Why dream of a round table with people. Strange table in a dream

Dream interpretation festive table

Why is the festive table dreaming? Having seen such a dream, you can be guaranteed to wake up in a good mood, but dream interpreters do not advise to rejoice ahead of time. A positive symbol that appears in a night dream can hide a large number of not very positive formulations.

General information

As the dream book suggests, the festive table reflects dissatisfaction with life. Perhaps the dreamer fails to realize his own ambitions, and this leaves a certain imprint on his everyday life.

Let us turn to professionals

I dreamed of an abundance of food for the holiday

Before you can draw any conclusions, you will have to determine the root cause of the symbol you saw.At the initial stage, you are faced with a simple task - to restore a dream in your memory and decompose it into its constituent elements. Information from dream books can be used as a reference, and based on this, an interpretation can be made.

Miller's version

Seeing a festive table with food - you do not know how to take good care of business documents, and this can negatively affect the efficiency and effectiveness of your business.

Dream interpretation Hasse

A dreamed table with delicious delicacies that you just want to try - to receive a huge inheritance. Remarkable is the fact that the benefits received will be received without any effort.

However, you must remember to dispose of them correctly, otherwise they will only bring disappointment.

Moon dream book

Dreams about the abundance of the buffet

If you dreamed about a buffet with food, then try to pay attention to the quality of the dishes presented:

  • fresh and fragrant - you are expected to move rapidly up the career ladder, bringing solid dividends;
  • leftovers are a sign of distrust of the outside world.

Eastern interpreter

If a sleeping person had to sit down at a festively served table with his ill-wishers, and he had a chance to see disgusting photographs on the menu, then, according to the presented dream interpreter, he will be seriously disappointed. The man on whom great hopes were pinned would prove to be a traitor. To solve this problem, you have to learn to make compromises, otherwise your losses will only increase.

Who was with you?

The set table and the pleasant atmosphere pleases, but no less important is the fact of the one who made the company at the noble feast.

No one

Seeing a lonely person in a dream eating food

Why is there a dream about a holiday to which only you have come? Seeing yourself at a large table - to the future, but insignificant losses. The dream book advises not to pay attention to difficulties, since they temper you, making you stronger before new tests.

According to another interpretation, when such a dream had a dream, it means the time has come for new knowledge and experience.If you can't eat with someone at the same table, then the constant lack of communication can negatively affect the quality of your life.


Enjoying festive dishes in the company of interesting people is a success in all your endeavors and great benefits. The main thing is to observe moral norms in the pursuit of new results.

The guests seated at the festive table reflect a constant suspicion of the wants and needs of others. Forgetting about your own imperfections, you are unlikely to be able to achieve great success in life. If a large company has started serving the festive table and bringing only vegetarian food, then try to add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. As a rule, such a dream reflects a lack of consumed fiber.

What kind?

Cover in a dream, waiting for guests

The above factors, of course, play a certain role in the process of obtaining a decryption, but we must not forget about the quality of the dishes.


If you set the table with exceptionally tasty and expensive delicacies, then do not forget to remember how the process of using them went. Absorbing food without feeling the measure, you can count on the imminent arrival of uninvited guests or the onset of a protracted illness. The symbol seen also reflects the responsibility for organizing some kind of holiday.

Swallowing saliva while looking at overseas delicacies - your dreams are not destined to come true quickly, and therefore stop feeding yourself unnecessary illusions. Luxurious delicacies on the festive table can be interpreted in different ways:

  • for entrepreneurs - to the loss of property or sales market;
  • for poor people - to receive moral compensation for the years they have lived in poverty.

Seeing everyday food in a dream


If there was food on the festive table that did not cause any interest and appetite, then such a dream reflects the adoption of a difficult decision due to its own volitional qualities. Trying to eat through force in a dream, you run the risk of making a mistake.

The interpreter of dreams also suggested that the sleeping person will face a situation in which there will be several alternative and conflicting solutions. Your mood should never get in the way.


Why dream of unloved and unpleasant dishes on the festive table? According to one popular dream book, a sleeping person fails to accept someone or something. This character trait sometimes interferes with the achievement of the goal, and this must be remembered.

If the food on the festive table does not cause any sensations other than disgust, then a new successful round is expected in business. However, it will take a lot of effort to understand the true cause of the problem.

What was on the table?

To get a more accurate interpretation, you will have to remember the taste of what you managed to try:

Dessert dishes dream

  • salty - by the beginning of a difficult life period;
  • bitter or sharp - a symbol of a hopeless situation;
  • sweet - a symbol of joy and carelessness;
  • burnt - to receive bad news from loved ones;
  • semi-finished products are a symbol of dissatisfaction and a developing ailment.

Other variations

If in a night dream you happened to see people eating with appetite, then in reality an invitation to a dinner party awaits. Try to choose an evening outfit ahead of time to match the contingent.

To refuse an invitation to a holiday is to gain great luck. Why dream of a table with food, which is located in the open air? As a rule, such a symbol is a reflection of the instability and instability that the dreamer has long been striving for.

To witness the gluttony of other people in a night dream - your irrepressible aspirations can negatively affect your current standard of living. You must be aware that the line between courage and stupidity is extremely thin.

If the process of eating festive dishes has begun to turn into some kind of ritual, then active transformation processes take place in your soul, destroying the significance of all material. However, in pursuit of enlightenment, do not forget about your deepest aspirations. Sitting at a sumptuous table and gazing at holiday treats is the time for spiritual food that will speed up your thought processes.

In a dream, you can see a variety of things, you can meet complete strangers. Why is the table dreaming? How to interpret such a dream?

Why the table is dreaming - the main interpretation

A table in a dream often promises favorable changes, the emergence of new opportunities and new prospects. If in a dream you are sitting at a festive table - such a dream promises you pleasant changes and many prospects. But for a complete interpretation of sleep, you need to take into account all its details:

In which room is the table in a dream;

· Whether this is your table;

· Who sits behind him;

· Is the table set;

· Are there many dishes on the table;

· What emotions do you feel asleep.

If in a dream you see an old table covered with a white tablecloth, your agreements and acquaintances from the past will help you in the future. You will be able to actively use the advice of wiser colleagues, you will be able to rely on the elders of your family, you will be able to learn from them and you will be able to more actively engage in the development of your life.

A dream in which you see an iron table standing in the middle of the street indicates that you have hard work ahead of you. You will try to realize yourself at work, get recognition and praise, and at the same time, you will work harder. But all your efforts will not be crowned with success.

A dream in which you will try to paint an iron table for a long time, and it will not stain in any way, suggests that you will not be able to hide your flaws. Perhaps you made some mistakes and mistakes in the past, and now you have to answer for it. But you will not be able to shift the responsibility onto someone else. You just have to admit your flaws and fix them.

The dream in which you see a red table speaks of your passionate nature. And you are also passionate about everyone around you. You are passionate about companionship and passionate about relationship. You all the time feel that your nature is underestimated. The dream book advises not to throw out your emotions on loved ones and more engage in your own development. Do not expect any unreal things from loved ones. Try to be more discreet.

A dream in which you see a wooden table on carved legs suggests that soon you will have a pleasant acquaintance with a wise man. You will be able to find out important information for yourself and gain such missing experience. A dream in which you dream of someone outside sitting at your desktop speaks of hidden competition that you do not want to notice. Perhaps you are making friends with someone in the workplace and do not notice how this person gradually becomes a competitor to you.

After such a dream, it is important to reconsider your environment and reconsider your attitude towards it. Try to be more active in your life and more active in your professional activities. Otherwise, your competitors will bypass you in all matters. After such a dream, you should not share your plans for the future and your life preferences.

If in a dream you see a table in the bathroom, then it's time for you to say goodbye to the sore one. It's time for you to relive those moments in which you were alone in order to become happy again. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve happiness and balance in your own life.

What is the dream of the table that you serve? Such a dream means that you will be ready to meet very nice people. You will be open to communication. It is important to remember what exactly you are putting on the table. If these are some exotic dishes that you have never eaten before, it means that you can plunge into communication with completely strangers.

A dream in which you will try to sit down at the table, but cannot fit at it in any way, means that you will not be able to fully realize yourself in your favorite business and with your loved one. You may have wanted a lot in the past, and your partner refused you, but now you have to ask him for his attention and support. But there is no way you can get it.

