Simple business: selling souvenirs. Business plan for selling handmade souvenirs

I tried to trade different groups goods and I would like to note that the souvenir assortment has a number of clear advantages. Unlike food and, for example, cosmetics, cute trinkets do not spoil and do not have a sell-by date.


Souvenirs do not need to be certified, there is no need to obtain special permits to trade these products, and the seller does not have to issue a health certificate. And although souvenirs are not essential items or goods in high demand, they sell well, and the relatively small turnover can be more than compensated for by high profitability.

Souvenirs “tourist” and “gift”

In my opinion, it is these two categories that souvenir products are primarily divided into. There are, however, also promotional souvenirs, but as a rule, they are not sold at retail. However, some products are equally well bought by guests of the city as souvenirs, and as gifts by the natives. An example is souvenir mugs with images of architectural monuments or views of the pearls of local nature. And, let’s say, Gzhel porcelain in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region will be a “dual-use” product, and in other places it will be primarily a gift item.

Of course, sometimes tourists willingly buy souvenirs that have nothing to do with local attractions, simply as gifts for loved ones. And yet, IMHO, the conditional division of the assortment into the two above-mentioned categories remains relevant.

Taking a foothold is the basis for business success

Good location for retail point of sale is one of the main conditions for profitable work. Of course, there are exceptions: if you are selling something exclusive and at the same time desperately what people need, they are ready to come to you on the other side of the city with two transfers. No one will chase souvenirs like that; they are already sold at every turn. To sell “tourist” products, you should choose sites near local attractions. It is advisable to first observe whether excursions stop at this place for a time sufficient to make purchases, or whether tourists are quickly “driven” further along the route.

Gifts are good to sell in large shopping centers, in the sales areas of large grocery stores, on pedestrian streets and at intersections of major passenger flows. The only trouble is that all the “bread” places are usually occupied by competitors for a long time and firmly, and if they are suddenly free, then astronomical sums are asked for rent (this fully applies to the approaches to tourist sites). Instead of a souvenir kiosk or department, you can try opening a trade from a portable tray or using a collapsible tent. But it is sometimes very difficult to obtain permission from local authorities to operate such a retail outlet (which, however, does not mean it is impossible).

There is another option: don't look for yourself permanent place, and take part in various exhibitions, fairs and folk festivals on the occasion of major and minor holidays. Here you need to carefully monitor the calendar of events and contact the event organizers in advance for approval of your participation.

Where to buy or order souvenirs for sale

It’s easier with souvenirs of a “gift” nature. You can create a wide assortment on the wholesale market or in the warehouse of almost any specialized company, something can be purchased from individual artisans (one thing does not interfere with another). An independent trip to China for cheaper souvenirs is too expensive for a novice trader.

With the “tourist” assortment it is more difficult. The attractions of some (especially small) settlements may be very poorly reflected or not indicated at all in the souvenir products offered in bulk. Then you have to turn to the services of manufacturing companies that produce custom souvenirs. And here the price of the product VERY STRONGLY depends on the size of the batch; the difference can exceed 100%. The best prices are sometimes offered not by manufacturers, but by intermediaries who place customer orders with their Chinese partners, but in this case we are usually talking about a thousand or even several thousand units, and the production time is several months. However, you can invest decent amounts in one or two items of goods only when ordering the most popular souvenirs.

Good way out There may be a purchase of components for souvenirs with a printed insert. With minimal skills, you can design the pictures yourself, and print them even on a home color printer (although, most likely, professional design and printing will give better results).

What souvenirs to choose

Which direction is better to choose - tourist or purely gift - depends primarily on the “place in the sun” that you manage to stake out. Although, if the retail space and working capital, it makes sense to cover both in some reasonable ratio. To begin with, you should try to include a variety of souvenirs in your assortment, so that later you can decide on the most relevant ones. A variety of refrigerator magnets, key chains, souvenir plates and mugs, lighters, flasks, and items from natural materials(wood, clay, straw, leather).

Should you mostly buy a cheap product or a more expensive one? Practice shows that goods in the mid-price category are usually in best demand. Expensive products will definitely sell poorly from a street stall - for substantial gifts, the buyer goes to more respectable retail outlets.

