Interpretation of sleep see yourself young in dream books. Modern dream book if you dream to see myself

What dreams of beauty (dream interpretation Esoteric E. Flotkova)

What does the dream, in which you dream of beauty? What exactly do you mean by this word? If the beauty for you is first of all, beautiful landscapes, views or paintings, then the dream promises you to execute your most intimate desires. Therefore, if you have seen beauty in a dream - you can rejoice, obviously, you will be able to achieve what they could not even hope. In any case, this value is your dream.

What dreams of beauty in a dream (Miller's dream book)

The beauty you saw what would be to be expressed if she managed to hit your imagination - it's good. So, if the beauty of the beauty in the appearance of an excellent woman, it can symbolize the upcoming beneficial commercial transactions or receiving some pleasure to appear. Beautiful paintings or landscapes that have opened up your gaze, such beauty predicts the execution of your most cherished desires. And if the beauty is for you - these are children, if you saw in a dream especially beautiful child - Means mutual love with the chosen one and the conclusion with him a happy marriage union.

Beauty in a dream (Interpretation of Esoteric Dream Interpretation)

When you are beauty, you see something extraordinarily beautiful, sleep is the prediction of a good strip in your life, an offensive, if not happiness, then, peace of mind. Agree that this is a lot. If the beauty was expressed in some beautiful people who dreamed to you - this is also a good sign that promises that you will be able to establish trust calm relationships with others. But see how beauty disappears, dissolves and something ugly, dirty, sleep is caused by fears, which are tormented by various phobias. You are extremely afraid to lose the fact that you have than you really value. However, your fears do not have any reason.

Sleep value O. Beautiful image (Vedic Dream Sivananda)

According to ancient Vedic sources, when a person dreams that he is extremely beautiful - this is an alarming dream, which warns that your beauty will soon disappear and, the reason for this will be some kind of disease. Your well-being will deteriorate significantly, and your body will weaken. If you dreamed in a dream, how much your beauty grows and increases - an extremely bad mark that warns about the approaching death.

The meaning of sleep about beauty (symbolic dream book)

Beauty (in a dream) - it appears almost always in the positive meaning - the beauty of nature, architectural buildings, landscapes, faces, juice and brightness of paints, intensity of sunlight and a common positive aesthetic aura, which is a typical sign of peak, happy dreams and the execution of intimate desires in Future revealed. However, there is one exception: see yourself especially beautiful - to trouble, illness and even death risk - this is the meaning of what this dream is dreaming.

What dream of a woman's beauty (by the dream book Natalia Stepanova)

Beauty, beautiful - beauty, expressed in any form, is a very good sign. To see in a dream. Beautiful things means grace that will spread on you and people close to you. To see beautiful yourself - a sign of happy fate. See in a dream beautiful people - To earn the confidence of people who are firm on their feet in this life. A beautiful woman From dreams fill your life with a special light, and a beautiful child will become a precursor of mutual love and a happy union. Loving manSeeing that his beloved beautiful and sweet, wait for a quick and successful marriage.

What does it mean to see beauty (according to the Christian dream book)

Beauty, beautiful in a dream - in any form beauty is positive Son.. Beautiful woman - pleasure, material wealth. Cute, beautiful baby - mutual love, happy union.

See beauty how to solve sleep symbols (for family dream book)

Beauty, expressed in any form - a very good sign. To see beautiful things means grace that will spread on you and people close to you. To see beautiful yourself - a sign of happy fate. To see in a dream of beautiful people - to earn the confidence of people tightly standing on their feet in this life. A lovely woman from dreams will fill your life with a special light, and a beautiful child will become a precursor of mutual love and a happy union. A loving person who saw his beloved beautiful and sweet, wait for a quick and successful marriage.

Each beautiful sex representative is beautiful in its own way. In the world there are many beauty standards that different cultures differ. So see in a dream yourself beautiful - to positive change in life. But to understand everything, you need to clarify the details. It is from them that the interpretation will depend.

See yourself unrealistic in a dream

If you have in reality, you are the owner of the average appearance, and in a dream, faintly did not fall from their unearthly beauty, then in reality you can become a victim of deception.

When in dreams, a woman does not recognize himself in the mirror, but sees there another person with an outstanding appearance - in of real life She is waiting for difficulties in the team. Someone at work will try to assign her successes to themselves. If you show vigilance, then problems will be avoided.

If it dreams that your hair has become thick and long, the figure has built, and the wrinkles evaporated, then changes on the love front will occur in life. After such a dream, high attention of men is guaranteed.

In a dream, luxurious clothes appear? In reality, the success will cover the dream. New opportunities will appear. Career will go uphill after a long stagnation. And all the difficult tasks are finally solved in your favor.

According to Vanga's dream book, see himself beautiful and slender, when there are overweight problems, - to a quick marriage. Based on the information in the dream of a flower, for women at the age of such a dream, a new novel that will last long enough. And may lead to a re-marriage.

Consider yourself in a dream in the mirror

Mirrors and appearance are inextricably linked. Without these devices it would be very problematic to evaluate and put themselves in order. Therefore, a dream where you look at your prayer appearance in the mirror, means the following:

  • If you look into the mirror in the kingdom of morpheus and admire yourself, then in reality you can circle around your finger.
  • When you look at yourself in the mirror and see that in a dream your appearance is a bit unusual, you can avoid deception in reality.

Sometimes the data of the dreams simply reflect the real state of affairs. Often symbolize our hidden desires. But according to the interpretation of many dreams, our own beauty in a dream dreams of well-being and change status. After such a dream, a young girl can get a proposal of a hand and heart or just a hot confession in love.

If you really want to understand what to see in a dream is beautiful, try. Beauty and gloomy setting around can dreamed of trouble. The feeling of happiness promises good turns of fate. Unreal sleep atmosphere, like cleaning beauty, are interpreted as unless dreams and hopes. But, in any case, this dream does not warn about future catastrophes, does not promise big trouble, but simply gently points to the events of everyday life.

Any woman seeks to see himself beautiful. It does not always happen to reveal, some only in Gresses can admire their reflection. But what does such a vision mean?

Miller version

In a dream, wondered how good it looks? Psychologist predicts: in reality you will have good health, Good mood and Fortune favor.

However, if the beauty is extended and unnatural, then Miller's dream book prophesate failures in everything. Began health problems? The disease will be lethal.

Also, not very pleasant meaning of dreams, when a woman with a defect of appearance saw herself with beauty. Dream interpretation saddens: Your desires are not destined to be fulfilled.

Natural charm

Can't you feel in love, looking at your reflection? Flowers foreshadows happy and prosperous life.

Dream Interpretation, if a woman in the years happened in the dreams to see himself beautiful and young, promises: despite age, she will easily conquer male hearts.

The girl with the imperfect figure saw himself slim and tightened. Wang's dream book predicts: Soon the wedding, in the near future she will be offered hand and heart.

The lady with ordinary external data was able to see himself beautiful and happy in a dream? Oracle promises a quick acquaintance with a fan that will imbued with the unusualness of her inner world And love with all my heart.

Naging magnificence

Evaluate your appearance in a dream?

Did she lose, did they do and became extremely crushed? It will be difficult to notice the lies said.

What dreams if you don't like your appearance? Quickly calculate the deceiver who tried to mislead.

He admired a slim body in a dream - decide to discuss, and they will quickly declared you. As a result, it will provoke a large quarrel with loved ones.

Give the beauty

It turned out that they became a hairdresser among the girls beauties, and the resulting hairstyles are stylish and incredibly them go? Find a powerful patron, - advises the lunar dream book.

Trusted the role of a massage therapist or cosmetologist, turning thick, terrible girls in the beauties? In reality, it is necessary to perform a boring and extremely difficult task. Probably you can not cope with him.

What does it mean to see himself a beautiful young woman with chic long hairwhich helps the ladies to enjoy? In reality, tell me a friend, how to solve a delicate question.

Features of clothes

Gypsy dream book, if you are elegant and beautiful, in a unmatched evening dress and shoes on the heel encourages: good luck will accompany in everything.

In the dreams wear wedding Dress, Dream Interpretation predicts: In the family will be able to create cozy atmosphere. Homemade troubles will be delighted, and the husband consider you the best hostess in the world.

Spinned in front of the mirror in elegant clothes, which they sewed themselves. Eastern Dream foresees: all attention will be riveted to you.

In the dream, they tried a fur coat - in the soul will reign a peace.


If in the vision of beautiful girl I turned into a grain old woman, we assign responsibly to health, - Recommends Oracle. Perhaps in the body there was a severe disease, the symptoms of which have not yet managed to manifest.

You again became young and beautiful. Dream Dream Hasse soothes: Your experiences are empty.

Fashionable dress in a matter of minutes turns into pickups? Get injury or get into an accident.

Alternative outfit

See himself beautiful in a stylish dress, with an interesting hairstyle, but to know that the costume did not appreciate because of excessive creativity - the inspiration will visit, but close and relatives will not approve the ideas that have come to mind.

Each at least once in life saw in his dreams incomprehensible and mysterious events. We have repeatedly wrote about what you dream prophetic dreams And how to interpret the signs in dreams. In this article we will look at the question, which means see yourself in a dream. Lilia Jigai shared with fans with his interpretation of such sleep.

Psychic believes that see himself in a dream is good sign. This suggests that a person's consciousness is trying to treat some important information. Lilia Khgai claims that at such moments a person is on the path of important events in his own life. You should not be afraid if after such sleep remains an unpleasant impression. You should carefully think about and realize what you tried to say your subconscious. It is also believed to see himself in a dream foreshadowed a significant cash profit in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams is a rather controversial topic. Here you can give the will its own imagination. Lilia Rygay says that it is necessary to listen to his own intuition and feelings after such dreams. In addition, attention should be paid to the side circumstances in a dream. For example, if you saw yourself in a dream pregnant, it can mean love and a new fan for young girls. However, for those women who are in age, to see themselves in a dream of a pregnant is considered an unfavorable sign that can warn about serious diseases or tragedies.

To see in the dream of the former and myself will be an omen to great difficulties in personal life. According to Lilia, Khgay, a man after such sleep can unexpectedly encounter with unresolved old problems. Perhaps in his past activity will be not the most favorable consequences that will not be easy to solve. If the girl who saw the former in a dream is in a difficult financial situation, it will become a successful sign for her. Psychic says that such a dream will symbolize unexpected good luck and help from the side.

To see in a dream a child will become familiar to a person that it is time to radically change your own life. Lilia Khigay believes that this way our soul is trying to understand that in this moment You chose the wrong way for yourself and satisfaction from your life you can not get. Try not to focus your attention on the needs and concerns about others. Sit down and think about what you want. The interpretation of this sleep explicitly recommends you to reconsider our own principles and let go of the past.

In many slavic peoples Consider bad sign. Slavs believed that this way the soul tries to make a person take a look at himself and evaluate the consequences of their own activities. Lilia Hegay advises after such a dream immediately wash back side Palms three times cold water. This will help get rid of not only from unpleasant sensationsBut also protects from the evil eye and damage, because after such dreams our energy background is most susceptible to others.

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20.03.2014 14:21

If you are to play bad dreams and you do not know how to get rid of nightmares, then help folk advice Our ancestors. In old times...

It is believed that sleep from Thursday to Friday always comes true. Is it true and where did this statement come from? Astrologers argue ...

Many have heard that to see their twins that foreshadows misfortune. Does this notice for dreams? Sometimes you can observe yourself in your own dream. Is it not considered to be a split personality and the branch of the soul from the body? Answer this question "What does it mean to see yourself from the side in a dream?" Various interpreters will help.

Immediately it should be noted that if you see yourself in sleep sleeping, we are talking On a conscious dream or exit to the astral dimension. In this case astral body Selects his physical twin from the side.

To understand the meaning of sleep, you need to remember:

  • what you were dressed;
  • what was the appearance - hairstyle, makeup;
  • in which place the events of sleep took place.

The form of clothing in a dream can be the most unusual, like its own image. Consider military form :

  • see yourself in the form of a military man - to an unexpected act;
  • for women, the military form promises acquaintance with the power man;
  • trying to try on a military form - to an increase in the career ladder;
  • esoteric dream book considers the image of any shape with a symbol of obsolete stereotypes.

Consider the value of elegant clothes in a dream:

  • girls this dream promises happiness;
  • the bride's dress foreshadows a valuable gift, the fulfillment of desires, sometimes inheritance;
  • feel beautiful in a dream - you love to be in the spotlight;
  • white lace dress foreshadows joyful news;
  • red apparel symbolizes vicious dating;
  • to be in the clothes of your loved one - you completely searched with his heart.

Bad omen is the dream in which the bride dress gradually darkens - It foreshadows the disease. Black clothes dream of small trouble. However, if you felt in a black dress / costume comfortably, it symbolizes the revaluation of life priorities.

See yourself in the usual or home clothing - to ambime news an important event In life, change. If a married man saw himself in someone else's clothes, Soon some special would try to seduce him.

New clothes foreshadows radical changes in life. For girls, the dream is promoting a meeting with the second half or a wedding, for women - pregnancy.

Hair and beard in a dream

Sometimes there can be a completely opposite appearance, which is not peculiar to the dream. Some people can see themselves in the fantastic appearance or animal image. Consider some common images of dreams.

Beard in SN foreshadowed male profit, but women Acquaintance S. a good man. Pregnant Beard foreshadows the birth of a boy.

Hair color can also not fit real. For married women see yourself blonde He foreshadows the sincere love of her husband: you have the only and most beloved. Ginger colour Hair foreshadows temptations in life. Black color Hair promises many obstacles on the way.

Various states

In the dream, you can experience various states, such as your own death. In this case, death symbolizes only reincarnation or warning, and not a real event.

See yourself killed High voltage - warns be careful with electricity. See yourself with a killed manyak - be careful with new acquaintances. To drown in water and see how you get your own body from depth - immersion in sensuality.

Swim from the rope Tailor - Pay attention to your health. Another interpretation is a person who does not allow breathing freely. It may be strict parents or a class teacher at school, a strict chief or picky director.

See your own funeral - To radical changes in the identity of the dreaming. Also, sleep foreshadows big changes in life, the new life direction is either a change of profession. Something old will leave your life and new perspectives will open.

Pant in water - You are lack of emotions and feelings, have established limitations and rules. Frequently from prejudice. If you hit in transparent waterSleep symbolizes the change of worldview and life values. See yourself in muddy water - Become a conflict center. See yourself soaring over the water - you will successfully handle difficulties.

A good omen is a dream in which the dreaming saw himself soaring in heaven. This plot foreshadows great happiness and success in all endeavors.

Meaning by dreambooks

Modern dream book He considers its own image from a good omen. In the near future, you can implement your own projects, embody dreams to reality. To see himself a pregnant woman from the elderly woman does not foreshadow good, and young girls promises a meeting with the second half.

Dream of the 21st century . Wailed to see yourself nude in a dream? Soon you will get a valuable gift. To see your own reflection in the mirror - to conflicts with your loved one. See yourself in the coffin of the dead - expect trouble on a business field.

For girls see their image beautiful and attractive - to the emergency meeting with their love. To see himself beautiful and confident - the help of an influential person in achieving career growth or the founding of his own business. If the girl saw herself in the image of a man, things will go uphill.

Universal dream book Warns: see bald On your own head in a dream - to difficulties in implementing plans. See yourself in a drunk - Soon there will be events that in the root will change their lives and even the image.

See yourself in the image of an elderly man - To increase the authority, the increase to the salary. To see yourself - Strong health, prosperity, excess energy. Soon you will have improved not only physical condition, but also material.

See yourself for a kid - To meet with a cunning person who will bring. It is better not to trust him. Stretch in sleep - To improve the financial condition. However, it should not be in pursuit of money to empty the inner world.