Why kiss a dead grandmother in a dream. Why does the late grandmother dream - a dream book: deceased, deceased grandmother

People have a rather difficult attitude to everything related to death. Therefore, when a person dreams of someone who has already passed away, such a dream causes many emotions and questions. There are many signs and interpretations of such dreams that can give certainty, reassure and suggest what to do in such a situation. The most emotional are dreams in which we see people who have recently passed away from our lives. For example, if a deceased grandmother dies in a dream, not everyone will be able to refrain from emotions. And the question of why such a dream had a dream can provoke a lot of reasoning and experiences. But if you dream that a living person has died, then there is no need to worry, just wish him health, because this dream predicts him a long life.

Rarely does anyone see dreams where living people die, but the dead in the guise of living people dream much more often. At the same time, having seen such a dream, many begin to worry, because beliefs say that these visions prophesy bad news, bad weather, illness and even death. But these are just old beliefs, interpretations of modern famous dream books are strikingly different from them.


Difficult relationships between people lead to dreams, where a deceased grandmother can be alive in a dream. Such a dream speaks of a feeling of guilt before the deceased, an unresolved quarrel or a dispute that was never over. When a grandmother dreams almost immediately after the funeral, this can be regarded as an experience of bitterness of loss. But, on the other hand, such a dream can be interpreted as a harbinger of imminent positive changes in life.

Deceased relatives in a dream

It happens that a person can dream deceased grandmother with other family members who went to the next world. For example, if a mother dreamed, it means that soon the sleeping person will get sick. In a dream, the deceased brother wants to remind that one of his relatives needs help and support. But the father who dreamed with his grandmother says that man is walking on the path of ruin, and he should be more careful about his business.

The appearance of close relatives in a dream speaks of possible slander against your family, about gossip, therefore such a dream encourages you to be more attentive. And if you see both grandmothers in a dream at once - both on the maternal and paternal side, then this suggests that you have serious, strong spiritual protection. If a deceased grandmother dies in a dream and comes with her grandfather, then this is a sign of new troubles in the future, most likely, additional responsibility will be placed on the person, or someone from the family will ask for financial help and participation in his life. Usually, such dreams are dreamed before important ceremonies and family celebrations.

The deceased grandmother constantly dreams

Any person will be alarmed if he constantly sees a deceased grandmother in a dream. If at the same time she asks for something, think about what unfinished business and unfulfilled obligations you have. Therefore, you need to make a list of such cases and begin to carry them out. Remember, you can't quit this business halfway, even if she stops dreaming. Because the interruption of the completion of affairs may lead to the appearance of these dreams in the future.

Also, through such dreams, remorse can be expressed about the fact that the relationship with the deceased person during his lifetime was not too warm, and there was no mutual understanding, and there are also grievances that were not forgiven. In this case, it is better to let go of grievances and worries about the past, learn a lesson and no longer repeat your own mistakes.

Freud's dream book

According to the great Freud, she is the personification feminine... Therefore, the dreaming of a deceased grandmother in a dream to an adult man testifies to the fact that he yearns for missed opportunities and the realization that life did not turn out the way he wanted.

If you had such a dream young guy, then this speaks of his doubts about his own abilities. Most likely, he did not fulfill hard work or feels immature for relationships with women. For a woman, such a dream will become a clear sign of insecurity in her own beauty and femininity, and also speaks of the fear that she will not be appreciated properly, and she will not receive reciprocity in a relationship.

The importance of details if a deceased grandmother dies in a dream

The events that take place before the appearance of the deceased grandmother are also important in the interpretation of sleep. If she dreamed in own home, then the dream book says that this is a lack of warmth and care in the sleeping person. If she enters her house in a dream, this portends imminent material enrichment. But if we consider Miller's dream book, then such a dream does not bring anything good. There is a chance that her relative could become seriously ill. And the appearance of the house of the deceased in a dream speaks of an imminent change in worldview, there will be a series of events that will change your life.

The funeral of the grandmother

If a person saw the grandmother's funeral ceremony in a dream, then all the details are also important here. Generally see dying grandmother in a dream it is very disturbing, but this does not mean that the dream is bad. If the weather was good, then prosperity is foretold for the family. If the weather was bad, then troubles await the sleeping person and changes in the near future are not for the better.

According to different dream books, a grandmother lying calmly in a coffin means different things. In one of them, a dream: a grandmother died and is buried, is interpreted as financial profit, in the other - as a series of troubles and misfortunes. In some cases, such a dream speaks of a partner's betrayal. And others say that the deceased grandmother in the coffin is a symbol of the embodiment of the most negative fears into reality.

Communication with grandmother

If a person in a dream talks with a deceased grandmother, this is very important point for the interpretation of sleep. Her very voice is dangerous sign, especially if the deceased grandmother dies in a dream. But the dream book also says that at this time a person can receive very important and meaningful information for himself. If she advises something, then it is better not to neglect the instructions. Also, communication with the deceased may indicate the approach of a black bar in the life of the sleeping person. Any fears can turn into reality.

Usually, conversations with the dead in a dream are a warning and prophecy regarding further development events. All dream books report that in no case should you neglect the words of the deceased.

The late grandmother in a dream is a very important sign that you should pay special attention to. This image different dream books is interpreted in different ways. To figure out why such a dream is dreaming, you should carefully, to the smallest detail, recall your dream, possible words or dialogue with the deceased, your own feelings in a dream. Having gathered together the images and having received a full-fledged picture of the vision, you can look for the interpretation in the dream book.

Deceased relatives do not come in a dream just like that, but to warn about something or point out something important that we have overlooked. For those who happened to see the deceased grandparents in a dream, dream books are advised to pay attention to this dream, since it contains encrypted information, which, in most cases, concerns relatives.

To find out why the deceased grandmother is dreaming, you need to pay attention to the smallest details: actions, gestures, words of the deceased - all this has a hidden meaning that you need to be able to “read” and understand correctly.

A dream in which the late grandmother often dreams may indicate that the deceased should be remembered. Most often, this is done in this way: they buy sweets, cookies and other sweets that the old woman loved during her life and the neighbors, colleagues or just acquaintances treat themselves to them with a request to remember a relative.

In some cases, in a dream, the deceased herself "orders" what she wants. You should buy everything that the old woman asked for and take it to the cemetery, light a candle and put on a plate all the delicacies bought the day before. Sometimes a relative can order not only groceries, but also wardrobe items, cosmetical tools or hygiene items.


If the deceased grandmother dreamed in a dream, then, according to the dream book, the dreamer will face big changes in his life. This may not only concern family ties, but also the work and personal sphere. A cardinal revolution in human consciousness is possible.

A dream in which I happened to see the deceased's grandmother in a dream does not in any way portend death, but rather, on the contrary, promises a long and happy life... In most cases, the dream book interprets such a vision as a subconscious anxiety for the grandmother. Perhaps in reality the old woman got sick, and your fears began to manifest themselves in a dream.

If you dreamed that the late grandmother was alive, then you should take a very careful look at her. If in a dream the old woman does not try to take aside and tell something and does not make any attempts to talk to the dreamer, but simply behaves as usual, then significant changes in the family are not expected.

If the deceased does not move away from a certain person When talking to him, holding his hand or just walking, it means that in reality you need to see the dreamed people, because relatives are bored and remember the dreamer.

For a woman, a similar image, according to the dream book, suggests that in the past she made some unforgivable mistake, for which she will soon have to pay with her own happiness.

A dream in which the late grandmother came to life in front of the dreamer is considered unfavorable. Such a vision, according to the dream book, warns of misfortunes that will soon fall on a person or his relative. Often the result of such cataclysms is other people's intrigues and backbiting.

