Dream interpretation of red berries to see in a dream. Eat red berries

Explanations of what the berries dream of are very diverse. The symbolism of sleep can be very favorable and frankly warning in nature. It all depends on what kind of berry and in what circumstances you saw in your dreams.

A bountiful harvest

According to the Symbolic Dream Book, berries often warn the sleeping person about a probable disease. The explanation is simple: a weakened body needs vitamins, and berries, as we all remember from childhood, are especially rich in them. However, in a dream, berries can have many other meanings - the interpretation of the image depends on what exactly you saw.

  • I dreamed of a rich harvest of gifts from the forest or garden.
  • In a dream, you picked berries.
  • They ate the gifts of the forest or garden.
  • We ate jam.

Why dream of berries growing in the forest or in the garden? Miller's Dream Interpretation considers growing berry abundance an omen of improvement in business and good health.

According to the Dream Book of Peter I, all sweet berries promise success - for example, cherries, cherries, mulberries (mulberry). An increase in money is promised by a dream in which a blackberry was also seen. Only the visions where the bitter berries appeared were of “bad" value, which means that you need to gather your will into a fist and “slip through” the strip of failures.

Why the red berry is dreaming, explains Sonnik Melnikova: a vision warns you to trust new friends - you may be disappointed. But a dream, where there were red berries, can mean strengthening family ties: a trip to relatives or her visit to you. Seeing black berries in a dream means that you should not be jealous of your “soul mate” in vain, as this can lead to various misunderstandings.

To collect ripe berries in the garden or in - such a dream portends an interesting acquaintance. Gathering a berry crop can also mean a promotion, but to achieve this, you will need to complete a series of tasks that are not very interesting, but necessary.

I was about to harvest strawberries in the forest - this vision also promises career growth, but only thanks to the sleeping person’s abilities and extraordinary thinking. To collect “drops” of currant from the bush, slowly and thoroughly, such a dream tells the sleeping man that in reality he needs to be more decisive both in office and in love relationships.

I dreamed about the berries that you had to collect in a dream in a large bowl, and because of this they crumpled? Miller's dream book says that this is a warning: do not forget where the road paved with "good intentions" leads.

The larger and more ripe the berries in your dream that you happened to see or collect, the more favorable the value of your sleep. Green berries, according to Miller's Dream Book, warn that you do not need to "put the cart in front of the horse," everything in its turn.

If for some reason one large and ripe fruit has been seen, soon for some reason you will be concerned only with one aspect of life. Which one depends on the sort of “berry”.

Taste preferences

The berry abundance in the dream can not only be seen, but it is. Strawberry in this case means the joy of a love relationship, including carnal joy. However, eating strawberries in a dream may also mean that in the near future you just have to enjoy life.

Tearing and eating strawberries in the forest - this image portends good health. The patient is promised a quick recovery. Victoria, or garden strawberries, is also a very good image in dreams. If its harvest in your dream is good, and the berries themselves are ripe and sweet, - the dream portends a cheerful holiday in a friendly circle.

Did you dream about the Victoria you ate alone with someone? Victoria in this case is a symbol of the birth of a new love. Dream Interpretations advise attentively to look narrowly at the person from the dream.

Eat bird cherry brushes - in reality you will be rewarded for what you did earlier. A dream in which there was a ripe and tasty sweet cherry, boys and girls portends a meeting with their love.

Eat a lot of blueberries in your dreams - in reality, your financial situation will improve soon. Blueberries can also warn of an upcoming date. Also, visions of a black berry can warn the sleeper not to commit acts of rash acts, so as not to feel regret then.

If you dreamed of eating any dried or candied berries or jam, such a dream carries only positive significance: luck and financial well-being are on your side.

In a dream, you may dream of sweets, a variety of food, fruits and vegetables.

What are the berries for? How to interpret such a dream?

What berries dream of - the main interpretation

Berries in a dream can speak of a pleasant and joyful life in reality, and they can portend not very pleasant situations. They can even talk about the threat to your reputation, in order to fully understand the dream, you need to take into account its details and tips:

Where did the berries come from in your dream;

Were they ripe;

What they tasted like;

Did you collect them;

What feelings have visited you;

Who else was present in your dream.

