I dreamed that a man kissed me. Eastern female dream book

The mysteriousness of dreams always has a logical basis. The subconscious mind transmits important information to the dreamer about his life and future events. Why dream of a kiss with a guy? Understanding the meaning of a dream will depend on many details.

A kiss is not always a joyful event if an unknown or unpleasant person touches you. Also, subconsciously, a kiss is perceived as treason. If in a dream you are kissing a stranger, this plot may portend treason - either yours or your chosen one.

The interpretation of sleep will depend on the following details:

  • who kissed you - a loved one, a stranger or an acquaintance;
  • who you kissed - your own or someone else's man;
  • how did you feel when kissing;
  • married dreamer or single.

Bad interpretation has a kiss in the dark- this portends rash actions on your part, which can lead to big trouble. An unanswered kiss promises disappointment in life and relationships with a loved one. If the guy doesn't return your kiss, this is a sign of resentment or imminent separation.

The harbinger of separation is a dream in which your boyfriend is kissing another girl... If another girl kisses your boyfriend, then you are not sure about your feelings for him. You need to trust your chosen one more.

An unpleasant and disturbing sediment in the soul leaves a dream with with a kiss from a deceased person... Such a plot foreshadows an unpleasant period in life, as well as the onset of depression. Sometimes a kiss from a deceased person can trigger suicidal thoughts. See a psychologist.

A kiss on the neck prophesies a quick wedding for a girl if a loved one kisses her in a dream. A kiss in the eyes is a sign of revealing a secret. A kiss on the forehead speaks of the coldness of a young man's feelings.

If your boyfriend is dreaming

For married girl kiss with spouse in a dream portends family well-being and harmonious relationships. This dream is a continuation of the real married life in the world of dreams.

Kiss with ex-boyfriend portends a chance to restore relationships. In the world of dreams, the souls of people can "meet", that is, interact with each other on a subconscious level. The appearance of a former beloved in a dream speaks of his desire to meet you.

However, the dream with a kiss of a former gentleman has a different interpretation. If you do not want to renew the relationship, then this dream suggests that you are ready to meet with the new chosen one of the heart.

Kiss with your beloved most dream books interpret it as a quick separation. Moreover, the parting will be the fault of the dreamer because of her betrayal of the guy.

If you dream of another

This dream may mean your subconscious desire to meet with this man. This means that your loved one is not paying enough attention to you.

If you have a loved one, but dream kiss with another man / boyfriend, - this speaks of the unreliability of your feelings for your chosen one.

If you are lonely, a dream with a kiss portends an early acquaintance with a pleasant man. However, if a girl kisses a stranger herself, gossip circulates around her. Don't be open with your friends.

If you dream of a kiss with handsome guy , which you have not seen in reality, it portends a good relationship with the soul mate.

If you were kissed by an ugly or ugly stranger, will soon overtake disappointments in love and close relationships. You may be disappointed not only by your beloved, but also simply by an acquaintance.

Kissing with a girlfriend's boyfriend do not bode well. There is a lot of hypocrisy around you, and it is also possible that you meet a crafty man. Be careful.

Kiss with an unpleasant man portends bad events: either you will meet gigolo, or your new acquaintance will have a dark past.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's dream book interprets a secret kiss in the dark as obscenity: a girl on the verge of a dissolute life. If the dreamer kissed a friend's boyfriend, then she will soon quarrel with her. Mocking a beloved boyfriend to a friend also portends a quarrel with her: she will accuse you of an indecent offense.

Dream interpretation of Hass interprets a secret kiss in the dark or complete darkness as a warning about a dissolute life. The girl has many admirers, but there is no chosen one of her heart.

Esoteric dream book interprets a kiss with a boyfriend as a symbol of a tender trusting relationship with a loved one. And it doesn't matter if he kissed her in a dream or another man.

Twentieth century dream book examines this plot in a changeable symbolism: a kiss promises a meeting for people separated by fate and separation for lovers. However, separation does not mean a break in relations: it will be temporary and forced.

according to Miller's dream book

To see children kissing in a dream means happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction at work. Seeing that you are kissing your mother portends that success in entrepreneurship, love and respect from friends awaits you. Kissing a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship. Kissing your beloved in the dark portends danger and debauchery, and kissing her in the light means that you will not change your noble attitude towards women. Kiss in a dream unfamiliar woman- a harbinger of immoral acts. Seeing that a rival kisses your beloved is a sign that you are in danger of losing her respect. For spouses, to see a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony that will never leave their home. If in a dream you kiss an enemy, this means that you will be successful in reconciling with a friend. If a young lady dreams of how someone took her by surprise when she was kissing a fan, the dream foreshadows her daring actions on the part of her imaginary friends.

