Is it possible to lower testosterone in a woman without taking hormones? Increased testosterone in women: how to lower without hormones and pills using folk remedies and diet? It is necessary to increase testosterone if it is low.

Testosterone is the main sex hormone for men. It consists of three parts: free testosterone and two protein forms. Produced by the adrenal cortex and gonads.

Free Testosterone Functions:

  1. Participates in the development of male genital organs, secondary sexual characteristics.
  2. Responsible for the psychophysical state of a man.
  3. Regulates spermatogenesis and sexual behavior.
  4. Promotes muscle gain.

The rate of testosterone in the blood

The average mark of the norm of testosterone in the blood of an adult man ranges from 8.5–38.5 nmol / liter. The level of hormone content directly depends on age.

Table of dependence of testosterone levels on age

Signs of high testosterone levels

They say about an increase in testosterone levels in the male body:

  • excessive excitability;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • sharp weight gain for no apparent reason;
  • irascibility, irritability;
  • lack of sex drive, decreased libido;
  • too active growth of body hair;
  • memory impairment, sleep disturbance, suicidal thoughts;
  • rapid fatigue during physical and mental stress;
  • lack of appetite;
  • excessive sweating;
  • the appearance of acne.

Reasons for increasing testosterone levels

The psychological and physical condition of a man affects the hormonal balance in his body. Wrong lifestyle, stressful situations, poor ecology, infectious diseases can lead to hormonal imbalance.

The reason for the temporarily increased testosterone can be physical activity, strong sexual arousal.

The use of anabolic steroids (athletes drink them to build muscle mass) leads to a jump in the hormone in the blood.

Also, a number of diseases can lead to malfunctions in the hormonal system:

  1. Androgen resistance (even in sufficient quantities, androgens do not function as they should).
  2. Swollen ovaries and adrenal glands.
  3. Reifenstein's syndrome (genetic disease accompanied by partial or complete resistance to male hormones).
  4. Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome (causes increased production of hormones).
  5. Dysfunction, hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex.
  6. Increased activity of the thyroid gland.

Possible consequences of increasing testosterone levels

In addition to external abnormalities, a jump in the content of the male hormone in the blood can lead to serious health problems:

  1. Acne (hormonal imbalance leads to disruption of the sebaceous glands).
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Prostate cancer.
  4. Involuntary cessation of pulmonary ventilation during sleep (apnea).
  5. Liver disease (most often caused by steroid use).
  6. Infertility.
  7. Earlier baldness.

Read also: Hormone Treatment for Prostate Cancer

How to lower testosterone levels in men

Your doctor can help you find out how to reduce testosterone levels in your blood. He will find out what is the cause of the hormonal imbalance, and prescribe the appropriate treatment and diet. Testosterone levels can also be brought back to normal on their own using traditional methods.

Medical treatment

Medical treatment for elevated testosterone levels comes down to prescribing drugs that regulate the adrenal glands and slow down the pituitary gland.

To achieve the best result during drug treatment, you should:

  1. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. Stop taking steroid drugs that change hormonal levels.
  3. Go for proper nutrition.
  4. Get more rest.
  5. To live an active lifestyle.

Treatment with folk remedies

Simple folk remedies can help lower testosterone levels in the blood. Herbal infusions, tinctures and decoctions perfectly help to fight hormonal imbalances. Before starting a course of herbal treatment, you should consult with your doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications.

Broth recipes to normalize testosterone levels

  1. Pour 10 grams of licorice root with a glass of hot water. Warm up in a water bath for 20 minutes, then leave for two hours. Take a tablespoon 5 times a day.
  2. 50 grams of sacred vitex fruit (common twig) crush and pour 500 milliliters of vodka (you can use 250 milliliters of 70% alcohol). Insist for two weeks in a cool dark place. Drink 30 drops twice a day with water.
  3. For a liter of vodka, take 100 grams of crushed angelica roots, kept in a dark place for 3 weeks. Drink a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is continued for 40 days.
  4. A tablespoon of Mary's root is added to half a liter of 70% alcohol. At night, leave to infuse in a tightly sealed container, then filter and put away in a cool place. Take 3 times a day, 50 milliliters for three months.
  5. Pour 100 grams of dried red clover flowers with a liter of hot water, leave for 2–2.5 hours. Drink the infusion per day in 3-4 doses, the course should be continued for two weeks.

Evening primrose oil regulates hormonal balance well. Apply it in one capsule twice a day with meals.


Thoughtful nutrition is one of the main components of the fight against the high content of the male hormone. In order to adjust your diet, you need to know which foods increase the level of the hormone in the blood, and which ones - vice versa.

