Child sore heels when standing. Child's heels hurt: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Enhanced immunity to disease does not protect the child from danger, going to surgeons and orthopedists. In adults and children, pathologies are different, since the structure of the body is different, and they turn to different doctors.

Heel pain is evidence of illness

Often, when examined by a doctor, a disease is detected. Not a terrible one - which can be treated, but a disease.

List of common diseases:

  • Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the fascia, bands of connective tissue and skin on the sole. It becomes inflamed closer to the adhesion to the heel, this place hurts. The reason is wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • Calcaneal apophysitis - inflammation occurs in the apophysis, the plate responsible for the growth of the foot. At 3-6 years old, the plate is weak, pressure causes pain. Pain is also manifested when walking, running, jumping, physical exertion, if the child is not used to it;
  • Haglund-Schlintz disease - the apophysis becomes inflamed due to trauma. If the cartilage breaks down inside the heel after a strong blow or fall, blood circulation is impaired. The cartilage begins to grow, the distance between the apophysis and the calcaneus increases, causing pain.
  • Tendon overload - characterized by burning pain in the heel when walking, trying to step on the heel. With flat feet, medical insoles are worn, which reduce the friction of the sole with the shoes;
  • Flat feet are a common cause of heel pain. With flat feet, pressure is exerted on the foot when walking. Avoiding trouble, it is better to closely monitor the shape of the child's foot, to prevent possible deviations from the norm.
  • Excess weight puts pressure on the legs and spine. The lower limbs have to withstand the weight, the pressure on the heel is maximum. This is the reason for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, forcing the child to eat right.
  • A curvature of the spine occurs when a child does not want to keep his back straight, hunches over and slouches over. The vertebrae are displaced, the hip muscles are loaded unevenly, affecting the condition of the limbs, on the heel. Muscle tension changes, heels hurt.
  • Osteochondrosis - more often it becomes the result of improper nutrition, lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Lack of calcium in the body - bones and joints lose strength, quality, strength. Contact with the external environment causes corns and injuries.

The skin on the heel and sole is thin, easily subject to changes and damage. A crack, a callus are places where pain occurs. Monitor your child closely. Finding the cause is the first step to curing the disease.

There are many more causes of heel pain. A doctor - an orthopedist or a surgeon will help determine the child's illness. If a child has a genetic predisposition to the disease, the parents become an unwitting cause of the disease.

Do not blame yourself for a child's heel pain: there are things that are beyond our control. The prevention of heel diseases, the measures taken regardless of the age of the child depend on us.

Self-medication is not worth it. It is necessary to see a doctor after the onset of symptoms.

How to get rid of heel pain? How is it treated?

Do not prescribe treatment yourself. See a doctor who specializes in working with children. If you can cope with such a pathology, remember that the child's body does not grow like an adult, it is necessary to take other drugs and other procedures.

The treatment is carried out in a complex manner: taking pills, preventive measures - physiotherapy, heel massage - sometimes the application of plaster. Doctors recommend limiting physical activity, resting, and eating foods rich in calcium.

Doctors prefer to use conservative treatments. Surgery scares children. Often there is no need for it: the operation is done when there is an improper bone fusion in the foot, a purulent disease that spreads to the lower leg, knee, reaches the pelvis, hips. In other cases - pills, physiotherapy, massage, warming up, proper nutrition. Doctors advise the use of folk remedies - herbal compresses, warming ointments, tinctures prepared at home. The use of traditional medicine is agreed with the attending physician.

Heel surgery is indicated in severe cases. If your child complains of discomfort, see a doctor.

Prevention of heel diseases, rehabilitation after treatment

Measures to prevent heel pain:

  • Buy loose-fitting, breathable fabric shoes;
  • Wear medicated insoles if flat feet are diagnosed;
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat right;
  • Exercise, exercise on the limbs, dosed, without overworking;
  • If the parent has flat feet, inherited by the child, wear special treatment insoles.