The meaning of a dream about kissing

according to Freud's dream book

Kissing in a dream - for a woman, this dream portends an acquaintance with a certain attractive man, who, upon closer examination, turns out to be a real gigolo. A man who has such a dream needs to be a little more tender towards his "other half" - she has long been bored without your care. If you saw someone else kissing in a dream, it means that you will find yourself drawn into some kind of unpleasant story.

To dream about kissing

according to Loff's dream book

Kissing is undoubtedly associated with young lovers. Imagination immediately draws images of two non-adult adolescents kissing frantically on the subway escalator. You may be kissing someone, watching others kissing, or having a premonition that you are about to be kissed. Kissing another in a dream, you can thus simply realize your sexual desire in relation to someone. And in this case, this is not a kiss for the sake of a kiss, but a kiss in order to feel the energy of love. A kiss is a desire to awaken passion, and this passion does not necessarily have to manifest itself. Do you see others kissing? It means that you know too much personal about these people or are taking too active part in their lives. Exceptions are when you witness your partner's kiss, which is a clear sign of infidelity or voyeurism in your relationship. When you wake up feeling like someone wants to kiss you, it reflects your real sexual attraction to someone. Usually, it doesn't get to the kiss itself, because that's where you wake up. The reason is a sense of inhibition: you want a kiss, but you understand that it is not desirable. Do you feel good about a kiss or a threat? Did you crave this kiss or was it forced? How did you feel about the kiss in general: disgust, romantic feeling, or passion?

Why dream about kissing

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

They kiss you - treason, separation; with a person of the same sex - enmity; passionate kiss and unpleasant - to illness; kiss hand (in male dream) - to treason; (they kiss her, in a woman's dream) - to gossip; temptation; see Hand.

Expert Answers


I dreamed a strange dream, the man I like was kissed by another man right on the lips. I have no relationship with any of them. What is it for? (Elena)

A dream means that in reality you have an obstacle to a relationship with a man you like, but this is not a woman, but rather a job (hobby, etc.).


I dreamed of a kiss with a young man with whom they were not in a relationship, but the connection with whom was very close. It was said by someone from the outside: "Kiss the person with whom I would like to resume a relationship" and I kissed him. To which he then replied that we are still together, and does not understand what this action was for, although he responded to the kiss, also passionately. What can this mean? (Polina)

A kiss in a dream is a rather ambiguous symbol. Often this is a shape-shifting vision, which in reality promises the exact opposite. For people who are apart, he guarantees a quick meeting. For those who are nearby - parting. Why exactly do you dream that you had a kiss?

Interpretation according to the most famous dream books

There is often disagreement about this vision and different dream books offer completely different decryptions. For example:

  1. Oriental female dream book believes that kissing in a dream is possible before parting with this particular person. And the more passionate and hotter the kiss was, the longer it will last.
  2. The newest dream book by G. Ivanov warns: if you kissed a person of the opposite sex, then the same will happen in reality. If yours, you will get a chronic ailment.
  3. After such a vision, the dream book of Martyn Zadeki guarantees reconciliation with enemies. Girls can count on a close marriage.
  4. Complete dream book New Era associates kissing with gaining strength. Kissing in the night means sharing energy with someone.
  5. Dream interpretation Denise Lynn is sure that kissing literally means uniting. And not only with other people, but also with oneself. It is also a sign of the warmth of the senses.

Why dream - kissing a woman, a man

If a woman kissed in a dream, then in reality she will meet an interesting little man, who, upon close acquaintance, will turn out to be a real gigolo.

For a man kissing a lady means that you need to pay more attention to your soul mate. Happened to see others kissing? Be careful, they will try to drag you into a very unpleasant story.

What does it mean to kiss a friend, a stranger

Did you kiss with passion with an acquaintance, although you are not in a close relationship with him? Thus, unfulfilled dreams and desires appear in dreams.

In a dream, dug into the lips of a completely unfamiliar character? Mark all its features, they will tell you what you are missing in life. If you were kissing a stranger and your loved one found you, then get ready for troubles that will be arranged by imaginary friends.

Did you kiss a stranger or a stranger with fervor? Get into an argument with your spouse over a little thing. And the longer they had mercy on the other, the longer the quarrel would last. The kiss of a stranger promises a short-term connection or a sharp outburst of emotion.

