Collect black berries in a dream. Dream about Berries

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Why is Yagoda dreaming about 34 dream books?

Below you can find out the interpretation of the Berry symbol for free from 34 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form for all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

See most berries, except for bitter ones - a sign of success.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you cook berry jam - then you are trying with all your might to warm up the feelings of your chosen one that began to cool.

Culinary dream book

There are wine berries - joy; dried or boiled - well-being and success in the undertaken business.

See red berries - tears.

See many berries and walk on them - victory over the enemy, whatever it may be.

There is a wine berry boiled in milk - to reduce cough, start a new business, from which one cannot expect any benefit other than momentary pleasure.

Small Velesov dream book

Berries - success in business / tears, illness; there is a disease; black - tears from grief, sadness; red - tears of joy / bad, illness; white - success; dried - disease; dried, boiled there - self-interest; white to tear - to defeat the enemy.

Muslim dream book

Wine berry - means the means of livelihood, obtained in a legal, clean and legal way.

If anyone sees in a dream that he ate a wine berry - will receive either a thousand gold dinars, or a thousand silver dirhams of coins.

The newest dream book

In a dream, why is Berry dreaming?

Berries are a gourmet pleasure.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Berries are symbols of sexual pleasure or disappointment (unripe berries).

Russian dream book

Berries - to tears; currant - strong grief; blueberries - bitter tears due to resentment; eat black berries - to disappointment; eat red berries - to joy.

Symbolic dream book

Eat or dream about many berries, especially dark color - as practice shows, very often signals a person about future illnesses, exacerbations chronic diseases and various painful sensations... The following associative-advancing logic is possible: the patient needs natural vitamins. So a sick wild animal, in order to cure, is looking for some herb or berry for use in nature.

The interpreter

Seeing berries is a sign of tears, eating them dried or boiled in sugar means profit; but there are raw berries - portends harm and disease.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if Yagoda is dreaming?

See yourself in a clearing with an abundance of berries - to the improvement of affairs, recovery.

Collect berries in a deep bowl, forgetting that they can wrinkle - this dream warns: your good intentions will turn into misfortune.

If you see a lot of berries, but they are still quite green - this means that you do not need to run ahead and rush things, this will not speed up things, it will bring confusion.

Dream interpretation of Azar

Black berries - to tears, red - to joy.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

See a lot of berries - a lot of work, little benefit; big tears.

Different red berries to see - tears.

White berries to see - victory, triumph, success.

Black is regret.

To collect - to prepare what will lead to tears.

Giving to others - to sadness.

Eat with more or less appetite - cry more or less.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Collecting berries is a symbol of the upcoming stupid troubles and minor troubles.

If in a dream you ate berries - this is a good sign, in the not too distant future pleasures, pleasant pastime and little joys await you.

Green (unripe) berries or dried - symbolize your imbalance and impatience in matters in which this is unacceptable.

Wormy berries - they say that in your environment there is a person who wants you evil, or willingly or unwillingly harms you.

Selling berries in a dream - denotes the troubles associated with money.

Dream interpretation for bitches

Berries - successful business, the fulfillment of your plans and a good material profit await you.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Berries in a dream - symbolize temptation and pleasure.

See ripe, juicy berries in a dream - a sign that feelings can turn your head.

A good dream - in which you see or collect ripe berries Not really big size and not too juicy.

Collecting berries or eating them - symbolize sexual intercourse.

If a man eats berries in a dream - he seeks numerous sexual contacts, but only with very attractive women.

If a woman eats berries in a dream - she seeks sexual contact with other women.

If your mouth is full of berries and you are smeared - this symbolizes your desire to have a baby.

If you picked berries and did not find anything - your sexual partner has lost interest in you.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Berries - tears; there is a disease.

Ukrainian dream book

Berries are success in business.

Dried berries - before the disease.

Esoteric dream book

Collecting berries is very good dream, promising the favor of fate to you.

Press if with the aim of making wine or jam- sleep is favorable for all your endeavors; if the goal is not defined, then difficulties await you, since you do not trust your intuition and do not go towards fate.

Erotic dream book

If in a dream you saw a growing berry - a dream promises you a new relationship, which you will be very happy with. You will be surprised and pleased by the intimate side of your new romance.

Picking berries - to feel the joy that your new sexual partner shares your addictions.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Berry according to the dream book?

Meadow covered with berries - a symbol of the fact that you can improve everything in your life.

More interpretations

If they were immature - then the situation should be released, because not all circumstances are clear yet.

I dreamed that they were collected - there will be plenty of fun in your life.

Red berries - you will face prudence and self-interest.

Black - your jealousy can damage important relationships for you.

According to the dream book, berry jam - a sign that you are going on a promising journey.

Wine of them promises you to suffer from chilling in personal relationships.

Eating them - your mood may come to naught.

Traded berries in a dream - you can behave badly with those who value you.

Dried them - some events will seriously ruin your mood.

If you dream of small but ripe berries - this is a reason to look to the future with optimism, you will be lucky in everything, no matter what you undertake.

If in a dream you saw black berries - this promises you failures and problems on the love front, you will not be able to find mutual understanding with your chosen one, it will be especially difficult in an intimate life. But it is also important to take into account the general symbolism of the vision, it is it that largely determines the interpretation.

According to the dream book, picking berries in the forest - in reality, to receive a lucrative job offer, you will rapidly climb the career ladder.

If you do it at random, then, guided by the kindest and most disinterested motives, you will incur someone's dissatisfaction and make a lot of problems.

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I dreamed about Yagoda, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    i dreamed that I had arrived somewhere and did not know where I said oh how many chokeberry we would like to collect so much, and my father says take buckets and we will collect, I then said but we don't have what we will put together and these were our own berry collectors kind of a glass of kefir and a jar of mayonnaise, but he still insisted on his own and said that we should go to collect, I took the buckets threw them, they scattered and crumpled and I did not collect them after that

    I saw three berries in a dream. Two ripe. and one is so completely red. I wanted to rip, but I don’t remember, it seems I didn’t rip it. I've seen this before. The first two were ripe, and the third half. I plucked it, I wanted to bite off the red, but I felt sorry for her, it could have ripened but it won't ripen now, I picked it off. such thoughts were in a dream.

    i dreamed that I pluck and eat red berries from a tree. I have never seen such berries before. They were somewhat similar to raspberries, only they grew on a tree. Then I picked and gave some berries to my ex-boyfriend's mom.

    the berries were light blue in color, oval in shape. They grew on a bush among bright greenery.
    and before I ate berries, I walked next to the train (roughly speaking). My boyfriend and his family rode the "train" slowly.
    The train car is not covered, on the platform of the train (which runs) there were supposedly benches, and my young man and his family rode on these benches with their legs dangling.
    They called me to sit down, I sat down, the train began to speed up, and I seemed to balance the car with this, in the end it went off the rails, no one was hurt, we moved to another car, the same story
    Then we walked in some kind of forest that is not very dense
    I saw berries (above)
    I saw my young man with dad and ate a berry
    and woke up

    Hello. At first I dreamed of school and teachers, then one teacher and I went to interview some professor. The professor took us into the forest, and beyond the forest there is a wide river, the water is clear and transparent and not deep, just above the ankle. I walked on it barefoot. Then I see that after the interview I went to see my friends. I go into the fence, and there is a floor of the fence with berries, ripe strawberries, everything is strewn. I ate a little, and between the berries collected in a bag, an owl and a titmouse walk, for some reason the cat came out with a mouse on its back and one kitten was sleeping. All were in gray and white tones, painted, except for the titmouse, she was like in nature and was.
    Regards, Tatiana.

    I picked berries in the forest, at first I picked strawberries, they were very large, but unripe, then I picked blueberries, of which there were a lot. I also cleaned my grandmother's house. It was dirty and dusty, as if no one had lived there for a long time, I was going to wash the floors, but I didn't.

    i dreamed that I was walking through the forest on a narrow and very tightly trampled path. sometimes I walk along the path itself, sometimes I go down from the path in order to let those in a hurry behind. sometimes just to look around. the forest is dense, green. the trees grow very close to the path. the trunks are strong, healthy, smooth, dark cinnamon. I remember my legs ran past me in bright striped socks. I didn't see the people themselves. but they were very funny, in a hurry. then I saw an old woman, who was standing on the path, picking berries from a creeping plant that hung from the wall. came up and asked what she was doing. she replied that she was collecting orange grass. I shouted "girls, let's help." and we picked berries in 9 hands. they were like raspberries, only very, very large, grainy, white-pink-green. I also asked why she collects alone? the old woman replied that she had a husband, I don't remember exactly, but it seems she named him Svarog. they say he will only break everything, he is so strong. but she's very good, and their family is strong, loving.
    and then the alarm went off.

    In a dream, I saw that I was collecting very large, red raspberries in a bucket, but the berry was dressed in something white, as if it was being protected. Collected with colleagues in large garden... The dream was very clear. In general, I am afraid of dreams, I rarely see them and they always come true. Thanks for clarifying

    I went to the counter to buy carrots, I saw them, but on sale they answered no. I ordered dark burgundy beets, they lay me 2 kg. but then I did not find it. I decided to buy a tomato, they were partially mint, when they were poured into a bag, then there were berries, I saw blueberries, an unknown berry on a small branch of bright red crayon, and under the bottom a white-yellow currant. I return it, put it in another bag, I look at the boxes there, I open it and in the middle there are very few incomprehensible berries covered with a transparent plastic box.

    i had a dream about my aunt's vegetable garden (I'm with her in this moment I don't communicate) I saw a lot of large black and red berries, even in a dream my aunt fried large black berries in a pan and they looked like dried prunes.

    I am walking with someone through the forest in search of a specific man and along the way I see many ripe ones and I eat strawberries and strawberries. then I see the man I was looking for with someone and he has a bag full of fish on his shoulder and a bag full of fish in his hand. and he shows this fish it is large and wet and fresh

    Hello, Tatyana! Please tell me what such a dream means, I dreamed about it today:
    My parents and my brother's family and I went to the Braslav Lakes (I myself am from Minsk), on the way I saw through the window that large, large currant berries were growing in the meadow. I asked my brother to stop the car, he got out, and my brother, when I went out, did not bother me and started to move. I was left in the field alone, began to eat these berries. Then I saw an abandoned house, there were also such berries. While I was eating berries, some kind of beast of unknown size and constitution came running to me similar to a gopher, but with teeth like a wild dog. He pounced on me, I managed to grab him by the throat. Then a lion came up. He did not attack me, but just looked. Thinking that he would attack, I threw this creature at the lion. I held my throat and walked away from that place with a quick step. Coming out of this abandoned building, I saw a lioness who also looked at me like a lion, as if she wanted to eat me. Leaving the lioness, she followed me, at that moment I intercepted breathing (this dream was like real for me) .In the end, leaving l Girls, she didn't jump at me, although I was waiting every second for her to jump at me.

