Leontiev, the host of the program, however, is sick. Mikhail Vladimirovich Leontiev: biography

Mikhail Leontiev is a Russian journalist and publicist, the permanent host of the Odnako television program. Today he hosts the author's program "The Main Theme" on the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda", holds the position of press secretary and vice president of the Rosneft corporation. Known for his harsh remarks towards colleagues, as well as politicians, including other states.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Vladimirovich Leontiev was born into an intelligent family on October 12, 1958. Mira Moiseevna, the mother of the future journalist, worked as a teacher at the Moscow Institute. Plekhanov, father Vladimir Yakovlevich was an aircraft designer. By nationality, the newborn turned out to be half Jewish, half Russian.

Since childhood, Mikhail Leontiev had a passion for literature - the boy read "drunkenly", he especially liked historical stories and novels. At the age of 5, the parents wanted to enroll the child in figure skating, but he refused. As a teenager, the boy passionately argued with his grandmother, proving to her, an inveterate communist, the shortcomings of the USSR's policy. In high school, Mikhail secretly read magazines banned in those years from his parents.

Journalist Mikhail Leontiev at the presentation of the book "Time to betray" / Dmitry Rozhkov, Wikipedia

After school, the guy entered the economics department of the Plekhanov Institute and successfully defended his diploma in 1979. In his youth, the future journalist had to earn extra money as a loader.

After high school, Mikhail Leontiev got a job at a research institute, tried to realize himself in the economy. Patience lasted for several years. In 1985, Mikhail retired from the research institute, from that moment life became brighter. The young scientist mastered carpentry, was an ordinary worker at the Literary Institute and a watchman at the dacha. Leontiev also earned a living by tutoring.


The biography of Mikhail Vladimirovich is closely connected with journalism. In 1987, Leontiev became seriously interested in sociology - Mikhail's first analytical articles were devoted to this topic. After another 2 years, the man devoted himself entirely to journalism. At first he worked as a political correspondent in the Kommersant publication, then he headed the department in Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

The original of this material
© Kommersant.Ru, 01/08/2014, Photo: via @egor_mq

However, Rosneft

Kirill Melnikov, Ivan Safronov, Natalya Korchenkova

Rosneft will have a new vice president for PR. A well-known journalist will supervise the external relations of the company Mikhail Leontiev. At the same time, Mr. Leontiev will retain his own projects: he will continue to host the Odnako program on Channel One, as well as publish a magazine of the same name.

From January 13, journalist Mikhail Leontiev will become an adviser to the president of Rosneft in the rank of vice president for PR, sources close to the company, the government and the presidential administration told Kommersant. Rosneft itself declined to comment. Mr. Leontiev told Kommersant that "while there is no official information, there is no point in commenting on anything."

The post of adviser and vice president for PR at Rosneft is being created under Mr. Leontiev. He will oversee the activities of the Department of Information and Advertising. At the moment, it is headed by the former editor-in-chief of the REN TV channel Vladimir Tyulin, he is also the press secretary of Rosneft. Kommersant's interlocutors do not know how their powers will be redistributed. Kommersant's sources say that between the president of the state company Igor Sechin and Mikhail Leontiev have a long-standing "friendly relationship". “Leontiev is a well-known person, Igor Ivanovich likes to invite such people to work,” one of Kommersant’s interlocutors said. In particular, for example, the integration committee of Rosneft, which was involved in the takeover of TNK-BP, included the author of the cult book Production, Daniel Yergin. “Leontiev is known as a journalist, now Igor Ivanovich was choosing PR people with a big name for himself, there were other candidates. But what kind of PR manager Mr. Leontiev will be is not at all clear, ”said one of the interlocutors of Kommersant.

Last year, one of the main targets for criticism in Mikhail Leontiev's programs was Gazprom and the chairman of the company's board Alexey Miller. In his question during Vladimir Putin's "straight line" in April, Mr. Leontiev accused Mr. Miller that the gas company is ignoring the "shale revolution", while "losing markets and capitalization".

Formally, the appointment to the positions of top managers of the largest company in the country does not require coordination with the presidential administration, but they are aware of the arrival of Mikhail Leontiev in Rosneft. A Kommersant source close to the company said that "PR specialists of this level are always coordinated, this is standard practice." “If Igor Ivanovich is confident that Mikhail Leontiev will be able to benefit the company, then he, as the president of Rosneft, vouches for this decision,” said a senior official in the presidential administration.

