Typical (example) business plan for a sawmill. Making money on a tree, or how to open a sawmill

The products of the woodworking industry are in great demand in the country, especially in connection with the growth of housing construction. Opening your own sawmill does not require very high costs, but it provides a reliable profit, if all calculations at the stage of business planning are carried out correctly.

This document is often needed both to attract investment and to obtain credit resources. It has a clear structure. The items to be described in each section are shown below.

Project summary

In this section of the business plan, you should indicate the basic information on the project:

  • where will be located;
  • purpose of creation;
  • what products and from what raw materials will be produced;
  • who will act as the main consumer;
  • stage of project implementation;
  • depending on who will read this document, the required amount of investments or borrowed funds is indicated;
  • the main results of activities that are expected in the medium and long term, including the payback period, the volume of income and expenses, profitability, net profit, NPV (net present value of the project) and IRR (internal rate of return).

Do not forget that this section is the most read... It should fully reflect the essence of everything that will be indicated in the content of the entire document. That is why the text of the resume should be repeatedly verified and made very attractive.

You can watch an interesting material about the organization of this business in the following video:

Market and competitor analysis

This section is very important for understanding how easy it is to enter the market, whether it is worth doing at all, with whom and with what means you will have to fight.

The description of the market should be carried out on a general-to-specific basis. In other words, it is worth considering the statistics indicators first. in the country as a whole in the woodworking industry, in particular:

  • How many businesses are there in this sector?
  • What is the growth rate in the industry?
  • How many people are employed?
  • Average wage level.
  • Profitability indicators.

The same metrics are worth reflecting in relation to to the local market... Then, when comparing the indicators, it will become clear how attractive the opening of the sawmill is exactly in the place where it is planned by the authors of the project.

In the same section, it is worth highlighting the existing logistics directions, the attractiveness of the chosen place for production, what types of resellers exist in the region.

Market analysis also presupposes the presence of a very important description of who and in what volume is supposed to sell products, as well as price indicators for potential sales.

Conducting a competitor analysis requires answering the following questions:

  • How many enterprises with their own sawmill are located in the region where they are based?
  • Where are they located?
  • What are the advantages of the enterprises that pose the main threat to the project?
  • What are the production indicators of each of the competitors, their market share (in value and quantity).
  • How do competitors market their own products?

It is very important to find out where competitors get their raw materials and how they get them to the place of production. Despite the fact that Russia is the richest country in forest, most of it is inaccessible due to the lack of roads.

That is why there is a battle for timber on the ground. If there is no guaranteed supply of raw materials, then any such project is meaningless.

Economic calculation

For investors and lenders, this section is one of the main ones. It contains information on how the cash flow for the newly created enterprise will be formed.

The financial plan includes the following sections:

  • Sources of information on the main forecast values.
  • Sources and schemes of financing.
  • The guarantees that the organization is ready to provide.
  • The amount of financial resources required.
  • Forecast for the income and expenses of the enterprise.
  • Financial history (if any).
  • Profit plan.
  • Information about risks (commercial, industrial, financial).

It should be noted that in the forestry business there is a seasonality factor... Consequently, expenses can be increased several times in certain months, and income, on the contrary, in off-season times can be reduced.

If the company has previously taken out loans, you should indicate where and in what volume the loan was, whether it was repaid. If the founders have a credit history, this can also be provided as evidence for investors and lenders.

When making calculations, do not forget to include the predicted values ​​of the accrued tax payments.

It is believed that if the production volume is 500 cubic meters. m per month, it becomes break-even, and when it is increased to 700 - the enterprise begins to make a profit.

Marketing and advertising

If earlier it was revealed that there is reason to believe that the sawmill will be in demand on the market and will be able to compete, then this section reveals the details of the struggle for the market.

In the marketing plan, you need to specify:

  • Product portfolio- what types of woodworking products are planned to be produced. For example, edged or unedged boards, eurolining, imitation of a bar, etc. From what species the products will be made, what sizes.
  • Market segment... Based on his description, it will be clear how fair the conclusions about the sales volumes are.
  • How will the products and the sawmill itself differ from competitors? In other words, what are key competencies?
  • How is it planned product sales? If it is possible to present already concluded agreements with clients, they can be attached to the business plan.
  • Price level for which it is planned to sell products, as well as other possible conditions for customers.

It is less important for the sawmill to indicate how it will promote itself in the market. Nevertheless, it is necessary to prescribe which means of marketing communications are planned to be used to promote products, indicating the approximate amount of costs.

The same section describes the marketing strategy of the enterprise, for example, minimizing costs, maximizing market expansion, leadership, etc.

Organizational plan

In fact, this part is a kind of picture of what the enterprise looks like. It will be interesting for potential investors and lenders to know how many people will be employed at the enterprise, what is its organizational structure. The effectiveness of production will depend on whether a round-the-clock operation is introduced, or the organization sets up one shift.

In this section, it is also customary to indicate the staffing, legal support of activities and the schedule for the implementation of the project.

Analyzing the information in this section, its readers will be able to understand whether it would not be more profitable, for example, to calculate wages not according to a piece-rate system, but at a temporary rate. In applications, in some cases, it may be required to indicate the job descriptions of specialists.

If you need to purchase any equipment or technology, including software, you can present this information as well.

Calculating the return on investment

In essence, this is what production will work for. Thanks to the information collected, it is possible to make calculations that make it possible to understand how long it will take to pay off those investments that the business owners are going to make (taking into account the borrowed ones). The calculation should be done in months.

It is impossible to carry out this calculation without data on income, expenses and profits.

Taking into account the data of the project schedule, the assessment of the internal rate of return and the net present value is also carried out. These indicators are part of the investment attractiveness of the business.

To make calculations, you will need discount rate... Usually it is determined on the basis of expert estimates or as the average interest rate on loans. The discounted calculation method is more accurate when calculating the payback period of the project. In addition, it accounts for an amount such as cash inflows, in addition to the initial investment in one period of time.

If you answer in detail all the questions highlighted above, you get an impeccable business plan that can become the basis for managing a future project. The woodworking industry is very dependent on macro-environment factors, so the created document does not lose its relevance within 3 months. Then it is necessary to revise the numbers so that investors or lenders are convinced of the high level of competence of its compiler.

