Stretch ceilings with lighting. Installation and photo of a stretch ceiling with lighting around the perimeter Stretch ceiling with LED strip around the perimeter

700 rub/m.p. with installation

It will become a real decoration of the interior, emphasize the perimeter of the room and increase the intensity of lighting. We use high-quality LED strips with a long service life, so you can enjoy the beauty of the contour for many years. The secret of the backlit stretch ceiling installation technology lies in a special contour profile with a place for attaching the tape. We use only strong materials, so perfectly straight lines will remain so forever. Find out how much your ceiling is worth. Leave a request for a freeze!

700 rub/m.p. with installation

Soaring stretch ceilings got an intriguing name because of the visual perception. When the light is turned on, an air edge is formed between the ceiling tiers, which "tears" one part of the ceiling from the other. If desired, several figures and structures are made, which are equipped with their own light system. To get such beauty, you need to place an order in RumExpert. Let's do the work with integrity. You will only have to admire the "hanging in the air" ceiling.

light lines

2000 rub/m.p. with installation

Strict and clear lines can be located on any part of the canvas. The technology allows you to collect various geometric shapes, such as a rhombus or squares. The bright light from the LED strip is quite capable of becoming the main source of illumination. The profile allows you to work in any area, in horizontal and vertical planes. Trust the experts in the field of repair, we will complete the order for five points. We have great quality at a great price!

Stretch ceiling
Illuminated through the canvas

900 rub/m.p. with installation

Do you want to create an extraordinary atmosphere in the room? Then order a stretch ceiling with lighting through the canvas. Soft light will be a great night light or addition to a special evening, festive or romantic setting. We will bring any idea to life. Call the measurer, the master will tell you where it is better to place the levels and advise on the company's products. You will definitely like the result.

How fast is technology progressing in today's world? More recently, from the words of a stretch ceiling, it became pleasant to the soul, but empty in the wallet. Now, at a time when stretch ceilings on the Russian market are represented by various companies and competition is very high, stretch ceilings have become more accessible. Therefore, designers offer different solutions, including stretch ceiling lighting. led strip from within.

Depending on the height of the room and the ability to bite off 10 cm from the height of the room, several types of stretch ceilings and lighting for them can be made.

Some types of lighting that will provide good, but not sufficient lighting:

  • LED strip along the perimeter of a stretch single-level ceiling;
  • Two-level ceiling with a GKL box around the perimeter with backlight;
  • LED strip under the stretch ceiling - simple shapes;
  • Designer stretch ceilings with lighting in accordance with the overall design.

When installing any of the structures, the question arises of changing the lighting, or rather the LED strips inside the ceiling.

But the manufacturers of the tapes themselves promise uninterrupted operation of their lighting equipment within ten years.

During this period, even with the ceiling, something can happen, so the installation of LED strips under the entire structure of the stretch ceiling is a safe and long-term installation.

But if there are concerns about the durability of LED strips inside the ceiling, then it is possible to place them around the perimeter, hiding them in a drywall box or just below the stretch ceiling, covered with a special plinth.

LED strip in a stretch ceiling - beauty is inside

Stretch ceiling with LED strips inside, young people also choose in children's rooms.

The advantages of such lighting are much greater than the minuses:

  1. LED strips use much less electricity than conventional lamps daylight;
  2. This lighting is ready to serve for years without changing lamps;
  3. Allow you to create unimaginable and unforgettable interiors;
  4. Lighting can serve as a night light;
  5. Has the ability to set the intensity of the backlight;
  6. LED strips can be white or multi-colored.

The only disadvantages can be attributed to the fact that the same picture of the ceiling can get bored for such a long period.

Young people prefer to make incredible light figures on the ceiling in their room or create light music for home discos and parties.

In the children's room, such lighting is indispensable. Many babies are afraid to go to bed without light, but turning on a dotted night light or leaving an overhead daylight is very expensive. LED strips under the ceiling in the nursery can be made in the form of a starry sky map or arranged in the form of a favorite character. The baby will sleep peacefully and energy savings will be visible already in the first month.

Stretch ceilings with perimeter lighting - installation options

Creating a calm mood gives soft lighting around the perimeter of the stretch ceiling. In the evening, I want to relax not only myself, but also my eyes, for this reason, the installation of LED strips around the perimeter the best option lighting. Such light does not bother, will never go out of fashion, ribbons are easy to change.

The principle of installation is to install LED strips on the wall, just below the ceiling itself. Whatever the structure is visible, it is covered with a special ceiling plinth. You can make a multi-level ceiling, the perimeter of which will be made of plasterboard and the tape will be hidden in it. In this case, you should not make a glossy stretch ceiling, since the entire drywall construction and tape will be reflected in gloss, as in a mirror. Such a picture will greatly spoil the interior and become the worst project in the house.

