Airplane Angel Merkel and Rock Group. "I see everything from above, you also know"

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on Sunday, August 20, controlled the course of the harvesting campaign. Usually, the heads of state do not use helicopters as a means of tracking cleaning, but in the air on the helicopters, world leaders rose often. Tut.By learned what exactly.


As we managed to find out, there are at least three helicopters in the government fleet of Belarus.

The first helicopter Alexander Lukashenko became Mi-8 with the onboard number EW-25049.

Mi-8, onboard number EW-25049. Photo: Sergey Kokkov,

Also, the President enjoys a modified Mi-8 helicopter with the EW-001DA sort number.

The president and the Mi-172 helicopter with the EW-002DA sort number. A few years ago, he fell into the field of view of journalists at the Kazan helicopter plant during repair. According to experts, the helicopter was made on the KIS on special order. The cost of the helicopter was not voiced, but 20 years ago, the cost of the Mi-172 helicopter for the VIP person accounted for about 4 million dollars.

At what kind of helicopter, the president of Belarus controlled the course of cleaning, to say about the photograph made in the cabin, but most likely, on Mi-172, this helicopter Alexander Lukashenko uses more often.


But in Russia, 9 (!) Helicopters are used to transport Vladimir Putin. All of them are Mi-8, made in special order, and the cost of each of them is estimated at $ 8.2 million.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev prefers helicopters of the Italian manufacturer Leonardo Helicopters (formerly Agusta Westland), or rather, a modification for VIP-persons AW139 worth about 15 million euros.

Optionally, the interior of the cabin is developed taking into account the individual preferences of the customer.


Sign up with the President of Russia in the number of helicopters may president of the United States. Donald Trump can carry any of the 23 HMX-1 NightHawks Aquadryl Helicopters, but usually relatively large VH-3d or more modern VH-60N.

VH-3D - Modification of the famous helicopter Sikorsky S-61 Sea King, VH-60N - Modification of Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk. Note that 12 helicopters of the presidential squadron Sikorsky VH-3D were released in the 70s of the last century, and 8 Sikorsky VH-60N - in the 1980s of the last century.

Judging by the pictures of information agencies and the press service of the White House, Donald Trump prefers VH-3D helicopters and does not like to be photographed on board. But see how helicopters look from the inside, thanks to the former US president, Barack Obama.

It is planned that in 2020 these helicopters will replace the VH-92A production of Sikorsky Aircraft. The prototype of the new US president's helicopter is already tested, reports Lockheed Martin. Among the changes implemented in the test presidential board are the integration of special systems and the installation of an exclusive interior.

Great Britain

In addition to the American White House, Sikorsky Traditionally since the 1950s serves the airfield of the English Queen. The VIP S-76C ++ model on which Elizabeth flies from 2009 is a VIP configuration of the SIKORSKY S-76 civil helicopter. The approximate value of the "royal" modification is $ 7.9 million.


In a special division of the Bundeswehr Air Force, which provides transportation of statesmen of the Federal Republic of Germany, there are three AS532 Cougar Airbus helicopter. Angela Merkel flies on a modified version of AS 332 Super Puma worth about 15 million euros.

In March 2011, Merkel helicopter almost crashed due to the refusal of the engines. Pilots returned control over the aircraft, when about a hundred meters remained before collision. Chancellor on board the helicopter at that time was not.

And in 2016, the Ministry of Defense of the Federal Republic of Germany notified the Chancellor that she could not fly at the AS532 Cougar Airbus helicopters. Such a decision was made during the investigation of the plane crash with a similar helicopter in Norway, which killed 13 people.

At the end of 2016, Merkel helicopter has been refined. He received not only a new color, but also special carpets, curtains and covers.

Helicopter with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on board arrives at the German guest house "Mesperog" before meeting Merkel with Indian Prime Minister Narendre Moi in Mebeburg, Germany, May 29, 2017. Photo: Reuters.

"The main problem was a shortage of time. We used the helicopter all the time all the time, so we had very little time intervals - 6-7 hours during downtime, "spoke about difficulties with the Chancellor of the German Chancellor Member of the ACM Aerospace Board Roger, a company that is engaged in the modernization of air transport.


In the government airpark of France - three AS 332 Super Puma helicopter.

One of the French "Super Pum". On her, President of France Emmanuel Macron arrives at the military base in Carzone. July 4, 2017. Photo: Reuters.
Want to consider one of the AS 332 closer? You are welcome. True, the former French President Francois Holland is visible in the porthole. January 14, 2015. Photo: Reuters.