It should be remembered that souvenirs most often do not have utilitarian value, and therefore are especially high quality A significant portion of buyers may not appreciate the product, and people will regret the extra money. The same applies to the artistic level of souvenir design - unfortunately, few people have a developed aesthetic taste, and sometimes tasteless crafts sell much better than high-quality design developments. And at the same time, there is a certain stable demand for designer products self made.

Particular attention should be paid to the packaging. Properly packaged goods look and buy much better, and are less likely to deteriorate during transportation. Gift wrapping can sell well on its own; some people build their business on gift wrapping.

Competitors, let's live together!

Competition in the souvenir trade is quite strong - near the same tourist sites you can sometimes count dozens of kiosks and stalls. Sometimes the struggle for buyers takes the form of dumping wars, and as a result, all traders lose their profits. Isn't it better to have a coordinated pricing policy?! After all, tourists, and in the pre-holiday rush for gifts, most of our fellow countrymen are ready to fork out the full amount. And it is unknown whether it will be possible to sell so much more goods at reduced prices to compensate for the loss in profitability.

From personal experience I can give you an example of successful cooperation with a competitor. Together we purchase larger quantities of goods and receive discounts. Each of us works with several of our own suppliers, and as a result we both have twice the wide range of products. One person would not be able to organize all these supplies purely physically, and finding a suitable assistant is not easy, and there is a high risk of raising a new competitor.

Souvenir Calendar

It should be borne in mind that the souvenir trade is seasonal. The main flow of tourists occurs from May to August and during the Christmas holidays, and the peak demand for gifts occurs on the eve of the most popular holidays. It is advisable to stock up on souvenirs in advance, otherwise you may be left without goods on hot days. As for purely thematic gifts, such as a symbol of the coming year, there is a high risk of getting large balances of illiquid assets, which you will then have to sell at a loss.

Growing your souvenir business

The logic of any business involves development, the alternative to which is decline. And here you have several ways. You can constantly expand and improve the range, find new suppliers, develop exclusive design souvenirs. It is possible to open additional retail outlets and/or expand the geography of outbound sales. Or you can try to become a wholesaler, at least a small wholesaler for starters. But this is a topic for another conversation.

Since souvenirs and gifts are an integral part of people's lives, many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in how to open a gift shop and what is needed for this. The business itself would be simply ideal, if not for the huge number of factors that need to be taken into account - despite the fact that some of them can be taken into account quite poorly without a separate study (for example, consumer demand for certain fashionable toys and souvenirs) . But fundamental changes in this area have occurred thanks to the rapid development of the Internet, so the idea can be considered as very promising.

Online or offline?

This is a key question for most people who are going to engage in this type of business. Both options have their advantages. Thus, a traditional store located indoors makes a more solid impression on many than a “virtual” one, and you can also count on the attention of the middle and older generation - people who do not actively use the Internet. However, you need to pay for the premises, the products need to be protected, and costs increase significantly.

If you want to open an online gift store, you will spend significantly less money, and it will be easier to spread information about the product. The potential geography of activity also increases by an order of magnitude. True, there are also some disadvantages: firstly, part of the target audience, which is “on target” with the Internet, will be lost; secondly, you will have to think about how exactly to disseminate information in conditions of dominance of information of all kinds; thirdly, buyers will not have the opportunity to look at the product in person, which is also important for many.

Finally, it is possible combined options. The most common of them is when an online store is an addition to a traditional one and makes it possible to go to the website, view the assortment, select a product and place an order. True, the purchase itself is not made - instead, a message is received that is processed by the manager or salesperson, and the purchase is completed after talking with the client on the phone. It is also possible to have a full-fledged online store with reception and payment, but this is much more complicated.

You should not be deceived by the illusion that an online store will be cheaper than a traditional one - the choice should be made primarily based on what target audience you are targeting and what form of working with clients is convenient for you personally.

Competitive Advantages and Options

The most noticeable disadvantage of networks is repetitive selection. Even a small store can compete with them on equal terms due to individuality. Therefore, the main difficulty when opening a gift store is choosing an assortment. It will be necessary not only to conduct market research, but also to use your own - or someone else's - creative capabilities. Customer demand is quite difficult to predict.