A dream in which you see someone pulling a table down the street suggests that soon you will observe rather strange events. These can be open conversations with one of your colleagues, in which you will learn a lot of new and unpleasant things about yourself. Do not worry and get upset. Just help the person decide. Perhaps he is simply confused and does not feel anything negative towards you. Try to figure it out correctly and calmly.

A dream in which you see someone chopping a table and chips flying from him in your direction suggests that you can become the hero of a rather unpleasant story that will consume you. You may be dissatisfied with your work, but you will suffer more not because of your unfulfilled obligations, but because of the obligations that your colleague did not fulfill.

A dream in which you chop the table, or even break it, suggests that you want to change something too dramatically in your life, you are too actively trying to move in a direction in which it is too early for you to move. Try to comprehend all your perspectives, all the possibilities that are already open to you. Do not strive for a tit, appreciate what you have.

Why dream of a cake according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a dining table on which there is dirty and broken dishes, a rather difficult and negative period is foreseen in your relationship. You will experience depression and fear. You will be insecure about yourself and your partner. Your doubts may not even be unfounded, you may subconsciously feel that you are no longer loved and cared for.

A dream in which you see a dining table, on which there are many beautiful cutlery, suggests that soon many meetings and communication await you, but they will not have a personal and intimate character Most likely, these will be important negotiations for you.

For a lonely girl to see an empty table - to sadness and longing. Her loneliness will last for quite some time. You should not count on a quick change in the situation, most likely, it will remain in itself. The dream book advises you to change your attitude to reality and no longer delve into sad thoughts - then the prospects for your personal life will change.

To lay the table for a pregnant woman - to hassle and fatigue. She should take care of herself and not provoke nervous exhaustion, try to be happy and find positive moments in any situation. If in a dream she sits at a huge table, which is laden with food, then she will have a favorable period and pleasant memories after it.

Why is the table dreaming according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that the table dreams of important events in your life. It is important to remember with whom you sat in a dream at the table. These people will play an important role in your life. If you see a dream in which deceased relatives are sitting at the same table with you, it is time to visit their graves and honor their memory.

A dream in which you are sitting at the same table with your former love suggests that soon you will be able to talk heart to heart. Perhaps you still have unsaid words, unresolved issues. Now life can give you the opportunity to change everything.

A dream in which you are all night at a festive table and then try to get up because of it, but feel dizzy, suggests that you will be led by some idea that will not be realized. It will only be in your dreams. Try not to insist on things that are not destined to come true.

Why is the table dreaming about other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that the table is dreamed of as a symbol of upcoming pleasant events, as a symbol of possible prospects. If it is broken and swaying, your position in life will not be stable. You will increasingly doubt your own competence. These doubts may be caused by suggestion from ill-wishers.

Aesop's dream book says that the table is dreamed of as a symbol of future changes. But it is important to remember with whom exactly you sit at the table in a dream. If these are your friends, you will receive support and help from them, they will give you important advice.

If you sit at the table with someone with whom you were in a quarrel, a truce awaits you, or the possibility of resolving the conflict. The dream in which you sleep under the table suggests that you yourself will lose confidence in yourself. It could be caused by negative events that burst into your life. Or, you have already experienced negative moments, and they left indelible memories. The dream book advises to reconsider your attitude to life.

Why the table is dreaming:

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a table in a dream means:

Miller's dream book

A dream with a table in the dream book is interpreted as:

If you see a table set for dinner in a dream, it means that soon pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances await you.
If you see empty tables in a dream, beware of quarrels and disagreements.
If in a dream you clear the table, this promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference.
Eating at a table without a tablecloth in a dream means that soon you will reach such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all.
If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way, it means that soon you will experience deep dissatisfaction with your life and will look for changes.
A torn tablecloth on the table foreshadows quarrels in the family.
Broken table means decline, change for the worse.
Hearing tapping on the table in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will change your attitude towards friends and your fate will be in jeopardy.
This dream warns that you will lose a lot if you begin to neglect your family and friends.
If in a dream you sit down at your desk - this warns you and encourages you to be careful.
The money lying on your table portends that you will happily get out of difficulties.

Old Russian dream book

Sleeping with a table means:

Miller's dream book

Sleep table meaning:

To see a table set for dinner is a pleasant acquaintance and favorable circumstances;
empty tables - beware of quarrels and disagreements;
clear the table - peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference;
eating at a table without a tablecloth - soon you will reach such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all;
the table moves in some mysterious way - soon you will experience deep dissatisfaction with your life and will look for changes;
torn tablecloth on the table - quarrels in the family;
broken table - decline, change for the worse;
to hear the tapping on the table - soon you will change your attitude towards friends and your fate will be in jeopardy, a warning that you will lose a lot if you neglect your family and friends;
sit down at your desk - warns you and encourages you to be careful;
money lying on your table - you will happily get out of difficulties.
Also see Dine, Knock, Money, Cutlery.

Slavic dream book

What does it mean if the table is dreaming:

Dream interpretation Hasse

What the table can dream about:

Dream interpretation of Azar

A table in a dream means:

Dream interpretation of Zhou-Gong

If you dream of a table, then this means:

Esoteric dream book

Solid, strong - to prosperity, confidence in life. Flimsy, plastic - insecurity, instability in financial position. Full of food, treats - a sign of gluttony. If you are not a gourmet, you are addicted to bodily food. With leftover food, untidy - to trouble in the domestic sphere. To cover, arrange dishes - to the guests.

Small dream book

Setting the table in a dream means that a happy union is destined for you. Clearing the table is a sign that the current joys will soon be replaced by troubles. To dream of empty tables predicts poverty. If you dream that you are dining at a table that does not have a tablecloth, then you are an independent and independent nature. Seeing a stained tablecloth on the table means disobedience to children or subordinates. If you dreamed that the table was moving somehow strangely, then be prepared for the fact that your attitude to life will be characterized by dissatisfaction and you will acutely feel the need for change. A broken table is a symbol of bad luck. If you dreamed of one of your acquaintances sitting at a table, then you should beware of this person, since he is able to do anything to achieve his goals. The dream in which you are sitting at your desk means unforeseen difficulties. Seeing money on the table in a dream is a sign that you can find a way out of the impasse.

Table in a dream from Dream interpretation for women

To lay the table in a dream - to the guests. If you had such a dream from Friday to Saturday, it means that soon you will have an addition to the family.

If in a dream from Thursday to Friday you broke the table leg, in the near future there will be cardinal changes in your life, but if you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, it portends dismissal from work.

If you dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday or Sunday to Monday that you were selling your dining table, then soon you will have a new family.

Pouring some liquid on the table is a dubious success, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, your chances are significantly increased.

Table in a dream from Dream interpretation alphabetically

Setting the table for the reception of guests portends large acquisitions, large spending. A plentiful table with many treats and drinks foreshadows a carefree pastime with close relatives or friends. An empty table is a sign of disagreement between spouses.

Heaps of dirty dishes with leftovers on the table - you will lose your sure chance to make good money. A table littered with various books and papers in a working mess portends a lack of time for urgent work.

An old knuckle table foreshadows quarrels in the family, a new polished one - in reality you will not be satisfied with your position, a coffee table - to loss and sadness, a written one - success in rivalry, a marble table - to an expensive gift, a billiard table - contention among friends.

Table in a dream from Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

The dream in which you see the table is very favorable, but only if there is something on the table.

An ordinary unpainted wooden table, not covered with a tablecloth or oilcloth, on which there is nothing - such a dream promises losses, perhaps even the death of a loved one.

If you had such a dream, imagine that you are covering the table with a beautiful tablecloth.

If there is empty dishes on an empty table, all your affairs will advance, but they will not bring profit. If the dishes were dirty at the same time, this means a lot of unpleasant troubles that will not pay off, but will require all your efforts from you.

Imagine that you have quickly washed all the dishes and filled them with delicious dishes.

If the empty dishes are on a table covered with a tablecloth or oilcloth, your business will be successful, but do not expect big financial profit. If you see a table served with beautiful porcelain dishes (in which there is nothing yet), you will meet a whole company of serious and influential people. Some of them will make good friendships.

