Natural fertilizer for strawberries in spring. Feeding strawberries in spring - proper care and secrets of a good harvest

Feeding strawberries in spring is an important link on the way to the future harvest. It will support the plant after winter, help the bush to recover faster and form new buds. But you need to feed the plant on time and correctly. How and what to feed strawberries in spring?

Spring strawberry care activities begin immediately after the snow has melted and the soil has dried out a little. If work was carried out in the fall to shelter the beds, then after the frost retreated, they must be removed.

Next, clean the beds from the debris left over from last year, and the plants from dried leaves. Then cut off old tendrils and peduncles, remove dead plants. Plant new seedlings in their place, but do this as early as possible so that the new bushes take root before the onset of hot days. Loosen the beds lightly, without damaging the root system.

The mulch layer should also be updated. Sawdust, pine needles or wood ash are suitable for this. Mulching will help prevent some pests in your garden beds, such as slugs.

Note! It is better to burn dry grass, cut leaves to get rid of last year's pests and diseases.

What else is included in spring care?

Caring for strawberries in spring requires the introduction of pest drugs. Even if all plant residues are completely removed, diseases can arise from spores preserved in the soil, and pests can move from infected plants that surround the strawberry bushes.

Modern drugs allow you to destroy diseases without inhibiting the plant. Most diseases are caused by fungi. To combat them, it is recommended to use such biological products as "Phytocide" and "Fitosporin". Bordeaux liquid has a good antifungal effect, it can be used in small areas.

Take care in advance of the availability of drugs that will fight plant mites and harmful insects. Early spraying with insecticides such as Aktofit and Aktellik will save the crop.

How else to care for strawberries in spring? Of course, provide her with competent watering. The first spring watering should be done over the loosened soil. This will keep the soil moist and eliminate the problem of dripping moisture in the soil.

Advice! Strawberry is an unpretentious crop and grows on different soils, but at the same time it is able to retain water. Don't overflow the plant. You can check the watering intensity in the following way: squeeze a little soil in your fist. If it sticks a little to the palms without crumbling, then everything is in order. If it crumbles and falls apart, watering should be increased.

What and how to feed strawberries?

Feeding strawberries should be timely and in the right doses. With an excess of nutrients, the plant will begin to rapidly grow foliage, and the color and fruits will be late and weak.

Fertilization of young and adult bushes

Top dressing of young bushes that were planted last year can be skipped in the spring. The maximum that can be done in this case is to feed a weak solution of chicken manure or cow dung. To do this, dissolve half a liter of chicken manure or cow dung in a bucket of water and 1 tbsp. spoon of sodium sulfate.

Pour the mixture over each plant - 1 liter for each bush.

Adult strawberry bushes need to be fertilized: after 2-3 years, the soil in the beds becomes less fertile, and the plant lacks nutrients.

To harvest a rich strawberry crop, you need to feed it 3 times:

  1. Immediately after winter.
  2. Before flowering or during flowering.
  3. During fruit formation.

The first time fertilization is applied in the second half of April (when exactly depends on the region). During this period, the best way to feed strawberries will be organic fertilizers: chicken manure or mullein.

Use a solution or sprinkle in a dry form under the roots of the bushes, covering the top with 2-3 cm of earth. Yeast and other organic fertilizers will be an excellent remedy (see recipes below). They are composed of proteins, amino acids and minerals.

The second feeding should be done before or during the strawberry flowering. For this, mineral fertilizers are suitable, which will affect the taste and size of the berries. They will be large, beautiful and sweet. Specialized stores offer many types of mineral fertilizers. We will discuss them in more detail below.

Attention! Mineral fertilizers must be used strictly according to the instructions on the package. A large dosage will harm the plant.

An excellent means for the third feeding is an infusion of weeds, herbal plants, for example, an infusion of nettle. Such dressing is harmless to plants and people, it will not negatively affect the taste of berries, but it will help to increase their number, and also protect plants from some harmful insects.

How to feed strawberries right after winter?

The first feeding of strawberries is done in early spring, until the flowers and buds have formed. Fertilize your bushes with a good, full-bodied mullein, which is made from fresh cow cakes. To do this, dilute 1 liter of fermented liquid mullein in 10 liters of water. Half a liter of solution will be enough for one bush.

The second option for feeding is urea (carbamide). Dilute with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of carbamide in 10 liters of water and pour 0.5 liters of the resulting solution under each bush.

