Evgeny Kiselev where he works now. Journalist Yevgeny Kiselev - where is he now, what does he do, who does he work for, where does he live? How did his career develop? Activities on Ukrainian television

Evgeny Kiselev is a well-known Russian and Ukrainian journalist, political analyst, founder of the commercial independent television company NTV. In addition, he has many awards and prizes on his account. The most significant of them: 1996, 2000 - "TEFI", 1995 - "For freedom of the press", 1999 - "Telegrand".

Evgeny Kiselev. Biography

The famous journalist was born in Moscow on June 15, 1956, into a family of engineers. He studied at the Institute of African and Asian Countries at Moscow State University and successfully mastered the specialty "historian-orientalist". Famous writer Boris Grigory) and brother Alexei were his classmates.

In 1977-78, Kiselev was on an internship in Tehran. There he worked as a translator and was satisfied with his work. The outbreak of the Islamic revolution forced the young man to return to his homeland. Everything that happened left an indelible impression. According to the journalist himself, if it were not for the war, he would still be dealing with Iran today. After graduating from the institute, Evgeny Kiselev went to There he served as an officer-translator from 1979 to 1981. He witnessed the entry of Soviet troops into the territory of Afghanistan. He finished his service with the rank of captain. Returning to his homeland, he went to work as a teacher of the Persian language at the prestigious Red Banner Institute of the Higher School of the KGB.


Today Kiselev Evgeny Alekseevich is better known as an outstanding journalist and political figure.

In 1984 he started working for the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and in 1987 he left for the international department of the Vremya TV program. His special reports began to appear in the "International Program", programs "Before and After Midnight", "Look". He became the first journalist to show the audience Israel from a completely new, unknown side. Kiselev became the host of the programs "Morning", "90 minutes" in 1990. In addition, he was one of the first to host the popular Vesti program.

Own projects

Together with Oleg Drobyshev in 1992, Kiselev created the analytical program "Itogi". It was the first political show-style program. In 1993, together with Alexei Tsyvarev and Igor Malashenko, he created the commercial independent television company NTV. The Most Group is co-founded under the management of the NTV television company, quickly gaining a worthy place and becoming one of the most popular on Russian television. In 1997, journalist Yevgeny Kiselev was appointed to the post of chairman of the board of directors of OJSC "Telekompaniya NTV". After the departure in 2000 of Dobrodeev, who served as the general director, Kiselev took his place.

Leaving NTV

In 2001, Kiselev had to leave his post and part with his beloved channel. Everything happened due to the reorganization of the TV channel. Together with him, a large number of journalists and employees quit. At the same time, the general director of the TV-6 channel appointed Kiselev as the general director of MNVK TV-6 Moscow. Together with him, journalists from NTV came here to work. In September of the same year, the City Arbitration Court ruled to liquidate the TV company in accordance with the claim of one of the shareholders. The "Kiselev team", headed by the journalist himself, created the Sixth Channel CJSC in March 2002. The TV channel began operating in 2002. He was given the name TVS. But in June 2003, the TV channel was disconnected from the air by order of the Press Ministry.

"Moscow News"

Evgeny Kiselev, whose biography is so entertaining, did not remain idle. Three months later, he took the place of editor-in-chief of the popular newspaper "Moscow News". Soon a conflict broke out between him and the journalists of the newspaper. The reason was the disagreement of the team with its editorial policy. A letter has been sent to the Director General. It set out all the claims, as well as a proposal to resign.

However, it did not work to remove Kiselev. Moreover, he soon became the general director of the publishing house "Moscow News", and resolutely dismissed all those who disagreed. In 2005, all the shares of the company "Moscow News" bought By this time, Yevgeny Kiselev had already lost his post. These events did not break an active and purposeful person. He started working for the radio "Echo of Moscow". In addition, he was frequently interviewed as a political analyst. In early 2004, Kiselev began violent activities against President Putin. He organized the "Committee 2008" group. In June 2008, the journalist heads the Ukrainian TV channel. In the same year, he became the host of the program Big Politics with Yevgeny Kiselev. In October 2009, completely unexpectedly for everyone, he leaves his post and closes the program.