The concept of the sawmill business is based on the provision of services for sawing, marking, drying and packaging various types of sawn timber according to customer requirements. The demand for this service format is provided by the following determining factors:

  • The growing demand for high-quality finished and processed wood from construction companies, design studios, especially those working in the sector of low-rise private construction, where priority is increasingly given to environmentally friendly finishing and construction materials, including natural wood.
  • The demand for sawn timber of a given standard from many companies engaged in activities related to the processing of certain goods from wood - doors, curtains, parquet tiles, furniture, souvenirs, baguette workshops, etc.
  • Demand for marketable lumber from companies exporting high quality standardized lumber sent overseas.

Basically, the essence of the business is based on the fact that not all companies, one way or another working with wood of the primary processing stage, can have on their balance sheet or in their ownership a separate sawmill with a full production cycle.

The main task of a company that provides services for the primary processing of wood is to comply with all the necessary standards, standard sizes of finished products in full accordance with the requirements of the customer. At the same time, the sawmill can work both with its own raw materials (round timber) and with raw materials provided by the client himself. For example, if processing is required, cutting of special types of wood with certain conditions.

In general, the business is designed for the small wholesale market of sawn timber of local or regional significance, with the prospect of entering the provision of services to owners of large consignments of sawn timber, including those going for export.

Initial investment amount 1 043 000 rub.

The payback period is 19 months

Average monthly profit 155 000 rub.

The break-even point is reached at 4 month of work

Return on sales 31%

2. Description of the business, product or service

The basic format of the service provided by the sawmill contains several typical services:

  • Wood preparation for processing - sorting, drying, storage.
  • Sawing wood raw materials
  • Packaging of finished products into pallets.
  • Delivery to the destination.

The work of the sawmill can be based both on its own raw materials and on the client's wood. In the first case, it is necessary to provide a technology for preparing raw materials for processing - that is, to have, at least, a storage warehouse, in some cases - drying chambers.

Also as additional option if the technology of waste-free production is used, the following services can be provided to customers:

  • Sawing wood raw materials for the needs of the population, for example, sawing firewood. Also, similar services can be used by numerous camp sites, where natural wood raw materials are used for heating, saunas, baths, cooking barbecue, etc.
  • Sale wood chips and sawdust.
  • Work on individual orders

In each specific case, the volume and form of services provided by the sawmill should be guided by the needs of the local market in order to ensure a constant load of equipment and, accordingly, there is a given business efficiency.

SWOT analysis of the project

Strengths of the project

Weaknesses of the project

  • relatively constant demand for sawn timber
  • a wide range of sales and supply channels for products and services;
  • quick adaptation to a rapidly changing market
  • an individual approach to customer requests for the range and volume of processed sawn timber
  • competition from imported sawn timber
  • poor quality staff work
  • risks of frequent damage and failure of equipment

Project possibilities

Threats to the project

  • business expansion by increasing the range of sawn timber
  • the ability to work with export suppliers, i.e. receiving foreign exchange earnings
  • the ability to create related types of business for woodworking, storage, transportation
  • High competition in the market
  • Increase in prices for sawn timber in the domestic market
  • Increase in rent / termination of the lease
  • Reduced purchasing power in the commercial sector and reduced demand for sawmill services.

As a rule, the work of the sawmill now does not have a seasonal nature, as it used to be, when it was completely focused on the period of deforestation, which usually took place in winter. The operating mode of the sawmill can have a standard form of a 5-day working week. Taking into account the wishes of customers, you can always organize additional time for order fulfillment.

3. Description of the sales market

To describe the sales market of a company engaged in the primary processing of industrial wood, it is necessary to proceed from those customer groups that will be the main consumers of the sawmill business.

Firstly, these are construction firms, design studios engaged in the construction of private houses and cottages. The market for individual housing construction in Russia is still only at the beginning of its development.

If we focus on the dynamics of the market of the past several years, then the commissioning of private houses averages about 8 million square meters across the country. m per year.

This is not so much, but the upward trend in demand suggests that this market will soon outpace construction in terms of volumes. apartment buildings... Moreover, the countryside accounts for about 2 million square meters. m, which is the 4th part of the entire market.

Secondly, the export direction of the market. In Russia, there are many companies, large and small (legal and semi-legal), which, in one way or another, are engaged in the export of industrial wood or sawn timber to different countries. The first place in this market is occupied by such countries as China - 30.4 million cubic meters, Japan - 11 million cubic meters. m and the Republic of Korea almost 7 million cubic meters. As for the EU countries, Germany is the first in terms of timber imports.

In general, the potential of the export sawn timber market is growing dynamically, and by 2020 it will grow by more than 15%.

Thirdly, the domestic sawn timber market in Russia.

The domestic sawn timber market in Russia does not lag behind the global market in terms of growth rates, and the annual demand increases by about 3-4% per year. A similar dynamics is observed for all groups of forest products of primary and secondary processing of wood raw materials (round timber).

In the sawn timber market, demand growth will be more than 50% by 2020. In this market, the main players are not only construction companies, but also various companies using primary processing wood raw materials - this is furniture manufacturing, and mechanical engineering, and shipbuilding, etc.

As a result, a very definite conclusion can be drawn:

  • Products in the form of primary processing materials are in demand in the amount of at least 35 million cubic meters on average throughout the country.
  • The dynamics of market growth is stable, and for the most part, the market is focused on domestic consumption, which gives it some protection from various world economic crises.
  • Local markets as part of the all-Russian sawnwood market may have different characteristics, but, in general, do not differ from the general trend in the country and will have a steady demand across the entire spectrum of sawn timber.

4. Sales and Marketing

Also, in order to attract customers, a system of discounts should be used, especially if the client provides large volumes of timber for processing.

Various channels of interaction with customers can be used to sell products and provide services for the sawmill.

Such sales channels can be:

  • conclusion of long-term contracts with companies in need of a constant supply of sawn timber;
  • organizing the sale of finished sawn timber through your own website or online store;
  • cooperation with large hardware stores or hypermarkets;
  • participation in competitive bidding and auctions for state or municipal orders, take part in contract supplies for state and municipal organizations.

5. Production plan

To organize such a business, for the first time, you can get by with the registration of an individual entrepreneur, which in terms of time will take only 3 days in a local department of the Federal Tax Service and will cost no more than 3 thousand rubles.