It is important to know that LEDs do not provide full lighting and a chandelier is also necessary in the room.

The option with lighting around the perimeter of the stretch ceiling is good for a living room or dining room. In the evening, when you want to relax and watch a video or TV, you can turn off the main light, leaving only the LEDs around the perimeter of the room. Such lighting is necessary, since oculists do not recommend watching TV without light at all, and with full daylight, using a chandelier, your eyes do not rest.

In addition, the intensity of LED lighting can be reduced and create a comfortable environment for yourself.

Installation of LED strip under a stretch ceiling

Of course, not everyone can install a stretch ceiling with their own hands, but many people can make an unforgettable light pattern. Since the ceiling is mounted, being fixed only to the guides along the perimeter of the room, the space between them, or rather the entire draft ceiling, is a field for activity and a blank sheet of paper.

To make an exclusive light drawing, first of all, you need to draw the location of the tapes on the ceiling. Depending on the selected pattern and the color of the ceiling material itself, choose LED strips. These can be white or colored LEDs.

According to your own drawing, you need to measure the footage of the tape itself, add a little for unexpected changes or additions and purchase material, namely the LED strip itself, connectors for connecting separate parts ribbons, wires to connect to the room's power system, and relays to change the intensity of the color.

How to attach the tape:

  • Since the tape has an adhesive base, it can be easily attached to the ceiling, the only problem is that the ceiling must be fully prepared for this action. Namely, the surface must be degreased, primed, sanded and puttied.
  • The adhesive layer adheres very well, and for this reason it is necessary to work slowly with great precision and care.
  • You can cut the tape only in specially marked places, and connect it using special connectors. Strong bends also affect the life of the LEDs, creating a pattern, it is worth considering this fact.
  • After full gluing and connection of all components located on the ceiling, it is necessary to connect the lighting to the general network. But do not think that the wires from the tape can simply be plugged into a common network or outlet. This is done through a special converter called a power supply.
  • For tapes of different lengths, there are their own power supplies and their power must be calculated depending on the length of the tapes and their number. Depending on the energy consumption of the LED strip, which is written in the certificate, as well as in the instructions, which are issued even when buying one meter.

The power consumption is indicated for 1 meter of length, so when installing it is necessary to multiply the length of the line by the power of one meter.

Installation of LED strip in a stretch ceiling (video)

After seeing the result, it is worth choosing the closest power supply to it. After studying the connection instructions and, finally, connecting the entire drawing to a common network, check the operation of the lighting. After complete assembly, mount the stretch ceiling and enjoy the results.

Illumination of the stretch ceiling with LED strip from the inside (photo)

Stretch ceilings are a key element of interior design. Thanks to them, any room of the home looks stylish, modern and aesthetically attractive.

One of the factors that largely determine the demand for these structures is the backlight. Properly selected, it is able to make even the most concise ceiling design unique.


The stretch ceiling is a frame with a canvas attached to it. synthetic material. It is fixed to the base by means of special fasteners, due to which the design is reliable. This ceiling is quite simple to install and, depending on the degree of complexity, can be carried out without the involvement of a specialist within one or two days.

The convenience of installation is the fact that it does not require pre-training grounds, which significantly saves the budget and time for the installation itself.

Stretch structures are good because they can be used to beat any design flaw in the ceiling associated with the layout of an apartment or a private house. At the same time, the backlight performs not only the main function: it deliberately emphasizes design features(for example, a broken perspective, columns, ledges), passing them off as the advantages of planning.

To date, it is represented by several main varieties, it is distinguished by modern light sources that meet the standards of manufacturability and safety. Its possibilities are unlimited: if necessary, it can follow any contour of the box, it can be placed around the perimeter, built in or put on display.

The tension fabric itself is a synthetic film material based on PVC. Technical and performance characteristics it is quite high, due to uniform tension and rigid fixation, it looks neat, is distinguished by its evenness and pleasant appearance. At correct installation and tension, it does not sag, has no folds.

The key factor in the choice is that this design allows you to hide the difference in the height of the walls due to its independent choice.


Tension webs for the structures under consideration have three types of texture. It can be matte, glossy and satin.

Consider the nuances of each material.


This material is great for modern design trends. It emphasizes the manufacturability of raw materials and its synthetic base. The material has a high reflectivity, due to which it can visually enlarge the room in which it is installed.

However this effect creates emotional tension, so you need to be careful using such material in the bedroom.

The same applies to varieties of the mirror type with a glossy texture: they reflect on the surface everything that is located below. Therefore, it is difficult to look at such a ceiling, and a visual imbalance is created in the room. The abundance of interior details and their reflection contributes to the appearance of a sense of disorder., which forces the use of a glossy texture in the form of separate accents of a stretch ceiling, combining them with plasterboard structures.