It is difficult to give any advice in this area, because there is no friend according to taste. But general trends can still be traced:

  1. Good for middle-aged and older people decorative crafts in a traditional style, postcards, souvenirs without any extra challenge or shocking appearance etc.
  2. Young people appreciate jewelry, comic and prank cards, provocative (sometimes “on the verge of a foul”) figurines and figurines, mugs and other similar products with original pictures.
  3. Children like toys that are funny and attractive, without being too aggressive or provocative. Everything cute, kind, associated with cartoon and game characters is a children's sphere.

It should also be noted that most buyers have a positive attitude towards gifts if they are made by themselves. If you want to attract more people, think about opening a handmade gift shop. But then you will additionally need to take care of finding craftsmen who will supply new products regularly and on time.

Personnel and equipment

The gift shop requires the following personnel to operate:

  • director and general accountant (as for any enterprise;
  • sales consultants (two are enough to start with);
  • security guard (the work can be done by one of the sellers);
  • courier (it is better to have a full-time courier even at the initial stage).

The selection of sales consultants needs to be given Special attention. A store where people come to buy holiday supplies should have a festive mood. It is perfectly created by sociable, positive-minded people who are ready to carry on a conversation and talk about the product in an exciting way. Ideal candidates are people with experience as an animator or host of entertainment events.

In addition to the standard cash register and security equipment, depending on the specifics of the work, you will need:

  • open or glass display cases - for figurines, jewelry, mugs, and so on;
  • racks and stands - for postcards, magnets, posters and other printed materials;
  • hooks and hangers - for clothes and accessories;
  • lockers of various configurations - for storing product inventories;
  • pump - for balloons.

In any case, the composition of the equipment will depend on the specifics of the goods.

Start and initial costs

The traditional form of organizing this business is. If you wish, you can do without small room(about 15–20 square meters). Separately, you will need to think through the issue of supply and storage of products, and take care of reliable security. The registration procedure is general; no special permits are required. However, care should be taken to ensure that all products offered have quality certificates. If goods are supplied from abroad, then the certificate must be of an international standard - otherwise fines during inspection cannot be avoided.

If you use the premises, remember that you must obtain opinions and permits from the fire and sanitary-epidemiological services. Optimal scheme Taxation depends on where the products are supplied from:

  • if these are handmade gifts, then with income taxation;
  • if goods are from suppliers - then the simplified tax system with taxation based on the difference in income and expenses.

The premises themselves should be located in places where representatives of the target audience most often visit:

  • Children's gifts are best sold nearby kindergarten or schools.
  • Gifts for young people will be in demand near any entertainment and shopping establishments.
  • It makes sense to sell souvenirs for the middle and older generations near parks, cultural institutions and places of relaxation.

Of course, the more convenient the approach and access to the store, the greater the chance that random passers-by will come in for a purchase, and it is much easier to attract new customers if the entrance to the store, posters and stands are visible from a crowded part of the street, and not from the yard.

The question of how to open a gift shop from scratch interests many entrepreneurs, but this type of business cannot be done without start-up capital. For a large Russian city, the amount of initial investment is from one and a half to two million rubles; in medium-sized cities, the costs may be less than a million, however, the return on investment will be significantly lower. One-time start-up costs for a large city include:

  • purchase of commercial equipment - up to 500 thousand;
  • purchase of the first batch of goods - from 200 to 500 thousand, depending on the specifics;
  • renovation of the premises - up to 200 thousand;
  • advertising - about 100 thousand.

In addition, we must not forget about monthly expenses:

  • use of premises - from 100 thousand;
  • wage employees - up to 100 thousand;
  • advertising - about 5000;
  • transport and related expenses - up to 5000.

If the city is small, then a significant part of the amounts can be accurately divided in two. A well-advertised store of gift and souvenir products, which has a fairly wide assortment, pays for itself within a year in big city and in about a year and a half - in an average city. Profit can be made at the level of 200 thousand monthly in a large city and up to 100 thousand on average.