    Please tell me so that this dream can mean to me. Thank you in advance!!!

    I saw a tree similar to sea buckthorn with green leaves, the tree was all covered with black berries, similar to blueberries, to honeysuckle, the berries were large, among them were large grapes, I picked the berries and ate.

    Greetings! The dream was colored. Sunny day, garden, some people nearby 2-3 people. They were present, but I did not see them. Both they and I are in a wonderful mood. I was treated to oblong red berries, similar in shape to fresh dates, something like that. I have not seen such people live. In a dream, I knew that they were very tasty, although I had never tried them! And I didn't try! As soon as I pulled them out of my pocket to eat and treat others in the same way, black and thick worms immediately crawled out of the berries. I threw everything on the ground. All the fruits were spoiled! Here's a dream.

    Hello, I do not know what kind of berries, but sweet and very ripe red ones, I tore several pieces from a bush at once. The berries were simply delicious, I will say about myself right away that the last three days I had a cold.

    Hello! the dream is very strange, I seemed to be in my house and on the veranda there were a lot of buckets of berries, according to my cranberries, some buckets of berries were with water, I spilled a little and began to remove the berries from the floor and, as it were, in a hurry, as if I was waiting someone.

    my daughter and I were picking ripe black berries, then I saw a big ripe apple, we also picked it…. the dream was psychologically difficult and at the same time joyful ... the day before my daughter and I had a fight

    hello yesterday, Monday, Tuesday lost in a dream wedding ring with a brill that in my life I wear the second ring of the set I found both were lost I scold my husband that the ring stole him native sister then his sister appeared and I took off the tree and tear the berries as large as an apple what does this mean in life with my husband the scandal was not talk

    Hello. I saw in a dream a house from my childhood, which was not destroyed, there was some kind of fire under the floor, I tried to open the boards to pour the fire. it turned out that there was a small lamp burning under the floor. as if mom and brother died. roared. then I looked from the porch of this house at the part where we had a vegetable garden - everything was covered there, as if the floor of the veranda was made of good beautiful dark lacquered boards. I thought where the beds are. on the edge of the fence we always had raspberries. I went to show some men (they looked like work colleagues of about 50 years old) these raspberries, in the garden the floor from the veranda of dark boards disappeared and there was just earth. it was autumn, the leaves flew from the trees and the ground in the garden was just damp, sometimes there were bunches of grass sticking out there. only on the branches of raspberries did not hang raspberries, but well-preserved large and, as it seemed to me, very sweet (not as usual, but sweeter) beautiful large black currants. I was surprised: how at the end of October such a beautiful currant could survive on the branches. and kept asking: Lord, don't take my mom and brother away from me

    in the village in the winter in the evening, it was dark ... my aunt, who died less than forty days ago, poured me a liter bucket of berries in my bucket ... The berries were large, red and very juicy (strawberries and raspberries)

    Hello, I had a dream unknown woman who said to read the letter of Peter, saying that it would help my mind
    after talking with her, I went outside and saw not a big tree with berries, the closer I came to them, the more they became, I began to pluck them and eat along the way collecting them in my bosom

    collected ripe, red berries together with the whole family in the forest, where besides us there were also people (crowds of people) partially, we hid from them, and when we collected several baskets of berries began to leave, some people chased us

    the dream takes place in my old house. We had a small forest behind the house. and I decided to go there. As soon as I stepped into the forest, I heard a voice in my head, "Get out of here, you don't belong here." Then I looked down and saw footprints similar to human ones, but they were of a strange shape, the foot was extended less than 3 cm in width and probably about 50 cm in length. I got scared and decided to run away, I ran to a tree (Mulberry) and saw a creature similar to a man appear from behind him, he was very tall, his skin was boiling white. the arms were long the fingers were thin and very long. I was scared of him. He held something in his hands and held it out to me. I stretched out my arms and he poured berries to me, they were red as blood. I don't remember anything else

    i dreamed about how I went into an apple orchard with ripe apples there was a glade I went into it and there was a huge ripe strawberry I started eating it then some girls came out from school and one girl came to me I showed her these berries and we they ate them and then went to the apple trees, I and she ate apples and I told her which red and yellow are tastier ripe apples

    Hello, Tatyana. Tonight I dreamed that I was picking strawberries in the forest, and they were very large and red. Then I dreamed about my former boyfriend (now he is deceased), but there used to be love between us. I dreamed he was alive, as if he accidentally saw me and stayed with me to live. saying that he won't let me go anywhere else. He was initially stripped from the waist up, then I saw him lying on the bed. He was in good spirits and glad to meet you.

    the first dream 23 / 2-15 I saw myself naked - AT THIS I FELTED HIMSELF embarrassedly ashamed and immediately saw a naked man (it was the priest, the rector from our church, he said something but I don’t remember) it was all in the bath whether in some room where there are cabins like in the shower in changing rooms that are closed well, like in d / gardens. second dream 01 / 3-15 in the afternoon, an acquaintance of mine brings black berries in a bag (shirt) less than half the berry looks like a ripe yarg, but as if in the form of a brush like grapes the berry was withered, withered and a little moldy. what is it for?

    dreamed of large strawberries and blueberries too large, I am leaves I spread it apart and see a lot of berries, but my friend stands nearby and does not see them, I pick and give them to her and wonder why she doesn’t see ……. I'm interested in why there is such a quantity of berries ... the berries are all ripe ...

    Twins were born to my sister, all relatives gathered. They gave me clothes for equestrian sports, and a horse. I went for a drive. When everyone arrived at the table, I sat down and began to eat a huge, barely ripe blackberry. it was all on the street near the river, and for some reason vegetables and berries were planted next to us

    hello, I dreamed of how my mother and I came to her friend, she gave me beautiful red flowers in a jar so that I could take a picture, they wilted beautiful lilies of the valley in their place, so they smelled sharply in their place, delicious berries, instead of berries, small beautiful fish appeared in the same bank they wanted to eat well, I fed them the water changed and woke up

    Hello Tatyana, I had a dream in the morning. ”Jacob I, I eat grapes or plums and one berry is large and soft, I bite off it, and it falls and breaks and worms creep out of it - white, fatty ones. Disperse. My friend and I begin to crush them, but they turn into bees, and I am afraid that they will bite from this I wake up. Bees, I know what I'm dreaming of

    we were driving with my husband and girlfriend, like a railcar - a platform on wheels, and there was a lot of red on our left, large raspberries, my husband and I collected it in liter cans. Then the villagers ran up to us and began to offer to exchange raspberries for blackberries, I agreed, since I had not even tried blackberries. And in a dream I felt that it was a dream.

    I was still little when I dreamed about him. I was still sleeping with my parents.

    I was in bed. Someone began to knock on the door, and traces began to appear on it. Dad got up and opened the door with sleepy eyes and went back to bed.
    I looked out of bed. In the doorway stood a catfish as tall as an adult.
    I was very scared and woke up.

    i collected white mulberry from the garden, it was large, I remember four pieces in my hand and I laid down their cut bottom from under the bottle, and I did not hold this bottom familiar man, and there was a field with beautiful beds, they were all planted different plants, and on the first bed, I remember well some flowers were planted, a lemon bush with four large lemons, they were all yellow and a bush with white mulberry and it also had four berries!

    that I pick big red berries (lingonberries, cranberries) I do not pick with my hands, but with a scraper with berries leaves twigs fall, a lot of people collect everything, as if I had a wedding ring on my hand, I take it off and it breaks in half. in general, in a dream, I did not get to the berry picking place alone with my mother's family (she is no longer with us), the journey is interesting, water, rain, forest, houses made of timber, etc. ... help with what this dream?

    i saw a bucket of strawberries and a bucket of beets, it happened in the village of my grandmother, who is not in the world, and she invites me to put on a white scarf and I put it on my head, I also see how I put my shoes on clean feet, leaving the gate I see animal pig, and that was the end of my dream.

    Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed of a forest, we were walking with someone. A huge overripe berry grew, I picked it. I gave two of them, treated someone, and the third, it seems to me, I tried myself. And I also plucked one small raspberry berry, it was already picked by someone and there was half of the berry on the bush. What does it mean? Thank you.

    I dreamed about my late aunt (the dream was colored). She was lying on the bed on her stomach, turning in my direction. Her back was a pleasant chocolate color and she offered me to eat raspberries. red-pink colors are very large.

    It turns out that people in my dream knew the place of these berries ... for a long time ... but I only found out today ... There was everything berry ... and all kinds of berries were ... all berry ... and somehow I saw a red berry ... inedible ...

    She bit off a berry that looks like a dogwood only the size of an apple, and my friend says there are a lot of worms, broke it in half, and there pink little worms are teeming inside (((((((((((I threw it away. Why have such a dream?

    In the forest, my mother and my youngest daughter, I picked strawberries, there were a lot of large raspberries. she even looked more like a blackberry. We collected a full bucket of berries. Some grew over some kind of abyss and we bending over carefully tore them

    I collected, black-red, large berries (similar to currants) .. with my sister and aunt .. I saw a lot of it and tried to collect it. And they allegedly did not see this berry. Then we got to some college with them, where we tried to steal something (and I understood that there were video cameras everywhere) I was very afraid that we would be noticed and punished. The feeling was terrible.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was walking with a friend not far from home, near the school where I studied, and there was a bright starfall, the stars flew slowly and I made wishes. Followed by a dream, where the sun is bright, and I harvest from orange noctarines and rose hips, and next to me is a bright guy who looks like a Russian hero, then I rode on a boat and dived into the clear blue sea.

Berries seen in a dream can portend pleasant meetings and disappointments. The dream interpretation sometimes interprets this symbol in very contradictory ways. Are you going to find out why this is a dream? Explore all the options available.

Collect and eat

If in a dream you had to pick berries, then in the near future you will have a monotonous painstaking task. Modern dream book promises that if you try to understand the goals and objectives, the work will not seem so boring.

Since you had a chance to eat berries in a dream, try to taste them well. Sweet, juicy and appetizing-looking fruits promise success in all endeavors. If they turned out to be nondescript, sour, and even more so rotten or dry, you need to be on the lookout, as you may be in serious trouble.

