For a long time, the Egyptian pyramids were considered the exam. Scientists have uncovered the secret of the most ancient Egyptian pyramid

1) in this way

2) therefore

3) because

4) moreover

4 ... What combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence?

1) the labor was (sentence 2)

2) it was considered (sentence 1)

3) the pyramids were built (proposal 1)

5 ... Indicate the correct characterization of the word VOPREKI (sentence 1).

1) adverb

2) gerunds

3) preposition

4) union

1) lend

2) to anger

3) lived

4) lied

7 ... In which answer is the highlighted word used incorrectly?

1) Soon, the new tenant PAYED all the bills.

2) We managed to PROTECT a friend from unfair accusations.

3) Marya Nikolaevna faced a bleak LONE old age.

4) A HOLIDAY concert dedicated to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War will be held in the museum of the history of our city.

8. Give an example of a misspelled word form.

1) four hundred and fifty

2) their dreams

3) lie down

4) no boots

9. Choose a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Saying goodbye to school

1) the gratitude was limitless.

2) many kind words were said to teachers.

3) the last bell rang.

4) say kind words to your teachers.


1) I would like to congratulate everyone who won the Olympics in Canada.

2) The athletes met and made friends with the people of Vancouver.

3) Fans from many countries around the world greeted the Olympic champions with joy.

4) Thirst for glory is a good incentive in the struggle for Olympic medals.


1) The imagination of the composer, who has long been fond of the brilliance of knightly legends, gave rise to the many colors of musical paintings.

2) Mass scenes are especially attractive in his ballets, without which the national flavor would not have been conveyed.

3) V. Stasov, who knew Glazunov well, called him "Russian Samson" - the great hero.

4) Glazunov, who always looked closely at young composers, was the first to see talent in D. Shostakovich.

12 ... In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which НН is written?

The stars were scattered (1) across the sky (2) about the black sky like a dragon (3) stones from a gold-colored box (4).

1) 2, 3, 4

2) 2, 3

3) 1, 2, 3

4) 1, 2, 4

13. In what row is the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root missing in all words?

1) connected, zak ... cured, g ... ripe

2) worn out, resisted, guarded, precaution

3) ignites, k.. moose, n..sigler

4) designations, to..solapy, sends ...


1) glued, well ...

2) substitute ... you, bought ...

3) hated ... l, hung ...

4) screw..t, paste..t

16. In which answer are all the words where the letter E is missing correctly?

A. weave

B. glow ...

V. legible

G. led ...

1) A, B

2) A, B, C

3) C, D

4) G

17 ... In which sentence NOT with a word is written separately?

1) (Not) in the distance was the famous manor house.

2) The intervention of the headman was extremely (not) appropriate.

3) The guests experienced (not) comparable pleasure when they visited Belsky.

4) The note was written in (un) legible handwriting.

18 ... In which sentence are the two selected words written separately?

1) There was (FROM) WHAT to grieve: (THROUGH) THIS house our grown children no longer ran.

2) The Cossacks rushed (B) FOLLOW the retreating and overtook them (ON) AMONG the field.

3) (B) CONSEQUENCES, our detachment moved (B) LARGE the bank of the Yenisei.

4) (FOR) WHAT did you give him hope, (FOR) WHAT did you not consult with me?

They played a lot in the Glazunovs' house () and young Sasha firmly remembered all the plays performed.

1) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union AND a comma is not needed.

2) A complex sentence, before the union And the comma is not needed.

3) A complex sentence, before the union And a comma is needed.

4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And a comma is needed.

20 .

Born into the family of a famous book publisher (1), the future composer Glazunov was brought up from childhood in an atmosphere of enthusiastic music-making (2) striking relatives (3) with an extraordinary ability to instantly memorize music (4) once heard.

1) 1, 2, 3, 4

2) 2, 4

3) 1, 2, 4

4) 1, 3, 4

21. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in sentences?

Glazunov (1) literally (2) was transformed, conducting the orchestra. He (3) say (4) merged with the music, led it and followed it.

1) 1, 2, 3, 4

2) 3, 4

3) 1, 3, 4

4) 1, 2

22. Specify a sentence in which you need to put one comma. (Punctuation marks are not placed).

1) Alexander Konstantinovich's concern for the students and teachers of the conservatory was enormous.

2) Glazunov was adored and adored by students and connoisseurs of his music.

3) The composer worked at the conservatory not only during the day but also at night.

4) Before dawn, music began to sound in the deserted halls of the Philharmonic.

23. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

Comparing Glazunov with Glinka (1) Lunacharsky said (2) that they are "springs of unusually happy music (3) plunging into which (4) you go out transformed".

1) 1, 2, 3

2) 1, 2, 4

3) 2, 3

4) 2, 3, 4

24. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

In 1926, a free concert by Glazunov took place (1) and he aroused such interest (2) that (3) although all 2000 seats were filled (4), there were still many who wanted (5) who could not get tickets.

1) 1, 2, 4, 5

2) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

3) 2, 4, 5

4) 2, 3, 4, 5

Read the text and complete assignments 25 - 36.

(1) One of the hallmarks of the cultural catastrophe that has befallen us is foul language. (2) It nests not only in groups of teenagers hanging out and has long ceased to be the "linguistic prerogative" of a drunken loader in a grocery store. (3) Swearing freely and proudly flows in the corridors and smoking rooms of prestigious universities, from the stage and screen, from the pages of our press. (4) The rule "not to express yourself in front of the ladies" has become a deep anachronism: swearing is now not gender-selective, and some "ladies", especially at a tender age, are able to plug another homeless person into their belts.

(5) The avalanche profanity in general, apparently, is a companion of times of crisis. (6) The historian and thinker of the 17th century, clerk Ivan Timofeev, among the vices and sins that led to the Troubles that nearly destroyed Russia, also mentioned "the fetid pronunciation of the tongue and lips of obscene nasty words."

(7) Nowadays, foul language exists in different forms, as if it appears in several guises.

(8) First of all, this is the usual foul language characteristic of people with a low level of culture. (9) In this case, obscene words and expressions for the person who uses them are used automatically - both as units of naming the corresponding objects and actions, and as interjections expressing various feelings, and as ballast fillers of the speech stream (like some others people say every minute: so, so to speak). (10) Habitual mate is an absolute and complete manifestation of lack of culture. (11) Although it is connected with the level of education, but not directly: I, for example, knew peasants, behind whom there were two classes of a parish school, but for whom an obscene word was as unnatural as laziness or bad work; at the same time, I know swearing students, engineers and doctors. (12) The main environment for the formation of habitual foul language is the family, the main reason is the cultural vacuum reigning in it. (13) Therefore, foul language is so persistent: a child who every day hears his parents "caress" each other with a fierce word will almost certainly grow up to be "swearing" and pass on this habit to his children.