This variety film coating looks stylish and goes well with glossy inserts. It softens the effect of mirrors and reflections, makes the design special, fills the room with an atmosphere of home comfort. You can look at such a ceiling without harm to the eyes and optic nerve.

At the same time, the matte canvas is able to convey any image as expressively as possible, if the stylistic design of the ceiling requires it.

Unlike a glossy counterpart, when wet cleaning, it does not leave visible streaks. This material is intended for classic and vintage interior design trends, if desired, it can be used to decorate a creative style by complementing structures, for example, with false beams, lamps in the form of communication pipes.

The backlight does not form glare on such a surface, so any image will look expressive, emphasizing the chosen design style.


This type of material is placed in a separate category of film coatings for stretch ceilings. It is not matte and far from glossy, rather, it is a mother-of-pearl reflection with a slight reflectivity, due to which the material is able to bring a special mood to any room.

Light silky texture with a pleasant sheen allows for high-quality production of images with clear contours.

Such a canvas is more difficult to care for and provides for the usual dry cleaning of the surface with a vacuum cleaner. It is more expensive than analogues, it demonstrates the status of the owners of the house (apartment) and compares each piece of furniture with itself, which makes it difficult to create an interior composition.

In terms of its qualities, the material surpasses the first two, is frost-resistant, which allows it to be used in unheated rooms (for example, in the country). This material goes well with any type of backlight, does not form sharp reflections.

Types of lighting

Consider briefly the types of lighting used for stretch ceiling structures. All of them are united by the type of light sources: these are LEDs of different power and shape.

Illumination can be central and auxiliary. In addition, it is divided into two types: external and built-in. Stretch ceiling structures are convenient in that the installation of lighting devices, depending on the selected project, can be done at the installation stage or after it.

The demand for LED lighting is obvious: it is harmless to the eyes and the body, since the lamp does not release toxins into the air during operation. In addition, LED lighting consumes a minimum of electricity, converting most of it into light.

LED backlight is ergonomic, resistant to power surges, shines even and directional light.

Located inside the structure, it often does not need a substrate, since it does not heat up and does not melt the material of the canvases.

In appearance, it is divided into:

  • flat panels;
  • spotlights (soffits);
  • angle-adjustable spots;

  • fiber optic threads;
  • neon cord (duralight);
  • flexible LED strip.

Of the options under consideration, a flexible tape and optical fiber are mounted under the material. At the same time, transparent and translucent varieties of the film are used as a stretch fabric. Light from within allows you to create unique effects on the surface of the cloth, sometimes reaching realism.

Their installation is more difficult, especially for fiber optic strands, for which holes have to be made in one of the layers to output diode backlight.

The use of such light sources implies a wide range of shades. In addition to classic neutral solutions, you can choose options for neon lighting in the palette. Buying LEDs will not cause difficulties: they are in every specialized store in a large assortment. You can buy ordinary varieties or designer ones (for example, in the form of stars, flowers).

The design of the lamps allows you to fit them into any stylistic direction of the interior.

Advantages and disadvantages

Stretch ceilings with lighting have a lot of advantages:

  • They are not limited in the choice of design, which allows you to implement the most daring creative solutions according to the chosen interior style.
  • The frame of these devices is lightweight, it does not create additional load on the ceiling during installation and allows you to combine it with plasterboard systems and diverse lighting.
  • These systems allow the use of a wide range of spot-type luminaires, models on suspensions, panels, spotlights, ribbons and spots in the decoration. For some designs, additional installation of spotlights is provided.
  • The backlight can make any image on the canvas realistic and voluminous. Today, it can clearly follow the contours and curves of structures, illuminating the design itself and the room, often replacing the central lighting.

  • The choice of color shades of the backlight is not limited: you can choose design options with varieties such as RGB. They provide for changing the color of the light flux at the request of the household.
  • In the composition of a stretch ceiling, you can use several types of lighting at the same time (for example, a chandelier, spotlights, tape, fiber optic threads). This technique allows you to change the perception of the ceiling space, erasing the boundaries of the ceiling, filling the room with air and lightness.
  • These structures are durable. With careful handling and regular care, they will last for many years, while the material will not change its quality characteristics(does not sag, crack, or age).

  • All types of material used have special impregnations, thanks to which they do not let water through and exclude the appearance of condensate from the back, which allows the use of this design indoors and apartment buildings with high humidity.
  • Stretch ceilings are resistant to temperature changes and sunlight. They will not fade in the sun, so they can be installed in bright rooms.
  • The type of illumination used can often replace conventional central lighting in full. Due to its small and often light shape, it can be used indoors small-sized type(“Khrushchev”, “Stalinka”, “Brezhnevka”).