If you dreamed about ripe berries, this means that your patience and ability to wait will not go unnoticed. A dream can relate to any of the life spheres - both business and interpersonal relationships. It is up to you to decide where the desired result is needed at the moment.

Color and ripeness

Everything that a red berry dreams of, the interpreter connects with family relations. Red berries often appear in night dreams before the arrival of relatives from afar. It is possible that someone close to you is worried about you at the moment. A dream can serve as a warning that someone in the family will soon need help.

Cherries and raspberries

The universal dream book considers cherries as a sign of upcoming disappointments and even tears. One of possible reasons - not the most successful attempt to feast on the forbidden fruit in search of romantic adventures. The dream also speaks of a passionate desire to achieve any goal, although the light did not converge on it, and there are still many interesting things in life.

If you dreamed about raspberries, then you have excellent vitality and exquisite taste. Women's dream book considers raspberries a harbinger of many joyful events. A well-deserved reward and a pleasant rest await the dreamer, and the one who collected will soon have fun at the wedding, it is possible that on his own. The plot also warns of the likelihood of ailments.

Strawberry and bird cherry

If you dream of strawberries, then it is easy to guess that it symbolizes a cheerful craving for pleasure. Strawberries can dream of adventures with erotic overtones that will bring extraordinary pleasure.

Cherries and blueberries

The universal interpreter believes that cherries growing on a tree dream of tears. Just do not rush to get upset in advance: if in a dream you eat cherries, this portends good news. For dreamers born in warm time years, you should prepare for a profitable deal.

If you dreamed about blueberries, a real mountain feast will soon take place in reality. Some upcoming event will add a little romance to your everyday life. At the same time, it is recommended to take care of your health, protect your eyesight, and not get upset over trifles.


Aesop's dream book does not give an unambiguous answer, which portends a vision in which wild berries appear. Collecting these gifts of the forest promises anxiety and hassle that will eventually pay off.

If you, gape, walked over the berries, victory awaits in reality. Unattractive fruits are an alarming sign, it's time to worry about your health. There is also a way to "sweeten" the prediction - to cook from forest berriesok jam. Fragrant jam foreshadows success in business and the expected profit in full.

Strawberries and currants

If you dreamed about currant berries, try to remember how you disposed of them, this important detail will help to correctly interpret what you saw. If you are picking currants, get ready to receive a decent reward for the work done. If you sell, temptation awaits. If you decide to just eat currants in a dream, it means that soon you will be made an interesting offer. Agree without hesitation.

Finding a strawberry meadow in a dream is a great success. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation believes that these berries appear in night dreams for pleasant surprises, fateful meetings, unexpected luck. A joyful event can change your plans, but it won't upset you in the least.

Various interpretations

The universal dream book will tell without undue modesty what the victoria berry portends. She promises great joy, fun holiday and unforgettable sex. But if you dream of a rotten or unripe treat, then the fun will end in disappointment.

Miller's dream book considers this symbol ambiguous: a berry can be a harbinger of both unforeseen difficulties in business, and their successful completion. A similar plot can dream of tears. If in a dream the fruits are bright red, a visit from relatives whom you have not seen for a long time is most likely expected.

If you dream of a bucket of berries, then your body now, more than ever, needs vitamins. Eastern dream book urges not to deny yourself a treat and at the same time combine business with pleasure. It is preferable in a dream to eat exactly those berries with which the dream bucket was filled.

Why dream of eating berries?

Berries are a dual symbol: they can promise a person both good and bad. That is why you need to pay attention to their color, taste, shape, people and animals present, and only after that stop on one or another interpretation.

There are black berries in a dream - to a serious illness and tears, but if they also turned out to be sour, then all problems will be to blame native person... Red berries indicate that the dreamer should be wary of his enemies, who are very determined and will soon strike.

However, the dreamer still has time to reveal their designs and preserve their reputation. For women, such a dream promises tears, but they will be from happiness, so one should not be upset and cry over trifles. If a woman dreamed that her husband was feeding her yellow berries, then in reality he often cheats on her.

But no matter what she undertakes, she will not be able to change the state of affairs, since her husband has such a nature, and another lover is his new trophy. However, the wife should not be upset because her husband will not leave her.

To see a friend eating berry jam in a dream - in reality, she is friends with the sleeping one only for self-interest. Therefore, the latter should be very careful in dealing with a friend, since she can easily reveal all her secrets. Sour berries are a harbinger of jealousy, so the dreamer should not give a reason to his soul mate, otherwise she will put him in a bad light in front of friends.

If a woman dreamed that she ate berries and was poisoned, then in reality she should be wary of the intrigues of a friend who has long wanted to take her husband away from her. Most likely, she more than once told him about the non-existent novels of his wife and even tried to seduce.

Treating a friend with berries that have just been plucked from the garden - in reality the dreamer will have financial success, and you will need to thank your friend for this. Tasting spoiled berries - in reality, a black streak will come in family life.

It cannot be avoided, since the conflict has been brewing for a long time, which means that you just have to accept and survive this difficult situation. Thinking about how to feed your girlfriend with poisonous berries is a dirty trick on her part, so you need to keep your eyes open, otherwise you can get into an extremely unpleasant situation.

If in a dream the old woman tries to feed the girl with berries, but she refuses, this means that the latter will be disappointed in love, and this will be due to the gossip spread by her boyfriend's mother, who does not like her. Green berries are a harbinger of disease, but it will not be lingering; also, a person may have a fever after such a dream.

There are berries from the floor - in reality, a person will experience need, as a result of which he will take on any work to feed himself. If the dreamer's situation is not the best anyway, then you should expect it to worsen.

Reflecting on why there are berries in a dream, it is better to look in search of an interpretation of the dream in several dream books - this way it will be possible to find the best option... Nostradamus advises to be careful, as there is a high probability that the enemies will set up a trap.

If you believe Hasse's dream book, then dried berries dream of profit, red - to temptation, green - to gossip, blue - to a new hobby, and black - to poisoning. After such a dream, Miller advises to be more selective in friends, since among them there may be an envious person who will put spokes in the wheels and harm.

Dr. Freud is of the opinion that those who dream of berries lack eroticism in their lives. For a woman, such a dream suggests that her husband is a bad lover and does not satisfy her, but only cares about his pleasure.

The best way out of this situation would be a divorce, but if this is not possible, then you can always find a man on the side who will be more skillful than a spouse. A modern dream book says that a person will suffer a disease, but it will be quite easy to recover from it, the main thing is to take it as seriously as possible.

It should be remembered that black berries are always a harbinger of something bad, but red ones, on the contrary, most often dream of joy or pleasure; whites can promise tears, and greens - cash receipts. It will be so easy to find out what the dream predicts.

Berries often do not bode well, so the negative effects of sleep should be neutralized. To do this, you only need to tell it to a loved one or write on a piece of paper and burn it. After that, relief should come, since the dream will never come true.


Dream interpretation of Medea

Berries that appear after flowering is complete - symbolize the fruits of past labors or the consequences of pleasures.

Therefore there are berries - reflects the fact that your work will remain invaluable. This is a sign of longing and sadness.

See most berries, except for bitter ones - a sign of success.

Blackberries, raspberries - financial luck.

Picking berries - your work will be appreciated.

Freud's dream book

Most berries, with a few exceptions, as well as fruits - symbolize the bulges of the female figure, that is, the breasts and buttocks.

Collecting berries or eating them - symbolize sexual intercourse.

If a man eats berries in a dream - he seeks numerous sexual contacts, but only with very attractive women.

If a woman eats berries in a dream - she seeks sexual contact with other women.

If your mouth is full of berries and you are smeared - this symbolizes your desire to have a baby.

If you picked berries and did not find anything - your sexual partner has lost interest in you.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Berries in a dream -

See ripe, juicy berries in a dream - a sign that feelings can turn your head.

Good dream - in which you see or pick ripe berries that are not very large and not too juicy.

Get dirty with berry juice - means that some of your passion threatens to damage your reputation.

Bitter or sour berries - portend disappointment.

Wolf or other poisonous berries - a sign of a poisonous temptation that can pretty much poison your life. After such a dream, you should avoid questionable sentences.

Jewish dream book

Black berries - to tears, red - to joy.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you cook berry jam - then you are trying with all your might to warm up the feelings of your chosen one that began to cool.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Picking berries - a symbol of the upcoming stupid troubles and minor troubles.

If in a dream you ate berries - this is a good sign, in the not too distant future pleasures, pleasant pastime and little joys await you.

Green (unripe) berries or dried - symbolize your imbalance and impatience in matters in which this is unacceptable.

Wormy berries - they say that in your environment there is a person who wishes you harm, or willingly or unwillingly harms you.

Selling berries in a dream - denotes the troubles associated with money.

Dream interpretation for bitches

Berries - successful business, the fulfillment of your plans and a good material profit await you.

Modern combined dream book

See yourself in a clearing with an abundance of berries - to the improvement of affairs, recovery.

Collect berries in a deep bowl, forgetting that they can wrinkle - this dream warns: your good intentions will turn into misfortune.

If you see a lot of berries, but they are still quite green - this means that you do not need to run ahead and rush things, this will not speed up things, it will bring confusion.

Eastern female dream book

See yourself in a berry meadow - to improve in business, recovery.

A dream in which you collect berries in a basket, forgetting that they can wrinkle - warns: your good intentions will turn into continuous troubles.

Green, unripe berries - dream of illness.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Berries - a gourmet pleasure.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Berries - to a short illness, temperature.

Crush berries to get juice from them - to the futility of your efforts.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

The berries are red - for the arrival of relatives.

Black - surprise.

Crush berries in a dream to squeeze juice out of them - you want to squeeze money out of your debtors, but nothing will work.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Blackberry - to tears, red - to joy.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Berries - success in business.

Red berries - health and contentment.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Collect wild berries in a dream - portends a fun pastime with new friends.

Harvest berries in the garden - in reality, get to know a person who will bring a lot of new and unusual things into your life.

Red berries - in a dream they say that you will be disappointed with those in whom you expected to meet a person with a disinterested and sympathetic soul.

Black berries - a sign of misunderstanding due to excessive and unjustified jealousy.

If in a dream you are making berry jam - it means that in reality there is a long road, fraught with many hardships and inconveniences.

Wine or berry liqueur - portends a divergence of views with a loved one and, as a result, a cooling of love feelings to mutual dissatisfaction and disappointment.

General dream book

See berries in a dream - to tears.

If you dreamed that you collected or bought berries - you yourself will be guilty of being driven to tears.

There are berries - to a bad mood.

If you dreamed that you were selling berries - soon you will spoil the mood of your close relatives.

