LEGO - Photo LEGO, the latest news about LEGO, the best photos of Lego. All Made from Lego (19 photos) Lego Pictures

Not necessarily go to travel to get to the epic locations. To create stunning personnel in the style of superheroes or favorite films, you can do without costumes, models and studio light. All this can be obtained at home or in my yard.

Photographer Benedek Lampert from Budapest, Hungary was able to create truly cinematic scenes using the children's designer Lego. Fog, rain and smoke are not the effects made in Photoshop. All scenes were removed in the premises or on the street with a suitable terrain. When filming, water was sprinkled and other elements were spread. Only in several pictures used Photoshop, since it was impossible to achieve the necessary effect.

Such things like the flight of dirt or spray, filling the smoke is very difficult to predict, so the shooting of each scene has occupied many hours. The shooting of the entire series took more than a month.

© Benedek Lampert.
© Benedek Lampert.
© Benedek Lampert.
© Benedek Lampert.
© Benedek Lampert.
© Benedek Lampert.
© Benedek Lampert.
© Benedek Lampert.
© Benedek Lampert.
© Benedek Lampert.
© Benedek Lampert.
© Benedek Lampert.

As a child, many dreamed of getting a designer Lego, then it was chic.
Now, only the lazy does not scatter from this designer, and so professionally, as if all his life was engaged in this.
I suggest look at the items made from Lego designer.

1. Model of the aircraft carrier "Harry Truman" from Lego. Its length is about 5 meters, height is 1.2 meters.

2. This model has been created from more than 200,000 blocks, and the ship weighs - more than 160 kg. It took more than a year to create this model.

3. On the flight deck, in the hangar, as well as inside there is electric lighting, and also - mobile elevators, radars and motorized catapult!

4. Lego Frigate "Neboulon B2" from "Star Wars".

5. Fully functioning 32-screw eight-cylinder engine. Three hours on the assembly and more than 2800 blocks of Lego. It has highlighted accents.

6. The main master of this creation - Pascal Lenhardt is working on his masterpiece - Berlin Palace. Scale model - 1:45, it is created from 400,000 LEGO blocks. And although the reconstruction of the original building is still delayed, his model was collected on January 6, 2012.

7. Unofficial set from the game "Portal 2" from Lego.

8. Ship "Millennial Falcon" from "Star Wars" from Lego.

10. But the Sado Mazo Lego for adults.

11. Roman Colosseum from 200,000 pieces. One part of the model shows the Colosseum 2000 years ago, the other is his modern condition.

14. Necklace from Lego.

16. Workers Johor Bahru rest near the figure of Lego to human growth. The first Asian Theme Park dedicated to the popular constructor was completely created from LEGO blocks on 1:20. It presents 17 countries and cities from the entire region, including Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Brunei, Myanmar, Philippines, Indonesia, China, India, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. The park will open in September 2012.

Nikon D600 Installation: ISO 100, F8, 1/160 C, 50.0 mm eq., 10.0 MB

Photographs grows over the years and is based on constant practices and experience. But sometimes circumstances fold so that there are no time for full shooting with models. However, the more often you remove, the stronger the ability to photograph is developing. It is worth reduce practice, and it will immediately affect the quality of your pictures.

So how to train in the photo, if there is no possibility and time to organize shooting? In such cases, you can use one interesting way - Photothenager, which in the cost of a small amount of time allows you to always be in a photographic tone. This simulator is to shoot a scene in miniature.

Small figures, characters or toys are suitable as materials for training. In our article, we practice at the shooting of miniature scenes from the LEGO designer.

At first it will seem that the shooting miniature is a fun hobby. But soon you will understand that the simulator fully allows you to imitate the real shooting platform. You can train in the layout of light, in building a frame and composition, invent interesting stories, develop creativity and simply create successful pictures.

Lego Photography is a macro

To train the photographer on miniature objects is quite convenient. However, to achieve indeed good quality Photos, it is better to work with macro. I recommend to resort to macro objects or use a macrocolt. But first things first.