With a lot of advantages, backlit stretch ceilings also have disadvantages. The lack of fixtures or their uneven distribution on the surface of the structure forms dark spots in room lighting. The abundance of fixtures is expensive to purchase. At the same time, they are not chosen at random: for compilation, a strict calculation is needed, taking into account the total footage. If the total power is excessive, this will affect the sharpness of the glow, which can be harmful to the eyes.

You need to take into account the temperature, as well as the shade of the light flux. For the built-in internal and external illumination, the use of yellow and too cold blue tones is unacceptable. With a daily glow, they create an oppressive atmosphere, provoking and developing depression.

Age is also important: for older households, purple and blue tones, without exception, red shades are contraindicated for everyone.

Regardless of the type of material used, these systems reduce the height of the walls. With the most concise design, the ceiling becomes 8-10 cm lower.

In spacious rooms with high ceilings, this is not as important as in tiny apartments with a lack of footage and wall height (2.3 m). This nuance can create an internal imbalance that cannot always be corrected through lighting.

In addition, none of the types of material used can withstand significant mechanical damage and punctures.

Construction types

Existing types of stretch ceilings can be divided into several categories.

At the request of the customer, you can make a ceiling:

  • single-level;
  • double;

  • three-level;
  • multilevel.

Laconic designs in one level do not provide for the creation drywall box. In this case, the relief is formed with the help of elements that carry a decorative load. These include molding, baguette, ceiling plinth, imitation plaster moldings. It is to them that the backlight is usually attached, therefore, in this case, a flexible tape is more often used.

If more light is needed, they use mainly a chandelier, which is distinguished by its lightness of form and the presence of a mass of small closed shades.

Variants of a stretch ceiling of two levels or more (multi-level structures) look more interesting, give the room versatility, and make the overall picture of the style original. Such systems are installed in rooms with high ceilings., often performing bizarre forms, emphasizing each level with a separate backlight.

The most interesting solution is to accept zoning, which allows you to accentuate individual sections of the ceiling, created different designs from drywall.

For greater harmony and a successful combination of the ceiling with the interior composition, the backlight is repeated in the decoration of furniture, wall decoration.


Design decision tensile structure depends on several factors:

  • interior styling;
  • design features of the ceiling;
  • color scheme of the general concept;
  • room footage;
  • appointment of a particular room;
  • budget possibilities.

The complexity of the design depends on your own preferences, as well as the design direction. For example, for classic interiors strict lines and some symmetry are preferred. It is allowed to design a box in the form geometric shapes, addition of the canvas with moldings and imitation of stucco molding with gilding.

The very cloth for classic design(classics, neoclassics, classicism, Italian style) implies White color and a minimum drawing. No need to overload the decor with pompous paintings depicting angels, ancient gods: palace solemnity is conveyed through furniture details and accessories.

Modern trends it is important to show the manufacturability of the material. Often the emphasis is on gloss and light shade. This allows you to make the interior elegant, especially if it is complemented by lighting with a metallic sheen that is popular today.

For modern interior compositions, the presence of metal in the arrangement of rooms is important, so a similar lighting will be a completely harmonious completion of the ceiling design.

Interesting solutions today are accents created through photo printing, supplemented for realism by hidden lighting. The design can be translucent, transparent, floating type.

The most popular prints are celestial and space themes.. The theme of space and the starry sky is perfectly embodied due to the built-in lighting in the form of a ribbon and bundles of fiber optic strands.

Sometimes, along the perimeter of the drywall box, the design provides for spotlights that can be turned on separately from the overall composition.

If you want something new sometimes they use special pins and Swarovski crystals, complementing them with built-in lighting to make the decorations look more advantageous.

Other design decisions include the use of color contrast. Usually this is a combination of two or three color shades, one of which is matte white. Compositions with a plain background and a colored niche look original., options with the transition of the stretch fabric to the wall.


Color schemes of stretch ceilings with illumination are various. In most cases, they try to choose white as the basis for the design.. It softens any color solution interior design, visually makes the ceiling higher and lighter. Among the most harmonious tones it is worth noting beige, milky, cream and light peach shades.

Warm colors contribute to creating an atmosphere of home comfort, they look beautiful and do not have a negative perception on a person.

The purpose of the room matters. Pastel shades are preferred for the bedroom. taking into account the age and gender of household members. The most popular are beige, ivory, light pink, lilac, bleached turquoise and a combination of gray and pink.

For the design of the kitchen ceiling, you can use dynamic and fresh shades . For example, yellow, orange and green canvases in combination with white contrast will look beautiful here.