Seeing a table set for a feast, laden with food and drinks - to great wealth, well-being and prosperity for your whole family. If you are sitting at a table in the company of family and friends, the beneficial effect of sleep will affect not only you, but also your entire environment.

Imagine that you cover the table with a snow-white tablecloth and put a variety of food, bread, wine and ripe fruits there. You invite all your family and friends to the table and begin to feast.

Table in a dream from Dream interpretation of the 20th century

This is a symbolic reflection of your current plans.

Appearance and decoration of the table: show the state of your affairs and what your immediate prospects are.

A richly decorated table with many dishes: a sign of success.

If, looking at this table, you do not feel hungry excitement, but feel pleasant satisfaction: this dream says that some of your plans may turn out to be very successful and promising.

An empty or meager dining table seen in a dream: suggests that you are at risk of taking on unpromising business. After such a dream, it does not bother you to reconsider your current plans.

Work or desk: portends some of the problems that you have to solve.

Desktop clutter: A sign that you are confused about an issue.

A coffee or bedside table in a dream: symbolizes minor undertakings or small entertainment.

If in your dream you are trying to conduct any business at such a table: this is a hint that in reality you are either overestimating their importance, or you are approaching business without due thoroughness.

Broken table in a dream: warns that some kind of conflict or mistake could jeopardize your well-being.

On such days, you better avoid any confrontation with others and conduct your business with great care.

Table in a dream from Rommel's dream book

Moving the dining table apart - to increase the family.

Covering the table with a tablecloth, putting dishes and food, sitting at a richly set table - fortunately in your personal life, well-being in your family or for a wedding.

An empty table - to strife in the house.

Broken or staggering - to a threat to family peace, disease.

Clearing the table is a life change for the worse.

Table in a dream from Dream Interpretation Maya

If you dreamed that you were setting the table, then soon you will be invited to a party. Sprinkle all tables in the house with salt, pepper and ground coffee and you won't have to wait long for an invitation.

If you dreamed that you were removing from the pillar, then soon someone would betray you. To prevent this from happening, do not eat at the table during the week (try to eat while standing, lying on the couch, etc.).

Table in a dream from Astrological dream book

In everyday life, we are surrounded by many objects that we take for granted and do not even think about the meaning that our ancestors gave them.

For example, a table - today there are a great many varieties of tables, but a long time ago there could be a single table in the house, at which people shared food, and therefore this piece of furniture was even called "the palm of God." For example, as the French dream book says, a table in a dream that was magnificently laid is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

There are many interpretations of what a table is dreaming of, mainly because in a dream you can see a variety of tables, and because a variety of objects can be on their tabletops. But there are also general interpretations that do not depend on what material and how firmly the piece of furniture was made, as well as on what was on the table.

For example, if a table in a dream turned out to be broken, then such a dream is a warning for the sleeping person. In the near future, negative events are possible, but you still have time to prevent them. From which side it is worth reflecting the onset of troubles, the "character" of the table will tell: dining - in the family, writing - at work, in business, a coffee table or a picnic table - in a friendly circle.

If you dream of a table, albeit a whole one, but empty, such a dream warns of the possibility of conflicts. Seeing an empty dining table - a dream speaks of the possibility of a conflict with the "soulmate" because of the state of the family budget. " In order to "neutralize" the consequences of such a dream, it is worth discussing all the difficult points with your spouse, or taking measures to create a financial "safety cushion".

The work table in a dream turned out to be empty - such dreams call for caution and strengthen your position in the workplace. This will not be superfluous, since the vision can warn that various conflicts can only have a negative effect - up to and including dismissal. An empty desk or bureau encourages the dreamer to put things in order in affairs or papers related to personal property.

What other pieces of furniture can you see in your dreams during a night's rest? Yes, whatever! Let's take a look at the most common options:

  • Sturdy and solid table.
  • Ricky and flimsy.
  • Round.
  • Writing.
  • Working.
  • Festive.

Quality, materials, purpose

What is the dream of a well-made, strong, high-quality table? The esoteric dream book says that this is a sign of reliability and well-being.... If it was a dining table, then the vision promises that your home will be like a "full bowl", a worker - for career advancement, a written one - for luck and stability in personal affairs.

A flimsy, wobbly, swaying piece of furniture in a dream means the approach of problems and serves as a warning to the dreamer. A dream has a similar meaning, where the central part turned out to be a plastic table - the product itself is very fragile.

If the table turned out to be wooden in a dream, this positively characterizes the dreamer: you value material goods, but no more than they deserve, you feel the line between the accumulation of funds and their spending on life's pleasures, and you know how to walk along it without losing balance. That is, a wooden piece of furniture in your dream symbolizes that you will be able to ensure your own prosperous future and the material well-being of your family.

Seeing marble furniture in your dreams is a warning: there is an extremely unfriendly person in your environment, try to guess who he is and neutralize his actions in relation to yourself. Metal furniture in a dream speaks of the sleeping person as an energetic person, capable of reaching many heights of life.

Seeing a round table in a dream means an early reconciliation with a person with whom you are at odds. Also, a round piece of furniture can mean quick business negotiations, which will be successful for you (this interpretation will depend on the other situation in your dream).

Seeing a desk with an empty tabletop in your nightly dreams is also a warning sign: obstacles may appear in your affairs. It is important not to perceive temporary difficulties as a disaster. And if you saw banknotes or on the table-top, it means that these obstacles will be easily resolved, and the business will be profitable.

If your desktop in a dream is an example of a "working mess", then you need to work on your own ability to organize the workflow: otherwise, profitable offers or projects may float away from under your nose. If there is nothing on the countertop in the workplace, you should find a hobby for your liking in order to enjoy life.

The holiday comes to us

Why dream of a table set for receiving guests or some kind of celebration? According to Vanga's dream book, a laid table with a large amount of food portends material well-being to the dreamer, which may appear, among other things, thanks to the patronage of an influential person. According to the Women's Dream Book, a piece of furniture in a dream covered for dinner means interesting acquaintances in the near future and well-being in the family.

To set the table, - says the Family Dream Book, - it is worth waiting for guests soon. In this regard, food and its quantity matter - the more there is, the more guests you should expect. In some cases, food on the tabletop, prepared for a meal, may mean an early addition to the family - especially if such a dream was seen on the night of.

But the Esoteric Dream Book believes that to see a laid table with an abundance of food in night dreams is not a favorable dream, but a warning: the dreamer needs to avoid bodily excesses, in particular gluttony. Otherwise, it can lead to health problems.

The dream book of Simon Kananit says that setting the table in a dream for the arrival of guests, generously forcing him with food, means that in the near future in reality you can very profitably purchase some valuable property. If on the countertop, along with food and appliances, there are vases with, this means that your marriage will be happy, and your family life will be prosperous.... In the Jewish dream book, a tabletop teeming with food is considered in a dream a harbinger of an invitation to a big celebration with a plentiful treat.

If you dreamed about a festive table full of food - in reality, soon fate will give you a chance to meet and communicate with people dear to your heart, whom you have not seen for a long time. A laid festive table, on which food has not yet been served, in a dream means that for now it is better to refrain from large financial spending - you may need money a little later.

An interesting plot is a dream, the central image of which is not just a festive one, but a wedding table, "bursting" with food. This image in dreams promises young girls a quick marriage, and the more refined the food and the richer the decoration, the more wealthy the future spouse will be. But for the rest, a similar plot promises things that have nothing to do with personal life: the successful completion of the work begun, as well as respect from others.

After the holiday

In life, after any holiday, the house should be put in order, and similar plots can be seen in a dream. What is the dream of a table that you had to clean after the guests left? In almost all dream books, a similar image in dreams is interpreted as a warning.

For example, Adaskin's Dream Interpretation says that if in your nightly dreams you had to clean up leftover food and dirty dishes, this means that fate has prepared some trials for you. If you and your soul mate are able to unite and go through them, solve all problems together, then nothing will be able to destroy your union.

Also, dream books pay a lot of attention to such a plot, when there are cutlery and food on the table, but for some reason there is no tablecloth. Such a dream may warn that for some reason - perhaps because of your financial situation - you are the envy of even your friends. It is worth taking a closer look at your inner circle and rejecting people from home who exude, albeit covertly, negativity in your direction.

