenth centuries, they have a deep connection with paganism. They, in turn, can be divided into two more groups:
    • Symbolizing the connection of the clan with the totem. This category includes, for example, the name Arslan, meaning "lion", or Ilbuga, which can be translated as "homeland of the bull."
    • Characterizing social status... Sometimes this group also includes names formed from certain character traits. One of the favorite female names of this category among the Tatars is Altynbeke, meaning the phrase "golden princess".
  2. Arab and Persian. They arose during the period of the adoption of Islam by the Tatars and closely echoed with Muslim sounds. Until now, they are extremely popular, but in a slightly modified form - Fatyma, Shamil and the like.
  3. Turkic-Bulgarian. Scientists believe that this group of names belongs to one of the most ancient among Crimean Tatars... At the beginning of the twentieth century, they again became very popular and in demand. The boys were called Bulat, Almaz, Aydar. The name for the girl was also chosen from this category - Azat, Leysan or Alsou.
  4. Merge words from different languages. We have already mentioned that it was natural for the Crimean Tatars to form names by merging different words. They were often borrowed from other peoples. For example, Galimbek is a combination of elements from Turkic, Arabic and Tatar languages.

It is worth adding the Slavic names that became widespread among the Crimean Tatars in the middle of the twentieth century. Especially often girls in this period were called Svetlana. The Tatars saw a certain melody in this sound.

Interestingly, the great variety of names makes it impossible for scientists to determine the meaning of many of them. More than thirty percent of the meanings have not yet been disclosed.

Crimean Tatar traditions of naming children

Nowhere is the tradition of naming more sacred than among the Tatar people. Indeed, in many cases, it is possible to determine the character of the child, his social status, religion and origin.

Interestingly, Crimean Tatar boy names carry a combination of the following characteristics:

  • courage;
  • power;
  • power.

Girls, on the other hand, were supposed to carry the semantic load of tenderness, chastity and beauty. This manifests itself in almost all names, without exception.

According to the customs, which are strictly observed, the name of the first child in the family is determined by the mother-in-law. But the rest of the children are called the closest relatives. In this process, they are guided by several rules:

  • the name is given in honor of relatives, mainly grandparents;
  • often children are named after the heroes of the Tatar epic or prominent statesmen(for example, Alzy is a character of ancient legends);
  • all children in the family must be named with one letter (this is one of the most ancient Turkic customs, adopted by the Tatars);
  • consonance of names - brothers and sisters should be named consonant with each other, this determines a certain family affiliation.

Despite the fact that for a long time the Crimean names have three components - first name, patronymic and surname (we have already written about this), ancient traditions prescribe a completely different scheme. It is in the Crimean Tatar customs to give a child a personal name and a nickname (or surname) of the father. In some cases, the characteristics of the grandfather or the city of birth were added to them.

Unusually, Tatars often add a common name to their personal name. Initially this ancient tradition existed everywhere, but then was not used for many years. V Lately there is a revival of the customs of ancestors, which is very noticeable if you get into an environment where at least a few Tatar families live. So, common nouns are different:

  • aha - a respectful appeal to an adult man;
  • bey is a respectful prefix to the name of a man of any age;
  • kartbaba - this is how old people are addressed;
  • khanum - a word meaning a married woman;
  • apte - an appeal to an elderly woman.

In some cases, the common noun is closely related to the occupation and characterizes it.

The modern names of the Crimean Tatars are becoming a reading of the old ones. For example, once borrowed from the Arabic language, Ahmed, who was reborn in Amet, again returns to its original form. This trend is observed everywhere.

Ancient names for boys

Our article would be incomplete if we did not include several names with their descriptions here. We have chosen the following among the ancient names of the Crimean Tatars: Aydar, the name Basyr, Kamil.

We will tell you about each one now.

Aydar: an old name with several meanings

Now no one can reliably say when the boy was first named Aydaromo. Since the name was formed from Turkic language, then in translation it means "moon" or "lunar".

Although other peoples give him other meanings: "worthy", "lion", "authoritative" and the like. It is believed that Aydar grows up as a strong and confident boy who can lead a crowd. But at the same time he is romantic and amorous, it will not be so easy for him to bring him to marriage. Aydar will agree to marry only when he meets a strong woman who makes him a worthy couple.

In adulthood, the young man manifests himself as a practical and forward-looking person. He thinks about everything well and therefore rarely makes mistakes. He is often considered arrogant, but this is just an outer mask. In fact, the young man is very kind and always helps everyone in need.

Name Basir: one of the names of Allah

This name came to the Crimean Tatars from the Arabic language, it means "vigilant". From early childhood, boys named in this way are distinguished by courage and willfulness. They differ significantly from their peers and are always very independent.