The gift shop needs to be developed, otherwise there will be no talk of any return on investment. There are a few possible ways development:

  • traditional advertising aimed at a specific circle of buyers or a mass audience;
  • online advertising distributed through social media and thematic sites;
  • cooperation with entertainment organizations, representation at public events;
  • promotions and offers combined with “word of mouth advertising”;
  • gifts and souvenirs to order, sale of thematic products, such as corporate or tourist products.

A gift shop can be recommended as a reliable project with great prospects, but it is not suitable for people without a creative approach and without any noticeable start-up capital. Since gifts are relevant to all people at different times, sales can be all year round, and during national holidays, attendance will increase several times.

As practice shows, a souvenir business can bring in up to $2 thousand a month. But this largely depends on how to organize it and what to concentrate your business on.

Business Features

First of all, let's figure out how attractive the souvenir business is. According to research, people spend approximately 30% of their income annually on souvenirs. Moreover, the niche is huge, variable, and in each of its variations there will always be a buyer. So, you can implement your ideas in the following directions:

  • souvenirs for football and hockey fans;
  • for tourists;
  • corporate, private orders;
  • original works and so on.

Depending on the audience your business is designed for, its seasonal fluctuations also depend. For example, the largest number of corporate orders will be for public holidays: New Year, March eighth, etc. Tourists buy the most products in summer period when there is a maximum influx of vacationers into the city. Football and hockey fans often buy scarves, figurines and badges in anticipation of the next match. Author's works, as a rule, are bought all year round without noticeable surges in sales.

Knowing when a rush for products is expected, you can intensify your business in advance and saturate the market with the necessary products.

Types of business

Despite the fact that the business is considered home-based, ideas for its implementation will help organize both a small additional income and a significant profit. The implementation of the idea can be online or offline. You can make souvenirs with your own hands and sell them, or you can act as an intermediary, selling products made by other craftsmen.

Mediation ideas

In this format, ideas can be implemented in two ways.

  1. Purchase goods in bulk from companies engaged in the industrial production of souvenirs. You can find them via the Internet, and not only within your state.
  2. Work with craftsmen who make souvenirs with their own hands. Many women who sit at home make various souvenirs with their own hands in their spare time. You can find them on thematic or women's communities or forums.

The advantage of this technology for selling a business is that you can put a markup of 200% of the purchase price on souvenir products. This compensates for the low cost of one unit of goods.

DIY making

If you are not yet ready for big business, you can locally sell handmade crafts. True, in this case you will have to generate ideas for souvenirs yourself - unique things are most in demand. Moreover, you can make anything at home with your own hands. It all depends on what audience your ideas are intended for.

If souvenirs for sports fans are mainly purchased in bulk from suppliers, then designer items for tourists and corporate clients need original ideas, realized with your own hands. It can be:

  • wooden crafts;
  • crystal figurines;
  • miniatures depicting landmarks;
  • memorial cards and more.
  • Handmade soap;
  • original candles;
  • decoupage items;
  • carving and so on.

As a rule, the implementation of such work is also the privilege of women, who do it at home with their own hands.

Printing on T-shirts and mugs

Men prefer to implement ideas more thoroughly. For example, open a point for printing pictures and inscriptions on T-shirts and mugs. Of course, this is a little home business, but it quite fits the concept of a do-it-yourself business. This involves scanning a photograph ordered for printing or creating a unique picture, printing it on thermal film and applying it to the desired surface. The implementation of any idea will take no more than 15 minutes. The simplicity of the technology allows you to print even at home if the volume of orders is relatively small.

To do this you need to have:

  • scanner – RUB 3,500;
  • printer 4-5 thousand rubles;
  • computer – 15 thousand rubles;
  • printing press (a regular iron is sufficient at first if you organize production at home).

From raw materials you need to purchase

  • T-shirts – 80 RUR/piece;
  • mugs – 25-50 rub./piece;
  • thermal paper – 5 sheets (A4) 300 rub.

If the business is not home-based, you will need funds to rent premises. It makes the most sense to take it in large quantities. mall, where there will be high daily traffic. In this case the cost square meter per month can reach 30 thousand rubles.