Seeing a dream where the deceased grandmother dies foreshadows unexpected news, which can be both positive and negative. For a girl, such a picture promises the appearance of a favorable moment to declare herself at work, and for beginners - to get closer to colleagues.

To get into a difficult position because of the wrong choice made, the fault of which will be the dreamer himself, this is what the 20 dream is about, where the late grandmother swears. The dream book advises to beware of rash actions and to weigh your every step and think over every word.

If the deceased grandmother constantly dreams, who is in an excellent mood, is beautifully dressed and made up, then, according to the dream book, in real life the sleeping person will have things going well the best way, and all worries are in vain and groundless. Married young man this vision stands for an impending break in relations (divorce) with his wife.

Seeing an old woman silent and dejected promises unpleasant events with a dream book, which can entail unexpected consequences. For men, such a dream can portend unfinished business that must be completed.


Interacting with a deceased old woman in a dream will also help decipher what the deceased is dreaming of.

To see in a dream how the late grandmother is crying means that soon one should expect serious squabbles and conflicts with relatives. In most cases, the cause is some trifle, which is only the tip of the iceberg, but like a match that can ignite a serious scandal.

For young mothers, such a dream, according to the dream book, reminds them that they need to better look after their young children, since they can get very sick or hurt. Girl still long time will feel guilty for the "negligence" shown.

If a person had a chance to kiss a deceased grandmother in a dream, then one should expect a deterioration in his own health, frequent ailments and a painful state of the whole body. To see how the deceased kisses someone - to serious problems with the health of the person who appeared in the dream. If a relative kissed from the forehead - to the unexpected death of that person.

To explain why you dream of feeding the deceased grandmother in a dream, you need to remember the dish that the old woman was treated to. Jam - beware of deception, a girl should not trust a young man claiming the hand and heart of a beauty.

If a young man dreams of how the deceased is feeding him, then it’s time for him to think about own health and correct routine day. For an unmarried man, such a vision is interpreted by a dream book, as a desire to find a family, to acquire heirs.

Hugging a deceased grandmother in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a person's need for care and guardianship. In some cases, a dream can mean nostalgia for someone.

A dream in which the late grandmother gives money suggests that in real life a person is experiencing (or will be experiencing) financial difficulties, to the extent that he will borrow money from unfamiliar people. This state of affairs can lead to the fact that the dreamer may become dependent on these persons, who can use him for illegal and unkind deeds.


Deceased loved ones who come in a dream do not always look like they did in life. However, you should not just ignore your dream because of this, since all the details can help you find out in more detail what the deceased grandmother is dreaming of.

Seeing your relative with a stranger's face indicates that it is better not to trust the dreamer to strangers as they pose a potential threat. You need to try to shorten your stay in the company of unfamiliar people in the near future, not trust your acquaintances and not be provoked.

If the face a loved one acquires the familiar features of another, which means you should take a closer look at him. This vision may not always indicate negative points. Sometimes the dream book interprets such images as helping the native spirit in solving difficult situations, indicating a person who can solve the problem.

Seeing how the deceased grandmother lies in a coffin warns the dreamer of rash acts that can greatly affect the relationship between family and friends. The dream book advises you to follow your words, so that later you do not bitterly regret what you have said.

It is useful for young girls to know why a pregnant deceased grandmother is dreaming. This dream portends quick joy, surprise and replenishment in the family. Also denotes successful endeavors, and for a woman - new stage in life.

If you dream about the house of the deceased grandmother, then it is important to remember its details. If it is new, clean and bright, it means that a successful acquisition will soon take place in the dreamer's life. Old and abandoned - to troubles associated with old gossip or conflicts. Businessmen should not get involved with people with whom they were previously in a litter, as they will not live up to expectations.

The words spoken by the deceased dear old woman are of great importance. In most cases, after waking up, half of the dialogue does not remain in memory, however, the meaning of what the grandmother said in a dream should remain. Sometimes spirits communicate with us through those phrases and sentences that evoke certain associations. You need to listen to your intuition and interpret the meaning according to your own understanding of the phrase.

An important factor in helping to find out what the deceased grandmother is dreaming of is her behavior in a dream. If a relative behaves in an unusual way, too aggressively and defiantly, then, according to the dream book, one should be afraid of squabbles and discord in the family, since the scandal will be stormy, prolonged and with serious consequences.

The quiet, silent image of the deceased grandmother with a reproachful gaze, according to the dream book, says that a person has gone down the wrong path and made many mistakes, for which not only him, but also his family and friends will have to pay.

Young people, having seen such an image in a dream, should not rush to grow up. Love, care and respect for loved ones should come from the dreamer in the near future, since these people need them very much.

For a man, this dream speaks of an excellent opportunity to get closer to his wife, with whom they have not been able to find for a long time mutual language... A silent reproach in the gaze of a relative will haunt a person until he realizes his mistakes and sincerely repent of them.

Other dream books

Miller's dream book interprets a very unfavorable sign in a dream, promising disappointment, failure and illness in reality. However, a dream in which you have to hug a deceased old woman is interpreted as an auspicious sign, foreshadowing health and longevity.

Miller's dream book interprets the dream in which he happened to see the house of the deceased grandmother ambiguously. On the one hand, a deceased relative warns that someone in the dreamer's ancestral line will soon become seriously ill. It is also a reminder for a person to pay attention to their relatives.

However, if you see how his mistress enters the house of the deceased, then such a picture portends wealth and good luck to the dreamer in achieving his own goals. To an unmarried girl this image foreshadows a dream book a meeting of a betrothed or an early engagement.

The interpretation of sleep - the deceased grandmother, for Gypsy dream book, suggests the health and longevity of the dreamer and his family members. Talk to the deceased - to good advice, which will be given to the person by relatives. You need to heed the advice, even when some of the statements of people may hurt pride.

The dream in which I happened to see the deceased grandmother in a dream, Vanga's dream book interprets as the presence higher powers that will accompany and help the sleeping person to cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

Seeing in a dream how a dear old woman hugs someone close is a sign that these people need care and guardianship. The dream interpretation advises to surround the attention of dreamed people who will later become good friends and faithful companions.

The desire for love, attention and understanding, this is what the deceased old woman dreams of according to Long's dream book.

Many people often see dead people in their dreams, but you should not be afraid of such pictures, as most often this is just a warning. To interpret what you see, you need to remember the main plot details and emotional stress. In addition, in order to obtain the most truthful information, it is necessary to draw an analogy between the received transcripts and the events of reality.

Why is the late grandmother dreaming?

If you saw a recently deceased grandmother alive in a dream, it means that this is just a reflection of the longing for leaving. loved one... It can also be a harbinger of certain life changes. For the fair sex, such a dream prophesies a quick marriage. If the deceased grandmother dreams of being alive, it means that you feel guilty towards her. Often, deceased relatives in a dream serve as a reminder that it is worth watching the words and actions spoken, as they can tarnish the reputation of the whole family. Negative signs include a dream, where the deceased calls with her, and you leave with her. Such a plot promises death.

Night vision, in which two deceased grandmothers took part at once, is a symbol of protection and spiritual protection. Seeing a deceased grandmother with grandfather in a dream is a harbinger of numerous troubles and new obligations. The dream book says that soon someone may ask for help and, most likely, this will relate to a financial issue. For a man, a deceased grandmother in a dream is the personification of missed opportunities. Chances are, you are dissatisfied with your own life. If a girl sees such a night vision, it means that she has doubts about the imperfect appearance, which became the reason for her unpopularity with the opposite sex.