If in a dream you pick berries in a large basket and do it in the forest - in reality you will collect fruits from your own labors. They were quite fruitful, and now you can deservedly hear praises addressed to you, but the dream also suggests that you still have to work hard for the benefit of people.

Try to gather your thoughts, if in a dream you see how trampling berries. You do not want to accept the gifts of fate, do not want to enjoy the events that life gives you. Try not to belittle your and others' virtues, and then the situation will equalize, and you will get what you have wanted for so long.

If in a dream you crush berries in your hands - in reality you will do the same with someone else's opinion. You will not let anyone say anything. On the one hand, this will give you the opportunity to finish the job, on the other hand, it will limit you in making decisions. You cannot consult with anyone, discuss with anyone what is happening in your life. In this way, you will abandon your friends and colleagues.

The dream in which you can preserve berries means that you should leave your memory alone. Leave the events that so prevented you from living - the past and try to actively deal with the future. This will give you the opportunity to live fully.

The berries that have rotted on the bush indicate that you will soon part with your loved one, who was very dear to you recently. Now you have lost faith in him and your relationship. The reason for this could be other people's gossip and other people's machinations. You could look for opportunities to restore relations for a long time, but now it is already impossible to do.

The dream in which you see black berries means that your health condition may soon worsen, your life may worsen, you may lose your job, or quarrel strongly with someone. In order to learn more about the interpretation of sleep, it is important to recall the emotions that accompanied it.

If you saw black berries on a bush and did not pick them - you can still bypass the problem and remain out of trouble. If the berries that you saw on the bush - seemed to you appetizing, and you began to eat them - the negative and problems will become companions of your life.

If you began to stomp the berries, you will not reckon with the clues of fate and simply begin to neglect common sense. Try not to focus on your shortcomings and start actively working towards your own development.

If you dream that someone gave you black berries, such a dream may mean that this person is experiencing clearly negative emotions for you. Try to limit communication with this person in the near future. If this is someone from your relatives, then you have offended a person, and he expects an apology from you.

Why do white berries dream? Such a dream can indicate very favorable events in your life. You can joyfully and actively engage in it and get a lot of pleasure from work and household chores. If until recently you had difficulties in life, now they will completely disappear. If you felt fear of something, now you will completely free yourself from it and will live a calm and even life.

A dream in which you see a whole garden of berries - says that soon you will get unlimited opportunities in life, namely to expand your circle of communication, you will be able to more actively establish connections and be able to quickly achieve what you want. But, among a variety of options, you should not lose yourself. Try to defend your old habits and interests. You do not have to rush headlong into the cycle of life events. It is enough just to accept new opportunities and take advantage of them.

Artificial berries on the bushes dream of as a symbol of not real promises and imaginary desires. Do not be nervous, but you also do not need to let the situation go by itself. Accept it as it is, do not try to distort reality. But strive to resolve conflicts and achieve your plan.

The berries that are in your refrigerator and you took them out to defrost - such a dream speaks of your inner need to sort out a situation that has long required your intervention. You could simply close your eyes to her and not be aware of the significance of what is happening.

Now, life will challenge you. You will have to return to the past and restore the situation. If you dream that you draw berries on a canvas, you dream of a beautiful and successful life, but you cannot realize your plan, because your actions do not move beyond dreams. Try to think through all life changes in advance.

Why do I dream of berries according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that the berries dream of as a symbol of a happy and lasting relationship. If you dreamed it was rotten - in reality you will encounter betrayal by a loved one. Do not dramatize the situation, just be prepared for the fact that you will not be appreciated and understood. Your emotional experiences will not be divided, because your other half will decide what is more important - personal life, and not your relationship with it.

Black berries in a dream can speak of a severe rupture in reality. If you see a dream in which the hand of an unknown person is extended towards you, and in it black berries - be prepared for the fact that your enemies will present you with an unpleasant gift. You will not expect, but your enemies will negatively affect your personal life. They can slander you, or even provoke your other half to cheating.

The dream in which you see washed, juicy, ripe berries that are laid out on a dish - speaks of an approaching holiday. In your personal life everything will be smooth, everything will be clear and transparent. If until recently you experienced some discomfort in your personal life, now you can safely develop the relationships that you already have, build new ones. You can afford to chat with new men if you were not in a relationship.

