Ender world in real life. Minecraft portals

Today we will talk about how to build a portal to the Ender world. Every Minecraft sandbox player will one day want to explore something unusual, which is not always encountered in the game space. Of course, the portal to the Ender world becomes the central desire of such people.

Point of arrival

This dimension is otherwise called the Edge. It bears this name for many reasons. First of all, because this is the last and highest task in terms of progress that a player can complete, since the final boss lives here. It conceals a lot of mysteries and secrets, it is in this place that you can get on the battlefield with a real Dragon. In case of victory, the player will receive numerous treasures. This explains the persistent relevance of the question of how to build a portal to the Ender world.

Portal construction

In order to start building a passage to this mysterious dimension, you need to acquire 12 Eye of Ender artifacts and 12 special blocks. The latter are installed on the ground, forming a 4x4 frame. An Eye is laid out on the top edge of each block. After the portal to the Ender world ("Minecraft") will open, and the player will enter the world of evil monsters.


In order to get to the cherished place, it is not at all necessary to engage in the construction of the structure yourself. In "Minecraft" there is an opportunity to find a portal. You will also need the Eye of Ender for this purpose. Thanks to this artifact, the correct path can be found. The eye will work as a kind of compass. To do this, you need to toss this item. In the same second, the artifact will be able to determine the correct direction and fly along the road to the nearest object suitable for the player. Thus, it is possible to do without the painstaking decision of the question of how to build a portal to the Ender world. All that remains for the character to do is dutifully follow the Eye of Ender. At that moment, when the artifact falls down to the ground, the player needs to find a special labyrinth underground. It is there that the portal frame will be located with those slots-cells in which it will be necessary to place along the Eye of Ender. If the sequence of searches is performed correctly, it will not be difficult to get into the required dimension. Now you know how to build a portal to the Ender world or find a ready-made one.

The edge, aka Ender, is the third of the worlds of the Minecraft game, in addition to the original and hell. Traveling there is considered the final step for a gamer who decides to complete the game. It is there that the last boss lives - the dragon.

You can only get out of there if you open the portal, defeating this evil and powerful creature. So think carefully before setting off as the trek will be challenging. How to find Ender and the portal to it in Minecraft?

What does it look like

Ender's components are two blocks. The first of them is a unique explosive component of this world, visually resembling a white cobblestone. The second is found in the original world and can be artificially created, but to get it, you need an obsidian pickaxe. There are also obsidian pillars in the shape of bizarre tall trees. It is also quite dark in this world, so try to navigate carefully.

How to get to Ender?

You can get to Ender through a special portal. It is somewhat reminiscent of the one that a gamer must make to move to hell, but it has a fundamental difference - it will not work to create it by an artificial method. If you thought that they wouldn't force you to craft, you are mistaken. Visually, the portal looks like a structure of 12 blocks surrounding an empty space, above which is lava. This is where you should go in order to be transported to the next world. To activate the mechanism, the eye of Ender must be placed in each of the blocks of the frame, which the player needs to create. When you have completed all the components of the portal and performed the activation, a door will open, leading you to the end of the game about buildings from cubes.

The last push

To craft an eye, you need fire powder and pearls. The latter falls from the Endermen - dangerous opponents with the ability to teleport. The second can be knocked out of Ifrit - a fiery spirit that lives in hell. A feasible task, but not an easy one. When you collect everything, start searching.

  • We take Ender's eye in hand, using the right mouse button.
  • It will soar into the sky, and then fly towards the gate, leaving behind a trail of purple particles.
  • After flying three seconds, it will fall to the ground. After that, it can teleport or stay in place.
  • So you have to keep using it until you get to the gate. When they are found, the eye will descend underground and head towards the portal.
  • When you find the gate, place an eye in each of the cubes, after which they will open.

Before making a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft, you need to find it. It is located in three fortresses. There are several ways to find a fortress, described in this guide. Wandering through the mazes, the player finally stumbles upon Ender's portal in an unassembled state. It cannot be crafted or transferred (except with the help of a creative), but it can be activated. Portal slots must be filled with Ender's eyes. There are only twelve cells, but many are filled. You need to get the rest of the Edge "eyes" to fill in the remaining cells.

The player will need iron or diamond armor and a sword to hunt Enderman and Ifrit. The former are found in the normal world and can be easily defeated without looking the mob in the eye. They will drop an Ender Pearl. Ifrit dwells in the hellish fortress of the Downworld dimension. Find a fortress in hell by exploring the dimension. You can make a portal to hell by following the guide. Fire rods fall out of the Efreet, from which you need to make a powder.

The world of Ender is the final point in the passage of Minecraft, where the player will have a chance to fight the main boss of the game - Ender Dragon. Before going there, you need to be well armed and prepared. You can leave Ender's dimension by defeating the dragon.