But, if you take into account the prospect of business development, when you have to work with legal entities having the organizational and legal form of LLC, you will have to look for an opportunity to work with VAT. In the future, it should be borne in mind that as the volume of product processing grows, it will be necessary to switch to the LLC form with a simplified taxation system, the tax base "income - expenses".

To organize a business, you should also:

  • Obtain permission from local departments of the SES for the operation of an industrial facility. Pass the sanitary certification of workplaces.
  • Pass an inspection of the facility and obtain permission for its operation from the local authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (fire protection).
  • Obtain permission to operate industrial equipment from Rostekhnadzor, including when connecting a sawmill to high-voltage energy sources.
  • Conclude a lease for land plot, production facilities or register them as property.
  • Conclusion of an agreement and setting on the protection of the object in the bodies of non-departmental security or with local private security companies.
  • Recruit staff.

6. Organizational structure

In order for the sawmill to work efficiently, efficiently and safely, only qualified personnel should be involved in the work.

The staffing table should include the following positions.

  • Manager. He needs to have, at a minimum, technical education, practical experience and comprehensive knowledge of the operation of the equipment.
  • Master. This position should also be occupied by a woodworking professional.
  • Technological line operators. Trained personnel with some experience in similar installations. Concurrently, forklift drivers.
  • Electrician, fitter of equipment. Can be used periodically, under a service contract.
  • Accountant. You can use the services of a remote employee or outsourcing.

The full calculation of the payroll for 24 months, taking into account the premium part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

In any case, when choosing where the sawmill will be located, first of all, several important factors must be taken into account:

  • Proximity to customers or proximity to raw material supplier. If the demand is focused on small, small-scale wholesale orders, for a special form of wood processing, then it is better to locate the sawmill closer to customers.
  • If the clients are large construction companies, then it is better to locate the sawmill closer to the sources of raw materials: forest bases, transport hubs, industrial zones.
  • When choosing a room for a sawmill, you should also pay primary attention to the fact that it is possible to connect to an electrical network with a capacity of at least 20 kW.
  • The optimal area is 70-120 sq. m. There will also be a need for a storage area for finished products in a small covered warehouse.

Convenient access of freight transport for unloading / loading of wood raw materials and its sorting should be taken into account.

To complete the sawmill with equipment, at the initial stage, you can get by with easy-to-maintain Russian-made technological lines. Prices for new sawmills range from 100 to 300 thousand rubles.

For a small sawmill with a volume of work no more than 200 cubic meters. m per month, the following set of equipment will be optimal:

  • Band sawmill with operating parameters of a processed tree trunk with a diameter of not more than 1 m.
  • Sharpening machine for sharpening working knives and saws
  • Machine for cutting profiled beams, laths or euro lining.
  • Drying and packaging equipment. It can be purchased a little later, after the sawmill begins to generate a stable income.
  • An electric loader for unloading operations, moving lumber blanks inside the workshop.

In addition, you will need a set of special clothing, personal protective equipment for workers, fire-fighting equipment, ventilation.

Construction timber is always necessary, it gives confidence that the company will be profitable. How cost effective will a sawmill be? the business plan will help to determine at the stage of project development. The size of the start-up capital, the return on investment largely depends on the assortment of sawn timber chosen for production, the cost of timber in a given area (which depends on the distance of its delivery).

Initially, the income of both small and large sawmills is proportional to the costs of its arrangement. The main reason for the popularity of the sawmill among the customers of sawn timber is the quality of the board and timber. The grade of edged, planed and other types of wood largely depends on the raw materials used, storage conditions, compliance with humidity and temperature regime in warehouses.

The amount that an entrepreneur is willing to spend on opening a project affects the scope and speed of development of the enterprise, its popularization among customers of finished products. When developing a business plan for a sawmill, it is necessary to give a complete calculation of the ways of selling finished products. As you know, demand creates supply. In order not to miss out on your potential buyer. It is necessary to offer him all the required quality lumber.

Criteria for assessing wood, the feasibility of including scanners in the project

Wood is divided into several categories. Russian and European standards have different requirements for the quality of sawn timber. The grade of the board is determined by the admission of some defects in color, the presence small cracks, knots, knots falling out, thickening of annual rings. Russian regulations are stricter than European ones.

By standards, all wood is divided into 4 categories and rejects.

Top grade

Category 1 of the product has a moisture content of 20-22% ± 3%, does not have any visible flaws. The color of the extra class wood is uniform, no knots or cracks in the entire area of ​​the material. This category of goods is distinguished by its high cost and increased standard sizes. When marking wide boards top grade you can see the name "export", which explains the width, which differs from the GOST standards.

First grade

Wood of class "A", in contrast to boards of the highest quality, these can have knots that do not violate the integrity of the product, and up to 25% of end cracks in relation to the cut area. The main thing is that they do not separate. Cracks on the knot and the rest of the canvas are the reason for the downgrade. Chips and nicks, color variations and more serious lesions such as rot are not allowed.

Second grade

Boards of category "B" can have up to 2 knots per linear meter. Wane is acceptable. The annual rings at the bark are looser, but the boards of the second grade are not used in supporting structures. On the surface of wood cuts, there may be drops of resin, spots of fungal infections (blue, redness).

Third grade

The moisture content of the board of category "C" cannot exceed 25%. The number of knots, fungal infections, cracks and resin pockets are acceptable. The only thing that cannot be on the board of the third grade is the lesions of putrefactive pathogens.

4-5 grade or culling?

Materials that have all types of damage, including rot up to 10% of the total volume, fall into this category. Moisture criteria do not apply to boards in these categories. The material of these categories cannot be used in construction, it is more often used for household needs as temporary fencing, formwork, clamping element for the greenhouse film.

In order to determine the quality of the future sawn timber, special laser scanners are used at large woodworking enterprises. Data on internal damage, density deviations, rot, large knots and other damage are displayed on the operator's monitor. In the absence of such equipment, defects become noticeable only after cutting. Some remain inside the board or timber. This is a special case that does not affect the overall assessment of the consignment to which such a board will be distributed.