Soft colors are used to decorate the living room, mixing light and saturated tones, if they are in the interior of the room. For example, these are small accents of the stretch fabric, made in wine, gray, sand, chocolate, purple, orange tones.

How to choose?

If, when considering the material for decorating the ceiling and the complexity of the design, there are doubts, you can take into account several nuances that will allow you to make a choice:

  • Contact a trusted organization with a good reputation for clients. This will minimize the risk of ordering low-quality material.
  • Carefully consider the texture of different raw materials to make a choice in favor of one of them. Pay attention to reflectivity, choose a color.
  • Correlate the width of the panel with the parameters of the ceiling of a particular room. Try to avoid seam technology, take materials with a larger width (usually satin).

  • Do not take a glossy canvas if you need to make a wide insert: the seams will look unaesthetic.
  • If it is important for you that the canvas does not create emotional tension, choose a matte or satin type of texture.
  • Evaluate the quality of the canvas, paying attention to the proposed sample. Consider the uniformity of texture, density, elasticity.
  • If you need an option to create an image with internal illumination, choose a translucent material type.
  • You should like the shade of the stretch fabric, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to be in a room with this design. Carefully consider the palette of shades offered by the seller.

Give Special attention the power of light bulbs and their shape relative to style. Good for modern interiors simple models geometric shape (usually in the form of a circle). Sometimes the ceiling space is decorated with spots (if the structure has levels or imitation of beams).

Preferred for classic dot options with glass shades or air chandeliers. If creative directions are chosen as the basis for the design, you can choose the backlight unusual shape. It can even be a visible wire with spots wound around it, attached to the main structure.

Whatever design you choose, the tensile structure must be combined with the overall concept of the interior. Since any room implies the presence of furniture, choose varieties, relying not on the drawing, but on the originality of the texture. Sometimes there are interesting samples of material in company catalogs. For example, a suede ceiling looks unusual, reminiscent of the texture of the material of the same name.

Such a coating will look quite presentable, even if it is decorated exclusively with spot lighting.

  • Start from the purpose of the room and its footage. The smaller the room and the lower its ceiling, the simpler the design should be.
  • Try to give preference to light shades color palette: they erase the rigid boundaries of the room and do not create a feeling of heaviness of the ceiling.
  • Not recommended for use in in large numbers glossy texture in the bedroom: you can not fully relax, looking at the reflective ceiling.

  • Consider a small nuance: the complexity of the design should not interrupt the overall design concept, carefully choose each piece of furniture.
  • For the bedroom and nursery, choose matte backlit designs mixed with drywall.
  • For the corridor, you can choose a product with a glossy texture without a pattern. A minimum of furniture details allows you to enter gloss here.
  • If the design is chosen for a hallway or corridor, pay attention to the matte photo printing with the image of the sky, complement it with internal lighting and flexible contour around the perimeter.

  • For children, a matte version of the stretch fabric is preferable. To prevent the room from looking boring, make a color accent on the material itself or paint drywall.
  • Pay attention to the size of the images if you plan to decorate the ceiling beautiful pattern. It cannot be large, as this creates a negative perception of space.
  • The design of the tensile structure with internal illumination is usually done in such a way that the film can be replaced if necessary.

A stretch ceiling is a design that allows you to hide surface defects, avoid additional “dirt” during repairs and a chance to transform any (even the most nondescript) interior. Unfortunately, many are limited only to the installation of a tension structure. But if you want, you can achieve a better result. What are we talking about?

In fact, everything is simple - we are talking about installation lighting fixtures(backlight), which changes the appearance and allows the owner to show imagination.

Changing the color, shape, direction of the rays and the location of the lighting - all this guarantees an incredible effect.

It remains a little - to properly organize the installation and follow the recommendations in the article.

How to make a backlight: materials and options

Stretch ceiling lighting, which is installed in 95% of cases, is a chandelier or lamps, when choosing which a number of parameters are taken into account (lamp power, type of PVC film, etc.). But that's not all - there are many more options for organizing lighting.

Illumination under the stretch ceiling is done using the following materials:

1. Diode lamp- a device that is different small size and tried on at checkout ceiling structure in the form of a starry sky. A feature of LEDs is the presence of special diffusers that guarantee an optical effect. The installation of the device is carried out together with an optical fiber cable and the use of a step-down transformer device. The installation of a diode lamp is carried out in a special scheme, which imitates the glow of stars of various sizes.

2. Fiber optic cable. Such a conductor is a group of plastic or glass filaments, which are framed in a special sheath. The peculiarity of the cable is that it does not allow light to be distributed beyond the boundaries of the fiber. The product is fastened with a fan method. The process is complex, but the end result is amazing. To improve the effect, a projector is placed on the main structure, a cable and LEDs are attached. After that, the "star" canvas of the ceiling is stretched. Further, 2 mm holes are made in the surface, where the light guides are mounted.