But just flying on government helicopters to the young president of France is boring.

In addition to the inspection of "hot spots", Emmanuel Macron is not alien and other risky adventures. On July 4, French President descended to the submarine - right from the presidential helicopter.

Address is known: 10117 Berlin, AM Kupfergraben, 6. House of Apartment, Angela Angela Merkel is located on the fourth floor. To see the house, it is not necessary even to go to Berlin - its images are on the Internet.

The predecessor of Merkel as Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (Gerhard Schröder) lived in a service apartment with a total area of \u200b\u200b200 square meters directly in the department of the Office of the Federal Chancellor. Angela Merkel and her husband Professor Joachim Sauer preferred to stay in his apartment.

Angela Merkel is far from rich.

In May 2012, Angela Merkel received an increase to the salary. It was the first increase in the salary of German Chancellor over the past 12 years. The head of the German government Merkel earns about 190 thousand euros per year. In addition, she has special surcharges for official expenses. And since she is also a deputy of the Bundestag, a total of 290,000 euros per year is recruited. True, with this very and very decent salaries, it is forced to pay taxes. But, like all officials, it does not pay pension insurance and unemployment insurance.

Top managers, successful doctors, not to mention football players and racers, earn incomparably more. Even German President, although he is in the German Constitution - a purely representation figure, receives a pay, which is 11 percent more than that of the Chancellor. The president has a luxurious residence in Berlin Castle Bellevue. In short, Angela Merkel, according to German standards, is far from rich.

Apartment in front of Pergamon

Mrs. Chancellor lives in his apartment. The area is good - the very center of Berlin, opposite the famous Museum of Pergamon. Here with the museum and came a confusion: the surveillance camera was installed on his roof. It turns out that she completely looked through the apartment of Angela Merkel. And on April 25, 2009, Angela Merkel was not allowed home - near her house was discovered an unexplored Soviet airbomb of the Second World War.

Angela Merkel's vacation loves to spend in the mountains, for example in Tyrol, and pays for him herself. From time to time, she visits and at its cottage near Berlin. When the chancellor for affairs is in Bonn, she is waiting for a small apartment in the former government quarter. The clothes of Angela Merkel pays from his pocket. True, she has an advantage: practicing the dressmaker holds at her at home.

Angela Merkel rides on Audi A8 and flies on Airbus A340

At the disposal of the Chancellor around the clock there is a car with a chauffeur. Many ministers and prime ministers of federal land prefer armored limousines Mercedes or BMW. Angela Merkel chose Audi A8 for himself.

Last year, airplanes were replaced on which members of the German government. Now at the disposal of the Angels Merkel and other leading politicians of the country there are airbus A340 aircraft for flights to long distances and small Global 5000 cars for medium. Before that, Merkel flew to the AIRBUS A310. Lainera was over 20 years old, once he belonged to the state airline GDR. No yachts nor luxury palaces for recreation in the personal ownership of Angels Merkel. They are not provided with her position.

But that for an ordinary person is only a means of movement, then for the president, the office, house, bomb shelter and even a mobile hospital. The Smart Journal invites you to walk through the personal aircraft of the leaders of different countries.

David Cameron and his "board asceticism"

Own airplane for service flights appeared from the British Prime Minister recently. For these purposes, the Airbus A330 board with the possibility of refueling in the air was converted.

The new board, which is also available for the working flights of senior ministers and members of the Royal Family, cost British taxpayers 10 million pounds (more than 831 million rubles). The government insists that the use of a separate aircraft will save more than 700 thousand pounds per year (58 million rubles) on charter flights. The Prime Minister assures that the aircraft equipment was carried out in a hard savings using the most "modest" finishing materials. Network users have already proposed to call the "board number one" "on the side of asceticism." In front of the aircraft there is a VIP section with two armchairs. The section is equipped with curtains that allow you to close and walk in silence.

In the central part there are 58 business-class places for the transport of large delegations traveling along with the manual.

Formerly, the Government rented charter companies for service flights. Several times David Cameron enjoyed the services of Loocolers - air carriers, taking the reduced price for their services, in return to the refusal of some familiar services: pre-booking places, lack of entertainment video shows, etc. So, in the summer of 2015, politician, together with the bodyguards, was seen in the economy class aircraft, heading to Portugal, where the prime minister planned to spend his holidays with his wife and children. Cameron got into the lens of a 16-year-old schoolgirl camera, which made Selfie. The girl also noted that during the flight politician with appetite, chips with paprika took place.