Advice! Fertilize after rain, when the ground is still wet. This will help the mullein to be absorbed better into the soil. Otherwise, the crust will prevent the fertilizer from absorbing.

Mullein is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen is needed for plant growth, and phosphorus is needed for ovary formation.

How to feed strawberries before flowering?

Before flowering, use mineral fertilizers, for example, Horus (12 g per 10 L of water), or Topaz (6 ml per 10 L of water). Repeat the treatment after 2 weeks. These drugs will prevent all possible diseases and spotting.

You can also use the "Plantafol", "Brexil mix", "Megafol" or "Growth Concentrate" foliar dressing in the same ratio (20 g per 10 l). Add to the selected preparation "Boroplus" (10-15 ml), which will help the formation of the ovary, and treat the bushes.

Top dressing during flowering

Prepare this fertilizer during flowering:

Pour 1 glass of wood ash into a container and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Stir, let it brew for 2 hours, and then add 3 g of potassium permanganate and boric acid, as well as 1 tbsp. a spoonful of iodine. Dissolve the mixture in 10 liters of water and pour it over flowering strawberries (1 glass for each bush).

Attention! Use rainwater or settled water, but in no case chlorinated.

Foliar dressing

With spring feeding, you need to fertilize not only the root system, but also the bush itself. Strawberries are sprayed with organic matter or nitrogen-containing solutions, which contributes to the active growth of the bush and an increase in the ovary. When spraying, useful substances are absorbed directly into the foliage.

Note! Apply foliar dressing in the evening, in dry and calm weather.

You can spray plants with mineral fertilizers. They are of 2 types:

  • highly mobile;
  • low mobile.

The former include phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and nitrogen. They instantly fall into the roots, foliage, buds. Low-mobile fertilizers - iron, copper, boron, manganese - act more slowly. They must be sprayed very carefully so that drops of solution fall on the ovary.


To treat young strawberry bushes with iodine, you will need 2 components:

  • potassium iodide;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

To prepare the solution, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of iodine and a few granules of potassium permanganate, mix with 10 liters of water.

This solution will help against crustaceans, pests, gray rot and stains on the leaves.

It is better to water the bushes with iodine solution after preliminary shedding the bushes with wood ash. Such an integrated approach will give a more effective result.

Boric acid

Fertilization with boric acid requires prior care of the strawberries. First, you need to loosen the soil with a garden pitchfork 10 cm. For a greater effect of fertilization, it is recommended to sprinkle the aisles with straw, then pour nettle infusion.

Only after that, treat the bushes with a mixture of boric acid in a ratio of 10 g per 30 liters of water. It will help to form good ovaries, so it is suitable for feeding strawberries before flowering. After that, it is advisable to treat it from pests - tick and weevil - with insecticidal preparations.

Top dressing of strawberries in spring with folk remedies

One of the most popular folk remedies for feeding bush berries is nettle infusion. What does he give? Nettle contains a large amount of trace elements, due to which enough chlorophyll is formed in strawberry leaves. Bushes after feeding become more resistant and strong to fruiting.

To prepare the infusion, collect the nettle even before the seeds form on it. Fill a container (plastic or enamelled, not metal) by tightly packing the grass stalks. Fill a container filled with nettles with water and place in a sunny place for 7-15 days.

Stir the nettle infusion every morning, which will be considered ready after the formation of foam and the characteristic unpleasant odor. Strain the infusion and dilute 1 liter of concentrate in 10 liters of water. Use as a root dressing, adding 1 liter of solution under each strawberry bush.

Feeding with yeast

Gardeners began to introduce yeast top dressing relatively recently and the result was impressive. In the spring, such fertilization will enhance vegetative growth, in the summer it will support the activity of fruiting. For 10 strawberry bushes, 5 liters of yeast solution is enough.

Any yeast is suitable for its preparation. It is convenient to dilute them in a plastic bottle, since the solution will need to be shaken well.

If you are using dry yeast, then take a 100-gram bag and dissolve the contents in 2 liters of warm water, add 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar. Close the lid tightly and shake the bottle well.

If using regular yeast, stick to the following ratio: 1 kg yeast per 5 liters of water. Next, pour the mixture into a bucket, add 10 liters of water and let it brew in a warm place for 3-4 hours. Then pour the yeast solution into a 200 liter barrel or add half a liter of prepared yeast solution to a 10 liter watering can each time. Water the strawberry bushes under the root (0.5 l).

Chicken droppings

To prepare a solution of chicken manure, take semi-liquid fresh chicken manure, place it in a bucket of warm water (1:15), stir thoroughly.

Important! You do not need to insist on the solution, use it immediately so that all useful substances (for example, nitrogen) do not have time to evaporate. Water from a watering can around the bush, being careful not to get on the leaves.

After feeding with chicken droppings, strawberries begin to bear fruit well, the berries become beautiful, sweet and juicy.


Wood ash is an excellent potash fertilizer. Besides potassium, ash contains phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. It can be used as a fertilizer both dry and in the form of a solution.

To prepare the solution, take a 10 liter bucket of water and 1 kg (approximately 2 liter cans) of ash. Dissolve and leave for a day, stirring occasionally. All the necessary elements from the ash will go into water, and the solution will be ready in 24 hours. For watering strawberries, dilute 1 liter of concentrate in 10 liters of water.

If used dry, place ash under the bushes. During watering, all the necessary components will penetrate into the ground.

So, feeding strawberries in spring is the key to an excellent harvest in the future. Conduct it correctly, following the recommendations given above in the article.

Strawberry a very popular berry among gardeners and gardeners. To get a good harvest of sweet berries, it needs to be fed, especially in spring.

Consider in detail: when is the best time to feed strawberries for the first time, and when the second; how to feed strawberries in spring and how to do it, what gives the introduction of spring dressings.

After winter, strawberries begin a phase of active development. In the spring, to build up vegetative mass, plants will need nitrogen.

For the development of the root system, you need phosphorus... AND potassium needed for laying the generative organs of strawberries.

Some argue that the first feeding should be done immediately after the snow has left. But this is not true, since in cold soil, nutrients are not absorbed by the root system of plants.

The first spring feeding of strawberries should be carried out when the soil warms up enough, about 10-15 degrees.

At this temperature, the root system begins to actively take up the introduced nutrients.

What is the best way to feed strawberries in spring?

Some say that it is best to feed with organic fertilizers, others advise only with mineral fertilizers. It will be correct to choose the middle ground, because you will not get the desired harvest on organic matter alone.

Also, excessive application of mineral fertilizers leads to the destruction of soil microflora, when microorganisms useful for plants die, fertility is lost.

Only dosed use of mineral fertilizers with a combination of organic fertilizers will give the desired result.

The composition of fertilizers for the first feeding of strawberries in spring: 30 g nitroammophoska, 25-30 ml Viva Valagro - dilute everything in 10 liters of water.

Nitroammofosk first soak in water in a small glass until dissolved, then pour into a bucket.

Pour about 100-150 grams of ready-made complex fertilizer under each strawberry bush. The next feeding is carried out at the beginning of the formation of the berries.

The second feeding of strawberries in spring

Spring feeding of strawberries is carried out a second time 20 days after the first feeding. It is necessary to carry out such top dressing to enlarge the berries.

The bushes are already laying the berries, blooming profusely. At this stage, it is impractical to use mineral fertilizers, we will use potassium humate and wood ash.

Prepare the solution as follows: for 10 liters of water 1 glass (200 g) of wood ash, insist for 1 hour.

Dilute potassium humate 1 tsp. for 50 liters of water. Easier first in Dilute 200 ml with 1 tsp., and then add 40 ml of the prepared solution of potassium humate to a bucket of wood ash.

Thanks to the use of potassium humate, the development of soil microorganisms improves, fertility increases, humic acids in the humate have a beneficial effect on the soil microflora.

Why is it now better to use potassium humate, and not to use sodium humate, because the latter drug is used more for the development of the root system, and we need a good set and enlargement of berries.

Mix the solution well and water 0.5 liters of solution for each bush.

After such feeding, strawberries will delight you with an abundance of berries.

Video - Strawberries - dressing for enlarging berries

Big strawberry harvests for you!

Strawberries are grown by almost everyone who has at least some land plot. But for many gardeners, it does not give good yields. Then the site is overgrown so that it is almost impossible to find small berries on it. Dry plants cover almost the entire territory. And it happens that there are berries, but absolutely tasteless. How to care for strawberries so that they please with a high yield?

Spring strawberry care

Some gardeners shelter strawberry plantings from frost for the winter. the shelter is removed. They scoop out all the excess. Then a layer of earth a few centimeters thick is removed from the site. This is usually last year's mulch. Together with it, various pests and fungi are destroyed. If this is difficult to do, then you need to dig up the area shallowly, trying not to damage the roots of the plants. Strawberry bushes are cleaned of dried leaves, dead plants are removed. If there are few of them, then new ones can be planted instead. But this must be done as early as possible so that the strawberries take root before the onset of heat.

under the film

Some gardeners cover their strawberry beds with plastic wrap. Some make a semblance of a greenhouse and hide the entire area under one film. Others prepare a shelter from arcs for each row separately. The strawberry underneath it develops and blooms much faster.

Plant feeding

Feeding of strawberries is carried out in early spring, immediately after the snow melts. The site is fertilized with nitroammophos, infusion of chicken manure or mullein, ash. It is important that fertilizers contain a large amount of nitrogen, which the plant so needs, weakened by the cold. The presence of this element in sufficient quantities makes it possible to grow large and sweet berries. You can water the strawberries in early spring with iodine solution (30 drops per bucket of water). A glass of ash is added there, previously filled with boiling water and strained.

There is a dispute between gardeners about the timing of the introduction of organic fertilizers. Some bring manure in the winter. Such feeding of strawberries in early spring in the snow is useful because it will crush the manure by the growing season and ripening of fruits. Phosphorus, potassium, and other useful substances contained in humus will affect plants. Others are against this, since manure, falling on a strawberry outlet, can burn it. But if you bring it in in the fall or during a period when there is no snow, then you can place it between the bushes.

Feeding strawberries in early spring with chicken droppings will be more effective if you apply it in the snow. It is highly concentrated and can do more harm than good if used directly. But, brought in through the snow, it decomposes and loses its aggressive properties. This makes it easier to care for the strawberries in early spring.

There is no additional feeding of young strawberries planted this year. After all, it is planted in specially prepared soil, and it does not need extra loads during the rooting period. If you had to transplant older bushes, then they must be supported with fertilizers.

Feeding strawberries in early spring with small doses of fertilizer is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to evenly distribute it over the area. To do this, the substance must be mixed with sand or dust. It will be distributed evenly, individual particles will not stick together.

Recently, it is increasingly used to fertilize plants, including strawberries, baker's yeast. More than half of their composition is proteins. There are many amino acids, mineral elements, trace elements. Feeding strawberries in early spring with yeast stimulates the growth of the ground part and root, strengthens the plants. There are many recipes for watering plants and foliar feeding. The simplest: stir 200 grams of yeast in a little warm water and bring to 10 liters.

They are used with bread and grass. To do this, a bucket of chopped grass is poured into a large barrel (70 liters), a pound of dry bread and yeast each. The composition infused for a couple of days is used for watering strawberries. Some gardeners, however, find that using yeast has a short-term effect, and then the soil will become rocky.

Feeding strawberries in early spring with urea (a tablespoon per bucket of water), half a glass of ash with the addition of potassium permanganate and (two grams each) gives a good result. It not only fertilizes the soil, but also disinfects the roots.

You can buy ready-made for example "Kemir". You need to enter it strictly following the instructions. Otherwise, instead of large juicy berries, you will get small and tasteless ones.

In May, strawberries bloom, therefore they are not fertilized during this period.

Leaf dressing

The first strawberries in early spring are carried out when three leaves appear.

Strawberries do not tolerate chemical fertilizers very well. You can take urea (urea). But be sure to halve the dose.

The second time is treated with urea before flowering. But it must be borne in mind that the smell of the drug is unpleasant for bees. If it does not have time to weather, then insects will weakly pollinate the plants. You can add some kind of fungicide to the carbamide.

Fertilizer overdose

Gardeners often apply more fertilizer to get the best harvest. But you do not need to exceed the norms specified in the instructions for the drug. By the appearance of the strawberry, you can tell that it has been overfed. If the strawberry leaves turn from green to dark brown, then the soil has received too much fertilizer. If the leaves were covered with brown dots, then the bushes were sprayed with a too concentrated solution. To eliminate the consequences, the site is watered with clean water, the plants are sheltered from sunlight.

When using insecticides, they often do not pay attention to the fact that they already contain fertilizers. Therefore, you should not add them additionally.

Preparing the soil for planting

The strawberries are transferred to a different location every four years. The site is free from various infections and fungi for six years. Only after this time can strawberries be grown on it again.

Before planting strawberries, carefully prepare the soil. The beds on which it will grow are covered with a layer of peat or humus, dug up with the ground.

Soil care

The soil is loosened in the spring to a depth of five centimeters. This activates the plant roots. If the site is not mulched, then you need to loosen the soil after each rain, watering, fertilization. You can cover the area with moss or sawdust, preferably stale.

Mulching the site will save you from applying herbicides and make it easier to care for the plants.

Disease and pest control

To prevent infection of berries with gray rot, the bushes are sprayed before flowering (a tablespoon of the drug in a bucket of water).

To combat powdery mildew, use (potassium permanganate) or sulfaride solution.

Bushes infected with a nematode are visible in the garden right away. They have curved leaves, thickened whiskers, deformed flowers. To get rid of this pest, use the drug "Nemabakt". From folk remedies - planting marigolds on the site. Their phytoncides prevent pests from multiplying.

Weevil is a small red beetle with a long black nose. He lays eggs in a bud. As a result, it will not turn into a berry, since the worm that has emerged from the egg gnaws the bud from the inside. Strawberries from weevils are processed with Fitoverm. It hibernates under strawberry bushes. Therefore, removing the topsoil in the spring, you remove part of the weevils from the site.

To obtain high yields of strawberries, it is necessary to observe a set of agrotechnical methods, to apply organic and mineral fertilizers at the required time and in the right proportions. The further growth of the plant and its viability directly depend on how correctly the feeding of strawberries is carried out in spring and autumn.


When to start spring feeding strawberries?

According to experts, the first feeding of strawberries should be carried out in early spring, immediately after the end of winter and melting of the snow, as soon as the weather is warm. This may be April or May depending on the region. In the southernmost regions of the country, strawberries can be fed in March. Fertilization is aimed at accelerating the growth of young shoots and leaves, therefore, the composition of the mixture should contain the required amount of the main building element of plants - nitrogen.

How to fertilize in spring?

You can feed strawberries with organic, mineral or mixed fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers

Most commonly used:

  • manure;
  • chicken droppings;
  • humus;
  • weeds;
  • wood ash;
  • yeast.


A mixture of animal excrement with straw bedding from the places where they are kept. Since this fertilizer contains many weed seeds, it is permissible to use only rotted manure. The optimal composition for feeding strawberries: 400-500 grams of manure per bucket of water. A tablespoon of sodium sulfate or ammonium sulfate is also added there and the mixture is thoroughly mixed. Under each bush, from 0.5 to 1 liter is applied.

Chicken droppings

This is a highly concentrated fertilizer, so it should be applied no more than once a year, preferably in the spring. When applying, it is necessary to ensure that the solution does not get on the strawberry leaves. The solution itself is prepared on the basis of one part of the droppings for 20 parts of water. It is recommended to add Baikal humate - it reduces the specific smell of the solution. The mixture is infused for three days and applied in 0.5 liters under the bush.


This is a mixture of soil with rotted and decomposed manure. Considered the best organic fertilizer for strawberries, it is used during planting of bushes in the form of a mixture poured into holes.

Milk and fermented milk products

Milk itself, even in diluted form, is a folk remedy for combating strawberry pests - mites. Fermented milk products contain nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur necessary for plants. They also slightly acidify the soil (strawberries prefer mildly acidic soils). The mixture is prepared as follows: 1 part of a fermented milk product is mixed with 3 parts of water. Can be used in combination with manure or ash.


Plucked weeds are poured with warm water for a week. The solution is then used to water the plants. It is not only a fertilizer that increases the yield of strawberry bushes, but also an insecticidal agent that repels insect pests. The solution obtained by heating nettle in water is considered especially valuable.

Wood ash

Can be used dry - crumbles between rows before watering. But a more effective way is to mix 200 grams of ash with a liter of hot water to extract useful substances.

This concentrated solution is topped up with water to the volume of a bucket and 1 liter is added under the bush. A mixture of potassium permanganate (3 g), half a teaspoon of boric acid, a tablespoon of carbamide and half a glass of ash per 10 liters of water is also often used.


Many gardeners consider them to be the best food for strawberries, as they contain a large set of trace elements, as well as proteins and amino acids. In addition, yeast, like dairy products, acidifies the soil. According to some studies, after yeast feeding, nutrients enter the plants within two months, and the volume and weight of the berries increase significantly.

There are many ways to prepare yeast fertilizer:

  1. Dissolve 200 g of yeast in 0.5 liters of warm water, and after half an hour add this mixture to a bucket of water. Watering is carried out at the rate of 1 liter per square meter of strawberry beds.
  2. Prepare a starter culture from yeast, sugar and water, and after it begins to ferment, dilute with water at the rate of a bucket for half a liter of starter culture. Introduced under each bush for 0.5 liters.

Yeast can be replaced with bread.

For this:

  1. Dry bread residues (except for moldy ones) are placed in a bucket to a volume of 2/3, and then poured with warm non-chlorinated water.
  2. After 6-10 days, the resulting sourdough is diluted at the rate of one part for three parts of water and applied under the strawberry bushes, 0.5 - 1 liter each.

Mineral compositions

Mineral fertilizers, depending on the main active ingredient, are divided into three types:

  1. Nitrogen fertilizers. They are irreplaceable as a source of nitrogen - the main material for the synthesis of tissues of ground plant parts. The size and even the taste of future berries depend on the supply of nitrogen. The main nitrogen fertilizers are urea (carbamide) and ammonium nitrate.
  2. Phosphate fertilizers. Used to accelerate flowering and fruiting, to strengthen the immunity of plants, their resistance to adverse weather conditions. The best fertilizer in this group is superphosphate.
  3. Potash fertilizers. They improve the assimilation of carbon dioxide, which, along with nitrogen, serves as the main building material for organic molecules. Lack of potassium leads to a deterioration in the taste of berries, plant diseases. The best known potash fertilizers are potassium sulfate and potassium chloride.

Potassium sulfate Carbamide (urea) Ammonium nitrate Superphosphate

Mineral fertilizers are applied in much smaller quantities than organic fertilizers. The usual ratio is a tablespoon of fertilizer to a bucket of water. Apply in an amount of 0.5 l for each bush.


In practice, not simple mineral fertilizers are most often used, but mixed or complex ones. Such compositions contain at once all the basic minerals necessary for the growth and fruiting of strawberries.

The most popular mixed fertilizers for strawberries:

  1. Nitroammofosk. It contains three components necessary for the normal life of plants - potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. To apply under the bush, 0.5 liters of a solution of 1 tablespoon of fertilizer per 10 liters of water is enough.
  2. Ammofoska. It includes three main components, but, besides them, the fertilizer contains magnesium and sulfur - substances that are also useful for plants. However, the nitrogen content is lower here, therefore, for spring feeding of strawberries, a mixture of ammophoska with ammonium nitrate in a ratio of 2: 1 is used, which is diluted and applied in the same way as nitrophoska.

Complex fertilizer "Ryazanochka"

Another compound that is gaining popularity for feeding berry crops is the “fertilizer of the third millennium” - Kemira Lux. This is a Finnish development, which is manufactured in Russia from pure ingredients under license.

Finally, the well-known complex "Master", produced by the Italian company Valagro. In particular, for the first spring top dressing, a mix is \u200b\u200brecommended: carbamide plus Master 17.6.18, rich in nitrogen and potassium, which relieve stress from strawberries after wintering.

But the best results are obtained by a combination of organic and mineral fertilizers. Recommendations of experts: for 8 kg of organic, 30 g of mineral should be added.

Rules for feeding strawberries in spring

Spring feeding has its own nuances related to the age of the plants. Strawberries planted in winter require a completely different care than those that are already rooted and bearing fruit.

Young plants

Strawberries planted before the onset of winter can do without "vitamin supplements" in spring, since fertilizers were already applied during planting. But you can also add a little nutrients. To do this, prepare a mixture of 500 g of manure in a bucket of water and a tablespoon of sodium sulfate. Watering rate - liter per bush.

Mature bushes

The land under the bushes, which grow and bear fruit for several years, is depleted, therefore, spring feeding is extremely important for adult strawberries.

  1. Mix one part manure with five parts water and add two tablespoons of superphosphate and half a glass of ash to this mixture.
  2. Combine thirty drops of iodine tincture, a teaspoon of boric acid and a glass of ash in a bucket of water.

There is no general opinion on whether to carry out a second summer dressing after harvest. Some gardeners believe that such feeding is necessary, because at this time new roots and fruit buds are formed under the berries of the next year and the nutrients of strawberries will not interfere.

Fertilizers applied during this period mainly contain potassium and trace elements.

  • on a bucket of water - a tablespoon of nitrophoska and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate;
  • two tablespoons of potassium nitrate per 10 liters of water;
  • half a glass of ash in a bucket of water.

In the video: the first feeding of strawberries in spring. Filmed by Edokoff.

When to feed strawberries in the fall?

The last feeding of strawberries is done in the fall, when the plants begin to prepare for winter. It is believed that the autumn fertilization can increase the harvest next year by a third. The optimal feeding period is the second half of September, in sunny weather.

Some varieties of berries require a later feeding - in October, and sometimes in November. General requirement: if in September nutrients are introduced mainly in liquid form, then in October-November - in solid form.

Rules for feeding strawberries in autumn

Organic fertilizers are most often used in autumn:

  • mullein;
  • humus;
  • chicken droppings.

This is due to the fact that organic matter during the wintering process will not lose its useful properties, but, on the contrary, will improve them due to decomposition processes.

It is allowed to use manure both in the form of an aqueous solution and by scattering it dry on the aisles, while it is important to take into account a number of nuances:

  1. To prevent fertilizer from getting on the plants, as the concentrated manure kills the strawberries.
  2. The use of undiluted chicken manure is strictly prohibited.
  3. Ash can be added to the mullein solution. It can also be scattered dry between the beds at the rate of 150 g per square meter.

Feeding strawberries under a bush

Another type of biofertilizer is mowed grass, which is placed in the aisle and sprinkled with earth. In the spring, it turns into an excellent herbal humus.

If there is no organic fertilizers, then you can use mineral fertilizers: potash and phosphorus.

The most effective are:

  1. Potassium salts. Diluted in a ratio of 20 g per bucket of water, superphosphate - 10 g per bucket. Watering is carried out only in the aisle. Contact with the solution on strawberry leaves is strictly unacceptable.
  2. A mixture of nitrophoska with potassium fertilizer. Two tablespoons of nitrophoska and 20 g of potassium chloride can be poured into a bucket of water under each bush in the amount of 1 liter. Two days after fertilization, you need to mulch the soil with sawdust, leaves or peat.

Young bushes

When planting young plants in winter, it is important to choose such a nutrient mixture so that there is no need for spring feeding. The optimum is a mixture of humus, potassium chloride and superphosphate.

Mature bushes

Here you can carry out autumn feeding twice:

  • in early September;
  • at the end of October.

For the first time, a complex fertilizer is applied, for example, Kemira autumn or Master 17.6.18 with urea. The second time - dry manure or humus, potassium humate or superphosphate. The use of liquid fertilizers during this period can lead to the fact that the roots of the plants will freeze and die.

Strawberries are grown in different climatic zones.

In temperate climates, strawberries grow outdoors, while in cold areas the berries are grown in greenhouses.

How to fertilize strawberries. Fertilizers

Growing strawberries requires certain conditions.

For many gardeners, the first strawberry harvest is disappointing: the berries are small and watery.

It is important to use the right fertilizer for a good harvest.

Fertilizers are divided into:

- organic;

- mineral.

Organic fertilizers include:

- humus;

- wood ash;

- milk serum;

- siderates (plants).

Mineral fertilizers:

- complex (ammophos, nitrophos, diammophos, nitroammofosku);

- potash;

- nitrogen (amide, nitrate, ammonia-nitrate);

- phosphoric (bone meal, vivianite, simple and double superphosphate, open-hearth slag, precipitate, phosphate rock).

The best way to fertilize strawberries also depends on the soil.

How to fertilize strawberries: organic fertilizers

Fresh manure is not used. It can be used as a fertilizer, sprinkled between rows, just before the onset of frost. Until spring, manure will turn into humus and will serve not only as a source of nutrients for plants, but also as mulch that prevents the growth of weeds.

Humus is also used directly when planting berries. It is poured into prepared holes or scattered over the soil surface at the rate of 3 kg per 1 sq. M.

In the fall, strawberry beds are mulched with sawdust, peat, and covered with leaves or straw. In the spring, rotted organic matter passes into the soil, saturating it with nitrogen.

In spring, liquid fertilizer from chicken manure is also used. They are watered with aisles (around each bush - no more than 500 ml), trying not to get into the area at the roots. Chicken manure is diluted as follows: for 10 liters of water - 1 liter of manure.

To saturate the soil with potassium and nitrogen, you can use an infusion of nettle. To prepare the infusion, the plant bushes are placed in a container and filled with water. Before use, the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20.

Wood ash contains phosphorus and potassium. A bucket of water requires a glass of ash. Mix the solution thoroughly before use. For 1 sq. m requires a glass of solution. The fertilizer works for several years. Nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied along with the ash, so that the release of ammonia, which is harmful in large quantities for berries, does not begin.

Serum contains many beneficial substances. It is recommended to use it together with manure, humus or ash.

How to fertilize strawberries: complex fertilizers

Nitrofos is produced in the form of granules. Fertilizer is used with a low content of potassium in the soil and a high - phosphorus. For 1 sq. m requires 80 g of fertilizer.

The nitroammofosk contains sulfur. Used for feeding strawberries in summer, after flowering. For 10 liters of water, 1.5 matchbox is enough. Water the strawberries abundantly immediately after feeding.

Ammophos contains nitrogen and phosphorus. The fertilizer provides the berries with all the essential nutrients and strengthens disease resistance.

Diammophos contains magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen. Available in granules.

How to fertilize strawberries: potash fertilizers

Potassium chloride acidifies the soil, therefore it is recommended to use it after liming on acidic soils. Not recommended for strawberries due to the chlorine content, which is bad for berries.

Potash salt oxidizes the soil, creating signs of salinity in arid regions. Contains chlorine.

Potassium sulfate can be used for feeding strawberries, since it contains a small amount of chlorine. It is considered the best potash fertilizer.

How to fertilize strawberries: nitrogen fertilizers

A lot of nitrogen is found in urea and nitrate. Without nitrogen, the berries lose their taste, become small and inconspicuous. These fertilizers are well suited for any soil, have a positive effect on the growth and development of plants. Nitrogen fertilizers must be applied carefully, since an excess of nitrogen negatively affects the taste of berries.

Urea is used for embedding in soil and foliar feeding. The soil is sprayed with a solution (for 10 liters of water - 50 g of urea). The solution is enough for 100 sq. m. It is forbidden to mix with superphosphate and ammonium nitrate.

Ammonium sulphate can be used as the main fertilizer. Contains ammonia in a form available to plants. Acidifies the soil, per 1 kg of fertilizer, you need to introduce 1.3 kg of chalk or lime.

Ammonium chloride contains chlorine, which is poorly tolerated by strawberries. It is permissible to use the fertilizer only in the fall during deep plowing.

Ammonia fertilizers (ammonium sulphate, ammonium chloride) should be used with caution, as high ammonia content can cause plant poisoning.

Sodium nitrate alkalizes, the introduction of 1 kg of fertilizer has an effect identical to 0.3 kg of lime or chalk.

Calcium nitrate also alkalizes, but the effect is somewhat less - 1 kg of fertilizer is similar to 0.2 kg of chalk.

Sodium and calcium nitrate are the safest for plants. It is not recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizers to the soil in autumn.

How to fertilize strawberries: phosphate fertilizers

Simple superphosphate quickly binds in acidic soil, so its efficiency increases after liming. It is applied to the soil to a depth of more than 10 cm. This fertilizer must not be mixed with urea and ammonium nitrate. For 1 sq. m - 20 g of fertilizer.

There is simple superphosphate in powder form and granular, double granular.

Bone meal transforms into the form available to strawberries more slowly than superphosphate. They are used long before planting strawberries on acidic soils. For 1 sq. m - 30-40 g of fertilizer (twice as much as superphosphate).

Phosphate rock is an alkaline fertilizer that transforms into a form available for strawberries, only on acidic soil. Used for plowing. It works for about three years, so the dosage is twice that of superphosphate.

Open-hearth slag reduces the acidity of the soil. Contains phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, cobalt. Transitions into a state accessible to strawberries slower than superphosphate.

The first time fertilization is applied during the preparation of plants for winter. They are applied directly to the soil.

For the second feeding, after picking berries, it is recommended to use mineral complex fertilizers. At this stage, plants form roots and new buds. Strawberries are not fertilized during flowering and fruiting.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied to light soil in the spring, and to clay soil - in the fall.

The next top dressing is around mid-September. As a fertilizer, it is advisable to use wood ash with mullein - half a glass of ash per bucket of cow dung (fermented). After a couple of weeks, the strawberries are fertilized with this solution: a glass of ash, 2 tbsp. l. nitrophos, 30 g of potash fertilizers.

When transplanting bushes to a new place, the soil is fertilized with 8 kg of organic fertilizers and 30 g of mineral fertilizers.