3. LED strip. Illumination under a stretch ceiling is often created using LED strips. Essentially, this printed circuit board, in which light sources are installed at certain intervals. Built-in LEDs can have a single-color or multi-color glow (it all depends on the crystals that are used in the devices). The main advantage is ease of installation. Modern tapes have a sticky layer that securely fixes the product on a hard surface.

4. Neon cord. The essence of the product is to supply current to a pair copper wires, after which the phosphor located between them emits a glow. Power source - batteries or converted D.C.(the role of the converter is played by the inverter). The neon cord is in demand when organizing the illumination of the borders of the stretch ceiling, as well as when organizing lighting from the inside.
Now let's look at how to make a backlight under a stretch ceiling.

Immediately, we note that the installation of the lighting device is carried out in a special box with a recess.

Watch the video: Translucent stretch ceiling with LED backlight

The main requirements for the installation of the box:

  • the installation step of the box frame is no more than 0.6 meters;
  • plasterboard sheets are attached to the top of the box;
  • the joints of the drywall product are closed with putty and a special tape;
  • at the point of fixing the profile of the tension structure and fastening the box, it is worth mounting the mortgage using the profile. The main purpose of the mortgage is to strengthen the structure (upon completion of the installation, the pull-off force is 55-60 kg).

The lighting under the stretch ceiling is equipped in two ways:

1. With drywall box

When installing a box with a protruding niche, the rules are as follows:

  • a box of plasterboard construction is installed around the perimeter of the room;
  • box height - 15-20 cm in relation to the ceiling (here it is worth focusing on the level of installation of the tension structure). Width - 40-50 cm;
  • the lower part of the box slightly sticks out to the central part of the room by 6-8 cm. A vertical edge six centimeters high is provided on the edge. But during installation, make sure that from the ceiling to the edge of the rib is 11 cm or more (this allows you to comfortably mount the ceiling);
  • a baguette of the ceiling structure is attached to the box, after which the ceiling itself is installed;
    light sources are attached to the bottom of the niche, and then connected to the power supply.

The second version is a drywall box with lighting under a stretch ceiling, but with a hidden niche.

This option is suitable for glossy (mirror) tension structures in which an open niche is reflected and spoils the view.

Externally, the structure has the shape of a box, with a hole inside.

The main task during installation is to install the structure within the plasterboard frame so that the light seems to radiate from inside the box.

Due to the fact that light emission is produced from a special hole, the box is not visible in the mirror surface.

2. Without drywall box

Experienced craftsmen often use a different way to organize the ceiling system - without installing a drywall box.

Are popular the following options settings:

  • installation of lighting behind a stretch ceiling. Despite the sufficient thickness of the structure, the light passes through it and creates a bright visual effect. To organize such lighting, fluorescent lamps (LEDs) are required, which are mounted between the main ceiling and the tension structure (this method is discussed in detail below);
  • installation of lighting using multiple ceiling levels. In this case, the lighting from below should be decorated with a decorative ledge or a special plinth that can hide the light source.

LED lighting of the stretch ceiling from the inside: types and installation

Stretch ceiling with illumination from the inside is made in several versions - with one or more levels. The principle is based on illuminating the surface of the ceiling from the inside due to the correct location of the light source in the gap between the tension structure and the main ceiling.

In systems with one level, the fixing of lighting devices is done directly to the ceiling or a beam that is attached to it. In the case of a multi-level ceiling, the principle is the same.

The only difference is that the installation of lighting structures is carried out over top level(above the one closer to the main ceiling).

Structurally, illuminated products are of several types:

  • products that are mounted around the perimeter of the room;
  • designs with uniform distribution glow;
  • figure lighting. In this case, the main LED is fixed on the main ceiling and gives out on the surface of the tension structure original figure, flowers, stars and others.

To organize the illumination from the inside, apply:

  • duralight lamps;
  • LEDs;
  • fluorescent lamps.

The best option is the use of LED strip. Its advantages:

  • lack of heating, which guarantees the integrity of the ceiling structure;
  • uniform distribution of light;
  • minimum power, which guarantees savings on electricity;
  • the possibility of organizing various options lighting;
  • high resource. Due to this quality, the replacement of the LED strip rarely has to be used. This is important against the backdrop of the complexity and high cost of installation (dismantling) of a stretch ceiling.

Complete with LED strips, additional devices are sold - a remote control, a control system and a power supply (transformer).

It is also allowed to use fluorescent lamps, but they have a number of disadvantages:

  • the possibility of organizing lighting only around the perimeter of the room;
  • a minimum resource of work, which leads to the need for frequent replacement (this means that the ceiling will have to be removed and re-tensioned).