When the late grandmother often dreams, it is alarming, but such a vision does not predict anything terrible. More often than not, this is just a reminder that there are unfinished business and unfulfilled obligations in life. The dream book recommends, in a calm atmosphere, to try to remember all the problems that are hanging over you. All this will allow you to get rid of frightening dreams. A dream where the deceased grandmother smiles serves as an indication that in reality you have come under a bad influence, and this can negatively affect your reputation and the material sphere. In the near future, it is worth being on the lookout and not succumbing to obvious manipulations. If you talked to a deceased grandmother - this is a bad sign that warns of the onset of the "black" streak. A dream where the deceased grandmother gives money is a negative sign that can predict death. If you did not take anything, it means that in reality you will be able to cope with the diseases that have arisen and the actions of enemies. Also, such a plot can promise material loss. Seeing a grandmother in a dream who asks for money means that you will live in harmony and happiness. If you hugged a deceased grandmother - this is a symbol good health and longevity. The dream where the progenitor hugged you indicates a recent mistake, the consequences of which will be unpleasant.

What does it mean to kiss a deceased grandmother in a dream?

A similar plot serves as a symbol unrequited love... If you kissed your grandmother on the forehead before burial, it means that soon you will be freed from existing obligations. A dream where the deceased grandmother is kissed by one of the relatives indicates unforeseen expenses.

What does it mean to feed a deceased grandmother in a dream?

If the progenitor asked for food, it means that you have no faults in front of her and your conscience is clear. A dream where you treated your grandmother to jam warns of deception. For girls, such a story can be an indication that it is worth reflecting on the sincerity of a partner.

What is the dream of a grandmother who died?

Falling asleep, a person cannot predict what kind of dream his mind will offer him that night. For example, why is a grandmother dreaming and not alive, but long dead? Most often in dream books they write that this is a change in the weather, but is this so and what to expect from such a dream?

In the Russian Dream Book, a dream in which a sleeping person sees a dead grandmother is interpreted as a good sign. Such knowledge suggests that in the near future this person will find his place where he will be well and calm. For a single, such a dream portends a quick marriage or marriage, and for family people the addition of offspring. Although, as in any dream, little things should not be overlooked.

Since in many interpreters the grandmother symbolizes wisdom and maturity, then you need to listen to her speeches. A dream with a grandmother who died earlier takes on a different meaning if she talked about something. It is generally accepted that everything that the deceased said in a dream comes true in reality. If grandma teaches, then you must listen to her and try to use the information. Communication with old people promises an obstacle in business and changes in life, and how a person gets out of them will depend on his wisdom and ability to trust the advice of loved ones.

In many countries, it is generally accepted that the appearance of deceased parents or grandparents in a dream indicates a new stage in its development. These changes will play important role in the dreamer's life. The main thing is to “turn off at the required intersection”.

It is important to remember whose grandmother dreamed about, mother's or father's. This will help to find out from which side the wind is blowing, and in which line to expect important events. It would be especially good to ask a question that worries a person, the answer would help solve many problems.

Also, the state of mind of the progenitor plays an important role. If she is sad, then the changes in life will not be pleasant either. Joyful old woman, promises pleasant changes and good news. Restless - in danger, angry at the dreamer - there is a reason to think about the correctness of your actions. A crying grandmother warns that in the near future it is worth waiting for undeserved grievances from close relatives.

At the same time, you need to pay attention to your emotions. If a person was happy with such a meeting, then all problems will be safely resolved. Accordingly, if not, then you should not expect good things in the future, but by making efforts in a dream, you can change something. To do this, you need to return yourself to this event and "replay" the meeting again, changing your emotions.

If you dreamed that the old woman got sick and died, this is a sign of bad news. To see her in the coffin of the deceased is to commit rash acts that will affect relationships with loved ones. Swearing with the progenitor means falling under the bad influence of a stranger. Although it should be borne in mind that any dream in which the sleeper saw a deceased grandmother portends him longevity.

What can portend a dream in which a person communicates with a deceased grandmother? First of all, change, both good and bad. Very often, the dead are removed to the change of weather and bad weather, especially if you kiss the deceased. Just to see - to the fulfillment of a secret desire or unexpected help in a difficult situation. A subconscious factor may also be affected. In this case, the old woman will be symbolized with the dreamer's internal contradictions. For a young girl, this will mean dissatisfaction with her appearance, lack of confidence in her abilities. For a guy, doubts about their own strengths and solvency. To a mature person, about missed opportunities and "in vain" years lived.

If you continue to understand the "wilds" of the subconscious, then you should take into account that old age is wisdom. So the inner voice may simply try to reach out to its owner, convey some very important information. In this case, it will not be superfluous to sit down and simply analyze recent events that could cause alarm. Maybe the dreamer's behavior was not always within the bounds of decency, and situations arose that require more careful consideration?

It is important to remember that the appearance in a dream of a grandmother who died, in the first place, may indicate that she wants to be simply remembered. They put a candle in the church, gave alms or remembered in the family circle. After all, no one knows what awaits a person after death.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the appearance of a deceased grandmother in dreams can bring both good and not so good changes. But the outcome of events still depends on the person. After all, a dream is only a warning that should not be neglected.

Hugged her dead grandmother

Dream interpretation hugged a deceased grandmother dreamed of why in a dream Hugged a dead grandmother? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Hugging a deceased grandmother by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Hug

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Dream interpretation - Hug

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Dream interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Hug the deceased grandmother

Dream interpretation to hug the deceased dreamed why in a dream to hug the deceased Grandmother? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a deceased hug in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Hug

If in a dream you are hugging your relatives, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to gather them all on the occasion of a big family celebration. Warmly hugging friends who have come from afar after a long absence of friends portends a brilliant course of affairs and excellent prospects in the future. Cuddle with unfamiliar men- to meet the future chosen one. Love hugs with women - suspicion of committing a dishonorable act will fall on you. Hugging your husband - you will receive a gift from him, if he hugs you - he will drink your salary. Hugging children in a dream is a sign of family joys and peace in the house, if they embrace you with their little hands and kiss you, you will be courageous in misfortune with loved ones, not giving vent to tears. A welcome, affectionate hug means success and prosperity. If in a dream you avoid the embrace of the hateful priggivals or drunken Don Juans - in real life you will experience a painful feeling of loneliness - and orphanhood.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

The grandmother is a symbol of the feminine principle or female genital organs, but with a certain coloration. For a girl, she symbolizes her fears in her unattractiveness and fear of being left without a sexual partner. For a woman, a grandmother symbolizes the fear of losing sex appeal. For the young man, the grandmother symbolizes his fear of being bankrupt. For a man, the grandmother symbolizes his sadness about missed opportunities.

Dream interpretation - Hug

It is believed that hugging a loved one with a feeling in a dream is a good sign and promises a trusting relationship with this person; hugging a stranger is a sign of deception. Sometimes such a dream suggests that an unexpected guest will come to you soon. Hugging a person of the opposite sex or lover in a dream means that soon you will find out about betrayal and betrayal. After such a dream, be ready to part with him forever. For spouses, such a dream predicts quarrels. Hugging your enemy in a dream means reconciliation. Perhaps reconciliation will not be obvious, but reconciliation in the soul. Hugging a deceased person in a dream is a sign of death for a sick person, unless it is your loved one. For healthy people, such a dream predicts obstacles in business.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Seeing your grandmother in a dream means that your life experience will help you get out of a difficult, possibly dangerous situation... Tears on the face of your grandmother dreaming of you portend undeserved resentment, a quarrel with loved ones. If your long-dead grandmother advises you something in a dream, wait for a change in your life. It depends on your ability to maneuver whether these changes will be positive or negative. If you dream that you have become a grandmother, it means something unforeseen. If you have children, monitor their health.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Seeing your own grandmother in a dream, if she is currently alive, is a sign of receiving news from her. Sleep also means that if you have to get paid for the work you have done and you are currently worried about it, then you have nothing to worry about. You will definitely receive this money. Seeing your grandmother next to you in bed is an omen that she approves of your plans, which will come true. If in a dream you meet your grandmother and this meeting will be completely unexpected for you, then in life you will face many difficulties and obstacles in business and you will be in dire need of outside help or advice.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

To dream of your grandmother, who has already died, means to finally find a safe haven in the stormy ocean of life. A marriage awaits you if you are single, or the addition of a family. If you saw your now living grandmother, this indicates her illness, and possibly death. A grandmother who scolds you as in childhood means that you will commit a rash act that you will have to regret.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

A) if you dreamed about your grandmother, you will face difficulties in life and it will not be easy to overcome them, but it will help you good advice.B) to see a grandmother in a dream - promises impending powerlessness, weakness. C) you met a grandmother - a sign that for some work you will receive much less money than you expected and than you should.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Grandmother is a symbol of a wise old woman. It is a wise, mature aspect of your self. American Indians lovingly called the earth "grandmother earth", honoring her as a living, conscious being. This sign can refer to your own grandmother and her talents.