If you dreamed that you dried berries - you will be in a bad mood for a very long time.

Islamic dream book

Fig - means the means of livelihood obtained in a legal, clean and legal way.

If anyone sees in a dream that he ate a wine berry - will receive either a thousand gold dinars, or a thousand silver dirhams of coins.

Chinese dream book

Eat mulberry berries - portends the birth of a noble son.

Dream interpretation of Martin Zadeki

Berries - interest; wine - profit.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Berries - symbolism of sexual pleasure or disappointment (unripe berries).

Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams

Berries to see - there is a sign of tears, eating them dried or boiled in sugar means profit; but there are raw berries - portends harm and disease.

Symbolic dream book

There are or see in a dream many berries, especially of a dark color - as practice shows, it very often signals a person about future illnesses, exacerbations of chronic diseases and various painful sensations. The following associative-advancing logic is possible: the patient needs natural vitamins. So a sick wild animal, in order to cure, is looking for some herb or berry for use in nature.

Culinary dream book

There are wine berries - joy; dried or boiled - well-being and success in the undertaken business.

See red berries - tears.

See many berries and walk on them - victory over the enemy, whatever it may be.

There is a wine berry boiled in milk - to reduce cough, start a new business, from which one cannot expect any benefit other than momentary pleasure.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

See a lot of berries - a lot of work, little benefit; big tears.

Different red berries to see - tears.

White berries to see - victory, triumph, success.

Black - regret.

Collect - to cook what will lead to tears.

Give to others - to sadness.

Eat with more or less appetite - cry more or less.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Berries - success in business / tears, illness; there is - illness; black - tears from grief, sadness; red - tears of joy / bad, illness; white - success; dried - illness; dried, boiled there - self-interest; white tear - defeat the enemy.

Danilova's erotic dream book

If in a dream you saw a growing berry - a dream promises you a new relationship, which you will be very happy with. You will be surprised and pleased by the intimate side of your new romance.

Picking berries - Feel happy that your new sexual partner shares your addictions.

Esoteric dream book

Collect berries - a very good dream, promising the favor of fate to you.

Press if with the aim of making wine or jam - sleep is favorable for all your endeavors; if the goal is not defined, then difficulties await you, since you do not trust your intuition and do not go towards fate.

Ukrainian dream book

Berries - success in business.

Dried berries - before the disease.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Berries - tears; there is - disease.

Collection of dream books

Berries - to tears; currant - severe grief; blueberry - bitter tears due to resentment; eat black berries - to disappointment; eat red berries - to joy.

See red berries - to health; green berries - to the disease.

Berries - to the bad.

Wine berries - spiritual growth, pilgrimage to holy places

Berries in a dream are a symbol of expectations and hopes. Depending on the context of the dream, it is determined whether your dreams are destined to come true or not, work will bring results or efforts will be in vain.

Such a plot may also testify to your secret desires, the desire for pleasure, vicious fantasies and sinful thoughts.

What variety can be attributed to the berry that you dreamed of? What did you do in your sleep? What kind of berry was in your dream? What color did you see the berry in your dream?

What variety can be attributed to the berry that you dreamed of?

Berry blueberry berry strawberry berry raspberry berry cherry cherry berry berry berry strawberry berry cherry

Why do fruits and berries dream

Seeing fruits and berries in a dream means that soon you will be incredibly lucky. Perhaps you win a large amount of money in the lottery, or a project that you no longer counted on will unexpectedly bring a large profit.

Try not to waste all the money, but rather invest it so that the return on investment will support your family in the future.

What do mushrooms and berries in a dream mean

According to Felomena's dream book, mushrooms and berries symbolize good news. Problems that bother you and make you worry will soon be resolved in the most favorable way. You will learn about the possibility of getting rid of troubles from a close friend who will help in this matter.

What did you do in your sleep?

Ate berries Gathered berries

What kind of berry was in your dream?

Ripe berry

What does sweet berry symbolize in a dream?

Sweet berry, according to Felomena's dream book, is a symbol of pure and selfless love. This only applies to your own feelings, but not the sensations of the object of your love.

What will be the relationship, only time will tell. How sincere the partner's intentions are and how strong his love is, will become clear in the very near future.

The meaning of a dream about large berries

Large berries in a dream mean that you are in for a major business success. This success is not accidental, it is fully deserved and honestly earned.

Continuing to work in the same spirit, you can reach unprecedented heights in your career or occupy a large business niche. For personal life, such a sign also portends many pleasant moments and harmony of feelings.

I dreamed of a lot of berries

Why do many berries dream? This is a signal to stop and think about what you are striving for and whether you are taking the right actions for this. Most likely, at the moment you are so passionate about the work process itself that you do not notice that you have deviated from the intended goal, your work will be ineffective.

A large number of unripe green berries is a warning that your actions are too spontaneous and rash. By acting in this way, you risk ending up with nothing.

Frozen berries

There are red berries

Dream interpretation There are red berries dreamed why in a dream there are red berries? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream There are red berries by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Red berries

Dream interpretation - Red berries

Health and contentment

Dream interpretation - Berry

Dream interpretation - Berries

Black berries - to sadness.

Dream interpretation - Berries

Dream interpretation - Berries

Dream interpretation - Berries

Dream interpretation - Berries

Dream interpretation - Berries

They symbolize temptation and pleasure.

Dream interpretation - berries are red

For the arrival of relatives.

Bird cherry berries

Dream interpretation bird cherry berries dreamed why in a dream Bird cherry berries dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see bird cherry berries in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - bird cherry

Bird cherry is the personification of purity, innocence and virtue. It is customary to give bird cherry flowers to your girlfriend, because according to popular belief, their smell will certainly intoxicate the one you are in love with, and he or she will love you. Perhaps the image of a bird cherry arose in a dream in connection with the well-known deposited in your subconscious folk signs "When the bird cherry blossoms, then the catch is on the bream."

Consider in a dream blooming tree bird cherry is a sign that soon you will meet a very beautiful chaste woman who will have a significant impact on your life.

If you dreamed that you were picking flowers from a bird cherry, then such a dream suggests that you should pay as much attention as possible to your loved one, otherwise you will have deep feelings and tears due to a break in relations with a person who was meaning Of your life.

Cutting bird cherry in a dream - to disappointment in a loved one. You will understand that you idealized a person who does not have the amazing qualities that you attributed to him.

Standing in a dream under a bird cherry is evidence that alone you are unlikely to be able to cope with the problems that have arisen, so seek help from a person you trust, like yourself.

Enjoying the smell of bird cherry in a dream is a warning that soon you will believe someone's flattering speeches, because of which you will subsequently be very worried.

Dream interpretation - bird cherry

Bird cherry flowers - to peace and tranquility in the house for family people.

Rejected love - for the lonely

There are cherry berries - to illness or bitterness of feelings.

Sometimes a dream about bird cherry means a trip to your native place.

Dream interpretation - bird cherry

Blooming bird cherry - to a headache.

Faded bird cherry - to confusion.

Dream interpretation - bird cherry

Bird cherry - In bloom - to tender mutual love. In a bouquet - the one you dream about will love you. If you are waiting for attention from loved ones, then get it. Faded - love will pass quietly and imperceptibly, even sadness will not remain.

Dream interpretation - bird cherry

Seeing bird cherry in bloom is a better life.

Dream interpretation - Berry

Being in a clearing with an abundance of berries - improvement of affairs, recovery;
collect berries in a deep bowl, forgetting that they can wrinkle - your good intentions will turn into misfortune;
to see a lot of berries, but they are still completely green - you do not need to run ahead and rush things, this will not speed things up, add confusion;
put a big berry stain on your favorite suit and don't know how to get it out - the person who caused you trouble will not be punished;
on your windowsill under New Year berries ripened - a testimony of your complacent mood and willingness to help even in the most unrealizable projects;
for a man - to treat a loved one with berries, but he refuses - the breakup of a long-boring and exhausted relationship;
for a woman - such a dream - intrigue in the circle of friends of a loved one.
Also see New Year, Honeysuckle, Elderberry, Strawberry, Raspberry, Mulberry.

Dream interpretation - Berries

Red, ripe berries - to tears.

White berries - to triumph, success.

Black berries - to sadness.

Eating berries - to joy, prosperity and success in business.

A lot of berries in a dream - to troublesome low-paid work, tears.

Collecting berries in a dream - to tears.

Giving berries to others is to share sorrow.

Dream interpretation - Berries

(See interpretation: fruits and berry names)

Red and sweet berries in a dream mean joy and success in business and in love.

Sour, unripe, rotten berries in a dream are a sign of failures, worries and troubles.

Eating berries in a dream during the season portends good news or meetings.

Juicy berries predict carnal pleasures and love pleasures. Dried and boiled berries in a dream indicate receipt good income from some enterprise.

Dream interpretation - Berries

Collecting wild berries in a dream portends a fun pastime with new friends. Harvesting berries in the garden - in reality, you will meet a person who will bring a lot of new and unusual things into your life.

Red berries in a dream indicate that you will be disappointed with those in whom you expected to meet a person with a disinterested and sympathetic soul. Black berries are a sign of misunderstanding due to excessive and unreasonable jealousy.

If in a dream you are making jam from berries, it means that in reality there is a long road ahead, fraught with many hardships and inconveniences. Wine or berry liqueur portends a divergence of views with a loved one and, as a result, cooling of love feelings to mutual dissatisfaction and disappointment.

Dream interpretation - Berries

To see ripe, juicy berries is a harbinger of prosperity and success in the intended business. If the berries are unripe, success will not come as soon as you expect. Dried or dried berries mean that the money you earn will last for a long time. Rotten berries - success will be fleeting.

Imagine that you are sorting berries, washing them, filling them with sugar and making jam. If the berries are green, imagine that they are ripening right before your eyes.

Sprinkle red berries

Dream interpretation sprinkle red berries dreamed why in a dream sprinkle red berries? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see red berries in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - berries are red

For the arrival of relatives.

Dream interpretation - Red berries

Red berries - health and contentment.

Dream interpretation - Berry

Being in a clearing with an abundance of berries - improvement of affairs, recovery;
collect berries in a deep bowl, forgetting that they can wrinkle - your good intentions will turn into misfortune;
to see a lot of berries, but they are still completely green - you do not need to run ahead and rush things, this will not speed things up, add confusion;
put a big berry stain on your favorite suit and don't know how to get it out - the person who caused you trouble will not be punished;
berries ripened on your windowsill on New Year's Eve - a testament to your good-natured mood and willingness to help even in the most unrealizable projects;
for a man - to treat a loved one with berries, but he refuses - the breakup of a long-boring and exhausted relationship;
for a woman - such a dream - intrigue in the circle of friends of a loved one.
Also see New Year, Honeysuckle, Elderberry, Strawberry, Raspberry, Mulberry.