At the same time, Mikhail Leontiev will continue to engage in journalism, Kommersant sources say: he will remain the host of the Odnako program on Channel One, which comes out twice a week. The press service of the channel officially confirmed this information to Kommersant. “There is nothing unusual in such a combination, it happens so often. It is difficult to combine, taking into account the total style of work of Rosneft, but it is quite possible, ”one of the interlocutors of Kommersant said. According to Kommersant's information, the issue of continuing Mr. Leontiev's career on television was a matter of principle. “This was also discussed at a separate meeting between Igor Sechin and the CEO of Channel One. Konstantin Ernst, which took place before the New Year, ”said one of the interlocutors of Kommersant. In addition, Mikhail Leontiev will continue to publish his own magazine, Odnako. He is also the author of the program on Mayak radio, nothing is known about her future yet.

Some of Kommersant's interlocutors believe that the arrival of Mr. Leontiev at Rosneft may indicate the plans of the state-owned company to create its own media holding. However, Kommersant sources close to her refute this. “The company does not need this, it is engaged in oil and gas production,” one of Kommersant's interlocutors said.

[AAV Sr., 01/08/2014, "Back in 2007..." : Back in 2007, Mikhail Leontiev, in a conversation with me, complained that Putin had chosen Medvedev, not Sechin, as his successor.
“That would be a president!” he exclaimed.
Now he himself is Igor Ivanovich's vice-president.
Sechin does not forget neither good nor bad. - Inset K.ru]

[Kirill Shulika, 01/08/2014: Misha can only be hired for one job - as a drinking buddy. Just if an adviser, then it is logical to call and pass a glass in the boss's office. If the vice-president for PR, then this is completely fucked up, moreover, fucked up. But no less f*ck is Tyulin in PR. Who has forgotten, he headed the criminal editorial office of NTV. On the other hand, Sechin does not need PR, he has slightly different functions and positions. Accordingly, you can just put good people on the budget. True, judging by the names of the vice-presidents, he does not need personnel in the company, because the person responsible for them in the position of Sechin's deputy is the former head of the Federal Penitentiary Service Kalinin. - Inset K.ru]

What is Mikhail Leontiev famous for?

Private bussiness

Mikhail Vladimirovich Leontiev was born on October 12, 1958 in Moscow. In 1979 he graduated from the Plekhanov Moscow Institute of National Economy with a degree in labor economics.

He worked at the Moscow Institute of Economic Problems, where, in his own words, he tried to "deal with the real Soviet economy." In 1985 he graduated from vocational school with a degree in cabinet-making. He worked as a laborer at the Literary Museum, guarded Boris Pasternak's dacha in Peredelkino, was a history tutor, and wrote analytical articles on sociology.

Since the end of 1989, he worked in the politics department of the Kommersant newspaper, at the same time he collaborated with Sergey Kurginyan's Experimental Creative Center and the Riga newspaper Atmoda. In 1990, he became a section editor at Nezavisimaya Gazeta, then was the first deputy editor-in-chief of the Business MN weekly. In 1993, he took part in the creation of the Segodnya newspaper, where he later worked as first deputy editor-in-chief. In December 1995, as an independent candidate, he unsuccessfully ran for the State Duma of the second convocation. Since April 1997 - the head and presenter of the program "Actually" on the channel "TV Center". At the same time, he hosted the Seventh Day program and was the head of the TV channel's socio-political programs service. Since the beginning of 1999, he has been the author and host of the Odnako program on Channel One (formerly ORT), in 2009 he became the founder of the magazine of the same name. From 2007 to 2009 he was the editor-in-chief of the Profile magazine.

Member of the United Russia party. Laureate of the Golden Pen of Russia award.

In terms of loaf [Leontiev] was a real legend of the 1990s

The original of this material
© 09.06.2010

Orgy of patriotism


Sokolova At this point, I would like to change the subject a little and talk, so to speak, about the genesis, the formation of your so amazing for us, glamorous girls, but coinciding with the folk system of values. After all, Mikhail, you were by no means always a pillar of the ideas of statehood. Quite the opposite! You started with extremely liberal views. At the end of the scoop, they guarded Pasternak's dacha in the company of practically dissidents ...

Leontiev The Pasternak Museum does not commit to anything ideological.