For a pregnant woman, a dream in which she eats berries is a signal that she needs to take care of her health. She could miss important symptoms of the body about a slight malaise and now she will need to monitor her health even more closely.

Why dream berries on the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that berries dream of troubles and minor problems. If you see in a dream the berries that you collect from the earth - your dreams and desires are not realized, time has already been lost for their realization.

Why blue berries dream is a symbol of wisdom and balanced decisions. You can count on outside support and can count on new opportunities in solving old problems.

Why do I dream of berries in other dream books

AT dream book Grishina it is said that the berries dream when a person is preparing for some changes. That can be both global changes and temporary changes in a different direction. If the berries are white in a dream, a favorable outcome is guaranteed. If the berries are black in a dream - it's time to prepare for the difficulties and negativity.

If in a dream you see that the berries have dried on the bush - it’s time for you to think about whether you are not denying yourself the pleasures of life, perhaps you are not watching your emotions and allow yourself much more than you could? Also, such a dream can talk about the withering of feelings - such an interpretation gives aesop's dream book.

It is also important to pay attention to the emotions that caused you to sleep. If you woke up in a good mood and rejoice at everything that happens in your life - then everything in your life will turn out wonderful. If you woke up in repressed feelings and very nervous, then you are not ready to take the life lesson that fate has prepared for you. Accept it and everything will be fine.

In dreams, a person receives various prompts from the subconscious, which may concern both the present and the future. To find out important information you need to remember the main details of the plot and experienced. All this will allow you to add a full picture.

Why dream of red berries?

To be in a clearing that is strewn with such fruits is a symbol of the fact that soon business will bring happiness and stability. For a sick person, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery. Seeing sour red berries in a dream means you should prepare for serious disappointments. For a young woman, a dream, where she cooked jam from red berries, predicts problems in relations with a loved one that will be associated with cooling it. In one of the dream books there is information according to which the dream of a red berry is a symbol of good health and joy.

Collecting red berries in a dream means that in personal life there will come complete harmony and happiness. It may also be a sign of a new sexual relationship. For a man, such a dream can mean receiving a reward for the work done. Night vision, where I had to pick wild berries, is a positive sign that promises to get a chance to radically change life for the better. If you crush the fruits in a dream - this is a warning about the occurrence of unexpected obstacles. There are red berries in a dream, which means that you should expect a passionate relationship ahead. Still such a night vision can symbolize a strong emotional stress. Ripe wine berries are a harbinger of achieving your goals, which will give you a lot of joyful events.

Why dream of a delicious red berry?

Tasty, ripe, juicy berries indicate the opening of attractive prospects. If you eat delicious fruits, then you will be happy with your relationship with your loved one and life in general.

The berries are juicy, sweet and sour, healthy, vibrant. Why berries dream - a dream book will help to interpret this rather common dream. From them you can make delicious jam, add to dishes, freeze for the winter, but they need to be collected for a long time in the forest, look, work. Seeing berries in a dream can have both positive and negative meanings, but perhaps there are no very negative interpretations. What determines the interpretation? Of course, from the details of your dream.

Dream Interpretation: why dream of red, black, white berries? Interpretation of the meaning of this dream.

Berries in a dream are a symbol of temptation and pleasure. In general, a dream about berries is auspicious. But to know a more detailed interpretation, you need to pay attention to the details. The dream interpretation will tell you what events should be expected in the near future, what should be paid special attention, as well as good and bad omens.

If in a dream you see a whole clearing strewn with berries, this promises you an improvement in your general physical condition, an improvement in health. If you collect these berries carefully, they do not crumple, this is generally a good sign and promises good luck in future affairs. When you get your clothes dirty when picking berries, this is a warning. You should be careful when making new acquaintances, do not blindly trust people who at first glance seem open. They may be rotten inside and may stain your reputation.

You admire the freshly picked berries, prepare to eat them - soon you will succeed, and you will reap the fruits of your own labor. But before that you have to work hard.

How delicious the strawberry looks on the plate! And why are red berries dreaming?