Dream interpretation - Berries

Red, ripe berries - to tears.

White berries - to triumph, success.

Black berries - to sadness.

Eating berries - to joy, prosperity and success in business.

A lot of berries in a dream - to troublesome low-paid work, tears.

Collecting berries in a dream - to tears.

Giving berries to others is to share sorrow.

Dream interpretation - Scatter

Scatter - (small objects) - You accidentally scatter - get bogged down in the little things of life. You scatter on purpose - you only create the appearance of activity, but your cunning will soon be seen. Someone scatters - someone "fools your head", hiding the truth behind trifles.

Dream interpretation - Berries

(See interpretation: fruits and berry names)

Red and sweet berries in a dream mean joy and success in business and in love.

Sour, unripe, rotten berries in a dream are a sign of failures, worries and troubles.

Eating berries in a dream during the season portends good news or meetings.

Juicy berries predict carnal pleasures and love pleasures. Dried and boiled berries in a dream indicate a good income from some kind of enterprise.

Dream interpretation - Berries

Collecting berries is a symbol of the upcoming stupid troubles and minor troubles. If in a dream you ate berries, then this is a good sign, in the near future you will enjoy pleasure, a pleasant pastime and little joys. Green (unripe) berries or dried ones, symbolize your imbalance and impatience in matters in which this is unacceptable. Wormy berries indicate that there is a person in your environment who wishes you harm, or willingly or unwillingly harms you. Selling berries in a dream means troubles associated with money.

Dream interpretation - Berries

Collecting wild berries in a dream portends a fun pastime with new friends. Harvesting berries in the garden - in reality, you will meet a person who will bring a lot of new and unusual things into your life.

Red berries in a dream indicate that you will be disappointed with those in whom you expected to meet a person with a disinterested and sympathetic soul. Black berries are a sign of misunderstanding due to excessive and unreasonable jealousy.

If in a dream you are making jam from berries, it means that in reality there is a long road ahead, fraught with many hardships and inconveniences. Wine or berry liqueur portends a divergence of views with a loved one and, as a result, cooling of love feelings to mutual dissatisfaction and disappointment.

Dream interpretation - Berries

To see ripe, juicy berries is a harbinger of prosperity and success in the intended business. If the berries are unripe, success will not come as soon as you expect. Dried or dried berries mean that the money you earn will last for a long time. Rotten berries - success will be fleeting.

Imagine that you are sorting berries, washing them, filling them with sugar and making jam. If the berries are green, imagine that they are ripening right before your eyes.

Dream interpretation - Berries

They symbolize temptation and pleasure.

Seeing ripe, juicy berries: a sign that feelings can turn your head.

Good dream: in which you see or pick ripe berries that are not very large and not too juicy.

Getting dirty with berry juice: means that some of your passion threatens to damage your reputation.

Bitter or sour berries: portends disappointment.

Wolf or other poisonous berries: a sign of a poisonous temptation that can pretty much poison your life. After such a dream, you should avoid questionable sentences.

Red berries

Dream interpretation Red berries dreamed why there were Red berries in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Red berries in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Red berries

Red berries - health and contentment.

Dream interpretation - Red berries

Health and contentment

Dream interpretation - Berry

Being in a clearing with an abundance of berries - improvement of affairs, recovery;
collect berries in a deep bowl, forgetting that they can wrinkle - your good intentions will turn into misfortune;
to see a lot of berries, but they are still completely green - you do not need to run ahead and rush things, this will not speed things up, add confusion;
put a big berry stain on your favorite suit and don't know how to get it out - the person who caused you trouble will not be punished;
berries ripened on your windowsill on New Year's Eve - a testament to your good-natured mood and willingness to help even in the most unrealizable projects;
for a man - to treat a loved one with berries, but he refuses - the breakup of a long-boring and exhausted relationship;
for a woman - such a dream - intrigue in the circle of friends of a loved one.
Also see New Year, Honeysuckle, Elderberry, Strawberry, Raspberry, Mulberry.

Dream interpretation - Berries

Red, ripe berries - to tears.

White berries - to triumph, success.

Black berries - to sadness.

Eating berries - to joy, prosperity and success in business.

A lot of berries in a dream - to troublesome low-paid work, tears.

Collecting berries in a dream - to tears.

Giving berries to others is to share sorrow.

Dream interpretation - Berries

(See interpretation: fruits and berry names)

Red and sweet berries in a dream mean joy and success in business and in love.

Sour, unripe, rotten berries in a dream are a sign of failures, worries and troubles.

Eating berries in a dream during the season portends good news or meetings.

Juicy berries predict carnal pleasures and love pleasures. Dried and boiled berries in a dream indicate a good income from some kind of enterprise.

Dream interpretation - Berries

Collecting wild berries in a dream portends a fun pastime with new friends. Harvesting berries in the garden - in reality, you will meet a person who will bring a lot of new and unusual things into your life.

Red berries in a dream indicate that you will be disappointed with those in whom you expected to meet a person with a disinterested and sympathetic soul. Black berries are a sign of misunderstanding due to excessive and unreasonable jealousy.

If in a dream you are making jam from berries, it means that in reality there is a long road ahead, fraught with many hardships and inconveniences. Wine or berry liqueur portends a divergence of views with a loved one and, as a result, cooling of love feelings to mutual dissatisfaction and disappointment.

Dream interpretation - Berries

To see ripe, juicy berries is a harbinger of prosperity and success in the intended business. If the berries are unripe, success will not come as soon as you expect. Dried or dried berries mean that the money you earn will last for a long time. Rotten berries - success will be fleeting.

Imagine that you are sorting berries, washing them, filling them with sugar and making jam. If the berries are green, imagine that they are ripening right before your eyes.

Dream interpretation - Berries

Collecting berries is a symbol of the upcoming stupid troubles and minor troubles. If in a dream you ate berries, then this is a good sign, in the near future you will enjoy pleasure, a pleasant pastime and little joys. Green (unripe) berries or dried ones, symbolize your imbalance and impatience in matters in which this is unacceptable. Wormy berries indicate that there is a person in your environment who wishes you harm, or willingly or unwillingly harms you. Selling berries in a dream means troubles associated with money.

Dream interpretation - berries are red

For the arrival of relatives.

Dream interpretation - Berries

They symbolize temptation and pleasure.

Seeing ripe, juicy berries: a sign that feelings can turn your head.

Good dream: in which you see or pick ripe berries that are not very large and not too juicy.

Getting dirty with berry juice: means that some of your passion threatens to damage your reputation.

Bitter or sour berries: portends disappointment.

Wolf or other poisonous berries: a sign of a poisonous temptation that can pretty much poison your life. After such a dream, you should avoid questionable sentences.

Why dream of red berries?

You can find out for free in the dream book, what is the dream of Red berriesby reading below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not red berries, but something else, use the search form online interpretations dreams.

What is the dream of Red berries

For the arrival of relatives.



I dreamed that I was picking very ripe and large strawberries in the hem. I even tasted the berries. Collected a lot

Julia Dream Interpretation:

eleanor, perhaps your dream about strawberries, suggests that adventures await you in your personal life.


She baked huge pies in a dream and sprinkled with berries. What is it for?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Tatyana, perhaps a dream suggests that you have some trouble ahead.


I ate a large Victoria berry, such a big one that I had never seen in my life, ate from a cup, seemingly not quite ripe, but could not come off, and I also picked up a spilled berry from the table with my hand - I thought pomegranate seeds - and then ate it - and it turned out not to be a pomegranate, but something sooooo tasty and ripe and rich in pomegranate color and completely without pomegranate sourness)

Julia Dream Interpretation:

maria, perhaps a dream in which you eat berries, suggests that in reality you can experience some kind of pleasure.


i saw in a dream that my boyfriend brought me two buckets of mulberry and black mulberry. What is it for?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

zara, the fact that he brought berries in your dream most likely means that he will try to tempt you.


In a dream I saw a whole clearing of red juicy round berries. What does it mean?


I once saw a dream in which at a social reception I was sitting next to our chief boss and I was going to eat large berries, which are usually served at such expensive receptions - blackberries, raspberries, strawberries (they are much larger than ordinary garden ones).
We talk, smile and the general impression after sleep is upbeat.

Does the intention to sow berries in someone's company mean something special in a dream?
Thank you.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there were a lot of berries in your dream most likely indicates that a period of various entertainment and fun awaits you.


I dreamed that I was walking in someone else's garden and looking for strawberries, at first I see only green ones, and a little further I saw many, many red strawberries, picked one, and they noticed me, I started to hide, but I also managed to eat, the size was about a 10-liter bucket ...


i dreamed of a lot of ripe blueberries, and I pick ripe blueberries and sell them in buckets, but I seem to sell them profitably.


I saw a lot of blueberries and I collected them in buckets and then sold them


I collected very large ripe currants in a large basket.


Hello, I dreamed in the morning that my friend's mother-in-law was offering me and another common friend of ours many different berries - small and different colors - I don’t know which ones (but something like blueberries, blueberries, cranberries ...). haven't tried them. Please tell me what this dream can mean. Thank you.


I dreamed of a white berry the size of apples and almost the same in shape, but it’s not an apple, it grew on an almost dried bush, and when I came up and touched to see what it was, a stranger told me not to touch it ... I don’t remember why not.


