How beautiful to paste over the room with different wallpapers. How to beautifully paste wallpaper of two types in the hall and bedroom

Decorating walls with wallpaper of two types is a very popular design technique. Due to the fact that its variations are inexhaustible, it allows you to create a truly unique interior every time.

All leading manufacturers take this into account and annually release new original wallpaper collections. But interesting combinations of canvases of different colors can be chosen independently. And since stores often cut prices on leftovers, this wrapping can be much cheaper.

Of course, in order for the walls to look harmonious, you need to choose paired wallpapers thoughtfully and taking into account the functional features of each room. Let's look at examples in the photo of how to beautifully paste wallpaper in two colors in the hall and bedroom.

Combining two types of wallpaper: eight basic gluing techniques

It is important to understand that the main condition for creating a comfortable interior is a harmonious combination of all its components, including wallpaper. They serve as a background or, figuratively speaking, a canvas on which the entire interior landscape is painted.

Therefore, before you go to the store to get them, it will not be superfluous to carefully consider successful examples of the design of two types of combined wallpaper for a bedroom or a hall in a photo of finished interiors. Analyze them, mentally imagine how good they will look in the decor of your room and, based on this, choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of ways to stick combined wallpapers and each designer brings some personal ideas to them, eight basic techniques can be conventionally distinguished from them.

Basic visual techniques for combining two types of wallpaper of different colors or textures

Having studied the basic techniques of sticking two types of wallpaper on the walls, you can move on to the question of how you can aesthetically decorate the interior with canvases of different colors and thicknesses. The main techniques for combining wallpapers that differ in these features are as follows:

Features of combining wallpaper of two colors in the hall

The hall is the main room in the house, a place for gatherings with friends, family holidays, and sometimes meetings with business partners.

Its interior should be designed in such a way that it is not only comfortable for the owners of the house, but also contributes to maintaining their image of successful people with good taste. Therefore, no matter how attractive budget wallpapers seem to you, remember that the quality of this type of finishing materials almost always corresponds to its cost and you do not need to save on it.

For the hall, it is preferable to choose wallpaper with an interesting texture: silk-screen printing, glass, vinyl or non-woven on a good quality basis, and they are not cheap.

In addition, in small apartments, the hall often combines the functions of several rooms: a dining room, a bedroom, or, for example, a corner where an older child does homework while his brother or sister sleeps in the nursery. Therefore, when looking at photos of interiors with a two-color wall design and thinking about how to beautifully paste two-color wallpaper in the hall, pay attention to how, with the help of partner wallpapers, professionals divide the space into thematic zones.

The main role in choosing the color of the walls is played by the size of the room. In a small room, it is recommended to use light shades. In a spacious living room, you can not limit your imagination and feel free to experiment with any combination of textures and colors.

But in any case, the recreation area, and it is present in every room, will be more comfortable if it is highlighted with light wallpaper - plain or with a small pattern. The rest of the areas: the wall where the plasma TV (home theater) is located, the fireplace, shelving with family heirlooms will look more advantageous if they are pasted over with wallpaper in rich colors with a beautiful pattern.

Features of combining two-color wallpaper in the bedroom

The bedroom is a private room, the main purpose of which is to provide a good rest. Therefore, you can choose wallpaper for it without regard to someone else's opinion, starting only from your own preferences. But still, you should not get carried away with the play of contrasts, too bright colors and catchy patterns, but it is better to prefer canvases of calm, pacifying colors.

Wallpaper with a relatively smooth texture is best for the bedroom: paper, vinyl, acrylic, silkscreen. In addition, this is one of the few rooms where fabric wallpapers, which are very fashionable today, can be successfully used for combination.

With them, the interior looks especially cozy and relaxing. They should be selected to match the textiles present in the environment: curtains, furniture upholstery, bedspreads, carpet. The only negative is that fabric wallpapers are very thin, so it is not easy to combine them with other types, and in this case the joints will have to be decorated with molding or decorative slats.

Successfully selected combinations of two types of wallpaper with different textures of close shades of the same color will give a special charm to the bedroom: coffee and beige, blue and light blue, green and light green. At the same time, the main wall covering is made smooth and lighter, and the area at the head of the bed is decorated with textured and darker canvases, focusing on this particular area.

The design looks very interesting, in which the accent canvas above the head of the bed is glued to the very top and, without interruption, goes to the ceiling. This decor will make the bed more comfortable and isolate it even more. For insertion, you can choose non-woven wallpaper. On the ceiling, they look no worse than expensive plaster, and over time they can be repainted and refresh repairs without much effort.

Wall decor automatically determines the main color scheme of the entire room, and the color of at least one type of wallpaper from a pair must be duplicated in the interior: furnishings, furniture upholstery, door design, floor and ceiling coverings.

The possibilities that open up when decorating walls with wallpaper in two colors are endless. And since in creating a personal space, first of all, you need to be guided by your own preferences, it is possible that you will discover your original gluing technology.

And if suddenly at the end of your repair you get too extravagant and unusual interior, do not rush to redo it. Remember that your know-how can be a new word in interior design and subsequently gain a huge number of fans.

The arrangement of the hall is one of the fundamental moments of the repair: not only the long-term result, but also the aesthetic perception of the interior by guests and family members will depend on your efforts.

As the simplest option for creating a pleasant and stylish design, appropriate, the method of wallpapering in two colors in the hall and other rooms is used. The popularity of this method is due to relative cheapness of materials, unlimited possibilities of interior design, as well as with the possibility transformation of the size and shape of the room through the implementation of certain techniques.

Many people prefer to combine wallpapers of different colors. When implementing such a method It is desirable to combine bright and neutral shades. For example, it harmonizes with and beige, - with blue, - with pale pink.

Do not overload the environment with contrasting and inharmonious shades: for example, when wallpapering in bright green and red shades, you will not be able to relax or concentrate on important matters.

How to stick wallpaper in two colors in the hall? The following methods are distinguished as the most common:

Stage 3: divide the space into zones

Suppose you have already decided on the optimal combination method. In what part of the hall to carry out such an idea? In many photos of how beautiful it is to glue wallpaper in a hall of two colors, there is a trend allocation of several functional zones in space. Moreover, with the right choice of materials, space can be zoned by any of the proposed methods.

The best option is to create an accent wall. In the interior of the hall, this effect is used to highlight the seating area: bright or patterned wallpaper pasted on the wall with a sofa or TV will emphasize the importance of this area against the background of the rest of the room.

Advice: in the case of studio apartments, it is this effect that will allow you to separate the hall area from the kitchen space.

You can select one of the zones by implementing horizontal or vertical combination method if discreet wallpaper is glued on the rest of the walls, preferably of the same tone and without drawings.

Another option is to decorate niches, plasterboard structures, balcony walls, ledges and partitions with wallpaper that is different from the rest in color or pattern.

As a creative method of zoning space, you can stop at patchwork combination. Using a large number of colored fragments will allow you to create an unusual design on the entire wall or a separate part of it and emphasize the purpose of specific areas in the room (which is why the patchwork technique is most often used in areas of active recreation or games).

Styling Features

In search of an answer to the question of how to choose wallpaper for a room in two colors, the aspect of stylistic unity is often overlooked. But the hall is a room that combines several functions at once: here you can have lunch, relax, gather with friends, and play with your child. That is why it is extremely important take into account the compliance of the selected shades with the style of the interior.

In order to avoid inconsistencies in the perception of styles and colors please adhere to the following guidelines:

Beautifully glued combined wallpapers in the interior of the hall will become a source of inspiration, harmony and warmth, emphasize the sophistication of style, help to focus on some of the advantages of your room and, undoubtedly, will become the main reason for your good mood.

Take care of your loved ones and create a pleasant and practical interior simply, quickly and at no extra cost.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 15 minutes

The hall is a kind of visiting card of the family. Tastefully selected wallpapers will help to make it unique, reflecting the needs and personality of the owners. When deciding which wallpaper to glue in the hall, you need to take into account many criteria: material, color, pattern, compatibility with interior details. Consider the principles of choosing finishes that will help you make the right decision and make the main room in the apartment stylish and comfortable.

Types of wallpaper suitable for the living room

A wide range of materials leads to confusion inexperienced buyer. Therefore, before going to the store, you need to decide on the type of wallpaper, which is now quite a lot.

  • Paper ones are cheap, environmentally friendly, varied in colors and textures, but short-lived.
  • Acrylic, in comparison with paper, is endowed with additional strength and resistance to moisture.
  • Vinyl sheets are beautiful, durable, but do not let air through, creating an unfavorable microclimate. When decorating the hall, it is better to combine them with other types of wallpaper. A popular variety is silk screen printing.
  • Non-woven fabrics have gained a reputation as the strongest, most durable canvases that can mask irregularities on the wall. Used alone and as a base for painting.
  • Liquid wallpaper - a composition of textile or cellulose fibers, dyes and glue, applied quickly and easily, without seams. Eco-friendly, suitable for decorating rooms with a complex configuration, hide irregularities.
  • Textiles have many textures and options. Silk, linen or cotton fabrics on a non-woven base are a good solution for the hall. They demonstrate the wealth and delicate taste of the owners.
  • Velor wallpaper is a paper base coated with nylon fibers.
  • do not attract dust, do not burn, they are difficult to damage, mold does not start on them. Made only from natural materials, breathable, attractive look.
  • Natural wallpapers made of bamboo, cork and wood form the original surroundings of the hall, do not interfere with air exchange. Cons - poor moisture resistance, susceptibility to mechanical damage.
  • Photo wallpapers are always popular, you can buy ready-made options or order a specific image. The theme of photo wallpaper is almost limitless at a very affordable price.
  • Metallized fabrics allow you to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation. They are based on paper, the top layer is a special foil. They look unusual and are able to transform the living room beyond recognition.

Rules for choosing wallpaper for the hall

Practically proven recommendations will help create a stylish and comfortable interior:

  • In a living room with low walls, you should not glue dark wallpapers with a three-dimensional pattern; light ones will look much better here - plain or with a small image.
  • In a hall with a high ceiling, canvases with large patterns or horizontal stripes are appropriate.
  • In spacious living rooms, dark finishes in deep tones look good. You can choose a monochrome version or large drawings.
  • In a room where the side with windows is oriented to the north, blue and gray shades of wallpaper are not recommended. Without sufficient lighting, they will cause a feeling of cold. And vice versa: in rooms facing south, cool tones will add freshness.
  • The color palette of decoration should be in harmony with the overall color of furniture, accessories, flooring.

Fixing design flaws

Not everyone can boast of the ideal shape and condition of the hall, which sometimes looks like a narrow trailer with a low ceiling and uneven walls. can fix a sad picture.

  • Visually increase the volume of a small-sized living room with a light finish with a small pattern.
  • A low ceiling will seem higher if you decorate the walls with wallpaper with vertical ornaments or stripes.
  • Visually expand the space will allow horizontal lines. The same effect is created by the design of the lower part of the wall with dark canvases, and the upper one with light ones.
  • To divert attention from irregularities, to create the right perspective, photo wallpapers will help.

Choice of colors

The choice of wallpaper color should be approached as seriously as possible, based not only on your own preferences, but also on the advice of experts. It has its own immutable laws, the violation of which does not end in anything good.

  • For a small living room, it is better to choose pastel colors. Interesting ideas can be realized here using lavender, mint, pink coloring.
  • In a cool room, apricot, peach, strawberry tones of the wallpaper will help create a cozy, warming atmosphere. At the same time, one should not forget that warm colors visually “compress” the space.
  • In a hot living room, aquamarine, lilac, pale blue or mint wallpaper is appropriate.
  • When decorating the walls of the southern rooms, it would be right to dwell on shades of gray, blue, blue. The same should be done for living rooms facing the east, southwest or southeast side. For rooms where sunlight feels like the master, it's best to choose wallpaper that won't fade.
  • An atmosphere of luxury can be created by using mother-of-pearl, silver, gold colors. But this must be done very carefully: excess in this case is a direct path to bad taste.
  • Cherry, green, burgundy colors, deep royal blue look good on the wallpaper in the living room. Accessories and borders of classic beige and cream shades will suit the interior of such tones.

Wallpaper and furniture color

FurnitureWallpaper colorsSuitable shades
DarkCalm, light, without massive patterns
  • vanilla,
  • apricot,
  • light chocolate,
  • carmine,
  • aquamarine,
  • light purple
Brown or reddishDark
  • Dark blue,
  • rich green,
  • burgundy,
  • purple

Any options

The dark tone will emphasize the white elements of the interior.

Beige shades - for a calm atmosphere.

Also suitable:

  • fuchsia,
  • sea ​​wave,
  • eggplant,
  • honey,
  • shades of juicy greens.
  • Pastel wallpaper - for balancing.
  • Antagonistic colors - for lovers of contrasts.
Bright contrasting or pastel colors
MulticolorGray with chalk pattern or plain.
Bluebright or light

For fun companies:

  • yellow;
  • Red

For a relaxing holiday:

  • beige,
  • cream,
  • white,
  • light blue,
  • lilac,
  • jade,
  • turquoise.
peachbright or light
  • blue,
  • yellow,
  • gray,
  • pearl.

Win-Win Options

The choice of color, pattern, wallpaper texture is subject to the general line in the design of the hall, which subjugates all plans and actions.

Timeless classic

The classic interior suggests a neutral background, harmoniously combined with expensive furnishings. Flashy wallpaper options are banned. Dim stripes or ornament are allowed.

Floral motifs

Flowers on the walls have also become classics of the genre for a long time. There are countless variations: from dim background ornaments to huge images that have transformed into self-sufficient interior components.

The floral theme is present in the classic version and in modern minimalism, in Provence and Japanese style. Floral wallpapers bring a romantic touch to the living room. They are chosen by people who avoid excessive rigor of the interior.

Provence and country

Choosing such canvases, you should not recklessly follow the principle of absolute conciseness. The asceticism of colors will balance the original texture.

Photo wallpapers and macro pictures

Photowall-paper after some break is again popular. In modern performance, they strive for maximum realism. This is especially noticeable when enlarged photos (macro pictures) of real people, plants, natural phenomena and objects are used.

Wallpapers with an urban theme, macro images of flowers, reproductions of famous paintings are in demand.

Unity with nature

The interior with reminders of wildlife is typical for those who are tired of living in a big city. You can buy bamboo, cork or other wallpapers of natural origin or with the image of nature in the living room. It is only important that they are in harmony with the decor of the room.

Variations on the theme of stripes

Stripes are used to mask the flaws of the room. But even without these problems, it does not hurt to take a closer look at such wall coverings. Canvases with such a pattern are good both on their own and paired with partner wallpapers.

Three tips for combining striped fabrics with other motifs:

  • stripes of intense color are combined with plain surfaces;
  • do not apply the strip immediately for walls, floors and ceilings - this will quickly tire;
  • lines are diluted with other patterns: floral, geometric.


The popularity of this method of decorating walls is increasing. The main reason is the need for. For example, a dedicated dining area looks impressive in the hall. Many people have a need for zoning space for a TV. The reception is very helpful when circumstances force you to use the living room as a bedroom.

The hall in Khrushchev is usually multifunctional. Therefore, not just a beautiful interior is important here, but real comfort. The way out of the situation is again a combination of wallpapers, the techniques of which are described.

There are several types of combination: vertical, horizontal, inserts, patchwork (flaps), niches.

The building materials market offers a wide range of finishing materials, the use of which makes it possible to translate into reality an unlimited number of variations in the design of the walls of a room.

The leader among materials for wall decoration is still wallpaper, but their production technology does not stand still.

The new time demands a creative approach from manufacturers and the invention of new and original finishing methods. So there are not only new types of wallpaper, but also different ways of gluing them.

Traditional methods are still used, but the method of combining wallpaper is rapidly becoming fashionable. Moreover, the process of combining occurs not only in colors, but also in terms of connecting wallpapers of various types and structures. Therefore, for example, now no one will be surprised by sticking wallpaper of two types in the living room or in the hall.

Why are we citing this particular room as an example? Everything is very simple. After all, she is the main one in the house. She welcomes and receives guests. It is the living room that becomes a great platform for family holidays and gatherings with friends. Therefore, it is this room that everyone is trying to decorate as creatively as possible.

Options for sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

The very process of combining wallpaper in the living room is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This or that interior looks very beautiful and creates the impression of ease in its creation. But in order to do something like this, you need to know how to stick two types of wallpaper in the hall, which rules form the basis of this process.

Without knowing the rules, you can make certain mistakes, then not only the appearance of the room will suffer from this, but also the degree of comfort, the perception of the size of the room.

Therefore, you should approach the combination of wallpaper with all seriousness and pay attention to the layout of coatings with different textures and patterns.

Design for wallpapering in the hall of two types, photo

Combination in the hall: defining goals

Before sticking two types of wallpaper in his hall, each of the inhabitants thinks about whether he needs such a solution, which combination is best, what will be the result, etc.? Such questions are completely obvious. Let's try to answer them.

First, you need to realize that the main purpose of such a solution is to obtain a certain decorative effect. And he will always be. It all depends on what is closer to your liking. For example, more calm and discreet wallpaper will help create more interesting and bright accents, motifs in the room. And the dark ones not only steal space, but also quite often oppress, put pressure on morally, create a feeling of discomfort.

Secondly, the combination of two types of wallpaper is a wonderful the possibility of zoning space. Having picked up the right shades, you can very easily divide the living area into sectors (zones). Traditionally, contrasting wallpapers are selected for such purposes. Companion wallpapers from the same collection are also often used.

Alternatively, and it will also be good, you can choose wallpapers that are similar in color. The “zest” will be made by different drawings depicted on the stripes.

Thirdly, the presence of two types of wallpaper in the living room is a good chance to hide flaws in the interior. The combination will help create a distracting design, “hide” a defect that is undesirable to see to the wrong eye. In such a situation, wallpaper with a relief structure will help.

The main thing - take into account the lighting and choose the right shade of wallpaper. In different lighting, each shade will behave differently. Therefore, to cope with the task, be sure to take into account these nuances.

Having become acquainted with the main goals, we understand that various options for sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall carry a solution to a specific problem. Therefore, combined wallpaper for the hall is a very good option for decorating walls.

How to glue two types of wallpaper in the hall: basic rules

Imagine that you have studied everything about wallpapering two types in the living room, consulted with experts, selected the right material and pasted the room, but you understand that something is not right, as if you got a slightly different result than you expected.

The situation is not the best, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself in advance and follow the basic rules for sticking wallpaper of two types:

Note! You have absolutely no skills in planning the design of a room, and expert advice does not help? The combination of selected shades is doubtful? Don't worry, there is a way out. Use wallpaper.

It is desirable that their color scheme of the selected photo panel includes a set of several shades that harmonize with each other.

Combining color and pattern

Is it easy to find a good two color wallpaper combination? Actually, it all depends on you. If you have a sense of taste, then it will not be difficult to do this. If you doubt that you are on the right track, then it is better to turn to specialists.

Since the combined wallpaper for the hall is designed to focus attention (make accents) on a certain surface or zone, it is worth considering in advance which zone you plan to highlight to attract attention. Give preference to wallpapers with bright background colors or eye-catching patterns.

Sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

But, choosing a catchy wallpaper, remember that you still need to somehow dilute the overall environment in order to muffle the contrast. The room should not turn into a bright farce. The most optimal and easiest option is to choose a calm shade.

Note! We do not recommend using different elements on the walls of the hall. They should be similar. Something radically different will spoil the overall look, and the ideal combination of wall coverings cannot be achieved. Therefore, you can pick up patterns of the same or similar subjects, similar surface texture, close tones from the same range of shades.

Let's talk about thematic patterns in more detail. There are three types of ornaments:

  • classical;
  • geometric;
  • floral.

Any of these types goes well with wallpaper of a single tone or with wallpaper in light shades with a barely noticeable stripe.

Wallpaper with a floral or floral composition is good to combine with wallpapers that imitate, for example, wood, plaster or stone, that is, natural materials.

If you prefer wallpaper with a geometric pattern / ornament or stripes, then pair them with wallpaper with abstraction.

Combined wallpaper for the hall will look great if you alternate them with each other - wallpaper strip No. 1, wallpaper strip No. 2, wallpaper strip No. 1, etc. So you will not create an emphasis on a specific area, but will bring a kind of "zest" to the overall perception of the room.

For ledges and niches in the living room, a vertical combination of wallpapers of different colors is ideal. In addition to this option, landscape wallpapers are often used in the hall.

If you decide to combine wallpaper horizontally, then use a darker shade of wallpaper for the bottom part. Separation of wallpaper in this case is very often done using skirting boards or moldings.

In order to easily choose the shade of wallpaper for the living room, consider the following points: the layout of the living room and its area, the style of the room and the degree of illumination of the hall.

Soft shades will help create a warm atmosphere in the room: yellow, beige, blue, light green, peach.

Blue or blue, light purple or gray colors will help to relax. Overflows, for example, in sand, blue or pink colors will help emphasize the harmony and airy lightness of the room.

Given the above, it becomes clear that the design of wallpapering in the hall of two types will depend only on the choice of the owner of the home. But that's not all with regard to the combination of wallpaper in the living room. Next, we will talk about textured coatings.

We advise you to study the basic rules and see all the secrets and subtleties of creating spectacular and beautifully combined combinations for walls in rooms.

Read about photo wallpapers that expand the space in the interior, and see the photo: original decoration for stylish and modern rooms.

Combination and textured coatings

Recently, textured coatings that are intended for painting have become very popular. Such materials are widely used. Such wallpapers, for example, are very easy and convenient to use in work, not only for pasting walls, but also for ceilings. As a result, of course, we get the perfect combination.

Note that in the case of using textured coatings, there will be less problems with replacing them than with ordinary wallpaper, since their “life” is much longer. And repainting is easier than re-gluing.

To date, the most common textured wallpaper patterns are stripes of different thicknesses and orientations (diagonal, horizontal, vertical or chaotic), classic patterns, abstract strokes, floral and plant motifs.

Note! Well, in a duet with a textured coating, liquid wallpapers that match in color will look good. Use the "texture" to design various ledges and niches, columns.

Using textured wallpaper and liquid wallpaper is a good option, but remember that the most practical is a combination of ordinary wallpaper.

Sticking and types of materials

We ended the previous small section on what is best to use ordinary wallpapers for combining. But what about combining wallpapers of different types? For example, wallpaper based on non-woven fabric, made of paper, vinyl or fabric coated.

Firstly, such a combination will require more attention from you. Secondly, sticking wallpaper of different types will take more time, because each type has its own characteristics when sticking, including the time of impregnation and drying.

Wallpaper sticker of two types in the hall, photo

As a result, we need glue for sticking different types of wallpaper. You can also use a universal type of glue, but before making a final decision and buying such glue, consult with specialists. Universal things are not always so universal. Maybe it's worth buying a specialized glue?

The most difficult duet when sticking wallpaper of two types will be a pair: standard wallpaper + textile coatings. Joints with this combination cannot be hidden, so moldings, borders and skirting boards should be used.

Combining, we create harmony

The main task of combining two types of wallpaper, as well as any repair in general, is an excellent result. And this means that as a result we must create a harmonious environment. Achieving such a result will be a little more difficult, but it is real. Additional accessories and details will only help you complete your plan.

A small summary

Combining wallpaper is a fascinating activity, but there is something to think about. And different types of wallpaper only fuel interest. Many have already convinced themselves of the originality, practicality and beauty of the interiors of the hall, decorated with the help of combined wall coverings. Make sure you too!

An end to our article will be put by a video that will demonstrate various options for combining two types of wallpaper. Watch carefully, maybe the video will tell you a suitable idea?

If the ideas from the video didn’t seem enough to you, there are 28 more photos in the gallery below with options for combined wallpapering in the hall:

Wallpaper for walls is a very flexible finishing material, which makes it possible to fantasize and be creative from the heart. They are used not only as the main wall decoration, but also for accentuation, decoration, ennobling. Wallpaper helps to create the desired mood, highlight the desired areas, create visual effects. Wallpaper can be used in different ways: on the entire wall or in a small area, in whole strips or pieces, one sheet or several.

Wallpaper art, among other things, allows you to save money. Stores often sell leftover wallpaper at bargain prices. You can buy interesting samples for a penny and arrange them together. For some people, this turns into a hobby: they buy wallpaper one roll at a time and use it not for basic decoration, but for decoration and decoration. Fortunately, there are many ways, and here are just a few of them.

1. One vertical stripe

This is a pretty bold move. Used to bring color or thematic notes to the interior. It creates an external variety, relieves a smooth plain wall of visual emptiness. Wallpaper is preferably bright, active.

2. Several vertical stripes in different areas

Single lanes can be located at a distance from each other or even on different walls. This technique helps to emphasize or designate symmetry. For example, stripes can be glued on two sides of a sofa, bed, wardrobe.

3. Combination of different wallpapers on one sheet

The composition of unequal wallpapers is spectacular and very unusual. It is recommended to combine wallpaper sheets that have something in common. For example, only pastels or only saturated ones, etc. You can take different wallpapers with the same background color.

They usually combine two or four sheets, thereby creating a small accent fragment behind a sofa or bed.

But sometimes a series of different wallpapers is allowed along the entire wall or only along its lower side. If you managed to collect a luxurious wallpaper collection, why not go “breaking bad”?

4. Wallpaper patchwork

Another option for collectors. If a fair amount of different wallpapers has accumulated, you can turn the wall or its fragment into a “patchwork quilt”.

This design method is most suitable for vintage and “shabby” interiors (country, Provence, shabby chic). But if desired, and with a suitable wallpaper design, you can fit patchwork into a modern setting.

5. Wallpaper panels and imitation panels

This is a popular and very common wall decor option. The method consists in sticking wallpaper fragments on the wall with their subsequent framing. To create frames, moldings or planks made of wood, polyurethane, plastic, aluminum are used. Framed wallpapers can look like decorative panels or classic panels.

Wallpaper panels and false panels are an inexpensive and easy-to-implement technique that allows you to bring classic features into the interior and quickly refresh the atmosphere without a global rework.

6. Wallpaper friezes

The interior frieze is a wide border located under the ceiling. Internal friezes are typical for classic, traditional interiors, but they are often found in modern design. With the help of a frieze, you can visually lower an excessively high ceiling and visually expand the room.

Friezes are overhead (for example, plaster or wood) and simulated. Friezes are imitated by applying paint or wallpapering. Wallpaper friezes are especially interesting and expressive. They can become a real decoration and highlight of the interior.

7. Wallpaper sheets are not back to back, but at a distance

This technique allows you to be a little original and save a little on wallpaper - it takes significantly less of them than with classic solid wall pasting. The step between the wallpaper can be narrow or wide, up to the width of the wallpaper sheet.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to save a lot, because you have to spend money on paint for basic surface preparation - the gaps between the wallpaper should be perfect. However, instead of paint, you can use simple plain wallpaper that reproduces the texture of a painted wall.

8. Catchy wallpaper on the ceiling

Light plain wallpaper is glued to the ceiling quite often, but colorful samples with a pattern or ornament are almost never found here. It looks unusual and impressive. The ceiling, pasted over with expressive wallpaper, persistently attracts attention and has a huge impact on the perception of the interior. Walls and floors with such a ceiling should be restrained and calm.

9. Wallpaper in niches

Wall and furniture niches "play" in a new way, being highlighted in color or pattern. They deepen, separate, acquire "character".

If there are several niches in the room, you can decorate them with different wallpapers. This will not only enliven the situation, but also zone it.

Sometimes different wallpapers are pasted over the niches of the rack. Furniture a la patchwork (with niches, drawers and doors of various colors) is very relevant today. Such items are accents, so the rest of the furniture adjacent to the "patchwork" should be "quiet and modest."