Well, now the British Prime Minister can safely enjoy chips behind a closed curtain liner.

Barack Obama and his "Apocalypse Plane"

The term "board number one" ("Air Force One") was invented in the United States under the administration of the 34th President Dwight Eisenhawer. Call sign used as the designation of the aircraft, on board which the president is. In the future, the term began to be applied in other countries too. Two presidential aircraft Models Boeing VC-25 - Military modification of the Boeing 747 liner was commissioned in 1990 during the time of President George Bush-senior. The cost of each of them is $ 325 million (20.7 billion rubles). Typically, the presidential flight is preceded by a convoy transport aircraft carrying a motorcade, helicopters and other necessary equipment. Barack Obama has become the fourth head of the state that uses this liner as a "number one side".

The interior was decorated in 1987 on the project of Nancy Reagan - the wife of the then 40th US President Ronald Reagan. According to the plan, the situation was supposed to fit the style typical of the southwest states. In addition, on board it was supposed to establish additional protection against the electromagnetic pulse. The project was so time consuming that the aircraft was put into operation only under the 41st US president George Bush-sen., and not at 40th, as was planned initially.

The president's place is located in the central part of the aircraft, it includes a bedroom with two sofas, which are laid out in bed, toilet, shower and personal account. Chairs for journalists are located closer to the tail, they correspond to the level of first class.

Food can be prepared on two kitchens, which allow you to feed up to 100 people at a time. On board VC-25 there is always an operating table, a stock of the necessary medicines and, of course, medical personnel. The salon is divided into guest sites, places for senior staff, secret service, security and media representatives.

The VC-25 was developed as one of the "Judgment Day aircraft": in the case of the destruction of all ground management teams, the board number one will have to replace them, becoming the general headquarters of the President, the Minister of Defense and other members of the military leadership.

The plane is able to overcome without refueling the distance equal to about ⅓ the length of the equator. This allows the American leader to make flights from Washington to almost anywhere in the world without worrying about the amount of fuel.

Six flying Palaces Vladimir Putin

Transportation by air air transport of all officials of the Russian Federation provides a special flight detachment "Russia". To date, the number of aircraft carrying the head of the Russian state and the main ministers equals six. It is planned that by 2018 their number will increase by two more.

Since 1996, IL-96-300PU is the main presidential aircraft - a modified Passenger IL-96 version. Two letters in the abbreviation means "management item". The device is equipped with equipment that allows you to manage the armed forces in the case of a nuclear conflict and has an increased range without refueling. The first aircraft of such a modification was used by the then head of state by Boris Yeltsin since 1996. On the same device, for some time I had to fly to Putin's president.

IL-96-300PU sample 1996:

The new aircraft for Vladimir Putin was built in 2003. On board there were three bars, a lounge with two beds and a working study with an area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. In 2010, Dmitry Medvedev, who at that time held the presidential post, declared his intention to expand the airfield for another two similar apparatus IL-96-300PU, but both of them were transferred to the use after the end of its term - in 2012 and 2014. On April 25, 2013, it was decided to expand the airfield for another IL-96-300PU worth 5.2 billion rubles and one IL-96-300 modifications "Salon" to transport major delegations. By the end of 2018, it is planned to replenish the flight detachment by two more machines model IL-96-300PU. The cost of each liner will be about 5 billion rubles. From ordinary flight aircraft, these cars are distinguished by expensive finishing and improved communication equipment, allowing confidential negotiations and, if necessary, to manage the country's nuclear forces.

Interior of one of the new presidential aircraft:

This is how the situation of the presidential IL-96-300PU in 2013 looks:

In the photo, Vladimir Putin, during a meeting on board a presidential aircraft with the family of Junior Sergeant Bair Banzaraktsheev, who died in the elimination of the consequences of flooding in the Far East. Photo RIA Novosti.

Vladimir Putin and son Bair Banzaraktsieva Galsen play on board the presidential aircraft. Photo RIA Novosti. .

Francois Hollande and Alien Ladies Airplane

Since November 2010, the French Presidential Fleet has been used by Airbus A330-200, spending about 176 million euros (12.5 billion rubles) on this update.

