A short story about different berries. Children about garden berries

Lesson literary reading in 3rd grade

according to UMK "Perspective"

topic: N. Nosov "Cucumbers"

Lesson summary

Topic : N. Nosov "Cucumbers".

Lesson type : a lesson in discovering new knowledge

Equipment: presentation, exhibition of books by N. Nosov, drawings based on his story, task cards


    Stimulate the emotional and value attitude towards the heroes of the artisticworks;

    Learn how to plan a text retell the text using the plan and illustrations;

    select proverbs to the content of the text;

    formulate the rules of friendly relations; adequately assess the result of the educational task.

Lesson objectives:


contribute to the formation of a holistic view of the main idea of ​​the story;

to promote the formation and development of educational and informational skills and abilities: to read fluently, consciously and correctly, to find in the text keywords, allowing to characterize the hero;

create conditions for expressive reading;

contribute to the correction of speech, improve the competent structure of speech;


to form communicative and speech skills when working with the text of a work of art; develop emotional responsiveness when listening and reading a work;


education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness: respect for the elderly, love and respect for the feelings of loved ones.

respect for the work of other people, awareness of the value of being honest; negative attitude towards lies.

Planned results

Item Skills:

Make a plan of the text, retell using the plan and illustrations;

Retell the text on behalf of the main character;

Formulate friendship rules.

Universal learning activities:


Show a desire to read works about children;

Show an emotional and valuable attitude towards the hero of a work of art.


- perform a training task according to the algorithm;

Adequately evaluate the result of the educational task.


Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the work and justify your opinion;

choose a proverb for the work and justify your choice.


adequately interact in pairs and in a group when performing a learning task.

During the classes.

    Motivation of educational activity.

Let's start the lesson of literary reading. It's nice to talk to a person who is cheerful and friendly. Let's start the lesson with a greeting. Turn to each other, hold hands and smile. Look at me. I wish you good mood and interesting work on the lesson.

2. Speech warm-up. Checking the house. tasks.


Good deed is strong.

Good good memory.

Do not resist bad against good.

There are good people in the world.

Read with your eyes. What did you read?

Read in a whisper. Read in a whisper and slowly. Read out loud and slowly. Read aloud, focusing on the main word.

What do these proverbs have in common? (they are about good)

Let's check how you completed the task in the "Creative Notebook"?

(children read proverbs)

Assess yourself on the evaluation sheet.

    Knowledge update.

Consider illustrations for the works of one wonderful author. (slide)

Who recognized these works? Name. ("Cucumbers" "Patch" "Mishkina porridge")

Before you is an exhibition of books by N. Nosov. What works of his do you know?

4. Theme and purpose of the lesson.

Solve the riddle. Name the topic of the lesson.

I climbed into the garden

A green umbrella grows there,

Someone sly under an umbrella

Found a shady house.

Here he is! Here he is! My sly-

Delicious, ripe ... .. (cucumber)

What do you think a story like this could be about?

What is your goal?

5. Work on the topic of the lesson.

A) Primary reading. The teacher reads expressively.

What genre does the work belong to? Why?

Let's see how well you listened to the story. Read the questions, choose the correct answers. (Children in pairs work on the card)

1. Where did Pavlik and Kotka go?

A) go fishing

B) to the garden

B) into the forest

2. In what mood did Kotka come home?

A) sad

B) happy

B) thoughtful

3. How did the mother meet her son?

A) asked to return the cucumbers

B) pickled cucumbers

C) gave cucumbers to neighbors

4. Why did Kotka not want to return to the garden?

A) was embarrassed

b) it was a long way to go

B) was afraid of the watchman

5. How did the watchman behave with the boy?

A) scolded, shouted

b) spoke calmly

B) didn't say anything

6. What state of mind did Kotka have on the way home?

A) sad

B) indifferent

B) happy

Do a self test. (slide)

(A, B, A, C, B, C)


(children repeat the movements of the characters on the board to the music)

    Continuation of work on the work.