A torn or dirty tablecloth on a served tabletop in your dreams foreshadows possible intra-family conflicts. It would be worthwhile to identify the points of disagreement in advance and extinguish them, without waiting for the fire of negative passions.

But sitting at a table - such a vision has the opposite meaning. Sitting behind him with your relatives - such a vision promises that your family will have peace, harmony and prosperity. Friends with whom you are sitting around the same tabletop are dreaming - know that no setbacks in life are terrible for you, because your friends are ready to help you. And the more friends were with you, the more powerful friendly support you are provided in life.

However, if you happened to sit at the table alone, then the vision warns that in the near future you will have to make an independent, and very difficult, life choice. If you dreamed of sitting at the same table with your own, do not worry. Such dreams suggest that you have chosen the right path in life, and success awaits you on this path.

However, you may dream that you are sitting, for example, at a school desk. This vision warns you that you may not have enough knowledge for what you have planned, so it would be nice to do self-education.

Collection of dream books

Why is the Table dreaming about 44 dream books?

Below you can find out the interpretation of the "Table" symbol for free from 44 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form for all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Children's dream book

Table - means some kind of mass gathering.

If this is a dining table - which means that you will soon have to participate in some kind of celebration.

If this is a desk - it means that there is either an extracurricular event or some kind of meeting at school.

If the table is littered with objects - conflicts are possible.

If the table is empty - it means that you will feel among people, as in the desert.

Idiomatic dream book

And see the table cleaned - means the loss of this production.

If the dreamer sees himself alone at the table - there will be no rivals in his life, however, if he sees himself in the company of other people, he will be surrounded by good companions who will be friendly to him as much as there is bread on the table; one loaf of bread is a symbol of friendship for one year.

If he sees himself lying on food - it becomes known that he is greedy in almsgiving. One slave saw in a dream how the table of his master moves away and "runs" away, just like an animal runs away. Once at the door of the room, he breaks into pieces. The next day, the owner's wife died, and all his benefits disappeared.

Small Velesov dream book

The table is joy; tinkering - the deceased will be; covered - for good; on thin legs - life is not too kind; on thick legs - excellent life; broken - the illness or death of the wife.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The table is a sacrificial altar. Power symbol (capital prince).

Russian dream book

The table is a big profit; set the table - luck through a friend; a laid table - a happy family life.

Family dream book

Ate at the table without a tablecloth - in the near future you will reach an independent position.

Soon you will be visited by dissatisfaction with life and a thirst for change.

Torn tablecloth on the table - portends quarrels in the family.

Broken table - dreams of decline, change for the worse.

Heard tapping on the table in a dream - portends that soon your attitude towards friends will change, and your career will be in jeopardy. Do not neglect loved ones, and then nothing bad will happen to you.

If in a dream you worked at your desk - be careful in real life.

Seeing money on your desk - know that you will happily get out of any situation, even the most difficult one.

Slavic dream book

The table is for joy and abundance.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if the Table is dreaming?

The dream in which you set the table - predicts a happy union and circumstances favorable for prosperity.

See empty tables in a dream - means poverty and discord.

Clear the table - a sign that current pleasures will soon be replaced by troubles and indifference.

Eat on a table not covered with a tablecloth - predicts that your position will be independent and you will not care much about the behavior and well-being of other people.

If you dreamed that the table was moving in a mysterious way - dissatisfaction will soon enter your life and you will seek relief in changes.

To dream of a stained tablecloth on the table - a sign of disobedience to children or subordinates. Besides, pleasures will certainly be followed by quarrels.

A broken table is a symbol of bad luck.

Seeing someone sitting at the table - sleep warning. This person will commit an ignoble act to achieve his desires.

It means that you will change your attitude towards your friends. In addition, a threat looms over your fate. Expect losses due to neglect of family or friends.

If you dreamed that you were sitting at your desk - in real life, unforeseen difficulties will get in your way.

See the money on the table - a sign that you will find an unexpected way out of personal difficulties.

If you see in a dream a richly served table with gold or silver cutlery - such a dream suggests that you too often dream of the unrealizable, and this will soon become the cause of disagreements in the family.

If in a dream you set the table - this dream means that you know your worth and always act prudently, but are you really not bored of living by the rules, do not want to commit some extravagant or bold act, violating decency and prohibitions? Such a dream for a woman - says that she is a thrifty and hospitable hostess.

If you forgot the serving rules in a dream - such a dream indicates that you sometimes tend to take risks and get what you need as a result, but often commit rash actions, for which you then have to pay. Shouldn't you try to find a middle ground in your behavior? Such a dream may also portend a small loss or an unsuccessful purchase.

If you accidentally dropped an object while serving the table - such a dream suggests that some happy accident, joyful event, funny incident awaits you. For a young girl, such a dream will bring a new acquaintance or an energetic admirer who will prepare her many surprises and will not let her get bored.

Dream interpretation 2012

Table - the need to pay attention to the problem (we).

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Table dream about in a dream?

The table seen in a dream - symbolizes the owner of the house, domestic joys, marriage.

Lay the table in a dream - a sign that the plan will succeed, to see it covered - to the guests.

If in a dream there are flowers on it - it portends happiness in marriage and family life.

Krugly means reconciliation.

Marble - symbolizes trouble due to a shameless person.

Written is a symbol of moral duty.

Broken - dreaming of failure.

If in a dream you eat while sitting at a table not covered with a tablecloth - this is a sign that you will be independent in your actions and judgments.

Seeing a stained tablecloth in a dream - to disobedience of children or subordinates, quarrels.

If in a dream you see a person at the table - a dream warns you against excessive trust in him.

Hear the knock on the table is a sign that your attitude towards friends will change.

Sitting at your desk in a dream - to unforeseen difficulties on your way, see money on it - means that you will find a way out of a difficult situation.

Dream interpretation of Azar

The table is an invitation to the name day.

Dream interpretation for lovers

Dreamed of a beautifully served table - portends a life full of pleasure and love, an empty table, on the contrary, promises disagreements.

This means that love for you will be replaced by an indifferent attitude.

Torn tablecloth on the table - a sign of quarrels and disagreements in the family.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Laid table - a dream portends a major purchase.

Round table - you will soon thunder throughout the entire district.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Lay on the table in a dream - to the guests.

If you had such a dream from Friday to Saturday - it means that soon you will have an addition to the family.

Miller's dream book

If you see a table set for dinner in a dream - it means that soon pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances await you.

If you see empty tables in your dreams - beware of quarrels and disagreements.

If in a dream you clear the table - this promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference.

Eat in a dream at a table without a tablecloth - means that soon you will reach such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all.

If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way - it means that soon you will experience deep dissatisfaction with your life and will look for changes. A torn tablecloth on the table foreshadows quarrels in the family.

Broken table means decline, change for the worse.

Hear tapping on the table in a dream - a harbinger of the fact that soon you will change your attitude towards friends, and your fate will be in jeopardy. This dream warns that you will lose a lot if you neglect your family and friends.

If in a dream you sit down at your desk - it warns you and encourages you to be careful.

It portends that you will happily extricate yourself from difficulties.

Chinese dream book

Table or shelf in the house - it will work out.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Table in a dream?

Set the table to receive guests - portends large acquisitions, large spending. Plentiful table with many treats and drinks - portends a carefree pastime with close relatives or friends. An empty table is a sign of disagreement between spouses.

Heaps of dirty dishes with scraps on the table - you will lose your sure chance to make good money. A table littered with various books and papers in a working mess - portends a lack of time for urgent work.

Old rickety table - portends quarrels in the family, new polished - in reality you will not be satisfied with your position, coffee table - to loss and sorrow, written - success in competition, marble table - to an expensive gift, billiard table - discord among friends.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

To set the table - buy property; clean up - profit will slip away from you; sitting is a fun company; empty - lack.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing a table set for dinner in a dream - to interesting acquaintances and a favorable course of events in your life.

Empty tables in a dream - portend quarrels and disagreements.

If in a dream you clear the table - the peace and joy that you have been experiencing lately can be replaced by sadness and indifference.

If in a dream you dine at a table without a tablecloth - you will certainly achieve independence and material well-being.

Torn tablecloth on the table - portends quarrels in the family.