Some dream books interpret the berries that the sleeper sees in a dream, to a mild illness or illness, which as a whole will not have any strong negative effect on your condition, but will knock it out of the usual rhythm a little.

You dreamed of red berries

Why red berries dream - to tears of happiness and joy. A bowl of strawberries mixed with other red berries - to a small chagrin. But you can’t say that this will be a negative period, sometimes you need to be disappointed in something in order to move forward.

According to the dream book, red berries can symbolize your relationship with relatives. Let us familiarize ourselves with this interpretation more broadly.

  • If you see small red berries, this may promise the arrival of a relative from afar. The smaller the berry, the longer the time before this same relative is going to visit you.
  • Also seeing red berries in a dream may mean that one of your relatives is worried about you. If you live not with your parents, but far away, then call them. They can wait for it.
  • Red berries sometimes mean that one of the relatives needs your help. Think what it might be. Do not forget about relatives, they need us.

You saw black berries in a dream

Why black berries dream - most often, to tears or sadness. Just remember that these dreams do not bear global catastrophes. To dream of black berries on a bush or in a garden - to be surprised at something in real life. Whether this is a pleasant surprise or not, the dream book does not specify. There are black berries - to joy and happiness.

Blueberries are a very healthy berry for the eyes.

To treat a person with black berries - to experience some kind of frustration in life in relation to him. Either you are in a quarrel or you are upset about your relationship. This may be a symbol of just sitting down and talking.

Why do ripe berries dream?

Ripe berries characterize you as a person who can long wait for the result. Very often impatient people try to get some fruits of their work ahead of time, as a result they turn out to be immature.

Each berry has its own season. Therefore, ripe berries seen in a dream mean a good result, but not fast.

Squeeze ripe berries in wine or cook jam from them - prepare the ground for further work, collect information and materials. If you still do not know what you will make from berries - jam or jam or something else, it means that you do not listen to your intuition, do not see signs, do not listen to people who advise you of something good and necessary.

What is raspberry dreaming of?

  - to financial success. Why raspberry berries dream - it means some kind of life-affirming event, event. Something very joyful that will shake you and give you a supply of positive energy. Perhaps you will go on a long-awaited vacation, travel. If you picked raspberries - you will find a joyful noisy celebration, anniversary or wedding. The option that it will be your own wedding is not excluded. But be careful, do not forget to relax from the fun. Because health must also be monitored.

What is strawberry dreaming of?

  - they symbolize pleasure, most often, erotic. Therefore, eating strawberries in a dream can mean new acquaintances, which will not end in anything serious, but will give some sexual pleasure.

If you dream of juicy, ripe, large strawberries, lying a berry to a berry, as a selection, you will find the strengthening of your family union. Feelings change, but relationships become warmer and warmer over the years. If you do not have a soulmate yet, very soon you will meet her, and your relationship will lead to an excellent marriage. If everything is not harmonious and smooth in your couple right now, the appearance of strawberries in a dream may mean that soon all the contradictions will disappear and the relationship will improve.

How much vitamin in ripe berries! Why ripe berries, which means such a dream.

Why dream of picking berries in a dream, but never try the strawberries you have collected - this means unrequited love. It also means that soon you will have to perform a laborious, but of the same type of work, which, moreover, that will not bring you any pleasure, will still not be appreciated.

According to the dream book, picking strawberries in a dream can symbolize your ability to think outside the box. It surprises many around you.

If in a dream you do not see the berries themselves, but flowering bushes, weed the beds and process the mustache, you will be involved in a large and important business, you may take leadership positions, and the result will not keep you waiting. Your efforts will be rewarded and appreciated.

If you see or eat green, unripe strawberries that are tough and tasteless, that could mean a cooling relationship with your soulmate.

If you treat another person with strawberries, you have a reliable support, a friend who loves you very much and not everything is ready for you. He supports you with all deeds. If this is not your favorite person, and you are still in search, take a look! Perhaps your fate has long been with you. These people do not rush, they need to be appreciated.

If a woman in a dream used a product made and strawberries (jam, compote), she will have a new acquaintance that promises pleasant erotic connections. Such a dream promises a man an improvement in his financial situation.

Why dream currants?