It doesn't matter why the heel hurts, if you get rid of the original reason in time. The child's body grows, moreover, quickly. The missed pathology remains in the bones. Not all bone pathologies go away on their own - many require intervention - surgical, medicinal - it doesn't matter. Pain is a sign of pathology in the body. It is important to understand the reason in advance, to do everything necessary for the treatment.

Today you can often hear complaints that a child has a sore heel. Recently, this phenomenon is not uncommon. Of course, such a symptom does not pose a serious danger to the health of the baby.

But, when walking, he feels discomfort, and the movements are somewhat constrained. Many children do not tell their parents about this problem.

This is wrong, since a serious illness can be hidden behind a pain symptom. Even after the pain disappears, you should not relax. When it comes to children, you need to be on the lookout and get tested. So why does a child have a sore heel?

Causes of pain

They can arise for various reasons. The most commonplace is excessive stress on the foot, injury to the leg, and uncomfortable shoes. If the heel hurts, it is worth considering all the cases in detail, this will prevent the onset of the disease.

Of course, parents are not always able to anticipate certain options. This is especially true for young children who cannot imagine their life without active games.

So, the child's heels hurt - the reasons for such ailment:

  • Apophysitis. The most common cause of heel pain. Often young people who play sports suffer from this ailment. As a result of active movements and numerous pressures on the calcaneus, inflammation occurs. It is the inflammatory process that causes pain syndrome. In frequent cases, the child's heels hurt when walking, which somewhat constrains his movements;
  • Osteochondropathy. An equally common disease that occurs in children of different ages. Such an ailment can develop over a long time or occur immediately. At the same time, almost all patients complain of pain while walking. On visual examination, the patient may show slight swelling and swelling in the foot. In this case, it is imperative to undergo fluoroscopy.

You can also solve the problem with the help of physiotherapy, massage and physiotherapy exercises. If you start treatment in a timely manner when a child's heel hurts, complications and deformation of the heel bone can be prevented.

  • Achilles bursitis. This disease of the heel bag manifests itself in the form of pain during movement and swelling in the corresponding area. Acute pain occurs when wearing tight and tight shoes. The patient should be at rest. In the chronic form of the disease, he is prescribed orthopedic shoes;
  • Achillodynia is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon. The cause of this disease is excessive stress on the foot. This is especially true for people who are involved in athletics or running. Of course, jumping is the main cause of Achillodynia. To prevent the occurrence of an ailment, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of shoes for sports;
  • Tendinitis. As a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes and strenuous physical activity, swelling occurs in the heel area. In this case, an increase in body temperature may be observed. The affected area turns red and becomes somewhat sensitive to touch;
  • Injury. Bruises are also a common cause of heel pain. After injury, the patient must undergo fluoroscopy. If you identify the problem in time, then you can prescribe a treatment that will quickly fix it. Bruises often occur as a result of playing sports. Jumping, running, and other activities can cause this injury.

As you can see, the problem can arise for various reasons. Whatever it is, when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. My patients use a proven remedy that can relieve pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

What to do in case of a fracture?

A fracture is a very serious injury that causes severe pain. This injury often occurs as a result of a fall on the heel. When injured, it is strong, but swelling and edema, sometimes it may not appear externally, in such cases it is worth taking an x-ray.

With its help, you can assess the seriousness of the situation. If, as a result of an unsuccessful landing on the heel, pain occurs in the heel area, then you should immediately seek help from a traumatologist.

In fact, no matter what the problem, if children after playing sports feel discomfort, pain and malaise, then you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Only a doctor and an appropriate examination will make it possible to assess the seriousness of the situation. When a child's heel hurts for 10 years, then it is worth seriously thinking about this problem, since it can be a symptom of a serious illness.

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In newborns, the bones are elastic, they still have cartilaginous joints. Over time, the formation of the body occurs, the bones finally harden, actively grow. A heel spur in children is a common occurrence. As a rule, such disorders are diagnosed in the first 12 years of life.