As a rule, macro lens are quite expensive. If before you did not remove the macro and are not ready to rush with your head in this direction, then for training shooting with LEGO figures, it will suit the lens with a macro function, for example, Nikon AF ZOOM-NIKKOR 24-85mm F / 2.8-4D if. But such lenses, as a rule, provide a very large scale of shooting. So, mentioned above has a shooting scale 1: 2. The full-fledged macro lens allow you to remove 1: 1. For example, if you shoot a 50-penny coin, it will fill in almost the entire frame. Snapshots, the scale of which exceeds 1: 1, is already related to micrographs, and everything that is less than 1:10 is considered to be just a close-up.

You can work with a zoom lens that has a variable focal length. I take on the Nikon technique, where the macrorement is only on lenses with a fixed focal length. But this is a plus for shooting - the fix lens won the opportunity to beautifully blunt the background.

For example, one of the most inexpensive full-fledged fix macro lens is Nikon AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm F / 2.8G ED. In photos for this article, Nikon AF Micro Nikkor 60mm F / 2.8D is used.

In addition, you can simply purchase a macrocolt - hollow tubes that increase the distance between the mirror and the lens. This will allow you to approach the shooting object closer, because many lenses have a minimum focusing distance of 50 cm, which is vicious for small details. Please note whether the diaphragm of your lens is changing. If not, then you need a macrocolt with electronic fillingTo transmit values \u200b\u200bon the lens chip. Otherwise, the diaphragm will be in the closed position.

And finally - another advice. You can experiment with the macro right now, without going to the store. To do this, simply turn your lens to the other side. Be careful and immediately close the hole with the camera mirror so as not to get dust. And it is in the outbreak position of the lens, approach the shooting object until you see how its outlines are identified. Next, it remains only to make a frame.

All photos for the article were shot on the Nikon D600 chamber and nikon lens AF Micro Nikkor 60mm F / 2.8D. But you can shoot at the Amateur Crop Crop of Nikon D7100, D7200, D5500. Macro lens are not so much, but there is still a choice. The initial macro-lens Nikon AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm F / 2.8G ED is suitable for Crop Crop camera. It is quite capable of issuing excellent image quality.

Plots / composition

Shooting on miniatures allows you to develop your photographer vision. After all, all the plots and composition can be transferred to our "big" world and not lose a photographic form. As a rule, at first we only have enough pictures with figures in the grass or on a tree. But gradually the imagination begins to demand more complex shooting.

Start shooting should be started with a central composition, where the main object is located in the heart of the frame. If it were not for the sun and pleasant bokeh in the photo above, she would look pretty boring.

Therefore, with each scene, complicate the composition. Pay attention to the third rule when the photo is divided into 9 equal rectangles (3 vertical and 3 horizontally).

There is a very convenient function of including this grid directly in the viewfinder itself. To do this, you need to go to the Custom Settings menu, select the "Shoot / Display" section, and in it - the "screening of the grid in the viewfinder" (the menu may differ slightly; in this case, this is the Nikon D600 camera menu).

Having this grid before your eyes, you can think about cropping and about the rules of the third. The essence is to arrange important element Frames along one of the lines or where the lines intersect. At first, you always want to place the main object in the center of the frame. Placing it away from the center, according to the rule of the third, will create a more attractive composition, so try to leave templates.

The plot is always very important in the photo. Do not be the operator of the descent button, invent the plot of your pictures. It is important that the photo forced the viewer to think to fantasize. It was then that your picture will be different from everyday. This training is developing creative thinkingAfter you, you will begin to improvise and think scenes with real models in full shooting.

Another important technique is raffle, that is, the use of depth of field when the main semantic object of the photoshell is in sharpness, and the rest are blurred. This is a great way to add a feeling of frame depth. Therefore, you can use objects in the foreground for blur.

Additional composite reception, which should not be forgotten - this is a rhythm. This concept is called the sequence (more than two) the same in the form of objects. Rhythm actually surrounds us everywhere: houses, lanterns along the road, trees in the park, herbs ears. Including it in a frame, you streamline the space of the snapshot, simplify its perception, and add the speaker. Also use lines, they force the viewer to follow them. In the photo below a lot of lines create green twigs; Following their trajectories, we all come to the main object.