In a dream, kissing your beloved man, boyfriend, woman, girl

In general, passionately kissing at night with loved ones is bad. This is an omen of separation and even a complete break in relations. But it is good for a husband and wife to kiss passionately. This is a sign of absolute harmony that will last in all circumstances.

Worst of all, if you had to watch a loved one kissing someone else. This means that your expectations regarding marriage with him will not be fulfilled.

Why dream of kissing an ex-boyfriend, girlfriend, husband

You can kiss your ex before committing a dishonorable act. This is a symbol of dissatisfaction, and not only in an intimate sense, but in general in life. Have you seen a friend or spouse kissing an ex? You will lose his respect for little things.

Kissed in the night ex-husband? Face hypocrisy and betrayal. Often, a kiss in a dream only indicates an inextricable bond with a person who has already left your life.

Why kiss a woman with a woman, a man with a man

You can kiss a person of the same sex in front of a serious feud. Such a plot is a signal of a dangerous hobby. If you continue to satisfy your base passions, you will wait for a real tragedy.

Have you ever seen men kissing? Prepare for widespread setbacks and disappointments. Women? V real world there will be an opportunity to have a good rest in a pleasant company.

In a dream, kiss the deceased as if he were alive

If you dreamed that you were kissing the deceased, then in reality you will have to part with hope. Try to give up decisive action for a while, only calmness and concentration will help turn the situation around.

You can kiss the dead as if alive before an illness, a secret businessman, or an affair with a very famous person... If this is a close deceased, then this is how the final farewell on the subtle plane takes place.

Kiss in the dark, in the light, secretly, in public

Why dream if they kissed in absolute darkness? For some time you will be mired in a riotous life and, perhaps, cheat on your beloved. If this happened in the light, then remain faithful not only to him, but also to your own ideals.

Have you managed to kiss someone in a dark alley? Having received a lot of money, but it's no use spending it trying to earn someone's favor.

In a dream, secretly kissing your beloved? After a short date, you will have to part for a long time. Kissing a boyfriend or girlfriend in front of others? Get ready for gossip and gossip behind your back, and for no particular reason.

I dreamed of kissing on the lips, passionately, without a tongue

Have you kissed someone passionately? Get into a bad story or get the praise you deserve. A passionate kiss can also symbolize illness, prolonged separation or a quarrel. He also indicates the exchange of energy and strength.

If after a kiss there is coldness on your lips, it means that fate has marked you. Pain? In reality, you will receive relief from onerous obligations. Kissing without a tongue? This is a sign of attention, gratitude, encouragement. Kissing on the forehead - for forgiveness, blessing, on the cheek - for easy flirting, news.

Kissing in a dream - some more meanings

If in dreams you have contrived to kiss an immaterial being, then in reality you are controlled or protected by some invisible entity. She has a positive effect on you if she looks unattractive and negative, if the opposite. Besides:

  • kissing a colleague is a sign of respect
  • director - subordination
  • with a friend - mutual understanding, absolute trust
  • with a celebrity - show the character traits inherent in this person
  • with the unknown - give up your plans, change your lifestyle, find
  • with a friend - he is in danger
  • with mother - love, respect, business success, support
  • with brother - friendship, prosperity
  • with my sister - conflicts, failures
  • with a child - happiness, success in endeavors
  • with an animal - peace, joy
  • with a vampire - loss vitality, energy
  • with a young girl - deception, seduction
  • with a relative - sadness
  • with the enemy - make peace with a friend
  • with a living person - good changes
  • with the deceased - you will have a secret
  • with a handsome man / beauty - joy, profit, surprise
  • with a freak - bad news, be patient
  • kissing a man is cheating
  • a woman - a family scandal
  • lonely - marriage
  • kiss you - ardent love

If you dreamed that someone secretly watched your kisses in a dream from the sidelines, then in the real world you are greatly envied and can harm you.

Why dream about kissing

Freud's dream book

Kissing in a dream - for a woman, this dream portends an acquaintance with a certain attractive man, who, upon closer examination, turns out to be a real gigolo.

A man who has such a dream needs to be a little more tender towards his "other half" - she has long been bored without your care.

If you saw in a dream how someone else was kissing, it means that you will be drawn into some kind of unpleasant story.

Why dream about kissing

Dream interpretation Hasse

Kiss the hand - good views for the future; beautiful girl- close marriage; a man - infidelity; to want and not to dare - sadness; earth - anxiety; woman - squabbles, arguments; children - a lot of joys in life; anyone in general - beware of infidelity; being kissed is a disappointment in friends.