The tendency to form a compaction in the heel correlates with the active growth of bones, the work of the endocrine system, which controls this process.

The most common reasons when it hurts a child to step on the heel are:

  1. Wearing shoes that are too tight. In it, the leg is located incorrectly and this provokes a violation of the distribution of the load.
  2. Unbearable loads on the legs and feet or increased activity.
  3. Uncontrolled weight gain when the body is under stress and the feet cannot quickly get used to the load.
  4. Lack of vitamins, nutritional components involved in metabolic processes.
  5. Lack of calcium, magnesium.

Sometimes the formation of a heel spur is associated with specific diseases of the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Such pathologies are always characterized by preconditions and require detailed diagnosis and treatment.

The risk of pathologies in children 5 - 12 years old is quite high, therefore, in case of complaints of heel pain, it is imperative to take the child to a specialist orthopedist, surgeon. This will prevent dangerous complications.

Plantar fasciitis (heel spur)

Plantar (plantar) fasciitis is a pathological condition of the plantar ligament of the foot.

The child's body is more susceptible to negative environmental factors. This provokes the rapid progression of pathological changes, especially in the musculoskeletal system. This happens because the growing bones are not yet fully formed, and the muscles cannot properly withstand heavy loads.

Features of development in children

The main reason for the formation of a heel spur is a heavy load. The plantar fascia is a thickened plate of connective tissue. She is responsible for maintaining the arch of the foot in the correct position.

The fascia lengthens slightly during stride when pushed off by the foot, when jumping or running, it experiences a lot of stress. With prolonged running or jumping, the ligament is stretched, tissue is injured. The damage is localized in the area of ​​attachment of the ligament to the calcaneus. This is the first stage in the development of plantar fasciitis.

Overload occurs in children who are fond of professional dancing and sports, for example, ballet, running, football, volleyball, basketball. The baby's foot is finally formed only by the age of 6-7 years, until this time too heavy loads are undesirable.

But coaches and teachers often forget about this, conducting overly active workouts that do not benefit the developing body.

During periods of active growth, the baby's health is at risk. It is at this time that diagnoses of flat feet, varus, hallux valgus are most often made. Such deviations from the norm should not be ignored, hoping that they will go away on their own as they grow thanks to dancing and sports. In fact, the opposite is true, therefore, mandatory diagnostics, X-ray and X-ray imaging, and treatment will be required.

Only correct physical therapy and physiotherapy exercises will correct the curvatures, strengthen the arch of the foot. When choosing a sports club, it is important to first get a doctor's recommendation.

The risk of a heel spur is greatly increased by wearing inappropriate shoes. Orthopedists recommend dressing children with models according to the leg, if problems are identified, use orthopedic insoles. Not recommended for wearing are shoes with completely flat soles - ballet flats, sneakers.

Sports kids need to choose the right training shoes. Failure to follow the rules seriously increases the risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Cause pathology and other deviations:

  • congenital weakness of the ligaments;
  • violation of the metabolic processes of calcium, vitamins;
  • obesity;
  • genetic predisposition.


In the event of pathologies of the structure of the calcaneus, its ligaments, there are no external symptoms. The main sign of the formation of an inflammatory focus, the formation of growths (osteophytes) on the heel bone is pain in the foot under heavy load.

The nature of the pain helps the doctor to suggest the development of plantar fasciitis:

At the first stage of the lesion, children complain of acute pain in the heel, which manifests itself in the morning.

  1. During the day, the pain goes away on its own, but in the evening it develops with renewed vigor.
  2. With the progression of the disease, the size of the bumps on the bone increases greatly, constantly squeezing the nearby tissues. In this regard, the pain manifests itself sharply and unexpectedly, even when there is no load. It becomes almost impossible to stop the discomfort.