Duralight cords are easy to install, but consume a lot of electricity and require frequent replacement. In addition, such cords lose to LEDs in terms of lighting quality.

Installation is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • develop and draw a diagram according to which the laying will be carried out;
  • calculate the cross section and length of the cable products to be used;
  • buy a tape of the required length, buy a remote control and a block. You will also need a step-down transformer, junction boxes and elements for fixing the box;
  • prepare tools and equipment for work - level, tape measure, wires, heat gun, clips, cord fasteners and others;
  • install the lighting strip on the main ceiling, connect and check the correct operation;
  • make markings and fasten baguettes around the perimeter of the room;
  • hang the canvas in the corners of the room and heat the ceiling with a heat gun;
  • after warming up the canvas to 60 degrees, complete the installation;
  • install decorative tape over the slots.

Illumination under a stretch ceiling: how to fix it?

When organizing lighting, it is worth considering the methods of mounting the ceiling structure.

There are three options here:

1. Cam mount. The lock is a pair of cams, one of which is fixed permanently, and the second plays a pressing function. The canvas is pushed through with clamps using a special spatula.

2. Wedge fastening. Most often, lighting with LEDs is mounted on shelves installed in a wedge way. Fixation is carried out by pushing the PVC film into a special baguette groove, followed by fixation with a special bar.

3. Harpoon mount. The design feature is that the harpoon is welded to PVC at the factory, so there may be problems with the organization of LED lighting. The fastening of the material is carried out according to the principle of a harpoon, using a special clamp.

When installing the LED strip, consider the following points:

  • if you want to organize multiple colors, you will need a controller. With its help it is possible to change the brightness;
  • tapes are connected in series (with a length of up to 12 meters);
  • fastening is done by removing special film and gluing LEDs to the main ceiling. Please note that degreasing or coating the surface with a primer is mandatory. Otherwise, the tape will not fix;
  • during installation, the tape must not be broken. It is allowed to use a connector for connection;
  • after that it remains to connect the product to the power supply.

It turns out that the fastening of light sources is done in two ways:

  • in a special drywall box (closed or open). This option has been discussed in detail above;
  • with adhesive tape. This method is most in demand for LED strips, as well as neon cords. It is used when mounting lighting devices from the inside of the ceiling structure.

Watch the video: Illumination behind the stretch ceiling (before stretching)

Photo backlight - a real help in the performance of work

Many beginners cannot navigate the organization of the backlight due to the fact that they do not imagine the design features of certain elements.

The presence of a photograph is an opportunity to visually assess the quality of the ceiling structure after installation.

To complete the work, the following photos will be required:

  • boxes for mounting lighting devices (closed and open type);
  • examples of ceiling lighting from the outside and from the inside;
  • the result of surface illumination with LEDs, fluorescent lamps or duralight lamps;

  • schemes for fastening stretch ceilings;
  • features of installing curtains under a stretch ceiling with lighting.

How more photos at hand, the higher the speed and quality of work performed. An additional plus is the presence of a photo or step by step installation backlight, which can always be found on the Internet.

The stretch ceiling with LED backlighting reminds me incredibly strongly of St. Elmo's Lights, which have been filling sailors with mystical delight for hundreds of years. And especially pleased with the possibility of realizing such beauty right at home. And about how to do this, I will tell further.

Types of backlighting

Incandescent and even fluorescent lighting fixtures are out of the question if you want to achieve the most magical effect, although they can be placed around the perimeter if desired.

I advise you to focus on LEDs and LED strips, depending on which type of placement of light sources you choose from the following:

  1. Contour. In this case, as you might guess from the name, the light sources are placed along the perimeter of the ceiling, which, of course, LED strips will ideally handle.

But even here there may be some nuances:

  • You can place lighting fixtures on the shelf, pointing up, and as a result get solid light bars;

  • Or you can install them on a slope, pointing along the ceiling, resulting in rays emanating from the walls are formed;

  1. dotted. Here, it is the LEDs that will be needed, and not the tapes consisting of them, and also, most likely, you will have to solder. You can also use spots for stretch ceilings. The point is that the light sources are no longer placed around the perimeter, but over the entire area. ceiling covering, as a result of which it may appear starry sky or even some other luminous one.

Features of the arrangement of contour lighting

It is noteworthy enough that it is very simple to implement everything with your own hands in this case:

Light source selection

First, of course, you need to decide on the power source:

  1. Color. Definitely, you should immediately buy a full-color RGB tape and a controller for it. The fact is that the price of such lighting devices is the same as those that use only one color, and the controller itself is even lower. You ask: “Why then are single-color products sold at all?” The fact is that they are more economically advantageous in such large areas as the decoration of banquet halls or park trees, but not in the rooms of our small apartments;

To implement the flashing function, use only controllers specially designed for this purpose. The fact is that it causes a strong psychedelic effect, for example, frequencies such as 0.5 Hz, 2 Hz and 7 Hz coincide with brain rhythms and can provoke an epileptic seizure.