It is a hormone that can be present in both the male and female body. The main place of production of such a hormone in men is the testes, and in women - the ovaries. In addition, in both men and women, testosterone production occurs in an organ such as the adrenal glands.

In some cases, such a hormone is produced in the body in an increased amount, which can cause the development of unpleasant consequences. In such a situation, it is important to know how to lower testosterone levels in men and women, and what indicators are considered the norm.

The reasons for the increase in the hormone in men

Any hormone present in the human body performs certain functions in it. In the male body, testosterone is responsible for the proper formation of the skeleton of muscle mass, and also controls erection and the ability to fertilize. An increase in such a hormone in the stronger sex can occur under the influence of various factors.

With an increase in such a hormone in men, experts talk about such a pathology as hyperandrogenism. Among their variety, the most common is considered to be unhealthy and malnutrition, as well as sleep disturbances. In addition, the level of testosterone in the male body can change with irregular sexual activity.The main place of testosterone production in the human body is the gonads and the adrenal cortex, so any deviations from the norm indicate the pathological conditions of such organs.

There are the following pathologies that can provoke an increase in testosterone in the body of men:

  • the appearance of neoplasms of a different nature, the localization of which is the testes and adrenal glands
  • high physical activity on the body
  • congenital dysfunction or hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex
  • androgen resistance
  • early puberty
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome
  • Reifenstein syndrome

Diseases and inflammation of the sebaceous glands can provoke an increase in testosterone in the body of men. In addition, frequent mood swings and hair loss can cause such a pathological condition.

The increased content of testosterone in men leads to the fact that pathologies of the cardiovascular system often develop. In addition, high concentrations of this hormone often cause poor sleep throughout the night.

Causes of an increase in the hormone in women

Hyperandrogenism is a disorder associated with an increase in male sex hormones in the female body

A decrease in testosterone in the vast majority of cases is a sign of aging in both the male and female body. However, the lack of production of this sex hormone can be triggered by a large number of other predisposing factors.

A similar symptom is accompanied by a large number of additional symptoms, for example, a deterioration in the condition of the hair, skin and nail plates, as well as a violation of sexual functions.

The correct diagnosis can be made based on clinical manifestations and laboratory determination of the level of sex hormones. To correct the violation, conservative methods of therapy are prescribed.


The most common predisposing factors that can lower testosterone in males are:

  • the age category is over forty years old - it is after this period that a physiological decrease in such a substance occurs. This is due to the aging of the body and it is not possible to reverse this process;
  • poor nutrition - if the body does not receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and micronutrients, then the production of such a sex hormone will be insufficient;
  • the presence of excess body weight in a person is one of the most dangerous reasons for this condition. leads not only to a decrease in the concentration of male sex hormones, but also affects the activation of the production of estrogens - female hormones;
  • excessive addiction to drinking alcohol, smoking and drugs;
  • insufficient physical activity of a person - a moderately active lifestyle helps prevent the appearance of such a symptom and contributes to an increase in testosterone. It is noteworthy that excessive physical activity can also serve as a source of the development of such a disorder;
  • abuse of certain drugs;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • trauma to the testes and other organs of the male reproductive system;
  • carrying a mobile phone in trouser pockets;

Despite the fact that testosterone is a male sex hormone, it is also present in the body of women. It is produced by the adrenal glands and is contained in small quantities.

The reasons for the decrease in testosterone in women:

  • entry into the period;
  • menopause;
  • acute, against the background of which the glands cannot secrete the required amount of this substance;
  • indiscriminate intake of certain medications;
  • surgical excision of one or a cut of two ovaries;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • severe physical or emotional stress;
  • long-term influence of stressful situations.

From this it follows that a decrease in testosterone levels in both sexes is often caused by physiological factors, but sometimes it can indicate the course of a disease that requires medical intervention.


Signs of a decrease in the level of this sex hormone in men and women will be slightly different. Thus, the basis of the clinical picture of such a disorder in representatives of a strong half of humanity is formed by the following symptoms:

  • lack of sexual attraction to the opposite sex;
  • a decrease in bone density, which makes a person prone to frequent injuries or fractures;
  • an increase in body weight and volume of the mammary glands;
  • the rarity of hair on the face, pubis and armpits;
  • decreased performance;
  • frequent mood swings and depression;
  • constant fatigue and;
  • the formation of wrinkles;
  • decrease in the volume of the testicles;
  • erectile dysfunction.

The decrease in testosterone in women is clinically less pronounced than in men. This is due to the fact that such a hormone is not the main one for female representatives.