Many believe that the name Basyr gives a person leadership qualities. He grows up confident and rather tough - he does not ask for support and rarely provides it himself. The boy is always in search of everything new, which brings him incredible pleasure. He is very demanding, in childhood this is expressed by whims, and in an older age in excessive isolation and selectivity.

In friends and partners, Basyr values ​​responsibility and hard work. The young man is always partial to female sex, but for life he chooses a strong, intelligent and beautiful companion. The girl's excessive whims and stupidity can scare him away.

Perfect Camille

The name Camille is absolutely special, it has two different and independent ways of education. The first has Roman roots and belongs to the clan, but the second is a direct road from Islam.

The name Camille got exactly in connection with Islamization and it means "perfect". However, in childhood, parents simply have no peace from this tomboy, he always acts in his own way, does not obey anyone and fights with his peers. But over time, this passes and the matured Kamil is already quite possible to calm down.

The same thing happens with teaching. In primary school, the boy is restless and inattentive, but a little later he becomes practically an exemplary student and even outstrips many of their peers in academic performance.

In adulthood, a young person becomes serious, responsible, principled and calm. He is intellectually developed and tries to select comrades equal in mind. Camille can be successful in business, but she starts a family late. He is looking for a wife for a long time, but then he does everything so that she and the children do not need anything.

Modern Tatar names for boys

The Crimean Tatars also have a lot of modern names, although their modernity is a rather relative concept. After all, many are already at least a couple of hundred years old, but still cannot be classified as old. The most common are:

  • name Bulat;
  • Dzhigan;
  • Hafiz.

The characteristics of each will be discussed below.

Invincible Bulat

The name Bulat came to the Tatars from the Persians, he is also referred to as Muslim. Translated, it means "steel", which perfectly characterizes the character of the boy.

From an early age, Bulat is cheerful and active, his parents and peers love him. In the company, he is a ringleader, always stands up for friends and comes up with. In adulthood, Bulat becomes quite talented, in his hands many matters argue. But they are not always interesting to him, and since the young man lacks responsibility, he is often lazy to carry out his duties.

Bulat is independent, amorous and loves to be in the spotlight. He attracts with talkativeness and insight, for the sake of his beloved he can move mountains. However, he quickly finds himself a new affection and switches to it. If you want to conquer Bulat, then never give him advice - he will still do the opposite.

Incomprehensible Djigan

The name Djigan originated in the Persian language and has a very sonorous meaning - "Universe". This child is not simple, he is focused on himself and often becomes a highly qualified specialist at an early age in what interests him.

Despite his great energy, Djigan knows how to carefully hide his emotions and look slightly detached. He clearly fulfills his duties at home and is in many ways impeccable. But in response, he demands a certain freedom, because Djigan needs time spent only on communication with himself.

If the wife of Dzhigan understands this, then they will have a very strong affection for a lifetime. Most of all, a person with such a name is attracted to women by understanding and intelligence, he believes that these are the most important components of marriage.

The name Djigan endows its owner with the desire for knowledge and self-development.

Ambiguous Hafiz

This name comes from the Arabic language. It means "protector", but its characterization is far from meaningful. Hafiz is a weak, sickly and in many cases weak-willed young man. He cannot realize himself in life and shifts all responsibility for failures onto other people. The biggest love in his life is himself, which is why Hafiz rarely creates a family.

Ancient and modern names for girls

The names of girls are quite diverse, it is interesting that many of them were formed from male forms and only over time became familiar. Of course, we cannot give them all, but we will tell about two - the name Gul and Latifa. They seemed to us the most interesting and sonorous.

Ghoul - it has a wonderful meaning - "flower" or "blooming". In the Tatar language, it changed its form at different times, but still remained in its original sound. Scientists attribute the name Gul to modern, although it has long been one of the most beloved in families. Girls named in this way are quite difficult, they differ in feeling dignity and a heightened sense of justice. Sometimes it plays a cruel joke with them, because they rush to help people who do not deserve it. Gul has excessive generosity towards those close to her, which is not very good for her, since they begin to use it.

Name with Arabic roots

In the families of the Crimean Tatars, daughters are often called Latifs. This name is taken from the Arabic language and translates as "kind". Fate is very favorable to the Latifs, they give a lot to others, but they also receive no less.

The purpose of the life of a girl with such a name is to take care of loved ones and help those in need. Such women make excellent wives who enjoy coziness and communication with husband and children. Latifa is able to resolve any sensitive issue in a split second, and she does it very delicately. Usually women with this name have many children and a strong marriage.