On board there is a private space for recreation, a bed, a dressing room and a bathroom, an office, a kitchen, a soundproofing negotiation for 12 people, equipment that allows you to transmit encrypted secret messages, mini-operating, space for journalists and business experts. The equipment also allows you to transport freed hostages, including injured.

From 2002 to 2010, two AIRBUS A319 devices were used as the main aircraft of the Presidential Republic. On March 25, 2009, the then President Nicolas Sarkozy, together with the four ministers, was going to fulfill the flight to Africa, but when the plane poured into the runway, he broke out one of the engines. The president and accompanying had to wait the whole hour until they were given another board.

Soon after the incident, it was customary to replace the main board of the President of France. After buying a new aircraft, the government decided to sell both old A319. The first acquired the Senegal government for 32 million euros (2.2 billion rubles), and the second is the Singapore company Genting Singapore PLC. The French presidential fleet also includes two Falcon 7x aircraft purchased in 2009 and 2010. It is suitable for both close and distances. The plane accommodates 16 people and is well suited for those cases when the runway is too short to accommodate a large Airbus A330. During the presidential period of Nicolas Sarkozy, one of the two government devices Falcon 7x received the name "Charles One" in honor of his wife Carla Bruni and the "board number one".

Angela Merkel and her "Toy" plane

Until 2011, Germany's leadership used for AIRBUS A310 operating flights, inherited from GDR. On March 30, 2011, Lufthansa passed the Airbus A340 aircraft airline to the Office of the Chancellor, which took passengers for 10 years. He became the main chancellor and government plane. The board received the name of the first chancellor of Germany Conrad Adenauer and was converted to government needs. In total, the main aircraft of Germany is able to accommodate 143 passengers. This is twice as bigger than placed in Boeing 747, which uses Barack Obama, although they are approximately equal in size.

On board there are first person apartments: bedroom, shower, workbook, conference room for 12 persons, soundproofed room for confidential conversations. For the accompanying delegation, 116 seats are provided. In addition, it is emphasized that the equipment is designed to transport people with disabilities and transportation of patients and wounded. The security system includes the "Alien" system and anti-missile defense. The liner is able without refueling to make flights at 13500 kilometers, allowing the German leader without landing to get from Berlin to Beijing, Washington and even Rio de Janeiro.

Shortly after the "Conrad of Adenauer", the government received a second similar aircraft by the name of the former French President Theodore Hois.

Bombardier Global 5000 aircraft salon

For internal flights, Chancellor and members of other manuals use two Airbus 319 aircraft who replenished the German government aircraft in 2010. Each of them is designed for 44 passengers. For flights to close distances, German politicians have four small liners Global 5000 Canadian company Bombardier (pronounced Bombardier), which accommodate only 13 passengers and can overcome about 8900 kilometers away.

In connection with the "compactness" of this aircraft, a rather funny story took place. In June 2016, the Network appeared in the network Bombardier Global 5000 Merkel and Falcon 7x Francois Holland near Bediing 747-400 British Rock Group Iron Maiden. The photo was made at Zurich airport. Against the background of the huge "Boeing" airplane Merkel and Holyland looked funny and toy.

The Iron Maiden group arrived in Switzerland with a concert, and Merkel and Hollande flew to participate in the opening of the railway tunnel. "Dear passengers, our departure is delayed for a few minutes, as the Angela Merkel plane stuck in one of our engines," - Yazvili users in the comments.

To the Rupeed German airline Lufthansa passed to the Office of the Federal Chancellor, the new airbus A340 liner called "Adenauer" (the first chancellor of the FRG).

However, to call this plane is new only with a large stretch. As Focus writes, the plane, which will now fly by Angela Merkel, drove Lufthansa passengers for 10 years. However, it was detailed for the Governmental needs for the Chancellor.

The most interesting thing is that Last year, Angela Merkel criticized the President of France Nicolas Sarkozy for bought a new A330 liner, spending 152 million euros of budget money for it. Like, Merkel stated her French counterpart that now, at the height of the crisis, not the time to buy a plane, and Sarkozy was advised to "be restrained".

As far as the new chancellor liner costs German taxpayers - not reported. But in Berlin, they already stated that the fact that the aircraft was purchased used, suggests that the chancellor "a personal example demonstrates a careful attitude towards taxpayers' money."

Lufthansa worked on the government aircraft technology for 21 months. The new board of the Chancellor includes a zone for holding conferences for 12 persons, as well as private territory with 15 seats.