Staging light

Working out light circuits on miniatures is simple and available, because for lighting you can use ordinary lamps At home. To illuminate LEGO figures, for example, there are enough flashlights. You can easily work out the light circuit on the figure and then transfer it to real life.

Here is an example above: the photo "Writer in his office". For shooting, two light sources were used: one comes from the window, and the second source fills the foreground.

Is it possible to transfer this scheme to real life? Yes, we can use the light from the window and highlight the model by the second source in front or even a permanent light from above.

Such work will give you the opportunity to theoretically work out light circuits; Experiment and achieve excellent results.

  • experiment with location, remove on the street and at home;
  • invent the plots, beat the scenes from life everyday life;
  • remember about the composition, try to constantly change something in the frame, do not make the same type and similar pictures;
  • try different schemes Sveta;
  • inspiration of other people's work, there are a lot of them in Instagram on the HashTega #lego.


All the necessary locations for shooting with miniature items you can create without leaving home: our desk Easy will be the zone of disassembly of superheroes, and the kitchen is the place of disembarking ingoing ships.

It all depends on you and your imagination. Work out composite techniques on figures, and over time you can easily transfer them to our big world. And perhaps you will hide in your microworld and object photo.



Fans "Star Wars" and Lego X-Wing Starfighter


John Lewis Statford.


set LEGO. Breaking Bad.


Thomas Puls. from lego bird figures


In addition, they play Lego from morning to evening at their work, designers of the famous design plant work in a wonderful office. The office is completely designed by architects and designers. Rosan Bosch and Fjord(RUNE FJORD). This Office LEGO.located in Billand in Denmark.


This you have not seen before! 40-foot christmas tree, fully made of lego! Artist Duncan Titmarsh. (Duncan Titmarsh) With the help of schoolchildren and scouts built it from 600 thousand constructor cubes. It is decorated with 1200 balls and garlands that hang on 172 branches. This is the highest spruce in the world, made from the designer.


Small agency Npire. From Hamburg adheres to simple philosophy: "Work and live." It took a whole year to build this lEGO wall arch. More than 55,000 parts were left for the project, it turned out a wall 3 feet wide. I had to work simultaneously and build a wall, the staff of the agency tell.


Artist Mike Doyle (Mike Doyle) created these beautiful Victorian mansions From the designer only LEGO.. He did not use any additional Materials, creating these buildings. One house went up to 600 hours and about 130,000 parts.

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Chevrolet. With the participation of students from Detroit created a batmobile in a natural value from the LEGO designer. Over 300,000 parts were used and spent more than 222 hours. The design was presented at the auto show Naias in a detrote. Next, watch the video as a car assembly passed.


Fans "Star Wars" and Lego It will be interesting to see the spacecraft X-Wing Starfighter In full size, built completely from LEGO. It was necessary for its construction for more than two years, 5335200 constructor bricks, 32 people and more than 17,000 hours.


Although the Colosseum from LEGO is still the most impressive lego structure, this is also quite large. Built entirely from LEGO bricks under inspiration from the London Olympic Stadium, this project demanded the employment of four people for two months.

Currently, the stadium is exhibited in John Lewis Statford. (Official store of the Olympic Games - 2012 in London, in mall Westfield) and attracts a large number of buyers.


It is said that when children play, they learn. I wonder what good can you teach set LEGO. Breaking Bad.? It was published on Redditor Garyisyourdotcom Garyisyourdotcom.

Breaking Bad ("In all serious") - the series of the AMC channel about the school teacher of chemistry, which begins to engage in drug production when he learns that he has been sick.
The fifth season will begin in three weeks. In the continuation, you can watch a trailer.


Thomas Puls. (Thomas Poulsom) - Bristol artist who builds from lego bird figures. He created a series of 6 popular birds living in the UK, built entirely from LEGO details. Pulsoma now has the opportunity to turn his creations to the official LEGO products, if he gets enough vote on the brand website.