In an experiment in which a machine competed with a person, the computer turned out to be more loyal. Therefore, it is not recommended to use a scanner to determine the grade of the finished board in accordance with GOST. Most wood flaws are visible to the naked eye. A person more accurately and quickly determines the quality of the board, its belonging to a certain category.

The purchase of scanners is advisable when arranging a wood processing line in a continuous cycle of equipment operation and when working with elite wood intended for the manufacture of furniture.

What flaws does the scanner reveal?

In each area where trees grow, a certain defect occurs. It cannot be that a batch of wood with a wide variety of changes in the internal structure will come from one locality. Although, any of the deviations can lead to cracking during the drying process, which will not be uniform.

Oblique - the deviation of the fibers from the parallel direction relative to the axis of the trunk, worsens the physical indicators of the endurance of sawn timber to loads, static bending, and radial tensile strength. Wood with such a defect is difficult to process. During drying, it can shrink, undergo warping.

Curliness - fibers at different angles deviate from each other, intricately intertwined with each other. Most often, the butt suffers, but a defect can manifest itself on any part of the trunk. Mechanical processing of twisted wood is difficult. It cannot be used to make plywood, veneer. It is impossible to evenly split the affected area, although the material becomes less resistant to fracture.

Curl - this is a defect affecting the area next to the knots, the size of this curvature is not large. Depending on the penetration depth of the bent fibers, the raw material can be used to make boards of categories B and C.

Roll - This is a thickening of the annual ring, leading to an asymmetry of the trunk. In the place of deformation of the trunk, an abnormal compaction of wood occurs. Deformation is visible without additional equipment.

Attention! Defects associated with a change in the direction of the fibers are characteristic of deciduous trees, and mainly conifers are used for construction.

Range of sawmills and sawmills

Assortment is a professional term for woodworkers and builders, this word denotes a number of products of the same type of all standard sizes. The features of each category of sawn timber, possible standard sizes need to be known not only to foremen of construction teams, but also to manufacturers. Working according to standards, procurement of the building materials most demanded at construction sites, you can accelerate the sale of your own products.

The list of goods offered by the sawmill to builders:

  • two-edged timber - two sides are straight, two are convex.
  • clean-cut timber - straight sides, rectangular section.
  • four-edged timber with wane.

When forming a bar of a certain size from a trunk of a large diameter, it is possible to make from scraps:

  • croaker - a thin rounded board with bark.
  • bar - debarked decorative board, imitating the appearance of a log frame when cladding walls.
  • unedged board - wane on both sides.
  • half-edged board - wane on one side, on the other edge an even vertical cut.

These materials are accompanying, the main ones are edged boards and beams, they have strictly specified dimensions. Non-standard wood can be used to make “quarters” when the tree trunk is cut into 4 equal pieces.

The release of all of the above product groups will make the production practically waste-free.

Regardless of the scale of production, its equipment, all types of sawn timber can be produced with the least cost of electricity and labor time, forming two elements from different categories of goods in one cut.

What is a board

It is customary to call a board equal in thickness throughout the entire length of the canvas, the width of which should be at least twice the thickness. The board is made from deciduous and coniferous wood. Fine, board made deciduous tree, is called if its thickness does not exceed 32 mm. Pine or spruce boards are classified as thin if their thickness is ≤ 4 cm. Building materials in this category are used for cladding and decoration. A thick board or timber is used as load-bearing elements.

Planks 1,2,4,6 meters long are considered standard. Large board sizes are in demand during construction country houses, cottages, they are made to order. Providing such services requires a circular saw fitted to an elongated, reinforced frame.

Common wood damage

Most requested on construction market are edged board and timber. Their quality is regulated by two GOSTs - 2140-81 and 2486-86. From one tree trunk, when making a board, materials of different varieties can be obtained, which is caused by damage, neoplasms in a certain area of ​​the raw material.

Losses of raw materials in the production of lumber

Core very different in density, it is not used in the manufacture of materials of the Extra class and categories A, B. For the manufacture of timber and boards of category C this material is used.

Rotten wood cannot be used in construction, it makes no sense to waste time and electrical resources on its processing.

Prophecy - a piece of wood that differs in density from the rest of the canvas, but has a unique pattern. For the manufacture of load-bearing structures not used, but can be used in the manufacture decorative elements interior.

Blue, this type of fungal infection is not the reason for the rejection of raw materials. After atmospheric drying, the material is ready for processing, after which it must be treated with a specialized impregnation.

Natural cracks with a variety of directions:

  • metic;
  • shaking;
  • frosty;
  • shrinkage;
  • longitudinal, screw, transverse warpage.

Many defects appear due to improper processing, violation of the storage regime, lack of free air circulation, high humidity. Properly equipped warehouses and workshops will help to avoid the loss of raw materials and finished goods.

Sawmill: services and sales market

A home sawmill does not have to work with large timber suppliers. For some areas where private construction is not in great demand, the manufacture of timber, finishing and construction boards is not the most profitable investment. In cities, the following are more in demand:

  • timber with sides 60, 50, 40 mm;
  • slats with a section of 25 by 35, 40, 50, 60 mm;
  • platbands and other elements of the door frame;
  • glazing beads and frames for windows;
  • wooden doors;
  • window frames.

As a point of sale for these materials, you can use construction chain stores such as "Metrika", "Vimos", in which slats and other sawn timber are asked. Permanent supply contracts building materials will be mutually beneficial. Local products are cheaper due to direct deliveries and lower transportation costs.

It is not always profitable to manufacture window frames and door leaf for sale. In private construction, the size of window and door openings often differs from the standard sizes adopted for typical houses. Windows and doors differ in height and width in city houses of Stalinist buildings. Replacing old frames, door frames it is better to make to order, which implies good advertising on social networks, stores selling similar goods.

For the manufacture of slats, timber, door leaf, window frames enough wood of standard moisture, converted into a garage workshop, a retractable metal bed with a fixed circular saw and carpentry machine... This simple equipment is enough to generate an initial income, which will gradually allow you to purchase your own drying chamber, milling cutter and other necessary machines. So a simple sawmill can grow into a woodworking workshop.

Sawmill as a supplier of raw materials for production

Before opening a sawmill, it is necessary to "probe" the sales market, to study the demand for the services of potential partners who need wood raw materials for the manufacture of products. You can look for customers of sawn timber in the neighboring areas. If you have regular customers with a stable production of furniture, pallets, pallets, flooring, boxes for storing agricultural products, you can plan your own income from cooperation.