She walked with her late husband in the forest. I picked and ate ripe blueberries in very scanty quantities among the green ones. Even, having got to a specially planted area of \u200b\u200bblueberries, where there were a lot of people, there were very few black berries - everything had already been ripped off. What is it for? The dream was from Tuesday to Wednesday and the 13th in the morning.
Thank you!!!


i dreamed that I was walking through the cemetery with my loved ones (mother, grandmother); many fresh graves with wreaths and wooden crosseslocated in rows and along the side of these graves, large purple berries grow on a stick (in a dream I thought it was blueberries), I picked them and ate them (they were not sour), although in a dream I thought that nothing could be eaten from the cemetery. Help make out the dream!




dreamed. that with my mother and two friends we collect large ripe strawberries in the cemetery, in buckets, my friends picked a bucket and left, my mother and I picked it, my mother made jam, came again and picked another bucket, I taste it and understand that she cemetery and spit it out, but it feels like watching us deceased mother those two friends of mine who gathered with us, they are relatives of each other. how can you interpret such a dream


I had a dream. I see in a dream a meeting with a man (who still loves me, but I am married), this man is well dressed (although in life he dresses much simpler), and in a dream I see that he has a dark brown leather briefcase or bag (I don't remember exactly), we are sitting on a bench, he kissed me on the lips 3 times with short kisses. Then I see a boy hovering around us and notice that he approached the briefcase (or bag), stole the wallet and ran away. I look at "my boyfriend" and see that the theft of the wallet did not bother me at all, they say, so what. Then suddenly I realize that a filling has fallen out of my tooth, I even remember that I’m holding the filling out of the four in my hand, it’s so clean, white, but oblong, as if it’s vertical and I think it’s how long it’s the hole in the tooth is also narrow and long. I understand that I need to have a tooth treated and I leave towards my house to solve my problem. And "my boyfriend" also leaves, in a dream I understand that he was called to work.
Since the dream was long ago, more than a year ago, then I have already explained some points for myself. I still have one moment in this dream that I still cannot understand. But I'll start with what I was able to clarify on my own.
In general, a fallen tooth filling is a nuisance in your personal life. I really started having big troubles, my husband and I parted ways, the month of separation was a huge stress and anxiety for us, because of this my husband suffered a heart attack and still have health problems.
Further, a person kissed me on the lips in a dream and more than once, this usually means treason and indeed, later I found out. that he got married and at the time when I had a dream, he was already married, which confirms treason.
It remained unclear for me that the boy stole the wallet and that the man was dressed well enough, which is not observed in real life.
I will wait for an answer. Thank you.
Sincerely, Elena


i constantly dream of children and my mother is cheerful, although she died and in my sleep I try to find a second half for myself, I don’t go to it and then I lose everything so strange I cannot make out my dreams and what are they for


i dreamed of a large field with tall bushes on which a strawberry was growing, very large and ripe, red, I picked it. I also dreamed about large apples, also very large! And I also have no children, but I dreamed about my daughter, I hugged her and held her on the rocks, and she smiled at me. Here is such a colorful dream .. Why ??


I saw tonight a strange dream... I open the cupboard where I store tea, spices, cookies, sweets and see there pieces of fresh meat, and in containers wrapped in plastic, frozen lingonberries. I did not touch the meat, and poured the berries from one container to another.


in the green glade there is bright juicy grass, warm. My husband and I felt thirsty and we saw in the same glade, separately, in rows on trellises, raspberry bushes and bushes of the same size with berries, similar to strawberries, only the size of a large tangerine. The berries are ripe, sweet, juicy and aromatic. We collected and ate with surprise and delight.


in a transparent vessel lies a juicy red lingonberry berry one in one like a ripe pomegranate attached to a web when you throw it behind this web, like a cloth, it folds back like a layer with the berry, a very beautiful and natural sight


An unknown woman put a lot of ripe beautiful berries (blueberries, cherries, raspberries, etc., blue, red, pink) in a transparent box. Then she took out liter cans I put blackberries in the same box, but there were already 5 kilograms of blackberries. These berries were intended for me, but I never ate them, I just looked.


I dreamed that I was buying berries in the Store, there are a lot of them in trays, they are very red, but sour. I took a kilogram, but the prodigy made a markup and I quarreled with her and refused to buy them and hit the saleswoman in the face, i.e. I just slapped her in the face.


i dreamed about the house in which I grew up, but now I don't live there, Victoria grew in the garden, the leaves were green, and the berries were red, tasty, juicy. I shared it with some guy, I don't remember him. there were many relatives there.

[email protected]:

i was picking berries, strawberries, currants, strawberries in the forest, but suddenly a car drove up and drove along the ground where berries grow, which I was angry about


i dreamed that I was visiting my parents, we came to the garden and I saw that the Victoria, which we planted last spring, had grown and there were a lot of big red berries on it. Oddly enough, my brothers and sisters were with me, but for some reason they were still small in my dream, I picked the biggest berry and naturally did not want to share with anyone.


I ate berries .. currants and black currant there were still but these brightest…. and I ate them on the belly of a girl I like.


i see that after the hurricane a branch of an apple tree appeared in my parents' garden and the whole earth is strewn with apples, my sister and I began to collect everything, there were also strawberries - a lot, all the apples are red, the berries are ripe, there were not enough hands. and then I saw two hungry kittens, I decided that they needed to be fed. took them in hand, brought them into the house, poured borsch, they ate with gusto. in general, during the whole sleep, puppies, kittens, chickens, ducklings periodically appeared. in general, the impressions are positive, but I would like to know what it meant.


Hello, Tatyana. Today I dreamed that I was picking blueberries in the cemetery. Then I saw a huge mirror, but nothing was displayed in it, neither the graves nor the people that passed by, but only one big tree and there are a lot of blueberries on it and they were large like apples. I turned around but the tree was nowhere to be found only in the mirror.


i’m waiting for my husband somewhere in a dark place and he’s gone for a long time to my friend I’m looking at a lot of beautiful berries, a lot of different ones, and then a husband appeared, I really wanted to try my husband says, let's go, no need to scold, but I still took one strawberry and we went


I drive a car, stop, open the door, and there are a lot of strawberries growing there. I pick it up and eat it. I get out of the car, go pick strawberries, and suddenly with horror I notice that I am trampling someone's grave: there is an old monument, I understand that I ate berries in the cemetery.


I had a dream that at first I found myself at a bus stop with some young man unknown to me, with whom I seemed to have thoughts of having a relationship. Then I dream of pies and one of them with red berry jam, it all looks like lunch, but for some reason there are many elderly women, whom I also do not know. Then I see either a fortune teller, or a gypsy woman, from whom I ask for cards. I fan them out in my hand. They are more like fortune-telling than playing. Before taking the cards from her, I started to shake very much, and I told her that I also have magical abilities. That's the whole dream.


I'm in a clearing in a beautiful green forest, but for some reason the foliage is yellow on the ground and I'm picking berries suddenly a friend walks by, he bears a house on him, I began to chase him away, and said go by, otherwise there won't be enough berries for everyone and he went to the side

Igor .:

In a dream I saw ripe strawberries, raspberries and cherries in a store, they ran out and I got not very good ones. I arrived at the warehouse, and there they unloaded fresh and ripe ones, they promised to sell me, but I woke up.


I collected currants from a large box in my jar, which hung on a string around my neck. The berry was small, but I wanted to find a large one,


at first it was as if the news came to me that there was some space station or an object connected with space or a secret laboratory, well, something like that after I ended up at the edge of the forest it seemed that there were a lot of forest berries near this place, especially strawberries, but at first I felt uncomfortable in this place, the time of day changed quickly at first clear sun stream twilight quickly set in but as I crossed the stream towards the forest everything cleared up again.


I was walking through the forest and saw the mown grass, I went up to a clearing, and there was a heap of grass, I rake a heap, and under it there were many red ripe berries.


I collected strawberries, they are large, juicy, the bushes are well-groomed, they look like strawberries, but they tell me that these are strawberries and I collect, collect ...


I dreamed that I was eating strawberries in a meadow with a young man whom I love very much. What would that mean?


Victoria, one side is red, the other is whitish, the berry is the size of a fist, huge, I just eagerly rushed to pick it, already feeling its taste in my mouth, someone on the right, some boy, screams, don't tear, she's not ripe yet, but I didn’t listen and tore it off. I didn’t have time to eat, I woke up


I was in the yard of my deceased grandmother and she planted young seedlings with big red berries //


I saw Victoria in a dream. I don't remember eating it or collecting it or buying it or it belonged to me. I remember the berries were big, beautiful, ripe, red. And the bushes are green, fluffy, stuffed with greenery. And they are full of berries. I also remember that in a dream I compared Victoria to bunches of grapes, there are also many berries on one branch.
In advance, thanks a lot for helping to decipher the dream!)


At the market, I bought fresh, beautiful, but slightly fatty meat. Not pork or beef. I tried blueberries, then bought leftovers. Very ripe berry


My husband and mother and I gathered for berries. then a woman came up to me with a bucket of berries and offered me to buy berries. the berry was large (even very), red.


Hello, my name is Elena. I am 21 years old.
Today I had a dream in which my beloved young man with whom we have been meeting for almost half a year came to visit me with treats, of which I saw blueberries most clearly. A couple of berries fell to the floor, and I picked them up and wanted to wash and put on the table.


Hello! I had a dream in which I saw a lot of berries, but they were already picked and I ate them. berries were of blue color (like honeysuckle and plum), but I cannot name them, because I have not seen such.


Hello, I dreamed that I was comparing berries of the same type and the berries that I compared tasted different in taste, one sweet another tasteless, sour and bitter (What does this mean ?? And I said no, this berry which is tasteless is not this variety of berries fake.


i collected a whole bucket of cranberries and for some reason there was snow around, and I fell asleep, waking up the bucket did not find (stole), but picked berries with friends, I wanted to steal from friends, but my conscience did not allow.


i saw a very large bright red very natural strawberries First, I ate one berry, then I ate two together, I also ate them, but I did not feel the taste, and I was seized with some anxiety that someone was hiding in the hole (the berry grew near the hole, I even looked there, but it was dark there. Then I jumped out of the hole. - that animal that looked like a hedgehog and went to me I drove it away But it was not spiteful - on the contrary, there was a woman next to me who took it with joy


i was traveling by bus with my husband somewhere as if on vacation. next to the road, the slope is covered with red berries that look like cranberries. very much. very nice.


I ate a big red Victoria from a plate brought by my classmate Alya, in a dream she went to work for Tatar women, and it was written there - only Tatar women are required. She was in contact with the employer at this time.


In the STORE, I saw baskets with various berries, in one wicker basket raspberries, in the other blackberries, and in the third I don't remember the same. the saleswoman weighed, it was very expensive. I didn't have enough money to buy them.


We drove up to the meadow, I was sure that there were strawberries or strawberries, but I saw a lot of raspberries and, in my opinion, blackberries.


my ex came and brought me green berries on top and red ones on the bottom and also with mustache. and I also saw his wife with a child. There was a girl crying and was all red.