We read the story again. And so that there are no difficulties in reading, we will practice. Read in full. (slide)

place - placed - fit

Read the first time smoothly, syllable by syllable, then - in whole words.

o-look-dy-va-sya - look around

o-sta-but-vil-sya - stopped

Read carefully.

lied - plucked poke - lie

narvali - lied I beg - I'll throw it away

We read to the words "Well, and I took it" (we evaluate the student's reading)

What did you learn about the two friends?

How do you feel about Pavlik's act? Has this ever happened to you?

How did mom evaluate Kotka's act?

How would you title this part? (each item of the plan appears on the slide)

("Kotka came home joyful")

We read to the words "Kotka turned and slowly walked down the street."

How did Kotka react to his mother's demand to take the cucumbers to the garden?

What serious words did mom say? What are they talking about? What were your mother's feelings at that moment?

How shall we title this part?

("I'd rather not have a son")

Let's read this dialogue by roles expressively.

What did Kotka feel when he walked down the street? What character traits manifested themselves in Kotka? How did the author describe it? What else can be said about Kitty?

How shall we title this part?

(“Walking down the street and crying”)

We read to the words "Go, go, son"

How did the watchman assess Kotka's remorse? What was the grandfather guard like? In what way did you feel his severity? What was kindness? How to read the words of the characters?

Let's read the excerpt by role.

How shall we title this part?

(“You must understand yourself”)

Read the last three lines. Why was Kitty happy?

How shall we name it?

("He was happy in his heart")

We analyzed the whole story and made a plan. (slide)

He will help you prepare a retelling of this story at home. And so that you don't forget it, I printed the plan on cards that you will take home.

What act did Kotka do at the end of the story? Can his deed be called noble?

Read the proverbs on the board. Match them with the text. (slide)

You won't get far with cheating.

Stand up for the right cause.

Who chose proverb 1 mark yourself.

Find the sentence in the story that contains the main idea.

(“Don’t look at Pavlik, you must understand yourself”)

Make a conclusion. (taken out on the board) slide

Which life lesson mother taught her son

What does the story of Kotka teach us? (honesty, camaraderie, reflect on one's actions)

Why did N. Nosov call his story "Cucumbers"?


What did you learn from this lesson? Start your answer with:

I never thought, but now I understand ...

I realized what a bad deed ...

You did a great job in class today. Look at your self-assessment sheets. Raise your hand who has more than three "!" You get a five. Who has two - four.

9. Homework.

Retelling of N. Nosov's story "Cucumbers" according to the plan. If you wish, make your own illustrations for the story.

Class: 3

Goals: Development in children of the ability to fully perceive a work of art, empathize with the characters, emotionally respond to what they read; development of speed reading, development of forms of dramatization.

  • Formation of the ability to determine and analyze the composition of the work;
  • The ability to analyze the character and actions of heroes;
  • Ability to plan a story.
  • Develop the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions;
  • Improve expressive reading skills;
  • Education of the moral qualities of the individual.


  • Portrait of the writer N.N. Nosova
  • Exhibition of the writer's books
  • A set of cards with the titles of his works
  • Excerpts from works for reading warm-up
  • Cards with proverbs, synonymous words for practicing polysyllabic words from the story
  • Dictionary Russian language” S.I. Ozhegov
  • Cassettes with a recording from the cartoon about Dunno for physical education

During the classes

1. Organizational moment


The long-awaited call is given,
The lesson starts.

- Guys, today I propose to conduct our literary reading lesson a little differently than usual.

Let's go with you to the theater, where you will try to prove yourself as actors.

Everyone sat down in their seats and got ready for work. What mood did you come with? Show it to me with the help of the “little man”. Label your mood.

2. Checking homework

Let's check if everyone is ready for our journey. Let's see how you did your homework.