(14) The so-called affective foul language is widespread. (15) It is associated with the expression of a feeling and is usually the emotional reaction of a person to a situation, words or behavior of other people, even to his own actions.

(16) Another manifestation of foul language is deliberate shocking, a challenge to society, attempts to destroy the generally accepted rules of decency. (17) The range of this kind of mat is very wide - from inscriptions on fences and in toilets to mannered cynical speeches of some representatives of the intelligentsia and, so to speak, works of art - books, films, performances. (18) Yes, in the texts of great Russian literature there are many lines and lines, where the corresponding words, even in academic editions, were bashfully replaced by dots. (19) But is there anything in common between them and obscenities for the sake of fashion, to create an aura of scandalous scandal, or simply because they cannot speak otherwise?

(20) Mat is, alas, an objective harsh reality. (21) Realizing this clearly, should we take an indifferent attitude? (22) Hardly. (23) After all, foul language not only offends other people, but also has a destructive effect on the person himself: mate, as it were, becomes part of his mentality. (24) A person begins to look at the world through a grid, the nodes of which are connected from obscene words, and this world is depressingly primitive, since all the diversity of life in it is reduced to the simplest functions.

(25) There are not and cannot be any universal recipes for curing foul language. (26) It is clear to me: this is possible only with a significant increase in the cultural level of both society and the individual. (27) No need to indulge oneself with illusions: no one will teach a drunken lumpen to speak another language. (28) But a lot can be done in a microcollective: in a classroom, student auditorium and especially in a family. (29) Let's be intolerant of foul language - we will impose a complete and non-negotiable ban on it.

(According to S. Vinogradov)

25 ... Which statement does not match the content of the text?

1) Foul language has now become almost a linguistic norm for all social strata of the population.

2) Profanity is directly related to a low level of education.

3) The main environment for the formation of habitual foul language is the family.

4) An intolerant attitude towards foul language, a significant increase in the cultural level of both society and the individual can heal society from this linguistic phenomenon.

26. Which of the following is true?

1) Sentences 16 - 17 present a descriptive fragment.

2) Sentences 21 to 24 are narrative.

3) Proposals 2 - 4 contain confirmation of the judgment expressed in proposal 1.

4) Sentence 20 contains a deduction from what the text says.

27. Write out synonyms from sentences 21 - 23.

Write down the answers to tasks 28 - 30 in words.

28... From sentences 5 - 7, write out the word formed by the prefix-suffix method.

29. Write out the short participles from sentences 14-15.

30. Indicate the method of subordinate connection in the phrase THEY USE THEM in sentence 9.

31... Among sentences 24 - 29, find complex ones, which include one-piece impersonal ones. Write the numbers of these sentences.

32. Find an offer with a plug-in design among offers 5 - 10. Write the number of this sentence.

33. Find complex sentences with reason clauses among sentences 18 - 24. Write the numbers of these sentences.

34. Among sentences 7-13, find one that connects with the previous one using a union, a personal pronoun and a particle. Write the number of this sentence.

Read the fragment of the review based on the text that you analyzed in assignments 25 - 34.

This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in answer form No. 1 to the right of task 35, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional symbols.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

35. "Cultural catastrophe" - this is how the author characterizes the landslide foul language that has become a speech norm for most people, and such a syntactic tool as __________ (sentence 3) clearly demonstrates this fact. And this is far from a harmless phenomenon: __________ (Proposition 6) gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow our ancestors treated obscene words.

A technique such as ____________ (sentences 21 - 22) allows the author to express his opinion on this issue, and the trope ________ (sentence 24) draws the psychology of a swearing person. "

List of terms:

1) extended metaphor

2) lexical repetition

3) quoting

4) question-answer form of presentation

5) inversion

6) rows of homogeneous members

7) parceling

8) rhetorical question


36. Write an essay based on the text you read.



Read the text and complete assignments 1 - 5.

(1) We must try in every possible way to make the thesis as simple and as short as possible, because a complex thesis outlines several thoughts, which means several points of disagreement. (2) Composite theses introduce extreme confusion, confusion and uncertainty into the dispute. (3) (...), having met them, it is necessary to immediately dismember them into compound elementary judgments and consider each point of disagreement separately.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

1) A simple and short thesis contains one thought, it is better than a composite one.

2) Disagreements in a dispute may arise due to the complexity of the thesis, outlining several thoughts.

3) Composite theses can confuse and confuse the argument, as they outline several thoughts that will lead to disagreement.

4) In a dispute, the proof of a thesis formulated in the form of a simple sentence is built and perceived more clearly, therefore it is necessary to divide the composite theses into elementary judgments.

2. Which of the following words or word combinations should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text?

1) therefore

2) despite this

3) firstly

3. Read the dictionary entry for the meanings of the word ITEM. Determine in what meaning this word is used in sentence 1. Write the number corresponding to this meaning in the dictionary entry.

ITEM, - a; m.

1) A certain place on the earth's surface. Road crossing point. Strategic point. Locality. (city, town, etc.).

2) An institution or department of an institution with a narrowly defined range of functions. Medical Center. Negotiation point. Reception point.

3) A section of an official document or any text designated by a number or letter. Contract clause. List the main points of the report. Point of charge.

4) Question, topic, subject (attention, reasoning). Do not agree on any point of disagreement. Disperse on three points.

5) A separate moment in the development of something. The culmination point. A turning point in history. The starting point for reasoning. The turning point of the war.

4. What combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence?

1) the thesis was (proposal 1)

2) you have to try (sentence 1)

3) outlines a few thoughts (sentence 1)

4) dismember (sentence 3)

5 ... Indicate the correct description of the word THEM (sentence 3).

1) possessive pronoun

2) personal pronoun

3) reflexive pronoun

4) demonstrative pronoun

6. In which word is the letter for the stressed vowel incorrectly highlighted?

2) click

3) more beautiful

7. In which answer is the highlighted word used incorrectly?

1) CELEBRATION life does not lead to good.

2) The smug, well-fed face of the interlocutor caused irritation.

3) Sheep skin, and the soul of a MAN.

4) He had a hard time DEFINING shades of beige.

8 ... Give an example of a misspelled word form.

1) drive without delay

2) without winter boots

3) go without stockings

4) up to six hundred copies

9 ... Choose a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Observing the rules of etiquette,

1) my politeness knew no bounds.

2) the number of conflicts between people is reduced.

3) an atmosphere of mutual comfort has been created.

4) you can even express displeasure in such a way that no one will be offended.

10. Indicate a sentence with a grammatical error (with a violation of the syntactic norm).

1) The train arrived in Moscow according to the schedule.

2) Preparation for the performance took a long time.

3) Those who could not watch the new film were very sorry about it.

4) Everyone enjoyed the beauty of nature.

11. In which sentence cannot the subordinate clause of a complex sentence be replaced with a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Kuindzhi considered himself Russian, he called his ancestors the Greeks, who had inhabited the Black Sea coast since antiquity.

2) The artist made an attempt to find that form of creative freedom that would contribute to the manifestation of his talent, would satisfy his creative inclinations.

3) In 1909, Kuindzhi organized the Society of Artists, which rallied his students.

4) According to the will of the great artist, his fixed capital was transferred to the Society, which amounted to about half a million rubles, land on the southern coast of Crimea and all the works left after his death.

12. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which НН is written?

Kramskoy's paintings were purchased (1) by P.M. Tretyakov and later put (2) s on public display in the mail (3) her public, delighted (4) about the decision.

13. In what row is the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root missing in all words?

1) entertainment, learning, preserved, ecology

2) useless .. useless, r .. waits, protest ..

3) compassionate, cov..pracious, mind..reet

4) f .. gura, rectangle, float ..

14 ... In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) ... to loosen, to ...

2) z..drawing, take, not..guided

3) po..skat, serkh..slender, post..infarction

4) pr .. privilege, pr .. good, pr .. zidium

15 ... In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the pass?

1) good ... well, good ...

2) iron ... you, cut ...

3) regain ... it helps ...

4) left .. left, decorated ..

16. In which answer option are all the words where the letter I is missing?

A. doctor ...

B. prolong

V. love .. out

G. mocking

17. In which sentence NOT with a word is written separately?

1) (Not) it is possible to look at the paintings of A.I. Kuindzhi.

2) He (lacked) a lot in life.

3) The life of Kuindzhi, the future author of the painting "Moonlit Night on the Dnieper", began by no means (not) simply.

4) The (un) probable beauty of this masterpiece amazed the Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich.

18. In which sentence are the highlighted words written separately?

1) The artist dreamed that (WOULD) the picture convey the unique charm of the night, and (ON) experimented with its lighting.

2) (FOR) the REASON of the incredible impact of the picture on the audience, and ALSO (SAME) of her inexplicable magic Kuindzhi superstitiously accused (IN) of CONNECTION with evil spirits.

3) (B) DIFFERENCE from Repin Kuindzhi did not paint large epic canvases, FOR (THAT) became famous as a master of landscape painting.

4) (ON) THAT how enthusiastically the painting was in print (B) FOR a long time, one can judge the skill of this humble artist.

19. Indicate the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:

The very personality of A.I. Kuindzhi attracted young people () and served her as a vivid example of selfless devotion to art.

1) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union AND a comma is not needed.

2) A complex sentence, before the union And the comma is not needed.

3) A complex sentence, before the union And a comma is needed.

4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And a comma is needed.

20. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

Drawing his ideal world (1) A.I. Kuindzhi perceives life (2) as a blessing (3) giving a person the beauty and joy of impressions (4) allowing him to create tirelessly.

21. In which answer option are all the numbers indicated correctly, in their place in sentences must be commas?

In the painting "Moonlit Night on the Dnieper", the public (1) was literally (2) delighted with the illusion of natural moonlight, and people (3), according to Repin (4), in "prayer silence, standing in front of Kuindzhi's canvas, left the hall with tears at eyes ".

22. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (Punctuation marks are not placed).

1) A real artist reproduces and interprets reality in his own way.

2) For six years, Arkhip was left an orphan and early knew need and hunger.

3) The lot of Arkhip Kuindzhi fell loud fame and oblivion, wide popularity and misunderstanding.

4) Both old and young join the beauty of the landscapes recreated by Kuindzhi.

23. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

Kuindzhi continued to paint, occasionally showing his paintings to students, and to teach at the Academy of Arts (1) in a landscape class (2) from the walls (3) of which (4) many outstanding masters came out.

24. In which answer option are all the numbers indicated correctly, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

A.I. Kuindzhi ordered to drape the windows in the exhibition hall (1) knowing (2) that (3) when the picture is seen (4) in a beam of electric light focused on it (5) then the effect of the moonlight will manifest itself in full.

Read the text and complete assignments 25 - 36.

(1) It was May of the forty-third year. (2) On vacation we were given one pot for two for dinner. (3) The soup was cooked with pasta, and in the muddy depths of the pot, something gleamed indistinctly.

(4) An elderly fighter joined me. (5) We were preparing to gulp hot food, which we rarely received.

(6) My partner took a spoon out of a skinny duffel bag, and immediately I lost heart: a large wooden spoon was already eaten away at the edges, and I had an ordinary, aluminum spoon ...

(7) I was starting to fuss, dragged my narrow spoon back and forth, when I suddenly noticed that my partner was not in a hurry and was not abusing his spoon. (8) He scooped up the spoon to the full depth of the spoon, but then, as if inadvertently, touched the pot, half splashed out of the spoon, and there was as much cloudy liquid in it as in my spoon, maybe even less ...

(9) There was one pasta in the pot. (10) One for two. (11) Long, from pre-war dough, maybe from America itself, from the "second front". (12) We poured the turbid liquid into ourselves with spoons, and it did not satisfy, but only aroused hunger more strongly. (13) Oh, how I wanted to grab that macaroni, not with a spoon, no, it would slide back from the spoon, flop into the pot, I wanted to grab it with my hand - and into my mouth!

(14) If life before the war had not taught me to restrain my impulses and desires, I might have done so: grabbed, swallowed, and then what will you do to me? (15) Well, you put a spoon on your forehead, well, maybe you kick and say: "Jackal!"

(16) I turned away and with eyes covered with great tension looked at the outskirts of the ancient town, not seeing anything in front of me. (17) There was only one tragic vision in my eyes - white macaroni ...

(18) A quiet sound was heard. (19) I shuddered and turned around, confident that pasta had not been in the world for a long time ... (20) But she lay boiled, and, it seemed to me, had become even more stout and more attractive with her regal body.

(21) My partner for the first time looked at me intently - and in the depths of his tired eyes, I noticed some kind of understanding and tired wisdom that was ready for both forgiveness and condescension. (22) He silently split the pasta with his serrated spoon, but not into equal parts, and I trembled inside from powerlessness and anger: of course, the end of the pasta, which is older, he will rake for himself.

(23) But a wooden spoon with a short jerk slipped the part of the pasta that was longer to my edge.

(24) My partner, without any interest, almost casually threw pasta into his mouth, licked the spoon, put it in a duffel bag and left somewhere. (25) In his gray back, in his long unshaven, tarry-blackened neck, in the round and gray shaved back of his head, it seemed to me overwhelming contempt.

(26) And never, nowhere I met him again, but I also did not forget the occasional partner in the bowler hat, I did not forget the lesson that was taught to me, perhaps the most just, the most moral of all the lessons that life taught me.

(According to V. Astafiev)

25. Which statement does not correspond to the content of the text?

1) Soldiers rarely received hot food at the front.

2) An elderly fighter is distinguished by selfless compliance, condescension, the ability to sacrifice his own interests.

3) Hunger turned the young soldier into a greedy and embittered creature.

4) The elderly soldier openly despised the narrator for his cowardice and greed.

26. Which of the following statements is wrong?

1) Proposition 6 presents the reasoning.

2) Sentences 9 - 11 contain a descriptive fragment.

3) Sentences 7 - 8 present a narrative with descriptive elements.

4) Sentences 13 - 14 contain an emotional-value judgment of the narrator about what is expressed in sentence 12.


Write down the answers to tasks 31 - 35 in numbers.

31. Among sentences 1 - 7, find a simple one-piece indefinite personal sentence. Write the number of this sentence.

32. Among sentences 16 through 19, find a sentence with a stand-alone agreed non-proliferation definition. Write the number of this sentence.

33. Among sentences 5 - 8, find a complex sentence with a relative clause. Write the number of this sentence.

34. Among sentences 16 - 20, find one that connects with the previous one using a union and a personal pronoun. Write the number of this sentence.

Read the fragment of the review based on the text that you analyzed in assignments 25 - 34.

This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in answer form No. 1 to the right of task 35, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional symbols.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

35. "The inner state of the narrator, a young fighter who was very hungry and was afraid that his partner would" abuse "his spoon, convey the lexical means: _________ (sentence 6) and ___________ (“ I wanted to grab ”in sentence 13), and this a syntactic tool, like _________ (sentences 14 - 15), only enhances the psychological depth of experiences.

The syntactic device ______________ (sentences 9 - 11) allows us to see the reason for the torment of the young soldier. "

List of terms:

1) parceling

2) gradation

3) question-answer form of presentation

4) phraseological unit

5) a series of homogeneous members

6) colloquial and vernacular vocabulary

7) metaphor

8) syntactic parallelism

9) dialecticism


36. Write an essay on the text read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write, do you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argument your answer based primarily on the reading experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Answers to exam tests - 2015 (Russian language grade 11)

option 1, option 2

answers - option 1

answers - option 2

foul language - checkmate

lost heart



common, associated



indistinctly white

26, 27

19. 24

6,3, 4, 1

4, 6, 3, 1

essay on the read text

essay on

the text read

Considered at the meeting of the Ministry of Education of the teachers of the humanitarian cycle. 05.02. 2015

Head of the Moscow Region - Titarenko O.A., teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU Millerovskaya secondary school named after Zhora Kovalevsky

For a long time, scientists believed that the Egyptian pyramids were the tombs (tombs) of the pharaohs. However, their true (determined with the help of modern equipment) age and construction technologies prove that these mysterious structures for us were built long before the appearance of the Egyptians themselves, which means some kind of highly developed civilization.
Even the modern civilization of people has not yet reached such a level to build such pyramids from such multi-ton blocks of stone, not to mention the fact that we still do not really know the purpose of the pyramids. For example, some people, being inside them, begin to see their past lives, the future, and many other mysteries that do not fit into the concept of "pyramid-tomb" (see about this documentary project "Pyramids. Funnel of time").

There is only one indisputable fact that all the pyramids of Egypt, all of their six separate groups (Giza, Abu Roash, Abu Garab, Sakkara, Abusir, Dakhshur), were erected according to a single, well thought out plan. This is the so-called "Strip of Peace", built along the Nile and consisting of twenty-two pyramids. Moreover, please note that all groups are built in such a way that each of them is in direct line of sight with respect to the previous and subsequent ones.

An ancient power plant is located in Abu Garab

Another amazing mystery for us, as well as clear evidence that this structure is the work of a highly developed civilization, is the "Crystal Altar" of Abu Garab, that is, in one of the groups of Egyptian pyramids. This artifact has long haunted Egyptology researchers.

Judge for yourself: this is a unique platform made of the purest quartz. In the center of it is a stone circle of ideal shape. This entire altar, like the fantastic pools, is made of solid blocks of quartz. All this can be cut out with technologies that we do not have yet and we do not know when they will be.

It is also striking that we still cannot say exactly for what purpose this "Crystal Altar" was built. Recently, scientists have reconstructed its original appearance, and were amazed that the largest obelisk in Egypt was located here. Together with quartz objects, scientists say, it could serve as a power plant capable of collecting from the Earth's ionosphere and storing the etheric energy of the "solar wind". That is, for us - the power plant of the future, since we are still building dangerous and not so efficient nuclear power plants.

This can be confirmed by ancient legends that such technologies were possessed, for example, by the Hyperboreans, Atlanteans, that is, representatives of the dynasty of "gods", as they say in the myths. It is quite possible that they could also be aliens from other galaxies or worlds. In any case, this whole complex of pyramids - the "Strip of Peace" - was clearly not built by the Egyptians themselves and not for such mundane purposes as the burial of their leaders - the pharaohs. The ancient power plant in Abu Garab is further proof of this.

A1. In which word is the letter for a stressed vowel incorrectly highlighted?

1) lend
2) to anger
3) lived
4) rolls

A2. In which sentence, instead of the word DISCUSS, should you use CONSIDER?

1) It is necessary to DISCUSS the scenario of the prom with the high school students.
2) Website developers DISCUSSED its new design.
3) Want to DISCUSS a recently read science fiction novel with a friend.
4) It is impossible not to DISCUSS Pechorin for his egoism.

A3. Give an example of a misspelled word form.

1) four hundred and fifty
2) their dreams
3) lie down
4) no boots

A4. Choose a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Saying goodbye to school.

1) the gratitude was limitless.
2) many kind words were said to teachers.
3) the last bell rang.
4) say kind words to your teachers.

A5. Indicate a sentence with a grammatical error (with a violation of the syntactic norm).

1) I would like to congratulate everyone who won the Olympics in Canada.
2) The athletes met and made friends with the people of Vancouver.
3) Fans from many countries around the world greeted the Olympic champions with joy.
4) Thirst for glory is a good incentive in the struggle for Olympic medals.

Read the text and complete tasks A6-A11.