  • If you dream that you are busy collecting currants, your work will be appreciated, you will receive a good reward;
  • If you are full of black or red currants, you will soon receive an attractive and advantageous offer. Do not worry, there are no pitfalls. Therefore, you can agree and start work.
  • If you sell currants in a dream, they will try to seduce you. Whether or not to succumb to the temptation is up to you.
  • If in a dream you see a currant that you just picked, and on the street, for example, winter, when the currant cannot grow and ripen for sure, this may mean some unexpected proposal that you did not expect at all, or you expected, but later ;
  • Planting currant bushes is not a good sign. You can provoke gossip and talk that will be unfounded. Keep track of what you are saying about people and what actions you are doing.
  • To pick berries from a bush is to do hard but necessary work in life. After some time, he will bring the result.

Strawberries, strawberries, raspberries and other red berries in a dream symbolize happiness in love.

What is strawberry dreaming of?

For one who goes to the forest to pick berries, to find a secluded clearing covered with wild strawberries is real happiness. - expect pleasant surprises that will not keep you waiting. Perhaps a romantic acquaintance, a meeting with old friends with whom you have not seen for a long time.

If you see a large bush of strawberries, you will find that a person whose feelings you did not even suspect is attracted to you. It’s worth a closer look!

If in a dream you feel the taste and aroma of juicy strawberries, in reality you can count on gifts and pleasant surprises from a person dear to you. If in a dream you eat strawberries, this promises you a very important acquaintance in the future. It may be important for work, become a landmark in personal life, this is not specified. Above all, do not miss it!

Why dream of bird cherry?

If in a dream you see bird cherry, you have to make a present to some important person. Moreover, the gift will be inexpensive, but very memorable. Because this person is important and dear to you. The relationship between you will only get stronger.

What is the dream of cherry?

  - it can bode trouble and frustration. You really want to achieve some goal, put too much effort and do not notice the prospects that pass by you. It is necessary to moderate the ardor and pay attention to no less important things that cannot be left unnoticed.

In a dream you eat, pick, plant berries

Collect berries in a dream - what is it for? Berry picking portends you a happy date with your loved one, as well as a good income, but this is only if they were tasty, sweet and not poisonous. Collecting sour berries promises you disappointment in love, and if the berries in your dream were poisonous, it means that soon your frivolous passion will ruin your life. If in a dream you picked berries in the forest, the dream hints to you that you should trust the heart rather than the mind.

If you pick berries, but you don’t get anything from this crop, or the berries fall out of a basket or bucket, you will have some meaningless things to do, chores, mouse fuss that will take a lot of time, but will not bring any results. However, apart from your time and nerves, they will not take anything from you, which is already good.

If you dreamed about berries, find out the meaning of a dream about berries in different dream books of the world.

If you planted berries in a dream, it means that it is time for you to lay a solid foundation for your future goals. Watering berries with clean water is a portent of a good mood, but if the water was dirty, a quarrel with a loved one awaits you. Weeding berries promises you a long journey in reality, which will give you a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasant emotions.

According to the dream book, eating berries in a dream is a good sign. If the berries were red or sweet, the joy of success in love affairs awaits you. If acidic or rotten - a dream portends failures, experiences and troubles.

If you made juice from berries, and it tasted sweet, a dream promises you respect from others. If the juice turned out to be acidic, the people around you will be nice to you, but you will be bored in their company. The dream in which you made jelly, compote and preserves from berries is of similar importance.

To make a berry pie in a dream means that harmony and harmony will prevail in your family in the near future. But if the cake is burnt, get ready for a family quarrel.

Sometimes eating a large number of berries in a dream can mean minor health problems. Try to listen to your body. If there are any problems, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

Who saw the dream: man, woman, child

To a man to dream, the berries in which he ate, means that he is prone to numerous sexual contacts, but only with very beautiful women. If a man treated his beloved with berries in his dream, and she refused refreshments, this portends a breakdown in relationships that have already exhausted themselves.

If a woman in a dream ate berries, she secretly seeks sexual intercourse with other women in reality. A dream about tasty ripe berries for a child is a symbol of his growing up, and a hint that it is time to become more independent.