Portal construction video

The edge, or as it is also called the end, is the third most recent world in minecraft. The portal to the end of Minecraft is the final stage of character development in the game, because it is here that the very last boss lives - the Dragon of the Ender. But I'm going there, remember that to exit you will have to create a portal after defeating the final boss. So think about whether it is worth going on one of the not the easiest trips.

Let's take a look at how to make a portal to end minecreft. To get into this world, you need to activate the teleport, so to activate it, you need to craft a little. To open the teleporter, collect two items of fire rods and pearls of the Endermen. For the first we go straight to hell. Here we are looking for a dungeon, which is built of dark red bricks. Nearby you should see a spawner with a fiery whirlwind, it looks like a cube, inside which a small blaze is dancing (in the English version of the Blaze game), while others appear next to it. We clean the dungeon from them and collect the fallen fire twigs. You need to find at least 10 pieces, with a margin, so as not to run after them again later. Endermen live in the ordinary world, we go from hell straight there and collect their pearls (at least 15 pieces). Endermen are tall black monsters that can teleport.

From one twig, you can get 2 fire powders, which, when combined with the Endermen pearls, gives the Enderman's Eye. So it is then used to find the portal to the end. Before searching, make sure you have at least 15 pieces of Enderman's Eyes.

The search occurs when the eye is thrown into the air, which, flying some distance towards the portal, falls. After a few throws, the Eye disappears, so before the next throw it is better to walk some distance in the indicated direction, since the portal may still be very far away. Also, remember that 12 Eyes of Enderman are needed to activate the end portal.

Portal to end in Minecraft is located in a dungeon that has bars, doors, stairs and corridors unlike other dungeons. The portal itself will be located in one of the rooms. You can easily distinguish it, there will be a lava lake in the middle of the room, surrounded by twelve eye slots. In them we insert the crafted Eyes of Enderman and move to the end. But look carefully, if the portal has any, even not significant, destruction, then it is better not to waste your eyes - the portal will still not work. If everything is done correctly, you will move to the end, where the final boss awaits you, from which you need to kill. Now you know how to make a portal to the end in Minecraft.

Ender portal

Portal ID in Ender Minecraft: 120 .

NID: end_portal_frame.

End Portal Frame is the English name for the Ender portal in Minecraft. It is also called the End Portal, End Portal, or end portal frame.

Command : / give Nickname end_portal_frame.

The phrase "Ender portal" is usually understood in two ways: firstly, as a single, independent block and, secondly, as a device that helps to move to the Ender world (to the Edge). Let's consider these two concepts. The blocks resemble endernyak (End stones) with decorative trim. Unlike the portal, you cannot make them, but you can find them in the fortress where they are generated. The search is done using Ender's eye. When you find a room with a portal to Ender, it is impossible to confuse it with anything else: 12 blocks are laid out in a square with an internal opening of 3x3. Then a fair question will arise - how to activate the portal to the Ender world? And there is a simple answer to it: one eye of Ender must be placed in each block of the End portal frame.

Portal to Ender that can be found.

The picture above shows, found on the server, the same portal to the End in three different versions:

  • at the top - a front view of an unactivated portal;
  • bottom left - top view, where lava is clearly visible;
  • bottom right - Ender portal, activated with the eyes of Ender.

How and where to find a portal to the Ender world?

It has already been noted above that you can find the portal to Ender only in the fortress, using an eye and more than one. And in more detail about how not only to find it, but also to activate the Ender portal without mods and other difficulties, this small video tells:

How to make an Ender portal

You can easily make the Ender portal in creative mode or on the server, if you are an administrator or if you have a stock of at least 12:

End portal blocks

Ender's eyes

Moreover, it is quite possible to make a portal to the Ender world without mods anywhere on the server - at least on the spawn. This is demonstrated in the following screenshot taken on the SERVER ..

Ender portal on the server.

But here you need to understand that it is important not just to make the Ender portal, but to activate it.

We activate the portal to Ender

If you have the necessary resources, it's easy to lay out a 12 block frame when the inner hole is 3 by 3 blocks, and install one eye in each. It is more difficult to make this square turn into a real portal that can move the player to another dimension.

Look closely at the image. What do we see? One really functioning portal to the Ender world, and another structure will not move anyone and anywhere. Why?

Two Portals Ender: one active, the other not. Why?

Compare the following photo, in which the portals are still the same, but they are active, they can be used. The question is the same: why do you think?

Ender portals seem to be the same, but they are active. What changed?

How to make the right Ender portal?

In connection with all the information presented above, we note that there is still a secret, but it is as simple as it is key. Without this, the portal to Ender will not work. The secret lies in the correct setting of Ender's eyes. If you look closely, when they are in the block, then in the upper left corner of each eye you will see small white squares. So, they should be located on the outside of the portal entrance. The screenshot demonstrates this clearly.