In 1998, Evgeny Kiselev, according to Kommersant, became one of the richest and most famous people in Russia. In 2009, he published the book Without Putin. It was co-authored by a former prime minister. The journalist is known not only as a presenter, but also as the author of documentaries: "The Afghan Trap", "Tehran-99", "The Mysterious General Secretary", "The Secret of the K-129 Death", "The President of All Russia", "Spartak", "The Most a human man "," The Knight of the Oval Office "," Pope "," Taganka with the Master and Without. "

Kiselev is reluctant to talk about his personal life. According to him, he rarely has free time. He likes to spend it, watching TV, reading memoirs or walking around his favorite places. The journalist loves delicious food. He always strives to try something new and different. In addition, Kiselev loves to play tennis. However, there is often not enough time for this. He is married and has an adult son, Alexei. His wife, Maria Shakhova, was his classmate and first love. She is also far from the last figure in Moscow. Shakhova is the producer of the TV show "Fazenda" on Channel One. In the recent past, she served as press secretary for NTV and hosted the popular Dachniki program. For her services she received several exhibitions as a designer in the Maly Manezh. Their son and his wife are in business. They have created their own clothing line and their own ready-to-wear brand. Kiselev has a beloved grandson Georgy.

E. Kiselev was a well-known journalist of the Yeltsin era. He hosted several analytical programs, is the author of documentaries about prominent political figures. But for 10 years the viewer has not seen him on popular channels. What happened to the journalist during this time, and why did his popularity decline significantly?

Journalist Evgeny Kiselev: biography

Evgeny was born into the family of a talented engineer Alexei Kiselev, who was even a Stalin Prize laureate. The future journalist was an excellent student in his studies, he studied English in depth. As a teenager, he had several hobbies:

  • History;
  • Geography;
  • Politics.

Father, seeing the humanitarian orientation of Yevgeny's mind, invites him to study at the School for a Young Orientalist, operating at Moscow University. Classes captivated the young man so much that he decided to study at the Faculty of History and Philology. This desire was easily realized thanks to the perseverance and mind of the young applicant. Kiselev finished his studies with honors.

As a student, Eugene visited several Asian countries and even had an internship in Iran. That is, he had direct contact with the native speakers of the languages ​​he studied.

Plus, the young philologist got acquainted with the intricacies of Eastern politics, which helped him in his future career.

After studying, Kiselev was drafted into the army. The educated and intelligent graduate immediately attracted attention, so he was appointed as a translator for military advisers in Afghanistan. After serving, he got a job as a teacher of the Persian language.

But teaching activity seemed to Eugene not what he would like to do all his life. Therefore, he tried himself in journalism, and he liked this direction more.

In 1984, Kiselev's career as a journalist started. But the young man was not immediately entrusted with broadcasting the programs, but was given the job of checking and editing the texts that were read for the countries of the Middle East.

Then Yevgeny was appointed as the announcer of the Vremya program on Soviet television.

But he achieved the greatest success in his journalistic career thanks to Itogi. It was a program on NTV that appeared in 1993. For her, he himself created material and presented it in an interesting and accessible form for citizens.

This is a video recording of the first issue of the program "Itogi" with E. Kiselev as a presenter, aired on the NTV channel on October 10, 93:

At the same time, Kiselev created several documentaries about Stalin, Yeltsin, Andropov, etc.

The change in management to NTV became the reason for the dismissal of Yevgeny and many of his colleagues, who did not agree with the channel's new policy. From this period, the formation of his oppositional views began. For some time, Evgeny was the editor of TVS, and then until 2005 he worked at Moskovskiye Novosti.

In 2008, Kiselev decides to move to Kiev for permanent residence. There he was offered the position of editor on the TVi channel. After some time, he already hosts a political show on one of the Ukrainian channels.

Same name and colleague of the journalist

Some confuse the two journalists: Dmitry and Evgeny Kiseleva. Someone thinks that they are brothers. After all, the difference between the dates of their birth is only two years. But it's just a coincidence by surname and occupation.