As for the color spectrum itself, the following table will help you navigate:

  1. LED Density. On sale you can find tapes that contain 30, 60 or 120 light-emitting elements per meter of their length. Depending on whether you want to make diffused or directional lighting, you should use the following options:

At the same time, it is not necessary to choose in favor of only one variant of the implemented contour illumination. You can easily install light sources on slopes and on the bottom of niches, and then use the controller to change them or even turn on both at the same time, which will allow you to create your own original lighting effect.

  1. Power. On the LED strip, you can find a marking consisting of three SMD letters and four numbers that follow them. So the first two digits determine the power parameter, that is, the product on which this value is larger, more powerful. And, of course, the exact characteristics are included in the accompanying document. It's better to choose like this:

If you install lighting elements with a power of 7 and 14 W in a niche, and 5 and 7 W on a slope, you can save on the controller by buying a cheaper model without dimming, and simplify setting the desired color scheme.

  1. Whole system power. Everything is simple here: according to the plan, we look at the perimeter of the room in which the installation will be carried out, or measure it with a tape measure, after which we multiply by the power indicator of one meter of tape and get the desired value;
  2. Controller power and power supply are selected in accordance with the indicator found above.

Shelf construction

The most reliable and aesthetic option for placing an LED strip is a drywall shelf.

The instructions for making it look like this:

  1. In the lowest corner of the room we measure the distance from the ceiling at least 150 mm;
  2. According to the mark repulse with painter's cord along the perimeter of the entire room line;

  1. Along the resulting markup install guide profiles, fixing them with self-tapping screws with dowels;

  1. On the ceiling, stepping back from the walls 150-200 mm, in increments of 400-600 mm, similarly, first by marking, we also install guide profiles;
  2. In them then we insert vertically fifteen-centimeter pieces of a metal profile and fix with screws;
  3. In the guides located on the wall, we insert pieces of aluminum profiles 250 mm long so that they come into contact with vertically lowered fragments of the future frame, and at the point of contact we twist with self-tapping screws;

  1. In the place where the stretch ceiling will be installed, install metal cladding, since the pull-off force in this place will be approximately 60 kg per meter;
  2. The resulting design sheathing drywall sheets , as shown in the diagram above, that is, with a small border. There you can also get acquainted with the view of the frame itself;

The distance between the plasterboard border and the ceiling must be at least 110 mm, so that there is enough space for installing a stretch ceiling.

  1. We seal the gaps between the GKL with a sickle and putty, after which we paint the finished box and the protruding acrylic shelf;
  2. Now at the location of the mortgage stretch ceiling profile is mounted, and then it installs itself. It is better to entrust this to specialists, the main thing is that you already have everything ready for placing the backlight.

If you have already installed a stretch ceiling, then you can go the simpler way: attach a fillet protruding forward a few centimeters along the perimeter and lay the backlight above it. But this is less beautiful and practical, so it’s better to think over and implement everything in advance according to the scenario described above.

Installation of the backlight

The diagram shows how LED strips are installed for both types of implemented backlight. And, as I already advised above, it is better to install both options.

In the process, adhere to the following recommendations and rules:

  1. Soldering wires to tapes must be done with extreme care. as they may fail if overheated. Flux paste, POS-61 solder and a temperature of +160 degrees are best suited for this task. And try to solder with one point touch of the soldering iron;

If you doubt your abilities, then it is better to entrust the soldering iron to the master, since burned LEDs can end up costing more than paying for his services.

  1. Every three meters of tape connect to the controller. If you make cuts greater length, then they may not withstand the current load;
  2. Necessarily observe the polarity of the connecting terminals, as shown in the following diagram:

  1. Cut with sharp scissors or wire cutters strictly according to the markings applied on the tapes;
  2. The gluing itself is not difficult at all, but there is still some trick here: at the installation sites pre-attach PVC strips. The fact is that with the GKL, the adhesion of the adhesive composition located on back side LED strips, not very reliable, but with PVC just perfect.

And, by the way, additionally, for example, spotlights can be built into the boxes, which will expand your possibilities for playing with room lighting.

Features of the spotlight device

On the one hand, there is more soldering, on the other hand, the preliminary installation of a drywall box is optional. So it's harder to say for sure. this method than the one described above is difficult. Everyone will determine this for himself.

The works here are somewhat different, and the differences begin already at the preparatory stage:

  1. We prepare everything you need: