Lunar eclipse on March 23rd year. The abuse of alcohol and intoxicating substances will be especially negative during the period of the eclipse, since it will affect the state of the liver, which can cause an exacerbation of both chronic diseases and severe

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun, darkening the Sun's light and casting a shadow on the Moon's surface. During a penumbra eclipse, the Moon passes through the outer shadow region of the Earth - penumbra.

The lunar eclipse on March 23 will be visible in most of Asia, Australia, North and South America, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. In Russia, this eclipse can be observed in Siberia and the Far East.

The beginning of the eclipse March 23 at 09:39 UTC (UTC) or 12:39 Moscow time

Maximum phase of an eclipse March 23 at 11:47 UTC (UTC) or 14:47 Moscow time

The end of the eclipse March 23 at 13:54 UTC (UTC) or 16:54 Moscow time

The duration of the Penumbra Phase is 4 hours 13 minutes.

Moon coverage 0.775.

This eclipse belongs to 142 Saros and is number 18 out of 74 eclipses in the series. All eclipses in this series occur at the node of the Moon's growth. Lunar motions southward relative to the node with each successive eclipse in series and gamma decreases.


details and registration here: order / zatmlyn /

Registration will be required + gifts for each participant.

For reference: The strength of the lunar Eclipse, like the full moon, lasts several days.

The energy of the lunar eclipse on March 23, 2016

On March 23, at the 3rd degree of the zodiac sign of Libra, a penumbral lunar will occur
We will feel the influence of his energy for three days before and two more days after.

Is love at stake?

The moon is associated with feelings and the inner world of a person. Under the influence of the energy of the eclipse, emotionality becomes higher, and everything that happens around is perceived sharper, closer to the heart. The sphere of personal relations falls into the risk zone during this period: it is not clear where the anxiety about the safety of the union that comes from will grow literally by the hour.

The seeds of doubts about the feelings of a partner and his loyalty, sown now, can very soon bear the most unpleasant fruits. Don't fall for the provocations of the insidious Moon! When the eclipse dies down, your fears are unlikely to be confirmed.

But if you want and are ready to say goodbye to romantic or friendly relations, then plan the parting precisely for 23 march: then the broken connection is unlikely to be restored. The vibrations of the lunar eclipse give strength, complete some stage of life, abandon what has already become obsolete, has lost its former value.

Magic time

23 march best done in a relaxed environment. To strengthen your own energy, it is useful to do meditation and any other spiritual practices. A lunar eclipse is a magical time that should be used to reflect on the past, analyze the present, and plan for the future. The main thing is to approach everything with a cool head and open heart!

On the day of the lunar eclipse, it is not recommended:

  • make large purchases;

  • buy and sell real estate;

  • engage in extreme sports;

  • engage in planting;

  • start new projects;

  • make dates;

  • go on trips.


The flash mob will take place on the day of the magical Eclipse on March 23 at 19:30 Moscow time


1. Rite on indigenous fate changes on the day of the eclipse

2. The calendar solar and lunar eclipses for 2001 - 2050yy

3. The book "Magic of the Full Moon"

Global implications

Globally, lunar eclipse 23 march, which will happen on the Libra - Aries axis, will raise questions legal nature. Laws, regulations, international agreements, pacts and treaties adopted and concluded at this time will in the future have major consequences for the development of the state.

Astrological influence

The specificity of the astrological influence of this eclipse will be dictated by the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury (in opposition to the Moon) and harmonious resolution of the opposition of the eclipse across Mars.

Thanks to this, it is possible to predict the weight of information during this period and its reflection in the social atmosphere. The reaction to information will be massive and will affect the domestic political sphere, as well as shape foreign policy events.

Bright events in international relations are likely, both in the direction of consensus and consolidation, and in the direction of aggravating the confrontation of interests.

The second significant contribution will be a harmonious combination of influences Jupiter and Pluto, which speaks of fateful events in the field of legal relations, it will affect partnerships, in lawmaking and the field of law enforcement.

The breadth of consideration of current problems, entrepreneurial spirit, determination, and ease of communication will be important factors for successful solutions.

Information scandals are possible, which will serve as a trigger for the development of active social processes.

Bonded strength will be additional influence Venus and Neptune - spiritual searches, creative realization and inspiration will color our life in special colors and give meaning to the irrational side of life and revive mercy and sacrifice in hearts and souls.

A negative trend will sound in our life squaring Jupiter-Saturn - evidence that the economic, and for some - and personal, crisis still does not let us go. Crisis situations will require volitional decisions and a global consideration of situations.

Influence of eclipse by zodiac signs

A special area for transformation and revision under the influence of the eclipse of the Moon on March 23 will be the area of \u200b\u200bpartnerships and attitudes towards the law, since the axis is affected Aries-Libra... Representatives of these signs of the Zodiac will have to solve difficult questions, and they should wish them caution and more confidence in their own intuition.

It will also be difficult Cancer with Capricorn... They will need all the spiritual and life experience, faith, inspiration and the manifestation of such qualities as self-sacrifice and mercy.

The greatest harvest in creativity and comprehension of new sides of romantic relationships will fall on the lot Pisces... Activity and enterprise will be shown Sagittariuswho should be contacted for help in an emergency.


Eclipse and Health

From the point of view of maintaining health, it is worth monitoring the vascular system, controlling consciousness and attention, as well as the adequacy of the perception of this world. You need to take care of the kidneys, spine and stomach.

The abuse of alcohol and intoxicating substances will be especially negative during the period of the eclipse, since it will affect the state of the liver, which can cause an exacerbation of both chronic diseases and severe inflammation in the digestive and hematopoietic organs.

For people with poor health, it is recommended to reduce physical and social activity and practice the Lunar Eclipse.

Trust your inner intuitive feelings, maintain a harmonious attitude to this world and philosophically perceive changes in partnerships.

For people striving for spiritual development and disclosure of the secrets of the universe, it is possible to reveal secrets that will determine changes in their fate and the lives of their loved ones.

Lunar Eclipse on March 23, 2016. You don't have to forgive. It is enough to say goodbye.

Each Full Moon is a goodbye. Each Full Moon is an opportunity to see in its entirety and obviousness, which is, at least, not relevant, but, at the most, already holds us in the tight grip of the past and prevents us from moving forward. As if the world is specially meant for us exact timewhen it's time to say goodbye. But if Every Full Moon (and there are either 12 or 13 in every year) is a micro-farewell, then every Lunar Eclipse is a goodbye forever!

Each Lunar Eclipse invites us to put a final and fat point in some topic of our life. And in Lunar Eclipse March 23, 2016 this topic is partnerships!

But in order for you, out of ignorance or out of a desire to do the best, not break the woods (and during the period of the Lunar Eclipse this is more than likely), let us immediately clearly indicate what kind of partnerships you should say goodbye to right now.

The Lunar Eclipse on March 23, 2016 will occur in Libra - the classic sign of partnership, but with one significant clarification. It is about your explicit partners presented to the world and society.

You DO NOT NEED to say goodbye and let go of anything now:

In relationships with your parents and grandparents

In relationships with your children

In relationships with your blood brothers and sisters (cousins \u200b\u200band second cousins \u200b\u200balso count)

With your secret loved ones, ex or present, relationships with whom you are forced or want to hide and which you cannot joyfully and openly present to your environment

You NEED to release now:

Relationships with your former official husbands and wives

Relationships with your beloved, with whom you planned marriage or hoped for it with all your heart, but which never happened

Relationships with your common-law husbands and wives, which ended officially, in the eyes of your family and friends, but never ended in your soul

Relationships with business partners with whom you have planned or carried out projects that have not been successful

Relationships with friends with whom you were inseparable, and parting with whom, even if it was quite decent outwardly, still left an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul

How do you know which of these people is the brake that prevents you from joyfully and swiftly moving into the future? To which of them has the time come to say the final and last goodbye? During the period of the Lunar Eclipse, there is a very clear and clear criterion as to what and whom it is time to let go.

Think of those right now who fit the list above. It doesn't matter if you remember one person or there will be several. Because you will not choose now. The world and space have already decided who it will be. And during the week before the eclipse, it already gave you a sign of this. Or he will give it before the end of the day on March 23.

WHAT is a sign and a clue to who you need to say your last goodbye to.

This man dreamed of you

You met by chance on the street or in any other public place

He unexpectedly called, wrote, told you about him, although before that for a long time you did not hear or knew anything about his life

Sadness, anger, resentment, regret about this person suddenly rolled over you, although you were sure for a long time that all feelings were already in the past

You suddenly suddenly and clearly realized “everything! enough! it's time to end this endless story! ”

This is what will be familiar to you, with which you should agree! But if everything were so simple, then there would never be a trail of old ties and unfinished relationships behind us. And there may be several reasons for this. Lack of strength and energy to give what has already become obsolete the beautiful and frightening energy of death and transformation. The inability to let go until you have received an answer to the question that worries you - why everything turned out this way and this relationship did not become the way you wanted. Ignorance of the natural laws of life and the persecution and helplessness of your wild animal nature, which, if it is alive and well, always fiercely fights for survival and has the strength to escape, break out of harmful and destructive relationships. Not knowing exactly how to perform the "rite" of farewell, so that it is safe and leads to a result.

And in this sense, the March Lunar Eclipse - as a wise and faithful mother, friend, mentor, will envelop you with powerful and fluid energy, penetrate your soul and give you strength, clearly and clearly answering all your expressed and secret questions.

Why didn't your partnerships turn out the way you wanted them to?

The mistress and ruler of this Lunar Eclipse is Venus in Pisces, which means that in the past you yourself, carried away by your magical fantasies, endowed your partner with an aura of ideality. You raised them in your dreams and fantasies. You saw in them their best, ideal “I” of which they did not even suspect. Most likely, they are unaware of him even now. You've seen them perfect. You gave them a sumptuous advance of trust, kindness, care and sacrifice. They just couldn't accept it. Accept this. And let go.

What do you need to do to finally let go of your partner and completely free yourself from this relationship?

The first thing you need to do is get your Moon Council. Only for myself. Do not share what you read with anyone so as not to violate the ordinance of letting go. There are days when silence is the best way. Get your Moon Council. He will tell you the right direction, which will not let you get lost in the labyrinths of your soul in these special days... And only after that proceed to action.

Make a very simple and beautiful ritual on the days of this Eclipse, in tune with the energy of the Moon in Libra. Because, whatever your past relationship was, your goodbye now should be beautiful!

Buy a deep purple tulip. Make yourself comfortable in front of a white burning candle and sit in front of it remembering, touching the silky petals, stroking the tight and juicy stems and leaves of a beautiful flower. The moon in Libra is very sensual and tactile. Therefore, by doing this, you, imperceptibly for yourself, can get to the most secret deepest layers of your subconscious. After that, one by one, start picking off the petals and, each time, picking off one of the petals, aloud or silently, say the truest, most honest words that you want to say to someone who very soon will leave your life forever. This is your last opportunity to say everything that was unsaid by you. Petal is a phrase ... Petal is a word ... Petal is an unfulfilled dream and an illusion ... Petal is gratitude ... Or a curse ...

When all the tulip petals are torn off by your hand, pick them up and put them in a prominent place. And every day cast a glance at them, watching how they gradually dry up, change color, shape, meaning, inevitably losing resemblance to what they were in the beginning, a beautiful, quivering and full of life flower.

When they are completely dry, collect them and betray any of the four natural elements - fire, water, earth, air. And this will be the end. In which lies the seed of the Beginning.

The ritual can be performed any day from March 23rd to 30th. The week after the Lunar Eclipse is the strongest time.

And finally, accept the gift of this Lunar Eclipse, which will remain with you for the rest of your life. This is a gift that will surprise and scare the “decent and obedient good girl” within you who has been taught to be decorous for many years. But it will definitely appeal to your “wild, lively, passionate woman” who will never allow partners and relationships to harm her. Hurt you. You can now accept this gift or reject it. Just read what is written below and decide if this is right for you right now. This phrase has turned and changed the lives of many women. After that phrase, countless unreleased relationships ended forever, clean and green. This phrase breaks stereotypes and destroys common truths. But it's true!

Forgiveness and goodbye are very similar words. And the phrase that in order to let go and say goodbye, you must definitely forgive, was repeated so many times that it became like the truth. But this is not the case!

You can forgive and say goodbye if you feel empowered. If the damage of any kind that was caused to you in the relationship was compensated or not so great as to disrupt the harmony of your life. If so, say goodbye and goodbye to a pure soul and sincere peace in your heart.

You can NOT forgive. You have the right NOT to forgive if the damage was too great. You are not saints or gods. And if there is no forgiveness in your heart, don't be fooled. Just say “I will not forgive. But after a while I will forget. " And it will be true. And then you will really forget. And your oblivion will be goodbye. Clean. Honest. Final.

AND most main CHOICE Lunar Eclipse in Libra is a choice between forgiveness and unforgiveness. Make it sincerely and entrust it to your Soul, and not to common truths. And then the space of your life will magically cleanse and free itself not only from old and outdated partnerships, but also from the danger of falling into this trap again.

Be happy, calm, and honest with yourself. Especially during the Eclipse days. Because these days your Destiny is really changing. So let her be beautiful and happy!

22 Mar 2016 | 18840

The theme of this Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 23, 2016 is the relationship update. Right now, in the corridor of the Eclipses, between March 9 and 23, you can observe how the world and other people mirror your situations, behavior and character traits that you display in pair interactions to you.

Refreshing in this Lunar Eclipse means clearing space, both external (someone may leave your environment) and internal (your patterns of behavior in relations with others will leave or change). And cleaning is always making room for new things.

In general, the most important thing for eclipses is to be able to OBSERVE. What's going on around you? What topics and situations are exposed and become very prominent? What do you need to pay attention to?

Here I will make a lyrical digression: the very word "necessary" is something that cannot be ignored, ie. this is the condition that you just need to fulfill in order to move on.

Any Lunar Eclipse is not an easy test. It is Lunar Eclipses that most people feel in one way or another. And by the way, Solar Eclipses are often transferred much easier, except that a slight loss of strength or a decline in activity. And all because the Sun is consciousness and awareness, i.e. what we understand and can somehow track.

But the Moon is the subconscious, i.e. just those unconscious attitudes and manifestations that we cannot track, but which control us. And very often it is during Lunar Eclipses that people become more irritable, anxiety, fears, uncontrollable emotions and states appear. Because during the Lunar Eclipse, for some time that thin line between the conscious and the unconscious is erased, and all our inner "demons" are trying to break through. And then not so much others as we ourselves do not like what we learn about ourselves.

That is why the Lunar Eclipse - best time and the ability to work out your subconscious beliefs and behavior! Arrange, so to speak, a "population census"

In this Lunar Eclipse on March 23, 2016, it will be ideal to work out your beliefs and attitudes on the topic of partnerships and, in general, interaction with other people. This is exactly the same necessary condition for your further movement and development.

So, the energy background of this Eclipse is cardinal, explosive, impulsive. Therefore, of course, the main recommendation is not to scandal! And do not climb "into the bottle" - the neck is narrow, you risk turning into a "genie" fulfilling other people's desires. This usually happens - for your incontinence, then you will pay long and tediously out of guilt, at least three wishes will definitely be taken from you

For the first time in a long time, I decided not to general description Eclipses, and its energetic influence on people with various Solar Zodiac Signs. But the eventual impact of the Eclipse - each person will have a purely individual.

In order to make it more clear - I am giving you a simplified schematic picture of how to consider the influence of the Eclipse on each Sign of the Zodiac. From the Eclipse Point (Moon), the arrow aspects fan out, which indicate the direction and TYPE of energy. The numbers are the designation of the aspect in degrees (180 opposition, 150 quickons, 120 tritons, 90 squares, 60 sextiles, 30 semi-sextiles).

The red color of the arrows is "high voltage lines", there is a danger of getting too strong a discharge, I just want to write "Do not get in - it will kill"

Therefore, it becomes noticeable that the cardinal signs - Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorns - will get the hardest part of this Eclipse.

But not everyone will get it equally. Aries and Libra may have a choice - to give up something in order to move on. And the choice is uncompromising. Or or.

Cancers in the period from March 9 (Solar Eclipse) to March 23 - i.e. before the Lunar Eclipse - you probably already saw the area of \u200b\u200brelations in which you need to put things in order. There is only one recommendation RELEASE! Do not hold on with all your might to those people or your patterns of behavior that are not effective for you, i.e. do not lead to the desired result.

But Capricorns have yet to learn a lot of interesting things about themselves in the period from March 23 to April 6. And here there is a high probability that you are likely to face your fears. But remember - this is just an excuse to get to know them better and say goodbye. Therefore on this moment - do not hurry. Watch and listen. Although Capricorns are not inclined to rush anyway

Green arrows are harmoniously directed energy, you can use it for your own good, the main thing is not to be lazy.

The main lucky ones of this Eclipse are Gemini and Aquarius. It is for them that the work with the unconscious will be the easiest - it is enough to formulate the task (for example, what destructive scenarios of behavior or what beliefs of mine prevent me from achieving this and that), write a question for myself at night and ... go to bed)))) Eh, I envy)))

Further, Lvov and Streltsov can have very interesting reversals. You will have the opportunity to quickly and effectively end unnecessary and burdensome relationships, as well as - playfully recode your subconscious mind into successful and good habits in relationships with people. Here again, the main thing is to set a goal for yourself.

And perhaps the most "fluffy" in this Eclipse will feel the Scorpios (ha-ha, fluffy Scorpions) and Virgo. The Luminaries of the Eclipse will not notice them, so to speak - and therefore the changes will be exactly the same as you yourself want to designate. Moreover, you can do nothing at all - you don't even need to write letters. It is enough just to accept and see everything that life will tell you in the days of the Eclipse. By some miracle, you won't be hooked.

The blue arrows represent the energy that poses an obstacle that, at first, it seems to us, we cannot overcome. Often these are repetitive situations. But this - in fact, turns out to be the opportunity that will follow qualitative change for the better.

Therefore, for Pisces and Taurus - The eclipse will pass not as easy and simple as we would like. (Pisces generally got the coolest thing - they are still moving away from the Solar Eclipse) This Eclipse can return you repetitive scenarios and situations in a multiplied, so to speak, version - so that you surely have considered everything properly. The main thing here is not to despair, even if it seems that everything is complicated and there is no way out. There is always a way out - somehow you found an entrance to these situations

And finally. This Eclipse finally closes the Solar Eclipse program, which began on October 3, 2005, so remember what you had there in 2005.

What does "close" mean? Just the fact that over the years you have gained some of your important experience, and at the moment further movement in this direction is no longer possible in the old capacity. All. Stop. Exhale. Again. Inhale, exhale.

And now decide what you will do with it. If you leave - leave as is, do not try to achieve more. If you clean up, clean up without regrets.

Any moon eclipse is a special case of the full moon of the solar-lunar cycle. In an ordinary lunar month, the moment of the full moon ambiguously affects the human body. For some people, this is the time to reach peak performance, for others, the period high degree excitement, nervousness and irritation. This phenomenon is due to the fact that at the time of the full moon the disk of the Moon is illuminated to the maximum extent by sunlight, and as a result, all processes and phenomena associated with lunar energy in our earthly world receive the maximum “charge” of hot and dry humor (“yellow bile”). Mixing the reference nature of the Moon (cold and moisture) with the solar nature (dry and hot) generates an excess of humor in the body “blood” (hot and wet), because, as Avicenna writes: “mucus” (cold and wet) is not fully ripe “Blood” (hot and wet) ”.

What happens at the moment of an eclipse, from the point of view of physiology? The warmed-up Moon cools sharply as the light from the Sun's rays is lost and heat is no longer supplied. Everyone has probably observed a situation in which we, heated, enter a cold and damp room, we are in it, and as a result we get a banal cold with high temperature or severe inflammation in the organs (an eclipse sign will indicate the organ). In a situation with an eclipse, our body will go through two transitions at once from excessive heat to cold, and from cold to warmth, but already moderate enough, since after the full moon the Moon begins to cool down and accumulates cold and dry humor ("black bile").

The lunar eclipse on March 23 will occur in the zodiacal sign of Libra, which in traditional astrology is associated with the lumbar region and kidneys. The sign of Libra itself is hot and humid by nature, while the Sun, which will oppose the Moon, will be in a very hot and moderate dry sign of Aries, i.e. taking into account the signs that are affected by the lunar eclipse, we can talk about the significantly overheated moon just before the eclipse. It is also worth noting that the Moon at the time of the eclipse will be opposed by Mercury, which is usually associated with the work of the brain, adrenal glands and nervous system.

Also in the astrological tradition, the moon is associated with vision, brain and stomach. Based on the foregoing, we can determine the vulnerable areas and organs in the body during the lunar eclipse:

- Lumbar region. Overheating, and then a sharp cooling of this part of the body, should be avoided, since it is very likely as a result of an exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine and radiculitis. Massages and any procedures related to the lower back are not recommended.

- Kidneys. Not worth drinking cold water after playing sports, to allow hypothermia of the body. Don't go outside hot. Operations involving the kidneys are contraindicated.

- Adrenal glands. Before the eclipse, the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine is possible, this can lead with additional stimulants to overexcitement and problems with sleep.

- Stomach. The eclipse will contribute to the overall level of acidification in fluids. Therefore, you should not overload the body with foods that increase the level of acidity in the stomach. These include alcohol, citrus fruits, smoked foods, spicy foods, and coffee. Stomach surgery and any other procedures (cleansing, EGD, etc.) are not recommended.

- Eyes. Skin on the face. There is no need to plan any eye or facial treatments. There may be inflammation after cleansing the skin of the face, or an unusual reaction to nourishing or purifying face masks. It is not recommended to do eye tattooing, eyelash extensions and other procedures related to the eyes. Eye surgery can have unpleasant complications.

- The brain. Head. Headaches and sudden pressure surges (from high before the eclipse to a sharp decrease at the peak point of the eclipse) are possible. You should not rush to make decisions, since the energy of the day will push you to immediate action, to immediate response to words and deeds. Seizures of epilepsy are possible in those who have this ailment.

- Eating dairy products, especially goat's milk, is beneficial.

- Do not plan on the day of the eclipse doing extreme sports.

- It is useful to drink tea with linden or chamomile in the evening before bedtime.

- It is beneficial to use for water procedures in the evening (not in the morning!), If you do not suffer from increased blood clotting or hypertension, basil essential oil together with essential oil mint. To do this, you can flavor the bath salt.

03/23/2016 15:00 - Full Moon
This full moon will happenpenumbral lunar eclipse, the phase of the maximum eclipse will occur on March 23, 2016 14:47 MSK and it can be observed in Russia - Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka and Chukotka; as well as Australia, New Zealand and western North America

The eclipse of the Moon will be lutenial and will last from 12:38 to 16:56 (maximum phase at 14:47). The Earth, being between the Sun and the Moon, will temporarily block the access of sunlight to it.

At the time of the current eclipse, Jupiter will be in the 17th degree of Virgo - exactly where it was from October 27 to November 1, 2015, when the plane fell and crashed (October 31), flying from Egypt to Russia. Consequently, we can expect the development of this tangled story and some new turn in the investigation of the incident.

Since under the influence of the previous, autumn eclipse of the moon (September 28, 2015), the operation of the Russian military space forces began in Syria (September 30), a new turn in the development of this military and political plot should be expected - it can become like a sudden refusal from further airstrikes, and the involvement of new allies in the operation and the expansion of the bombing zone.

Saturn, located in the 17th degree of Sagittarius, will prevent the spread of the ideology of terrorism, however, the Ascending Lunar Node in the 23rd degree of Virgo (on the day of the plane crash, the military Mars was in this degree) calls on specialists to take a closer look at the weapons of terrorists and make the appropriate - relevant conclusions.

The position of the planets magnified by great (Saturn) and small (Mars) misfortune means serious "graters" in the ideological and religious sphere. An effective solution to these problems will be found by someone who knows how to rely on a lucky break, who is well versed in the symbolism of myths and knows for sure that "a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."

More acutely than others, the influence of this eclipse will be felt by those whose birthday falls on March 21-24 and September 25-27 (of any year).

The maximum opportunities for creative development and spiritual growth will be open to those born on September 13-16 - people with these dates of birth should be spring-summer period intensively develop their innate talents and improve professional skills.

Eclipses of the Sun and Moon - the time of increasing fatality.

Secrets of eclipses:

What to do during a lunar eclipse in order to get on in principle new level? Find a solution to the problem? What if on the day of the eclipse you already have an important event planned, for example, a court?

There are special rituals that help to change the situation during significant events.

To be honest, I am wary of rituals. Not because I don't believe in them, but because I often don't understand what exactly works. It is also a big question what side effects they cause. I looked at several options for rituals and chose the one that is most understandable, simple and explainable.

This Lunar Eclipse practice allows you to change patterns of behavior, emotional reactions and thoughts. What entails a change in your life. The first thing to do is get ready.


1) Before the eclipse, it follows for one, and better than three days do not eat meat, seeds and nuts. Meat is considered heavy and polluting food.

2) It is even better if you spend at least one day without food before the eclipse.

3) It is IMPORTANT to form your intention as clearly as possible. Try to formulate your problems and desires in advance in a clear and clear manner, so that later it would be easier to formulate all this on paper during the ritual. Consider what you want to change and feel if you like what you want.

Think it over seriously, imagine yourself and live through situations with changes that already exist. However, before making decisions about change, ask yourself, are you ready for the desired change? After all, the results of the Eclipse cause changes of 18.5 years or more. So it's important to be ready to embrace change.

4) Before and after the ritual, it is important to take a shower or bath. Because water relieves stress and cleanses you both physically and energetically. Dress in clean clothes.

If you are taking a bath, add salt. If you have a shower, then finish the procedure with a contrast shower: men start and finish cold water, women are hot.

It may seem that there are too many actions to be taken, but they all help to tune in to the practice, to reorganize from everyday current problems, and create the right attitude.

5) Prepare 2 candles (one white (considered the color of protection), the second - wax), paper and a pen.


Ideally, the practice should be carried out during the maximum phase of the eclipse. You can play unobtrusive relaxing music to create an atmosphere.

1) It's better not to eat anything, just drink some water.

2) Imagine mentally that you are not tripled in your life, describe your attitude to the problem. What worries and worries you, write it down. When you write, read what you have written, analyze what feelings you experienced while reading. If you don't like some of the wording, correct it. But if you have thought of everything in advance, then the matter will go faster and better.

3) Burn the sheets of paper covered with writing over the dishes specially prepared for this. When you burn, imagine that all your problems burn out and go away, everything unnecessary, superficial, hindering you. Develop ashes on the street with the confidence that you got rid of the unnecessary and negative.

4) Then take a new sheet and imagine what you dream of, what you want to attract into your life, what you want to have and receive.

Put your thoughts down on paper, you can draw some drawings. After writing, re-read everything written. This is your plan for the near future. As you read, imagine those situations that will affect the changes in your life, attract good luck, success, prosperity, and necessary people to you.

Save everything that you have written and drawn to work more consciously with this action plan to change and improve your life after the ritual.

5) After completing the ritual, sit for a while, once again realize yourself and the desired changes. Complete the ritual with complete confidence that only positive events will occur in your life.

6) Put candles in safe place and let them burn out to the end.

7) Take a cleansing bath or shower and drink some water. Do not tell anyone about the ritual so as not to waste your accumulated positive energy during the ritual.

For at least two weeks, and it is better if you use a new cycle of the Moon after the coming new moon, devote time to the desired changes several times a week. Imagine how you will feel when they appear in your life, think about them, plan your actions in such a way as to speed up their approach.

Choose suitable Lunar days, not critical. By doing this, you will tune yourself to favorable changes in your life. Changes begin to occur only when a person begins to believe in them and is ready to accept them.

How it works?

Fasting and fasting are the cleansing of the body and strengthening of the spirit, which allows you to slightly "rise" above ordinary desires, to become stronger than the call of your stomach.

Thinking over and writing down your desires, analyzing problems and emotions on paper is a common psychological practice. It helps to better understand their problems, desires, emotions. You can carry out this practice in ordinary life regularly.

Candles (fire), water - connecting the energies of nature that surround us in everyday life and give us additional strength.

When you combine all of the above at the moment of the Eclipse, it is quite rare a natural phenomenon, it turns out " dangerous mix”, Which can become an impetus for serious changes. So think seriously, do you really want it?

In the Eastern tradition, they often come to the fact that they don't want anything. Because the fulfillment of desires changes a person's lifestyle.

* start nothing important;
* look at the eclipse;
* leave the house during the eclipse;
* cook food during the maximum eclipse;
* leave food in the open and drinking water at the time of the eclipse;
* sign important business papers;
* open a new business;
* perform surgical operations (except for emergency);
* be subjected to increased mental and physical stress.

On the days of eclipses it is useful:

* engage in quiet activities
* read sacred texts
* Limit the use of fatty, meaty foods and alcohol.

Hindus believe in the healing power of an eclipse and therefore plunge into water bodies at this time, washing away all diseases.

During eclipses, Pakistanis bury sick children up to their chests in sand, believing that this will help them to heal.

Eclipse rituals and ceremonies:

What should you pay attention to on New Moon?

During the period of a solar eclipse, you can not only get rid of negative feelings, but also form a program for fulfilling your intentions for the whole year.

Therefore, thinking about your future, think only about what you really want to attract into your life. Thoughts should be clear, specific. In our thoughts, we must admit the influence of unforeseen factors, and not be capricious: I want it and that's it….

When setting a goal, be sure to consider the reality of achieving your goal, for example: I want a million by the evening. Keep in mind that the universe also needs time to put together the pieces of the puzzle of your dreams. Your dreams should not be negative, destructive to anyone. And do not forget when formulating your dreams that the word "NOT" is not permissible in any form!

To understand how the situation will unfold in the future, I advise you to keep a diary of the most significant events in the period 3 days before and 3 days after. What happens to you during this period will influence your destiny and life until the next.

It is necessary to emphasize dreams, intuitive sensations and accumulations of spiritual knowledge. The aspect of strengthening faith will keep us from unnecessary unnecessary actions and from erroneous reactions and decisions

The most important rule during the eclipse - only good thoughts and desires. Thank you for everything that fate sends you, wish everyone good and light, and then you will see that your thoughts create your life. You become the magicians of your destiny and form the program of your success and happiness. When the heart is filled with gratitude, there is no room for problems in the head.

Try the nextMONEY RITUAL to attract love, money, new job, positions, significant acquisitions in your life.

You need to start the ritual 3 days before the eclipse.

First day - to give alms, to help those who are busy driving, for example, to give the taxi driver a good tip, study - to give the student something valuable for him, just give money.

Second day - give alms, help a person who is higher in status than you - a director, an influential person. You can just treat yourself to pastries, preferably made by yourself.

Eclipse day - in the morning you should be in a holiday mood. Dress up festive clothes, jewelry, make beautiful, but not very bright makeup. Today you need to treat any women, girls with sweets, it can be sweets, sweet cakes, etc.

Rituals to correct yourself from your own Destiny.

For those who are not afraid to answer for their mistakes. And I'm ready to answer! All Rites are done during Lunar and Solar eclipses, as well as in the intervals between them. It must be done according to local time.

Do not perform Rites during an eclipse (any) in Your Sign!Since, in general, the sign b in which the eclipse occurs is not so sweet.

clothingthat you will wear during the Rite must match the color of the Sign in which everything happens. For example: Fire Signs - mean red, scarlet colors, Signs of Water and Air - something transparent, shiny, blue, Earth Signs - brown or gray.
Keep in mind that any

The rite is done MINIMUM TWICE!

A lunar eclipse includes a cycle of liberation from those qualities that interfere inside, i.e. traits of our nature.

In the lunar eclipse, internal complexes go away, the subconscious is cleared, fears, resentments, worries and bad habits disappear.

A solar eclipse helps to get rid of negative influences from the outside. These are life problems, the impact of ill-wishers and much more. External circumstances change during solar eclipses.

Before any eclipse, FAST 3 days!

It is advisable to do without meat food for three days before the ceremony, in addition, nuts and seeds are excluded.

This rite is directed to accelerate the burning of karma and fundamental changes in fate. This ritual is performed twice and always at the eclipse of the Sunor the Moon (you can determine the dates of the eclipse by the calendar).

The days of the eclipse are karmic, and everything that happens to a person at this time leads to dramatic positive changes in fate.

On the day of the ritual, if the eclipse is in the evening, it is necessary three times(morning, afternoon and evening) take a contrast shower, alternating six timeshot and cold water. Before a lunar eclipse, start a cold showerwater, and before a solar eclipse and mid-days (the middle betweeneclipses), which are also suitable for this rite, - with hot.

If the eclipse is in the morning, shower is only taken once. An hour before the eclipse, slowly sip a glass of the holy orspecially charged personal water: this is how you tune in to the ceremony. Lay a blanket on the floor on which you will lie during therite of passage.

Prepare an odd number of church candles; they will needplace the bedspreads on both sides, so that they forma kind of corridor.

Then sit in front of the mirror and focus on your image: youyou need to remember it so that you can easily reproduce it later.

Ten minutes before the eclipse, light the candles and lie down on the bedspread,arms crossed. Imagine yourself as you remember, looking in the mirror, and send the twin image everything that interferes with you in life: people, events, character traits, circumstances.

You can "hang" on him like clothes all that negative that you remember.

Then start squeezing the double and when you reduce it to a point, blow hard on it so that it flies over the horizon.

Get up, put out the candles - and run to take the same contrast shower.

After the ceremony, it is advisable to sleep, or allow yourself at least an hour to rest in the morning.
The next three days - a period of adaptation to your new state, are often quite painful: the events that will happen to you,not always pleasant. But THEN ...

Rite "Correction of Fate"

It can also be called: "Clearing the Field structure", or more simply, clearing your Karma.
This Rite can be performed no more than 3 times a year! The best part about Lunar and Solar Eclipses.After the first time, you will definitely feel its effect and decide for yourself when to repeat it.

The ceremony takes place for 10 days with a white candle, naturally late in the evening or at night, when the Cosmos is free.
Write 10 sheets with the same text.

Start with the word: »FORGIVING ..….«, and then list all - all people who once offended you. It is possible by names, it is possible with surnames, living and dead.

And end the text with the following words: »And all those whom Fate gives me on the Path in the past, present and future. And I release them with all my Love. "

Light a candle and on its fire several times (at least 3), read your text, introducing everyone wellwhom you forgive. You must forgive completely sincerely! If you haven't yet, it's better not to mention this person.

The deceased can wish: " May he rest in peace!" or, the kingdom of heaven to him "

And so you read before appearing in the Soul warmth and inner satisfaction.

Then you burn a piece of paper over a candle fire and throw the ashes out the window. And so for 10 days! Events will tell you that your signal has been received by the Cosmos. They happen differently for everyone.

For some, the ceremony is triggered by various kinds of troubles: loss, theft, bruises, and some have positive changes. In a word, everyone receives the reaction of the Higher Forces that they deserve. But there is no need to be afraid. The ceremony is not fatal, but very, very useful. Especially for those who are afraid of Lunar eclipses.

How can we avoid the negative consequences of an eclipse?

During eclipses Higher power give an opportunity to change destiny for the better.

Ritual on solar eclipse starts 19 minutes before the peak of the eclipse. Before that, you need to wash or take a shower. On the table in front of the person conducting the ritual, two glasses of water are placed: one on the right, one on the left, and a round mirror. You can use holy or consecrated water. During these 19 minutes, one must imagine that all the negative aspects of life are gone. Moreover, the Sun is responsible for such human qualities: willpower, spirituality, courage, creativity, personality characteristics, manifestations of "ego". Starting from the peak of the eclipse, we imagine that positive moments and changes that we want have already come into life. The second phase should also be at least 19 minutes, but more is possible. Upon completion, you need to drink water, first from the left glass, then from the right. Wash the glasses, wash again or take a shower. The full result of the ritual will be embodied exactly on the 40th day.

Lunar eclipse ritualstarts 15 minutes before peak. Before that, you also need to wash or take a shower. Three glasses of water are placed on the table in front of the person conducting the ritual. Symbolize the moon goddess Hecate the Three-faced. Within 15 minutes we erase all negative moments from life, as if they never existed. Moreover, the Moon is responsible for the entire material plane: health, family, peace with relatives, money, success, real estate, successful travel. At the peak of the eclipse, we clearly imagine that we already have what we want. The second phase should be at least 15 minutes, but more is possible. Upon completion, you need to drink water, first from the left glass, then from the right, then from the central one. Wash glasses, perform ablution. The result of the ritual will come true within 28 days.

Those who will be on the trains, washing their solarium, can still perform a ritual to change fate with a mirror and glasses on road conditions - the stronger it will be.

There is little time left for those who decided to change something in their lives.