– In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the Swedish fairy tale “The Liar Princess”

  • Find and read why the princess fell in love with the shepherd.
  • Who helped Peru? How? Why?
  • Which of the heroes of the fairy tale belongs to the wonderful world?
  • At home, you had to draw a star girl, what do you imagine her to be? ( rice. On the desk).
  • What is the idea behind this story?
  • Which proverb is most suitable for our fairy tale?
  • Read the proverb slowly.
  • Think about what the tongue twister is talking about
  • Say the proverb several times: first slowly, and then faster and faster.
  • Say the proverb out loud several times at a fast pace.
  • Who will pronounce the proverb faster without errors.
  • Say the proverb with different intonations: expressing joy, sadness, surprise, anger, fear, s! , from?. intonation.
  • Say the proverb, highlighting the stress on each word.

3. Preparation for the perception of the text

- Well done! I see that everyone is well prepared, and we can go to the theater. Close all eyes. Once! Two! Three! We open our eyes.

(On the board is a drawing of the theater.)

Here we are in the theatre. Now I am not a teacher for you, but the main director. And you are actors for me. Today we will get acquainted with a new story. Meet the main actor of the theater.

Shorty naughty
In a bright blue hat.
Clumsy and arrogant
And his name is ... Dunno.

(Music sounds, the fairy-tale character Dunno appears.)

Dunno: Hello guys! You recognized me? I am a stranger! Do you know who invented me and all my friends from the Flower City? This is the writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. But he wrote books not only about us - fabulous little men, but also about guys like you.

Guys, N. Nosov's books in the library are always the most shabby. Why do you think? That's right, they are read, they never lie on the shelves.

Dunno: Guys, what do you know about the writer N.N. Nosov himself?

(Free statements of children.)

On the board is a portrait of N. Nosov.

Biographical information about N.N.Nosov.

Teacher: N.N. Nosov said: "I wanted to become a writer because I had an interesting life and I had a lot to tell people about."

Disciple: He knew a lot and possessed by nature a variety of talents, and he had to try a lot in life. Even in his youth, he happened to be a digger and a mower, a log carrier and a brick factory worker, he was fond of chemistry and photography, learned to play the violin and mandolin, played chess, published a handwritten magazine X. And then he entered the Moscow Institute of Cinematography and began working in cinema, making various educational, scientific and animated films.

Like many famous writers, N.N. Nosov first composed fairy tales and stories just like that - for his little son. And then he took one of his stories "Entertainers" to the magazine "Murzilka". This was in 1938.

Acquaintance with the exhibition of books by N.N. Nosov.

Teacher: N.N. Nosov is the author of such works as “Mishkina porridge”, “Live hat”, “Dreamers”. This story was followed by others. Take a look at our book exhibition. The author of the story about school life: “A Merry Family”, “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn”, “Vitya Maleev at School and at Home”, as well as a whole series of novels - fairy tales “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dunno in the Sunny City”, “Dunno on the Moon”. The characters of these books fell in love not only with ours, but also with foreign children. They are known in Holland, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia. Argentina, Bulgaria, India, France, Vietnam, Romania and even Japan. So for those who are not familiar with them, go to our library. I assure you, you won't regret it.

N.N. Nosov died 31 years ago. But everyone still enjoys reading his works.

4. Physical education

Dunno: And now the intermission is announced. Let's get some rest.

5. Primary reading

- Guess the name of N. Nosov's story.

I climbed into the garden, a green umbrella grows there.
Someone cunning under an umbrella found a shady house.
Hey who are you? I'm looking for, I'm calling, I'm raking the tops.
Here he is! Here he is! My trickster is a delicious, ripe cucumber!

And now I will read to you the story of N.N. Nosov “Cucumbers” (Soundtrack sounds.)

- Who main character this work?

And now for you, as for novice actors, the task is to practice reading “difficult” words.

6. Preparation for perception

(p. 115 of the textbook.)

a) Read in full.

place - placed - fit.

b) Read the first time smoothly, in syllables, then in whole words.

o-look-dy-va-sya - look around
o-sta-but-vil-sya - stopped

c) Read carefully.

lied - ripped off
Poke - lie
Narvali - lied
I will ask - I will throw out.