In case of recurrent heel pain, it is necessary to go to a doctor who will arrange a diagnosis, and, if necessary, will select an effective treatment. Timely medical care rendered makes it possible to reduce the time of illness and prevent injury to the bone structure in the heel.


In children, the heel spur is treated according to the same principles as in adults. First, the doctor eliminates the influence of the cause, gives recommendations on how to treat a spur on the heel of a child, how to unload the foot and, according to the rules of helping the body, independently defeat the disease.

  1. The first step on the way to recovery is to contact an orthopedist, who, after diagnosis, gives individual recommendations to patients, helps to choose the right shoes and insoles.
  2. The main method of therapy for children is to provide the affected area with the maximum possible rest. The child should be at home until the pain subsides.
  3. Also, the doctor prescribes additional courses of exercise therapy - these are sets of exercises that help strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot.
  4. The doctor, taking into account contraindications, may prescribe the use of night orthoses and physiotherapy - massage, shock wave therapy, electrophoresis, etc.

In children, plantar fasciitis heals faster, and its most dangerous consequence may be the impossibility of professional sports, dancing. There are no other side effects of the disease in children. Surgical treatment of a heel spur is almost never performed. But it is better to prevent the development of pathology. Prevention involves giving up excessive loads and choosing the right footwear.

  • Providing temporary immobilization of the injured leg area. Children require strict adherence to bed rest, maximum restriction of movement. To reduce pain, a small pillow or soft roller should be placed under the injured heel.
  • Wearing orthopedic insoles - this helps to reduce the load, as well as evenly distribute it.

Exercise therapy and massage

After the exacerbation subsides, physical therapy exercises can be carried out in order to strengthen the muscles in the legs, stretch the plantar fascia. Basic exercises for treating flat feet work well:

  • you need to roll a small ball with the arch of the foot;
  • you need to collect a piece of fabric with your toes.

With a heel spur, the main complex includes the following exercises:

  • Approach the wall at arm's length and lean. Move the healthy leg forward, bend it halfway, and take the patient back - also slightly bend it at the knee. From this position - slowly squat, trying not to tear off the heels of the floor, until the stretch of the foot begins to be felt. The knee should be bent at a 90 degree angle.
  • In the same way, approach the wall, substitute books and a platform under your feet. Stand on it so that your heels hang down. Slowly bend towards the wall, without changing position, do 15 repetitions.
  • Sit on the floor, straighten your legs and bring them together. So you need to bend over with your arms outstretched, grab your toes and pull them towards you.


As needed, the doctor can prescribe medication - anti-inflammatory ointments specifically for the treatment of heel spurs.

  1. NSAID drugs. Drug therapy involves the use of ointments with anti-inflammatory, absorbable, analgesic effects: Voltaren, Relief. Along with local remedies, according to indications, the doctor may prescribe taking pills for a course of 2 weeks.
  2. Homeopathic local remedies: Piatkashpor, which has received positive reviews.
  3. Herbal ointments: Golden mustache, cinquefoil gel.
  4. Preparations with a warming effect - Finalgon, Kapsikam.
  5. Regenerating ointments: Chondroxide.

The preparations should be applied 3 times a day, after which do not wear socks and shoes until the product is completely absorbed into the skin. The duration of treatment is not less than 14 days.

Most often, after such therapy, the pain completely disappears. To maintain the achieved result and normalize blood flow in the affected tissues, you need to make warm baths with herbal decoctions. It is good to find a qualified specialist for the implementation of foot massage, as well as for treatment with therapeutic mud. It is forbidden to carry out therapy by any method without obtaining a doctor's instructions.

Other methods

The most commonly used method of physiotherapy for plantar fasciitis in children is the heel laser. Its beam suppresses inflammation and restores blood circulation.

Children can also receive magnetic therapy, when an electromagnetic field is applied to the injured area. The procedure allows you to expand blood vessels, fill them with oxygen and reduce pain.