Although both journalists have some similarities in appearance, they are not linked by blood ties.

The most interesting thing is that Dmitry and Eugene are fundamentally different in their political views. The first one works today in Russia and actively supports the current government. The second considers the actions of Europe and the United States to be correct in all respects, and the Kremlin, in his opinion, has been pursuing the wrong policy for many years.

Evgeny Kiselev's wife

Eugene decided to marry a girl who would share his interest in work. She became M. Shakhova, who also works as a journalist.

Although she did not achieve such fame as her husband, she still received recognition in her field. For example, her program "Summer Residents" earned the Tefi award.

An interesting fact is that at one time it was she who came up with the name of this award, which consists of the phrases “ T electronic ether R".

Marina, unlike her husband, is not so interested in politics. She hosted the program "Family House", where famous people talked about their families.

Marina Shakhova, in addition to journalism, is fond of photography and design.

Scandalous fame of the journalist

It should come as no surprise that a former Russian journalist now working in Ukraine takes a negative view of the Kremlin's actions.

His political views are expressed in the following:

  1. A positive assessment of the period of Yeltsin's presidency. Yevgeny believes that the most significant mistake of the former head of state was the choice of Putin as his successor;
  2. Negative attitude towards the annexation of Crimea. The journalist is sure that this was a wrong step towards Ukraine and he is even ashamed to have a Russian passport after that;
  3. Publicly supported. In Russia, his words were considered an excuse for terrorist activities and a criminal case was opened against Kiselev.

After criminal prosecution at home, Yevgeny made an open appeal to Poroshenko. The journalist asked him to more actively promote the provision of political asylum to the oppositionists persecuted in the Russian Federation.

At the same time, sometimes Kiselev is not shy in expressions when it comes to his former fellow citizens. He publicly expressed the opinion that the majority of Russians are narrow-minded people with a low level of education.

Some believe that Kiselev’s move to Ukraine was driven not so much by his love of democracy as by his desire to avoid paying debts. Several years ago, he took out a large loan from a Russian bank. By 2016, due to delinquencies, the amount of debt increased to 2 million rubles. The court ruled to collect the debt from Evgeny, but due to the fact that he now lives in another country, it is quite difficult to do this.

Kiselev feels comfortable in Kiev, and does not plan to return to Russia. Especially considering that he owes a large amount to Russian banks and a criminal case has been opened against him.

Evgeny actively collaborates with some Russian publications and the Echo of Moscow radio station.

In 2017, Kiselev began working with A. Semenov and M. Ganapolsky, planning the creation of a media resource. The journalist became the presenter on the new Ukrainian channel "Pryamoy". But he does not forget about the political life of Russia. His articles on this issue are sometimes posted in the Internet edition "Observer".

Kiselev can be treated in different ways. Some see him as a principled liberal journalist who bravely defends his position and is not afraid of censure from former compatriots and colleagues.

Others are sure that he speaks unflatteringly about Russia only for personal gain and gaining journalistic fame in Ukraine. But at the same time, we should pay tribute to the professionalism of Kiselev, who, moreover, became one of the symbols of freedom of speech of the bygone Yeltsin era.

Video: interview with E. Kiselev

In this video, Dmitry Gordon will interview journalist Yevgeny Kiselev, in which he will talk about his current political views, about what projects he is currently busy with:

Evgeny Kiselev is a well-known journalist and TV presenter. Viewers know him as the host of the programs "Morning", "90 minutes", "Results". He was one of the founders of the NTV television company, the general director of the TV-6 Moscow channel and the TVS channel, the chief editor of the Moskovskie Novosti newspaper. Kiselyov also works on some Ukrainian channels.

Childhood and family of Evgeny Kiselev

The hometown of Evgeny Kiselev is Moscow. His parents are engineers. Eugene studied at a school with in-depth study of the English language. His favorite subjects were geography, economics, history, literature. He could not decide in any way what profession to choose, but he understood that he should choose a humanitarian university.