The guarantor of the fulfillment of the agreements is a drawn up, partially or fully paid, contract for the supply of raw materials of a certain type, moisture content, category. Taking into account the dimensions of the boards used by the customer, it is possible to simplify the loading, dispatch, and delivery of the material.

To do this, you just need to cut the boards to size, which requires facing equipment. The peculiarity of pine is that its crown is high, which means that most of the trunk is suitable for making materials of category A. But the upper part can also be used for material of the same quality by cutting out knotty areas. The processing time will take longer, but the material will also be of a higher quality, which is beneficial for both the supplier and the customer.

Additional income of a sawmill or how to transform a marriage into expensive exclusive products

The most expensive material from the sawmill is edged board. To make it more expensive, you can use a thickness gauge, then you get a planed board that does not have roughness, deviations in size. For the production of wooden furniture, decorative interior decorations, wood rejected due to internal deformation is suitable. It can be sold for crafts to craftsmen or processed on a milling machine by setting a multilayer cutting program using CNC.

When working with construction companies, supplementing sawmill equipment with carpentry or milling machine also will not be superfluous. With individual construction, people want to receive original view at home. This will require:

  • balusters for the porch;
  • platbands and carved window shutters;
  • a ridge on the roof;
  • weather vane in the form of a rooster or pennant;
  • valances for the pediment.

Even more wood decorations are required for arranging gazebos, garden decoration.

In order for the elements to match in size with the customer's requirements, they sometimes have to be spliced. This will require:

  • tenoning machine;
  • glue;
  • Press.

This equipment is divided into automatic and semi-automatic. If necessary, constant supply of boards exceeding standard length(6 meters), it is advisable to equip the sawmill with an automatic line for continuous gluing of materials.

Sawmill cost

The cheapest sawmill - production with an authorized capital of ≈ 10,000 rubles, is quite viable if you do not require great returns from it. To equip it, you only need a circular electric saw installed on a metal frame, sheds for storing raw materials and finished products.

Small consignments of goods (short lengths) can be delivered to points of sale or to the customer on a trailer passenger car... To deliver standard boards, you will need an on-board vehicle of the "I load myself - I carry it myself" type, popularly called "fiscars". This vehicle is simply not replaceable in the forest when loading and unloading logs on the production site.

Wood is a heavy material. For its preliminary cutting, you will need hand chainsaw... When self-harvesting logs for a sawmill, you will also need a lopper (a specialized chainsaw with an elongated tire and a specific inclination of the cutting elements).

What determines the value of the sawmill's assets

Investments in the purchase of machine tools, working tools, vehicles for premises for workshops and warehouses should be justified within the first 3-5 years from the date of launching production facilities. Assets in terms of accounting, income-generating property - means of production. In the event of bankruptcy of the enterprise, they ensure the closure of financial obligations to creditors, dismissed by employees during the liquidation of the enterprise.

To obtain maximum profit, at the planning stage, it is necessary to include only the most necessary equipment... Its list should be drawn up after the assortment of sawn timber that will be produced has been determined. Studying the market segment for woodworking in the area where the enterprise is located and adjacent territories will help in the correct planning of financial investments. Only a profitable enterprise can count on investments, loans, and state financial support.

A well-designed sawmill business plan can make it prosperous by purchasing new - powerful, accurate, safe equipment. Considering that most of the deviations in the size of lumber are obtained due to the human factor, it is more advisable to make the sawmill automatic or semi-automatic. Mechanization of processes makes the workshop more expensive, but its payback will also be higher due to a decrease in rejected products and labor costs for unskilled workers.

Market analysis

Comparison of prices for a similar product, which is planned to be produced, will determine the income from each cubic meter of wood. This will be reflected in the financial part of the business plan.

Marketing plan

This section of the business plan is a kind of advertisement for the project. It details the following points:

  • general information about the company;
  • targets and goals;
  • direction of activity;
  • range of products with detailed descriptions;
  • target audience, main consumers, customers;
  • product pricing;
  • forecasting production costs;
  • ways to promote goods;
  • sales routes;
  • attraction of investments;
  • the need for additional funding for the project;
  • expected payback period.

Financial section

A complete list of costs for the purchase of equipment, consignments of raw materials, monthly wages of the team, contributions to the pension fund and tax authorities, loan payments. Each of the categories of expenses (for clarity) is drawn up in the form of a table.

Preparatory work and one-time expenses

Equipment for processing 500 m³ of wood


positionsalaryNumber of working unitsPayment per monthPayment per year
framer20 000 4 80 000 960 000
sharpener15 000 1 15 000 180 000
handymen17 000 5 85 000 1 020 000
accountant3500 1 3 500 42 000
manager15 000 1 15 000 180 000
Total: 2,382,000

For a small business, the permanent presence of an accountant is not required. It can be taken for combination or hired under an outsourcing agreement. The salary of the manager - the owner of the business - can also be considered symbolic. At first, he will have to combine the positions of HR manager, administrator, clerk, operator of the supply and sales department.

This table in the next financial year may become twice or even three times longer, but this depends on the intensity of business development, the demand for goods.

In the same section, monthly deductions are indicated for:

  • credit;
  • payment of rent;
  • taxes;
  • utility bills;
  • purchase of consumables, spare parts.

After filling in all the rows in the tables, it becomes easier to calculate the costs. It remains to compare them with realistic figures of the estimated income to determine how profitable the production will be.

Analysis and insurance of risks

There are many risks in the woodworking industry, these include:

  • equipment breakdown;
  • ignition of raw materials or finished products;
  • damage to goods during transportation by third parties;
  • emergency involving own car companies;
  • shortfall in the planned income.

These and many other risks of loss are insured government bodies business insurance.

The preparation of all sections of the business plan must be taken seriously. Each paragraph of this document is necessary for an objective assessment of the feasibility of opening a sawmill in a given area. Marketing, production, organizational plans can generally be made a step-by-step guide to action. Punctuality is the courtesy of kings and senior executives.

Overview of the operating sawmill

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in the question in which area to start a business in order to ensure a quick rise. One of the promising areas is the opening of our own sawmill. Such an enterprise manufactures beams, boards and other products that are in demand in the construction and repair industry.