Profit calculation

It is difficult to accurately calculate the profits and costs of a business. It all depends on whether you will run a business from home or from an office, what type of souvenir products you will be involved in, whether you will produce them yourself or act as an intermediary.

But even with the most expensive option, this may well be a profitable business for women. The project will require relatively small investments - no more than 30-35 thousand rubles. If we talk about souvenir printing, then you can sell mugs for 300 rubles, T-shirts for 350 rubles. Such a home business will pay for itself in about a year. But this is still a very tentative period, since a lot depends on the number of orders, the theme of the souvenirs, and other things.

Sales of goods

Another important question, which must be resolved when organizing the souvenir business - the sale of goods. You can open a small souvenir shop. Its location is chosen depending on the theme of the souvenirs. For example, it makes sense to sell sports paraphernalia near stadiums and sports grounds. Items for tourists are on the main street of the city, where their flow is greatest. Products aimed at women sell well in shopping malls.

If you make products at home, you can look for work outlets and sell them there. In this case, large stores and supermarkets are also suitable.

You can create an online store. This is the best option for organizing a business for women. In this case, they can, without interrupting their household chores, take orders, provide consultations and send them by mail. If there are no funds to develop an appropriate website, you can sell manufactured souvenirs through social networks and free message boards on the Internet.

Starting your own business

Whether to officially register your business depends on its format and volume products sold. For example, for women who sometimes do something to order, there is no point in wasting time and money on paperwork. But if the sale of souvenirs brings a constant income, it is better to formalize this matter in accordance with the procedure established by law.

If you are engaged in mediation, selling the products of other artists or your own, it is best to register individual entrepreneur– you are unlikely to have to deal with large shipments. If you sell goods, purchasing them in bulk from large manufacturers, or your company has several founders, it makes sense to register an LLC.

Then we look for a room. For a small shop, you can rent a room of 15-20 square meters. m. To purchase counters, stands and cash machine. The latter must be registered with the tax office.

You first need to purchase goods in small wholesale quantities. Then, having found out what sells best, focus on purchasing this product.

Business Rules

Regardless of whether you sell souvenirs for women or for tourists, your business must be organized according to certain rules. Then his chances of success increase significantly. The basic rules are:

  1. Don't conduct business in secrecy. Tell all your friends and acquaintances about it.
  2. Take part in specialized exhibitions. This will help not only tell about yourself, but also study the market, get acquainted with new products, and communicate directly with the target audience.
  3. Even if you have an offline business, don't ignore the Internet. Look for suppliers and clients there, advertise yourself through it.
  4. Remember that only exclusive products will bring success.
  5. The presentation of the product must be appropriate, especially when you are selling products for women. Moreover, this applies not only to souvenir shops, but also to online stores.
  6. Even when implementing hand-made products, avoid uniformity.
  7. If you are a craftsman yourself and sell your products, team up with other craftsmen.

Conventionally, souvenir and gift products can be divided into 3 types: tourist, gift and advertising. Advertising items or promotional items are generally not sold in stores. Such souvenirs are given, for example, to business partners, colleagues, distinguished employees, since their design contains the logo or name of a company, enterprise or organization.
When starting a business in the souvenir industry, it would be most appropriate to opt for the sale of tourist and gift souvenirs, which have something in common in their purpose, which makes it possible to sell them simultaneously. These include: magnets, keychains, lighters, mugs, T-shirts, baseball caps, wallets, jewelry, etc.

Before starting a business selling products aimed at to a greater extent for tourists, you need to become a tourist yourself for a while. When you join a tour group, try to look at a familiar city through the eyes of a visitor, find out the route and attractions that the guides talk about, and see what visitors to the city most often buy to commemorate their trip. This transformation will help with solving several problems:

  • study the range of competitors and demand for products;
  • decide what to trade to stand out from the crowd;
  • select location.

Main risks

Be prepared for the fact that the business in the field of selling souvenirs and gifts is seasonal: the flow of tourists in our country is not year-round, and holidays do not fall on every month. Thus, the sales level increases:

  • in the period from May to August, as well as the New Year and January holidays (the highest indicators of the number of city guests);
  • on the eve of major calendar holidays;
  • during world-class sporting events.