Dream interpretation - Deceased, deceased

to see your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing loved ones alive people dead, means that their life will last. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon get rich. If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this. Seeing a bachelor deceased is for marriage, and a married deceased is for separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. To see a deceased person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and that everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Quran says: “No, they are alive! They gain their lot from their Lord. " (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will last. If the dreamer in a dream kisses with an unfamiliar deceased person, he will receive benefit and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a familiar deceased person, then he will acquire the necessary knowledge from him or the money left by him after himself. Whoever sees that he has sexual intercourse with the deceased (deceased, will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Who will see in a dream that deceased woman revived and had sexual intercourse with him, will be successful in all his endeavors. To see a deceased person in a dream as silent means that from the other world he treats the person who saw this dream favorably. Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and joyful in life from the side from which he does not expect. And if the thing is dirty, then he can commit a bad deed in the future. To see a deceased rich in a dream means that he is doing well in the next world. Greet in the dream of the deceased receiving favor from Allah. If the deceased is naked in a dream, it means that he has not done good deeds in life. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream suggests that he died without faith in Allah. The Qur'an says: "And to those whose faces turn black, (will sound):" Haven't you renounced the faith that was accepted by you? " (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he, together with the deceased, enters the house, and does not leave there, he will be close to death, but then he will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping on the same bed with a deceased person is a sign of longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to him will die just as the deceased died. To see a deceased in a dream performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very good in the afterlife. Seeing him performing Namaz not in the place where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque informs that he is devoid of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and safety. If in a dream the deceased guides the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that good, joy, justice will come to the inhabitants of this place on the part of their ruler, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream interpretation - Hug

The deceased hugged his grandmother

Dream interpretation of the deceased hugged his grandmother dreamed of why in a dream the deceased hugged his grandmother? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream The deceased hugged his grandmother by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Hug

If in a dream you are hugging your relatives, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to gather them all on the occasion of a big family celebration. Warmly hugging friends who have come from afar after a long absence of friends portends a brilliant course of affairs and excellent prospects in the future. Hugging with unfamiliar men - to meet the future chosen one. Love hugs with women - suspicion of committing a dishonorable act will fall on you. Hugging your husband - you will receive a gift from him, if he hugs you - he will drink your salary. Hugging children in a dream is a sign of family joys and peace in the house, if they embrace you with their little hands and kiss you, you will be courageous in misfortune with loved ones, not giving vent to tears. A welcome, affectionate hug means success and prosperity. If in a dream you avoid the embrace of the hateful priggivals or drunken Don Juans - in real life you will experience a painful feeling of loneliness - and orphanhood.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

The grandmother is a symbol of the feminine principle or female genital organs, but with a certain coloration. For a girl, she symbolizes her fears in her unattractiveness and fear of being left without a sexual partner. For a woman, a grandmother symbolizes the fear of losing sex appeal. For the young man, the grandmother symbolizes his fear of being bankrupt. For a man, the grandmother symbolizes his sadness about missed opportunities.

Dream interpretation - Hug

It is believed that hugging a loved one with a feeling in a dream is a good sign and promises a trusting relationship with this person; hugging a stranger is a sign of deception. Sometimes such a dream suggests that an unexpected guest will come to you soon. Hugging a person of the opposite sex or lover in a dream means that soon you will find out about betrayal and betrayal. After such a dream, be ready to part with him forever. For spouses, such a dream predicts quarrels. Hugging your enemy in a dream means reconciliation. Perhaps reconciliation will not be obvious, but reconciliation in the soul. Hugging a deceased person in a dream is a sign of death for a sick person, unless it is your loved one. For healthy people, such a dream predicts obstacles in business.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Seeing your grandmother in a dream means that your life experience will help you get out of a difficult, possibly dangerous situation. Tears on the face of your grandmother dreaming of you portend undeserved resentment, a quarrel with loved ones. If your long-dead grandmother advises you something in a dream, wait for a change in your life. It depends on your ability to maneuver whether these changes will be positive or negative. If you dream that you have become a grandmother, it means something unforeseen. If you have children, monitor their health.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Seeing your own grandmother in a dream, if she is currently alive, is a sign of receiving news from her. Sleep also means that if you have to get paid for the work you have done and you are currently worried about it, then you have nothing to worry about. You will definitely receive this money. Seeing your grandmother next to you in bed is an omen that she approves of your plans, which will come true. If in a dream you meet your grandmother and this meeting will be completely unexpected for you, then in life you will face many difficulties and obstacles in business and you will desperately need outside help or advice.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

To dream of your grandmother, who has already died, means to finally find a safe haven in the stormy ocean of life. A marriage awaits you if you are single, or the addition of a family. If you saw your now living grandmother, this indicates her illness, and possibly death. A grandmother who scolds you as in childhood means that you will commit a rash act that you will have to regret.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

A) if you dreamed about a grandmother, you face difficulties in life and it will not be easy to overcome them, but good advice will help you. B) to see a grandmother in a dream promises impending powerlessness, weakness. C) you met a grandmother - a sign that for some then the job will receive much less money than you expected and than you should.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Grandmother is a symbol of a wise old woman. It is a wise, mature aspect of your self. American Indians lovingly called the earth "grandmother earth", honoring her as a living, conscious being. This sign can refer to your own grandmother and her talents.

Dream interpretation - Deceased, deceased

to see your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will last. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon get rich. If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this. Seeing a bachelor deceased is for marriage, and a married deceased is for separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. To see a deceased person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and that everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Quran says: “No, they are alive! They gain their lot from their Lord. " (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will last. If the dreamer in a dream kisses with an unfamiliar deceased person, he will receive benefit and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a familiar deceased person, then he will acquire the necessary knowledge from him or the money left by him after himself. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (the deceased will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors. in the dream of a deceased person is silent, which means that he is from the other world favorably towards the person who saw this dream.Those who see that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and joyful from the other side And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future. Seeing the deceased as rich in a dream means that everything is good in him. in a dream naked, it means that in life he did not do good deeds. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, he will soon really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream says that he died without faith in Allah. The Quran says: "And those whose faces are will blacken, (will sound): “Didn't you renounce the faith that you received?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he, together with the deceased, enters the house, and does not leave there, he will be close to death, but then he will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping on the same bed with a deceased person is a sign of longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to him will die just as the deceased died. To see a deceased in a dream performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very good in the afterlife. Seeing him performing Namaz not in the place where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque informs that he is devoid of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and safety. If in a dream the deceased guides the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that good, joy, justice will come to the inhabitants of this place on the part of their ruler, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream interpretation - Hug

Hugging your husband - portends a happy event; hugging your spouse - portends a joyful situation; hugging your son or daughter - portends a squabble.