Seeing a broken table in a dream - to decline, change for the worse.

If in a dream someone taps on the table - soon you will change your attitude towards friends, and sadness and loneliness will enter your life. Such a dream suggests that you can lose a lot if you begin to neglect your family and friends.

Money lying on your table - mean happy getting rid of trouble.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: A table according to a dream book?

The table is a symbol of family life; state of affairs.

Laid table with food - well-being, success; guests.

Dream interpretation of tarot

A table with money - greed, greed.

A table with dishes - problems with excess weight.

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Saw a table in a dream - you have to make a happy union.

If you dreamed that you were buying a table - circumstances will soon turn in your favor.

Old table with cracked top - a sign that poverty awaits you and disagreements may begin in your family.

You dreamed that the table moved by itself - soon your life will not satisfy you.

Broken is a warning of failure.

If you dreamed that you were repairing a table - you are in for a lot of trouble associated with one of your loved ones.

In a dream, you are sitting at a table - be careful, you can commit an unseemly act.

If you dreamed that you see one of your friends or relatives sitting at the table - you should know that this person, in order to achieve his goal, can commit an ignoble act, which will greatly affect your reputation.

You dreamed that you saw a stranger sitting at the table - you have an enemy.

See the money lying on the table - to a successful resolution of the situation.

Freud's dream book

The table is a symbolic image of a woman.

Broken - symbolizes diseases of the genital organs in a woman.

Inverted - symbolizes your passion for anal sex.

Laid or served table - symbolize a woman's good health and her stormy temperament.

A bare table or covered only with oilcloth - symbolize the coldness of a woman.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The table is home, family life.

Medieval dream book

Changed the table - to joy.

French dream book

Laid table in a dream - a sign that circumstances will turn against you and your honor will be tarnished.

Table sumptuously decorated - dreams of abundance and contentment.

Table without tablecloth - portends trouble or widowhood.

If you dreamed about rotating tables - you will learn amazing news and make wonderful discoveries for yourself.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

The table is assembled - sadness; overturned - consolation in misfortune.

Ukrainian dream book

The table is a throne, joy.

Universal dream book

These days we spend more time at the table than in bed. No wonder the desk is now a place not only for work, but also for sex!

Are you sitting at a table in a dream? What are you doing: studying or working? If in a dream you feel comfortable at the table - this indicates a desire to "roll up our sleeves" and seriously work through any problem that has arisen in real life.

If in a dream you are sitting at a table - it can be a sign of power. How can these feelings relate to real life?

If in real life you are engaged in sedentary work, but in a dream you are uncomfortable sitting at the table is a sign that you should change your occupation.

When you want to open up and present your point of view, you put your cards on the table. - what do you want to show or open? Perhaps someone wants to get what they want, or is acting illegally?

Folklore dream book

Wipe the table with your hand or paper or brush away the crumbs - to an unkind event, poverty.

Sitting on the table - to the death of a loved one.

Gypsy dream book

If your desk is cluttered with books or papers - this means that you have to reorganize your life and set priorities for yourself.

If you saw an empty desktop in a dream - you should find new interests and new hobbies.

Sit at the desk - a harbinger of the fact that your words carry deep meaning. What you say will impress many people.

Esoteric dream book

The table is solid, strong - to prosperity, confidence in life.

Flimsy, plastic - uncertainty, instability in financial position.

Full of food, treats - a sign of gluttony. If you are not a gourmet, you are addicted to bodily food.

With leftover food - unkempt for troubles in the domestic sphere.

Cover, arrange dishes - to the guests.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: A table according to a dream book?

I dreamed that they laid the table - you will live very well, you will achieve a lot yourself.

More interpretations

Tables that are empty - a reflection of the fact that you will not live as richly as you want.

According to the dream book, to clear the table - a warning that you run the risk of feeling the end of the favorable period.

You clean it, remove the trash from it - moving soon awaits you, move into a new house.

The table that moved - a reflection of the fact that you are not happy with yourself and are ready to make changes.

It is broken - expect trouble.

Sat behind him - you can achieve what you want and you will be happy.

A table that was painted very richly - a sign that you are devoting time to dreaming about what you cannot achieve.

If he's dining - there is a high probability of conflicts in the family circle, but most likely you are just waiting for some kind of celebration.

Dream interpretation interprets a round table - as a symbol of the fact that in the near future, by your deeds or behavior, you will make everyone around you talk about yourself.

A long table in a dream, at which there are a huge number of children with cutlery, you go to it tired - it means that there will be prosperity and happiness in your house, you and your household will be lucky in absolutely everything.

If in a dream the table is written and you are sitting at it - this is a warning that you need to be extremely careful and carefully weigh your every word, as it will have a huge impact on others and will largely determine your life.

The dream in which you saw the desktop - promises you a lot of work and fuss, you have to deal with a huge number of difficult questions that have arisen suddenly.

If there are many different documents, records or books on it - you should reconsider your lifestyle and the approach you use to solve problems, determine for yourself the true value system.

According to the dream book, a richly served banquet, festive table - promises you a joyful meeting with those who are really dear to you, have a great time without hassle and frustration.

If you serve it yourself, in the very near future you are destined to go down the aisle, create a happy married couple.

If in a dream the table is set and all the treats are placed on it - you will be incredibly lucky in everything, besides, you will have meetings with interesting people who will play an important role in your destiny.

In a dream, you remove the remnants of food and dirty dishes from the table. - go on an exciting journey, after which you will be disappointed with everyday life and the lack of money spent earlier.

Such a vision promises you a deterioration in mood, loss of spirit, melancholy or even depression, which will come as a result of your prolonged fun.

If in a dream you wipe the table - be prepared for difficulties that will entail material problems, especially if you did it with the palm of your hand.

A dream in which you saw an uncovered, empty table - promises you losses, huge expenses that will significantly undermine your material well-being.

To twist it means to start work, which will take you a lot of time and effort, but will not bring the desired result.

In a dream we saw ourselves sitting at a table with a family, where there are also those relatives who are no longer alive - this is a very good omen, indicating that you are correctly realizing yourself in life, which means that fate itself will be favorable to you.

If you are in proud loneliness, you will have to make a very important decision, which will not be easy for you, and on which your future fate will depend, in any case, difficulties and losses are inevitable.

If you are sitting at the table alone, it means that in the near future you are destined to face a difficult choice, having made which you will incur some losses.

Dream interpretation interprets a new table - as a harbinger of events beyond your control that will decisively affect your destiny.

You dreamed about a wooden table - this means that in real life you are distinguished by moderation, a rational approach to material values \u200b\u200band the ability to save money.

The dream in which you saw a solemn wedding table - portends you success in business, excellent health and respect of others, but bad luck on the personal front.

If he saw a girl of marriageable age, very soon she will go to the crown, and the more generously and beautifully it is served, the more security and solidity her husband will be.

Video: Why the Table is dreaming

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I dreamed about a Table, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    I had a dream where I was sitting with a friend at a small round table, and suddenly she talks about her marriage, and it seems like there won't be a wedding, only her parents will be present.
    what does this mean?

    If the deceased sets the table and says and I'm waiting for you, what can this mean? The whole family is waiting, the deceased dreams not only of my mother, but also of my grandmother. If that Dead Man is my grandmother's mom, and grandma is my mom's mom

    y zasla s sotrudnicami v komnatu v kotoroi stoyli mnojestvo kruglix stolov.satrudnic nacali rassajivat ay sela za stol sama rydom so mnoi sidel uje mujcina vzroslui i znala cto y ego znauve. odnoklasniki kotorim y predlojila sest k nam iy prosnulas

    I am sitting at a large table. There are about 15-20 people sitting behind him. The whole table is busy. I am sitting naked, I just covered myself. Then I understand that it’s not good, it’s uncomfortable to stand up in front of everyone. Nobody says anything to me or shames me. Then I get up and go up to my mom and make myself happy why I'm dressed so, it's a shame to put on a T-shirt without a bra. But I decide to get up and explainingly I go to get dressed. I woke up.