It is worth noting that there is a possibility of being left with unsold goods, which will bring losses. For example, New Year's souvenirs with the symbol of the year will be out of date in a year, T-shirts with the emblem of a championship that has already passed will quickly lose demand, ceramic products will crack or break, textile products will get dirty, etc. But they don’t spoil as quickly as food!


A well-chosen location for opening a store is one of the factors for business prosperity. Advantageous options for locating a souvenir and gift store can be large shopping complexes, busy central streets with a constantly high number of passers-by, areas near attractions, bus and railway stations, and airports. However, it is most likely that the most popular trading spots are already occupied by other entrepreneurs or the cost of rent here may be too high for a new entrepreneur.

The optimal and profitable option for starting a business would be to open not a store, but a kiosk or a portable tent, which will significantly reduce the cost of its maintenance, but in a place where visiting is included in many excursions. There are hardly any tourists who are looking for original souvenirs will go to the outskirts of the city.

Also, you should not be located in underground passages. In this case, it is appropriate to talk about the unprofitability of the location.


And the Swede, and the reaper, and the player on the pipe - if this saying is about you, then you don’t have to think about the workers. Go to China on your own, buy various souvenirs and gifts at a very reasonable price, buy T-shirts, then use photo printing or thermal stickers to apply a design on them, purchase or make your own products with photographs of the city, and put your assortment on display every day, while maintaining friendliness and cordiality in communication with customers. However, it is still better to distribute the responsibilities of the director, seller, manufacturer, and supplier.

Suppliers play an important role in the souvenir and gift business. It will take time to find them. It is better to start with small batches, which at the initial stage will allow you to focus not on quantity, but on the range of goods. A good option will be establishing contacts with craft schools. Craftsmen capable of producing high quality original amulets dolls, toys, clothes, bags, compositions made from natural materials with landscapes, which are in great demand.

Documents and licenses

In order to start trading in souvenirs and gifts, you do not need a special license. The goods are not subject to mandatory certification and the seller can be accepted without issuing a health certificate, which significantly reduces the time for the immediate start of activity. However, to obtain permission to trade near city attractions, you must contact the administration.


It is necessary to competently treat the range of products offered, be able to anticipate and anticipate customer requests, as well as the quality of service. Your store should be prepared for periods when the purchase of souvenirs and gift products is global (pre-holidays). A sufficient quantity of goods during this period makes it possible to make bulk purchases, which frees the buyer from visiting other stores. During this time, you can invite an additional seller so that there are no queues and so that every store visitor can quickly make a purchase.
It would not be superfluous to install an air conditioner or fan at the point of sale in order to create comfortable conditions customers for a leisurely inspection of the entire range of products offered.

In order to make your business profitable, you should not miss opportunities when you can offer your products to the public. Participation in various craft fairs, exhibitions, and city events provides an opportunity to put up some of the goods for sale. The original design of the outlet, the variety and originality of souvenirs, a friendly attitude towards each customer, and possibly holding promotions (3 magnets for the price of 2) will attract the attention of visitors.


The souvenir business is quite profitable. Despite the fact that souvenirs and gifts are not essential items, the demand for them among the population is quite high. Any holiday or an important event accompanied by the presentation of a gift. A cute trinket can cause positive emotions For its owner, a product depicting a memorable place will become part of the impressions and an original piece of furniture.
Thus, it is the quality, variety and exclusivity of the assortment that will attract new customers. Make sure in advance that souvenirs brought from Asian countries do not contain the “made in China” inscription.

Souvenir products are items on which a certain sign, logo is applied, which indicates affiliation with a company, country or place. Initially, it is considered a type of advertising, but at the same time, the essence of the word “souvenir” gives such goods a slightly different meaning. It literally translates from French as “memory.” This versatility of the concept increases business opportunities associated with the production and sale of souvenirs.

A large number of entrepreneurs want to indicate just such an activity as their main one. But to do this, you need to be well versed in the state classifier in order to assign souvenir products to the correct class and subclass according to OKVED. Working with tax authorities depends on this, who may fine you for choosing a statistics code that does not correspond to the actual business being conducted. In addition, the wrong type of activity can confuse counterparties.