Dream interpretation The deceased grandmother hugged her granddaughter dreamed why the deceased grandmother hugged her granddaughter in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream The deceased grandmother hugged her granddaughter by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Our deceased grandparents stand apart

They come to us in a dream at the most critical moments of our life. See Add. Examples in the article “How to Interpret Dreams? ").

Dream interpretation - grandmother

The grandmother is a symbol of the feminine principle or female genital organs, but with a certain coloration. For a girl, she symbolizes her fears in her unattractiveness and fear of being left without a sexual partner. For a woman, a grandmother symbolizes the fear of losing sex appeal. For the young man, the grandmother symbolizes his fear of being bankrupt. For a man, the grandmother symbolizes his sadness about missed opportunities.

Dream interpretation - Hug

It is believed that hugging a loved one with a feeling in a dream is a good sign and promises a trusting relationship with this person; hugging a stranger is a sign of deception. Sometimes such a dream suggests that an unexpected guest will come to you soon. Hugging a person of the opposite sex or lover in a dream means that soon you will find out about betrayal and betrayal. After such a dream, be ready to part with him forever. For spouses, such a dream predicts quarrels. Hugging your enemy in a dream means reconciliation. Perhaps reconciliation will not be obvious, but reconciliation in the soul. Hugging a deceased person in a dream is a sign of death for a sick person, unless it is your loved one. For healthy people, such a dream predicts obstacles in business.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Seeing your grandmother in a dream means that your life experience will help you get out of a difficult, possibly dangerous situation. Tears on the face of your grandmother dreaming of you portend undeserved resentment, a quarrel with loved ones. If your long-dead grandmother advises you something in a dream, wait for a change in your life. It depends on your ability to maneuver whether these changes will be positive or negative. If you dream that you have become a grandmother, it means something unforeseen. If you have children, monitor their health.

Dream interpretation - Hug

If in a dream you are hugging your relatives, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to gather them all on the occasion of a big family celebration. Warmly hugging friends who have come from afar after a long absence of friends portends a brilliant course of affairs and excellent prospects in the future. Hugging with unfamiliar men - to meet the future chosen one. Love hugs with women - suspicion of committing a dishonorable act will fall on you. Hugging your husband - you will receive a gift from him, if he hugs you - he will drink your salary. Hugging children in a dream is a sign of family joys and peace in the house, if they embrace you with their little hands and kiss you, you will be courageous in misfortune with loved ones, not giving vent to tears. A welcome, affectionate hug means success and prosperity. If in a dream you avoid the embrace of the hateful priggivals or drunken Don Juans - in real life you will experience a painful feeling of loneliness - and orphanhood.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Seeing your own grandmother in a dream, if she is currently alive, is a sign of receiving news from her. Sleep also means that if you have to get paid for the work you have done and you are currently worried about it, then you have nothing to worry about. You will definitely receive this money. Seeing your grandmother next to you in bed is an omen that she approves of your plans, which will come true. If in a dream you meet your grandmother and this meeting will be completely unexpected for you, then in life you will face many difficulties and obstacles in business and you will desperately need outside help or advice.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

To dream of your grandmother, who has already died, means to finally find a safe haven in the stormy ocean of life. A marriage awaits you if you are single, or the addition of a family. If you saw your now living grandmother, this indicates her illness, and possibly death. A grandmother who scolds you as in childhood means that you will commit a rash act that you will have to regret.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

A) if you dreamed about a grandmother, you face difficulties in life and it will not be easy to overcome them, but good advice will help you. B) to see a grandmother in a dream promises impending powerlessness, weakness. C) you met a grandmother - a sign that for some then the job will receive much less money than you expected and than you should.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Grandmother is a symbol of a wise old woman. It is a wise, mature aspect of your self. American Indians lovingly called the earth "grandmother earth", honoring her as a living, conscious being. This sign can refer to your own grandmother and her talents.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

To see your grandmother in a dream, but not to see her face, but only to assume that this is your grandmother, is a sign of significant material support from relatives.

The deceased grandmother hugged her granddaughter

Dream interpretation - Deceased, deceased

to see your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will last. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon get rich. If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this. Seeing a bachelor deceased is for marriage, and a married deceased is for separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. To see a deceased person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and that everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Quran says: “No, they are alive! They gain their lot from their Lord. " (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will last. If the dreamer in a dream kisses with an unfamiliar deceased person, he will receive benefit and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a familiar deceased person, then he will acquire the necessary knowledge from him or the money left by him after himself. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (the deceased will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors. in the dream of a deceased person is silent, which means that he is from the other world favorably towards the person who saw this dream.Those who see that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and joyful from the other side And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future. Seeing the deceased as rich in a dream means that everything is good in him. in a dream naked, it means that in life he did not do good deeds. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, he will soon really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream says that he died without faith in Allah. The Quran says: "And those whose faces are will blacken, (will sound): “Didn't you renounce the faith that you received?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he, together with the deceased, enters the house, and does not leave there, he will be close to death, but then he will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping on the same bed with a deceased person is a sign of longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to him will die just as the deceased died. To see a deceased in a dream performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very good in the afterlife. Seeing him performing Namaz not in the place where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque informs that he is devoid of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and safety. If in a dream the deceased guides the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that good, joy, justice will come to the inhabitants of this place on the part of their ruler, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Something good will succeed. Talking to your grandmother will succeed in something good that you have conceived. A deceased grandmother is before significant changes. Such a dream, blessing or warning. It is very good if the meeting with her takes place in the cemetery.

Dream interpretation - Hug

Hugging your husband - portends a happy event; hugging your spouse - portends a joyful situation; hugging your son or daughter - portends a squabble.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

A grandmother who seems to have come to visit you or met on a walk - such a dream portends difficulties for you in the foreseeable future; these difficulties will not be easy to cope with, but the kind participation of loved ones, someone's timely wise advice maybe even that grandmother will help you.

Dream interpretation - Hug

Dream interpretation - Hug

Hug - If you dreamed that you were hugging with your chosen one and could not contain your feelings, you are promised peace and many years of happiness. If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

Dream interpretation - Deceased

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) In our consciousness. V popular acceptance"To see the dead in a dream to a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the dead, dreams of people most easily penetrate either the phantoms of deceased acquaintances, or luciphages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the luciphages is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although luciphages very often "hide" under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with supposedly our deceased relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we experience special discomfort, intense excitement and even fear! However, the lack of full-fledged daytime consciousness saves us from entering direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces, i.e., the unconsciousness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them. Nevertheless, quite often we can appear and "genuine", "real" body of people who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more confidential, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, we can receive from deceased relatives a good parting word, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual and energetic support and protection (especially if the dead were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, deceased people in a dream represent our own projections, showing the so-called "unfinished gestalt" unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse and spiritual cleansing.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Grandma - powerlessness, weakness.

Dream interpretation - grandmother

Granny - confess, do you go to bed on an empty stomach?

Kiss and hug a dead mom

Dream interpretation kiss and hug a dead mother dreamed of why in a dream Kiss and hug a dead mother? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Kissing and hugging a deceased mother by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Mom

Mom - Mom will dream - your plans will come true. The late mother will dream - well-being, joy, mother will dream - a warning of danger; listen to her voice.

Dream interpretation - Hug

It is believed that hugging a loved one with a feeling in a dream is a good sign and promises a trusting relationship with this person; hugging a stranger is a sign of deception. Sometimes such a dream suggests that an unexpected guest will come to you soon. Hugging a person of the opposite sex or lover in a dream means that soon you will find out about betrayal and betrayal. After such a dream, be ready to part with him forever. For spouses, such a dream predicts quarrels. Hugging your enemy in a dream means reconciliation. Perhaps reconciliation will not be obvious, but reconciliation in the soul. Hugging a deceased person in a dream is a sign of death for a sick person, unless it is your loved one. For healthy people, such a dream predicts obstacles in business.

Dream interpretation - Hug

If in a dream you are hugging your relatives, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to gather them all on the occasion of a big family celebration. Warmly hugging friends who have come from afar after a long absence of friends portends a brilliant course of affairs and excellent prospects in the future. Hugging with unfamiliar men - to meet the future chosen one. Love hugs with women - suspicion of committing a dishonorable act will fall on you. Hugging your husband - you will receive a gift from him, if he hugs you - he will drink your salary. Hugging children in a dream is a sign of family joys and peace in the house, if they embrace you with their little hands and kiss you, you will be courageous in misfortune with loved ones, not giving vent to tears. A welcome, affectionate hug means success and prosperity. If in a dream you avoid the embrace of the hateful priggivals or drunken Don Juans - in real life you will experience a painful feeling of loneliness - and orphanhood.

Dream interpretation - Deceased, deceased

to see your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will last. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon get rich. If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this. Seeing a bachelor deceased is for marriage, and a married deceased is for separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. To see a deceased person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and that everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Quran says: “No, they are alive! They gain their lot from their Lord. " (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will last. If the dreamer in a dream kisses with an unfamiliar deceased person, he will receive benefit and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a familiar deceased person, then he will acquire the necessary knowledge from him or the money left by him after himself. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (the deceased will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors. in the dream of a deceased person is silent, which means that he is from the other world favorably towards the person who saw this dream.Those who see that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and joyful from the other side And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future. Seeing the deceased as rich in a dream means that everything is good in him. in a dream naked, it means that in life he did not do good deeds. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, he will soon really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream says that he died without faith in Allah. The Quran says: "And those whose faces are will blacken, (will sound): “Didn't you renounce the faith that you received?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he, together with the deceased, enters the house, and does not leave there, he will be close to death, but then he will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping on the same bed with a deceased person is a sign of longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to him will die just as the deceased died. To see a deceased in a dream performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very good in the afterlife. Seeing him performing Namaz not in the place where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque informs that he is devoid of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and safety. If in a dream the deceased guides the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that good, joy, justice will come to the inhabitants of this place on the part of their ruler, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream interpretation - Mom

Mom in this dream personifies worldly wisdom, an understanding of life. This is the mature part of the girl herself, which we talked about above. The presence of the mother in a dream shows that the girl is intelligent enough to really move towards the goal.

Dream interpretation - Hug

Hugging your husband - portends a happy event; hugging your spouse - portends a joyful situation; hugging your son or daughter - portends a squabble.

Dream interpretation - Hug

Hug - If you dreamed that you were hugging with your chosen one and could not contain your feelings, you are promised peace and many years of happiness. If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

Dream interpretation - Hug

Hug - If you dreamed that you were hugging with your chosen one and could not contain your feelings, you are promised peace and many years of happiness. If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

Dream interpretation - Deceased

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of a relationship, for loved ones / change of weather or very coldy But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow his trail - serious illnesses and troubles / death. It is even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illnesses / danger to life. Give the deceased a photo - the one who is in the portrait will die. Taking something from the deceased in a dream means happiness, wealth. To congratulate him is a good deed to do. His thirsty person is badly remembered about him. To say to a friend in a dream is important news. Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, "ambassadors of the future." the nature of their appearance is always especially important, at the same time: the mother - by her appearance most often warns against rash actions; the father - warns against what you will be ashamed of later; the deceased grandfather or grandmother - appear in a dream before significant ceremonies. The deceased brother - to happiness. A dead sister leads to an unclear, uncertain future. Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance.

Dream interpretation - Mom

Mom - a happy event will happen.

You can expect a lot from dreams - anything, because this world is completely beyond our control.

In the world of dreams, you can meet relatives who have long passed away, but even living, living relatives in dreams can carry important messages.

Especially often they ask what the grandmother is dreaming of - alive or deceased, unfamiliar or dear, beloved. In general, relatives never dream without a serious reason - especially if it is a grandmother or grandfather.

Old people dream either to convey an important message, or to warn about something, but not less often - as a symbol of upcoming events or changes. How can one accurately and unmistakably interpret why the deceased grandmother is dreaming or the living one, grandfather or both old men together?

Grandmother is a symbol of female wisdom and secret knowledge. It is a powerful and ancient symbol, and it can often abstractly indicate the awakening of feminine nature, as well as convey some kind of feminine sacred experience and knowledge.

Relatives on the female side especially for a reason dream of women and girls - and these are the most important dreams. If you dream of a deceased grandmother, this may not only portend certain events in reality, but also be an occasion to think about your kind, about your roots in the female line, and heed the advice of older women.

Perhaps you pay little attention to this, or you do not think at all about the experiences of your own mother and grandmothers. In addition, a grandmother or grandfather dreams of being alive in order to sometimes tell the dreamer about something extremely important, or point out the right path.

To understand exactly what the grandmother is dreaming of, you need to remember the dream in detail - its details and scenario. For example:

  • You just saw the grandmother from the side.
  • You are dreaming of a late grandmother in dreams.
  • An unfamiliar old woman is dreaming.
  • I dreamed about your grandma, who is alive in reality.
  • You are dreaming of a late grandmother who cries in her dreams.
  • On the contrary, she dreamed of being youthful and beautiful, she is happy and laughs.
  • Grandmother works in a dream, fussing around the house.
  • In dreams, a deceased grandmother or grandfather came to visit you.
  • You are chatting with your grandma in dreams.
  • Talk to your grandfather.
  • Doing housework with your grandmother.
  • She scolds you, scolds you in a dream.
  • Gives you something in a dream, gives.
  • You gave something to your grandmother, you gave it to me.

There are many options - and in each grandmother has a special, important meaning. So do not miss the details and do not confuse them - in order to find out unmistakably and correctly what the grandmother is dreaming of, and what awaits you in reality in the near future.

See her from the side

To begin with, let's figure out what the grandmother is dreaming of, if you only saw her aside, like a vision - and didn't even say a word. Such visions are deep and full of meaning, and every detail is important here.

1. As the dream book says, grandmother often dreams as a symbol of purely feminine, sacred wisdom. This is an important dream - maybe this way you received important hidden knowledge, or you can awaken your nature.

2. It is also curious why the late grandmother is dreaming - such a dream is dual. On the one hand, this is a reminder that you should pay more attention to your relatives and not forget your own roots.

And, in addition, this dream may portend some important family events that will occur along the line of the dreaming grandmother. Pay attention and time to the female family, this can be important.

3. If you dreamed of some unfamiliar old woman, this indicates in reality a wise and adult (older than you) woman from your environment. You need to not miss the chance to communicate with her and gain experience - this will give you a lot.

4. The kind of dream in which you dreamed of your living grandmother, waking in reality, is simply a call to devote time to her, not to forget about her. And in general, pay more care and attention to your old people.

These people will not be with you forever, remember this, and try to give them more love and gratitude. Call or visit your family!

5. If in your dreams you saw how your grandmother was crying bitterly, grieving - this is advice to you to be in reality kinder, wiser and more affectionate with those around you.

Probably, in everyday life you are too independent, firm and unyielding, and your nature and essence is hammered very deeply, and this will negatively affect your fate and health. Remember to be natural, gentle and caring, this is important.

6. Such a dream, in which your grandmother appeared before you youthful, healthy, beautiful and joyful, is a very happy sign. You will undoubtedly expect female happiness, tranquility and harmony - everything will be fine in the family, society and in love. Of course, your task is to preserve happiness and give your warmth to everyone who is associated with it.

7. And if you saw how your grandmother, in your dreams, works and fusses around the house - bakes pies, or cleans up - this portends you in reality too, very pleasant and associated with a joyful event.