(1) ... (2) According to various sources, among the books of his library were rare, even for that period, copies of manuscripts, which the West knew only by hearsay: Greek glassines, Latin chronographs, ancient Egyptian manuscripts, labels and defleys from the Mongol khans, books of the East and other peoples. (3) The chronicles of the ancient Slavic, Scythian and other peoples of our country up to the 15th century, as well as the richest collections of books exported from Novgorod, Tver, Vladimir, Suzdal, Pskov, on which the best minds of that time worked, are located in underground depositories and hiding places. (4) The sovereign's library contained books from the famous Alexandria library and a collection of ancient geographical maps, including the empire of Genghis Khan. (5) The books of this library in the depositories were seen by those close to Grozny, who left written evidence. (6) .... interest in the search for a library either fades or flares up with renewed vigor as new information accumulates.

A6. Which of the following sentences should be the first in this text?

1) A group of enthusiasts of various specialties on a voluntary basis carried out extensive research to find traces of the mysterious library of Grozny.
2) Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich was the first in Russia to be solemnly crowned king in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin in January 1547.
3) The mystery of the disappearance of the library of Ivan the Terrible, the first Tsar of Muscovy, excites the minds of many people in our country and abroad.
4) The stimulus to new searches was the manifestation of interest in their ancient history.

A7. Which of the following words (word combinations) should be in place of the gap in the sixth sentence of the text?

1) Therefore
2) As if
3) Precisely
4) Because

A8. What word or combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence of the text?

1) were rare (proposal 2)
2) there are chronicles (sentence 3)
3) there were books (sentence 4)
4) interest fades, flares up (sentence 6)

A9. Indicate the correct description of the second (2) sentence of the text.

1) with a subordinate and compositional connection between parts
2) with a subordinate and non-union relationship between parts
3) complex
4) complex with subordinate, compositional and non-union communication between parts

A10. Indicate the correct morphological characteristics of the word EVEN from the second sentence of the text.

1) union
2) preposition
3) adverb
4) particle

A11. Indicate the meaning of the word MIND in sentence 3.

1) a community of people
2) public consciousness
3) outstanding thinkers
4) scientists

A12. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated with two letters НН written in their place?

The stars were scattered (1) across the sky (2) about the black sky like a dragon (3) stones from a gold-colored box (4).

1) 2, 3, 4
2) 2, 3
3) 1, 2, 3
4) 1, 2, 4

A13. In what row is the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root missing in all words?

1) connected, finished, mature
2) worn out, accompanied, precaution
3) lights up, to_ els, n_silitsik
4) designations, k_solapy, will send

A14. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) without_nuclear, forklift, trilingual
2) pr_light, pr_prustit, vendor
3) reckless, _dravnitsa, _burned
4) s_skat, super_play, super_pulsive

A15. In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the pass?

1) glued, sleep
2) substitute, bought
3) hated, hung
4) screw_t, stick_t

A16. Which answer option contains all the words where the letter E is missing?

A. weather_wash B. heat up C. legible G. command

1) A, B
2) A, B, C
3) C, D
4) G

A17. In which sentence NOT with a word is written separately?

1) (Not) in the distance was the famous manor house.
2) The intervention of the headman was extremely (not) appropriate.
3) The guests experienced (un) comparable pleasure when they visited Velsky.
4) The note was written in (un) legible handwriting.

A18. In which sentence are the two selected words written separately?

1) There was (FROM) WHAT to grieve: (ON) THIS house no longer ran our grown children.
2) The Cossacks rushed (B) FOLLOW the retreating and overtook them (ON) AMONG the field.
3) (B) CONSEQUENCES, our detachment moved (B) LARGE the bank of the Yenisei.
4) (FOR) WHAT did you give him hope, (FOR) WHAT did you not consult with me?

A19. Indicate the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:

They played a lot in the Glazunovs' house () and the young Saiga firmly remembered all the plays performed.

1) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union AND a comma is not needed.
2) A compound sentence, before the union AND a comma is not needed.
3) Compound sentence, before the union And you need a comma.
4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And a comma is needed.

A20. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?

Born into the family of a famous book publisher (1), the future composer Glazunov was brought up from childhood in an atmosphere of enthusiastic music-making (2) striking his family (3) with an extraordinary ability to instantly memorize music (4) once heard.

1) 1, 2, 3, 4
2) 2, 4
3) 1, 2, 4
4) 1, 3, 4

A21. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?

Glazunov (1) literally (2) was transformed, conducting the orchestra. He (3) say (4) merged with the music, led it and followed it.

1) 1, 2, 3, 4
2) 3, 4
3) 1, 3, 4
4) 1, 2

A22. Specify a sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks are placed.)

1) Alexander Konstantinovich's concern for the students and teachers of the conservatory was enormous.
2) Glazunov was adored and adored by students and connoisseurs of his music.
3) The composer worked at the conservatory not only during the day but also at night.
4) Before dawn, music began to sound in the deserted halls of the Philharmonic.

A23. How to explain the setting of the DASH in this sentence?

You will pay for good with good - well done, for evil with good you will answer - you are a sage.

1) The second part of the non-union complex sentence is opposed to the first.
2) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the condition for the accomplishment of what is said in the second part.
3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.
4) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

A24. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

Comparing Glazunov with Glinka (1) Lunacharsky said (2) that they are “springs of unusually happy music (3) plunging into which (4) you go out transformed”.

1) 1, 2, 3
2) 1, 2, 4
3) 2,3
4) 2, 3, 4

A25. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

In 1926, a free concert by Glazunov took place (1) and he aroused such interest (2) that (3) although all 2000 seats were filled (4), there were still many who wanted (5) who could not get tickets.

1) 1, 2, 3
2) 1, 2, 4
3) 2, 3
4) 2, 3, 4

A26. In which sentence the subordinate part of a complex sentence cannot be replaced with a separate definition, expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The imagination of the composer, who has long been fond of the brilliance of knightly legends, gave rise to the many colors of musical paintings.
2) Particularly attractive are the crowd scenes in his ballets, which convey the national flavor.
3) V. Stasov, who knew Glazunov well, called him “Russian Samson” - the great hero.
4) Glazunov, who always looked closely at young composers, was the first to see talent in D. Shostakovich.

A27. Read the text.

For a long time, it was believed that the Egyptian pyramids were built by slaves, but quite recently, contrary to these statements, scientists have found that the construction of the pyramids did not lay a heavy burden on the shoulders of slaves and the poorest segments of the population. The work on the quarries and the transportation of huge stone blocks was undoubtedly extremely difficult, but money was paid for it, and if you consider that construction was carried out during the flood of the Nile, when the peasants had nothing to do, then such work can be considered a blessing: it did not give people die of hunger. Moreover, the peasants were used mainly for the transportation of stone, and several thousand professional builders were actually engaged in the construction of the pyramids.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

1) During the construction of the pyramids, helping the professional builders, the peasants were engaged in the transportation of stone, because this work did not allow them to die of hunger and was carried out at a convenient time for them.
2) Building the pyramids was an unbearable burden for the poorest people.
3) The pyramids were built during the flood of the Nile, when agricultural work stopped.
4) When the Nile flooded, the peasants had nothing to do, and in order not to die of hunger, they were forced against their will to go to the quarries, to transport stones.