Mud, paraffin and mineral baths are also considered effective. They should be done within 20 minutes, the duration of therapy is 1 month. The result is an improvement in cell regeneration and a reduction in inflammation.

It is possible to use traditional medicine methods approved by a doctor, but subject to combination with the use of prescribed ointments and the implementation of physiotherapy. A holistic approach helps to speed up recovery.

One of the effective recipes for traditional medicine is potatoes:

  • the root crop is crushed on a grater;
  • the juice is carefully squeezed out, and the pulp is applied to the injured area;
  • the compress is attached to cheesecloth and kept for 8 hours.

Another good folk method is iodine. On the affected heel, draw a mesh for them 2 times a day, wrap it with a bandage and put on a sock. You can use this method for a maximum of 10 days until the pain subsides.

Additionally, salt baths are made. For 1 liter of warm water, you need 3 tablespoons of table salt, then put your feet there.
It should be noted that Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes the need for physical activity in children, but opposes early professional sports. At the same time, the growing body increases the load on the feet and on the body as a whole, which is fraught with serious consequences in the work of the musculoskeletal system.

Surgical operations to remove the heel spur should be noted, despite their rare use for the treatment of children:

  • open surgery;
  • endoscopy;
  • minimally invasive dissection of the fascia under the control of radiography.

Other causes of pain

There are other diseases that provoke the formation of heel spurs in children.


Calcaneus apophysitis in a child develops due to abnormal growth of the bone tissue of the heel, in the place where the calcaneus joins the Achilles tendon. This condition is often confused with epiphysitis. But the latter injures the cartilage along with the connective tissues, and apophysitis only the apophysis, that is, the bone tissue.

The causes of the disease correlate with unbearable loads on the foot, this happens with uncontrolled sports, with hyperactivity or too rapid bone growth.

The pain with apophysitis is aching, supplemented by swelling of the skin blanching at the lesions, and the temperature also rises locally. The injury is localized on the back and side lobes of the heel. The problem can be diagnosed using X-ray, which displays the real state of the bone.

Taking NSAIDs, analgesics will help reduce pain. Complexes of vitamins with magnesium and calcium in the composition are mandatory. You need to keep your foot completely at rest for a while, then begin a course of light massage to restore muscle tone.

Subsequently, the treatment of calcaneal apophysitis in a child, its prevention involves the use of orthopedic shoes and compliance with the standards of physical activity.


This is a common disease in children. At the age of 9, the peak of physical activity occurs, so the load on the musculoskeletal system increases significantly. This becomes the cause of defeat.

Children complain that the heel is swollen, it starts to hurt when walking. The therapy is based on reducing the load on the injured foot. Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage are also required.

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Foot massage helps in the treatment of many diseases of the feet, it also has a beneficial effect on the entire body: there are many points on the feet that are responsible for the condition of the organs.

Achilles bursitis

Spur formation and intense pain causes Achilles bursitis in children. A swelling appears in the heel, which is very painful during movement.

In case of defeat, fixation of the injured place with splints is shown. In a chronic course, the obligatory use of orthopedic shoes, observance of rest, UHF therapy and compresses are required.


The cause of the disease is the inflammatory process in the Achilles tendon. It develops due to heavy physical exertion for the child's body, with too frequent sports activities.


This pathology is a rupture of cartilage between the calcaneus and the apophysis. The disease is diagnosed most often in male adolescents who are already involved in professional sports with heavy loads on the feet. This provokes pain in the heels, especially after strenuous training.

The pathology is also provoked by a lack of vitamin D. In this connection, the disease is diagnosed in children living in areas where a deficiency of this vitamin has been established.

Schnitz disease

This disease is often found in children. Its main features include:

  • swelling;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • an increase in local temperature in the heel area.

When children step on the heel, they experience severe pain. The cause of the development of violations is aseptic necrosis of the calcaneal tuberosity. And it arises under the influence of:

  • genetic factors;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • neurotrophic pathologies;
  • transferred infections;
  • foot injury.