Perhaps a long-awaited visit or meeting awaits you, or just a big family holiday. Or maybe even buying new furniture or moving to a new, wonderful place.

Talk to grandma

Of course, a dream in which your (or unfamiliar) grandmother not only appeared as a vision, but also contacted you, has an even deeper meaning. Here, as in the first case, it is extremely important not to miss the details and take into account what happened in the dream.

1. If in a dream a deceased grandmother or grandfather (or the two of them) dreamed of you in your house, for example, they came to visit you, this promises significant changes in life, probably in family matters.

There can be any changes, be ready and optimistic, because new is always an opportunity and it is always interesting.

2. As the dream book says, a dear grandmother, her own, with whom you talked in a dream, may portend minor difficulties or some obstacles in family affairs, social life or in love.

However, such a dream gives advice - listen to the advice of older women, listen to their experience and apply it in your life. This will greatly help you to improve your destiny and cope with any adversity.

3. And if you talked in dreams with your grandfather, this indicates that you will soon have a lot of affairs and obligations to cope with. Responsibility, hard work and optimism will be required of you. And labor will bring a rich harvest!

4. According to the dream book, the grandmother with whom you worked around the house in daydreams - cooked something, baked, tidied up, sewed - this is a very auspicious dream.

He portends you great and stable family happiness, harmony and complete order in the family nest. Thanks to your work and love, there will be no grief and hardship in your family.

5. If your grandmother scolds you in a dream, scolds you, yells at you - pay attention to your life. In reality, you are probably doing rash acts, or causing harm to someone.

This dream is a reason to seriously reconsider your own behavior. And change to avoid unpleasant consequences.

6. If in dreams you gave or gave your grandmother something, be it money or some things - be careful with spending money, you are prone to extravagance. Divide costs more wisely.

7. And if your grandmother gives you something - know that in reality you will definitely expect happiness, which will literally fall on your head!

A dream visited by a grandmother, especially a deceased one, is difficult to forget - it can leave a lot of emotions and even make you feel sad. But remember - the connection with relatives, especially the connection of a woman with relatives, is extremely strong, and even after death, our grandmothers are tightly connected with us, protect us and, in a sense, pass on their wisdom to us.

Do not give up this connection, be attentive to your relatives, and listen to the wisdom of the older generations - after all, this is a real treasure. And dream books will help to interpret the dreams that your grandmothers visit - and your task is not only to read the interpretation, but also to ponder it, and apply it in life in the right way. Author: Vasilina Serova

It is very difficult to see your deceased relatives in a dream. But deciphering what the grandmother, who died in real life, dreams of, is not always negative.

Why does the deceased grandmother dream?

The meaning of sleep may vary depending on whether the grandmother dreamed on the maternal or paternal side

Grandmother on the line of mom

  • The relative is full of life and energy - the dreamer is waiting for a romantic acquaintance. You should not treat it as a fleeting romance, the relationship may well take shape in a strong and happy marriage.
  • It is not the first time that the deceased has come and is always trying to tell or show something - too many unfinished business hangs on the sleeping person. You need to try to deal with them, otherwise it can lead to serious problems.
  • If a relative hugs a sleeping woman tightly, in real life she will have a long, deprived serious illnesses life. In the case when such a disease already exists, it will begin to recede.

Paternal grandmother

Sleep is a warning. Most likely, the dreamer is too frivolous, and she can pay for it.

It is worth pushing aside excessive gullibility: the enemy, hiding under the guise of a well-wisher, is preparing a vile blow.

The late grandmother: Vanga's dream book

Wanga gave an extensive interpretation of such dreams. To determine whether it is worth looking for meaning in a dream, the period that has passed since the day of death matters.

  • If 40 days have not passed since that moment, this is only your grief, sleep does not carry a negative load. You just find it hard to come to terms with the loss.
  • If the term is longer, you can resort to interpretation.

For a young girl, such a dream is the news of an imminent marriage.

  • A warm conversation with a grandmother, who is perceived alive in a dream, informs about a forgotten promise. You probably once gave it to your relative.
  • The old woman hugged you - recently you made a mistake, and this threatens with problems. Try to understand exactly where you went wrong, but everything is fixable.
  • You hug your relative - diseases will bypass you.

But if she calls or beckons, inviting you to go somewhere, this is bad. Expect serious illness or death. They refused to follow her - the disease will be serious, but you will recover.

Both grandmothers showed up - a good sign. They protect you from all kinds of troubles.

Dreamed of a deceased grandmother according to Miller

Miller believes that in the event of such a dream, it is worth asking about the health of relatives.

  • If in a dream a relative was in her house, perhaps you are striving for the wrong ideals.
  • She lies in a coffin - your chosen one is cheating on you.

Madame Hasse's interpretation

  • According to Hasse, if your grandmother looks alive and well, you kiss her, know that your love will not be mutual.
  • If someone kisses her besides you, your well-being will be shaken.
  • You get a kiss from an old woman in a coffin - wait for a change.

Seeing a dead grandmother in a dream - Menega's opinion

  • According to Menega's dream book, an old woman asking for food or money reports that you have no obligations to her.
  • Not a good sign if she is eating any sweets. This may hint that your loved one is simply using you.

The deceased grandmother dreamed alive

When you see an elderly woman with a stranger's face, but you know that there is a relative in front of you, be careful. They will try to draw you into a scam, or a person you trust will in fact turn out to be a cheat.

If grandma looks like she was in life, and you consider her alive, your wishes will come true.

Grandma dies in her sleep

  • An old woman dying in a dream - bad news is in a hurry to you.
  • She died and was put in a coffin - watch your actions. Your rash actions can lead to serious family discord.

Communication with the late grandmother

Hearing the voice of a deceased relative is not a good omen. This is usually a harbinger that times are going to be tough for you. However, the deceased can give you advice that will be very useful in the future. Therefore, it is advisable to memorize such conversations.

  • She scolds and scolds you - troubles are threatening, the cause of which you will become. Do not try to blame others for your sins, but rather correct your behavior.
  • The old woman is crying - a major quarrel with relatives or illness is possible.
  • Granny is upset - you will face serious obstacles that will not be easy to overcome. Monetary difficulties are also possible.
  • The grandmother leaves, and you cannot catch up with her - to a break in relations with your beloved. For married people - to divorce.

The deceased grandmother comes to her granddaughter in a dream

It is very difficult to understand why the late grandmother is dreaming of her granddaughter. Perhaps she came to shame her granddaughter for what she has done or is about to do. This happens especially often if the granddaughter grew up with an old woman, and there was a trusting relationship between them.

It is better to think about your behavior, especially when it comes to men.

  • But it can also be just evidence that the granddaughter has lost a loved one and is experiencing it.
  • If a granddaughter sees in a dream a dying relative, whose death is easy and painless, the dreamer will distinguish herself in the service, and her successes will be noticed.

The late grandmother often dreams

A relative who often falls into dreams requires the completion of what has been started. Something that you started, but did not finish, needs to be completed urgently. Perhaps she could remain resentful for not paying enough attention to her during her lifetime. Visit her grave, and transfer the care to the still living elderly relatives.

Alarming signs

In itself, the appearance of a granny does not portend trouble, but there are certain details that can give a dream a negative connotation. If you cannot understand what the grandmother is dreaming of, pay attention to the signs that are contained in the dream.