Father suggested that Eugene, when he was in the ninth grade, enroll in the "School for a young orientalist" operating at Moscow State University. Kiselyov started going there and realized that this was exactly what he needed. There you could study your favorite subjects - geography, history, and literature. In addition, several foreign languages ​​were offered for study. Eugene literally fell in love with his future profession. He was attracted by the romance of Eastern countries, the exoticism of future travels.

Kiselev entered the Institute of Asian and African Countries, where he studied to be a historian-orientalist. He graduated from the university with honors, becoming a specialist in the Persian language. Many graduates of his institute later worked in various journalistic organizations. Evgeniy was sent to Iran for internship. He stayed there from 1977 to 1978. This was followed by military service in Afghanistan, namely, in the group of military advisers. Kiselev was an officer-translator.

Evgeny Kiselev: teacher and journalist

After serving for some time, Evgeny taught Persian at the Institute of the Higher School of the KGB. His journalistic career began in the editorial office of broadcasting to the eastern countries - Afghanistan and Iran. He worked in programs such as "Time", "International Panorama", "Before and After Midnight", "Look". In those years, they wrote about him in the press, as about a journalist who showed Israel to viewers from a completely new side. Kiselev tried himself as the host of the programs "Morning", "90 minutes" and "Vesti" on Russian television.

At the beginning of 1992, Evgeny Alekseevich became one of the founders of the NTV television company, which for the first time began broadcasting on the Petersburg channel, offering viewers the Itogi program. In 2000, he took over as CEO of the channel. A year later, Kiselyov, together with some of the NTV employees, continued to work at TV-6 Moscow, where some time later he became the general director. However, this channel also ceased to exist. In January 2002, the journalist took over as editor-in-chief of the formed TVS channel.

In the summer of 2003, Evgeny Alekseevich was offered to become the editor-in-chief of the Moscow News newspaper. Two years later, he was already the general director of this publication, but he did not hold this position for long. The reason was that all shares of the Moscow News company were sold, and Vadim Rabinovich became the new owner.

Evgeny Kiselev's work on Ukrainian television

In the summer of 2008, Yevgeniy Kiselyov began working on the Ukrainian TV channel, taking the position of chief editor-consultant. On the channel, Evgeny Alekseevich hosted an author's program, which was called "Upstairs". A little later, he also began to host the program "Big Politics with Yevgeny Kiselyov" on another Ukrainian channel - on the "Inter" channel.

The journalist left the TV channel and the post of editor-in-chief in 2009, which was a complete surprise for the leadership of this channel. His author's program also ceased to exist.

In 2013, Evgeny Alekseevich became the head of information broadcasting on the Inter channel. National Information Systems is a company headed by Kiselev in the same year 2013. This company produces a number of programs for Inter: "Details", "News", "Details of the week". The host of "Details of the Week" is Yevgeny Kiselyov himself.

Evgeny Kiselev's awards

Evgeny Kiselev was named one of the most famous and richest people in Russia in 1998 by the Kommersant edition. Evgeny Alekseevich published the book "Without Putin" in 2009. Its co-author is Mikhail Kasyanov.

Kiselev is also known as a TV documentary filmmaker. He is the author of such documentaries as "The President of All Russia", "Tehran-99", "The Mysterious General Secretary", "Spartacus", "Contemporary History", "The Pope", etc.

Personal life of Evgeny Kiselev

Evgeny Kiselev is married to his former classmate. His wife is Maria Shakhova. She is the producer of the "Fazenda" program, which was previously called "Summer Residents". For the program "Summer Residents" Shakhova received the prestigious Teffi-2002 award. The Kiselevs have an adult son, Alexei. He is married and has a son, George. Alexey is a businessman who, together with his wife, has created his own clothing brand.

According to Evgeny Kiselyov, he rarely rests, while he just loves to walk, read or watch TV. Kiselev prefers memoir literature. His favorite sport is tennis. He considers himself a connoisseur of good cuisine.

In 1979-1981 he served in Afghanistan, worked as a translator in a group of Soviet military advisers.