In such cases, the lack of such a substance is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • decrease or absence of sex drive;
  • inability to get pleasure during sexual intercourse;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • frequent hot flashes;
  • dry skin;
  • increased fragility of hair and nail plates;
  • causeless fatigue and constant weakness;
  • decreased physical strength;
  • trouble concentrating;
  • accumulation of fat in the abdomen, arms and neck;
  • changing the timbre of the voice;
  • fragility of bones;
  • sleepiness during the day and lack of sleep at night.

If any pathology has become the cause of the reduced testosterone, then the symptoms will be supplemented by the clinical manifestations of a particular disease.


Despite the fact that the lack of male sex hormones is often a completely normal physiological process, sometimes it can be the result of some kind of ailment, which means that patients need to undergo a comprehensive examination, which includes:

  • the study by the clinician of the history of the disease and the collection of the anamnesis of the patient's life;
  • conducting a detailed survey of the patient - to identify the time of onset of symptoms;
  • carrying out an objective examination;
  • laboratory studies of the level of hormones in the blood - will show a direct decrease in this hormone, and also indicate a possible pathological cause of a sharp decrease in testosterone levels in men and women;
  • Genital ultrasound.

Depending on the individual indicators, additional laboratory and instrumental examination methods can be assigned.


Testosterone deficiency is replenished with the help of such conservative methods:

  • taking medications;
  • adherence to diet therapy;
  • psychotherapy;
  • normalization of wakefulness and rest.

Drug therapy is intended only for men and consists in performing hormone replacement therapy, which will help to achieve:

  • normalization of male libido;
  • normalizing erection;
  • restoration of hair growth in the pubic and armpits;
  • increased bone density;
  • normalization of muscle strength.

The basis of therapy for lowering testosterone levels in women is diet therapy, which is also important for males, but is of secondary importance. The therapeutic diet involves enriching the menu with products that increase the content of such a sex hormone. These ingredients include:

  • seafood;
  • cabbage and beets;
  • green grapes and mango;
  • melon and carrots;
  • raisins and pineapple;
  • oranges and pears;
  • prunes and pomegranates;
  • zucchini and bell peppers;
  • black currants and plums;
  • any greens;
  • pearl barley, buckwheat and wheat porridge;
  • curry and turmeric;
  • cardamom and garlic.

Despite the fact that testosterone is a male hormone, it is also present in the female body. The sexual activity of the fairer sex, their appearance and mood depends on the amount of testosterone.

The testosterone level in the female body is not constant. In the morning, it is in a peak state, and in the late afternoon it gradually decreases. The norm of testosterone in the female half of humanity ranges from 0.40 to 3.75 nmol / l. However, women are often diagnosed with an increase in this hormone, and this has certain consequences that make a woman look for various ways to lower her testosterone levels.

The synthesis of testosterone is provided by the ovaries and adrenal glands, in addition, in small quantities, it is synthesized by the skin and placenta during the period of gestation. The change in the concentration of the hormone occurs due to the functionality of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. In the female body, the male hormone performs the following functions:

  • responsible for the functionality of the reproductive system;
  • forms an egg;
  • increase muscle mass;
  • provides the necessary bone density;
  • regulates the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • controls protein, phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism;
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies;
  • increases endurance and stress resistance;
  • participates in water exchange;
  • controls sugar levels.

If the level of testosterone in the female body fails, serious pathological processes can be suspected. Symptoms of fluctuations in hormonal levels differ depending on which direction the change has occurred.

Causes of excess testosterone

Hormone levels can increase after physical activity is normal, but abnormal increases in male hormone levels can cause an abnormality in egg production. In this case, hypereandrogenism develops. This disease can be of ovarian and adrenal origin. The reasons for the increase in the hormone may lie in the following:

  • adrenal hyperplasia;
  • a certain phase of the cycle;
  • period of bearing the child;
  • taking some medications;
  • improper nutrition.

Apart from pregnancy, all other reasons for the increase in testosterone require adjustment.

Symptoms of excess testosterone in women

It is impossible not to notice the symptoms of hypereandrogenism, so the diagnosis of the disease is not difficult:

  • excess sebum production;
  • acne;
  • male physique;
  • increased hair growth on the face and chest;
  • rough voice;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • aggressiveness;
  • enlargement of the clitoris.

The long course of the disease leads to the fact that the functionality of the ovaries is irreversibly impaired, which provokes persistent infertility.

Reasons for Lack of Testosterone

A lack of this hormone in a woman's body can cause osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, neoplasms in the mammary gland, heart disease, and inflammatory processes in the endometrium. The reasons for low testosterone levels can be internal or external.