I ate black very large blackberries. Then I saw how my aunt bakes different rolls. And I caught a glimpse of one of my relatives carrying two large wreaths


I dreamed of a different red berry weaving, among it was a very large raspberry, I ate it, some other berry that I don't know and some kind of unripe one, I didn't try it.


i tried to eat berries in a dream, but they didn’t let me because it was in the store and I didn’t pay for them, and they were also dry


i had a dream about how they were going to feed me with the girl wolf berries. The girl refused, and I tried and spat it out. Here is such a dream. These berries were light red!

chudaeva irina:

i don’t remember I’m going on the train with someone, I got off, I’m walking along a sandy road, peredomny bushes with red raspberries, I didn’t start picking from the first bush, then I took the berry in my hand, but I don’t remember whether or not I picked it. years ago and until that time I had never dreamed of) and from among them I see my daughter and her friend (friend is alive), I call her Ineska, Ineska, and she somehow hides behind her friend's back, a friend comes up to me, I say, Sveta Why didn't you recognize me? I say, Ineska went home, but she's not here well, I don't want to go home, and the alarm went off.


dreamed of Victoria berries I picked them and red and white for some reason, then worms crawled over my hand rain


i dreamed that I was picking berries in a dream, sort of like blueberries, I was not picking alone, there were people nearby and they were picking too, I remember I saw someone had a full bucket of large berries


i was on a familiar street, but everything was unfamiliar to me. I was with a woman, but I didn't see her. I ate berries of rose hips and grapes, ripe. I picked it myself.


I was walking in our old abandoned garden, picking apples, and suddenly I saw that among the thickets there was a blackberry, on which there were a lot of berries, I began to pick them, at the call of my mother to go home, I answered that I needed to pick it up.


I walk in the light rain through the garden and collect a large red Victoria in a red basket, Then we collect Victoria with my husband and try, we see a neighbor next to us, my husband took a felled tree in his hands and wants to throw it out, I argue with my husband and I am jealous of a neighbor


I picked very large and ripe strawberries straight from the garden in buckets. But she was not overripe, and she looked very beautiful. Overripe fruits came across, but I threw them away and left only beautiful and large ones. What does that mean?




Good afternoon, Tatiana!
I dreamed that my relatives and I were picking berries in the grass, very ripe and large, she was in the grass - you look from above - one grass, and you push it apart - berries. We took full buckets and wanted to put them on a big bag. I didn't see how they poured, but I remember 2 empty buckets from under the berries.
Thank you!


My house was under construction, I built a gorgeous house, I walk around happy, there are bushes near the house, covered with blueberries, but they need to be covered with earth, as if they had just been planted


I collected strawberries and raspberries, wanted to treat them to my mother, and then ended up in a room at home with my common-law husband, we fell asleep in an embrace on the couch. then I woke up


i ate handfuls of cranberries and lingonberries without seeing them, just knowing that they were them. And then I saw them lying on the bed, next to them from the package poured blueberries and blackberries and small blueberries, and the blackberries are large, beautiful. I saw three heaps of berries nearby : cranberries and lingonberries mixed, blueberries and blackberries and woke up.


I dreamed that at first I pick a large victoria with a fist, ripe in appearance and very juicy, then I go into a beautiful forest and start picking strawberries, it is also very large, and then I go into the field there to dry the dug potatoes and they are also very beautiful and there is a torn green onion


i dreamed about berries - I clearly remember strawberries and blueberries! I collected it and already there are a lot of boxes and jars and blueberries and strawberries and I eat these berries and eat and cvnh. I circle around with such a surprise that it is in my garden and there are so many and everything is more beautiful and ripe and tastier and so many positive emotions that I don't remember why I wanted to go through the garden and still admire the harvest I'm fed up and happy!


i drive down a very steep slope by car and with all my strength I press the brake, I come to the bushes with raspberries, which are located behind some kind of fence, I taste delicious and juicy berries. Then I am in parental home and I am a dead uncle next to me, I am taking him in a car. Again, to these berries, I'll climb over the fence and want to try, but my teacher, pulls me up and says that they are not ripe, I all woke up


in a dream I saw my late grandfather, who picked me ripe Victoria berries and I ate it


I ate large ripe victoria. Victoria plantations are very large and there are a lot of ripe, large berries! I ate with my sister.


i dream that I have two buckets of wild berries, but at least it is ripe but smallish I am in the forest on the river bank, in the bushes, not far away are buckets with a large red also forest berry, I take two buckets. knowing that it’s not mine .. a woman is running, I’m afraid that she will be indignant, but here some men are coming, as it were, an attack. ... she falls unconscious, next to her house, I drag her there., I myself think that now she will not be angry with me. I try to lock the doors, but the attackers end up in the house, but it’s surprising that they seem to be under arrest. turns around and I see the face of a person with whom I would like to communicate….


good day. The dream was confusing. I just saw in the forest a huge clearing with berries of unripe blueberries, and I tasted one berry, sour. (Something worries me recent times, therefore betrayed the meaning to sleep)


bought strawberries


i am walking along the Lelu and there is a big red strawberry growing there I am picking it with my wife and Kator at this time in a quarrel I treat her


It was a large meadow covered with red berries, I and another girl were picking these berries. I only had red ones, I tore them in a bucket and ate the berries were sweet. And for some reason, I saw only green berries in the bucket of the girl


at home there was a major scandal after which I went to my mother's grave and cried there for a long time talking with her about my troubles, then I came home and when I went to bed I saw a dream a huge field of victoria berries around the people who collect it I try to collect it but it ends on me I'm going to another field and there I am not allowed to pick berries, they say that it is a day off, but I tried one berry, I even felt its very sweet taste, and then woke up


either a dacha, or a glade, with my aunt's friends (because I remember that I consulted with her and said that such a delicious purple strawberry), in general, I stand in a clearing and see a garden with strawberries, and there they are all different, blue, purple, black, red, and most importantly, it was so big. I collected and ate it


i dreamed of blueberries and lingonberries, or maybe red currants, laid out in plastic bags, a lot of bags, they began to ferment and smell, and all these berries were flushed down the drain.


i'm on the mountain there is a forest and a green meadow with flowers next to a friend under the mountain people are a crowd from the crowd a man is climbing up the mountain to me who claims my hand and heart rose from behind takes out a basket of red berries and offers it to me


the deceased son dreamed and said that he needed 35 honeysuckle berries, I replied that I have a frozen one, come I'll give it and that's it


I dreamed that I came to my mother and she is younger than her years with a magnificent hairdo. We sat and went through the berries. There were a lot of berries and they were beige, dry and crumpled. The berries were sorted out by 3 more women unfamiliar to me.


stood with their daughter on the balcony in the parents' house for some reason it was scary


I dreamed as if all people were running away from some monster from the forest. Baskets of berries were thrown on the move and run away. And I ran with them. I see scattered berries everywhere. The monster did not reach me… I see everything from the side and it was very scary, what does that mean?


summer ... a clearing covered with large red strawberries ... I pick them. I feel good and easy, I want to lie in the grass. I turn my head and see a bear with an angry face. running as fast as possible, some people are running with me. I turn left, people run straight, and the bear follows me. I caught up with me and I hear his breathing, I feel fear, but there is no pain.


I dreamed that my dad and I were driving in the car and talking about the house. we stopped at a place where there are many private houses, stopped at one of them, I went to the house and found berries, told my dad about it, and started eating them, they were sweet, but then I looked up and saw a small bear 7 m away , I immediately returned to my dad, and we quietly began getting into the car, and the bear began to approach us, then I woke up


i collected large berries, cloudberries, strawberries, a lot. I gave them to my children and my mother helped me (my mother died). Everything happened in someone else's garden. The hostess came and began to drive us out.


Good afternoon. On Monday night I had a dream ... I look out the window and see vigorous bushes of honeysuckle, berries are large, dark with blue, hanging and so clear. I think I need to pick them up and take them with my father-in-law, they live in the west and they don't know such berries ... I’m going on the road myself. Thank you.


i saw a large clearing of ripe juicy and red berries, and also a man and a conversation about him, who is now very far away and I have not seen him for a hundred years


My husband and I walk along a clearing near the track and pick berries. The husband gives me his bunch of berries and I have a large bunch of berries in my hand and in the middle of the bunch there is a long grass. This is happening in my homeland. Near the stop there are people and somehow I am late for the bus. Then I don't remember


In a dream, I was hosing a bush on it were berries - red cherry-like. The bush had white flowers, like spring, or something, and a little berry. I saw my hands holding the hose and watering the bush. Then next to my hands, the hands of a man appear, and I eat berries.


i bought yellow and red currants and mushrooms - russula chanterelles at the bazaar in winter
Some mushrooms were wormy and I threw them away


The father, who is no longer alive, brought a whole bucket of ripe red lingonberries. He left, I took a handful and thought: What am I going to do with it? "


A woman gave a half of a pie with large blue buttocks


I dreamed of a lot of heaps of large ripe blackberries They lay on very black earth soil, and I stand, look and think, when will I have time to eat it all?


i dreamed that I was picking a cloudberry berry, there are so many of it, and it is all different colors, from bright red to bright orange, and I collect it straight and I want to have a lot of it .. why would it?


Dreamed of a deceased mom, helped to get over cranberries from garbage


Me, my mom and deceased grandmother went to pick the currants. When they parted the bushes, there were black and white berries. I picked a handful of black berries and put them in a bucket. And then white ones. Suddenly an old woman appeared on the side and handed my grandmother an already full bucket of black berries. I decided that it was death and asked her not to take her grandmother, but she said that she had to go and everything disappeared.

To understand why you dream of picking berries, the dream book suggests remembering what it really is in a dream. You dreamed of nothing more than the result of growth, flowering, ripening. The details of the dream will tell you what benefits are to be reaped in reality.

Miller's paradoxes

The prediction of why one dreams of picking berries in Miller's dream book sometimes means completely opposite phenomena: from complete collapse to dizzying success, from sudden separation to an equally unexpected meeting. Let's consider these images in more detail.

If you dreamed about red berries, a person whom you no longer hoped to see will make itself felt. When in a dream their size or appearance causes annoyance, the symbol means tears. A great many portends difficulties in business, which, however, will not prevent you from achieving brilliant results.

What color will tell

Interpreting why one dreams of picking red berries, the Esoteric Dream Book suggests remembering their purpose. If you dreamed about wine varieties, success is coming in any endeavors. The raw material for the jam testifies to the goodwill of fortune. When you still can't remember the goals, there is no point in looking for an explanation for everything, just trust your heart.

The healer Fedorovskaya believes that picking black fruits is not good. If you happen to see blueberries or currants and walk past or even step on them in a dream, in real life you will be able to defeat your rivals.

Dream interpretation of Veles promises the triumph of justice to the one who collected black and yellow berries in one basket. In the prediction of summer birthday people, red currants and cherries warn of an insignificant increase in temperature.

the Forbidden fruit

Some dream books are wary of the plot in which it was possible to pick berries and eat them right there. Sorceress Medea believes that the sleeper can be greatly upset by ingratitude.