Lumber is valued quite high, and the price of timber is constantly rising. The prospects of the described business also lie in the fact that due to the introduced duties on the export of round timber abroad, more and more of it remains on the territory of our state. Let's figure out how to open a sawmill from scratch, and what is needed for this.

To open your own sawmill, you will need:

  1. Find a room. Ideally, this should be some kind of production workshop, necessarily electrified.
  2. Prepare a warehouse where the products will be stored.
  3. Prepare a place for round timber. Roughly, such a site should hold about 300 cubic meters of round timber.
  4. Equip a room for setting and sharpening tape blades.
  5. Hire a staff. For a start, a frame operator who knows how to work on a sawmill and a few assistants are enough. The latter will carry the cut and sawed off fragments. You will also need a sharpener for processing tape webs.
  6. Establish a constant supply of round timber to the enterprise. Statistics show that many sawmills are closed precisely because they lack wood. If there are no blanks, there will be no products for sale. Therefore, it is advisable to open such an enterprise close to sources of raw materials. Business plan band sawmill must necessarily include a point in which options for the supply of raw materials and the sale of finished products will be described.

Where to sell products

There are usually no problems with the sale of sawn timber, since they are a highly demanded product. Most effective method organization of work - to carry out a cut to order. This option is especially beneficial in conditions of interruptions in the supply of raw materials. If you have enough wood, feel free to saw and store the finished products. Sales can be made directly from the warehouse. This service is especially popular with private customers who need small consignments of goods.

With large production volumes, you can look for exits to the local building materials markets. For example, negotiate with timber traders on direct deliveries, offering them a certain percentage of sales.

Note: You can download ready-made business plan for the sawmill from our partners with a quality guarantee!

Business specifics

  • drying of lumber. V summer period boards and beams should be laid out on special spacers. This is to prevent deterioration of materials. On the gaskets, the products will be weathered from all sides and dry out. In winter they can be packed without spacers. In the future, it is advisable to purchase a special chamber that will facilitate the drying process;
  • waste production. Wood dust, sawdust and other waste generated during the lumber manufacturing process are the raw materials from which the sawmill can generate additional value. For example, you can purchase a manufacturing facility. It is inexpensive and provides the sawmill owner with two notable benefits. it Additional income and getting rid of the need to remove industrial waste from the territory of the enterprise;
  • the salary. In order to financially motivate workers in the conscientious performance of their duties, it is recommended to tie the amount of wages to the amount of lumber produced. In other words, the pay will be partly piecework. How many cubic meters the workers sawed per shift, they will receive so much money. Of course, wages should be paid on time;
  • legal registration. To open your own sawmill, you must first register an LLC or individual entrepreneur, having gone through all the procedures provided for by law.

Read also our new article at home.

Nuances of legal registration of a sawmill

An individual entrepreneur is considered the optimal form for doing business related to cutting wood. Opening an individual entrepreneur requires less time and documents; this option is also beneficial from the point of view of taxation. The owner of the sawmill will be able to pay 6% of the income received or 15% of the difference between income and expenses. If patents for wood processing are issued in your region, the USN patent can act as an available type of taxation. This issue should be clarified in the tax office. A patent makes accounting much easier.

An entrepreneur does not need to purchase a license to harvest and cut wood. It was canceled in 2008. If your company will handle its own logging, you will have to arrange a lease of a forest area for felling. This is done in the Forestry Department. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, timber cannot be sold into private ownership. To cut down trees on your site, you must obtain a permit. It is regulated by regional regulations "On the procedure for issuing permits for the production of cutting trees and shrubs."

After contacting the Forestry Department, the entrepreneur will have to pay the interconnecting organization an amount that differs depending on the region of the country. After receiving a cadastral passport and an act on the survey of the site in it, you can start cutting down the forest for the sawmill. Forest plots are leased for a maximum of 49 years.

To obtain a permit for deforestation, the following documents may be required:

  • a document confirming the ownership of this site or a permit for felling from the owner, if the site was leased by you;
  • coordination with the forestry / forestry department;
  • plant inspection report;
  • site plan.

In order to deal with the processing of the raw materials delivered by the supplier, only those documents are needed that are required to open an IP:

  • Application for state registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • Copy of TIN;
  • A copy of the passport with registration on one sheet;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • Application for the transition to the simplified tax system, if necessary.

The risks of such a business

Like every business idea, a sawmill has its own risks associated with the specifics of the activities carried out by the company.

  • In the first place is the risk of fire. The likelihood of such an occurrence exists in every building, with varying degrees of probability of causing damage from fire. Wood is almost always available on the sawmill, and this is a flammable material. In order to protect yourself from ruin due to a fire at the sawmill, it is advisable to insure the site, raw materials and products from fire. Particular attention should be paid to fire safety, you can consider the option of installing a fire alarm.
  • The large amount of space in the sawmill's warehouse will insure you against supply disruptions. It is better to have such a quantity of raw materials, which is necessary for one or two months of the operation of the enterprise.
  • Storage conditions for raw materials is another issue that requires attention. Damp wood will cost much less. You need to take care of a shed in advance that will protect raw materials from adverse weather conditions, equip a warehouse taking into account the rules for storing raw materials and products.
  • There is always the possibility of a ban on felling the forest near which your sawmill is located. Make sure that at the moment and in the near future, officials are not going to introduce such a ban, and only after that you can choose a place for the sawmill.

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to organize an enterprise for the production of sawn timber ("Pili-Saw") in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, in the immediate vicinity of the city of Simferopol. The prerequisites for the development of the project are: a shortage of affordable building materials on the territory of the republic, associated with the lack of land communication with the mainland; lack of established supply chains from Russian manufacturers; implementation of the state program for the development of the republic, related to the development of infrastructure, housing construction etc.; increased interest of private investors in construction in the republic.

Lumber is one of the most widely used building materials, which can be used for exterior and interior decoration of buildings, for flooring, stairs, roofing, etc.

The technological chain of organization of production includes the supply of round timber, its sawing and planing on site. Sales - wholesale at regional bases of building materials. Some volume can be sold by self-pickup at retail.

A limited liability company was chosen as the organizational and legal form; form of taxation - STS.