    Hello! Tonight I had a dream in which ... "My boyfriend (with whom we are in a quarrel and have not communicated for more than 2 months) is in prison! I see him behind bars alone! He suffers and he feels bad! And that is why he does not I could call ... I'm trying to save him, and the main man in the prison gives me a chance and offers to do one thing! He gives me a beautiful patterned silver tablespoon, and I have to get him about 10 more of these .... He tells me the city and the name of the girl who made this spoon for him! And at that moment the prisoners and my boyfriend were having dinner at a large table, and he called out to me and told everyone how beautiful I am! The dream is very believable, I still can't get away, that's all time in my head I scroll!

    in a dream, a large table was laid in the hall, apparently waiting for guests. time passed in the evening, but there were no guests, a young man came, an unknown man, I let him in, we had a nice conversation and kissed, after a while he confessed his feelings ...

    hello. I had a dream in which there were two tables: at one, our family (my mother died), at the other, my father's friends, with whom he broke off relations, I put black tea on their table in a bag and cut the bread that I had cooked in a pan with mom (mom died of cancer 6 months ago). thank.

    Hello, my name is Varvara. I dreamed that I was sitting in the studio at a round table with two women. One was a gypsy and the other was not. We had a theme about love in the studio. And one girl did a ritual with candles, one was a big white candle and the other a small red. a red candle lit from a white one. and then I woke up. what was this dream about

    i was sitting at the same table with my deceased grandmother and my living mother, I saw my mother clearly, she was sitting opposite, her grandmother was indistinctly sitting next to me. The dream was in gray-white colors. There was a slice of bread on the table, but we didn't eat it. I woke up quickly. Thank you in advance.

    The meeting at the round table people are not familiar but we are waiting for the results, from the family home about the birth of the child they report the birth of the child the gender is not known .. and after a couple of minutes a message comes that the child has died

    I dreamed about the old director at a round table, the table was cleaned, ordinary. The director was silent and looked as if at me.

    In the past, we parted with him over a scandal, he pressed me and I resisted, but left. Recently met by chance. We don't talk.

    hello, I dreamed that I was sitting down at the table to eat with a small child, but this is my neighbor, 7 years old, he starts jerking his legs, and I say: "Do not play!" and at the table sits a loved one (a friend whom I love and know that he loves me too, but we are not dating) looks at me, he has already eaten, is waiting for me and says: "You have changed a lot!" I say: "What do you mean?" he: "well, you've become more envious" I: "What else? ”And he says something, but I don't hear, I asked several times, and he answered several times, but I never heard! the weather was wet, it was raining heavily, but I didn’t get wet, not a drop got on me, we sat outside in an unfamiliar place for me, something like a gazebo, with a table, benches, there were still people at the table, and we were surrounded by a forest , it was about evening, it was a little dark because of the rain. and that's it.

    I see people sitting at the table eating something, and this is some kind of holiday (maybe a birthday), I know. that I was invited, but for some reason they didn’t give me a treat. I look around, looking for someone who will help change (or) explain the situation, but I don’t see anyone. I draw my attention to the table again, and from the already completely empty. Guests dance a dance like letki-enki

    It seems like my mother's birthday, the tables are empty, then they moved to another place, because in the beginning, where there were empty tables, it was impossible to sit for a long time. And which tables were elsewhere empty, the same or not, I don't remember, but I sort of started to eat something and my teeth began to fall out, like they were very rotten, and then they broke off again with huge fragments

    I dreamed that I was sailing with the children on a warship, and it seemed as if we were serving there. Once the ship got into a storm and swayed very strongly once from the wave, and my dad tells me - no storm is terrible on such a ship, it will never turn over, I calmed down, and the ship was already on land, and for some reason he went on by land, by road. I stand next to the captain and admire how confident and fast he is in steering the ship. And then we seem to find ourselves in different countries, and we find ourselves at breakfast - the table is beautifully served with unusual sweet dishes, I eat, I like it, and I feed the children ...

    i dreamed that they were sitting at the table: in front of me was the late grandmother (with pink cheeks), next to me were some people, but I did not see who, further away my mother and close relatives. Mom divided the cake between relatives, and ate jellied meat and praised that only my grandmothers make such delicious jellied meat. The second grandmother was not at the table. Then we all mourned my close friend. Everyone went in the funeral procession except him.

    1, The dream is mainly about the husband. We were driving with my husband in his brother's car. The color of the car is white. We drove up to his brother's house, and his brother sins - he drinks alcohol. His wife works as a shop assistant.
    2. Me, my husband, my mother and other family members are sitting at the dinner table. Mother and husband are more friendly than ever. Even relatives hug like mother and son.

    Good day!!! Well, let's start ...
    Winter, snow all around, evening. I go to the bus stop and carry a table with me. I cross the road and see an old man in a hat in front of me. He was dressed fairly lightly, although it felt very cold. Several more people were at the bus stop. I got to the bus stop and wait for the bus. After a while, a bus arrived and we started to enter. I barely lifted the table and dragged him onto the bus. Then we drove off. As soon as there was very little left to go to the house, my friend suddenly got behind the wheel of the bus ...
    This is what I remember clearly, the rest of the details, so, in the fog, as if ...
    I would be glad to hear from you….

    It was like a wedding with my husband. In a dream, it seemed to me that this was just my show for everyone. It was arranged by my mother-in-law. She told me what and how to do. I put on a white type of veil on my head, folded twice so that the face was not clearly visible. There were a lot of people sitting at a large, powerful table, something like treats, a white tablecloth stood on the table. My mother-in-law told me to bring some kind of compote in a glass and a plate of pancakes. The husband was sitting at the table. It was dark and candles as if it was night. On the ground there were some glasses with water and something else next to the table. I began to put these glasses on the table. The guests were cheerful, they laughed, and then it turned out that they were almost all already dead people. And they looked at me and laughed, not at me, but they just had fun ... I was very creepy and unpleasant

    There were 3 of us I am my friend who used to look after me, but right now I stopped and we haven’t talked for more than 2 weeks, and my friend, we came to a cafe there was a buffet, for some reason I remember that there were black olives, there was a table on the table yellow and devanes of such light gray mixed with pink.


    I am disturbed by a dream in which I jump out of the window. This happens from my apartment on the 9th floor. Before jumping, I always feel fear because of the fear of breaking something for myself or dying. But my jump always ends successfully. I remain alive and completely unharmed. I land on both feet, get up and go back to my 9th floor. And I jump again. For me, this is already some kind of game. Sometimes I jump with someone together and we compete who will do it better. I had this dream 5 times already and periodically repeats itself!

    i dreamed of a white tablecloth table, there were a lot of girls on it, including me (I was sitting on the corner), they laugh, talk about something, there was a man at the table on the other side (somehow they talked, but never saw each other Then all these girls disappear somewhere and I repent with him in his place where he was initially sitting, we have a nice conversation, I remember that I even stroked his back)). Then I remember how I ran from there. I dreamed about it yesterday, today too I had a dream with him, but I don't remember which one.

    I dream that I’m sitting at a table full of food (especially soups), the table sways and discerns all the contents on me, and it turns out that everyone around me says that she’s to blame, but here you have to go to some birthday, and I’m all dirty.

    I got sick, I needed to pay for something, I went out into the street and met three of my friends, 2 girls and a boy. We decided to go to my friend's house, but in a dream it seemed that this was my home, but I do not like it. We came and sat down at the table on a small balcony. We only had a few bottles of beer on our table. A friend showed his new videos, and we admired and criticized. And throughout my sleep, panties climbed into my face from the clothesline

    Hello, Tatyana! On the eve of a very strong quarrel with her husband, before the divorce. I dreamed that all my relatives of the older generation on my father’s side were sitting at the set tables, and my father himself was sitting at the table, looking different from what he really was. He was very fat in his sleep. Then everyone went out into the street, I turned around. and I see closed blue curtains on the windows of the first floor (we have an apartment on the first floor). Thank you in advance.

    I saw how I was returned to my old job, and it was time for dinner and I was invited to dinner. And in the director's office a table was set with many dishes. But I refused to eat this food and went to my office for lunch.