Sokolova It's true! But then you were friends with the main liberals of the 90s - Aven, Glazyev, Kagalovsky. You worked for Gusinsky in the Segodnya newspaper, negotiated with Khodorkovsky on the creation of the Delo newspaper.

Leontiev I was an economic liberal, because who else could be a person who was undereducated by the Soviet economic school? I always felt like a political conservative, but I was a radical economic liberal. I now believe that Samuelson's tutorial works!

Sokolova Or maybe it's not just the venerable Samuelson? Legends were told about your income from Mr. Gusinsky in the Segodnya newspaper. According to your colleagues, you were entitled to $50,000 a month just for entertainment expenses - and this, mind you, was almost 20 years ago, at a time far from oil stability. While statesmen in the 90s were by no means popular. The ideology of "protection" was not capitalized.

Leontiev All this is nonsense. I told you that my views have changed. Being an economic liberal, I saw, figuratively speaking, only this napkin, but then I saw, as it were, the whole table.

Sobchak But still it's somehow... suspicious. I personally don't trust communists who suddenly start going to church, or Marxists who suddenly become liberals.

Sokolova And I personally believe in Michael! Everything shows that he is an ideological person and money is not the main thing for him. In the magical world of real statesmen, there are things more important than money. Tell me, Mikhail, is it true that you have been drinking vodka every day for the last 30 years?

Leontiev No. Not every.

Sokolova I think you are being modest. I was told that you were a real legend of the 90s in terms of busha! American correspondent Cary Goldberg still cannot forget how in 1992, it seems, you fell to the floor and fell asleep drunk in her room. And what about the apartment on Vernadsky Avenue, which you shared with Andrei Babitsky, the star of Radio Liberty, who took a scandalous interview with Basayev and is now an enemy of Russia?! According to your friends, it was a desperate, months-long alcohol trip. They say that at some of your booze, Babitsky got drunk to the point that he uprooted the toilet bowl in the toilet and then for a long time you relieved yourself in the yard.

Leontiev I don't remember the toilet. I was drunk - I forgot.

Sokolova They also say you didn't miss a single skirt. And the girls willingly gave you, because in the early 90s you were a fashionable guy, you were shown on TV and there was a credit card in your pocket with a monthly half a dollar for representative. They say that one girl even jumped out of the window because of you...

Leontiev Not a single girl threw herself out the window because of me - I officially declare. Although I do prefer drinking girls.

Sobchak Why?

Leontiev They don't remember bad things.

Sokolova And if they accidentally remember, they are thrown out of the windows. But, fortunately, alcoholic amnesia is a disease that often affects representatives of the imperial nation of both sexes.

Leontiev The Lord or nature has awarded me with a unique organism. In general, the relationship with alcohol is an individual thing. There are a lot of decent people, more moral and worthy than me, who have a difficult relationship with alcohol. What is a binge? This is pure biochemistry. The person is not to blame.

Sokolova That is, according to Dovlatov: "I drink every day, and I also have binges."

Leontiev I don't get drunk! As I said, I have a unique organism. I have never in my life been late for an important meeting, I have not ripped off a single broadcast. I worked on the daily air for a very serious time and worked in a daily newspaper, where I wrote two or three texts per issue. Never missed a deadline in my life.

Sokolova Bravo! Not many manage to match. Alcoholism is a full time job.

Leontiev Since I work at a frantic pace, my brain is constantly occupied with what I am working on. In order to rest, you need to somehow unload your brains, you need to turn them off in order to sleep and not come up with texts in your sleep. I found a way, nature allows me to relax in this way.

Sokolova But for a public person, drinking almost every day is simply dangerous. Serious reputational losses are possible.

Leontiev I agree. I remember one day I came to Transnistria to see General Lebed. Well, in the evening I went to a tavern there, met a man, drank. In the morning he came to the general not quite fresh. And he kicked me out. I had to go back in the evening.

Sokolova This is when you went to persuade Lebed to become a Russian Pinochet?

Leontiev Nothing like this! About Pinochet - it's different. I made a film about the general.

Sokolova They say you told Putin the same story. That, they say, V.V. is the Russian Pinochet, the savior of the Fatherland. They told.

Leontiev I do not know anything.

Sokolova And I also heard that the Chechens sentenced you to death because you snatched a machine gun from a soldier somewhere from a butt and fired a burst in the room.

Leontiev This nonsense was written by yellow newspapers.