In 1981-1984 he taught Persian at the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR. F.E. Dzerzhinsky.

In 1984, Kiselev began working first on radio - in the main editorial office of broadcasting to the countries of the Near and Middle East of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting, and since 1987 - on television - in the main editorial office of Central Television (Vremya program). Soon he became one of the leading morning news programs ("90 minutes", "120 minutes"), a special correspondent, filmed reports for the programs "Time", "Before and After Midnight", "Seven Days", "International Panorama". He became the first Soviet journalist to present a series of reports from Israel.

From 1990 to 1991 - editor and presenter of the TSN news program (1st channel Ostankino). At the same time he worked on Russian TV. One of the founders and presenter of the Vesti news program.

From September 1991 he worked at the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Together with the editor-in-chief of the Ostankino State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company Oleg Dobrodeyev, he created the information and analytical program Itogi.

On January 5, 1992 he made his debut with the program "Itogi" on the 1st channel "Ostankino", on October 1, 1993 - on the 5th channel under the logo of the television company "NTV".

Since June 1993, Yevgeny Kiselev worked for the independent television company NTV; 1993-1999 - Vice President of NTV Television Company LLP; at the same time - host of the programs Itogi, Voice of the People, Hero of the Day; also hosted a columnist in the socio-political magazine Itogi (since 1996 ).

In January 1997, he became one of the founders and shareholder of CJSC Media-MOST. He was a member of the board of directors of "Media-MOST", a member of the board of partners of the television company "NTV", a shareholder of "NTV".

In December 1997, after the reorganization of the work of CJSC "Media-MOST", he was appointed chairman of the board of directors of the television company "NTV".

From February 2000 to April 2001 - editor-in-chief - general director of the NTV channel.

On April 2, 2001, at a meeting of the NTV journalistic team, Yevgeny Kiselev was elected editor-in-chief of this television company (while retaining the post of general director).

On April 3, 2001, at an extraordinary meeting of NTV shareholders, initiated by Gazprom-media, which acquired control over NTV, he was relieved of both posts; as a result of the conflict, together with a part of the journalistic team, NTV moved to the TV-6 channel and was appointed to the position of acting Director General of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation (MNVK) - "TV-6".

In 2001, Yevgeny Kiselev was elected general director of the MNVK TV-6 Moscow TV channel (the broadcasting of this channel was discontinued on January 22, 2002).

Since June 2002, he held the post of editor-in-chief of the TVS TV channel (founded by the non-profit partnership Media-Society, the owner is ZAO Sixth Channel).

In July 2002, Yevgeny Kiselev was officially dismissed from the post of general director of TV-6.

In 2003-2005 he was the editor-in-chief of the weekly "Moscow News".

Since December 2006 - the host of the "Power with Yevgeny Kiselev" program on the "Echo of Moscow" radio and the satellite TV channel RTVI.

At the same time - the host of the historical and educational program "Our Everything" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow".

Since June 2008, he has combined work for Echo of Moscow and RTVI with work as the chief editor-consultant of the TVi television company (Ukraine). Was the chief editor and host of the analytical program "Upstairs".

From September 2009 to December 2012, Kiselev hosted a socio-political talk show "Big Politics with Yevgeny Kiselev" on the main Ukrainian TV channel Inter.

In 2013, Yevgeny Kiselev headed the National Information Systems company, which produces the News, Details, and Details of the Week programs for the Inter TV channel. In the same year, the first issue of "Details of the Week" was released with Yevgeny Kiselev as the host of this final news program.

Evgeny Kiselev was named the best journalist of the year (1993); He is a laureate of the Moscow Union of Journalists Prize (1993), the TEFI Prize (1996) for the Itogi program (best author's program), and the Telegrand annual prize (1999). Kiselev is a laureate of the TEFI prize for the Voice of the People talk show (2000) and the Golden Pen of Russia prize of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation (2000).

In December 1995, he was awarded the International Press Freedom Prize in the United States; laureate of the Man of the Year award and the Silver Cross award of the Russian Biographical Institute (1999).