In children, the provoking factor of this disease almost always becomes a strong load on the tubercle of the heel bone, tendons in the foot.


A disease that resembles bursitis. It is provoked by unbearable loads, wearing the wrong shoes. The leg swells in the area of ​​the foot, closer to the heel, the local temperature rises. The affected area turns red, becomes sensitive to touch.


When the ligaments are stretched, the nerves are compressed and pinched. It also causes complaints of discomfort, pain when walking, after exercise. If the shoe rubs against the Achilles tendon area, it causes a sprain.


Bruises in children are the most common cause of heel pain. After a severe bruise, an X-ray examination is mandatory to exclude fractures.

Bruises occur when walking, during games, after unsuccessful falls, jumps. The leg can easily twist when running. The consequences include pain of varying intensity, depending on the severity of the injury, the formation of puffiness and hematoma. For effective treatment, complete rest is prescribed for 2 weeks.

Heel fracture

This is one of the most dangerous causes of heel pain. Fractures occur after falls on the heel. The severity of pain can vary from moderate to unbearable, a tumor forms. A fracture can only be diagnosed with x-ray. If the child jumped and fell unsuccessfully on the heel, and after that complains of severe pain, an urgent need to show him to a traumatologist for examination.

So, in children, heel spurs heal much faster than in an adult. You can see what the violation looks like in the photo on the Internet. The most dangerous consequence of the disease in childhood is the prohibition of professional dancing and sports. There are no other side effects of pathology in children. If possible, it is better to prevent the disease than to carry out therapy later. Prevention involves giving up the unbearable load on the feet and choosing the right shoes.

If the child begins to complain that it hurts him to step on the heel, the first thing to check is whether he has any mechanical damage. Children's activity often leads to injuries and sprains, making parents anxious. A slight bruise disappears in a couple of days, and in more serious cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. If you cannot independently determine why the child has painful sensations, it is better to show him to a specialist.

If a child complains of heel pain for no apparent reason, it is imperative that you consult with your doctor.

Causes of pain in the heel in a child

The most common causes of heel pain include:

PathologyReason for appearanceTreatment tactics
ApophysiteInflammatory process in the bone caused by trauma. Usually occurs in active children (during dancing, sports, etc.).Reduce the load on the injured area, in case of severe pain syndrome - taking analgesics. The doctor may also prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, warm herbal baths, and exercise therapy.
OsteochondropathyLocal vascular disorders.Bed rest, physiotherapy.
Achilles bursitisSwelling of the heel bag caused by improperly fitted shoes.Bandaging, warming up, compresses, rest.
AchillodyniaInflammation of the Achilles tendon caused by exertion or uncomfortable shoes.SWT, in advanced cases - surgery.
EpiphysitisDamage to cartilaginous joints or bone attachments caused by an overly active lifestylePhysiotherapy, limiting physical activity, if necessary - vitamin complexes.
Schnitz disease (we recommend reading :)Inflammation of the bursa, resulting in pain in the heel.Anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy.
TendinitisInflammation of tendon tissueAnti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics.
Plantar fasciitisInflammatory-degenerative changes in the plantar fascia.Orthopedic devices, pain relievers as needed.
SprainSudden movements exceeding the normal amplitude of the joint.Bandaging, at first - bed rest.
BruisesMechanical injury to the leg without damaging its skin.Depending on the severity. Light bruises go away on their own in 5-6 days. In severe conditions, it is possible to take painkillers.
Heel fractureSwipe. Often - a fall from a great height.Plaster of paris, bed rest.

The cause of the pain may be a fracture in the heel region, in which case the child will be sure to apply a plaster cast

Which doctor should I go to, what research is done?

If your child has a sore heel, you need to make an appointment with the pediatrician. He is a general practitioner and will be able to quickly determine what it might be. In difficult cases requiring specific diagnostics and treatment, the pediatrician will give a referral to narrow specialists - a traumatologist, neurologist or rheumatologist (depending on the alleged pathogenesis of pain).

Classical diagnosis includes the study of anamnesis and x-rays. The latter is performed only in the presence of severe pain in order to exclude a fracture. To exclude inflammatory diseases, you will need to donate blood for the presence of leukocytes and the determination of ESR. As a rule, examination and superficial palpation are enough for a specialist. The diagnosis will take no more than 9-10 minutes.

First aid for acute pain

The vast majority of children under 7 years of age have sore heels due to mechanical damage, so the first thing to do is to lay the child down. If it is clear that the cause of the symptom is trauma, examine the leg for swelling. Ice can be applied to relieve pain.

Self-use of medication is not recommended for children under 10 years of age, as inappropriate use of pills can lead to health problems.


Treatment, regardless of the diagnosis, will be complex. The doctor prescribes a list of medications taking into account the patient's age, type of disease and the severity of the condition. Another important event is physiotherapy. Foot baths, therapeutic exercises can be used, frequent exposure to fresh air is recommended. The need for certain actions is determined by the doctor.

Drug therapy

Pills in childhood should not be abused - this does not affect the growing body in the most favorable way. Before giving the medicine to a child, carefully study its composition to prevent allergy to any of the components and the occurrence of other adverse reactions. It is also necessary to pay attention to the minimum age limit with which the drug can be used.

Approximate treatment regimens for each pathology have been described in the table above, so it is worth focusing on specific drugs. The tablets are used taking into account the pathogenesis of the disease and are allowed only when an accurate diagnosis is made. If the cause of pain is nonspecific, analgesics (Nemisulide, Paracetamol) are allowed, if infectious - antibiotics (Azithromycin, Amoxiclav). For diseases of an inflammatory nature, non-steroidal drugs (Ibuprofen) are prescribed.

Special orthopedic shoes

Wearing the right shoes is an equally important component of heel pain management. A flat sole should be avoided as it puts additional pressure on the heel. Additionally, special orthopedic insoles are used. These devices help redistribute the load on the longitudinal arches of the feet, and the leg is held in the correct position.


If at first rest and bed rest are the main assistants in recovery, then a special exercise therapy can subsequently be appointed. The set of exercises is individual for each case. A specialist should monitor the correctness of the performance of certain actions, since any amateur activity is dangerous. It is the attending physician who decides at what stage of the disease gymnastics should be prescribed.

How else can you help your child?

Additional ways to alleviate the course of the disease:

  • ice packs, which help reduce swelling by reducing blood supply
  • the imposition of a tourniquet in cases where there is severe blood loss;
  • dressings that facilitate gait by eliminating possible heel overload;
  • foot baths with the addition of anti-inflammatory preparations (chamomile, thyme, lemon balm);
  • wearing instep supports contributes to the formation of the correct position of the leg and a speedy recovery.

If your child has a sore heel, then you should not postpone the visit to the doctor, because this may be the first sign of illness. First, a specialist examines a small patient, after which he prescribes an x-ray. These steps will help you diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Causes of painful sensations in children

Children lead an active lifestyle, they grow quickly, move a lot. This can cause stretch marks, which can lead to pain when walking.

Autumn is a period of excessive stress, as children begin to go to school, attend sections, go in for dancing, aerobics, athletics, physical exercises. The main load falls on the area of ​​the foot, which causes pain.

Also, the reasons include:

  1. Inflammatory process.
  2. Clubfoot.
  3. Wearing tight shoes. Important: it is not recommended to use worn boots or shoes, even if they are orthopedic.

Among the provoking factors are:

  1. Scoliosis.
  2. Flat feet.
  3. The presence of an infection in the body.
  4. Lack of minerals and vitamin D in the body.
  5. Congenital anomaly.

Don't ignore your baby's complaints and ignore them. It is important to determine when the discomfort occurs and what causes it.

Possible diseases

In addition to bruises, fractures and stretch marks, one of the following conditions can be the cause.


This is a subacute inflammatory process that accompanies the growth of the skeleton. It manifests itself in children who go in for sports from 8 to 13 years old. In the first 7 years of life, the calcaneus is formed, the cartilage tissue changes to bone. With excessive physical exertion, a rupture appears at the site of the connective fibers, which causes inflammation.

Near the heel is the Achilles tendon, which is responsible for bending the leg. If it goes wrong, pain arises. With apophysitis, a specialist prescribes pain relievers, foot baths, therapeutic exercises, and wearing insoles with instep supports.


Swelling, swelling and redness appear in the heel area. The reason for this is a violation of the functionality of the endocrine glands, trauma, insufficient calcium. Girls 11–12 years old are often affected. The doctor prescribes x-rays, massage, physiotherapy. With proper treatment, symptoms disappear after 2 months.

This inflammation of the periarticular bursa occurs as a result of bruises, dislocations, the presence of bacteria, colds. During the period of treatment, sports activities, active entertainment are prohibited. The doctor prescribes electrophoresis, massage. From folk remedies, cabbage with honey helps well.

The disease affects boys 9-10 years old and girls 7-8 years old. In the tubercle of the calcaneus, a violation of the ossification process is observed, which leads to unpleasant sensations while walking. The skin becomes red, edema appears, and the body temperature rises. Causes: diseases of the cardiovascular system, genetic predisposition, physical activity. The specialist makes an examination, an X-ray is taken, if necessary, the ankle is fixed with plaster, in some cases electrophoresis, ultrasound, and physiotherapy are prescribed.


Caused by inflammation and death of tendon tissue, which is gradually deformed. It is accompanied by aching pain, swelling, occurs as a result of mechanical damage, metabolic disorders, the influence of medications. The examination is carried out by a traumatologist, an X-ray is prescribed, and tests are taken.

Plantar fasciitis

The heel and toes are connected by the plantar fascia. With excessive force loads at the place where the fingers are attached to the heel bone, fibers can break. The causes of heel spurs are flat feet, excess body weight, sports, improperly selected shoes. It is difficult for a child to stand up in the morning or after a state of rest. The examination is carried out by an orthopedist, with plantar fasciitis, massage and exercises are prescribed.

The method of treatment is determined depending on the symptoms. The therapy includes:

  1. Medicines. If an infection is detected, a course of antibiotics is prescribed, for edema, redness - special ointments.
  2. Physiotherapy in the form of massage, ultrasound, therapeutic baths.
  3. Wearing specially fitted orthopedic shoes.
  4. Physiotherapy. Swimming, rollerblading, cycling, ballroom dancing are recommended.

With severe discomfort, droppers and injections are prescribed.

Pain relief methods

To relieve heel pain before visiting the doctor, it is recommended to apply something cold to the damaged area, you can run an ice cube over the foot. The cold will temporarily eliminate the discomfort.

Used medications containing ibuprofen or ointments that have a sedative effect.

Preventive measures

The first thing that needs to be provided for the baby is the correct diet, consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to take vitamins, proteins and phosphorus will help to strengthen bone tissue.

It is important to monitor the child's body weight, excess weight harms both the feet and internal organs.

Intense sports can lead to negative consequences, worsening the condition of bone tissue. Physical activity is the result of bruises, stretch marks. If after playing sports it hurts to step on the heel, then it is better to stop the exercises and continue after full recovery.

One of the prevention methods is the selection of comfortable shoes. The insole should contain an instep support that repeats the curve of the heel and all movements of the leg. As a result, the load on the outsole will be reduced.

Foot massage has a positive effect on the development of the child, allowing you to relieve any discomfort, including pain in the heel area.

Teach your child from childhood to walk barefoot on stones, sand, pebbles, gravel. Such workouts will strengthen the joints and muscles of the feet. In winter, plastic covers can be used to make a special one for walking with bare feet.