Interpretation of the value of sleep by day of the week

  • If the berries you dreamed of on the night of Sunday to Monday, someone from your environment envy you;
  • If from Monday to Tuesday - you can get the support and sympathy of others when you need them;
  • The berries in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday promise success, recognition in society and material well-being;
  • A dream from Thursday to Friday portends a meeting with a person who will make you a very good offer;
  • A dream about berries on the night of Friday to Saturday is a sign that you should rest, but rest should be active;
  • The berries in the dream from Saturday to Sunday tell you that there will be a lot of minor troubles, but do not worry, they will be your joy.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Wangi, Freud and others

There are berries in a dream - what is it for? Dreaming berries are mainly interpreted by dream books of popular authors as a favorable sign, but the interpretation is highly dependent on the details and the general atmosphere of sleep. Let's turn to time-tested sources to learn more about the meaning of your sleep. For comparison, we take the most popular dream books, the predictions of the authors of which are considered the most truthful.

Miller's Dream Interpretation - It's Time to Relax

Berries symbolize abundance and natural wealth. If you are sick now, and you have dreamed of a clearing with many wild berries, soon you will recover, and all your business will go well. If you dreamed of green berries, and even in large quantities, a dream warns you of excessive haste in business. Let everything go as it should. Slow down and relax - this is exactly what you need now.

Why dream about eating berries - such a dream reflects the kindness and altruism of your character. Dreaming strawberries promise promise and fulfillment of dreams. Of the same importance is the dream in which you traded strawberries.

If the berries in your dream are crushed in a basket, your good intentions may not be justified, because there are times when even helping your neighbor is superfluous and inappropriate. Honeysuckle berries portend you happiness in marriage and success in the business sphere. If a man had a dream in which he treated his beloved with berries, and she refused refreshments, this portends a breakdown in relationships that have already exhausted themselves.

Dream Wanga - your health will improve

Walking in a clearing and seeing many different berries on it - to recover after a long and serious illness. Things will go well, especially at work, so you can safely offer your ideas, your bosses will like them.

To stain clothes with berry juice is a sign of an ill-wisher in your life, most likely it will be easy for you to guess who it is, but it is difficult to eliminate or punish him. If you had a dream about berries on New Year's Eve, it portends you a good mood and a joyful period of life. After all, it is at this time that you will get almost everything that you try to do.

Sleeping, picking berries in a basket, is a warning that in the near future you can do a “disservice” to someone you know. Better take your time in your desire to help. Dreamed green berries indicate that you should not rush and remember the saying "Everything has its time."

Dream of Freud - you wish closeness

Berries symbolize female forms, such as the chest and buttocks. If in a dream you picked berries or ate them, your desire for sexual intercourse is very pronounced. Such a dream tells a man that he is prone to numerous sexual contacts, but only with very beautiful women. If a woman in a dream ate berries, she secretly seeks sexual intercourse with other women in reality.

If you got dirty with berry juice, or you had a mouth full of them, it means that you really really want to have a baby. If in a dream you came to the forest to collect berries, but didn’t find anything, your sexual partner will soon cool off.

Seeing a lot of berries, red and black, is a symbol of good health.

Modern dream book - to the good news

If in a dream you saw a lot of berries under your feet, in reality you will have good health and no illness will take you. If in a dream you picked berries, this is a sign that you are collecting misfortunes, your intention to do a good thing will be unsuccessful. If you dreamed of unripe berries, it means that haste hurts you.

Red or sweet berries are a sign of joy and success in love affairs. Sour or rotten berries portend failures, worries and troubles.

If in a dream you ate berries, you will soon receive the good news and meet with a longtime friend. If the berries in your dream were juicy, soon you will plunge into the carnal pleasures and loving pleasure. If the berries were dried or boiled, expect a good return on your investment.

American Dream Book - Passionate Love

Collecting ripe red berries is a passionate love, a wonderful romantic experience. Eating berries - enjoying relationships. Scatter or crush red berries in a dream - become a victim of fatal passion.

New 1918 Dream Book - Family Conflicts

A lot of red berries in a dream - to disappointment, sadness and tears, which are likely to be associated with your family or relatives. If in the near future after such a dream distant relatives come to visit you, try to be more tolerant of them.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter - you will be happy

On the bush - to wish happiness for yourself. In buckets and baskets - will soon have to do in favor of one of the fans. Crush berries - recovery and prosperity, repayment of debts, find a cause of life, acquire something major.