Read the text and complete tasks A28-A30; B1-B8, C1.

(1) One of the hallmarks of the cultural catastrophe that has befallen us is foul language. (2) It nests not only in groups of teenagers hanging out and has long ceased to be the "linguistic prerogative" of a drunken loader in a grocery store. (3) Swearing freely and proudly flows in the corridors and smoking rooms of prestigious universities, from the stage and screen, from the pages of our press. (14) The rule “not to express yourself in front of the ladies” has become a deep anachronism: swearing is now not gender-selective, and some “ladies”, especially at a tender age, are able to plug another bum in the belt.

(5) The landslide foul language in general, apparently, is a companion of times of crisis. (6) The historian and thinker of the 17th century, clerk Ivan Timofeev, among the vices and sins that led to the Troubles that almost destroyed Russia, also mentioned "the fetid pronunciation of the tongue and lips of obscene nasty words."

(7) Nowadays, foul language exists in different forms, as if it appears in several guises.
(8) First of all, this is the usual foul language characteristic of people with a low level of culture. (9) In this case, obscene words and expressions for the person who uses them are used automatically - both as units of naming the corresponding objects and actions, and as interjections expressing various feelings, and as ballast fillers of the speech stream (like some others people say every minute: so to speak, it means). (10) Habitual mate is an absolute and complete manifestation of lack of culture. (11) Although it is connected with the level of education, but not directly: I, for example, knew peasants, behind whom there were two classes of a parish school, but for whom an obscene word was as unnatural as laziness or poor work; at the same time, I know swearing students, engineers and doctors. (12) The main environment for the formation of habitual foul language is the family, the main reason is the cultural vacuum reigning in it. (13) That is why foul language is so persistent: a child who every day hears his parents “caress” each other with a fierce word will almost certainly grow up “swearing” and pass on this habit to his children. (14) The so-called affective foul language is widespread. (15) It is associated with the expression of a feeling and is usually the emotional reaction of a person to a situation, words or behavior of other people, even to his own actions.

(16) Another manifestation of foul language is deliberate shocking, a challenge to society, attempts to destroy the generally accepted rules of decency. (17) The range of this type of mat is very wide - from inscriptions on fences and in toilets to mannered cynical speeches of some representatives of the intelligentsia and, so to speak, works of art - books, films, performances. (18) Yes, in the texts of great Russian literature there are many lines and lines, where the corresponding words, even in academic editions, were bashfully replaced by dots. (19) But is there anything in common between them and obscenities for the sake of fashion, to create an aura of scandalous scandal, or simply because they cannot speak otherwise?

(20) Mat is, alas, an objective harsh reality. (21) Realizing this clearly, should we take an indifferent attitude? (22) Hardly. (23) After all, foul language not only offends other people, but also has a destructive effect on the person himself: mate, as it were, becomes part of his mentality. (24) A person begins to look at the world through a grid, the nodes of which are connected from obscene words, and this world is depressingly primitive, since all the diversity of life in it is reduced to the simplest functions.

(25) There are not and cannot be any universal recipes for curing foul language. (26) It is clear to me: this is possible only with a significant increase in the cultural level of both society and the individual. (27) No need to indulge oneself with illusions: no one will teach a drunken lumpen to speak another language. (28) But a lot can be done in a microcollective: in a classroom, student auditorium and especially in a family. (29) Let's be intolerant of foul language - we will impose a complete and non-negotiable ban on it.

(According to S. Vinogradov)

A28. Which statement does not match the content of the text?

1) Profanity has now become practically a linguistic norm for all social strata of the population.
2) Profanity is directly related to a low level of education.
3) The origins of this negative speech phenomenon are the family.
4) An intolerant attitude towards foul language, a significant increase in the cultural level of both society and the individual can heal society from this linguistic phenomenon.

A29. Please enter an answer option that lists all the types of speech used in sentences 16-24.

1) description
2) narration and description
3) reasoning
4) reasoning and narration

A30. Indicate a sentence that uses synonyms.

1) 3
2) 8
3) 12
4) 23

IN 1. From sentences 5-7, write out the word formed by the prefix-suffix method.

IN 2. Write out the short participles from sentences 14-15.

IN 3. Indicate the method of subordinate connection in the phrase THEY USE THEM in sentence 9.

AT 4. Among sentences 24-29, find complex ones, which include one-piece impersonal ones. Write the numbers of these sentences.

AT 5. Find an offer with a plug-in structure among sentences 5-10. Write the number of this sentence.

AT 6. Find complex sentences with clauses among sentences 18-24. Write the numbers of these sentences.

AT 7. Among sentences 7-13, find one that connects to the previous one with a particle and a personal pronoun. Write the number of this sentence.

AT 8. Some terms are missing in the text-based review. Insert the numbers corresponding to the term number from the list in the spaces of the blanks. If you don't know which term to insert, write the number 0.

A cultural catastrophe ”- this is how the author characterizes the landslide foul language that has become a speech norm for most people, and _____ (sentence 3) clearly demonstrates this fact. And this is far from a harmless phenomenon: _____ (Proposition 6) gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow our ancestors treated foul words. A technique such as _____ (sentences 21-22) allows the author to express his opinion on this issue, and _____ (sentence 24) draws the psychology of a swearing person.

List of terms:

1) expanded metaphor
2) lexical repetition
3) quoting
4) question-answer form of presentation
5) inversion
6) rows of homogeneous members
7) parceling
8) rhetorical question

C1. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the issues raised by the narrator (avoid overquoting). Formulate the position of the narrator. Write whether you agree or disagree with his point of view. Explain why. Argument your answer based on knowledge, life or reading experience (the first two arguments are taken into account). The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

The ancient pyramids are the hallmark of Egypt, the most recognizable symbol, the main attraction. These ancient structures have been explored for many centuries, but they still remain the greatest secret.

As a rule, when we refer to the pyramids of Egypt, we mean the three Great Pyramids located in the Giza Valley. In fact, archaeologists have discovered over 100 ancient pyramids, the earliest of which date back to the 1st dynasty of the pharaohs. The pyramids at Giza are the largest, best preserved. In addition, they are located in close proximity to Cairo, the modern capital of Egypt. For these reasons, it is the Great Pyramids that are best known to tourists.

The pyramids of Egypt were built voluntarily

It is generally accepted that the Egyptian pyramids are the tombs of the pharaohs who ruled the state. Most of the pyramids are named after the kings, during whose lifetime, these pyramids are believed to have been built. The pyramid of Cheops, Pharaoh of the 4th dynasty is considered to be the most significant: it is higher than others and, perhaps, the best studied. Already in the III century. BC e. the pyramid of Cheops was named one of the seven wonders of the world.