The gypsy interpretation of sleep says that eating freshly picked raspberries and blackberries occurs shortly before a slight illness. Perhaps the image recalls that it is advisable to wash the gifts of nature before use.

At the same time, the Modern Oracle claims that picking and eating berries one after another in a dream has to be done on the eve of little joys.

Assorted gourmet

In dream books you can find various interpretations of why you dream of picking berries of different varieties:

  • A basket of strawberries, collected in a dream, portends a series of vivid impressions;
  • If you are lucky enough to find a clearing of strawberries, good news break plans;
  • True connoisseurs of pleasures have to see strawberries in a dream;
  • If you dreamed of picking strawberries, an erotic adventure is ahead;
  • He who picks blueberries in a dream will be invited to a fun banquet;
  • If you dreamed of picking bird cherry berries, a long-awaited event will come;
  • The collected raspberries are considered a harbinger of a wedding, perhaps their own;
  • Blackberries and their collection symbolize material well-being.

Forest secrets

An explanation of why you dream of picking berries in the forest can be found in Old dream book... The plot reflects an interest in self-knowledge, identifying and developing one's best qualities.

If you dreamed about collecting the gifts of nature in the forest, Aesop's dream book promises success, however, the path to it will be long and thorny. In the dream interpreter of the witch Navi, forest plants symbolize the inevitability of change.

In the Children's Dream Book, the search for delicacies in the forest personifies the ability to combine business with pleasure.

You can't figure it out on purpose

It's no secret that you can pick berries in a dream at any time and in the most unexpected places. Do not be alarmed if the graveyard turns out to be the scene of action in the night dreams. Gathering ripe fruits in a cemetery testifies to the ability to use the past as a storehouse of life experience and not repeat past mistakes.

If you had to pick berries lying on the floor, the Wanderer's dream book promises humiliation and resentment.

If the sleeper hopes to harvest in winter, the Ukrainian interpretation states that in reality he often takes on unpromising projects. According to the Psychoanalytic interpretation, the sign refers to unfinished business or relationships that will soon remind of themselves.

What the dreamer wants

When in a dream you have to pluck cherries from a tree at a high altitude, Azar's dream book promises that in real life it will be possible to overcome financial difficulties.

It is considered a bad sign to pick berries, as well as inedible or wormy mushrooms. What you dreamed suggests that you feel out of place. Too often, you have to endure grievances from loved ones or be disappointed in them.

The dream of collecting many identical berries can be interpreted literally: this is the product that your body needs right now.

Quality label

Why dream of picking ripe large berries, Freud's dream book will tell. The dreamer has an unforgettable romantic date ahead, which will help to comprehend new facets of sexuality.

Large raspberries and blackberries testify to equanimity, which more than once helped out in the competition. If a patient had to collect sweet berries in a dream, he is on the right path to recovery.

In a dream, you may dream of sweets, a variety of foods, fruits and vegetables.

Why do berries dream? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do berries dream - the main interpretation

Berries in a dream can speak of both a pleasant and joyful life in reality, and they can portend not very pleasant situations. They may even talk about a threat to your reputation, in order to fully understand a dream, you need to take into account its details and tips:

Where did the berries come from in your dream;

Were they ripe;

How they tasted;

Have you collected them;

What feelings visited you;

Who else was present in your dream.

If in a dream you collect berries in a large basket and do it in the forest - in reality you will collect fruits from your own labors. They were quite fruitful, and now you can deservedly hear praise addressed to you, but the dream also suggests that you still have to work hard for the good of people.

Try to collect your thoughts if in a dream you see yourself trampling berries. You will not want to accept gifts of fate, you will not want to rejoice at the events that life gives you. Try not to belittle your own and others' dignity and then the situation will level out and you will get what you have wanted for so long.

If in a dream you crush berries in your hands - in reality you will do the same with someone else's opinion. You won't let anyone say anything. On the one hand, this will give you the opportunity to complete the task, on the other hand, it will limit your decision-making. You will not be able to consult with anyone, discuss with anyone everything that is happening in your life. Thus, you will abandon your own friends and colleagues.

The dream in which you canned berries suggests that it is time for you to leave your memory alone. Leave those events that so prevented you from living - to the past and try to actively engage in the future. This will give you the opportunity to live fully.

Berries that have rotted on the bush - indicate that you will soon part with your loved one, who was very dear to you until recently. Now you have lost faith in him and your relationship. The reason for this could be other people's gossip and other people's intrigues. You could for a long time look for opportunities to restore relationships, but now this is already impossible to do.

A dream in which you see black berries suggests that your health may deteriorate soon, your life may worsen, you may lose your job, or you may quarrel with someone. In order to learn more about the interpretation of sleep, it is important to remember the emotions that accompanied it.

If you saw black berries on the bush and did not pick them, you can still bypass the problem and stay out of trouble. If the berries that you saw on the bush seemed appetizing to you, and you began to eat them, negativity and problems will become companions of your life.

If you begin to trample the berries, you will not reckon with the prompts of fate and will simply start to neglect common sense. Try not to focus on your shortcomings and start actively working towards your own development.

If you dream that someone gave you black berries - such a dream may mean that this person is clearly negative emotions towards you. Try to limit communication with this person in the near future. If this is someone from your relatives, then you have offended the person, and he expects an apology from you.

Why do white berries dream? Such a dream may indicate very favorable events in your life. You can happily and actively engage in it and get a lot of pleasure from work and household chores. If not long ago you experienced difficulties in life, now they will completely disappear. If you have experienced fear of something, now you will completely free yourself from it and live a calm and even life.

A dream in which you see a whole berry garden means that soon you will get unlimited opportunities in life, namely, expand your social circle, you will be able to more actively establish connections and be able to quickly achieve what you want. But with a variety of options, you shouldn't lose yourself. Try to defend your old habits and interests. You don't have to throw yourself headlong into the cycle of life. It is enough to simply accept new opportunities and take advantage of them.

Artificial berries on the bushes dream as a symbol of false promises and imaginary desires. You shouldn't be nervous, but you don't need to let the situation go by itself either. Accept it for what it is, do not try to distort reality. But strive to resolve conflicts and achieve your goals.

The berries that are in your refrigerator, and you took them out to defrost - such a dream speaks of your inner need to understand a situation that has long required your intervention. You could simply close your eyes to her and not be aware of the significance of what is happening.

Now life will present you with a choice. You will have to go back in time and restore the situation. If you dream that you are drawing berries on canvas, you dream of a wonderful and successful life, but you cannot realize your plan, because your actions do not move further than your dreams. Try to think through all life changes in advance.

Why do berries dream according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book, it is said that berries are dreamed of as a symbol of happy and long-term relationships. If you dreamed of him rotten - in reality you will face betrayal from a loved one. Do not dramatize the situation, just be prepared for the fact that you will not be appreciated or understood. Your emotional experiences will remain inseparable, because your other half will decide that personal life is more important, and not your relationship with it.

Black berries in a dream can speak of a heavy break in reality. If you see a dream in which the hand of an unknown person is stretched out to you, and there are black berries in it, be prepared for the fact that your enemies will present you with an unpleasant gift. You won't expect it, but your enemies will negatively affect your love life. They can slander you, or even provoke your other half to cheat.

A dream in which you see washed, juicy, ripe berries that are laid out on a dish speaks of an upcoming holiday. In your personal life, everything will be smooth, everything will be clear and transparent. If until recently you experienced some kind of discomfort in your personal life, now you can safely develop the relationships that you already have, build new ones. You can afford to hang out with new men if you haven't been in a relationship.

For a pregnant woman, a dream in which she eats berries is a signal that it is time for her to take care of her health. She could have missed important symptoms of the body about mild malaise and now she will need to monitor her health even more closely.

Why do berries dream according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that berries dream of troubles and minor problems. If you see berries in a dream that you pick from the ground, your dreams and desires are not realized, time has already been lost for their realization.

What blue berries dream about is a symbol of wisdom and balanced decisions. You can count on support from outside and you can count on new opportunities in solving old problems.

Why do berries dream in other dream books

IN dream book by Grishina it is said that berries are dreamed of when a person is preparing for some changes. These can be both global changes and temporary changes in a different direction. If the berries are white in a dream, a favorable outcome is guaranteed. If the berries in a dream are black, it's time to get ready for difficulties and negativity.

If in a dream you see that the berries have dried up on the bush - it's time for you to think about whether you deny yourself the pleasures of life, perhaps you do not follow your emotions and allow yourself much more than you could? Also, such a dream can speak of fading feelings - this interpretation is given by aesop's dream book.

It is also important to pay attention to the emotions that the dream caused in you. If you woke up in a good mood and are happy with everything that is happening in your life, then everything in your life will turn out great. If you woke up depressed and got very nervous, then you are not ready to perceive life lesson, which fate has prepared for you. Accept it and everything will work out.

Anchor points:

Red berries

Red - to harmony and systematic development romantic relationship... Many prospects will open before you, and right now you can make your life the way you have always dreamed of. Difficulties will arise, but they will turn out to be so insignificant that you simply will not notice many of them.

Strawberry dreams

Collect strawberries - to difficulties and failures, because of which you will be ready to give up and give up what you started in the middle of the path. If you overpower yourself and keep looking for ways out difficult situations, you must will reward for all the work.

Pick berries in the forest

Where berries were picked - to a date and an interesting time in the company with a person you like for a long time, but you still did not dare to open up to him The dreamer will feel happy, because the very person he needs will take the first step towards.

Blueberries in a dream

Blueberries - you overestimate your strengths and abilities and can soon take on a lot of responsibility without calculating the load. It is likely that you will not be able to handle what you have taken on yourself.


Raspberries - for a pleasant evening in a positive company. You are going to meet friends whom you miss a lot. The evening promises to be warm, joyful and filled with memories.

Picking strawberries

Picking strawberries - to joyful events. But this dream is also of a warning nature: you should not spend days on end in fun and entertainment. You should do something that will develop you as a person and give you rest for the soul, not for the body.

Bushes with berries

Collect berries from the bush - to changethat will be closely related to work. You create problems for yourself with your own hands. You should not shift the responsibility for your actions onto the shoulders of the people who happened to be nearby, this will give rise to unpleasant rumors, and you risk becoming the epicenter of a loud scandal.

Berries in the graveyard

At the cemetery - a person close to you, suffering from a serious illness, will soon be able to recover. Everyone will consider it a miracle, because everyone around them considered this prolonged illness the beginning of the end. Now the life of this person will be long and filled with all kinds of emotions.