Fluent in Persian and English.

Evgeny Kiselev is married to his classmate, TV presenter Maria Shakhova. Evgeny's son - Alexey Kiselev (born in 1983) is engaged in business.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

In 1979 he graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Countries (ISAA) at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in Orientalist historian. After graduating from the institute, he completed an internship in Iran.

In 1979-1986 he worked as a translator of Soviet military advisers in Afghanistan, a teacher of the Persian language at the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR.

Since 1987 - on the Central Television. He worked as a shift editor in the international department of the Vremya program, host of the 90 minutes program, special correspondent for the Seven Days and Before and After Midnight TV programs, was an editor and presenter of the TSN news program, head of the Itogi creative association Russian state television and radio company "Ostankino".

From 1990 to 1991 - editor and presenter of the TSN news program (1 channel Ostankino). At the same time he worked on Russian TV. One of the founders and presenter of the Vesti news program.

Since September 1991 - at the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Together with Oleg Dobrodeyev, editor-in-chief of ITA RGTRK Ostankino, he created the information and analytical program Itogi.

On January 5, 1992 he made his debut with the program "Itogi" on the 1st channel "Ostankino", on October 1, 1993 - on the 5th channel under the logo of the NTV television company.

Since June 1993, Yevgeny Kiselev worked for the independent television company NTV; 1993-1999 - Vice President of NTV Television Company LLP; at the same time - host of the programs Itogi, Voice of the People, Hero of the Day; also hosted a columnist in the socio-political magazine Itogi (since 1996 ).

In January 1997, he became one of the founders and shareholder of CJSC Media-MOST. He was a member of the board of directors of "Media-MOST" and a member of the board of partners of the television company "NTV". He was a shareholder of NTV.

In December 1997, after the reorganization of the work of CJSC "Media-MOST", he was appointed chairman of the board of directors of the NTV television company.

From February 2000 to April 2001 - editor-in-chief - general director of the NTV channel.

On April 2, 2001, at a meeting of the journalistic collective of NTV, Yevgeny Kiselev was elected editor-in-chief of this television company (while retaining the post of general director).

On April 3, 2001, at an extraordinary meeting of NTV shareholders, initiated by Gazprom-Media, which acquired control over NTV, he was relieved of both posts; as a result of the conflict, together with part of the journalistic staff of NTV, he switched to the TV-6 channel and was appointed to the post of acting Director General of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation (MNVK) - "TV-6".

On May 14, 2001, by an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, Yevgeny Kiselev was elected director general of the TV channel MNVK TV-6 Moscow (broadcasting of this channel was terminated on January 22, 2002).

Since June 2002, he held the post of editor-in-chief of the TVS TV channel (established by the non-profit partnership Media-Society, the owner is ZAO Sixth Channel).

In 2003-2005 he was the editor-in-chief of the weekly "Moscow News".

Since December 2006 - the host of the "Power with Yevgeny Kiselev" program on the Ekho Moskvy radio and RTVI satellite TV channel. At the same time - the host of the historical and educational program "Our Everything" on "Echo of Moscow".

Since June 2008, Kiselev has been combining his work for Echo of Moscow and RTVI with his work as the chief editor-consultant of the TVi television company (Ukraine). Was the chief editor and host of the analytical program "Upstairs". In October 2009, Kiselev decided to resign from his duties as editor-in-chief of T Bi and host of the program "Upstairs" and to suspend the release of this program.

Collaborates with the Inter TV channel, where he is the host of a weekly talk show.

Member of the Academy of Russian Television since its foundation (1995).

Was recognized as the best journalist in 1993; laureate of the 1993 Moscow Union of Journalists Prize, the TEFI TV Prize (1996) for the Itogi program (best author's program), the Telegrand annual prize (1999).

In December 1995 in the USA he was awarded the International Press Freedom Prize; laureate of the Man of the Year award and the Silver Cross award of the Russian Biographical Institute (1999).

Fluent in Persian and English.

He is married to his classmate, TV presenter Maria Shakhova, and has a son.