Endogenous (internal) causes are as follows:

  • pituitary and endocrine diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • tumor processes in the ovaries;
  • changes associated with age;
  • pathology of an autoimmune nature.

Exogenous (external) causes are as follows:

  • too much magnesium and zinc in the diet;
  • lack of nutritional balance;
  • eating a lot of carbohydrate foods;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives and some other drugs;
  • excess weight;
  • too low or excessive activity;
  • insufficient amount of sunbathing;
  • lack of intimate relationships.

Symptoms of low testosterone

If a woman has a low level of this hormone, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • dry skin, brittle nails and hair;
  • excessive fullness in the abdomen, arms and neck;
  • depressive conditions;
  • quiet voice;
  • lack of libido;
  • tachycardia;
  • sweating;
  • infertility;
  • sleep problems;
  • decreased concentration of attention.

Treatment principles

It is possible to normalize hormonal levels with the help of medications or with the help of traditional medicine. It is very important to pay attention to nutrition during treatment. The fact is that there are products that can affect the concentration of testosterone in the blood of a woman or girl.

I must say that any medications that can reduce or increase testosterone levels are not recommended to be taken on their own, they can only be prescribed by the attending physician based on the test results.

In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary - for neoplasms in the pituitary gland, for example.

As for the products for lowering testosterone in women, they are as follows:

  1. Soy and its products... Soy is high in isoflavones, which can significantly lower testosterone levels. In addition, soybean and its products contain daidzein, which, when digested, is converted into an antiandrogen.
  2. Legumes. They contain substances (phytoestrogens) that inhibit the synthesis of the male hormone.
  3. Milk products. Since animals that provide milk consume grass in large quantities, dairy products contain a lot of phytohormones.
  4. Sesame and flaxseed. Testosterone levels are good at lowering the lignan that these foods are rich in.
  5. Vegetable oils... Corn and flaxseed oil have an antiandrogenic and rejuvenating effect.

What other foods lower testosterone in women? In fact, there are quite a few of them:

  • apricots;
  • dates;
  • sweet apples;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • wheat;
  • oats;
  • lentils;
  • beer;
  • coffee and so on.

Therefore, when testosterone is elevated, women are advised to follow a special diet.

Diet rules for high testosterone

The diet must necessarily be discussed with the attending physician, since a balanced diet is necessary for the health of the body.

The diet should include the following foods, which can significantly lower the concentration of the male hormone:

  1. Honey, jam, sweet fruits. Any sugars that increase insulin production are indicated when testosterone is elevated. This is due to the fact that insulin has a detrimental effect on this hormone, and at the same time increases the synthesis of estrogen.
  2. Dried fruits... Dried fruits contain a large amount of fructose, magnesium, potassium, vitamins and amino acids, all these substances and trace elements are indicated for use to reduce testosterone in women.
  3. Oats... Oatmeal significantly slows down the production of testosterone, and in addition, stimulates this hormone to convert into estrogen. It is advisable to cook porridge in water, and add milk, honey and dried fruits to the finished dish.
  4. Medicinal herbs, lowering the concentration of testosterone. Mint works best with this. It can be added to salads, soups, or brewed with tea.

It is important to understand that all methods of lowering testosterone should be discussed with a doctor without fail. It is very important to identify the cause of the high hormone levels and correct it. To stabilize hormonal levels, you need to treat the disease, and not just eliminate the symptoms.

The hormonal system is a complex and extremely sensitive mechanism to any changes, which must be adjusted carefully and under constant medical supervision. However, if you contact a competent specialist in a timely manner and adhere to his recommendations exactly, it is quite possible to normalize the hormonal background.

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. It is produced primarily in the testes by Leydig cells. In a small amount - in the adrenal cortex.

Testosterone affects the development of male genital organs, regulates spermatogenesis and sexual behavior, and also participates in some links of metabolism. Low testosterone in men leads to decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and mental disorders.

Reasons for a decrease in testosterone in men

There are several conditions that affect testosterone production in men. Possible causes and risk factors are presented in the table.

Causes of Testosterone DecreaseAdditional Information
AgeThe peak concentration of free testosterone is 17-21 years, of total testosterone - 35-45 years. Hormone levels decline with age and may fall below normal levels
Bad habitsLong-term smoking reduces testosterone levels. Alcohol intake leads to a decrease in hormone production
StressProlonged stress leads to increased cortisol synthesis and decreased testosterone levels
FoodLack of selenium, magnesium and zinc leads to a lack of elements for the production of testosterone
Inappropriate physical activityLow or excessive physical activity interferes with testosterone synthesis
Pathology of the testes and adrenal glandsThe defeat of the gonads and adrenal glands disrupts the production of testosterone and leads to a decrease in its concentration in the blood
Pathology of the pituitary gland and hypothalamusExcess prolactin, FSH and LH leads to a decrease in testosterone
Metabolic disordersOverweight and obesity lead to a decrease in testosterone production, increased estrogen synthesis
Taking medicationsCertain hormonal agents, antifungals, antiepileptic drugs, steroids, statins, etc. lower testosterone.
High SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)With high SHBG, for example, due to a pathology of the thyroid gland, free testosterone will be low even with a normal level of total hormone. Symptoms similar to testosterone deficiency.