Sokolova Come on, be modest! For example, it is now clear to me why all the girls gave you in the 90s! After meeting you, the image of a statesman literally shone with new unknown facets. But you probably have a hard time with such views in the 2000s.

Leontiev Why?

Sokolova The trend has changed. You know, the cult of health, muscles, beauty fascism, fitness clubs. But most importantly, the image of a pretty drunk has lost its relevance. I'm afraid that being an alcoholic statesman is now even less prestigious than belonging to the Kasparov-Kasyanov camarilla. Moreover, according to rumors, the love of a glass cost you a personal friendship with Putin. Vladimir Vladimirovich, as you know, cannot stand drunkards.

Leontiev Vladimir Vladimirovich controls himself very well, therefore he appears before those around him exactly in the form in which he wants to appear.

Sokolova That is, you want to say that the prime minister is secretly applied?

Sobchak Here I can say as an eyewitness! The great advantage of the St. Petersburg team is a negative attitude towards alcohol. In this, the "Petersburgers" are the absolute opposite of the crazy Yeltsin times.

Leontiev And I think that drinking is not shameful. Now, if Lesha Kudrin drank, he would be more useful!

Sobchak After talking with you, I became convinced that there is a direct relationship between the position of a statesman and vodka. People who theorize a lot and strongly on the topic of the state, as a rule, drink bitter.

Leontiev I am the flesh of the flesh of my people - my people drink, and therefore, like that drinking girl, they do not remember the bad, but remember that the state is good.

Sokolova Michael, you are a great theorist! And most importantly, a godsend for the interviewer. You do not have to pull anything out of you with tongs, you have brilliantly formulated everything yourself! Probably the glass we caught you drinking helped you...

Leontiev A year ago, I put forward the concept of an anti-crisis policy, which our government is implementing in practice, although it is not actually recognized as such.

Sokolova Should everyone drink "liquid from corns"?

Leontiev Not so radical. Let the people go on a drinking binge during the crisis. It also provides a solution to the main problems! First, social tension is completely destroyed. Secondly, there is a complete import substitution, because an elementary snack is the only thing that our national economy is able to produce.

Sokolova Great plan! I have only one remark. Don't you think that you are acting in the spirit of the "theoreticians of fascism"? Are you sending people on a binge, although you yourself have never been in it?

Leontiev Such is my body!

Sokolova And to suffer for the sake of the Fatherland?

Leontiev Why not? I think I deserve a drink.

However, hello!

We have said many times that the anti-Russian hysteria in America, in the language of the special services, is "switching attention to an unusable object." And then the Americans discovered the real enemy. And this discovery just blew their minds.

Michael Pence:“What the Russians are doing pales in comparison to what China is doing all over this country.”

Before Trump had time to bury world globalism with his speech at the UN, his vice president carried China through literally all the bumps. What is the trade war? It's not far from the real thing.

Michael Pence:"The Chinese Communist Party is reforging plowshares into swords on a massive scale." “China has mobilized its covert agents. Uses propaganda to win over ordinary Americans. Presses on American corporations. Censors Hollywood movies. Wants nothing less than to push the United States out of the Western Hemisphere. Appropriates American intellectual property by any means available." And finally: “The American people deserve to know that in response to President Trump’s determined stance, Beijing is waging a massive and coordinated campaign to undermine support for the President, our agenda, and the ideals most valued by our nation. China wants another American president."

Well, where are the unfortunate Russians?! We sort of wanted it. And the Chinese, you see, something else?!.. Seriously, as soon as we were about to expose: that the problem of the trade deficit is such a fig leaf covering up the American strategy to combat the “Chinese threat”. Here Pence was so self-exposed that even our jaws dropped. Pence's anti-China demarche immediately after Trump's anti-globalization speech is actually the second - control - headshot to the US dollar.

Vladimir Putin:“It seems to me that our American partners are making a colossal strategic mistake, undermining confidence in the dollar as a universal, in fact, the only reserve currency today. They undermine faith in it, as in this universal tool, they really saw the branch on which they sit.

I think our president had in mind, after all, a certain perspective, and not literally like that - the screech of saws and balls on the ground! Reality seems to be ahead of cautious forecasts, given the extraordinary agility with which our pale-faced brothers are trying to solve essentially insoluble problems.