Berries seen in a dream can portend pleasant meetings and disappointments. The dream interpretation is sometimes very contradictory in interpreting this symbol. Are you going to find out why this is a dream? Explore all available options.

Collect and eat

If in a dream you had to pick berries, then in the near future there will be a monotonous painstaking task. The modern dream book promises that if you try to understand the goals and objectives, the work will not seem so boring.

Since I had a chance to eat berries in a dream, try to taste them well. Sweet, juicy and appetizing-looking fruits promise success in all endeavors. If they turned out to be inconspicuous, sour, and even more so rotten or dry, you need to be alert, as you may be in serious danger.

If you dreamed of ripe berries, this means that your patience and ability to wait will not go unnoticed. Sleep can relate to any of the areas of life - both business and interpersonal relationships. You decide where at the moment you need the desired result.

Color and ripeness

The interpreter connects everything that the red berry is dreaming of with kinship. Red berries are often in night dreams before relatives come from afar. It is possible that someone close to you is currently worried about you. A dream can serve as a warning that someone in the family will soon need help.

Cherries and raspberries

A universal dream book considers cherries as a sign of impending disappointments and even tears. One of the possible reasons is not the most successful attempt to enjoy the forbidden fruit in search of romantic adventures. The dream also speaks of a passionate desire to achieve a goal, although the light has not converged on it in a wedge, and there are still many interesting things in life.

If you dreamed of raspberries, then you have excellent vitality and exquisite taste. A female dream book considers raspberries a harbinger of many joyful events. The dreamer is expected to receive a well-deserved reward and a pleasant rest, and the one who collected will soon have fun at the wedding, it is possible that on his own. The plot also warns of the likelihood of ailments.

Strawberries and bird cherry

If you dream strawberries, then it is easy to guess that it symbolizes a cheerful craving for pleasure. Strawberry can dream of an adventure with an erotic connotation that will bring extraordinary pleasure.

Cherry and Blueberry

The universal interpreter believes that cherries growing on a tree dream of tears. Just do not rush to get upset in advance: if in a dream you eat cherries, this portends good news. Dreamers born in the warmer months should prepare for a bargain.

If blueberries had a dream, in reality a real feast will soon take place. Some upcoming event will bring a little romance to your everyday life. At the same time, it is recommended to take care of your health condition, protect your eyesight, and not get upset over trifles.


Aesop's dream interpretation does not give an unambiguous answer, which portends a vision in which wild berries appear. The collection of these gifts of the forest promises anxiety and trouble, which in the end will pay off.

If you, gape, walked through the berries, in reality awaits victory. Unattractive fruit is an alarming sign, it is time to worry about health. There is also a way to “sweeten” the prediction - to make jam from forest berries. Fragrant jam portends success in business and the expected profit in full.

Wild strawberries and currants

If you dreamed of currant berries, try to remember how you disposed of them, this important detail will help to correctly interpret what you saw. If you are collecting currants, get ready to receive a worthy reward for the work done. If you sell, a temptation awaits. If you decide to just eat currants in a dream, then soon they will make an interesting offer. Agree without hesitation.

Finding a strawberry glade in a dream is a great success. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation believes that these berries are in the night dreams to pleasant surprises, fateful meetings, unexpected luck. A happy event can make changes to your plans, but it will not upset you at all.

Different interpretations

A universal dream book will tell without undue modesty that the Victoria berry portends. She promises great joy, a happy holiday and unforgettable sex. But only if you dream of a rotten or immature delicacy, then the fun will end in disappointment.

Miller’s dream interpretation considers this symbol ambiguously: a berry can be a harbinger of both unforeseen difficulties in matters and their successful completion. A similar plot may dream of tears. If in a dream the fruits are bright red, with a high degree of probability a visit of relatives whom you have not seen for a long time is expected.

If you dream of a bucket of berries, then your body now, more than ever required  vitamins. Eastern dream book calls not to deny yourself a treat and at the same time combine business with pleasure. It is preferable in a dream to eat exactly those berries with which the dream bucket was filled.