  • One of these signs can be a conversation with an old woman in a coffin. In this case, grief awaits you. If she is crying in a coffin, a scandal awaits you, which you will take to heart.
  • A kiss given by a grandmother can portend the beginning of a black streak.
  • A joyful old woman is also a bad sign. People manipulating you can push you into serious problems, which will not only result in impressive costs, but also greatly damage your reputation.
  • You see in a dream your grandmother and grandfather in their house - one of the descendants of the elderly will become seriously ill.
  • And if she lies in her apartment in a coffin, you risk getting sick. But this disease can be avoided because it is caused by your lifestyle.
  • A conversation with the deceased, if you remember exactly in a dream that she is dead, also portends an illness.

Some dreams associated with the appearance of the deceased even portend death.

  • So, if in a dream you pass someone's photograph into the hands of your grandmother, he will die. If you hold out a photo, and she does not take it, death will be miraculously avoided. However, such a dream can also be a good sign.
  • If the old woman refused to photograph a seriously ill patient, he will soon recover.
  • Going after the dead is also a very bad omen. It also threatens death.
  • The omen, according to which one cannot take anything belonging to the dead, also extends to dreams. If you took something from a deceased grandmother, you face a serious illness or death.

Details of dreams

Some details of sleep have their own interpretation, which quite strongly affects total value sleep.

  • I dreamed of grandmother's apartment - loved ones do not support you enough in difficult situation... Grandmother returns to her apartment - to wealth.
  • A funeral in clear weather - prosperity awaits your family, in bad weather - there will be a black streak.
  • If you dreamed of a recently deceased relative lying in a coffin - in this world she had unfinished business.
  • Seeing the reflection of your grandmother - you are confused. Understand your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

In addition, if the reflection speaks to you - listen to words and advice. They almost certainly carry very important information.

A grandmother in a dream is very often a projection of our subconscious into a form that is easy to perceive. Therefore, such dreams are often warning, and sometimes even prophetic.

Why do deceased relatives dream in a dream

What did the dead grandmother dream about (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

The deceased grandmother is alive, dreaming of a change in her life. If your grandmother smiles serenely and talks to you calmly, the change will affect you in a positive way, but if she is worried, prepare for the worst.

A deceased grandmother dreams of being alive - if she gives you any advice in a dream, you should listen to them. I dreamed that my grandmother was crying - an unfavorable sign in many interpretations of dream books.

A living grandmother dies in a dream - if she is actually alive and well, then a dream means that grandmother will bring you some news or ask for something. Do not neglect help, because if you dreamed about it the day before, it means that this is really something important for her.

To see in a dream that a living grandmother is dying in a dream - be careful if in this moment your grandmother is sick. The dream, unfortunately, predicts her death.

The meaning of the dream of Otpeta (Russian folk dream book)

You see your beloved grandmother who has already died - this is a good omen. It promises you a safe haven in the stormy ocean of life. Remember if you talked to your deceased Grandmother, and if so, then what exactly. Perhaps, your Grandmother advised you something - this speaks of future life changes. But what they will be - positive or negative - largely depends on your own ingenuity and ability to solve difficult questions in their favor. If you are still single and you dreamed of a deceased Grandmother - this predicts your imminent marriage, if you are already married - you are probably waiting for the birth of a child, the addition of a family.

The meaning of a dream about ethereal bodies (Symbolic dream book)

Deceased parents in a dream (those who died earlier in reality) - Their coming into a dream to a person after their physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt psychological protection neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a result, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeper. At the same time, deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element human consciousness with the world beyond, otherworldly. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is greatly enhanced. Our deceased parents come "from there" at crucial periods of the sleeping person's life and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, blessing. Sometimes they become messengers of the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany a person to another world (this prophetic dreams about your own death!). Our deceased grandparents stand apart - they come to us in a dream at the most critical moments of our life.

Why do you dream of the Deceased grandmother (dream book of Catherine the Great)

What does an old woman come to, who seems to have come to visit you or met on a walk - a dream portends difficulties for you in the foreseeable future; These difficulties will not be easy to cope with, but the kind participation of loved ones, someone's timely wise advice will help you.

Deceased grandmother - why in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

In a dream, to see or talk to her - that something good, conceived by you, will succeed. A deceased relative is facing significant changes. Sleep is a blessing or warning. It is very good if the meeting with her takes place in the cemetery.

Interpretation Dead grandmothers from the Wanderer's dream dictionary (Terenty Smirnova)

Appears at a critical period of life, when the choice is especially difficult; warning or blessing, this is what appears to you.

Seeing a deceased grandmother, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep (according to the Family Dream Book)

In a dream, seeing your older relative means that your life experience will help you get out of a difficult, dangerous situation. Tears on the face of your dreaming granny portend undeserved resentment, a quarrel with loved ones. If she died a long time ago and advises you something, wait for a change in life. It depends on your ability to maneuver whether these changes will be positive or negative. To dream that you yourself have grandchildren means something unforeseen. If you have children, monitor their health.

Why dream and how to interpret the Deceased grandmother according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

See a relative - Powerlessness, weakness

It promises to receive incomplete payment for labor.

Why does a woman dream of a deceased grandmother (according to Natalia Stepanova's dream book)

Seeing in a dream that you are talking with your elderly relatives - perhaps difficulties await you that will not be easy to overcome. However, with good advice, you can deal with these difficulties.

What does the deceased come to? A harbinger of illness in the family, a warning that all residents of the house should take serious care of their health. The deceased grandmother may come before the wedding - in this case, it is a good sign. The deceased who comes to the young, as it were, blesses their union, warning against troubles and misfortune.

The interpretation says that hugging a deceased relative - everything will work out in your life soon.

Why does the dead grandmother dream in a dream (Miller's dream book)

Grandmother - To meet and talk to Grandmother in a dream means that you will have a meeting with difficulties that will not be easy to overcome. However, good advice will help you cope with the difficulties. What the late grandmother dreams of in a dream is a symbol of wisdom, kinship (blood) connection, protector or guardian.

Analysis of the dream in which the deceased grandmother dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

The deceased, with whom during life you had good relationship- subconsciously trying to return her image to the world of the living. It is you who cannot accept the death of your grandmother and let her go. Also, the deceased grandmother can visit before an important event. In this case, to see a deceased relative is to make sure that you are on the right way and are ready to succeed on their own, without anyone's help.

The meaning of a dream about the Deceased (Gypsy dream book)

The deceased grandmother? If in a dream the late grandmother dreamed in a dream, and you remembered her advice, or simple words- this is a good sign. It is advisable to use advice - it is through dreams that our deceased relatives can inform us about upcoming troubles, warn us against making wrong decisions, or, on the contrary, bless, approve decisions made. Listen carefully and try to remember all the details of the dream - the environment, facial expressions, emotional state.

To have a dream about Deceased grandmothers, what does it mean? (interpretation by Stuart Robinson)

When you see your grandmother, in reality you have to overcome all obstacles and minor difficulties, but it will not be easy to do this. But if in such a dream not only your grandmother comes to you, but your other relatives, then in this case, people from outside will help you deal with the difficulties. What is the dream of a helpless sick grandmother - says that soon you will have a period of powerlessness and weakness. If in a dream your grandmother stands in the way, then you should know that this dream predicts a decrease in your salary. A joyful and contented grandmother had a dream - a great joy in everyday affairs.

How to understand the dream in which you saw the Deceased (interpretation by Nancy Wagayman)

Why the deceased grandmother is dreaming means that in the near future you will be able to find that paradise in which you will be able to find peace and rest from the hustle and bustle. For a married person, a dream about a grandmother means replenishment of the family. And for unmarried people, it predicts the acquisition of a family. If you dreamed about Grandma, who in reality is still alive, this is a good sign. It can also be called boldly good. But if the grandmother collects things or leaves somewhere, then the sign of such a dream is very bad. Predicts a deterioration in her well-being. When she advises you something, you should be ready for drastic changes in reality. The more pleasant the vision of your grandmother is for you, the easier it will be for you to get out of the most difficult situations.