Why dream about kissing

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

To kiss a person of the opposite sex passionately - so it will be in reality; with a person of the same sex - to a chronic disease of the genitourinary system.

Why dream about kissing

Spring dream book

Kissing means separation.

Kissing passionately - get a praise or certificate of honor.

Why dream about kissing

Summer dream book

Kissing for a man - to adultery; for a woman - to a family scandal; for unmarried - to marriage.

Kissing passionately means separation from those who are dear and dear to you.

Why dream about kissing

Autumn dream book

Kissing is an insult in front of everyone.

Seeing in a dream how you kiss passionately with an unfamiliar person is to get into some kind of unpleasant situation for you.

Why dream about kissing

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Kissing - Fake friends - hand - good prospects for the future - beautiful girl - close marriage - man - infidelity - wanting and not daring - sadness - earth - anxiety - woman - squabbles, arguments - children - many joys in life - someone - generally - beware of infidelity - being kissed - disappointing friends

Why dream about kissing

Esoteric dream book

Kissing a child - to the joy of communicating with relatives and friends; if the child is crying or sick, then this joy will be overshadowed.

A person of the opposite sex - to a quarrel with his wife, lover (mistress) over little things. The more kisses, the longer the fight.

Kissing with a non-material being - you are accompanied in reality by some entity, whose influence on your life is positive, if it is ugly or unattractive in a dream; negatively, if in a dream she shines with beauty.

With someone you know - this person is in danger.

With animals - to peace and joy.

Why dream about kissing

Dream interpretation of Azar

Being kissed is a disappointment in friends; vampire - loss of life; a girl - a pleasant surprise; kissing a woman - squabbles and arguments; kissing a swallow - consent in the family; kissing a baby - you will preserve freshness until a ripe old age; a man - infidelity; kissing someone - treason, separation, fake friends; kissing a person of the same sex is enmity; kissing pigeons - weasel.

Why dream about kissing

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Kissing - treason, separation; with a person of the same sex - enmity.

Why dream about kissing

Eastern dream book

Kissing - such a dream always portends parting with the one with whom you are kissing, the more passionate the kiss, the sooner the separation will be.

Why dream about kissing

Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

According to Miller's dream book, kissing a beloved boyfriend means a noble and sincere attitude towards him, which will not change even over time. But if the kiss takes place in the dark, then this indicates an impending danger, about debauchery and a loss of respect from others. Kissing an unfamiliar guy in a dream portends immoral and immoral acts in reality. A kiss with the enemy, on the contrary, promises success in reconciliation with good friend... If a young girl dreams of how she was caught kissing a boyfriend, then in reality her friends will turn out to be imaginary and will commit daring acts towards her.

Kissing a guy. Dream interpretation of miss Hasse

According to these interpreters, kissing a guy in a dream promises the dreamer to gain strong relationships with the stronger sex, as well as the appearance of sincere feelings towards one of them. Kissing your own husband in a dream means spiritual harmony that will never leave the house of the spouses. If the guy with whom the girl kisses in a dream turns out to be her brother, then this is a sign of fun, celebration and future pleasures from a kind and strong friendship.

Kisses with a guy from a dream book from A to Z

According to the dream book from A to Z, for girls a dream in which they kiss their lover promises a quick and successful marriage. If a guy dreams of a kiss with a guy, then this portends him a series of problems and failures both in his personal life and at work. If a woman dreams that an ugly and unpleasant guy is kissing her, then in reality she will be able to achieve something she wants only thanks to strong endurance and patience. But if the stranger is pleasant to the dreamer, increased attention from the male sex is guaranteed to her in reality.

Modern dream book. Why kiss a guy?

Interpreters modern dream book predict a young lonely girl who saw a kiss with a boyfriend in a dream, a fresh relationship and, possibly, a new love. If a girl dreams of a kiss with a guy with whom she is already in a relationship, then this means a lack of romance in her life. She should work to improve her relationship with her significant other and try to bring new and vibrant feelings into them.

Kisses with a guy. Freud's interpretation

According to Sigmund Freud, a passionate kiss in a dream with his chosen one means that his intentions towards the dreamer are pure and sincere. He will always be faithful to his beloved. If a girl dreams that her boyfriend is kissing by a stranger, then such a picture promises her an early appearance in real life rival or rival, and even possible treason. If the dreamer herself kisses unfamiliar guy, then this portends her frivolous and rash actions in reality, which can lead to loneliness.