Initially, the height of this pyramid was 146.6 m, but the upper pyramid and the outer facing have long been lost and now the height of the structure is 138.8 m.The length of the base side is 230 m.The Pyramid of Cheops, like the rest of the Great Pyramids, has an ideally correct geometric shape and the angle of inclination of the walls is more than 51o. This ideality shocks modern engineers: in order to recreate the exact layout of the Cheops pyramid, the French architect J.-P. It took Udine 8 years of computer calculations. The work of the builders of the real pyramid was further complicated by the fact that the construction was not carried out on a flat surface: the base of the Cheops pyramid is a natural hill, smoothly turning into the lower rows of masonry and raising the structure by almost 9 m.

The construction of the Cheops pyramid required 2.3 million stone blocks. The average weight of each of the blocks is 2.5 tons, but there are individual granite blocks weighing up to 80 tons. All the blocks were fitted to each other without the use of any binder with a precision that astonishes modern architects. The blocks are stacked so that the pyramid is almost a monolithic structure. However, inside it are hollowed out corridors, chambers and shafts, the purpose of which still has no precise explanation.

Scientists attribute the construction of the pyramid to the 26th century. BC. It is assumed that the construction of the Cheops pyramid was about 20 years. For a long time it was believed that the main builders of the pyramid were hundreds of thousands of slaves. Scientists based this on the opinion of Herodotus, who was the first to describe in detail the pyramids of Giza. However, Herodotus explored the Great Pyramids just 2,000 years after they were built. His main source was the stories of local residents. It should be noted that Herodotus had to communicate with those rare people who knew the Greek language, or through an interpreter. Therefore, it is not surprising that the results of recent excavations have disproved these conclusions.

For more than twenty years, archaeologists have studied the settlement of the pyramid builders, discovered near the sacred part of the Giza plateau. As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that the builders worked voluntarily and not for free. They received good food, quality medical care. The drawings and inscriptions found in the settlement even suggest something akin to a "social competition" between construction teams. Some of the builders of the Egyptian pyramids even acquired their own pyramid tombs, sometimes using very expensive materials for their construction. Many such tombs have been investigated by archaeologists today.

Egyptian pyramids were built using different technologies

Not all of the pyramids of Egypt are as well preserved as the Great Pyramids of Giza. Most of them today look more like heaps of stones or hills. Interestingly, the later pyramids, built during the last dynasties of the pharaohs, were in the worst condition. This is partly due to the fact that the state gradually fell into decay. Perhaps that is why the later pyramids were built from other materials, using different technologies, and clearly carelessly, without the former zeal and accuracy. In some cases, slabs from other, more ancient structures were used to clad the walls of the later pyramids.

Late pyramids were built from poorly worked stone blocks or burnt bricks and, in comparison with the pyramids of the early dynasties (I-IV), were much more modest in size. For example, the Nyuserra pyramid in Saqqara had a base length of 78.8 m and a height of about 50 m.

By their design, the pyramids are divided into 2 classes: stepped (like Djoser's pyramid) and regular, ideal pyramids (Pink Pyramid, Great Pyramids). The researchers explain the refusal of the builders from the regular march of steps that rose from the base to the top for religious reasons. At the same time, they do not think about how much the applied building technologies had to be changed for this. However, on the Great Pyramids the “correctness” of the ancient builders ended. The pyramids built after the Great Ones and called "later" have many differences from their predecessors.

Unlike the early pyramids, in which almost no drawings and inscriptions were found, the late pyramids of the kings of the 5th-6th dynasties brought to us the so-called Pyramid Texts: the oldest burial texts.

Interestingly, two pyramids were built for almost every pharaoh. In most of the pyramids, the so-called "queen's chamber" or the second sarcophagus was found, although it is known that the wives of the pharaohs were buried separately, in small companion pyramids.

By the way, each pyramid is not built by itself, but is part of a huge complex of structures. These are small companion pyramids, several temples, covered passages or open ramps connecting them. Only about one pyramid such a complex has been more or less preserved. In other cases, they are practically destroyed. All these structures and structures are supposed to have been built in order for the body of the deceased to go through all the stages of the transitional ceremony on the way to the kingdom of the dead.

Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids

The biggest mystery of the Egyptian pyramids is that no pharaonic mummies were found in these grandiose tombs. Burials were found in the Valley of the Kings and only in one of the later pyramids. Scientists attribute this fact to the villainy of robbers, which were enough at all times. But…

Caliph al-Mamun managed to get into the burial chamber of Cheops as early as 820, but the remains of the pharaoh were not found there. And recently, during excavations carried out near the pyramid of Djoser, another pyramid was accidentally discovered, almost completely covered with sand. Until the last moment, the researchers were sure that, at last, they managed to find the whole burial. The superbly preserved alabaster sarcophagus was indeed intact. It even has the remains of a burial wreath of flowers and herbs, laid 4700 years ago. But this sarcophagus was also empty.

However, official archeology continues to argue that the pyramids are nothing more than tombs. It's just that those chambers of the pyramids, in which the regal remains are safely hidden, have not yet been opened.

And if we abandon the version of funeral needs? For what other purpose could such large-scale structures be built? There are many answers to this question, one more fantastic than the other. And to consider all of them here is simply unrealistic. Let's dwell on only three of the most interesting ones.

- Pyramids are a repository of knowledge. Their design, hieroglyphs, arrangement contains the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians in mathematics, physics, astronomy, and other sciences. But we are not yet able to comprehend these encrypted messages, since we still do not have even a close baggage of knowledge. That is why the pyramids of Egypt remain mysterious to this day and surprise scientists with all the new discoveries.

- The pyramid is a huge energy generator. The vibrations of the pyramid generate special waves that, if used correctly, can be both life waves and death waves. Perhaps the priests of ancient Egypt knew how to perfectly manage this energy, and the pyramids were built in order to prolong the life of the pharaoh, to preserve his youth and regal splendor for many years?

The fact that the pyramids have colossal energy is confirmed by numerous facts. First of all, it is the infamous "curse of tombs" that befell many researchers of ancient burials. For the first time they started talking about it in connection with the Egyptian pyramids. At the same time, it has been noticed that the energy of the pyramid is capable of healing many diseases. Bacteria do not grow inside the pyramid, razor blades are self-sharpening, and the quality of seeds improves. Wheat, which has lain in the tomb for thousands of years, retained its germination! The soil around the pyramids also changes its properties, becoming surprisingly fertile.