The project is investment-attractive, which is confirmed by integral performance indicators, calculated taking into account all costs and planned revenues of the enterprise. The indicators are shown in Table. 1.

Table 1. Integral indicators of project efficiency


Today in open sources there is information about only one producer of sawn timber on the entire territory of the republic, located in the city of Dzhankoy. 97% of sawn timber comes to Crimea in finished form from suppliers on the mainland. Moreover, their cost is on average 55-65% higher than the cost of similar materials in other regions of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the pace of construction is growing. According to the government development program of the republic, the territory of Simferopol should be expanded 7 times. In addition, the volume of construction and reconstruction of tourism infrastructure is increasing. The organization of a free economic zone (FEZ Crimea) makes the region attractive to investors from other regions.

At the same time, in the region there are and successfully operate from 50 to 70 bases of building materials, selling edged and unedged sawn timber wholesale and retail. They are supplied from the producers of the “forest” regions of the mainland of the Russian Federation. All these organizations are potential consumers of the project's products. The total consumption of sawn timber in the republic and the city of Sevastopol is estimated at 12-15 thousand cubic meters per month.

The most demanded type of product is edged board, which has a wide range of applications. Then - timber, planed board, block house, imitation of timber, etc. Edged board accounts for at least 65% of the total market volume or 8.5 thousand cubic meters. In the coming years it is expected stable growth demand within 5-10% annually.

Much attention is paid to the choice of a supplier. The selection was made according to a number of parameters: the quality and price of the material, the convenience and cost of logistics, the stability of the delivery of the required volumes. The production facility is supposed to be located no further than 5 km from the station "Simferopol - Gruzovoy", which from the point of view of organizing logistics will be the most convenient, since transportation of raw materials is supposed to be carried out by rail.

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The production area is selected primarily from the point of view of the possibility of carrying out the technological cycle, handling workpieces and finished material 6 m long, etc. Loading equipment is rented. Given the seasonal nature of the demand for the products in question, this is a more economically viable option than purchasing property.

The main distribution channel is the wholesale supply of sawn timber to the bases of building materials located on the territory of the peninsula. The minimum order volume is 30 cubic meters. Delivery is organized by Pili-Pila LLC with the involvement of a transport company or private carriers. In addition, it is possible to sell goods at retail, subject to self-pickup.

Investment costs include, first of all, the purchase of technological equipment and the cost of forming the initial stock of raw materials. The list and volumes of investment costs are given in Table. 2.

Table 2. Investment costs of the "Pili-Saw" project


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

Warehouse and office equipment


Equipment set

Intangible assets

Purchasing software

Working capital

Working capital

Purchase of raw materials


7 170 000 ₽

Own funds:

RUB 2,000,000.00

Required borrowed funds:

5 170 000 ₽



Term, month:


The range of manufactured products is shown in Table. 3.

Table 3. Nomenclature and description of products manufactured by Pili-Pila LLC

All lumber is produced from coniferous logs (spruce, pine) using specialized equipment. Supplier - logging enterprise "Vyatsky Lesnik". The raw materials are of high quality and extremely low rejection rate.

The scope of application of lumber, as mentioned above, is extremely wide. In part, the scope of its use depends on the humidity. Natural moisture material is most often used for exterior decoration, roofing, lathing, etc.

Finished products are stored in a closed unheated warehouse on a pallet, where they are then transported to the customer. During storage, a temperature and humidity regime is provided that does not allow the wood to rot and dry out.


Since this product (in compliance with GOST) has weakly expressed differences in consumer characteristics, the main competitive advantage is the price and stability of supply. Stability is ensured by the territorial proximity of production and the ability to cut materials to order within 24 hours from the date of order. Such terms are unattainable for deliveries from the mainland - the delivery time in this case can be at least 10-14 days.

In addition, the competitive advantage of the enterprise as a whole is the ability to implement more flexible pricing policy... The majority of suppliers of sawn timber from the mainland carry out shipment on the condition of prepayment or payment upon receipt. The presence of the employees of Pili-Pila LLC directly on the spot allows us to assess the assets of each client, his solvency and reputation, which, in turn, allows us to offer more flexible terms payment for goods - payment by installments, merchandise credit, etc. Given the difficult economic situation in the country, this is a huge plus.

The main promotion activities are aimed at wholesale distribution channels: advertising in specialized catalogs, construction portals... However, the main tool is active sales. The sales representative establishes contacts and negotiates with the heads and specialists of the supply departments of wholesale bases, as well as construction companies.

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By the end of the first season of the project, the client structure of the company should consist of 2-3 anchor clients, providing up to 60% of the sales volume; the remaining 40% should be for 10-20 small clients. It is planned to achieve the planned results in terms of revenue by the end of the first construction season, since thanks to the preliminary work carried out, there are already clear agreements with a number of companies in the region regarding cooperation.

Shipments are carried out directly by a specialist of the sales department located on the territory of the production and warehouse complex "Pili-Pila". Shipment is carried out without agreement with the management on the fact of prepayment. Shipment on terms of postpaid, deferred payment, etc. carried out only by agreement with the director of the enterprise. Shipment is carried out within a working day from the moment of confirmation of its possibility, subject to self-pickup and within 2-3 working days if necessary, delivery by Pili-Pila LLC.

The competitive environment is represented by only one sawn timber producer located in Dzhankoy. However, according to available data, the organization is currently experiencing a serious shortage of working capital. If earlier territorial location Since it was successful in terms of logistics, after the closure of the border with Ukraine, such a location becomes inconvenient. There is no information on the incoming prices of this enterprise, but the wholesale price it offers to its customers is known - 8,800 rubles. per m 3 of edged lumber 1-3 grades of natural moisture. There is also reason to believe that the company does not have a permanent reliable supplier of raw materials, which leads to fluctuations in wholesale prices and profitability, as well as to instability in product quality.


Production of sawn timber "Pili-Saw" is carried out from high-quality round timber supplied from one of the largest loggers in the country. Delivery is carried out by rail to the station "Simferopol - Gruzovoy" in open wagons. Loading of one gondola car - up to 90 m 3. Rhythm of deliveries - 2 times a month, volume - depending on the need.

The volume of production is adjusted in accordance with the forecast of demand for the week ahead. Line productivity - 150 m 3 / shift. The planned load of equipment upon reaching the planned sales volume is 80%. The warehouse turnover is planned at the level of 1 week.