    A sunny meadow, around a mountain with snowy peaks. I am sitting at a table with my parents and brother. A kind, little old woman came up from my back. At first she said something to me, and I repeated after her. Then she tied a scarf on my head and told me ; "You will be my guide" and then led me to the mirror. In the mirror I saw my reflection. The old woman was always behind her.

    the meaning of the dream is this: I was sitting at the same table with my relatives eating soup then we went somewhere I got off the bus and left then we met in some cafe there was my dad aunt someone else but I don’t remember them and the late grandmother saw her I She hugged her tightly, said that she missed her and went to order. They had a lot of all kinds of food at the table ...

    it was the birthday of my common-law husband and my sister and I, who in reality is very far from me, cooked food on the table. They cooked a lot, especially I remember a lot of salted fish. I also took out 2 new chintz dresses, gave one pink to my sister, and chose a red one for myself. Passing into the house from the kitchen, I saw the guests who were sitting at an empty table. I went into the house and saw a round loaf of bread on the bed.

    Long tables with an abundance of different food, I and my friends sat and ate. Feeling of peace and satisfaction. The dream is colored, I remember well the colorful salads. Then we left the table, and when we came back, the food was covered on top with long strips of either paper or white towels.

    I dreamed of a table at which my godfather was sitting and some other people. They were sitting at an empty or covered table, I remember, but it seems empty, and there was an empty seat at the table, my godfather invited me to sit, but there were no instruments in my place, I knew that I'm gone.

    There was a scientific meeting, there were about 10 people. They talked about how to survive a stroke, etc. All this was accompanied by a small video in 3D, and we went into it in depth. A thread appeared like a heart attack now. What is it for?

    an empty rectangular wooden table, I am not behind it (I am watching from the side), a former lover with 2 of his children from the 1st marriage and a new passion are sitting at it. she looks at me intently, I look at her.

    I dreamed that we were sitting at the dinner table, I’m the parents of someone else and Timati, we were discussing something about, by the way. The table was ordinary, normally set, not excessively, but normal, beautiful, as we usually had at home. Then we went to sleep in the sleeping quarters. I was in a robe when I went to bed.

    i dreamed that I was setting the table, beautiful cutlery, then I kissed a lot with some man and hugged, I felt good there. I saw a dead grandmother, she gave me a flower in a pot. I also saw a dog and climbed the steps as soon as I climbed the steps they fell behind me.

    i saw my wife having dinner at the set table ... the room was bright and beautiful, like a restaurant .... but she pretended not to see and did not notice me ... then she got up and left ... and the situation changed ...

    i seem to have a part-time job in a restaurant, there are many tables covered with white tablecloths, some of the tables are nice people. My former colleague (a good friend) works part-time in this restaurant. I receive a job offer by profession - a profitable offer, and I am going to inform the owners of the restaurant that I will not go to work in the restaurant tomorrow. walked briskly across the hall, did not find them. I wanted to ask one of the waiters, but he said that tomorrow he has a day off. I wanted to ask my good friend, who also moonlights here, but she also has a day off tomorrow. As a result, I find myself at a large table covered with a white tablecloth (in the same restaurant), a friend of my friend is sitting at the table, I am at the table next to him, and in front of me is some guy / man (I could not see the features). In front of me is a beautiful fresh bunch of dill, some kind of light table setting. The same acquaintance comes up to me, gives me some light bunch of flowers, with the words “Put them tomorrow on Marcus’s table (her young man, who supposedly will have to come to this restaurant tomorrow as usual, she doesn’t know that I was going tell her that tomorrow I will not go to work, because I have a better offer in my hands). " And she leaves. All

    I dreamed about a long laid table, everything was on the table! (lots of fish you want) Lots of people. Another store in which everything was free. I dragged a large piece of fish but didn’t carry it and dropped it. In the end I skimp and went home with my parents.

    i was setting the table in a wedding dress, there were fruits and cutlery on the table. my mother helped me. I laid out the knives forks and there were a lot of them on the table, the table was large and oval in shape, there were also a lot of glasses on the table.

    Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed that there were tables in my house and I was preparing food, serving. And it turns out - while I put food in one place, it ends in another. Someone helps me, but mostly I myself. immediately collect my dirty dishes. And such a movement of the people, someone leaves, someone comes. Then this picture somehow ends - I don't remember how. And I already with my daughter and son-in-law walk to the car in the snow (there is a lot of snow and clean), we get into the car and I wake up. This is how I remember it.

    i had a dream big tables, they have a lot of food, and people with a sistra talked to the bottom of the dad and began to scold me, take it away from me, well, people are sitting at tables full of them, turned around and the tables are empty, and I started to put them on the plate

    I had a dream today. From Saturday to Sunday. The first dream is I walk around the cemetery and there are many, many graves but without crosses, just mounds on the green lawn. And I am looking for a place for my burial. The second dream is I come to a restaurant, and there are several tables and everything is well set, with expensive wines and snacks. I sit down at a table supposedly for cancer patients, but a waitress comes up to me and says that this table is not for me I need to change to a common one. The fact is that at the moment I am seriously ill. How can I interpret these dreams

    My wife and I do not live together, Not divorced yet.

    1 dream. I sit on the floor and hold the heart of my wife, I told her my heart hurts, and in response she says I must ask for forgiveness. What does it mean?

    2 sleep. The wife stands outside the gate, looks at these locked gates, weeps.

    3 sleep. I'm on the bus, some people are not familiar nearby, The bus is not full.

    4 sleep. I saw in a dream a little boy on a 3-wheeled bike and he says to himself I want to sleep.

    5. My wife and I are sitting at an empty table with a white tablecloth or nothing on the table. She looks at me with sad eyes and is silent.

    Can you explain all these dreams.

    I’m a mother’s sister and two more girls arrived by bus to the bazaar, crossed some dining room and sat down on the eastern table, small there I took off my shoes to sit down and for some reason took a small table that stood outside the door, they brought us food and we began to eat except for one girl Mom, meanwhile, told us to be full because we would go somewhere and if it didn't get dark we would go to the mountains.

    I dreamed that I was sitting in a restaurant at a round table with a young man who I like. The table is set very nicely, there is some kind of food, covered with a white tablecloth. Then an unfamiliar girl with a guy runs up to me, and screams as if I'm writing indecent love messages to her boyfriend, I say that I wrote, but just friendly and that he didn't tell me that he had a girlfriend. everything was settled. But all this time I am worried that the guy with whom I came was sitting and listening to all this, I am ashamed in front of him and I am very worried that he will think badly of me. The next moment, my friend and I are already sitting in a different place (also some kind of cafe) suddenly a strange child, a girl of 2, comes running to me. She sits on my lap and smiles, I notice her burgundy manicure, very surprised.

    turned out to be with a friend waiting for many guests to celebrate his arrival! I saw a friend who was always with black hair and then he dyed in Blandina very unusual and in real life it cannot be! free table is very long in the whole room! everyone who smokes somewhere in the kitchen who smokes in the entrance, I want to take a comfortable place taking this opportunity and can not find I sat down in a comfortable soft chair but low and the table was assembled from several tables and it turned out that I sat down at the junction, as it were, on two corners of the table! I think no, it doesn't fit, I spat, I went to smoke, I think I’ll smoke, then I’ll sit down where I get it, then I didn’t find myself in this room and I didn’t go out into the street. I began to avoid a drunk friend so that he wouldn’t see me! but I feel that someone is walking with me and it seems that my friend is no longer there! he died! I have not seen him, but I feel in my gut that it is him! saw the girl and began to fasten her belt! why such a set of delirium dreamed I do not understand ....

    I dreamed that I and some other people were sitting at the table, we were celebrating something, we were eating cheerfully, there was a white tablecloth on the table. For some reason, we were sitting in nature, it was dark, but it was light above the table, The table is not small, of those sitting at the table I remember only a girl (I don’t remember her face) sitting almost opposite me. Then suddenly fog sets in and a ghost appears in the form of a girl or girl with long black hair and a long white nightgown. We all got up and ran around some kind of building like a garage and again saw the same ghost, after which it immediately disappeared into the fog. And the fog itself went to the river.

    i was sitting at the table at my friend's house, we have an affair. We sat in the company of young people, but I don't know anyone from them in real life. But my friend and I sat very far from each other, our guests had fun and talked, and he sat silently yawning all the time and said that he wanted to sleep, as if he was something rozstroin

    a dark room, a dim light is shining above the table. I walk in a circle on a round table. There is a path on the table (probably a lot of people walked on the table)). Opposite me is an unfamiliar girl, a blonde. She asks "Will you marry me?" I say yes. Then she cried, I kiss her. The dream is very vivid and left a very good impression

    My boss came to me, we were standing behind the fence. The fence was a beautiful red metal profile. I asked if you built it, she proudly answered yes. And suddenly this fence breaks in half, bends. I say, why did you build it this way? She was upset, I said that I would fix it now. And then I saw a table in the room, began to open the drawers, there were children's things, like the boss brought them. I don't remember anymore

    I dreamed of a large kitchen table covered with a white lace oilcloth, it was so large that it blocked the passage to the kitchen, I had to file it a little, then everything was fine, and the kitchen was not mine, but it was as if I lived in a new house with my husband (but in fact, in real life I'm not married), why did you have such a dream?