For the accompanying delegation, 116 seats are calculated in the plane. In addition, it is emphasized that on board the placement of people with disabilities, as well as up to four places for transporting patients or wounded with full medical care.

The reliability of the government aircraft takes care of a missile defense system. As Die Welt writes, the liner will be able to fly up to 13.5 thousand km without intermediate stops. Thus, Angela Merkel will be able to fly from Berlin to Washington, Beijing or Rio de Janeiro.

In June, the federal government expects to receive a second similar aircraft. It will also be used from Lufthansa Park.

Since last year, two new A319 type aircraft are already at the disposal of the federal government. By the end of the year, it is planned to purchase four more machines such as Global 5000 for 12 passengers, and then the VIP-fleet of the government will be fully upgraded.

Old aircraft on which the German government has so far has passed, more than once caused changes in international politics. For example, the former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder due to problems in his plane in 1999 was forced to cancel a visit to Switzerland. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Yoshka Fisher in 2005 made a forced landing on the CHALLENGER government plane. And Angela Merkel, when he flew to the last intergovernmental German-Russian consultations to Ekaterinburg, because of problems in the liner waited for a replacement. For the same reason, the German Defense Minister, who went on a trip to Asia countries, was forced to stay for overnight in Kiev, where his 20-year-old Challenger sat down on refueling with smoking chassis.

In connection with the purchase of a new German flagship, German journalists could not resist comparison and, filled with pride, wrote that Merkel Angela plane is greater than the IL-96-300 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. And, for example, the Prime Minister of Britain and the Queen of Elizabeth II do not have aircraft at all - the Buckingham Palace sometimes freres for the queen charter aircraft, and Cameron flew with a visit to the United States by a regular flight.

But the Italian head of government Silvio Berlusconi Aviaflot is much better. At once, two private jet aircraft immediately. In addition, for travel, it can choose between Airbus, a helicopter, two luxurious yachts and various machines - Audi A8, Mercedes-600 and Maserati Quattroporte.

The authorities in Germany investigate the circumstances of the incident, during which a half-foot man under the influence of drugs managed to get on board the airliner, who enjoys the Chancellor of Angela Merkel, and made a debach in it.

A suspect, a 24-year-old man dressed only in panties, penetrated into the pilot cabin, began to press on all buttons, pulled an emergency ladder and splashed a foam from the fire extinguisher in the cabin.

Police unsuccessfully tried to persuade him to leave the plane, turning towards him to MegaFon.

On Earth, the aircraft found a bag with the documents of the suspect, as well as, according to some data, with narcotic drugs.

The Berlin newspaper Welt Am Sonntag was reported to which the police reports belonging to the incident were submitted.

The swelling intruder managed to take only with the help of a police dog, who bit him up. Police reported that the detainee called Volkan T. was sent to a psychiatric hospital. He is a bodybuilder of Turkish origin and before that did not have drives to the police.

The newspaper reported that the police report on the incident testifies to defects in the system of protecting the government airfield and errors made by employees of the airport and air force.

The incident began with the fact that a local resident who experienced, as the newspaper writes, a personal drama, penetrated the military zone of Cologne Bonn Airport. With you, he had a plastic bag stuffed with marijuana and tablets of the psychostimulating drug "Ecstasy".

He managed to go through the barrier, stating the guard that he rented an officer dining room under a wedding banquet and for this he needed to inspect the premises again.

Then he moved through the fence from the barbed wire on the runway of the military airfield, and the observation cameras were not fixed.

Noticing a government plane, one of the two A-319 airbones, which the German Air Force are located for the needs of the country's leadership, he climbed onto his wing, undressed to panties and started to dance.

After that, he managed to open an emergency exit in the fuselage of the aircraft and enter inside.

The door to the pilot cabin was open, and the suspect began to press on all the buttons and the keys in a row, in the end, leading the alarm.

The aircraft was fully refueling and, according to the newspaper, could fly to Beijing if the violator could manage them.

The police needed another three hours to cope with the situation, and during this time the detainee delegation to damage the total amount of 100 thousand euros.

The Merkel Chancellor uses this airliner during its foreign trips. It is equipped with a cabinet with two soft armchairs and a couch, a meeting room and 32 chairs for members of delegations. The interior of the aircraft is decorated in cream and beige tones.

To date, the plane passed repairs and entered into operation.

During this incident, Chancellor Angela Merkel was located in Bavaria at the Music Festival in Bayreit, attending the Opera performances of the "Future Dutchman".