This phenomenal feature of the pyramids is successfully used today by experimental gardeners. It turned out that when building a greenhouse with exact observance of the proportions of true pyramids and without using metal, one can get record yields.

- The pyramid is a means of space communication. It is known that the pyramids are set with a clear orientation to the cardinal points. Research has also shown that the early pyramids were built exactly according to the sky map. In particular, the Great Pyramids reflect Orion's Belt. But the pyramids of Egypt do not look like astronomical laboratories. Moreover, if we assume that all the pyramids in the project were combined into a single complex, then this project was drawn up 8000 years before the construction of the first of the discovered pyramids! Computer calculations showed that it was at this time that the matches were perfect.

Then what are these objects? And why do they need a link to the stellar movement?

A detailed study of the design of the pyramids showed that they may well be antennas, and emitters, and even protection or weapons to combat invasion from space. But at the same time, the pyramid can perform all such functions only when it is equipped with an empty stone sarcophagus-resonator. And such a resonator should be located on the vertical axis of the pyramids, sometimes with a slight offset. Incredibly, this is where the sarcophagi are found! And the Cheops pyramid could play the role of a reflector at all: aerial photography showed that it has concave edges, like a lens.

In fairness, it should be noted that in later pyramids, all these features are lost.

Drawing conclusions?

So, there were no burials in the early pyramids. They were found in later pyramids, which had a different design and were built carelessly. It turns out that technologies originally existed for the sake of which thousands of people voluntarily built the most ambitious structures. This kind of work requires a goal. A single, exciting and inspiring goal for all.

Could such a goal be the future burial of the king? Apparently not. This is confirmed by the gradual disappearance of a tradition that has been preserved for many thousands of years. Could the transfer of knowledge to mythical future generations become such a goal? Hardly. Personally, would you begin to lay down in your "free time from the main work" in such hard labor for this? I think most likely not. I would prefer to work with my beloved in the practical implementation of these very future generations

And if the goal is communication with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations? Protection from the threat of attack? It seems to me that if the population of that time realized the reality of such a threat and had the experience of such communication, then it was an unconditional YES. And if we take this version as a basis, then both, and, and correspond to it. It also gets its explanation that the pyramids (of various shapes, but equally inexplicable purpose) were discovered by archaeologists all over the world: in America (), in China and in France. These and many other unsolved mysteries of mankind, thus, line up in one chain, complementing each other.

But after many thousands of years, no other confirmation of this version has survived. Either not preserved, or not found. Or we are simply not able to read and solve these puzzles at this time.

In the Sakkara region, not far from the ruins of the ancient Egyptian city of Memphis, among the 12 royal pyramids, there is the oldest pyramid of Egypt. This pyramid is one of the most impressive ancient monuments. The reason for this is not only her grandeur, but also her age - and he is more than impressive. The six-step pyramid of Djoser is more than 4,700 years old today. So what are the secrets of this grandiose structure?

The pyramid of Djoser is considered the forerunner of all the Egyptian pyramids that have survived to date, those that were created in Ancient Egypt, including the three pyramids on the Giza plateau - Cheops, Khephren and Mikkerin. For obvious reasons, it is impossible to find out the exact date of the construction of the pyramid, but it is believed that it was erected around 2650 BC as a burial temple for the family of the first pharaoh of the III dynasty of the Ancient Kingdom of Djoser.

This pyramid consists of six steps, but the hot dry desert wind blunted its sharp edges long ago, and several hundred generations of robbers, destroyers and even ordinary residents who needed building material for their own homes, removed the once splendidly polished cladding from it. Now this structure no longer shines in the rays of the sun, it seems to grow directly from the sand and is one with it.

To imagine the size of the Djoser pyramid, imagine three ordinary 9-storey buildings, standing on top of each other - this will be the width of the base. The length is four 9-storey buildings. The pyramid rises almost 60 meters in height. It is a huge giant that rests on a solid limestone rock. A whole labyrinth of wide and narrow corridors, the total length of which is almost a kilometer, is built inside this mighty structure.

In that distant 2650, the order for the construction of this pyramid was given by Imhotep. At first, he planned to create a simple one-level tomb, of which there were many at that moment, but over time his decision changed - he ordered the construction of a multi-stage pyramid so that Djoser's soul could rise from the earth straight to heaven through these steps.

Today, the pyramid of Djoser is the oldest Egyptian pyramid, so it is not surprising that millions of tourists come to it every year. For so many years it has stood on the ground, in such harsh conditions, and at the same time, it is still not only well preserved, but also still impressive in its shape and size.

The most mysterious thing about the Djoser pyramid is that scientists still have not found a single text, no documents at all, describing its construction. With all the abundance of artifacts, there is not a single written evidence of exactly how this complex was built. Therefore, we still do not know why Imhotep used not bricks and clay (which would be much more convenient), but huge massive stones, which today are not so easy to carry and install. Experts believe that for the construction of the pyramid, apparently, special slopes were used - with their help, at least, it would be possible to put the stones in place, and then, apparently, the workers fixed them in place.

Inside the pyramid, Imhotep ordered the construction of 11 burial chambers - so that there would be enough for all members of the pharaoh's family. It is interesting that when archaeologists dug up the inner chambers of the pyramid, they found the wives of the pharaoh, his children, but the mummy of Djoser was not there. Also, almost all the jewels and sacred objects with which he was buried have disappeared.
We can only guess how many people have been inside this structure before it was recorded in writing. All we know for sure is that between 1798 and 1801, Napoleon's men were here. They found this pyramid during their Egyptian campaign.

If you enter the pyramid, the visitor will first see a tunnel with columns, and then a labyrinth of many small rooms and tunnels, which are gradually taken 28 meters underground. According to the ideas about the world order of that time, the entrance to all structures, including the pyramid itself, was made from the north side.

Of course, scientists would love to find at least some documents as to why the pyramid was built this way and not otherwise. Why was it necessary to take huge heavy stones, if other pyramids of that time were quite successfully built from smaller bricks. Why is the structure of the corridors exactly the same and not different? Scientists can only speculate. For example, in the encyclopedia of ancient history, Egyptologist Miroslav Werner suggested the following: “A simple but effective construction method was used. The masonry was laid not vertically, but along the slopes towards the middle of the pyramid, which increased its structural stability. "

In other words, Imhotep apparently wanted this entire complex to be not just a royal tomb, but a monumental structure that would leave a mark on history. And I must admit that thanks to unique ideas and a far-sighted approach to construction, Imhotep really succeeded.
Even today, the architecture of all the Egyptian pyramids amazes both professionals and ordinary visitors. Perhaps ignorance of all their mysteries is for the best, at least it adds even more charm and mystery to them.
If you are interested in the mysteries of the history of Ancient Egypt, read another on this topic.
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