7. Reading and analysis of N. Nosov's story

- Good. You are now ready to read this text on your own. You will read in sequence. Pay attention to punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

a) reading aloud by the student until the words: "... Kotka began to take cucumbers out of his pockets."

(Answers 1-2 students.)

- Title this part. (Kotka came home joyful.)

b ) Expressive reading of students to the words: "Kotka turned and slowly - slowly walked down the street."

This is part I - an introduction, from which we learned in what environment the action will develop.

What have we learned about the two friends?

- How do you feel about Pavlik's act?

- Which Peacock? (Cunning, insincere - these words are posted on the board.)

- How do you imagine Kitty? (Stupid, gullible.)

- What was Kitty happy about? What is Kitty's mother like? What is its severity? Justice? Kindness? persistence? What is her love for her son?

- Title this part. (I'd rather not have a son.)

in) Reading Part II to the words: “Kotka ran home ...”

- This is the climax - the highest point in the development of the plot, in which the conflict is as aggravated as possible and requires immediate resolution. What was Kotka thinking as he walked down the street? (Read out.)

- What feelings did Kitty experience? (Annoyance, sadness, anxiety, excitement, fear.)

- What traits of character manifested themselves here in Kotka?

What else can you say about Kitty? (Trust, honest.)

- What was the grandfather-guard? (Honest, hardworking.)

- In what way did you feel his severity? (Read: “Don’t look at Pavlik ...”)

- What was the kindness of grandfather? (Wise - did not shout, did not punish.)

- Title this part. (Meeting with grandfather - watchman)

d) reading part III by students aloud. (Decoupling is a logical conclusion).

- How do you see Kitty here? What words characterize grandfather's attitude towards Kotka? ("Son".)

Why does grandfather address the boy like that? What did Kotka rejoice at at the end of the story? Give the third part of the story. (Grandfather's approval.)

How did you see the boy? Did you like the hero of the story? Why?

Find a sentence in this story that expresses the main idea. (“Don’t look at Pavlik, you must understand yourself.”) Make a conclusion.

Output: This is what happens to a person when he commits a rash act.

- On whose behalf is the story being told?

Since you are actors, try to dramatize this story.

Let's find the intonation of reading, based on the content of the text and understanding the act and character of the hero of the story. What is the subtext of the mother's phrases?

(It is necessary to express indignation, severity.)

- What intonation do we use in Kotka's remarks throughout the story:

  • Joy
  • feeling of surprise
  • annoyance
  • confusion

8. Checking knowledge of the text

Leaves are on the board. It is necessary to distribute them sequentially.

  1. The cat came home happy.
  2. They won't grow anyway.
  3. I wish I didn't have a son...
  4. He walked down the street and cried. He was scared.
  5. And you don’t look at Pavlik, yourself ...
  6. His heart was joyful.

(Write these sentences on the blackboard.)

- Well done! Did it!

Of the three proverbs, choose one that expresses main idea of this piece:

  • It's embarrassing to say, but it's a sin to hide.
  • There is a conscience, there is shame, but there is no shame, and there is no conscience.
  • The truth is more valuable than gold.

At the end of the lesson, I want to ask you, so why did N. Nosov call his story “Cucumbers”? (Cucumbers were a test for Kotka. He came out of everything that happened with dignity.)

9. Summing up

- Well done! You did great. Today at the lesson you showed yourself to be real actors: you read expressively, worked on the text, staged an excerpt. I think when you grow up, you will be gladly taken to work in any theater.

Whose work in the lesson would you like to highlight?

- What rating would you give?

How do you end the lesson?

– Show it to me with the help of the “little man”.

“This concludes our journey. Thank you all for the lesson.

9. Where there is water, there is willow, and where there is willow, there is water.

10. Pine feeds, linden shoes.

13. More forest - more snow.

14. A lot of snow - a lot of bread, a lot of water - a lot of grass.

15. They cut the forest - chips fly.


Many berries grow in the forest: blackberries, lingonberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, viburnum, cranberries, wild roses, raspberries, cloudberries, sea buckthorn. Jams, juices, jams, compotes are prepared from berries. Berries are food for birds and animals. Berries contain many vitamins, are used to make medicines, in perfumery, as well as in traditional medicine. For example, for a cold, people drink a decoction of viburnum, tea with raspberries. Berries are also eaten raw, but first they must be washed.

Plan of the story about berries

1. How it grows.

2. The shape of the berry.

5. Benefit from it.

An exemplary story about a berry

Blueberries are berries that grow on small bushes. The semi-shrub has a creeping root, new stems rise from the rhizome with oval leaves, with teeth along the edges. The blueberry flower looks like a bell Pink colour; it looks like it's going to ring now. Its berries are round, black, with a bluish bloom; for this it is called "crow-berry", it tastes sweet and sour. Blueberry - medicinal plant, is used in folk medicine as an astringent. In this, only bird cherry can compete with her. Previously, purple ink was made from blueberry juice. Its berries contain vitamins and mineral salts, jams, compotes, jams are prepared from them.

sample dictionary

Nouns: clearing, path, edge, shrub, rhizome, clusters, cloudberries, lingonberries, blackberries, plaque, decoction, basket.

Verbs: tear, remove, collect, ruffle, ripen, blush, pour (juice).

Adjectives: creeping, shiny, gray, ripe - green, bitter - sweet, sour, astringent, oval, round, small - large.


The visual and didactic manual "Tell the children about garden berries" is intended for group and individual lessons with children 3-7 years old in kindergarten and at home. The manual can be successfully used in the classroom to familiarize yourself with the outside world, for the development of speech and thinking, in speech therapy games, for development logical thinking, when teaching children of preschool and younger school age foreign language.

E. Emelyanova








E. Emelyanova

Tell the children about garden berries


People have been growing grapes for thousands of years. As early as the 5th millennium BC, it was known in Asia Minor, Syria and Palestine. Then it began to be cultivated in the states of Mesopotamia, Assyria and Babylon, as well as in Egypt.

In the wild, grape stems wrap around trees like creepers. This property of grapes is still used today. Ornamental hedges are made from bushes of wild grapes.

Wild grapes have small sour berries. To make the grapes large and sweet, growers cut off extra branches. Nutrients are not spent on new stems and leaves, but enter the ripening berries. Cultivated grapes were obtained as a result of numerous crossings of wild grapes growing in Central and Southern Europe, as well as in Asia Minor.

A special role was given to grapes in Ancient Greece. Already at that time, people learned to get juice and wine from grapes.

Grapes are eaten in fresh, prepare compotes and juices from it. The properties of berries are preserved in dried fruits. Dried grapes (raisins) in ancient times were taken with them on military campaigns.

Depending on the variety, grapes can be round or elongated, as well as red, dark blue or white-green. In total, more than 5 thousand varieties of grapes are known in the world.

Even the temperature at which it grows affects the taste of grapes. If it is dry and warm, the berries are sweet and juicy, and if it is cold, the grapes become sour.

The best varieties of grapes are grown on the slopes of hills and mountains. It is especially good to plant these berries on the eastern slopes, which are warmed up in the morning by the sun's rays. The most famous vineyards are located in France, Italy, Spain and the Crimea.

On a drawstring

Sweet berries pile-

For a big dish.

(Grape) FOLK SIGNS Frequent and cold rains - no bees, no grapes.


I walked in the forest, I carry strawberries

I was looking for her, I collected her.

I'll bring it in Kindergarten -

I'll feed all the guys.

(A. Brodsky)

Strawberry bushes grow in forests, forest ravines, bushes, in the valleys of rivers and streams. Stems with bright red berries droop to the ground - hence the name of the plant. Strawberries are incredibly aromatic and delicious berry. Its scientific name is fragaria, which means fragrant.

Strawberries are often referred to as strawberries. In fact, strawberries, although similar to strawberries, are a different type of plant. At the strawberries small berries, so it is not used for breeding.

To collect forest strawberries, you will have to work hard. Berries hid under green leaves. You need to bend down to the ground, lift the leaves - then you will notice the strawberries.

Garden strawberries were bred in the 18th century. The French officer A. Frezier brought five strawberry bushes from Chile to Europe. They were planted next to a Virginia strawberry bush from North America. So there was garden strawberry. Currently, about two thousand of its varieties are known, more than a million tons of berries are harvested annually in the world.

People called strawberries "the queen of berries" for a reason. It has a lot useful substances and vitamins. Healing decoctions from dried berries and strawberry leaves are drunk for sore throats, colds.

The day of July 9, the peasants in Russia associated with the Tikhvin icon Mother of God. As if she appeared after long wanderings in the strawberry fields, where the city of Tikhvin now stands. If you eat a glass of strawberries on this day, you will be charged with energy for the whole year. RIDDLES

Like on a stitch, on a track

I see scarlet earrings.

Here is the earring I found.

Bent over one

And I hit ten!

(Strawberry) FOLK SIGNS

Strawberries are red - not this oats in vain.When they mow, they bring strawberries home.


Full basket


I'll bring it home.

I'll make jam

There will be a treat

For friends in winter!

(T. Shorygina)

In the temperate zone of Eurasia, in the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East, common raspberries are found. Raspberry bushes reach a height of two meters.

Raspberry thickets can be seen on forest clearings and edges. Berries, like red lanterns, strewn branches. Berries ripen earlier than others on the upper branches, closer to the sun.

In the first year of life, raspberries have grassy shoots with thin thorns. There are no flowers or fruits yet. In the second year, the stems become woody and white flowers form on them, and then small green berries appear. They sing and turn red.

Raspberries are collected from small drupes, which are tightly pressed against each other. Each small drupe contains a hard seed. Forest animals and birds eat raspberries with pleasure. The bear especially loves her.

On August 17, on Avdotyin Day, the peasants went to the forest for raspberries. On this day, the guys do not choose brides - they are all handsome, like a red raspberry. The guy in the raspberry tree will think, then the girl will appear to him; he will rush to hug her, and instead of a beautiful girl, there will be a raspberry bush, or even a she-bear, feasting on raspberries.

According to the degree of ripeness of raspberries, the peasants determined the time for sowing rye. Raspberries were harvested for the future, dried, prepared jam and juices.

Red beads hang, they look at us from the bushes,

These children, birds and bears are very fond of beads.


Avdotya Malinovka - forest raspberries ripen.I didn’t take raspberries in my mouth - I didn’t see life.


The taste of the berry is good,

But rip it off, go ahead,

Bush in thorns, like a hedgehog -

That's why it's called a blackberry.

Blackberries are similar to raspberries - black with a bluish bloom, sweet and sour. But in raspberries, ripe fruits easily come off the receptacle, the berry remains in the hands, hollow inside. It is not so easy to pick a blackberry berry from a bush - the fruit is separated from the twig along with the receptacle.

All people, and especially children, love berries. Educational activity for children will allow the child to know what are types of berries .

To prepare for this lesson, we used:

  1. Manual "" for classes with children of three to four years: "What is in the basket?"
  2. Educational lotto "Gifts of Summer"
  3. Textbook for kids V. Stepanov "Native nature".

Then we take a card with the name () of the berry. We describe the berry, if the child correctly named it, then we give him a card.

If it is wrong, then with leading questions we help to find the correct answer.

We are overjoyed when a child guesses a riddle.

After the child fills the entire field with berries, we proceed to the most interesting thing - tasting berries.

Learn the types of berries in a plate

At the end of the lesson, invite your friend to eat berries.

If possible, you can pick berries together in the garden, in the field, in the forest.

If not, then buy berries in advance at the store (fresh or frozen).

When the child holds in his hands, smells and tastes the berries, he will quickly remember everything types of berries.

Educational activities for children 3 years: " It can be done at one time, or it can be divided into several classes. It all depends on the interest and perseverance of your child. Have fun!

And here you can watch a video with a music lesson on the topic "Wild Berries":