The Triffin Dilemma, formulated back in 1959 by economist Robert Triffin: for the dollar to be the world's reserve currency, the United States must have a trade deficit, and its trading partners must accumulate dollars rather than spend them on American goods. With a chronic US trade deficit undermining confidence in the dollar.

What are the dilemmas here? It's like a monkey under a palm tree - don't fucking think, you need to shake! Recall that a systemic crisis is not when the problems are very big, but when the system reacts to problems in such a way that it finishes itself off.

Michael Pence:“Our message to the rulers of China is: this president will not back down! (Applause). The American people are unshakable!”

Unshakable... You can end there. In any case, the CPSU ended approximately on this.

However, goodbye!

Mikhail Leontiev
Occupation: journalist, publicist, TV presenter
Date of birth: October 12, 1958
Place of birth: Moscow, USSR
Citizenship: USSR → Flag of Russia.svg Russia
Awards and prizes: Order of Friendship - 2006

(October 12, 1958, Moscow) - Russian TV journalist, publicist, host of the TV show "However" and editor-in-chief of the weekly of the same name, and since October 2007 also the host of the geopolitical analytical program "Big Game". Mikhail Leontiev - winner of the Golden Pen of Russia award, nominee for the TEFI-1997 award.

was born on October 12, 1958 in Moscow. Father - aircraft designer Vladimir Yakovlevich Leontiev, mother - teacher of statistics at the Moscow Institute of National Economy. Plekhanova, co-author of the textbook "Trade Statistics" Mira Moiseevna Leontieva.

Married (wife Maria). From the first marriage (with poetess and philologist Natalia Azarova) - son Dmitry, daughter Elena and two grandchildren. From the second marriage - a daughter.

In the preface to the book The Beatles of Perestroika, he defined his attitude to the profession:
“I consider journalism a vile profession chosen by flawed people. Journalists are professional amateurs. This is not literature, not art, not science, but a little bit of everything "

Education Mikhail Leontiev
In 1979 Mikhail Leontiev Graduated from the general economic faculty of the Moscow Institute of National Economy. Plekhanov.
After graduation from the institute Leontiev worked at a research institute, where he tried, in his own words, "to deal with the real Soviet economy."

Work Mikhail Leontiev
After leaving the research institute in 1985, the most colorful period of his biography began. Mikhail Leontiev graduated from vocational school with a degree in cabinet-making, worked as a laborer at the Literary Museum, guarded Boris Pasternak's dacha in Peredelkino, and gave paid history lessons.
In 1987 Mikhail Leontiev started studying sociology. He began to write analytical articles, and after a while he devoted himself to this completely.

Mikhail Leontiev and Press
At the end of 1989 Mikhail Leontiev became a correspondent for the politics department of the Kommersant newspaper, where he went through, by his own admission, "a very useful school."

In 1990, Mikhail Leontiev headed the economics department of Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

In 1993, when the history of the newspaper "Segodnya" began, Mikhail Leontiev took an active part in its organization. Subsequently, Mikhail Leontiev served as the first deputy editor-in-chief of this publication.

During the period 1999-2000 Mikhail Leontiev- editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine "FAS".
May 22, 2007 to March 2, 2009 Mikhail Leontiev- Editor-in-Chief of the business analytical magazine "Profile". The publisher claims that Leontiev's departure led to an increase in circulation.

During the same period, he collaborated with Moulin Rouge magazine. Later, answering a question from Ksenia Sobchak regarding the presentation of his credo in this experimental publication, the TV presenter explained:
“I worked at the Rodionov Publishing House, so I had no right to refuse to write for the magazine. »

Since June 10, 2009 Mikhail Leontiev publishes the analytical magazine “Odnako” with ex-journalists of “Profile” and “profile” columnists Yevgeny Dodolev and Alexander Nevzorov.

A television
In April 1997, he came to television - he was the head and host of the program "Actually" ("TV Center").
November 1997 to 1998 Mikhail Leontiev- the author of the information and analytical program "Seventh Day" ("TV Center").

Since February 1999 Mikhail Leontiev works on the ORT channel.
March 1999 Mikhail Leontiev became the host of the program "However".
November 2001 to December 2002 Mikhail Leontiev worked on the analytical program "Another Time".
May 2003 to January 2004 Mikhail Leontiev worked on the author's program "Puppet Theater with Mikhail Leontiev".

From January 2006 to November 2007 he led the program "Master class with Mikhail Leontiev" on the O2TV channel. An interesting fact. In 2009, he starred in a small role in Stas Mareev's film "True Love".

The relationship of Mikhail Leontiev with the Ukrainian authorities
In 2002, for statements against Ekaterina Yushchenko (she previously had the surname Chumachenko, changing it to Yushchenko only in 2005), the Shevchenkovsky District Court of Kyiv ordered Leontyev to reimburse 2,500 hryvnias in favor of Ekaterina Yushchenko and within 30 days to refute the false information that he voiced in his program "However" on April 10, 2001. Leontiev refused to comply with the court decision. ORT host M. Leontiev lost the court case to Viktor Yushchenko's wife, Ekaterina Chumachenko.] 2002.01.30 After the journalist became "persona non grata" in Latvia, he was banned from entering (July 14, 2006) Ukraine as well. Later, the taboo was lifted, and in September 2007, Mikhail, together with his colleague Yevgeny Dodolev (acting as publisher), launched the Russian-language version of the German weekly Der Spiegel (“Der Spiegel-Profile”) in Ukraine, which became a notable event in the media market of this country .

The magazine was launched under the presumption that "the quality of content in Ukraine lags far behind Russian requirements," and it was stated that the concept was more of a political weekly, closer to Newsweek than to the "Profile" to which the Russian reader is accustomed.
The magazine in Russian was published weekly with a circulation of 30,000 copies in Kyiv, the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, while the editorial office was based in Moscow, and a correspondent network was formed in Ukraine. The project was mothballed in May 2008[, there is an online version of the publication.

Mikhail Leontiev and "Great Game"
In October 2007, his project "The Great Game" was released on Channel One - a series of programs dedicated to the history of the confrontation between Russia and Great Britain for dominance in Central Asia in the 19th-20th centuries.

In November 2008, the Astrel-SPb publishing house published a book by Mikhail Leontiev with the same title under the project.

Political leanings
In his own words, he was a "dissident". Mikhail Leontiev calls himself a right-wing conservative.

Mikhail Vladimirovich considers work on television to be harmful "for physical and mental health." In connection with the global economic crisis, he said that “the only way out of the current crisis is a global war. Who will untie it and how is a purely technical question. I'm not going to guess what the reason for this war will be - the aggravation of relations between Russia and Ukraine/Georgia, the Iranian issue or Pakistan.

In 2006, presenting Stanislav Zhiznin's book "Russian Energy Diplomacy: Economics, Politics, Practice", Mikhail Leontiev remarked:
“Russia is trying to enter the global world, using energy as the main argument for us. That is, to use it both in the global economy and in global politics. »

He does not hide his political creed, he defends it on the air and in publications. He openly stated it in 2007 in his article for the almanac "Moulin Rouge":

Politics is inseparable from cultural roots. Our culture is based on Christianity with its basic idea of ​​compassion. There is no other world religion where the only almighty God would give himself to torment for the sake of people. In its ideal form, Christianity is embodied precisely in Christian culture. It would have to be embodied in Christian politics. But it is embodied in culture. Politics is pragmatic. But culture is not. In this sense, the highest form of Christian spiritual culture is the Middle Ages.

What does the modern postmodern, the so-called avant-garde, do? Destruction of the idea of ​​compassion. It's good when it is expressed in the form of a grotesque, such a "skit", as Tarantino does, for example. The banter over the removal of barriers implies their presence. The banter over the removal of Christian cultural taboos is human to some extent. And it means the recognition of the existence of these same taboos. It is worse when no one sees these taboos. When they are no longer in the minds of those who create. And there are no living beings in the minds who do not think about anything at all. Then it's the end of culture. And the end of humanity as a population.

True politics, like culture, can exist only within the framework of taboos. That is why in all well-known novels about politics, the theme “How power destroys a person” is eternal.

Incident in Odessa at a concert on May 6, 2012
The concert “Songs of Victory” held on the evening of May 6 on Levitan Street turned into a scandal. The "culprit" of the celebration, despite the presence on the stage of the stage masters Lev Leshchenko and Alexander Marshal, was the Russian TV journalist Mikhail Leontiev. With the naked eye, it was clear that the journalist went on stage "tired" and immediately stated that the inhabitants of Ukraine "pissed off the country." And in order to return everything to normal, Mikhail Leontiev believes, it is necessary to make the right choice.

“We need to stop betting on goats and faggots. To change something, we need to vote for the Rodina party,” Mikhail Leontiev loudly proclaimed from the stage.

Mikhail Vladimirovich Leontiev is one of the most politically correct journalists, who for several years has been the permanent host of the Odnako program on Channel One, as well as the editor of the magazine of the same name. Mikhail Leontiev seeks to convey to people genuine information about the most current events taking place in the political world, and he does this openly and impartially.

Childhood and youth of Mikhail Leontiev

Mikhail Leontiev was born on October 12, 1958. His father, Vladimir Yakovlevich Leontyev, worked as an aircraft designer, and his mother, Mira Moiseevna Leontyev, taught statistics at the Moscow Institute of National Economy. Plekhanov, and also co-authored the textbook Trade Statistics.

Since Mikhail's family was very intelligent and educated, the boy loved to read from childhood and literally "swallowed" any books that came to him. He was especially interested in historical works that described significant events from different eras and countries.

The tendency to dissent manifested itself in the future journalist already in childhood. So, at the age of five, he flatly refused to attend the figure skating section, despite all the exhortations and threats from his parents. When Mikhail grew up a little, he arranged serious battles, arguing to the point of hoarseness with his grandmother, a communist of the old school. The grandson tried to explain to the stern woman that the political system of the Soviet Union was far from ideal and had many shortcomings. While studying in high school, Leontiev first read the magazine Posev, which was banned at that time.

After graduating from school, Mikhail, quite expectedly, entered the Plekhanov Institute, where his mother taught, at the general economics department. In 1979, he successfully received a diploma of higher education in the specialty "Labor Economics". The young man also distinguished himself in his student years, when, together with his friends, he made a brawl in the Moscow Planetarium, where he worked as a laborer.

Mikhail Leontiev's career

After the institute, Mikhail got a job at a research institute, where, according to his confession, he honestly tried to deal with the real economy. In 1985, he quit his boring job, and the brightest and most diverse period in his activity began. Leontiev graduated from vocational school, where he received the profession of a cabinetmaker, worked part-time as a worker at the Literary Museum, and even guarded Boris Pasternak's dacha, located in Peredelkino. Mikhail really liked teaching history lessons privately.

In 1987, Mikhail Leontiev became seriously interested in sociology. He began to write competent and detailed analytical articles and soon devoted himself entirely to this science, which requires an analytical mindset and flexible thinking.

Mikhail Leontiev about Ukraine

Two years later, Leontiev came to journalism. He became a correspondent for the political section of the Kommersant newspaper, where he gained invaluable knowledge and amazing experience, which later became very useful to the journalist. Also in 1989, an acquaintance invited him to the "Experimental Creative Center", which specialized in political science. A year later, Mikhail became the head of the economics department at Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

In 1993, he took an active part in the creation of the newspaper "Segodnya", and later became the first deputy editor-in-chief of this publication. Later, Leontiev left his job in this newspaper, as he categorically disagreed with the transformations carried out in it. According to some associates of the journalist, he was simply “survived” from the newspaper.

Leontiev gained popularity and fame in political circles when he ran in December 1995 as an independent deputy to the State Duma of the second convocation, but lost to Pavel Medvedev. Many people had an ambiguous opinion about Mikhail Leontiev when, during the first Chechen war, he ardently supported the entry of troops into the territory of the Chechen Republic and spoke in favor of the bombing of Chechnya.

In 1997, Leontiev established the Delo magazine which was sponsored by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, but never went to press. In the same year, the journalist came to television, where he became the host and head of the program "Actually", which aired daily on the TVC channel. Over the next year, he hosted the analytical program "Seventh Day", while simultaneously working in print media. So, Mikhail Leontiev led the column "FAS!" in the business magazine "Company". In 1997, he became a nominee for the TEFI Prize, and a year later he became the winner of the Golden Pen Prize.

Mikhail Leontiev today

In February 1999, the journalist left the TVC channel, as he did not agree with the leadership's views on political events taking place in the world, and got a job on the ORT channel, where he hosted and continues to host the Odnako program to this day.

On January 13, 2014, Leontiev took the place of press secretary - director of the information and advertising department with the rank of vice president at Rosneft.

Personal life of Mikhail Leontiev

The journalist is married for the second time. In the first marriage with the poetess Natalia Azarova, Mikhail had two children - son Dmitry and daughter Elena. From his second marriage to psychologist Maria Kozlovskaya, he has a daughter, Daria, born in 1999.