Symptoms of low testosterone

Signs of low testosterone in men:

  • Lack or decreased libido. Testosterone plays a key role in determining sexual behavior and sex drive.
  • Erectile dysfunction. Low testosterone levels make it difficult to achieve an erection and orgasm during sex. The frequency of spontaneous morning erections decreases.
  • Decreased semen volume. Lack of testosterone leads to inhibition of spermatogenesis.
  • Unreasonable fatigue. Men with low testosterone concentration are more likely to complain of a lack of energy and lack of motivation for any activity.
  • Loss of muscle mass. Muscle strength is not affected.
  • Osteoporosis. A decrease in the proportion of bone tissue increases the tendency to fracture.
  • Increase in the proportion of adipose tissue. The development of gynecomastia is noted - an increase in the mammary glands. This phenomenon is explained by the excess production against the background of a decrease in testosterone.
  • Metabolic disorders. Low testosterone levels have been linked to the development of obesity and diabetes.
  • Sleep disturbance. Men with low testosterone levels are more likely to complain about.
  • Change in mood. Decreased testosterone leads to irritability and depression.

Against the background of a lack of testosterone, erectile dysfunction develops, which is associated with insufficient blood supply to the penis. Violation of the inflow of arterial and outflow of venous blood indicates the onset of vascular pathology. Moreover, the vessels feeding the penis have a smaller lumen than the coronary arteries feeding the heart. They respond faster to emerging pathology.

Erectile dysfunction is only the first symptom of vascular disorders. If the progression of the disease is prevented, it is possible not only to return the man to a full sex life, but also to avoid the development of cardiac pathology (including myocardial infarction).

Symptoms of decreased testosterone are nonspecific and occur in other conditions. A drop in the level of the hormone can only be reliably confirmed with the help of a blood test.

An additional laboratory assessment of the status to the determination of total testosterone is prescribed in conjunction with the measurement of the concentration of SHBG (thyroid pathology, obesity, cirrhosis, liver disease, age-related changes)

Testosterone norm in men 18-55 years old:

  • Free testosterone - 1-28 pg / ml.
  • Total testosterone is 9-42 nmol / l.

Treatment methods

Non-drug methods to increase testosterone in men:

  • Sleep normalization. The restoration of the body takes place in the phase of deep sleep. Superficial and intermittent sleep interferes with the adequate functioning of internal organs and the production of sex hormones. It is recommended to sleep 7-8 hours a day. The criterion for a normal night's sleep is how well you feel after waking up.
  • Balanced diet. Testosterone production is promoted by foods rich in zinc, selenium and magnesium. Food should be balanced in essential nutrients.
  • Taking vitamins. D the hormonal background is stabilized by vitamins B, C, D, E... Taking omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is beneficial.
  • Drinking regime. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. With intense physical activity, the volume of fluid increases.
  • Rejection of bad habits. It is recommended to quit smoking. You should reduce the proportion of alcoholic beverages or stop drinking alcohol. Drug use is excluded.
  • Weight normalization. A decrease in the proportion of adipose tissue leads to a decrease in the proportion of estrogen and an increase in testosterone levels.
  • Physical activity. Increase testosterone from gym workouts, including resistance exercise. Exercise should be regular. Walking and sprint running are also beneficial. It is important to avoid overloading - physical exhaustion negatively affects the body's hormonal balance.
  • Sexual activity. Flirting and intimacy leads to increased testosterone levels.
  • Limiting stressful situations. With prolonged or repeated stress, production increases, leading to a decrease in testosterone. A good mood helps to increase testosterone production.
  • Sunbathing. Sun exposure increases vitamin D synthesis and increases testosterone levels.
  • Hardening. Dousing with water leads to a short-term increase in testosterone and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

Drug therapy involves the use of hormonal agents that can compensate for the lack of testosterone. Injectable, oral and transdermal forms of drugs are used. The dosage and duration of admission are determined by the course of the pathology.

Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed only by an andrologist after a complete examination and establishment of an accurate diagnosis. Uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs threatens with a violation of the production of its own testosterone and the development of dangerous complications.