Equipment supplier selected based on detailed analysis technical characteristics machines, cost, terms of delivery, as well as feedback on the quality of equipment and the quality of work of the supplier itself.

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Equipment delivery time - 14 calendar days from the date of payment. The supplier carries out placement, commissioning, equipment adjustment and personnel training. Duration of commissioning works - 5 working days. The planned duration of training is 5 working days. In the future, the equipment supplier undertakes to carry out the necessary additional training, work on setting up and repairing equipment not only during the warranty period, but also after. The terms of service during the warranty and post-warranty period are governed by the service agreement.

In order to increase production efficiency, a decision was made to purchase a ready-made modular production line instead of individual machines. The line performs full cycle work on loading the flow, removing the slab and crushing it, calibrating the bar and sawing it in accordance with the assignment.

Finished products are stored in a warehouse, which is a covered unheated room with good ventilation. Lumber is stored in piles with the obligatory use of wooden shelves to ensure sufficient ventilation. Lack of air circulation can lead to the formation of rot, mildew and mildew.

Variable costs include the cost of raw materials and transportation costs. The cost of transportation of 1 wagon from the supplier to production is 250,000 rubles with a load of 90 m 3. Thus, with the cost of raw materials in the range of 3,500 rubles / m3, the cost of transportation will be approximately 2,800 rubles / m3. In addition, the costs of transshipment of raw materials from railway station before production. Thus, variable costs per 1 m 3 will amount to 6,500 rubles.

Table 4. Variable costs and the formation of the wholesale selling price of goods





Edged board

Unedged board


33 280 ₽

Fixed costs include rent, advertising, utility bills, etc. (Table 5). Required production area - about 200 m 2, warehouse - 300 m 2. It is also necessary to provide a recreation room for staff, toilets and showers, a room for eating, an office space. Thus, the total area will be about 600 m 2.

Table 5. Fixed costs

It is especially important to ensure high level labor safety. All workers employed in production must undergo training, certification and annual safety certification. The main requirements for employees when hiring them are at least 5 years of experience in manufacturing (not necessarily woodworking), responsibility, and the absence of bad habits.


When implementing a project, the following main stages can be distinguished: ordering and supplying equipment, installing and setting up equipment and training employees, the first stage of the project, the second stage of the project.

Equipment order and delivery - 14 calendar days. Installation, commissioning and training - 10 working (14 calendar) days. The first stage of the project is understood as the period preceding the achievement of the planned sales figures. The second stage of implementation is the direct activity of the enterprise in accordance with the established planned indicators. It is planned to reach the second stage by the 6th month of work.

Management functions are carried out by the director - an employee with experience in the field of woodworking, or in the field of sawn timber trade. Experience of work in the position of director (deputy director) of the enterprise is critical.

The work to attract customers is carried out by sales representatives. The main work falls on the off-season to prepare the soil for the season. Customer service is provided by sales specialists who process incoming requests, issue invoices and control payments, and arrange shipment.

All employees are carefully screened before making a hiring decision. As a consequence, the recruitment is for the purpose of long-term cooperation, and not seasonal work. Employees keep their salaries even in the off-season, when production work and sales of goods are not actually carried out.

Table 6. Staffing table and payroll


Salary, rub.

Number, people

Payroll, rub.






Sawmill operator


Sales Manager

Sales Representative




326,000.00 ₽

Social Security contributions:

RUB 97,800.00

Total with deductions:

RUB 423,800.00

Figure 1. Organizational diagram of Pili-Pila LLC


The financial plan is designed for a five-year perspective. All types of costs of the enterprise are taken into account. Based on comparison different options, based on the results of the calculation, a simplified taxation system with the object “income minus expenses” was selected.

The cash flow statement is given in Appendix 1. The structure of the company's expenses is shown in Table. 4, 5, 6. The total investment costs - 7.17 million rubles. Of these, 2.0 million are own funds. 5.17 million rubles it is planned to attract in the form of a bank loan at 18% per annum, for a period of 48 months. Payments are made in annuity payments with a deferral of the first payment of three months. Investments in working capital amount to 1.5 million rubles. - this will provide the enterprise with working capital until it reaches payback.


To assess the investment attractiveness of the project, generally accepted integral indicators are used - net discounted income, profitability index, internal rate of return, etc. Integral indicators are shown in Table. 1.

The discount rate was chosen at the level of 15%, which is typical for the organization of new production of non-innovative products; a market for marketing the products already exists. At such a discount rate, all integral indicators have very high values, which suggests a high investment attractiveness of the project. The payback period is 6 months, and the net profit after the enterprise reaches the planned targets will amount to 15.65 million rubles. in year.


Since the considered area of ​​business is well developed both in the world and in domestic practice, the risks associated with the implementation of this project are low. Low level competition and high demand for products of this type also suggest good prospects for the project.

However, it is necessary to take into account all the possible risks associated with the implementation of the project. Risk assessment and measures for their prevention and / or elimination of consequences are given in Table. 7.

Table 7. Probable risks and measures to prevent them

Risk factor

Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences


Absence of planned sales volume

Active work of sales representatives at the first stages of the project; active market processing; ensuring a competitive price and delivery terms

Changing geopolitical environment

Minimization of warehouse stocks; transfer of funds to maximum liquid assets

Deteriorating economic situation in the country and the region

Provision of a relatively high share of sales at the expense of budget construction projects, since they are the least affected by the market conditions

Market entry of a direct competitor

Ensuring a strong position in the market already at the first stage of the project implementation due to a flexible pricing policy and delivery terms; establishing strong partnerships with key clients

Interruptions in the supply of raw materials due to the termination of the ferry crossing due to weather conditions

Providing a stock of raw materials for a week and an irreducible stock in case of force majeure - for 4 shifts

Interruptions in the supply of raw materials due to the fault of the supplier

Constant monitoring of the market and maintaining relationships with alternative suppliers

Rising raw material prices

Indication of the terms of price increase in the supply agreement - no less than 1 month notice, the possibility of fixing prices for a certain volume of goods, etc.

Taking into account all possible risk factors and the implementation of measures to prevent them, we can say that the project is low-risk. And, therefore, it is of interest to the investor.



Denis Miroshnichenko
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