    The recently deceased aunt cooked many dishes in a professional kitchen, there were many plates with cuts on the distribution, I went to her and asked her for help, she answered I already everything.

    Hello! I dreamed of my classmate that I was inviting him to eat. My classmate died in 2012. Then my niece's ex-husband dreams, and I also invite him to the table. Thank!

    i don't remember how I got to unfamiliar places, but I know many people by feeling, and there I sat down at an empty table covered with colored oilcloth, and I was asked to get up urgently, because there is a wedding, and a really beautiful wedding was going to meet, and I went, as it were, to my own people and there is also a wedding and also beautiful, but the parents, by tradition, cried a lot. And I woke up.

    Hello, I dreamed of guests, some of whom are now deceased. I was fussing, there was a feeling that I was poorly prepared to receive guests. Somehow and unexpectedly somehow! There was not enough food. On the table, I laid out everything that the guests brought. My late sister reproached and said: I offered you to bake pies…. I remember that I was distributing towels ………. We, Muslims, usually give them out at the commemoration !! Now my father is ill. Could this mean that I need to prepare for something?

    dreaming of a clean, bright room, the courtyard of an old private house. I wander through it in search of antiques. In the corner, I see, on a carved table with a carved something, it opens like a book, I don’t understand where it can be attached. I took it in my hands, examined it, was surprised at the carved drawing, put it aside. She took off a linen rag from the tarmac, under it was an ordinary tabletop and a carved underframe with a carved leg. I moved the table to a lighter place, and it collapses, it turns out that one of its legs is completely broken, the other by half, the third by a third. I understand that there is no point in restoring it and losing interest in it, I wake up. P / S / very inconvenient - the written text is not copied and the copied email is not even inserted. address)

    Summer sunny day. My family and I live in a large, beautiful, light house outside the city. The house has a huge dining room, combined with a kitchen, there is an exit to the summer gazebo. We set the table for dinner. We sit down to eat. At the table, I, my husband and our children. It feels very pleasant throughout sleep. I am not married in my life and I have no children.

    i dreamed about the wedding of a friend, but I did not see the groom, we were sitting at a smartly set table, and when other guests came, there was nothing to set the tables, also in a dream I talked with her late mother

    I dreamed that my great-grandmother (who died many years ago) was alive, that it was as if she had not been there for a long time and she had returned from some trip. We were all in her apartment, my mom, dad, two daughters and me. I was very glad to see her. I don't remember what she said, but we seemed to hug. Then it turned out that her kitchen table had been broken, its lid had been removed, I clearly saw him standing with a lid that was skewed. Then I woke up in another room, I see how the children woke up in the neighboring beds, and my father was sleeping next to me, naked. He hesitated and ran away from the room. Then I left the room, like my mother was sleeping on the couch in the other room, but I obviously did not see her. I saw that my grandmother had put in order the shelves with things, arranged everything neatly, she herself was no longer there (like she had gone somewhere). And on the shelves I saw plates with different salads, food (my grandmother cooked it), and I say that the table is broken, so she put everything on the shelves and began to collect everything to put it in the refrigerator until it went bad. Something like that

    I bought a table from people, a large wooden table. I knew that it was very expensive in its new condition, but it was already in use and the edges right in the middle were rubbed, like a notch. And I hoped that they would take a price for it not expensive. I was going to buy, and it seems I even bought it.

    I go up a high-rise building to open the door to the 16th apartment in front of the house, two guys say we weren't looking at 16, I fearfully open the door, they burst in and start looking for someone, I find myself in a room where tables are laid and two men are sitting completely different. came up and say boys I'm afraid and then I woke up

    i dreamed that I was sitting with my children at my relatives' Armenians. And it was like this for 2 days, so we’ll sit at the table and talked cheerfully and went home and then I dream that I’m sitting with them and again I have to go home a table set.
    in real life we \u200b\u200bdo not communicate with them. on the father's side, relatives

    I had a dream that my friend left her husband, but left not for the best option, their house was terrible, there were still some of our friends, but I don't remember them. we were sitting at the table, I grabbed the edge of the table with my hand a little and the guy sitting next to him started doing something that I accidentally turned the table over and she started to fall on me everything from the table jumped up and stood dry and somehow I ended up under him and was all wet and dirty since what was on the table, everything fell on me, I crawled out from under it and in the end I was accused of having turned it over on purpose, and this was the last meal they had and that I was only in trouble, I was asked to leave, I was very offended, I found myself sausage in the bag and something else, and I gave it all to them and left myself then I went to the store and that's it, the phone rang ...

    i was sitting at the table, it was set, the plate was empty, and some guys were sitting, I knew some of them did not, in front of the guy was sitting, I know him, he was watching and was silent for me, the others tried to start a dialogue with me, then that guy and I left the table. sat opposite me

    In a dream, I ran away from a large, wild spider that was chasing me, then I rushed on a motorcycle, saw the table, the dishes on it and my old employees with whom I worked, but they did not invite me to the table, but on the contrary made it clear that I'm superfluous for them now.

    Good day! In a dream, there was a purchase of a new massive writing desk (most likely) made of wood (similar to modern computer tables, only large, with many shelves like racks), warm shades (Light wood and dark wood inserts). With my mother and another person (I did not see who it was), we were engaged in installing it indoors (I did not consider it in detail, but it was not a house), then cleaning under it (we removed various small parts that fell on the floor, some sawdust, shavings, etc.)

    Hello, Tatyana!. I saw in a dream the kitchen in our country house (we live there in the summer). At the table we were sitting with female relatives; for some reason the men were in the room behind a closed door. Table without a tablecloth, wooden, old, dark wood. Several men, gypsies, entered. One was remembered with beautiful big eyes. sat, some kind of slurred conversation. Came out. Through the window onto the porch, there are several Gypsy women. Someone said they were looking for a place to live. We certainly have no place.

    i dreamed that I was sitting at the same table with an acquaintance (some kind of party, but did not drink) at my former work, whom I had not seen for almost 2 years, they were talking about something (work conversation, this is a former colleague). In addition, she later sat at her former desk in the same building.

    My deceased aunt is still someone from my own aunt and uncle, the brother of my classmate friend (there was no one to bury him, and at a funeral in real life I kissed him on the forehead out of compassion), and in a dream they had a nice conversation with my comrade Galya and they drank tea and they don't see me, but I saw them all

    as if a familiar guy is sitting next to me at the table. there is a frying pan with noodles and a piece of meat on the table. The guy's fork falls, I pick it up and send my daughter to the store to buy a new fork for him. And the daughter at this time is careful so that no one sees He pulls out the meat with his hand and puts it in the pan so that no one can see. And I woke up. I thought, what was it for? I fell asleep again. Dreams of a large table covered with a beautiful white tablecloth, people are sitting as if they were for a birthday, but we were not going to celebrate naturally They didn't call anyone. Everyone is sitting at an empty table, talking, and the guy who was in the last dream is also sitting. Everyone is waiting for a treat, but we haven't cooked anything, I say to my daughter, Well, let's put something, even tomatoes and cucumbers. And I am so ashamed that there is nothing to treat and I am ashamed to admit and say I didn’t invite you, but we didn’t put anything on the table.

    they brought 2 tables, chairs, dishes to my dacha and two middle-aged men, I asked them who they were, and received that they were the bosses of their son working together. And this furniture is superfluous and decided to change it in my house and asked if it was not necessary, they would throw it away , but I replied that it would be useful to me that I could put more friends at the table.