Entrepreneurs who plan to get business from working with souvenir products need to very carefully understand what exactly they will be doing. The OKVED code, which will need to be selected when registering with the tax office, depends on this.
Souvenir products include a fairly large number of different goods. Some make printed souvenirs, others make them from ceramic dishes, and others use photographs. Such goods, as determined by the entrepreneur himself, can be listed as souvenirs. But at the same time, there are no requirements anywhere that individual entrepreneurs cannot choose a statistics code for their business in a narrower area. For example, based on the listed types of activities, you can select both income from souvenirs and more general codes:

  • for printing, which is not mentioned in other types according to OKVED, use the digital designation 22.22;
  • for the manufacture of ceramic and household products, the digital designation 26.21 is used;
  • for the use of photographic equipment and the use of photo printing, indicate code 74.81.
There are many more options that the individual entrepreneur chooses in each individual case. But at the same time, he must take into account the taxation system so that the chosen type of activity, according to OKVED, allows its use.

Also, to select a statistics code, it is necessary to take into account what the entrepreneur plans to do with souvenirs:

  • produce;
  • implement.

Of course, an individual entrepreneur can indicate several types of activities during registration, but still one is established as the main one. Therefore, even if a businessman manufactures and later sells his products, it is necessary to decide what to devote more time to.

It is worth noting that there are no specifics regarding the production of souvenirs in OKVED. That is, it is impossible to find a code with the name “Manufacture of souvenir products” in the classifier. Therefore, those who plan to register such a business do not even have to waste time looking through all sections and groups of OKVED.

In the current version of the classifier, such activities, which are aimed at producing souvenirs, are classified by most tax service specialists in class 32. It is assigned to various types of production of products that are not included in other specific lists. All types of production, consumables, and the use of goods from this group have a fairly wide list Supplies, methods of use and other characteristics.

Today this code belongs to section D of OKVED, but the modern version of the classifier will soon lose its validity. From January 1, 2017, this class, according to OKVED-2, will be in section C, but with the same name “Manufacturing industries”.

But OKVED 36.1 is a fairly large grouping that contains different kinds activities. For those who are specifically involved in the production of souvenirs, it is best to focus on the subclass that best characterizes the product:

  • 50 – includes games and toys that can also act as souvenirs;
  • 6 – includes items that often act as souvenirs, namely:
  • pens;
  • pencils;
  • umbrellas;
  • lighters;
  • handicrafts and others.

Starting from 2017, class 36 will move to class 32, which entrepreneurs can focus on as early as 2019.

Trade in souvenirs

As for the direct sale of souvenir products, entrepreneurs who decide to make this activity the main one will be much easier. OKVED has a section and subclass that clearly defines the trade in souvenirs.

We are talking about code 52.48.34. The full name of this digital designation of one of the types of activity includes not only the trade in souvenirs, but also folk crafts, goods that can be classified as cult or religious items, and funeral supplies.

Choosing this code when registering for individual entrepreneurs who sell souvenirs will be absolutely correct. Although this is far from the only option. After all, this code is used specifically for retail trade.

In addition to this, by the way, you can also use:

  • code 52.48.24, which suggests retail trade games, as well as toys, which are often souvenirs;
  • code 52.48.3, which means retail trade in non-food products not included in other groups;
  • code 52.47.3 allows retail sales of publishing houses and stationery.

  • 44.2 - subclass, which is used in cases where wholesale trade occurs between the supplier and the buyer of ceramics and glass products;
  • 47 – subclass that is used when souvenirs can be classified as food products:
  • 47.2 – designation for the wholesale sale of publishing houses and stationery;
  • 47.3 – indicates wholesale trade in other food products;
  • 70 – subclass to define activities related to wholesale trade of all other types.

An experienced lawyer or tax official will help you choose the OKVED code as correctly as possible, especially when making wholesale deliveries that require a lot of money. Such consultation can significantly reduce costs during business due to the taxation system, as well as fines for incorrect OKVED code. Therefore, you need to take this seriously and review all possible codes for your business in advance.

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